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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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they are being hit with mortars, artillery, drones , the nearest communities are suffering even from small arms, in the past day, as i said, there were about 20 such shellings, usually our border areas suffer, this is the kotinsk community, yunakivsk, bilopolsk community , well, for example, they were in myropyll and velikopysarovsk community. attacks from drones, dropped ammunition from shaheds, as well as from other types of uavs, the khotyn community was shelled with small arms. mrs. andriano, now they are talking about the fact that the people who are somewhere there from those regions that are being shelled, that have left ukraine or moved to other parts of the country, which may mean that they need to reduce their assistance. or there are calls, for example, from
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the advisor of the president's office, the head of the president's office, serhii leshchenko, who say, go back to ukraine, it's not so safe here, but you have to support the ukrainian economy, and what are the statistics, how many people from sumy region left sumy region because of shelling, some people may have stayed in sumy oblast, but in safer areas, some stayed in other parts of ukraine, and some went further abroad. do you drive this one? statistics? tic and what are the moods of people now, because, for example, yesterday we spoke with a representative of the association of young idps, and he says that some people decide to return, for example, to the kharkiv region, to the villages of the towns, which are also shelled by the russians, they return, because did not adapt , did not find themselves, and a little, well, the lack of this help, although it is not very big, it still played a big role, for example,
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this family moved and they could, at least for this, for this money, get together and, example, to rent housing somewhere else, ugh , i wouldn’t talk about statistics, actually we conduct sociological surveys, the center for social research in the sumy region has been conducting such surveys since the first months of the full-scale invasion in order to understand migration flows from our region and attitudes towards return and about understanding one's own. what conditions must be created and what the return of people depends on, what is the motivation of people to stay abroad in other regions or return, so the dynamics are as follows, of course in the first months of the full-scale invasion, especially in march and april, about 40% left the region, this figure was close to half, to 50%, if you look at the structure of the population, who exactly left, it was...
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women and children left, young people left , a large part of men, a large part of elderly people remained in the communities, even in those communities that were directly close to the combat zone, in fact, well, there was simply no opportunity to leave to some communities, because in sumy oblast, in fact, until april 2022 year was occupied, so our region and people did not have the opportunity to leave, actually after the deoccupation we see, especially in the summer , starting from may and ending somewhere in september of the 22nd year, a certain flow of return, again this flow is about 20% of the people who left even within the borders of ukraine, i'm not talking about abroad, within the borders of ukraine.
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they returned, then a certain trend of return began and continued, and today half of those who left, yes, they plus or minus returned, it is difficult for people who are abroad to return already in a certain way, i would say yes, they put down roots, that is, they either found a job, or went to study or have the opportunity to buy housing, that is, a large number of people who received social assistance, certain, certain benefits, humanitarian aid , and now this support has stopped in the countries of the european union, they could not integrate, they could not find work abroad, they returned to our region, there are those who may have men working and there is some financial stability, or those who who relatively speaking went to... study, perhaps, and were able
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to slowly adapt to that environment. i will say this, if you look at older people , they are very, well, this is a trend for everyone. ukraine, so they are very reluctant to leave, and if they even leave , then in such an extreme situation, when there is no possibility to physically live in their homes, and they also try not to go far, they go, relatively speaking, somewhere to relatives, there where there is an opportunity for free housing, which are factors of return, this is the first thing, when it is especially important to us able-bodied population to return. so these are people who could work in our region, in our region or in ukraine, could replenish the budget, and therefore the creation of jobs is very important for our region, although the region is constantly shelled, and
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the border situation is very difficult, but in in general, people are leaving now due to the fact that there is no work, due to the fact that they do not have the opportunity to provide for their families, and we must... understand that this factor, for a large part of ukrainians who live in relative safety, in relative security, namely the economic factor is such a negative factor, an incentive to leave ukraine, we are again observing pendulum migration flows, that is, people went, worked somewhere there, they came, visited relatives, and then left again, unfortunately, they are so busy. it does not fully replenish the budgets of territorial communities, it does not replenish the budgets of the national budget, and therefore i would say that it is not so much necessary to force people to return, but to look for positive motivational mechanisms so that
