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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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mutska, others, this complex will also be dedicated to the names of crimea, bakhchisaralsk and others, it will be transcarpathia, prikarpattia, there will be streets there, also some streets will be returned to the 17th year, which were there, so what else can i add, and of course some streets will be named in honor of the heroes who died there and so on. mr. bohdan, thank you, bohdan kachuk, a member of the kharkiv district council was in touch with... and now kateryna shirkopoya is appearing on your screens, which means that we will be watching a fresh selection of news that happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, katya, you have my word. congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you whether the threat from the black sea has increased and what gift the ukrainian military received from france.
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greetings, it's time for veteri espresso news. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the threat from the sea is growing. the russians took four ships into the black sea. among them are three missile carriers. the total volley is up to 14 caliber missiles - the naval forces inform. one enemy is on combat duty in the sea of ​​azov. ship. 82 combat clashes took place at the front during the past day. the hottest was in the maryansk direction. ukrainian soldiers repelled 25 attacks. the russians do not stop trying to drain avdiivka. our defenders hold the defense. 16 enemy assaults were unsuccessful, the general staff noted. seven attacks were repulsed by the defenders in the lyman direction and eight on the ba. on
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the left bank of the kherson region, the enemy launched six unsuccessful assaults. the missile forces struck three enemy concentration areas and one more important enemy target. russian military transport planes are a legitimate target for the armed forces of ukraine - said deputy permanent representative of ukraine to the un, hrystyna gayuvyshyn. according to the laws of war, the destruction of means of delivery from... reduces the number of missile strikes. the il-76 plane crash was discussed at a meeting of the un security council. ukraine was not informed about the transportation of prisoners of war, whose protection is russia's duty. at the same time, the un cannot establish whether there were ukrainian soldiers on board the il-76 plane, - noted un deputy secretary general rosemary di carlo. ukraine called for an international investigation into the incident. ukraine emphasizes
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that, in accordance with international law, russia bears full responsibility for the lives of ukrainian prisoners of war. we insist on conducting an international investigation to establish all the circumstances of this incident. instead, the kremlin, according to a statement from putin's spokesman, effectively rejected the idea of ​​transparent ta'. impartial international investigation, there would have been no casualties among ukrainians if putin had not given the order to start the war. general director of international rafael grossi of the atomic energy agency will visit the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the next two weeks. he stated this at a briefing for the un security council regarding the situation at the zas. according to him, during his visit to the station, he will for the next rotation
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of the agency's experts and will hold a political as well as a technical dialogue. grossi noted that the situation with nuclear safety at zas continues to be extremely critical. this is a recurring problem, the eighth time we've lost external power. and the problem is that that you lose the ability to cool the reactors, and then you have to use emergency diesel generators, and that... has happened repeatedly during this war. the occupying authorities of crimea introduced a special regime of entry and exit between the temporarily occupied crimea and the temporarily occupied kherson region. the relevant decree was signed by the occupying head of the peninsula serhii aksyonov. now the administrative border will function as a state border, which can be crossed by citizens only at the armeniansk, perekop, dzhenkoy and zaliz automobile checkpoints.
