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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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thanks to which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua. greetings, it's news time at eteria espresso. kateryna shirokupoyas works in the studio. to leave in custody, such a decision was made again.
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the court of appeal regarding the former intelligence officer roman chervinskyi. at yesterday's hearing , the panel of judges allowed him to be with his defenders, and not in a glass case, as it was before. also, during the court session, the lawyers attached documents to the case stating that they had received threats. we will remind, roman chervinskyi is accused of exceeding official powers. the prosecution claims that as a result of... actions, the russian federation launched a missile attack on the kanatove airfield in the kirovohrad region in july 2022. the next meeting in this case should take place already today. russian military transport planes are a legitimate target for the armed forces of ukraine - said the deputy of the permanent representative of ukraine at the un, khrystyna hayovyshyn. according to the laws of war, destroying the means of delivery reduces the number. missile
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strikes, the crash of the ill-76 plane was discussed at a meeting of the un security council. ukraine was not informed about the transportation of prisoners of war, whose protection is russia's duty. at the same time, the un cannot establish whether ukrainian soldiers were on board the ill-76 plane, said un deputy secretary general rosemary di carlo. ukraine called for an international investigation into the incident. ukraine emphasizes that according to international law, russia bears full responsibility for the lives of ukrainian prisoners of war. we insist on conducting an international investigation to establish all the circumstances of this incident. instead, the kremlin, according to a statement from putin's spokesman, effectively rejected the idea of ​​a transparent and impartial international
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investigation, there would have been no casualties among ukrainians if putin had not given the order to start the war. director general of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grossi, will visit zaporizhzhia in the next two weeks nuclear power plant. he stated this at a briefing on the situation in zas for the un security council. according to him, during his visit to the station, he will conduct another rotation. agency experts and political and technical dialogues. grozdiy noted that the situation with nuclear safety at the zas continues to remain extremely fragile. this is a recurring problem, the eighth time we've lost external power. and the problem is that you lose the ability to cool the reactors, and then you have to use emergency reactors diesel generators, and it happened more than once.
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time of this war. the us has no source of funding for aid to ukraine without congress voting for a new aid package. if it does not help there, the ukrainian people will feel the negative consequences, including in the fight against russian aggression. this was emphasized by the deputy spokesman of the us state department, vedant patel. as soon as additional funding for ukraine is voted on, the us will be able to continue. fulfill obligations to support ukrainian partners in all spheres, incl with security, economic and humanitarian support. i don't have specifics to offer, but if we can't provide the funding, there will be real consequences for the ukrainian people, and ultimately ukraine's ability to fight against russian aggression will suffer. in russia
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, there are two war scenarios for 2024, this is stated in the study of political scientist vadym denysenko, which he presented in lviv. invaders can wage war on you. reduction of ukrainian resources, or they will make regular attempts to attack one or the other other parts of the front, in order to incline kyiv to the so-called peace. the author of the study explains that it is beneficial for putin to freeze the conflict on the condition of reaching the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions and partial lifting of sanctions. therefore, a window for negotiations may appear in 2024. russia is also waiting for a new model of country management, where all the main functions. will be carried out by security forces, in particular the fsb. also, the country of the aggressors managed to stabilize the economy thanks to the deterioration of the financial condition of the russians. that is, actually managed devaluation will allow to keep budget indicators, but it will 100% beat
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salaries, because salaries will not keep up with prices. theoretically, very theoretically, it would be beneficial for putin to start the negotiation process, ed. in 2024, it is still very difficult to say whether he will go for it. the european solidarity party presented a plan of urgent actions to protect investments and the european business climate in ukraine. as the leader of the political force petro poroshenko noted, recently businessmen have been under pressure from law enforcement agencies. exactly therefore, the issue of restarting the economic security bureau with the involvement of non-international experts has become acute today, the process should take place under careful international and public control. the baby was created in order to, just don't laugh, to protect business, in order for the sbu, in order for