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people pay a certain percentage of their income, and taxes were paid, regardless of where they are. work, yes, they paid these taxes, filled the budgets, that is, today we need to look for mechanisms to motivate people, even if they work abroad, so that they feel their connection, the connection with ukraine, feel their responsibility for filling the budget, for improvement, for the restoration of ukraine, for the improvement of the lives of those people who still remain here, work, or do not have the opportunity to work. they need social assistance, these are very broad generalizations, and they don't mean much even useful, probably, but it can be cautiously assumed that the people who remained, they are perhaps on average, again, very much
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more ready to take some risks, for the sake of such ukrainian resistance, and, let's say this, i am very careful to formulate that ... no one should be accused of being a greater or lesser patriot, and this, in particular, may mean that if a person went abroad and at least chose not russia, for example poland at the moment, then perhaps we are even for that we could be more than grateful, but let's say with understanding to treat the fact that a person made such a choice. and to find the right tone so that this person does not play on her, not to manipulate her guilt, true, but to find the right tone so that these people want to help from abroad, we remember that the factor, for example,
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there were many ukrainian workers, they were the biggest investors before the war for decades, and why now it can't be a big factor, for example, of investments? for people, let them find a job and transfer funds here, me i don't understand why we treat it like this and communicate like this at the state level? absolutely, you have to be very careful with manipulation , especially now, because any choice that ukrainians make, either to stay or to leave, is actually a very difficult choice, both for one side and for the other, so i would also, well did not manipulate it on the one hand, on the other hand this is the story... of migration, it is actually bigger, now we will feel it, it is a new wave, so those migrants who are forced to leave because of the war, some, some part of the people, again, leave because they do not have the opportunity to provide for their family here, but this is also a negative
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consequence of the war, but this history of migration, it is much bigger, it has been for 100 years, yes, because on at the beginning of the 20th century from ukraine there were, well... we observed large flows of migrants, labor migrants from ukraine, and we need to really review how you... and properly build communication between those who stayed and with those who left, and maybe they will decide not for themselves to return, not to return to their homeland, but it is very important, i repeat , to give people the opportunity to, you know, strengthen the connection, their connection with ukraine, so that they really want to support those who are here ukraine as a whole, ukrainian statehood . so that they would want to pay taxes, here they might want to engage in other projects
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that, you know, attracted investors, because different, different categories left, there are people who are now starting their own business abroad, and they could have an influence on for some investments to come to ukraine, well, there are of course, there is such a part of people, ordinary workers, excuse me for... that word, yes, who work every day in the service somewhere in the service sector, therefore it is really very responsible, now we need to approach building communication between ukrainians who left and those who right here, it is very important that we do not set each other up, after all, the volunteers, they say, have been constantly complaining lately that it is very difficult to collect donations. and with modern technologies to convey in the army and in this way some longing for
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the homeland or some feelings of guilt that i not there, i'm not helping, you can express it with the help of this, i think that a lot of ukrainians, ukrainian women, who went abroad and who are hurt by this country, they do so. mrs. andriana, thank you, we talked about sumy region and not only, but also about such global, all-ukrainian problems, andriana kostenko, doctor. of political sciences, the head of the center for social research and a member of the board of the public organization intellect of sumy oblast, was in touch with us, and now we will move to odesa odesa, and serhiy sizonenko, a deputy of the odesa district council, from we already have, we say to him, good morning, good morning studio, good morning ukraine, greetings to everyone, mr. serhiy, how did odessa sleep last night? well, at night there was a little anxiety, for half an hour, but in general the situation is more or less calm, unlike the previous nights, in any case, russia
