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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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from 20 to 22 for espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. challenging topics. resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, trump's second presidency will already be.
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a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends and meet: friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people to communicate with disability here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support
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each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, eneble me ukraine. so friends, for now we had a pause, then finally a ground drone. did he reach his goal, you can see this video, so we won't be so wordy, he gets to that bridge, and he goes by, goes, goes, and then he does a beautiful spectacular babah, boom, like that it explodes nicely, and a good drone, well, after that, i understand, he did not survive, but he did... a good deed, his life was
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short, but, but very, very helpful in order not to hate muskal and not to give him the opportunity to advance further. dear friends, i do not like ping-pong here in the comments under our youtube-broadcast, which arrange some kind of visits, who say, and you are asking for money for the military, now from those, then from those, then from those, but listen, we appeal to everyone, the people's deputies of the council are watching us... god can scan qr-codes , transfer funds, after all, this week we know for sure that one people's deputy transferred funds, he joined us on the air, volodymyr vitrovich, also scanned, just like you, ordinary viewers, well, those people's deputies who did not donatyat, well , that's their business, we won't be able to force them to do it to do, we can't even force everyone who watches us to donate, many watch us, because everyone from russia is watching, who write some posts in their broken ukrainian... pretending to be ukrainians, well, we
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can't demand from them donate to the armed forces of ukraine, but if they donate , then why not, after all, donate, well, we don’t mind, it’s the goodwill of each of you who wants, who can share, who believes that military support is needed, and it can be both large hryvnia and small hryvnia, no so, recently, by the way , there was a scandal in russia, there was some man from siberia, somehow they proved to the fsb fsbshniks that he was sending... funds to the armed forces of ukraine, i don't know if it's true or not, well, but in theoretically, one can imagine such a thing, here, but it seems that they tracked that transaction somehow, they also arrested the person, well, probably, it seems that he has a ukrainian surname, well , he was also arrested, oleg kalashnikov, the press officer of the 26th detachment named general horunzhovo romana dashkevich ms. oleg, good morning to you, good morning, you me so i understand in avdiivsk? direction?
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bakhmutskyi. bakhmutskyi. what is the operational situation there now? what is the situation? not easy. our situation is very, very difficult. all the same. the enemy is trying to achieve the goal set for him by the higher headquarters, that is, he is trying to advance our defense in the direction of chasur, we observed his constant counterattacks last day, this is bohdanivka, ivanovske, if we take the southern flank, this is kleschivka, andriivka, and he is significantly gathered quite such a significant group here, it must be admitted that there is bohdanovka, he is there... then he used the resources of his airborne troops, this is the 317-225th regiment, we can also play an infantry unit, this is 200 and strengthened somewhere with a voluntary inter-assault unit of his such there, so that it is quite difficult for us the situation, er,
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recently the pentagon announced that the ukrainian artillerymen are already experiencing a shortage of 155-caliber shells. can you confirm, deny, or say nothing about this? well, i would say that there is a need for such a caliber, we have it, it was there all the time, and it is the same today it is very, very necessary, it is true , but i must say that i take it for my unit, we still have such a caliber, there is something to impress the enemy, but of course, this is not what we would like to have, i would like to have more and... we understand that it does not happen, a sufficient number, if we talk about it, well, you have actually been fighting with this caliber for two years with western artillery systems, how they show themselves, is it true that there are some that are there did not turn out to be very reliable and ready for
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field conditions, or vice versa, well, what an impression in a word, the impressions are good, well , before i say the above, i will say that before this we really fought on soviet... weapons systems, we had such, let’s say, a trailer like the 236, they are also a good system, it must be admitted that it is not bad, but knight caliber, it is quite accurate, but you asked questions about projectiles , then it must be admitted that the consumption of projectiles , due to the fact that they are quite accurate, is much less with us than it would be on soviet systems, nevertheless soviet systems are more calculated and some, not all, some, precisely by plane to work, here... we work more precisely, here we need two or three projectiles to hit a target, even a heavily armored target, such as a tank, eh, they show themselves well in winter conditions, in the perspective that personnel, the crew, the calculation that is in the car, he still has the opportunity
