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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. russia blocks the creation of an international commission independent experts who could establish the true reasons for the downfall of the russian il-76 plane near belgorod. andrii yuso, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said this. he emphasized that the creation of an international commission is logical and justified. let me remind you that on january 24 , a russian plane fell in the korochan district of the belgorod region. ill-76 military transport aircraft. gur does not rule out that there could be missiles on board. russian propaganda convinces that the plane was carrying ukrainians prisoners for exchange. the pre-trial investigation into the russian oligarch, deputy chairman of the state duma of the russian federation oleksandr babakov has been completed. as reported by the state bureau of investigation, the indictment was handed over to the court. according to the investigation, babakov voted for. federal laws regarding
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the illegal inclusion of zaporizhzhya oblast and kherson oblast together with snighorivskyi and oleksandrivskyi districts of mykolaiv oblast into refia. he also justified and recognized it as legitimate on the airs of russian propaganda channels russia's armed aggression and temporary occupation of ukraine. another 17 representatives of the people wrote applications for drawing up the mandates of people's deputies. this was stated by the head of the faction davyd arakhamiya. he assures that the parliament is expecting a crisis. currently , there are 401 people's deputies in the verkhovna rada. in the near future , another will make a mandate due to medical reasons. according to rahamia, in order to keep the parliament legitimate, the servants of the people will not vote for the drafting of mandates. he scouted the bases of units of the armed forces of ukraine in the kramatorsk region. the security service detained him on the don. cheny
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of a russian informant, the man tried to identify the combat positions of anti-aircraft defense and heavy artillery of the ukrainian troops, prepared for the aggressor the layout schemes of fortifications and engineering barriers. i collected information on the instructions of a russian woman whom i met on social networks. an accomplice of the enemy kept a live grenade at home, which he planned to pick up if he was abducted by law enforcement officers. however, sbu employees armed the man in time. now he is behind bars. five men those who wanted to flee to moldova were detained by border guards. the movement of a group of people towards the transnistrian segment of the ukrainian-moldovan border was detected by the operator of the optical-electrical observation system. a team was sent to intercept them, and a drone was also raised, the state border service noted that the violators were detained. they turned out to be men of draft age from khmelnytskyi, odesa and zaporizhzhia. on hold. a protocol was drawn up, the cases were sent to
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court. the russians wounded six residents of mirnograd in donetsk region, among them two children, one man is in the hospital, the rest the injured did not require hospitalization. the enemy hit the city in the middle of the night - reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the administrative building was destroyed, seven high-rise buildings, a private house, a shop, an enterprise, a school and 29 cars were damaged. the number of people killed as a result of the russian missile attack on kharkiv on january 23 has increased. an elderly woman died in the hospital at night, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reported. let me remind you that on tuesday morning, the russians fired kh-32 iskander and s-300 missiles at kharkiv. they shot into a high-rise building. another 30 residential buildings damaged in total, 11 people have already died, including an eight-year-old child. from now on
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, you can take animals to the shelter, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine canceled the rule about not allowing pets into the shelter. even during the air alert, - reports the animal protection organization uanimals. but the owners must guarantee the safety of others and property. domestic animals, which may pose a danger, must be on a leash, and dogs, breeds that belong to the list of dangerous must be in collars, - the state emergency service noted. psychological and physical recovery during the rotation is offered to the military in the capital. charitable foundation. mercy and health created a cell where our defenders can turn. our journalists saw how recovery is taking place. artem stolyar defended ukraine in the kyiv region from the beginning of the great war. currently , the man is an officer of moral and psychological
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support, as no one understands how important psychological support is to soldiers on the front line, since he himself had problems after the hostilities in the kyiv region. the man was not sleeping well, so he decided to... to the rehabilitation center for military there were group classes, there were individual classes, the effect, well, everyone was impressed, and that is why i am happy, and i would like them not just to come here, and i would like this center to develop, to have as many such centers as possible. currently, artem advises all his brothers and sisters to visit the rehabilitation center in the capital when they are on rotation. here you can... communicate with professional psychologists and psychotherapists. usually , military personnel have time to attend up to eight sessions, psychological relief at the center reinforce with physical. fighters are offered classes with rehabilitators on special equipment or professional massage. if at first they were patients with
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adjustment disorders, like the rest of us, when full-scale war began, now they are patients with generalized anxiety disorder. post-traumatic stress disorder and some mixed, anxiety and depressive disorders. in addition to servicemen, the center works with their families. relatives will be helped to correctly maintain communication with the soldier during his stay the front it is necessary to somehow connect them and explain to them what to expect, how to behave, what not to do. and as it shows. the practice is that if there is psychological, psychological support, then the rotation of a military employee is more efficient. currently , more than 300 people have already received rehabilitation at the center, and the queue for help is very long. in addition to the centers