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is constantly trying to terrorize the population of the city and the region, constant raids by shaheds, that is, let us rest does not work, but we are already used to it, we are very grateful to the forces of our air defense, which resist enemy attacks, and very effectively destroy those air targets with which... the enemy is trying to attack civilian objects and infrastructure objects of the odesa region, ugh, what are the consequences of the previous shelling, what, what is happening now, have we already managed to figure out what happened to those people , who were injured, collapsed, disassembled, people are in the hospital, unfortunately, there are injured, because our enemy will continue again. let's put it this way, such thoughtless attacks on civilian houses, on ordinary
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high-rise buildings, fall into the shahed, destroy them, people are left without housing, on fortunately, the city authorities are starting to pay compensation to people who lost their homes little by little, that is, the situation is starting to level out little by little, but in any case , it is extremely difficult for people, because they are left without property. without anything, let's hope that there will be as few such situations as possible, that , let's say, our air defense forces will be able to shoot down more objects on the approach to the city, but in any case, they work effectively, and if it were not for their work, then there would be damage would be much more, there would be many more victims and unfortunately, probably even death this week... just during
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a meeting or a meeting with the head of the regional military administration, the head of one of the odesa tritel communities was handed a suspicion by sbu employees, and there is even this video, and it is mr. skiper, the head of the ova, who confirmed that it was all , you can, you probably know about this case, what it is about, again, i can’t help but... point out, that is, where there is, let there be some kind of corruption or something like that in the territorial community, elected by the people, and where there is a security service in... ukraine, which for some reason deals with this, well, i just have certain question in that case. that's right, it's one of the communities of the belogradnistrovka district, investigative actions are currently underway, so, let's put it this way , there's probably no need to talk about names. in fact , yes, there were many, very blatant cases
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in odesa where suspicions were served, we have enough. and before that, there were also questions about the rinii community, that is, investigative actions are now underway , we understand that not only the sbu works, before that there were cases when the sbu worked together with the sbu, currently we understand that, let's say this, all corruption issues are in to most, this is the competence of the national anti-corruption bureau, but you see. in different areas, different structures are trying, let's say, to work out , maybe to increase their own authority, maybe i can't tell you exactly about the investigation in this case, but they are working, it's probably also not bad, because we all understand that the situation, which has developed, when
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there are any corrupt actions during the war, it extremely damages the reputation of ukraine. of ukraine and in the international arena, and in general within society, due to the fact that it is decreasing, firstly, trust in the authorities, secondly, people, as the previous guest of the studio said, are less than 12, because they see when someone nearby steals funds, that it demotivates people, so i hope that there will be much fewer such cases , than now, and in general my... personal wish that they were not there at all, well, thank you, interesting, interesting case, of course, here, well, i don't know, i still have such feelings that there are some, like i would like to tell you, such a touch of ostentatiousness in all this, no, in fact, public detentions are good, because in
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in such a case, we would demonstrate to everyone that this is how it is, on the other hand, what is... these cases and most importantly the scale, that is , we all understand that the main money is being stolen, this is not some separate territorial community, here, and this is precisely the level of the region itself, or where there is already an entire state budget, but thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhiy sizonko was with us, a deputy of the odesa district council, well, in the meantime, we are going on a short break and then we will be in kharkiv, we will visit there, we will ask how the night went, stay with us. oh, and got wet can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main thing - quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. four components together in one capsule. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in
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9:00 a.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear friends, we are back on the air and now we will ask about how you slept that night. kharkiv, where mourning for those killed in the russian attack on january 23 was announced yesterday. bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, is in
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touch with us. mr. bohdan, we congratulate you. greetings, good morning. mr. bohdan, how did this night go, tell me, please. well, the night passed more or less calmly. there was one air alert, somewhere around two in the morning, and no more. or other raids by shaheds, all this did not happen, so i hope that the people of kharkiv got some sleep tonight, and i personally know for sure that this is the situation in the city itself, and what about those people who suffered as a result of the russian attack on january 23, i read in the news that the people of kharkiv literally collected about 500 packages in a day. any warm things to help those people who just lost their homes during the attacks? yes