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to rest, there is a heater, you can make tea, coffee, that is, it must be recognized that this is a different level than... the one we were fighting before, that is there are of course their shortcomings, because they will be tested by war, they will be tested in under difficult conditions, they are working, it will be constructively completed, of course, in general , they have a very good weapons system, if we talk about the russians, about the enemy, then they had a lot of complaints, well, in various telegram channels, about the quality of supplies, about the quality of shells. .. enough with the dprk that there, someone there literally wrote that if it came out of the barrel, then it is already considered a success, or are you also faced with the fact that their shells are of poor quality, as it is indicated, yes, last year in the fall, there is still a yellow moon, when only these
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projectiles began to arrive in russia, there was an uproar there, oh my god, and we handsome guys are in such a spirit there, but really everything... these turned out to be a completely different reality, they are not of very good quality, they are transmitted from storage bases, since the soviet times, of course the koreans, they are not stupid either, they give you a god that they are no longer worthy of their term, that is why they really have lost some of their properties, that is why it is not possible to calculate the accuracy from the firing tables from which number should be, of course, also is and the shortcomings of their projectiles, there they can really explode when they leave the barrel, they may not even hit the target as accurately and far from accurately, well, to this
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is also added the wear of the barrel itself, they also received in addition to the barrel 122mm gunnery, this is for bm21. there are also problems there, that is , we can say that they shoot, they fly, but not all of them, and of course, some of them even cause personal harm. composition directly, which uses them, well, and weapons. yes, there are such cases. russians are starting this year, started with such, different, how to say it, boasting, or how to say it with the most aggressive, optimistic rhetoric that we will capture, at least donbas by the end of the year, in your opinion, do they now have enough for this means? if you look at the situation realistically, after all, you can brag,
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you can tell fairy tales there before the elections, after the elections, too, but if you look at the reality, then it is completely different, and today we see it, and before the fact that they are there , collect this quantity, this scrap metal, are gathering weapons, gathering personnel, but it must still be admitted that the motivation of those soldiers who... who are at the front is not the same at all, they simply take us in numbers, they press, press, press, and they are many of they are going under compulsion, under internal compulsion of the army itself, uh, what do you think the ratio of losses according to what you can say about bakhmut, can we say that for us the fact that we are still in active defense, and let's hope that it will be like this until the end, well, sometime this year. it will be to our advantage precisely in terms of the destruction of the enemy's manpower and equipment, well
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, according to the number of losses, i will not tell you any ratio today, but i can say that in general, if you look at bakhmut, then bakhmut played and will play its role in that , that we will still redraw their military-military strength, he really loses a very significant amount of both personnel and equipment, although he took ... that cliché when they tried to storm last autumn and near it even as much as a whole cemetery of their scrap metal, moreover, from their point of view, scrap metal is enough for the same modern tanks, that is , the bakhmut direction continues to play its role in the destruction of the russian army as such, that is, we will transform it from the second army of the world, we will transform it into some kind of one in the place of ray. mr. oleg, thank you very much for this conversation, oleg kalashnikov, the press officer of the 26th
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artillery brigade named after general khronzhuv roman deshkevich was with us on the air , they were talking about how ukrainian artillerymen are fighting in the eastern direction in donbas, well, we are going now serhii zgurets will continue for a short break. so we will ask serhiy zgurets about the new post of maryana bezuglo, who is considering candidates, possible candidates and even wrote profiles on them like this. chuck norris, mickey mouse, my friend from dordom, acting as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. this is maryana bezuglai's new fantasy, but we understand that maryana bezuglai's page on facebook means that somewhere it might be on someone's mind. after a break, we will return and continue. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol must... be had, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute
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the shipping area of ​​the inclusion live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in the new two-hour format even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with... rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. so, dear friends, we are back on the air. serhiy zgurets, military expert, director of the defense express company joins us. and mr. sergey, we congratulate you. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. mr. serhiy,
