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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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moreover, resnikov used the whole committee to lie to everyone that everything was fine, and the committee did not say anything, so, well, the president understood the political responsibility and, in my opinion, the profile committee, which, for god's sake, reznikov, in procurement corruption, jacket there and a whole series of other investigations, not a specialized committee , people's deputies from the anti-corruption committee, head anastasia radina and... deputy of the economic committee yaroslav zheliznyak, who, in theory, should not be involved in this, because it is the responsibility of the defense committee such a story. thank you, mr. vitaly, for including me, i was glad to see you, and i wish you all the best. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us there now, please like this video, subscribe to our pages. and vote in our
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poll, today we ask you about whether you expect an objective investigation of the downfall of the ill-76 in russia. yes, no, everything is quite simple in youtube, either yes or no, write your comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote. if yes, then 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, so call. it is important for us to know your opinion. next with us is serhii grabskyi, a military expert, a participant in peacekeeping missions, a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. my greetings, nice to see you. come on, let 's start with the il-76 disaster and the last ones data, because yesterday russia pushed this story very seriously. and of course.
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there were many questions about how we react to this, whether it is right or wrong, whether we have data about what happened to the plane that fell in the belgorod region, whether there were ukrainian prisoners of war there, whether there were no prisoners of war there, andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, in a comment to radio liberty, said that russian high-ranking officials were supposed to fly on the il-76 after the plane crashed to the local morgue delivered only... five bodies, let's listen to what mr. yusev said: there were indeed supposed to be several vips from the military and political representation of the aggressor state on board, but at the last moment their names are known and will be named and the materials will be provided within the framework of the international investigation, but at the last moment the fsb actually ordered them not to get on this board and use other modes of transport, and it is also known that the representatives of... the russian ministry of emergency situations, who arrived
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at the scene of the events, were actually expelled from there by representatives of the fsb and the military, and they were not given the opportunity to inspect the site and locate this debris according to the protocol. mr. serhiu, given the information that we all have, what can you say about this story, this is another special operation of the fsb, this is a story that allows. russia to speculate on this and constantly make ukraine a terrorist, how to consider this whole story with the il-76 disaster? well, you know, i don't even know how to rate it, because this story really annoys me. this attention which we assign to a routine accident of a russian plane on the territory of the russian federation. it does not deserve this, and
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it must be understood, and the emphasis must be placed here, i understand that we are dealing with such a sophisticated or specially fabricated informational and psychological operation, here the emphasis must be placed on the following: the plane crashed on the territory of the russian federation, in the airspace of the russian federation. what was in that plane, well, i'm sorry, that's a matter... not ours, it's the matter of the russian federation, if we, listen, were paying attention for every such accident, well, excuse me, we would only deal with these, and what exactly the russian federation wants, and here the emphasis should be on the fact that we, as a state, which is in a state, well, one cannot say , of war, of an armed conflict with russian federation, we have nothing to do with it. moreover, it should be emphasized that
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in any case, under the circumstances, the country has the right to destroy any aircraft of the aggressor country that is in the access zone. of our air defense forces, and conduct, you know, very aggressive, i repeat, very aggressive an aggressive informational and psychological company in particular, where to turn to common sense, because there are certain specialists who understand how it is conducted, if we assume, and excuse me, such data cannot be given for more than a day, that is , we see that this bubble is bursting, which can be explained, by the way, in the head office. intelligence, there are specialists who deal with this, what does the term deconfliction mean, in such a situation, in general international relations, and to put the main emphasis on this, i will repeat again, we pay too much attention to every downed plane like this, i would say that the downed a50 and il-22 deserved more attention
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than this plane, what actually happened there, because in any case it is either incompetence or a crime on the part of russia. and it is precisely from this point of view that this situation should be considered, but not so much attention should be paid to it. we are paying so much attention to this situation, solely because russia is trying to convene the un security council this evening and accuse ukraine of complicity, as they believe of a terrorist act, because they bring ukrainian prisoners of war there, whom ukraine allegedly shot. there in the air of the belgorod region, president zelensky says that ukraine will insist on an international investigation into the situation surrounding the downing of this plane. let's listen to what zelensky said. it is obvious that the russians
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are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society. it is necessary to establish all the clear facts as far as possible, taking into account. that the plane crash happened on russian territory beyond our control, facts, this is the main word now, the chief commissar and general staff for the use of air forces heard. gur is engaged in finding out the fate of all prisoners. mr. serhiy, what should have been ukrainian, what should have been ukrainian counter-propaganda on this ipso, that is , was it necessary to explain something, or was it necessary to... deploy some kind of information response, because the russians immediately started working on it, literally in 30 minutes after the plane fell, russian propagandists could already be seen message boxes, which began to be distributed, message boxes, which were then quoted by absolutely all