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nichny armeniansk and dzhankoy. movement of military convoys only on specially designated roads in agreement with the border management of the fsb with the republic of kazakhstan. people at checkpoints should. to present documents, and military and law enforcement officers military orders or service certificates. the us has no source of funding for aid to ukraine without congress voting for a new aid package. if the usa does not help, the ukrainian people will feel the negative consequences, including in the fight against russian aggression. this was emphasized by the deputy spokesman of the state department usa. once additional funding for ukraine is voted in, the us will be able to continue fulfilling its commitment to support ukrainian partners in all areas, including security, economic and humanitarian support. i don't have
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specifics to offer, but if we can't provide the funding, there will be real consequences for the ukrainian people. ultimately , ukraine's ability to fight against russian aggression will suffer. france handed over two more rocket launchers to ukraine, he said the head of the artillery for ukraine coalition , jean-michel-guiton. in total, france supplied our military with about 30 sausages, four salvo launchers, 120 mm guns and mortars. the rocket...we will receive volley fire, which ukraine will receive, it is an analogue of the american m-270. they are equipped with a modernized fire control system, a new navigation system and modern communication. russia has two war scenarios
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for 2024. this is stated in the study of political scientist vadym denysenko, which he presented in lviv. invaders can lead a war of attrition for ukrainians. resources, or they will make regular attempts to attack some or other areas of the front in order to incline kyiv to the so-called peace. the author of the study explains that it is beneficial for putin to freeze the conflict on the condition of reaching the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, as well as partial lifting of sanctions. therefore, a window for negotiations may appear in 2024. a new model of country management is also waiting for russia, where all the main functions will be performed by the security forces. in particular, the fsb. also, the country of the aggressors managed to stabilize economy due to the deterioration of the financial condition of russians. that is, the actually managed devaluation will allow maintaining the budget indicators, but it will 100% hit
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salaries, because salaries will not keep up with prices. theoretically, very theoretically, it would be beneficial for putin to start the negotiation process in 2020. whether he will go for it, it is very difficult to say yet. the european solidarity party presented a plan of urgent actions to protect investments and the european business climate in ukraine, as noted by the leader of the political force petro poroshenko. recently, businessmen have been under pressure from law enforcement agencies. that is why the issue of restarting the bureau of economic security with the involvement of independent inter. national experts, the process should take place under careful international and public control. the baby was created in order to, just don't laugh, to protect business , in order for the sbu, in order for the national police,
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in order for the sbi, in order for everyone, starting from, i don't know, from firemen to the office of the general prosecutor , they could not use a cannon... the shot will come close to the business, all the information they discover, they should have transferred to the new structure, which should have primarily analytical functions, there is no need to make the business a nightmare, there is no need to come and make show masks, despite the fact that this body was created , he started working, but he works, as the vast majority of businesses say, even worse than the tax police. during the times of yanukovych klymenko, well , this of course means that the first-priority measures proposed on all other slides will be able to work only when we qualitatively we will reform the bureau of economic security.
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espresso tv channel calls to join the collection for soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade. our defenders need night vision binoculars. they mainly perform combat tasks. at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them. good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. in general, our goal is uah 170,000. you and i are already at the finish line. we already have more than uah 155,000 in our account. we will do everything to close this collection completely by the end of this day. all of them you now see the necessary details on your screens. scan, donate and remember. the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, that's all the news i have for this hour. dear friends, good
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morning, we are returning to ether, we will continue our marathon, les vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio today we work for you until 12 o'clock, at 8 o'clock traditionally, 8:11, to be exact, we traditionally we remind you that we have a collection going on, so get a piece of paper, a pencil or a pen ready now or... take your phone, take it, set the camera to scan the qr code. two qr codes are now appearing on your screens, by which you can transfer funds and two numbers, the numbers of two cards. 53,75, 41,12, 14 06, 69 09, this is the number of one card and 51, 68, 70. 4 50 22 26 24 94 is the number of another card. who are we
