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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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dangerous, so what to do with the ukrainians who fled here from the war in the european union , they admit, and the migration ministers also spoke about this in the morning, that this is a difficult issue, it will obviously be difficult and the search for a solution is still ongoing, please, zoryana, thank you very much , zoryano stepanenko, a correspondent of radio liberty in brussels, she works and monitors how the discussion of the ministers of the european union countries regarding the support or non-support of further refugees will eventually end. in ukrainian eu countries. thank you very much. stop supporting refugees to return to ukraine, serhiy leshchenko, adviser to the head of the presidential office, called on ex-nardepya recently. in an interview with a swiss daily newspaper, he said that countries that sheltered refugees from ukraine should stop supporting them so that they can return to rebuild their economies. at the same time, there are arguments that it may be dangerous to return to ukraine. the ex-people's deputy
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called it nonsense. 3 million people live in kyiv, including hundreds of thousands of children. the argument that it is dangerous is not nonsense. the returnees would not have to fight in the trenches, but they can buy ukrainian products in supermarkets in ukraine and pay for the rent of an apartment in kyiv, use polyclinics and pharmacies, pay taxes so that we can finance schools. your money is missing from the economy and the situation is getting more and more difficult. after a wave of ukrainian indignation on social networks and criticism from opponents, leshchenko said that his words were taken out of context and complained about another outburst of hatred from some opposition politicians. the president's office did not publicly respond to the advisor's statement left room for the question whether councilor leshchenko voiced his private position or not. radio liberty also addressed this issue to the president's spokesman serhiy nekiforov, but we did not receive an answer, and neither radio liberty nor the deputy prime minister commented on this story. dmytro
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lubinets, meanwhile, some countries have already announced that they will review the amount of social security for ukrainian refugees. for example, poland will continue helping ukrainian refugees at the same level it is now, only until september 24. then the rules will change and they will, among other things, provide for a reduction in payments. some countries have declared that they intend to pay extra, that they intend to pay extra to those ukrainians who decide to return home. so, for example, last year the minister... and ukrainians. last week , the german parliament approved historic changes to the law on german citizenship, which, among other things, radically simplify obtaining it. if earlier you had to wait eight years, now you can do it in five, in special cases in three. regarding the ukrainians, for example, it is not completely clear, because lawyers are still debating whether the time ukrainians spent in germany as refugees will count or not, but if so, it can be assumed that in 3-4 years... many
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ukrainians who fled the war will be able to apply for german passports , and the number of ukrainian refugees in germany now exceeds 400,000, according to eurostat. viktoriya savchuk, a lawyer, activist and editor of the berlin infop crimea platform, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. victoria, i know that among foreigners living in germany, these migration changes, which were approved by the german parliament, caused quite a stir, and i know that thousands of people followed the live broadcast of the voting, and the law was not passed with ukrainian refugees in mind, because this work, it started a long time ago, and migration policy, germany's policy needed improvement for a long time, they talked about it, but how active do you think ukrainians will be and will actively use this chance to get a german passport while in ukraine itself there is a war going on. thanks for. this question, i
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actually think that the decision of the german bundestag, it also did not happen in a vacuum, not even in a vacuum, even considering that the debate on this topic has been going on for a long time. in fact, i have this feeling and this observation that the last straw was the migration of ukrainians after the start of the full-scale invasion. because in many meetings, in many materials, articles, the germans constantly emphasize that ukraine is overqualified, they have they are very educated, they are very hardworking , they are really a big plus for germany and for the german economy, that is why such a decision, it was definitely not made without...