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maryana bezugla wrote hers. post 9 hours ago, maybe there are some more recent ones, but this one somehow took my attention, and i took the post for three photos of three soldiers people, she even tried to make them in the same color, placed them so close to each other, so the person spent time, and not only did she compile this photo like this, she also... she wrote such a profile for each of them, and i started my post about the fact that there are many rumors, many people ask, so i will write briefly about the main contenders for the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and there is written about each of them, there is syrskyi, there is budanov and there is yevhen moysyuk, and everyone there she writes a description, pluses and minuses, about budanov
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writes just such some enchanted all kinds of pluses. there are risks, the special service is not the armed forces, intrigues, yevhen moysyuk writes that he is cheap, it seems to her an advantage, but also risks. well, it is written about syrsky that this is a 58-year-old classic, a positive, the entire complex of knowledge about the armed forces and the enemy in colossal management and combat experience, the architect essentially freed the most captured territories. sometimes, when maryana bezugla writes something on facebook, we understand that what is on her tongue. does anyone have any idea what this post would mean and what do you know about these people other than everyone knows what's in the mediaptor? well, first of all, it seems that we are now trying to get out again on some kind of information trap prepared by maryana bezugla, related to the discussions related
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to the changes of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, we remember that this is history. somewhere since december, even november of last year, when there were first rumors that the president wanted to remember the hard worker, there were publications, first by the executive branch on this topic, with such touches, then in tims this topic was raised with given the fact that there is said to be some political or ideological friction there between the president and his commander, one way or another there is a question of...mines, then we remember that umir, who was, it seems, tried to dispel these rumors there in january, there was a trip from zaluzhnye to menov and silsk. where they took pictures together and there omirava indicated that no changes are planned and so on, and we understand that the question of replacing the needle
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is actually more of a political issue, and which , in my opinion, is not timely at all, now we have an issue related to the implementation of an effective defense system, and all these personnel changes, in my opinion, do not change the situation, because even all these individuals that we ... talked about, they are now, well, in particular, whether syrsky or budanov or masyuk is there, they are now performing their functional duties in different directions, and this personnel change, from the point of view of the effectiveness of the management of the armed forces, it will not change anything, in my opinion, if such the change will take place, then it will only have some political overtones, which will be in principle interpret all our citizens. the main challenge for me right now is the fact that right now, in addition to maryana bezogli, there was literally a certain yevhen cherniv there yesterday, who is
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the deputy of the defense committee, when he is asked about the law on mobilization, he says that we will wait there in february of this project, we will see what the ministry of defense and the general staff will do there, i was surprised by this, because in fact the question of mobilization is not the question of my general staff. this is a question of the whole society, of the political power, which should provide effective solutions that will meet the needs and opportunities of society. the general staff fights, the ministry of defense provides, but political trends are set by politicians and the higher military-political leadership. if it is now trying to blame the general staff of the ministry of defense, then this is just such an attempt to stand up for the war and avoid responsibility for the things that are happening now. in particular, there is a lack of personnel, the issue of providing the armed forces with one or another type of weaponry is precisely the political responsibility of the higher
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of the military and political leadership of the country, so in any case, i think that all these conversations about finding new people for the position of the head committee are, in my opinion, completely inappropriate, but we see that these issues are being raised again, which is echoes, as i understand certain scheming... there are wishes rather in the president's office than in other constituent entities of our state. mr. sergey, what is happening right now is the biggest nato training in the last few decades, called stadfast defender, stable defender, so that they mean that they demonstrate that we have an interest in these too. training, well, it’s really the most powerful training, it seems since the 80s, about 90 thousand military personnel