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the national police, in order for the sbi, in order for everyone, from, i don't know, from firefighters to the prosecutor general's office , could not fire a cannon shot. will approach the business, all the information they discover they had to transfer to a new structure, which was supposed to have primarily analytical functions, there is no need to make business a nightmare, there is no need to come and make show masks, despite the fact that this body was created, it started working, but it works, as the vast majority of the business says it's even worse than the tax police in the days of... yanukovych's klymenka, well, this, of course, means that those first-priority measures, which are proposed on all other slides, will be able to work only when we qualitatively reform the bureau of economic security. artem
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the carpenter defended ukraine in the kyiv region from the beginning of the great war, now he is a man, an officer of moral and psychological support. no one understands how important the psychological support of a soldier is. on the front line, since he himself had problems, it is known from this, more in the plot: artem stolyar defended ukraine in the kyiv region from the beginning of the great war, now the man is an officer of moral and psychological support, no one understands how important psychological support is to soldiers on the front line, since he himself had problems after hostilities in kyiv region. the man slept badly that's why he decided to go to the military rehabilitation center. there were group classes, there were individual classes, the effect impressed everyone , and that is why i am happy, and i would like them not just to come here, and i would like this center to develop, to have as many such centers as possible. currently, artem advises all
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brothers and sisters to visit the rehabilitation center in the capital when they are on rotation. here you can chat with professional psychologists and psychotherapists. usually , the military has time to visit by eight sessions, psychological relief in the center is supported by physical relief, fighters are offered classes with rehabilitation specialists on special equipment or professional massage. what used to be patients with adjustment disorders, like the rest of us, when full-scale war broke out, is now patients with generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder , and ... some mixed, anxiety and depressive disorders. in addition to servicemen, the center works with their families. relatives will be helped to correctly maintain communication with military during his stay at the front. it is necessary to somehow connect them and explain
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to them what to expect, how to behave, what not to do. and as practice shows, if there is a psychological one. psychological support, then the rotation of a serviceman, it is more efficient. currently , more than 300 people have already received rehabilitation at the center, and the queue for help is very long. in addition to the centers , the charitable foundation has seven more mobile psychological support centers. all of them are located in the frontline territories. ago that we understand that as a volunteer, we do everything that depends on us, but we cannot cover all the need. and it is huge. as doctors, we understand that this is a huge wound that needs to be healed immediately, and this is the wound of our society, and here, and i would like to... that we should all be concerned and we should all understand that only by uniting we
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will be able to create a bright, restored, healthy society. the rehabilitation center plans to create additional cells to help as many as possible military dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. for now, that's all the news for this hour. good morning to all who watch the spresso tv channel, we continue our telethon, this morning we start the 72nd day with the cure of the russian large-scale invasion, we are counting the days of course. we are waiting for the final victory, the end of the war, or at least, let’s say, its suspension,
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because we understand that maybe fate has decided for all of us that we will be at war with russia, maybe for decades, but this does not mean that life has to stop, truth, that is, we know that such situations exist in developing and successful countries, well , we are not lucky to be next to you with such a neighbor as russia, but what is good for us that... at least finally the majority of ukrainians, the absolute majority, all now they understand how much this is not a brother, relatively speaking, in fact, a long-standing enemy of ukrainians as a nation, and by the way, continuing the topic that was in our news and in the news, i read that bloomberg writes that despite the militant rhetoric and statement, that we conquer all, actually putin continues groping for opportunities for negotiations, if things on the battlefield for... the russian army continue to go not very successfully, as they are now, so they are keeping this option and
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even, according to bloomberg, they are ready to recognize ukraine's membership in nato, well but these are just half-rumors, of course, but bloomberg is, of course, a very serious global agency, and it inspires our trust, and at least we should seriously listen to it, but we don't have to do anything about it... and ukraine needs to pay close attention to it just kill more the maximum number of russians, as valery zaluzhnyi said, this is our strategy. well, in the meantime, we will now make such a roll call by our regions, we will traditionally find out what is happening in those regions that are at the front, in the front-line areas, or even in the majority of their regions, they are under occupation, if we are talking about north donets. about luhansk oblast, which unfortunately