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collecting for this time? we collect for the 141st brigade, we help to collect uah 1 million. this collection was announced by our iryna koval, our leading volunteer. actually, it is necessary to collect narrations of batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detection detectors. drones and a lot of other military equipment, which is very necessary on the front lines in order to destroy moskal, you and i already have 115,571 hryvnias, for yesterday we collected approximately 30,000 hryvnias, and if from today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow we are with you every day we will collect somewhere around 28 thousand uah, then we will go to... the 2,000 mark and this will be a fifth of the amount we need
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of 1 million uah, so please join in, transfer your funds as much as anyone can. well and we are moving on to our marathon and we will now have a whole block that will be completely dedicated to the events at the front, we will have servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, and serhiy zorets, a military expert, the company's director, will also be there. defense express, here we will analyze the situation both there and directly on the battlefield, in the meantime, by the way, we will say that, as far as hostilities are concerned, the russian military commanders report that the strike by geimers was ukrainian based on the location of russian soldiers at the training ground near ilovaisk, yes that ilovai... so to speak, reprisals continue to this day and were destroyed
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, 24 dead are reported, it is just an interesting point that the operators of unmanned aerial vehicles from the so-called sudoplatov battalion trained there, what was the name of the doomsday project, and here is ironically , their doomsday came yesterday when they all gathered to discuss the results of their training, so to speak, on the new uavs. minus 24 uav operators very nice information. nadiya zamryga already knew the major of the public relations service of 14 separately mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great. ms. nadiya, good morning. good morning. what now, where is the 14th separate mechanized brigade approximately. and what does he do? we are traditionally already for extremes, for extreme times. in the direction of kupyan , here, we returned here already after
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the second great war to kharkiv oblast, well, here we are holding the defense, trying to go forward, forward, of course, this is our - well, our task, but i am not saying that it is directly today, right now or yesterday, or whenever, this is our large-scale task, like all of us in principle. truth, of course, what was the task set for those muscovites who are now in your direction, how are they behaving there now, how many are there, who are they? uhu , well, you know, a little boy lives in our neighborhood not far away, and when we say something about the front line, he asks, are they all dead already, well, it’s such a joke in the morning, and what is the situation, the situation is quite tense, last weeks,
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the enemy tried very, very actively to attack the equipment. to attack, but a lot of it was destroyed, we say that we have such a place , as if the bermuda triangle, because there a lot of burned enemy equipment , which he used to go on assaults, a lot of personnel there, there were two hundred of them, but less than that, they continue in the same place, in the same small landing, which has already been burned, but... they continue to go, who against us, against us, let's say, such a mess, but there are personnel soldiers, from some tactical actions of the threshold, it is visible, and there are mobilized ones, and there are a lot of people who are from places of deprivation of liberty, that's what they are different about , here are
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people who, say, a month... two ago were in places of deprivation of liberty, today they are already dying on ukrainian soil, ugh, as of now there are 14 separate units, if this is not classified information, how do you feel in general , is there a shortage of people, well, you know, i will tell you that in we have such a joke in our family that there is never a bull and people to win, there are many. we are glad to see everyone, everyone, everyone who wants to help us, both with their hands, with their bags, and, let's say, with their hryvnia, we are always only in favor. does yuriy butusov visit you sometimes, journalist, colleague? no, you know, we don't know each other personally, we didn't work. mr. yuri recently wrote,
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literally yesterday, the day before yesterday, a highly resonant post, which, by the way, even the top team commented on. general zaluzhnyi, well , he marked him in this post, and i understand that they read, saw, saw that post, so of course you think about it, do you have such cases, and you know, i probably won’t take on such a responsibility to analyze to state in detail whether there are or are not such cases, and i will say that we try to use it as effectively as possible the professional qualities of each fighter, both an officer , a soldier, a sergeant, because modern war has shown us that it is possible to cover the enemy with fire, but it is no longer effective in our time, that's right, that's why cities, they
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should be used maximally, maximally powerfully, maximally qualitatively. if we talk about the 14th separately mechanized brigade, then i will also ask about that, that is , what, what, what, what, we see, how to say it correctly, okay, regarding the equipment, yes, that is, as you see involvement people to, for example the mistakes of your separate, not assault, but a separate mechanized brigade, or this, or it could be a mix of some recruiting or people who, well , in simple words, if a person, for example, was caught on the street and sent to you, to you fall in, probably mobilized, as they in general then themselves, will be able
