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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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a day, so convenient, quertin immuno, bleeding and inflammation of the gums, my advice, lakakal active, lakakal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and noticeably tightens the gums. lakalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lakalut aktiv++ with two-phase technology and a plus of active ingredients. for even more active protection, lacal activ+. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday, the verdict
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with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to... events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports on them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat in the studio event with anton
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borkovskii over espresso. dear friends, we back to the aether, this is the final half hour of our part of our participation in the espresso marathon. andrii saichuk and lesya vakulyuk will conduct this half hour for you. i would like to remind you that we have a fundraiser going on, you can still donate some money to the 141st brigade for all kinds of military equipment, for radios, batteries for them, for starlinks, for binoculars, for rangefinders, for scopes, for detectors, drone detection and much more, which is very much needed on the front in order to minus the muscovite, now you see two numbers of two cards on your screens, and also qr codes, the qr code that, if you look at the screen on the right, is the qr code that you need to scan. if you go to the private-24 application and
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find the scanner function there, only in this way will you be transferred to the appropriate section, where you can leave a few of your hryvnias, it doesn't matter how much, your participation is important, because even those 5 hryvnias that are already in the private account, i saw the statements iryna koval sent me, someone sent 5 hryvnias, someone 20 00 hryvnias, and every... hryvnia, every donation, regardless of its size, is important, so thank you for joining us, we have 130, 177 hryvnias 92 kopecks on the monocard account, a little more than 40 thousand on the private account, we are confidently moving towards our goal, our goal is 1 million hryvnias. well, i am glad to introduce our guest today in the studio yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, we have you, mr. yevhen, we welcome you, congratulations, glory to ukraine. i wanted to start with such
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a little international topic, i know that olesya has other questions, we learned, in particular, why robert fitso came to us, with whom, with whom on the agenda, what he wants from ukraine, that this is his third visit to us right away, the truth is that the man just arrived in uzhhorod, although he said that it is scary in kyiv, everything is calm, well, he says, i will not go beyond uzhgorod, shmygaleva, i had to go to uzhhorod to meet with him, but it turns out that after the meeting, fitso said that he agreed with shmyhal, and ukraine will continue to supply gas, in particular to europe , russian gas through ukraine, and this gas is received by slovakia, partly by italy, and austria, the main ones now consumers in general although these volumes have fallen, in the 20th year, it seems , there was a peak, we supplied as much as 120 million cubic meters of gas per day in europe, because of this,...gasogon,
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now it has dropped three times, nevertheless 40 million, these are large volumes , shmygal said that we do not intend to extend the contract with russia, for anyone at all, probably now the revelation from our viewers, which actually reveals. we still pump a huge amount of gas despite the war with this gas pump and oil as well, but nevertheless it is like this, however, shmygal has already declared that this is all false, and he fits i didn't promise anything like that, here it is , i think that the slovak prime minister was misled about the ukrainian government system, because in the conditions of the existence of an office-presidential republic, talking with your ukrainian colleague and agreeing with him on something are different things . fortunately, as far as we, that is, he thought, he came to the prime minister, he thinks, i am the prime minister, i am the head of the slovak language, yes, of course, well, there is a parliamentary republic, we have an office-presidential republic today, in fact, although actually, according to the constitution, it is a parliamentary-presidential one, and i, for example, i understand very well why the office
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of the president is studying the idea of ​​creating a government of national trust, because if not if, i will even say more clearly when it will be created. the government of national trust, the chances to move from office-presidential to parliamentary-presidential, to return to what is defined by legislation, i remind you that martial law does not provide for restrictions on the constitution as such, i.e. there may be restrictions on gatherings due to the relevant rules of martial law state, but the power system as such does not change, the volume the powers of the president are not extended. the scope of powers in general, it is not possible to change the constitution during the war, the law prohibits it from being changed, and accordingly, her fizo just thought that he came and agreed with his, he really is not all about everything, as far as i know, well, for three or four hours spent on a visit to ukraine