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, the charitable foundation has seven more mobile psychological support centers. all of them are located in the frontline territories. because we understand that as volunteers. we do everything that depends on us, but we cannot cover all the need, and it is huge. as doctors, we understand that this is a huge wound that needs to be healed immediately, and it is the wound of our society, and here i would like to emphasize that we should all be concerned, and we should all understand that only by uniting we we will be able to create a bright, restored, healthy society. the rehabilitation center plans to create additional cells to help as many military personnel as possible. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel opens a new collection of vital equipment for our intelligence. and we ask you to join this
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gathering. given the tense situation in the east, we are asking for help to fund an engine replacement in the recovery vehicle, an optical sight and a mavic for the third regiment's reconnaissance unit. special operations forces. your donation will increase the effectiveness of destroying the enemy in the eastern direction. in general, our goal is uah 480,000. so join the victory together. hryhor and hryhoriy tyutyunniki. a tape with such the name was presented in shilivka in the poltava region. the small homeland of the brothers, masters of the word, was chosen as the place for the first showing of the film. the three-part film is about the formation and creative rise of ukraine. novelist hryhor tyutyunnyk in the context of the work and influence of his older brother hryhoriy. he shot a ukrtelefilm film after a break of almost 20 years. watch the telepremiere of the tape on espresso on sunday, january 28 at 9:35
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a.m. you should write as if you were writing your last thing in life. there is no mystery of talent, there is an eternal mystery of love. control was difficult, and over the person as a writer grigory, he had literature - it's conscientiousness, it's truth, it's duty, it's a great responsibility for every word. for now, that's all the news for this hour, more, watch here.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. russian speculation around the fall. the fsb may be involved in the il-76 crash, were there any passengers on the plane? the kremlin is threatening a third world putin ordered to look for russian real estate abroad. who will undertake the deputization of russia? corruption during the war. seven officials of the ministry of defense received suspicions. the authorities responded to business complaints about harassment by law enforcement officers. about this and about other things in the future. hours, we talk with our guests, the head of the board of the public organization, the anti-corruption center, vitaly
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shabunin, serhiy hrabskyi, a colonel of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, and journalist roman tsimbalyuk. but before we start our big conversation, let's see video of a large-scale fire at the rosneft oil refinery in the city of tuabse , krasnodar territory of the russian federation, according to media reports, the plant was attacked. drones of the security service of ukraine. let's see. one firefighter, the other is leaving. where to?
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well the voiceover of this video was just incredible, agree friends, for those who are watching us on youtube and facebook now, please like this video, vote in our poll, today we ask you this, do you count on objective investigation of events? il-76, meaning the il-76 that crashed yesterday in the belgorod region and now russia is trying to torpedo ukraine with information about this plane. if you count on an objective investigation of the fall of il-76 on youtube, everything is quite simple: yes, no, or your answer, write in the comments. if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on the air, please pick up the phone and speak. if yes then 0800 211 381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are
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free, call, it's important for us to know your opinion vitaliy shabunin, chairman of the board of the anti-corruption center, is in touch with us. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. let 's talk about corruption, because corruption is now being talked about... in the ministry of defense of ukraine, and in nabu, and they show corrupt people, they are caught all over ukraine, and the case of the hrenkevychs is illustrative. in december 23, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, assured that there is now more than ever in ukraine the political will to fight corruption, and even earlier, zelensky himself said that there is zero tolerance for corruption. how would you characterized the current state of the fight against corruption compared to the previous authorities, because you have long
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been watching how all these schemes work and under what conditions they work, and how much this tolerance corresponds to zero one to two or three units? a global issue, like all yours, it is difficult to compare, ukraine has never been in a full-scale war, so it is difficult to compare. with the previous authorities, however, i want to remind you that 60% of the national budget is the help of the western allies, and - he steals... this money, it is just shooting himself in the temple, maybe it is, maybe the developed and corrupt infrastructure, maybe the strict rejection of corruption by the society that is at war, all of them, and maybe the coincidence of all these factors led to the fact that objectively, systemic corruption is less,
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especially after the change of the leadership of the ministry of defense, because before this change i... exactly where the biggest budget was, which was the ministry of defense, that's where they were stealing, stealing is already obvious, and this can be seen from the latest arrests and investigations of journalists and law enforcement officers , and you know, i wouldn't compare the scale here, because objectively the financial flow was decreasing, i would compare immorality, so stealing during the war in the ministry of defense is a moral bottom, that is. .. such, such cannot be forgiven, and i will remind you that the leadership of the previous ministry of defense was dismissed not out of goodwill, unfortunately, by the current authorities, under the pressure of journalistic investigations. from the first investigation on yaits leznikov to his release, seven very important months passed