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media, by the way, some ukrainian ones, well, mr. serhiy, let's go, i outlined with clear features which... we have some problems with the connection, now we will establish it again communication with serhii grabskyi, sorry, dear viewers, but this is a live broadcast, so anything can happen. today, as i said, the un security council, at the insistence of the russian side, must consider the issue of the il-76 disaster in the belgorod region, and once again we include serhii grabskyi. mr. serhiy, forgive me once more the connection is as follows. the connection is ours, what we cannot, what we cannot influence , so i will repeat once more, and the ukrainian reaction should be the following, let's say, according to open sources, we must state that the plane crash happened on russian territory , we have to state that the accident occurred outside
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the zone of our control, i emphasize the accident, it has not been proven that ukrainian forces used air defense means there. even if it happened, come on, this plane is a perfectly legitimate russian target on the russian side and must be shot down under any conditions, as regards the possible, i emphasize , possible and not proven, and now i have very strong doubts that they were there, according to my data, there was no such person there, we had to state that russia committed another terrorist act in this way, and that... because she did so without the notification of the ukrainian side, without the notification of the so-called third party that mediates similar processes, be it the red cross, be it the united arab emirates, be it qatar or else whatever force is involved in this, they did not ensure the safety of the personnel who
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were on that plane, if those personnel are considered part of a humanitarian mission, then the russian federation bears full responsibility for what happened. this is a war and this plane was not marked, it was not reported that this plane was on a humanitarian mission. thus , this aircraft is considered a legitimate military target. second. if even one of our prisoners of war was there along with some military cargo, i emphasize this an assumption that has a probability of 1-2% and no more, so we are dealing with another war crime of the russian federation, which is that they used prisoners of war as human shields, that is, we are dealing with a violation of the laws of war , and this is the russian federation again. to hope that, of course, we should have said that we demand a fair
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investigation and to find out all the circumstances, but you yourself understand very well that to hope that russia will allow someone to carry out some neutral investigation, these are, i'm sorry , vain hopes, if so very, very in such soft words, even more, and this was noted by you, including, the russian federation immediately drove away from the cities... catastrophes of those who carry a direct line, a direct obligation to provide, including first aid, in case someone survives. the fsb, the ministry of defense of the russian federation simply does not physically have the strength and means to provide such assistance. thus, there is a direct desire to cover up the consequences of the crime. you know, if there is bodies will be declared in the ukrainian form, then again, it should have been declared from the person himself. at the beginning, conducting, you know, such a subtle psychological game, and compare this situation
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with the end of the summer of 1939, when in lyawitz, the nazis shot, i don't remember whether there were prisoners or criminals, and presented it as a crime of the polish authorities , and it had to be done immediately, instantly on the basis of some legislative acts, on the basis of global practice, we had to do it, we will not elaborate here. shafts, but in any case, what would not have happened, today, it should, our message should be clear, this is a crime of the russian federation. mr. serhiy, this night the rosneft oil refinery in the city of tuapse, this is the krasnodar region of russia, was attacked by drones of the security service of ukraine, well, the defense forces of ukraine, let 's say this, ukrainian writes about this with reference to sources in the special services. the truth, in particular, before that we saw how oil refineries
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were burning in other parts of the russian federation, as far as you think, the transfer of military actions on the territory of russia where there are objects of critical infrastructure, objects of military infrastructure, as much as it can interfere with russia. er attack ukraine or , let's say, disrupt their logistical, these existing chains, and cause russia the damage that will stop their offensive, or stop their ability to attack, the territory of the ukrainian state. mr. sergey, look, everything is very simple here. as we have repeatedly heard during these two years of large-scale aggression, and there are three
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components of any war: it is money, money and more money, which is what i'm actually leading to, if we return to the example of not tuapse, but novatek, simply novatek - this service of the leningrad region is more of a vivid example to explain what is happening. a parallel question arises: who is the main importer of oil to germany? the answer is india. and the following question arises: does anyone really believe that russia drives its oil to india, where they are loaded onto tankers and go to germany, well, of course not. thus, striking such objects, like novatek in particular, or what you mentioned, then the obseniv processing plant, is a direct and derivative action of the ukrainian defense forces, which aim to undermine the economic capacity of the russian federation to wage such a war, and therefore such... strikes must be carried out and the intensity of such strikes must be increased