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, literally, that is, he was here until lunch, and i think he could have had lunch in bratislava, maybe have lunch and no, i’m already at home, well, yes, but there was no joint approach to the press nothing, that is, they squeezed there... they signed the most optical joint declaration , well, i have the impression that in ukraine it is very well that slovakia supports the peace formula of volodymyr zelenskyi, and what sane european politician would say that he will not support the peace formula that gives a chance to end the biggest at the moment there is no war in the world, none, and orban will sign it if he says that he... well, if mygal is not number one in ukraine now in terms of influence, then what is his ordinal number, i don’t know according to the rank of the weight of power well i think he is in 50 enter for the first time, but no more, i
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won't say more precisely, arahamya is higher, i think that it is higher, yes, okay, 41 deputy and adviser of yermak is higher, it is the same, it is the office-presidential republic. you understand, who sees volodymyr zelenskyi more often and communicates with him, i think rahamiya sees more often than shmyhal, it is hardly a secret for anyone, 41 generally turned out to be in favor, not all, not all advisers, of course, they they reach volodymyr zelenskyi every day, well , it doesn't happen like that, of course, that's understandable, i think advisors to the head of the president's office carry more weight than advisors than some advisors. the president himself, it is an interesting model system in our country that is slowly coming together, by the way, president zelenskyy again raised the topic of elections, since his powers are ending according to the constitution now, and if there is an understanding regarding the parliament that it simply
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continues until the end of martial law, then regarding the president does not have this explanation, and he again said that he would be ready and would like to hold elections. wait, it was so recently, there was a thesis that there won't be elections, well, it seems like there won't be, but he would like to, if i understood correctly what president zelensky said, you understand what the problem is, it seems to me that our government is in its system, it doesn't quite understand , that the idea of ​​holding elections in conditions of war is a russian information and psychological operation, i will now explain why. because the idea of ​​holding an election for a position whose function assumes that of the supreme commander assumes that the people who will be swamped, they will criticize the incumbent supreme
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commander in chief i understand that the fear of the president's office is that valery zaluzhnyi will come forward and speak, but i don't think that valery... zaluzhnyi in the conditions of war with russia will say: you know, i'm already tired of fighting here, i'd rather be swamped in president, i emphasize right away that i am not personally familiar with either zelensky or zaluzhny, i am analyzing their...personalities from the side and i will say that as far as i am concerned, i am just now in lviv, the forum of political scientists, in fact, why am i in lviv, and i am trying to give professionally correct definitions, and that's why i look at what is happening, i, as a person who has a little bit of a certain understanding of how elections take place, i can say that... hard-working, for example, if he took on the authority
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of the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, his popularity would decrease very quickly, well, if he did it voluntarily, if the authorities want to remove him, then it would seem that his popularity has nowhere to go, then his popularity will grow, this is also obvious, because ukrainians have one peculiarity, that we as a nation, despite all our collective shortcomings and virtues , very we don't like to be considered. than we really are, and this is a point that is quite clearly manifested and quite clearly visible, that is, the election of the president is also the election of the supreme commander, purely technologically, this means that russia can register or try to register a certain number of presidential candidates, if the election announced, and which will simply waste... time and money to smear our entire reality even more, and they will
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have access to public broadcasting channels, they will be able to buy advertising time on various television channels, and this is the scenario, well, which in my opinion is obvious, listen, this is the government of national unity, again, recently there were comments from oleksiy danilov that we have no opposition, i mentioned, by the way, how i know oleksiy danilova, in 2000 , i worked as the chief editor of the institute of mass information, which was a partner of reporters without borders, in 2000. i went to meet with him as a disgraced mayor, who was persecuted by the luhansk party of regions , his tv and radio company ether-1 was closed, i now i remembered how i know him, then he believed that he was an oppositionist, there is an opposition, and the way we now like to remember kuchma's phrase, it was already, just when... in the state, one of the goals of the war , which against
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russia is not to position itself as a small russia, they say that we have no opposition, then to whom is it broadcast, it is broadcast to our american partners, who cannot decide in any way how to provide us with assistance or not to provide assistance, whether it is broadcast to our european partners, who are about to determine, allocate 50... years to ukraine and for sufficiently focused things, i.e. for the restoration of the economy, for the purchase of weapons, this is a separate item of expenditure, and it is smaller, and there too hungary continues to poke ukraine's butts, forgive me for such a non-literary expression, but i think that on january 29, after the meeting will take place in the yarmak sijarto-kuleba triangle, that's it. we will be fine, well, almost as well as in a fize with a shuttlecock. okay, all the same to the topic, to the topic