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, of course there are still people in hospitals, there were victims of various degrees, but up to 30 people are still in hospitals, i can’t be more precise, i can’t say, someone was discharged there, but in general there were 29, 29 people who were there, someone in intensive care, someone... in a hospital, well with different degrees of severity of damage, as regards the reconstruction of the volunteer movement , this time volunteers and citizens had quite a significant impact on the situation, because you can see for yourself on the footage the level and amount of damage to apartments, that is, houses, that are such small quarters that, in fact, it is necessary to recover by itself... of course, at the moment it is necessary to close the same windows, check, connect the heating, electricity, water pipes and everything else, well, this is
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the situation, the volunteer movement really took part in this quite seriously, there were several of our such well-known volunteer organizations that appeared, that announced meetings , that asked citizens to take part in physically helping, that is, to rake these rubbles, cut osb, block windows and so on, so the volunteers helped quite seriously in this situation. by the way, about the volunteers, how tight the world is and just how big ukraine is on the one hand, and on the other hand it is small, it turned out that at a distance of one handshake, in fact, my friend wrote a post about her friend from kharkiv, who was injured. gave during this attack, that is, she remained alive, here she is in this video standing and looking at a pile of dirt and garbage that her
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apartment has turned into in memory of this. she is actually the author of that post about the infamous unbreakable toilet, anastasia ovcharenko, a volunteer who helps the army, and it was precisely this volunteering that saved her, because at that moment she went out to pack the car with all kinds of volunteer help for the armed forces of ukraine, just at that moment she flew in into her house, and a russian missile turned her house into just a pile of construction debris garbage, and... this is a person who helped others , and now he himself needs help, and here he is very, very close, that is, it seems that a rocket is falling somewhere far away in kharkiv, but this person turns out to be very close to you, and such a difficult moment, because i don't know how this person will volunteer now, because she has
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to somehow get back on her feet... find that equilibrium, that balance, because when you lose your home, you become a little defenseless, so in some some, let's say volunteer networks, this is spreading information about the fact that some family needs to settle somewhere, because the house is completely destroyed, and i read the last one in the evening, it is a family of two adults there and a child, please find an apartment there. to find, if there is an opportunity to settle, but there is such and such information, although there are dormitories on the spot, there are some other places where you can live, and it works, but volunteers also work in their own, let’s say, in their own directions, according to their possibilities in this direction, so what can i say, kharkiv is willing to work on these broken ones
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streets and quarters and... they are constantly digging up the road, the road is being cleared, the same pushkinska, i hope it will be passable today, because they worked there quite fruitfully, they will work yesterday and today, well, this is the situation, on the positive side, i can add that , that what our mayor ihor terikhov has finally dared to bring to the session of the city council will be such a big package of changes . , and there is enough in the scriptures, people are already studying it an autonomous commission was working, our deputies worked tirelessly there for several months to replace these names, which still have some russianisms or sovietism in their core, well, other things, but are there still any?
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the names of ukrainian figures, truly ukrainian , which are unacceptable, even within the framework of decommunization and de-russification, for the mayor of kharkiv, even now , i am short you, i cannot tell you this after he announced about pushkin that we will rename him and now skovorody will be this the name of the street, i can't even remember it i can, he once had one. a little bit on zhukov, but no one has remembered that zhukov for a long time, and i think that they will not, of course, as for these streets, there is such a complex, first of all, dedicated to other regions of ukraine, donbas, there will also be soledarska street, ugledarska street, bakhmutska street, others, this complex will be dedicated to the names of crimea, bakhchisaralska and
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others. it will be zakarpattia, in prikarpattia there will be streets, also some streets will have their names returned before the 17th year, so what else can i add, and of course, some streets will be named in honor of heroes who died there and so on. mr. bohdan, thank you, bohdan kachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council was in touch with us, and now kateryna sharkopoya appears on your screens, which means that we will be watching a fresh selection of news that happened in ukraine and the world for the last hour, katya, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you whether the threat from the black sea has increased and what gift the ukrainian military received from france.


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