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taking into account the number of ukrainian refugees living on the territory of germany, actually on the territory of germany, currently, according to official statistics, there are almost a million residents, officially registered, a little more. even than a million people, how much actually this amount of residence in germany, it is very difficult to track, because mainly on people travel between ukraine and germany very actively, especially during holidays or business trips, because many work, including in organizations that are either in german organizations that deal with the topic of ukraine, or in organizations that have a representative office , for example, in ukraine, or are interested in opening, for example, some ukrainian offices, that is, ukrainians, they are trying, or, well, somehow, many who work, at least, it is more or less from my money, i can say they try -
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have a touch with ukraine and develop , including, advocate the interests of ukraine, er , there, for example, in berlin, er, there are, of course, many people, er,... who are currently not working and studying actively speak the language, because actually to get to be a part of the german and the german labor market, you say now translate in your head, it is not easy either, because the basic language is german, and in terms of this germany provides quite good good support, these are free courses, free integration courses, courses are support in improving qualifications, passing various courses, that is, germany, and in addition, information was recently announced on the website of the ministry of social policy of germany, about
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cooperation between the embassy of ukraine and the ministry of social policy of germany, about reinforcement and acceleration. integration of ukrainians in germany on a working, on a working stamp victoria, from what you have told me, i can state, make an assumption that the german authorities and perhaps even the german society are very interested in the fact that the ukrainians who work there remain and can even received citizenship, and this law about the simplification of obtaining german citizenship from your point of view arose now for a reason, including because of the factor. well, maybe the war in ukraine just pushed the german parliament to this decision. yes, i think so. ugh. and what are they saying in germany about canceling or reducing aid for ukrainians, because , well, actually, now you see that
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these discussions appeared in the ukrainian information space after the statement of the adviser to the head of the president's office, as if ukraine is insisting on so that the authorities, the authorities of european countries. went to various, made concessions to kyiv, maybe if kyiv has such requests, and reduced aid for ukrainians, is there such a discussion in germany, or is anyone in favor of reducing aid? in fact, her coalition , the ruling coalition and the german government, they constantly emphasize their support for ukrainians who are here and in ukraine, and there are no talks from the coalition and the government, any statements about a reduction in support, a reduction in payments and td and tp, there is no such thing. on the contrary, for example, in the budget for 2024, there were many cuts in various areas, but ukraine is the topic of ukraine, it was not affected in terms of cuts, and assistance to yakut, as well as in ukrainian projects in
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ukraine itself, there were no cuts , on the contrary, there were even increases in the budget, there were statements. similar from representatives from the head of the christian democrats party in ukraine , it was also quite active in the media when he announced about social tourism, but he was very quickly criticized by german society, many german politicians and even by opposition politicians from his own party, due to the fact that he has no right to er... make such statements, and he is wrong in this case, it is unfair. victoria , can you theoretically imagine a situation when someone from the ukrainian authorities, perhaps informally, will turn to the representatives of the german authorities and ask kindly
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to help us return people home, create some favorable conditions for this, can the germans go to meeting with such a request, and how could it... happen in theory? i think it will all depend on what will be, what will be the echo in society, because the german government, firstly, it acts very clearly in accordance with the law, secondly, it... appeals very much to society, to its electorate, and some super some illegal stories for sure it won’t happen, maybe that, maybe, most likely, and also, in the transfer of men of pre-winter age, i think the germans won’t do it either, that it will be possible , it will be, maybe i’m about, i just imagine, it can be a shortening of the series. social payments, social benefits that ukrainians receive, because germany is very strong, well
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a strong welfare state and will support it very much with social benefits, including ukrainians, and most likely it will be a story of who actually does not work, who is not employed, therefore, over time , permits may not be extended, for example, because this law on... refers only to working people, the working category of the population, that is, these relaxations, they refer precisely to the working category of the population, which can provide for itself. thank you very much for your comment, i will just note that we recently wrote an interview with a famous ukrainian sociologist yevgeny holovakha, he assumed that the only, the only reason why ukrainians will begin to return en masse from ukraine, well, about there, maybe... half, plus or minus, is precisely either the reduction or cancellation of social benefits. thank you
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very much, victoria savchuk, lawyer, activist and editor of the berlin info point crimea platform, was in touch with us. thank you. finally, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's website. you can leave your remarks, remarks, wishes, comments under this video. well, operational look for information on the radio svoboda website, and... also on social networks svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. there are 15% discounts on avaamaris in podorozhnyk pam and oschad pharmacies. a person who has fallen into a coma will learn the news. saturday's spartacus lied to everyone. who? now my girlfriend will come there. and her mother , also my girlfriend, will be a grandmother, let
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yuriy will talk about what happened in the world in more detail fizar, yuliy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. kadydenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel. espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle
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east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get. the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. he left crimea in 2014 and saves ukrainian soldiers in a hospital in lviv. hryhoriy prokhorenko, leading surgeon of the military medical department clinical center of the western region.