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to adapt, will not be able, as that person did not really want, for example, to join the army. that they make good soldiers and how do you work with them? you know, probably the issue of mobilization and recruiting is a little out of the question this is a question for me, because i actually enter into the structure that must already use the mobilization resource during training, during combat use, i will tell you so, so more generally about... and about the fact that if a person wants to learn something, if she sees a perspective, her perspective in this country , she is on... she will do, she will train and find herself in a combat team, you see, here it is not
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about how to do it, it is about about each of us, about every ukrainian, about him consciousness, about his worldview, about his desire to live or not to live in this country and how to live in this country, ms. nadia, has been saying a lot lately: that the war will be long, and everyone will fight, including women , eh, how do women fight now , is the attitude towards women changing, because i sometimes hear from the reviews of my acquaintances, female journalists who went to the army, that there is still this sexism about what is a girl, what about her take, give it's easier to do something there, that is, it's still a soviet rudiment remained, well, there are women in the enemy army,
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they call them for their use in the army, whether they have enemy soldiers there, well, actually tell me your experience, my experience, and my experience is, you know, he could... maybe not typical, but i joined the armed forces as a person already formed, i joined the armed forces as a professional, and i clearly knew that i joined the armed forces, not because i loved the uniform from childhood and i liked it, no, i i came here to continue to realize myself, here and when women who already go to the army, to the armed forces , sign a contract, go on mobilization, will clearly know what... they will do there, and not for the sake of uniform, and not for the sake of some, well, let's say, such an emotional female desire, then it won't work, but when you clearly
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know who you are, what you are for, and i'll tell you, sexism, again, it depends on how a woman allows herself to be treated, sometimes, that's why we women need go to the army, but have a very strong inner. except the rod of the strong inner, which has a little to fight, to overcome this sexism, why women in the army, i don't know, in some, in some issues, are more cheerful than men, let's say, emotionally stable in some situations, in some situations, women are emotionally stable, you know, i notice that yes, in those situations, non-standard, not combat situations, but more psychologically, emotionally , things related to everyday life, life, it seems to me
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that women think more, let's say, on a large scale, and men, today, brothers, they are so fixated on the war, so much fixated on the military actions, on the fact that what is needed on the front lines, what is needed... in the unit, what is needed by the fighters, and what are they sometimes in everyday life, well, women are more stable in this regard , it seems to me, but it is possible, it only seems to me, eh, if we talk about needs, what now do you need the military? well, you know, we have a modern war, new requirements, and if you could ask, of course, some powerful artillery systems. i would ask, but i know that this is unrealistic, and we have very powerful mavics, quadcopters, guys who work on resets,
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insanely powerful, so, let's say, i'm preparing the material, video, maybe after some time we will share with you about a very effective person, one fighter who destroyed more than 30 pieces of equipment, that's it... in our time it is very effective and efficient, in fact, that's why mavics. well, i hope that those people who, for example, are currently collecting for drones somewhere, someone wants to join this, will hear what is needed, first of all in the army, thank you, ms. nadiya, for the conversation, and and for what you are doing so that all muscovites, as the boy says, die, go to the other world, that was nadiya zamryga, major... public relations service of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great, we are going on a break now, if you wanted
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to tell us something else, we can go on a break. i just thought that we have such an interesting video about drones, there is truth in it, if from the beginning it will be long enough, if somewhere like that, here is the very end to include, here is an interesting simple video, which as they use now robotic platforms also on the front , which are probably locally prepared somewhere by ukrainian enterprises that are switching to the defense sector industry, this ukrainian kamikaze drone, look at such a platform, which... by and large , 4 km, drove, then at the end he reaches the bridge, and there the bridge is so small because of some such terrain, he drives under it, 36 kg of explosives, and the bridge explodes, and already... it is for russian equipment,
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for some kind of transportation there , for example, there, well, it is obvious that tanks will pass through such terrain in the same way, but for some there all kinds of gas trucks and so on, it can be helpful, there is such a tank here , it’s kind of broken, he looked like that, he looked, yes, it’s a rocket, but it flew somewhere, but it didn’t explode, but in short, at the end of this whole video, this little ee robot is all - still arrives. and blows up a huge bridge , that's it, that's the end, dear friends, take our word for it, andrew passed this video to the end, we're going to take a break, come back and continue our marathon, stay with us, 19th century new york is luxury, scandals and intrigue, the gilded age from hbo, watch it all
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on... preso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espress.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war in russia against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, trump's second presidency will already be.


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