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remains occupied, not all of it, but to a greater extent, and we will now speak with the head of the north donets city military-civilian administration, oleksandr stryuk, who will be with us now at communication, let's talk, here, there is also quite a lot of news from severodonetsk itself. er, we can see how, for example, in luhansk oblast in general, in particular in lysychansk , apartments are opened up by occupation troops, and this is done in order to simply nationalize them, as they say, and in fact simply take them from the owners and hand them over to some other people who, for example, are ready to move from russia, this is such a situation, we were also... witnesses of what is happening in mariupol, the same there, the majority of the population left,
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pro-ukrainian, is now somewhere on the territory of ukraine, in controlled ukraine, relatively speaking, and moved somewhere in the western direction, here, or someone went abroad, their apartments are simply taken and resold to russians who are ready to move from some of their darkness-cockroaches, for example , to on'. of the sea of ​​azov, who are not intimidated by the fact that the front is not far away, and there is a risk for them, of course, that these cities will be returned, recaptured by the russian army, but... but there are people who are ready to take risks and even increase prices in occupied mariupol, at least we saw that the prices there are in millions of rubles for good apartments, which, despite the fact that they are literally destroyed, half-destroyed from receiving russian bombs and missiles, because we remember how the russians captured mariupol, what victims there were among the civilian population,
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well of course, they look terrible in a kind of morass, a symbol of russian. we certainly haven't been surprised by this for a long time, here we are celebrating and hiding a luhansk apartment, i don't know if anyone is ready to preserve their property, for example, lysychanska, to leave, i don't know whether it's kyiv, lviv or somewhere, i don't know, some berlin, where people ended up fleeing from the russian occupiers, and to return to this occupation is good. there are probably not many such people, but this is what is happening to their property, i think that just now, maybe the owners of this apartment look at it with horror and, i don’t know, with madness at how someone breaks into their property, well, but this is also a reminder for us, by the way, that the western
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world is to a large extent its basic value respect for private property. this is what we need to remember, private property is actually extremely important, undermined by western civilization in general, respect for private property, and vice versa, russia is notable for the fact that it is actually the only country that is it is related to western civilization, at least somehow, but where did marx’s ideas about the alienation of private property work there, since they don’t exist in europe... but no success, since it is precisely private property that is the basis of western civilization, yes, well, in us there is a bit of a problem, i do i understand that from now on we will add mr. oleksandr to our iter, which we cannot configure in any way, now we will try to call him by phone, here, and then we will continue, here.
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meanwhile, in the united states , the senate foreign affairs committee has already approved the confiscation of russian assets to help ukraine. russian oligarchs kept all this money in european and american banks frozen, the russians cannot remove them from those. banks, but we would like to, of course, here, well , the conversation about transferring them to ukraine now, either as aid during the war or as post-war aid, has been going on for a very long time, but such small legal steps, legal steps are being agreed little by little, and it is more and more likely that ukraine will receive that money, it is clear that those 300 billion, they
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would actually become, on the one hand, it would be very tough. a blow to the russians, who are interested in the war, but on the other hand, well, that is, it is still some kind of thing which, which it is possible, which one can be traded with the russians , that we will take you away, after that some bridges will also be burned, and the russians will no longer have anything to lose in the west, relatively speaking, from these from these from these relations with the west, well, but on the other hand those 300 billion would close the problems of ukraine, and accordingly the chances of the russians to win in this war... in fact, there would be no left, mr. oleksandr stryuk is already with us, oleksandr, mr. oleksandr, we welcome you, can you hear us? yes, yes, good morning, good morning, actually today we started with what they showed how the apartments of ukrainians who left fleeing the occupation are being opened in luhansk region, does this happen everywhere, or
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is it the same in severodonetsk? unfortunately, this is the picture of almost all... the courts, and this is typical for severodonetsk as well, under the pretext of some kind of restoration work, repairs, the apartments of people who evacuated and are outside severodonetsk are actually opened, if the apartment survived in more or less decent condition, then the local so-called occupation authorities open apartments under the guise of carrying out repairs maradelyatse is settled there. we do not know who, there are many russians who are now moving to the occupied ukrainian territories, there is such a flow of colonizers. well, in reality, such a process is taking place, they come in under the guise of guest workers who are supposedly carrying out restoration work there, some return,
