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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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nents together, so simple, one capsule a day, so convenient, quertin immuno, a person who has fallen into a coma, learns the news, there is, spartak saturday lied to everyone, who, now my girlfriend will come here, and her mother, also my girlfriend, grandma will be there, let's play something, show your google search history, the real search history, we're definitely playing. the elections were 100% for lebigovych, i suggest peeing and sleeping, or maybe i 'll look a little, wow, in general, it's like the first sex in two years.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of broadcasting time, two hours of yours.
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of time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, meet friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability. services and relocation,
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free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe, here you get support, advice and true friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow, join us, become part of our family and... with support national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine and enable me ukraine. more than 1,900 ukrainian children were deported to russia, and this is not the final figure, because russia refuses to provide complete lists of children deported from ukraine. in particular, ukrainian boys and girls were deported to russia. who, even before the start of the full-scale
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invasion, were in the temporarily occupied territories in residential institutions. and today we will talk about one of such difficult stories. this is 15-year-old sashko ivanov, who is now considered missing. boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of all the inmates of this boarding school, the occupation authorities. allegedly taken to russia, grandmother sashka told us about it, who is now in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson. we took them out of donetsk even before the war, just on february 10, when the boarding school was simply loaded and taken away, there are many children there. studied at a boarding school in donetsk. yes, i know that summer.
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in the summer i will drive them, and then again there rostov region. above all, svitlana oleksandrivna wants to find her grandson, and if he is really deported to the russian federation, then to return sashka to ukraine and take him under his care. although it is likely that sashko is actually in russia, this is currently not an accurate information that is currently being verified. and that's why i'm asking absolutely everyone who is watching this video right now. please take a close look at sasha's face, he looks 14-15 years old, medium build, light gray hair and kario. so if you know about sashka ivanova, if something happens, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline of the child tracing service by calling the free number 11630 from all mobile operators. also, it is possible that this program is seen on the internet in russia, youtube is still working there, so if
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you know if you have any information about sasha ivanov, can you confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website of the child tracing service or. on facebook or instagram of the child tracing service. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. let's not be indifferent and let's try to find sasha ivanov together. also, i ask each of you to share this video on your social media pages if possible. in general , the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide. so i want to note that if you know of any crime against a child for... separately, abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website stopcrimeua, you can do it even anonymously . i also ask you to give everything a few minutes of your time and go to the website
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of the children's search service. here in the section "missing children of ukraine" you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces and i will. i will be very grateful if you share information about missing children in your facebook or instagram, because, of course, the more people see the ad about the search for a child, the more chances there will be to find him or her, and suddenly you personally recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any. crime against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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an informational marathon on espresso is underway. tantin borkovskyi works for you in marta ulyarnyk studio. we have already fortunately returned to our studio from our studio in the hideout. serhii dibro, senior lieutenant, chief of service of public relations of the 21st separate mechanized brigade, joins our ether, welcome mr. serhiy, to espresso ether, and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day to all present. we can't hear you right now, we hope our editors will fix this technical error. we hope you can hear us. we would like to ask you to quickly describe the situation in the kupyansk-limansk direction. where exactly did you join us now? we know that the enemy is now. as if he changed some of his tactics, what exactly is it is, we would like to ask you personally, during the last weeks we have seen, somewhere more, several months, two months already, we see the intensification of the enemy's actions in our direction, and we are holding the defense in the
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lyman area, during december there were attempts to attack us in large numbers manpower, with the support of equipment , the enemy did not succeed very well, they said that he should achieve some successes there by the first of january, by the new year, but he did not achieve these successes, then he collected new forces for several weeks, we know that , he pulled up the live strength, equipment, and for about the last 10 days he is going on a new attack, even more even more like the last time, as they say, from this time we felt the impact of armored vehicles, a large number of armored vehicles, dozens of tanks, combat vehicles infantry, armored personnel carriers, now yes... they are fighting in front of our positions, our sappers, our gunners, our drone operators have worked very, very effectively, so the armored fist that he collected here has decreased, significantly decreased, dozens of vehicles remained on battlefield, and officers they say that this is how they imagined themselves from