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of different nato countries take part in it, they work out interaction in reproducing a conditional scenario where russia attacks one of the nato countries, although there, of course, in the documents do not mention russia, but according to the logic of the exercises, we understand that this is an attempt... to reach a new level of interaction, in my opinion, these are very positive - learning steps, in my opinion will continue, it seems, until or until march , that is, this is such a long process of coordinating these units, and this is such, well, a significant answer to the statements of the russian federation regarding the fact that certain nato countries will be in the crosshairs of russian actions there, and this is actually how i think it will be an important impetus for... in addition to working out effective procedures for interaction between nato units, it will also be an impetus for european politicians to more effectively influence the improvement of
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the defense industry of all nato countries, therefore that everyone understands that the need for armaments is critically necessary for all nato countries, including ukraine. in any case, i understand that these trainings will have some. effect, although russia is now actively trying to spread the word that these exercises there, well, are such a significant reaction to nato, you see, we are at war with ukraine, and we can see how nato reacts to it, that is, russia will now use it for propaganda purposes, but in any case, the meaning of these teachings is absolutely appropriate to the realities that are now is being developed in europe, especially since the europeans... for the whole time, well speaking, did not perceive russia as a threat, now we see that the concepts of nato are also changing, and these concepts now need such, well, certain
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filling, and precisely this filling well in... is implemented in the format of these multilateral exercises, which cover all countries of the alliance, well, all types and types of troops operating in the european theater of military operations. in fact, the commander of the estonian defense forces, martin herem , stated that the newly discovered e-e shows about the fact that russia is able to produce ammunition and recruit troops at a very high pace, in large volumes, and even more than they are capable of. our allies, this, this, this was the impetus for these trainings or trainings to go their own way, according to their own plan, but this information according to their own plan, as a matter of fact, will it sober up the nato member countries a little? well, when we're talking about threats from the russian federation, we've seen a lot of different scenarios in the publication where it's been said that there's a gap of three to five years
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the russian federation can restore. its military power and to carry out attacks on the countries of the alliance, different time indicators are called, but in any case they reflect the real concern, rather , of the military countries of nato in various scenarios that they consider dangerous for the security of their countries, and of course these exercises are a reflection longer-term strategies of the alliance in understanding russia's behavior in the near and medium term. as for statements from the baltic countries that russia has more capabilities than predicted, then this rather, it concerns ammunition, because the same estonian intelligence said that the rate of ammunition production in russia is somewhere within the range of 2 million per year, plus 1 million, which it received there from north korea, that is, in fact, these three million allow
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the russians there to carry out the intensity of the use of ammunition there within the limits of 8 thousand per ammunition per day, while now the indicators of the ukrainian army there range from three to five, and rather closer to two, because what is happening now certain savings in ammunition, in view of delays in supplies from the united states. russia is taking measures to restore industrial defense, european countries see this, and i repeat, this challenge is really related. in order to adequately respond to russia's capabilities, it is being realized, on the one hand, in conducting maneuvers, exercises, strengthening coordination between nato countries, and on the other hand, it is an impetus for the development of the european defense industry, this challenge is noticeable, and also we see that somewhere in a year the european and american defense industry plans
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to jointly produce up to 2 million passports per year at factories in europe and the united states, although europe raises even higher rates, in particular, germany concluded an agreement with the baltic countries to create another factory in the baltic countries with the manufacture of ammunition, that is, in fact , slowly, but on a sufficiently large scale, the european defense industry is gaining ground, i hope that it will really be capable. wat the potential that is now trying to develop the russian federation on its territory. well, the 155th projectiles are not in the quantity that one would like, but there are, i just talked about it with the press officer of the 26th brigade. thank you very much for this conversation, serhiy zorets, a military expert, director of the defense express company, was with us. well, we remind you that at 9 o'clock in the morning all of ukraine, all ukrainians remember and honor the moments of silence, the memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by
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russian aggression. further. espresso will host the radio liberty project svoboda ranok, and andrii seichuk and i will return to the air at 10:10 a.m. and let's continue our broadcast, and now there is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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