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months during which it is not easy, not easy and not only. they stole from purchases, for example , from jackets, and what is worse, from weapons and ammunition, and did not do anything to destroy this corruption, moreover, many other important processes of the ministry of defense did not move, without which, which cost us many lives, therefore of the good, you know, for the audience, there are two pools in the ministry of defense. money for purchases, two parts of money for purchases, one money buys everything that does not kill, uniforms, food, fuel, equipment, thermal imagers, helmets, finally, the headphones are active, it is now these
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purchases, this money has been transferred to the so-called state, state operator tylo. this is a newly created purchasing agency with good procedures, with a good team, which already shows good prices, and this gives hope that this pool of money will not be stolen, that is , a repetition with reznikov's eggs at uah 17 or with the jackets you see on the screen now. which are not close to winter, this will not happen again, this is my cautious optimism, this is not a statement, we are watching these purchases, because despite the good in... agency teams we we can already see how those people who tolerated and tolerated corruption both in the ministry of defense and in the armed forces remained in their positions, and now they are starting to oppose these new, new rules and
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procedures, it is a little more difficult, that is, we, we are cautious optimists in the central committee of the communist party of ukraine money for... rear-end procurement, a more complicated story with arms procurement, there is the same defense procurement agency, that is, it is the agency that purchases weapons, unfortunately, until now there is no new head in this agency, and the agency is actually managed by the old management , so the attention of the new leadership of the mine. and experts does not allow this team to disperse as it was under the previous minister, but at the same time expect effective purchases from people who stole from them earlier in the year, so i will calmly tell you that i will be optimistic about this money when there is a new a manager with an impeccable reputation, this is about purchases
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in the defense industry. where else do we predict that there will be theft and where we see that they are stealing, this is the next largest flow of money after the defense industry - it is reconstruction, and you see many investigations, where the authorities at different levels, now, by the way, there is more local than national theft of reconstruction, buildings, infrastructure, roads, everything that after our victory will be... still being actively developed and billions of dollars will still go, so we are trying to stop it right now , to create such rules, under which it will be very difficult to steal, that is. so, if you draw a line under this, we are cautious and optimistic about the money of the ministry of defense, at least those that are not for weapons, we see a problem in
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construction purchases, because it is easiest to steal there, i bought concrete there for twice as much, and it can be 40% of the cost of the entire construction, and since it is not necessary to show the estimates, extract this price and see the prices. materials is very difficult, somewhere we are forced to do it directly through parliamentary appeals, asking for help from people 's deputies, not everyone wants to show their prices, as you understand, so somewhere yes, in relation to other departments, objectively the money has become much less, even if someone strongly wanted to part ways, well, there’s just nothing to steal from, the truth is, it’s true, mr. vitaly, this is kostin, the prosecutor general of ukraine, he says that... there are results of the fight against corruption in the ministry of defense, and several officials of the ministry have already been brought to justice, i suggest listening to this
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synchronicity and continuing the conversation, under the procedural guidance of prosecutors, specialized prosecutors' offices in the field of defense, about the suspicion of committing corruption criminal offenses were reported to seven officials of the ministry of defense, among them odious officials. who, according to the investigation , purchased low-quality bulletproof vests, bulletproof vests, one thing, about them already referred to the higher anti-corruption court, under the procedural guidance of the prosecutors of the specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense , two more proceedings are being investigated on the facts of the purchase of low-quality body armor and means of personal protection in the amount of more than uah 1.4 billion. mr. vitaly , i am most interested in this situation, have you not seen these large streams of money that flowed, it is big... a flow of 1 billion there is 400 million and with low-quality bulletproof vests and grynkevich there 1 billion, in my opinion, 500 million, if i'm not
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mistaken, that is, these are huge sums at the time war at a time when you are constantly borrowing this money from the west, didn't anyone see that it was going the wrong way, that it was going to the wrong people, did everyone see everything, everything was arranged for everyone, everyone was in the scheme, and now they throw up their hands, they say, well, listen, we are seven officials there ... uh, we put them in prison, then those who didn't see it should be put in prison, uh, i respect your audience, so i'll leave the conclusion for them, i'll give you a few facts, the most important: a there was no proceeding in the public field, there was no detention and even more so the officials of the ministry of defense had no suspicion of the scandal with the resnyky eggs, only when the journalist yury nikolov, well, he was later supported by his colleagues, got involved in the dunghill