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history textbooks, what the field near prokhorovka looked like, where there was a tank battle of the second world war, and now the number of armored vehicles has decreased, so they are increasing again. manpower attacks and increase the number of shelling, artillery shelling, sniper shelling of our positions. mr. senior lieutenant, actually we would like to ask you about the use of a large number of lives. their forces during meat assaults with the participation of armored vehicles, how do they arrange this whole thing, if we talk about the number of burned units, enemy tanks , armored personnel carriers and so on, well, approximately how many, it is 20, 30, 50, 100, during the last, last 10 days, we are talking about dozens of tanks, more than 20 tanks were destroyed, about a dozen, maybe more were already damaged and approx. where was the most difficult
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situation, where was the enemy most active, on which areas of the front did the enemy most actively try to advance? can you hear us now, mr. serhiy? mr. senior lieutenant, in which areas of the front of this so-called? there was a kupinsky arc the most difficult, where did the enemy most actively try to advance? yes, we understand, it seems that we cannot restore contact with mr. sergey dibrov, we understand that he is in the kupyansk-lymansk direction, he is a senior lieutenant, the head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade, actually managed to announce the information, and earlier it was also reported that the occupiers began to use new tactics that they had not used before, namely meat assaults with the use of armored vehicles and in the ground
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forces of ukraine predicted that the russian the occupying forces will not be able to maintain the current pace of offensive actions in this direction for a long time, in fact, i will remind you that we spoke with the head of the public relations service from the kupyansk-limansk direction, we have the opportunity to add mr. serhiy, again, please continue yes, well, the question is, where did the enemy most actively try to advance... yes, well, i am now quoting the message of our glorious general staff, in the kupinsky direction , six enemy attacks were repulsed during this day near senkivka, tabaivka, kharkiv region, and stelmakhivka luhansk region. in the liman direction , five attacks by the occupiers were repelled in terna, torsk districts of donetsk region and two more attacks near mykyivka in luhansk region. mr. senior lieutenant, tell me where was the hottest? yes, these are the ones. the two settlements of terne and torsk, they are key for the enemy, if they capture them, they will control the entire territory
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of the left, that is, the eastern bank of the jerebets river. now we are actually holding the defense of a bridgehead, that is, there is a section of ukrainian territory there separated by a river from , let's say, a large land, this defense has been going on there for quite a long time, and it is very, very unnerving to our enemies, because actually there are actually bridgeheads firmly established on it, and therefore now the direction of... the main blows are these two settlements of terne, which is on the left bank of the stallion and torske, to which the ledge is the torsky ledge, 2 km remain there, but these 2 km have been held for at least six months, maybe even more. if we are talking about some strategic plans of the enemy, then what exactly they are preparing when they make these assault attempts, as i understand it, their goal has not changed, it is a plan to at least go to the administrative offices. stay of donetsk and luhansk regions, actually? i have already repeatedly
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made sure that strategic plans must be sought somewhere in the heads of individual russian leaders, because for them the elections and the opportunity to show some successes in quotation marks before the elections, they are bigger, they are more important than any real military successes there. really new positions, new perspectives, i.e. they talked about the new year, that the new year's greeting of the president of a neighboring country should have something to do with... the aggressor is now being told about the elections for which they are already preparing, and therefore it is also necessary to capture at any cost, to go to the admiral borders, that is, to look for military meanings in what they are doing - this is a secondary matter, the primary one is still political, i am sure of that. mr. senior lieutenant, if we talk about the offensive momentum of the enemy, they repelled powerful enemy attacks, burned a lot of equipment, destroyed a lot of interveners, but the question of momentum, whether now it has become... a little easier, relatively speaking, do you feel that there will be a new
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offensive wave now? er, now the last days are relative, everything is relative, compared to what was outside of the week before last, now it is somewhat easier, due to the fact that they have lost a large amount of equipment, so they are again going on meat assaults with the support of armored vehicles, and not carry out these assaults with the forces of their armored vehicles, that is, there is a difference. two infantry fighting vehicles disembark the infantry, each stand and shoot, let's say, for support, and he asks another, the situation is different, when tanks and infantry fighting vehicles are attacking, firing close to our positions, after... the successful actions of the week before last, the number of equipment of the enemy has decreased, so he spared turnover, now there is information that, as it were, he is replenishing his reserves, i.e. such a cycle, made some kind of grouping, lost it, a partial or complete pause is so relative, again strengthening the grouping and again an attempt to attack, here we are now, according to our
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thoughts, somewhere at the beginning of another wave of activation, and therefore vigilance is necessary.. . no we reduce and wait for the next attacks from his side. we thank you. serhii dibrov, senior lieutenant, head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigade, kupyansko-lymanskyi direction. he was in touch with us. please let me know if we are going on a break now or not . in fact, we will continue to inform you about the most important things, and in fact, russia does not agree to an international investigation into the circumstances of the il-76 crash. this has already been announced in the main intelligence office, and actually it is about that russia also did not provide the un security council with evidence that there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board the military transport plane, and in fact, this is another evidence that in fact russia is fabricating a lot of actual data allegedly about this