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of the national unity of the government, that is, they showed in particular, a poll that people, despite the fact that this topic is not raised somewhere in the marathon , is the only news, but people know about this topic, and the majority of ukrainians are in favor of having such a forum, so that such a government of national unity has appeared, and this, by the way, would be the answer to what to do when the powers of, for example, president zelensky expire. well , a parliamentary parliamentary-presidential republic has created a national government, we simply found ourselves in a situation where, in the conditions of war, for a number of reasons, we can talk about them for hours, we can't hold parliamentary elections, we can't hold presidential elections, we can only change the composition of the government, the composition of the government can be changed, that is, there is nothing, well, there is nothing extraordinary in the fact that er... the current the composition of the parliament, it is entirely within his powers, he told denys shmyhal
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, thank you, you are a record holder, you have been in the position of prime minister longer than mykola azarov, but just as few people knew azarov for yanukovych, so now few people know shmyhal for zelensky, i you i will honestly say that shmyhal's government is the first in my career, because i started as a journalist who writes about politics and a political expert, where i don't remember the ministers. i just don't remember the last name, they are invisible, you understand, they are not, well, the boy is still visible, no, well, the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, there is the minister of internal affairs, there is a buga. you can just hold quiz contests live, name the minister of ecology, natural chickens, there has been no minister for a long time, the ministry of culture has been without a minister, for example, well, it’s been more than six months, and nothing and nothing, as he said, what are we fighting for if we don’t even have a minister of culture, no, roosevelt should have said that , because zelensky was compared, and reagan, because zelensky
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was compared to reagan during the presidential campaign campaigns, well, actually, if we're talking seriously, it's... the government of national unity is the ability to expand the issue, to expand the powers and to expand the responsibility, to, well, if you like, give points to different actors, so that they work with it, only one thing the question is, in practical terms, what did this government look like, that is, taking into account the level of our political culture, in particular, the main actors of our politics, what will the government look like? theoretically, yulia tymoshenko will sit, i don't know, petro poroshenko, and who else, zelensky will be in the government, not necessarily, why? and why , for example, cannot be the prime minister in the government, well, for example, viktor penzenyk, why can't ihor mityukov be the minister of finance, why can't it be, we have pavlo sheremeto, rashkovan, yes, well, if
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rashkvan will want to come here with the imf, and so will he will not come, as we understand it, without real... authority, well, how about, well, they, you know, this is a feature of people who have achieved something in their life, if they are told that you will come here, you will simply work with screen, so a person can say, you know , well, why am i going, i can work here and make at least an adequate line in my resume, since it is still too early for me to think about a pension and a golden parachute, okay, this means that in fact to the president... and not so much even to him, as to people from his surroundings, then will have to give up power, or at the very least , return to the format of power that is defined by the legislation of ukraine, simply if this is not done now, then the prospect of returning to such a format, to put it mildly, under
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other, even more dramatic circumstances, is growing, and if someone... didn't understand, we have a situation around the russian il-76, how many 48 hours have already passed, it showed that we do not have a state information policy from the word at all, ugh, i spoke to your colleagues yesterday in velikiy lviv remembered, but before that there was a presidential decree this week in honor of the day of the sobornost about the historical ukrainian lands, tell me who during these 48 hours said that this plane crashed on the ukrainian historical lands? in us, that is, in one, in one system of government, some people do not know what others are doing and preparing, and no one wants to take responsibility, because they are simply responsible, well, there is a direct dependence, the more authority you take on yourself , the more responsibility there will be, it is obvious, but when