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as much as the available forces allow us and means of delivering such strikes, thus we are talking about the need for the so-called derivative struggle against the enemy, which means the following that the enemy can concentrate hundreds of tanks, hundreds of artillery systems, systems i'm sorry, but if they don't have... fuel, if they don't have ammunition, they turn into scrap metal, and this is the so-called evasive maneuver of the ukrainian defense forces, which allows us to qualitatively, qualitatively influence the actions of the enemy. reducing its ability to wage war both financially and materially, because without fuel tanks do not go, self-propelled artillery systems, trucks also do not go, other equipment does not move, striking critical infrastructure objects, so to speak it's also extremely important, and we have to do it, in particular, focus, and by the way, it
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was the russians who taught us, no one else, that is, we just do this, you know, strike back, this kind of boomerang nano. or strikes on objects of critical energy infrastructure, because you know, you can chase and try to destroy this or that workshop, but in today's time, when production is very decentralized and can be transferred to other directions, it is more appropriate to other power seems more expedient to try to destroy energy facilities in particular, because without electricity these factories simply will not work, and, accordingly, strikes. on the elements of the critical transport infrastructure, it looks like an extremely important element of our struggle, because the basis of the logistics of the russian federation is the railway, and their density is not as high as in ukraine, the enemy tried to strike the railway for a while, then stopped because it's pointless, but in the case
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of russia it works, it works quite effectively, thus transferring the war to russian territory. of the federation corresponds to our main task of the armed struggle to liberate our territories and stop the enemy. well, let's not forget that the russian federation is not conducting mobilization as a forced step of forcibly recruiting people into the army, because it has enough funds, and a significant part, the majority of those funds are made up of funds obtained from the sale of hydrocarbons. thus , the priority task for us, i would say, is striking those objects. by you by those objects, which we talked about with you, and it is a fair fight, and it should be so. mr. serhiy, during almost all of the last two years of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine, ukraine insisted that the west give long-range weapons to ukraine, and the missiles that fly into the territory of the russian
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federation reach that territory hundreds of kilometers, at least hundreds. the british mentioned long-range missiles in the cooperation agreement signed by rishi sunak with volodymyr zelenskyi, yesterday the german bid wrote that the british offered the germans to exchange the tauruses, that is , to take the tauruses to great britain, and to give the stormshade to the ukrainians, what do you think is holding back the event in the transfer of long-range weapons to ukraine? because it is obvious to all of europe that a demilitarized and de-nazified or de-racialized russia is still much better than a country that is at war, constantly trying to create new types of weapons and test them in real
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conditions, which holds back yours? west. two main points hold the west back today. let's not forget, as it were it was not there, the russian federation is a country of the nuclear club. this objectively restrains the west, and they should take this into account, because, you know, there are certain other international agreements that the west cannot violate either. these agreements speak, and we actually know from our history, from our examples, that any land-based weapon with a range of... 400 km can be considered as a means of delivering nuclear ammunition, these are international conditions, and this objectively deters the west. the second question, the second aspect, which or the factor that restrains the west, this is definitely the total unpreparedness of the west to repel russian aggression, and you know, for the last week, almost
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every day, i have been communicating with my colleagues and friends from the baltic countries, with whom i had the honor to serve. or to study at various courses and training schools, and we agree with them on one thing, that today the baltic countries, in particular the baltic countries, as well as poland, are absolutely not ready to repel russian aggression, and therefore, you know , they try to win minutes, hours, days, months in order to to prepare as much as possible for a possible repulsion of russian aggression, which , unfortunately, is becoming more and more from... in this direction, so these are two such main directions, why the west itself still follows such a policy, we, well, will change politics will definitely change, and the fact that countries are now considering the issue of transferring weapons to us is obvious, not only that, you know, here we are not finishing
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a little bit, again, if we talk about our cooperation with the west, because we have to present it as humanitarian mission, because ukraine is not at war with the civilian population, we are not attacking the civilian population of russia, and western weapons as more... highly accurate allows us to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties, believe me, i don't have any feelings about the russians as such after they done here, but still objectively, well, it is not humane, not godly to kill peaceful people, therefore, western weapons should be used for the sake of the interests of our joint armed struggle, for the destruction of military facilities, and precisely she can become such, well, a sword... of justice without unnecessary victims among the civilian population. mr. colonel, thank you for the conversation, this was serhii grabskyi, military expert, participant in peacekeeping missions, colonel of the reserve of the armed
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forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching us live there right now, please like this video, subscribe to our platforms, and most importantly, vote in our poll, today we're asking you... are you counting on objective investigation of the fall of il-76? yes no please if you watch us on youtube it's pretty simple if you watch us on tv pick up your phone and vote if you expect an objective investigation into the downing of ill 76 in russia 0800 211381 , no 0800-211-382, all calls are there for you. free of charge, call then we have my colleague, journalist, roman tsimbalyuk. roman, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate