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entire event, but we understand , which did not provide evidence, probably, obviously there is no evidence to conclusively prove that... there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board, well, in any case, we understand that russia is trying to use various informational and psychological operations, and very often they are designed not only for our domestic ukrainian audience, so they sometimes try to throw in something, but some things they try to pump on the international arena, well, but the key story is still happening on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war, so we include you now. .. a member of the national council of the national bank of ukraine, doctor of economic sciences, but war needs money, yes, war needs resources, and the stabilization of the economy is also an extremely important story. glory to ukraine, mr. vasyl, we would like to thank you
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to the national bank of ukraine, what did you manage to suspend the so-called, i won't say panic, but... wary moods of our population, when we talk about the hryvnia exchange rate, we understand that not only internal ukrainian factors affect it, but external factors , in particular the situation in the united states, the allocation or not of certain macro-finances by the european union, so, first of all, this is a simple question, but for everyone, what about the hryvnia exchange rate now, how many reserves were managed to attract, how many were managed to be saved, well and in general... forecasts for the next couple of weeks in hryvnia. thank you for your question. the situation on the currency market is stable and controlled. yesterday, the board of the national bank met there on issues of monetary policy. there was a press briefing there in front of journalists. usually, it happens there every quarter. by default, anything is possible,
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but i go as far as to say that the board is usually asked many questions, including from the point of view of the hryvnia exchange rate. yes, yesterday. there was not a single question, but what will happen to the hryvnia exchange rate, that is, well, and so on, that's why the situation is real is stable and controlled, the factors that influenced the weakening of the ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate somewhere in december, well, maybe the first days of january, they almost ran out today, this is the first, second, the national bank repeatedly stated when it came to the policy of flexible exchange rate formation about the fact that the exchange rate can fluctuate in the other direction, and to some extent we are already moving to... there were fluctuations before the great war, that is , the so-called seasonality, that is, in certain periods the hryvnia weakens, in certain periods the hryvnia strengthens, so there is no need there well to worry about the exchange rate of the ukrainian hryvnia, plus i would like to note that if we are talking, they asked questions about the international reserves of the national bank, that is, they, well , yesterday the national bank updated the macro forecast, well, there
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was a press briefing of the board, that is, including on this issue, the international reserves of the national... and the bank right now, that is, they reach more than 40 billion dollars there, well, it will be on january 1, we will update them, well, officially there on the first dates, there at the beginning every month, at the end this year, the 24th year, zveri zolotoval reserves of the national bank will also amount to more than 40 billion, at the end of the 25th year there will be about 42 billion, so the figure is considerable, it is sufficient for the exchange rate. ukrainian hryvnia, and such general indicators that affect the rate, well, fundamental indicators, they are to some extent positive for us, what are these indicators? the ukrainian economy will grow in... this year, according to the forecasts of the national bank, the ukrainian economy will grow there by 3.6%. inflation, as of now, it is 5%, and in the first half of the year, it will be like that, then
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it will increase slightly, at the end of this year it will be 8.6% according to the forecasts of the national bank, and next year it will already begin to decrease and enter the inflation target, our inflation target is 5% plus or minus 1%. that's why it... the normal, gold and currency reserves also disappeared, that is, they are normal, and according to the base scenario, ukraine will receive 37 billion dollars, external financing, this is an indicator, it really affects today very strongly all spheres of life, well, the economy of our state, the country is critical dependent on external financing according to the basic forecast of the national bank of aid from the usa, from the european union, from other countries, from the international monetary fund, we will receive this... year, and if we do not receive, for example, we see a situation where we are not given on time, i understand that the chances that they will not give us at all are slim, but they can give a little,
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as they say, late, and this is critically important for us, at least, well, in the coming months for sure, and what can happen, if help will not come so quickly, as much as we would like it, how it can affect the wallets of ukrainians and the exchange rate. well, thank you for the question, look, to some extent the question is probably more for the ministry of finance, but i will answer in general terms what i read and what the ministry of finance declares. when asked if they have a plan b? there is a plan b in the ministry of finance, to some extent we are still working on this plan b, because in january we have not yet received external international financial assistance, in one of the directions. so look at the basic scenario. when we say, it is too basic because the probability of its occurrence is quite high, ah, so this year, that is, you are 37 billion, we still, well, again, this is my
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personal point of view, also optimistic that we will receive, secondly, i really like that the top political leadership of our country is already talking about what and what amount we will receive in the 25th year, because the 25th year is simply, well, again, according to forecasts national bank. that external international aid, it will also decrease, i.e if you look, for example, at external international financial aid, last year we received 43 billion, well, about 43, this year we plan to receive 20, i apologize, 37 billion, next year, as far as i remember, the figure is about 25 billion, that is, but that is, well, this aid is decreasing, but at the same time we also need it. to look for internal resources, that is, what kind of internal resources are these, well, for example, there can be a market for domestic government loan bonds, that is, last year, this