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a system of solid advisers is created, and so on well, you mentioned arestuvych, and which one corresponds? seristovych as an adviser , which he bore political responsibility , that is poroshenko's conditional political responsibility, yes, he was president for his term, he was not re-elected, this is political responsibility, yushchenko's political responsibility before that, uh, well, i don't accept yanukovych, because there were other circumstances, yushchenko was the president, he was not re-elected, he had a 5% rating in the first round, huh, that is, it is on... it is called flying, and what is the political responsibility of an adviser who can appointed to a job, and then he can effectively put the certificate on the table and that's it, well that's it, actually, today you already mentioned the name of this man who is in his fifties, those who are closer to the president, mr. rahamia, and he
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said such interesting words about the fact that now... er, change defenses are working to have a normal campaign, er, the campaign is like this, he believes that all civil servants should go to the curb, live, not some vib groups and deputies too, i exactly, i'm actually the ideologist of this, i'm quoting his words, we have to study there, everyone in different groups, with ordinary people, we have to eat with them, communicate with them, then everyone will see that it is not so scary, moreover, i do not envy the commander of uchepka, where there will be many deputies and there will be bad at... teaching, you understand , that they will simply erase it, they will change the personnel until they establish some level of training, all the deadlocks in the country should be occupied, i believe that it is necessary, ministers also have deputy ministers, heads of departments, but they should study, said mr. arahamia. there is one problem, it was already, it was already in performed by valery pustovoitenko. at that
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time, privatization had not yet been carried out in our country, but before the presidential campaign of 1999, pustovoytenko conducted civil defense training, several dozen or even several hundred directors of state-owned enterprises were gathered, that is, until they organize the payment of their workers there and... first, it already happened, now even before the large-scale invasion of russia, there was already a visit of the servants of the people to the ato zone, ugh, but something i don't remember the great pathos, well, that is, they went there for a day or two, but in i have, well, this is my assessment that there were more shouts, take us back as soon as possible, that is, i understand that no one... aims to conduct training for deputies, ministers and everyone else somewhere in the front-line zone, well it's just inhumane in fact, but, well, again, it's this
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idea, it, you know, it resembles the desire to make israel, but as in the anecdote, when an orthodox jew goes to the door and he, excuse me, excuse me, on the sabbath goes and see a wallet with money, and he turns to god, says: "god, make it so that there is thursday". it is impossible to make israel out of ukraine because, for example, at the moment in israel, with all its shortcomings, a person who did not go through military service simply cannot make a political career there, or at all , that is, we have to start from the law first , from about mobilization, that is, they have it first, and arahamia there mentions that we have 17 statements from the servant of the people faction, that is,
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people who took the oath of parliament in 2019, now they decided that they had already played poker, i understand correctly, well that is, in the conditions of martial law, in the conditions of the coalition of victory announced at the beginning of the russian large-scale invasion, there was such a phrase: very good, and the coalition of victory in the format of a constitutional majority, there were already more than 300 deputies, however, it was not formalized, by the way, to the question, to the question of how to re-form, you can simply dissolve the servant of the people faction and create a new, new coalition, so to speak, so that everyone enters there, such things, such an imitation of fragile activity is actually a very dangerous game, because i repeat, ukrainians don't like it when the government... considers them to be more stupid than they really are, but maybe that's what people want to hear, for example, those who say, let the deputies go and fight, but they will see the deputies as apprentices, well that's it there was logic, but, that is, this
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is a simplified version, china, a chinese fake instead of a real brand, we just see that israel this week, for example, hid the son of one of the ministers, and it turns out that almost all the ministers have children now fighting in the gas, and this is israeli. well, you, you understand in fact, it is not possible, well, in ukrainian realities it cannot be done so, so quickly , it is impossible, ugh, mr. yevgeny, thank you, thank you for coming to our studio yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, was in we are a guest, thank you, dear viewers, who spent this morning with us, lesya vokulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, we will see you tomorrow also at 7:10 and we will spend saturday afternoon with you. not only the morning, but we remind you that we have a collection going on, join us with your donations, join in with your hryvnias, for today we have collected approximately 15,000 hryvnias, but this
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is not the limit, 13 hryvnias, it would be good to collect more to keep today's norm, thank you, papa, have a nice day, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias, as well as a reliable battery complete set, call now and order, free delivery is available, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just
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kateryna works in the studio. russia is blocking broadband.


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