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some stay, there was also information and confirmed facts that the so-called members of the svo who decided to stay in the occupied territory are being resettled in housing in severodonetsk, i.e. these are some kind of conditionals, i don’t know how to drill, who fought in ukraine. then they were seriously injured there and, for example, stayed to live there in severodonetsk. yes, yes, that's right, there is such a fact. oh, how painful it must be for the residents of severodonetsk to see that their apartment is now being looted in this way. it is difficult to imagine people's emotions. of course, of course, it hurts, of course, it's, well, grief for people, and everyone understands that, after the so-called, so-called... help , it will take a long time to recover, to recover that property, of course it hurts, but there are people who risk everything and
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return to the russian occupation to save their property, you know, unfortunately, these cases are rare, but this applies to older people, but there are those who... i still consider returning for the sake of my property, for the sake of my home, but it is quite dangerous at the moment and involves very big risks. how do you feel about such people who are ready for the sake of an apartment, for example, to live under occupation. well, you know, i don't want to comment on this situation because, well, on mine the view is not wrong, but a person can be stopped if he so decides. it is very difficult , what can be an alternative for those people who do not have the opportunity to buy housing in the unoccupied territories, i don't know somewhere in the lviv region, where the prices have
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actually increased a lot, so for real estate, which and what, what should they do, and there are already some of them , probably such people who left occupied luhansk 10 years ago and still have not been able to buy a home, if they are pensioners, it is very difficult to retire, it is impossible. yes actually quite a difficult situation, why, perhaps , the adoption of additional measures to support such a population, both on the part of local authorities and the state, we are trying to do what we can to help in such a situation, we offer options for other resettlement, according to the information provided to us by the partners of the city , to which we apply, we also work with the international language organization. on the implementation of the project of affordable housing for displaced persons, at the moment, well, maximum efforts are being made for this, what is possible to do, and what is there, what is there, what is the news from
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of the front, which is passing through the luhansk region, well , the situation is quite difficult, our guys are holding the defense, holding it heroically, the situation is difficult both in the serebryan forestry, and in belogorivka and... in those villages that are still in the defense, in more detail, that's all well, to the military speakers, well, thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr stryuk, the head of the severodonetsk city military-civilian administration joined us by phone, we are now going for a short break and will return for our roll call to the regions. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate
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a shipping district. the inclusion is live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new , two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads
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, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, continuing our roll call of andriy saichuk and lesya vokulyuk. we work for you in this studio. now we will travel with you to sumy oblast, and andriana
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kostenko, doctor of political science. of sciences, the head of the center for social research and a member of the board of the public organization intellect of the sumy region, will tell us about the latest news from the sumy region, we will ask about how did the night pass, did moskali let the inhabitants of the region, which they are constantly shelling, sleep at least this night, likewise, we are waiting for ms. andriana to appear on our airwaves, whether ms. andriana is there. good morning, good morning, this night also passed with russian shelling? well, yes, this is already a tradition, not a very good tradition, everyday life, i would say so, every night, for example, the border mainly suffers from shelling, and in the past day there were about 20 shellings and in fact at night there was an alarm in the sumy region, russian
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er... the terrorists are actually er hit with mortars, artillery, drones, the nearest communities suffer even from small arms, in the past day, as i said, there were about 20 such shellings, usually our border area suffers, this is the kotinsk community, the yunakivsk community, the bilopolsk community, well, for example, in myropyll and... the velikopyserivsk community was attacked by drones, ammunition was dropped from shaheds, as well as from other types of uavs, the khotyn community was shelled with small arms. ms. andriano, now they are talking about the fact that people who are somewhere there from those regions that are shelling, who left ukraine or moved to other
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parts. that it is possible that they should cut aid.


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