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figure there was a huge number and hundreds billions of hryvnias were attracted to the state budget thanks to this market this year , it can also be the same, for example, can the national bank issue money, that is, this year... it is not planned , can the national bank be a creditor of the station of the last station there, maybe, but it is not planned to do so this year, because we, well, for example, if we take the 22nd year, we remember, 400 billion hryvnias were printed there, funded government spending, the right decision, but we also understood all the disadvantages of such money printing, that is, it is inflation, it is the devaluation of the ukrainian hryvnia, and you and i talk during our broadcast about forecasts, about the fact that this year the situation on the foreign exchange market is stable. controlled with regard to the hryvnia exchange rate, with regard to forecasts, you asked a question , on the one hand, the national bank does not give forecasts and that is correct, it was also before the great war now, but on the other hand, look at the forecasts of the international monetary fund or the forecasts
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of ukrainian business, you will see that their the forecasts are very insignificant, it is different from the rates we have today, so this is a huge plus, the economy will grow by even 3.6%, that is, regardless of the fact that when the national bank made these updated macro forecasts, the national bank reversed. on the relevant risks of macro forecasts, what are the risks for this year, well, not only for this year, but in particular we are talking about the year 24, this is a war, that is, we are talking about the fact that the risks of the duration of military operations are increasing, that is, we really wanted to as soon as possible the war will end, the better for ukrainian business, for population, for everyone, then it is rhythmicity , there is another risk, the rhythmicity and amount of international financial aid, we also talk about this risk, although we say... that in the base scenario we will receive external international financial aid, mr. vasyl, look, more i would like to ask you about what is already circulating
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about the preparation for the sale of state-owned banks, sensbank, which was once an alpha bank that belonged to the russian oligarch fridman, and ukrgasbank. if these two banks do sell, what will that mean? for our economy and what it will give us, if we explain it in very simple terms for a general audience, for a general understanding. thanks for the question, look, we really do have a historically very high share of government. banks on the ukrainian market , this happened historically, not because the state there very much wanted to nationalize its time there, there was privatbank or centbank or there , long, long ago, there was ukrgasbank before that, and before the great war we had a strategy and according to the development state banks, according to which the state said that we are selling ukrgazbank, and we are a large institutional investor in the capital of the savings bank, and
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we are selling a private bank and... uh, eximbank remains a state bank, it is clear that now this strategy needs to be updated, and i i think that the owner is actively working on this issue, and the fact that we heard statements from the ministry of finance, by the way, the ministry of finance is the owner, that is, yes, the sale of two banks, and despite the fact that there is interest from investors during the war, foreign investors to ukrainian enterprises or banks, that is, this is a huge plus for ukrainian capital, the arrival of investors here is extremely important for ours. states, thank you, thank you, and finally, we would like to clarify what is the current situation with military bonds? military bonds are one of the attractive financial instruments for investment by ukrainian businesses, ukrainian banks or ukrainians themselves, in simple words, they are military bonds, that is, even if today, for example, every ukrainian wants to financially support... to be able
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to defeat the enemy in ukraine, because during our transfer, we are talking about the fact that money is a weapon, and it is extremely important in the conditions of war, so you can buy very simply through action or by contacting any big bank, and buy military bonds, there is a sufficiently high yield depending on the term of the bonds, they yield there at the level of 14-15, 17.5%, that is, you can choose without taxation, by the way , there, and therefore... you can choose your taste, according to your wish, buy military bonds, deposit in your contribution, victory over the enemy. thank you, vasyl furman, member of the council of the national bank of ukraine, doctor of economic sciences, was in touch with us, and by the way, by the way, i would like to announce another important news about the optimization of payments to immigrants, the deputy prime minister for reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine iryna vereshchuk, and
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says about... that this is a demand of our partners, i am quoting veryshchuk, actually, the changes with payments are related to the reduction of the revenue part of the budget, we are directly tied to the decisions of our partners , partners set requirements to constantly verify payments with a goal their reduction or optimization, it is said that, according to international standards, two years is enough to adapt, - said vereshchuk, and she actually said that in the 22nd year, ukraine directed 57 billion rubles to payments to displaced persons. uah last year , this amount increased to uah 73 billion. and it is planned that in the 24th year, money for assistance to internally displaced persons will again amount to about uah 57 billion. these are the numbers she gave. well, you will find out more news soon. the editorial office of novyn and anna eva melnyk have already managed to prepare fresh and relevant issue. so we give you the floor, anna, and actually, tell us
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what it will be about. in this issue , congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team is working on the most important thing, we will tell you, stay with us, ukraine returned the bodies of 77 fallen defenders, according to... the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war , another repatriation event took place, preparation for it lasted a long time, the bodies and remains will be handed over to representatives of law enforcement agencies and forensic medical experts for identification of the dead. at night, two enemy rockets hit the residential quarters
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of the dnipro district of kherson, one woman. was injured, - said the leader.


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