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of the hellish purchases of the ministry of defense, then of course the authorities ran, because there it was impossible not to do something, there it was impossible not to investigate, there was too big a scandal and a series of others after that, so with all due respect to the law enforcement agencies, to mr. prosecutor general, why were you blind to this? can't we do without journalists again? the question is rhetorical, but let them draw their own conclusions what made your viewers accountable? one case has been brought to court, it has not yet been prosecuted, one case: of the top figures, well, significant figures, about whom it makes sense to talk about from the previous leadership of the ministry of defense, we are talking only about the deputy, about the deputy. and about the head of the department, yes shapovalov and the head of the department khmelnytsky, who are sitting like that, but this is a preventive measure, and they were not imprisoned
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, we take the case of the hinkevichs in a noisy way, there are two episodes, actually a bribe, everything is very simple there, but about the tender case, well, for now, yes , so far, on... the evidence base of law enforcement agencies, which surfaced when grenkevych was elected as a remand, well, yes, i will say very gently, he wants, very much wants better, and i'm still waiting for the hrynkevichs to suspect someone of actually changing the defense, because somehow it turns out that the hrynkevichs somehow made this whole story for themselves, somehow, well, it doesn't quite stick, well, i'll remind you about the bought ones. one of the beneficiaries of the scheme of food tenders, hotels in croatia, i think, for 20 million euros, there too as if there are still no special movements for this, for this
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money. here, i not only have a complaint against the old law enforcement agencies, which actively show their activities, despite the fact that they were silent all the time before the journalistic investigations, they did not see anything, i have complaints against the anti-corruption bodies, well, the anti-corruption bureau, first of all, friends, we have protected you for a long time, corruption in the war, this should be your priority, we still do not see much of your activity, so i have the law to the right. a big request to the native block and to the authorities: friends, let's demonstrate to the world that corruption is being fought in ukraine, primarily by the government and law enforcement agencies, there is no need to make journalists do someone else's work again, there are enough journalists to do, let's finally try without them, by the way , rustem umyerov, the minister of defense
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of ukraine, said that... there is a concrete result: 1.5 billion hryvnias, which appear in the corruption scheme for the purchase of artillery shells for the armed forces, have been returned to the budget, and this same story has been going on for a long time with these 15 billion hryvnias. earlier , the head of one of the main departments of the ministry of defense was detained, the sbu is working on the case in cooperation with and with the assistance of the ministry of defense. procedural management is carried out by the office of the prosecutor general. these are the changes we warned about. it is important not only to find. guilty of abuses, but also to return what was lost. we continue to work. mr. vitaly, when we talk about corruption of this caliber, who bears political responsibility for such corruption? that's a good question, let's get to those 15 billion first, it's a really good result. unfortunately, there is very little in the information field about what exactly it is about, that is, there are no details, i am waiting, it will be possible to have more details in the communication of the prosecutor general's office, because the truth
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is interesting about... what contract is in question, i will just remind you that zareznik 's dead debutorka amounted to 33 billion hryvnias, that is , it was money that was paid for goods to contractors, mostly taken abroad, and for which the army did not receive anything. 15 billion is cool, it's a good step forward, i 'll remind you that under resnikov, it was about 33 billion. come on, who is responsible for... and the corruption hell is prireznikov in procurement of the ministry of defense, the one who appointed him did not fire him, this, this is the vertical of the prez, so what, this is the vertical of the president, the minister of defense, this is the vertical of the president, and i understand that the president has a very a lot of cases, i treat it with respect and it's true,
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but when the journalists brought out... the story about eggs at uah 17 per piece, where there were documents, where there were contracts, where everything was obvious, well, okay, you didn't understand that time, or your advisors there didn't understand, or they didn't i know there, well, hands, i don't know, it's just that this investigation was in all the media of the world, then the undelivered shells, the ukrainian truth investigation, then the investigation about the jackets of the same nikolov, and then the investigation. on the investigation, we lost seven months, so the responsibility definitely lies with the person who appoints, i have a separate question for the parliament, especially the defense committee, for 7 months people did not notice corruption before the investigation, and for another 7 months after it , the relevant deputies did not placed corruption in
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of the ministry of defense, despite the fact that it is true that... still, they still taught, moreover, resnikov used the entire committee to lie to everyone that everything was fine, and the committee did not say anything, so, well, the political responsibility is clear, the president, and as far as i'm concerned, the specialized committee, which, because with reznikov , the corruption in the purchase of jackets there and a number of other investigations were not solved by the specialized committee, people's deputies on anti-corruption. the head of the committee, anastasia radina, and the deputy of the economic committee, yaroslav zheleznyak, who in theory, they should not be engaged in this, because it is the responsibility of the defense committee. such a story. thank you, mr. vitaly, for including me, i was glad to see you, and i wish you all the best. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us there, please
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