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he served in sevastopol until march 2014, and when the russian aggression began, he remained loyal to ukraine. we met with the command of the russians. well, with the doctors , their head of the medical service. i don't know what the group is called. but it was more than crimea. i think it was the southern district or something. ot. there was a georgian colonel. ot. and when we talked with him, he said that, in principle, the situation was similar to the one that was at the time of... the collapse of the union, when everyone chose the side for which he would be in to serve in the future and where he will remain , ukrainians in ukraine, russians in russia, or vice versa, and then i was simply asked in a conversation how he would behave if such a situation happened exactly the other way around, we offered him to switch sides ukraine,
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he remained silent and there was no further conversation on this topic. at that time, the russians denied their participation in those events, then there were their tamnets, yes, there were little green men, but we had security at the checkpoint, we were not able to take out any equipment, equipment and so on. russian, yes, well, i understand that they were russian servicemen, but without identification marks. we didn't have the opportunity to take away either the laparoscopic racks or the computer tomographic one, but i had the chair with me, but i'm sorry. after the beginning of russian aggression in crimea, military doctors dispersed to hospitals in different cities of ukraine. hryhoriy prykhorenko continued his service in lviv. we were simply expanding our arsenal, well, that is, if we performed, for example , laparoscopic appendectomies or
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chalicystectomies in peacetime, then we started introduce laparoscopy in the eu for military trauma, vascular surgery, traumatology, severe wounds with soft tissue damage, i.e. they needed a review of tactics, i.e. the use of reading devices, fixation, the material base was improved, i.e. new methods of research, ultrasound devices appeared, portable ultrasound devices, endoscopic examinations, x-rays, digital x-rays, which were allowed to be done. it was possible to get pictures right away and have the opportunity to consult them with specialists, let's say, being in the mobile hospital, those who are in the center or in kyiv, are constantly being evacuated to us, from
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us, these are new patients, new injuries that need to be examined, examined, helped, operated on, and these operations are not the same as in operated on pendicitis, discharged, these are staged surgical treatments that constantly need to be repeated, reassess the situation, remount the same vacuum systems, look for debris, but for traumatologists it is a dep, it is work with stumps, it is work with stomachs, breasts, etc., i.e. one the patient, unfortunately, cannot recover from one operation, it is a complex of measures that must be carried out in order to stabilize and enable this injured person to get back on his feet. all efforts on
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the part of the wounded and surgeons. her sisters and all the staff, they gave their positive result, now we have a boy who came to us at the beginning of the 22nd year with an amputated limb, with a severe wound in the abdomen, and we fought with complications from the abdomen for quite a long time, then aa he went through a long process of prosthetics, this is the upper third of the thigh, it is, well, quite high, but now he has a bio... mechanical protest, he continues his service, he came to us now, we operated on him for a hernia, which developed after surgery on the stomach, and he is very motivated to serve, and he does not plan to stop his work in the army, it used to be
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that surgeons worked 24x7, and in principle now it continues, especially those surgeons who are now directly. .. near the contact line in the east, there is really work there, you you don't have time to rest, you don't have the opportunity to go out, firstly, it 's dangerous, and secondly , a situation may arise at any moment when your help will be needed, so these guys and girls work literally every second. there were several mobile hospitals under my command, especially surgical ones, and that was that it was both practical work, and again
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organization, and rotations, evacuations, admissions of seriously ill patients, provision of this or that, that was personnel policy, again still, that is, well, this is life in cages, the help that is provided in mobile hospitals, it is high. the level of modern equipment that we have here is often also in mobile hospitals, we are talking about x-ray complexes, we are talking about endoscopic racks, laparoscopic equipment, about an artificial kidney, that is, about cell savers that allow you to take blood, filter it and return it it , again, to the patient in certain conditions, suturing devices, modern suture material, instruments, microvascular surgeries, vascular surgery, traumatology, again. the difficulty is that we first have