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sergey. well, i don't know whether in this situation it is possible to ask you about whether do you count on an objective investigation of this story, because russia is quite active, aggressive, trying to spread its information, its lies, replicates, well... the machine is working, this propagandist of theirs is serious, or can we count on the fact that we will to have an objective picture of what happened in russia, considering that russia is now trying to bring this matter up through councils without the un, ukrainians shoot down russian planes, and russian pilots are poor and boys in panties, or how it used to be in 2014 year well, i agree with everything, i'm the only one would add to the boy in the panties that these are not just pilots, but military pilots, and
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this is not just a plane, but a military plane, and then we all go to february 24 of last year, when it was said that i had decided to start a special a military operation, that is, in a war, the military planes of the aggressor must be shot down, everything is clear to everyone, that they carry out this story. in naradbes, well, it would not be bad if some decisions were made there, they use it as an exclusive platform to carry their delusion, even the deputy kartapolov said that a message about what was going to be boarded was sent to the main intelligence agency of ukraine 15 minutes before, yes... before the departure, and before the departure or before the arrival, i don't know, well, i have information up to departure, i think maybe before the arrival, somehow it is so strange, it all sounds strange from the very
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beginning, they have already started trading, the most important thing is that it is not clear who was on board, it is still not clear, and in fact the criterion here is already very simple , in such situations, if the parties want to settle, you just do what, you let the red cross go, i don't know in... and so on, different countries, not only those who sympathize with us, let them watch, take mobile phones, film it, you see here, from time to time they give tours of the military camp - they are filming how the russians eat our ukrainian borscht there, they tell how much it costs the ukrainian budget, and many people in ukraine are very outraged by this, but they still eat more and eat lard and... and so on, that's the question, how many representatives of the red cross visited ukrainian prisoners of war,
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the answer is zero. well, the rest is actually built on this principle, that the information that comes from outside this territory is exclusively russian, russia is an aggressor state, and actually everything is clear, this is a military plane and they hit it, if we did it, it is clear why , well, let's not forget that... in terms of the number of planes that they themselves shot down, russia is not the last, well, we only need to remember prigozhin's plane, which they shot down in the summer of 23, mh17, which they shot down over donbass , well, these are basically the stories that were on the lips of the whole world, and that is, for them to shoot down their plane in general and blame someone for it
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absolutely no... there are no problems, that is, a terrorist country does it, a terrorist country then goes to the podium of the un security council and demands punishment for ukraine, that is , the entire security council throws up its hands, well , if a member of the un security council demands a special meeting, it is necessary to hold this special meeting, why do you think the council without the un and the united nations organization, which... the same lavrov has long since wiped his feet and well, he uses them for the wrong purpose, er, why do they allow this? and here we are, you know, this un diplomacy, well, it is very simple regarding these people's security forces, this is explained by the fact that she is not just a member of the security council, but a permanent member
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of the un security council with the right. veto, well, it’s all spelled out there, you see, they call on everyone to, as dmytro piskov stated, mean that they are ready for, that is, an international investigation, and on the condition that if it concerns the investigation of criminal, criminal actions of the kyiv regime, it was a quote, it's... you know how, we usually investigations are conducted in order to find out who, who is guilty, who did it and so on, they only need how to condemn us, but when there was a story of marriage 17, i remember very well, when the court decision had already been made and all these accusations had been made, putin came out, i
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was at... even at this event, it was in the courtyard of a guest house, in the center of moscow, and said that we did not take part in this investigation, and we we do not accept it, that's all, our arguments were not involved in the case, our investigators did not work there, and so on, and so on and so on further, it's just as long as they are in this and that military. the potential they have, they just spit on everyone and that's it, well , there's no need to be surprised here, and you don't need to be disappointed either, at least france, great britain and the united states - these are our allies in the united nations organization also have the status a permanent member of the radbe with veto affairs, there are also chinese friends who ask the question, we are always for everything good
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against everything bad, well, that is... what is the point that modern international law is written in such a way that a permanent member of the security council it is impossible to bring the un to any responsibility through this body, because they have the right of veto, because we have worthy representatives, our diplomats, they will say everything they need to say, but the russians will also say what they want, but it is nothing will not change, that's all, against this background, putin issued a decree on searching abroad. real estate that once belonged to the soviet union and the russian empire and the proper registration of rights to it, the united states of america actually perceived it as an encroachment on the american territory in alaska, and they said, listen, come on only without it, but medvedev said, no, let's go with it, and that he wrote his...


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