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a lot of this work, and secondly , you never know what you will encounter, that is why it is difficult to predict the nature of the injury, and when a difficult patient comes to you. then you have a short time to find your way and little time to help him, to stabilize him. if we are talking about her mobile hospitals, about natural surgical groups, then she helped, stabilized, evacuated. and this happens all the time, that is, this is the work here, ah, they accepted patients, looked, and again, we have no way. bring them to a logical conclusion completion, until the sutures are removed, we have to stabilize them again, make sure that everything is more or less okay with them, and send him to other
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hospitals, someone comes, well, because he thinks that he cannot serve, and according to our to the canons... he is suitable for military service, someone comes with thanks, that's the most important thing, that they join the ranks, for us this is the greatest comfort. thanks to extensive experience in military surgery, hryhoriy prykhorenko's team was able to set up successful work in the hospital during the war, and thus save hundreds of lives of our soldiers. khrystyna porubiy, nazar malnyk, espresso tv channel. 12-year-old svyatoslav ulchasty, 14-year-old anatoly
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llyashenko and 16-year-old kostiantyn chervov. all these boys disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region, and no one knows where they are now. so, i really hope for your help. first of all, i am addressing the residents of the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region. i know that you do not have ukrainian tv channels broadcasting at the moment, but i hope that maybe you watch this program on social networks, so very please look carefully at the children's faces. svyatoslav volchasty looks 12 years old. he is of medium build and has blond hair. he was last seen on february 22nd in the territory of heniche district of kherson region, which was occupied almost from the first days of the war. anatoly lyashenko. he turned 14 last december. he is thin, has dark hair and brown eyes. looks maybe a little older than his age.
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tolya was last seen in the village. tazarivka is the chaplin district of the kherson region, which was also occupied almost at the beginning of a full-scale war. and this is konstantin cherbav. he should be 17 next month. the boy looks his age, with dark hair and gray-green eyes. he lived in the kakhov district in the city of tavriysk, it was there that he was last seen on the first day of the war, that is, there has been no news about the boy for almost two years. if suddenly someone... has information about the possible whereabouts of sviatoslav, anatoly or konstantin, or maybe just saw these guys somewhere, let us know immediately, even a small piece of news can become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if suddenly you are in the temporarily
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occupied territory and... have the opportunity to call, write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war , we have already received several thousand appeals about help in the search. of course, the vast majority of the children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown. help find them. maybe everyone. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time , children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the service experience shows search for magnolia children, the vast majority of
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them are teenagers. we sit down. talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. be interested in your child's interests. invite her friends over. even if it's very noisy, even if it's a terrible mess in the house afterwards, it's still useful, it's still good. why? because first of all, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you you. secondly,... you will know what she is interested in, who she communicates with, who to turn to in case of what. thirdly, you can simply share the interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you too. and lastly, even if it is not your child who needs help, but one of his friends, maybe because you will be the only adult who can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions.
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we... have created a resource that makes you you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the agreement on strengthening the security of the american border, on which the fate of the request for additional funding for ukraine depends, was in danger of failure. according to senator chris murphy, who is directly involved in the negotiations, the next two days will tell whether
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the democrats and republicans will succeed. to reach an agreement, he, as well as senator mitromny, a republican , point to the influence of former us president donald trump on the negotiations. according to press reports citing sources in the republican party, donald trump wants to make the issue of the immigration border one of the leading issues in his presidential campaign, and the deal is not in his favor right now. what we know at this moment and what it means for ukraine. let's talk with my colleague ostap yarishem, who joins the broadcast from the pentagon. ostape, hello. so, as recently as yesterday , the leaders of both democrats and republicans sounded optimistic about a potential agreement, and about the possibility and importance of supporting ukraine, which has changed over the past 24 hours and...


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