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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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work with young people, in particular in universities , and the last such indicator was the celebration of the so-called student's day on january 25, they celebrate it, in all institutions where there are students , very powerful propaganda events were held in ukraine, hate, thank you, thank you, ms. evgenia, unfortunately , we have to pass the word on to our colleagues, yevgenia virlych, editor-in-chief of the kherson publication cavun city, was with us, she has already come for espresso. it's news time, so we pass the floor to anya eva melnyk, the news editor has already prepared a fresh one and relevant information for you, so we pass the word, well, tell me what this issue will be about, and we are ready to listen to the news together with our viewers, thank you colleagues for your work, the news team is working, we have been watching all this time , what is happening in ukraine and the world, in this issue we will talk about the most important, in particular , how ukraine is increasing production. projectiles and
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why exactly ukrzaliznytsia is launching a unit of uav operators. ukraine is increasing the production of projectiles and is looking for new cooperation contracts with partners regarding replenishment of ammunition for the front. this was announced by volodymyr zelenskyi following the results of the meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, where they also discussed the modernization of drone production to increase the range of use, and the high command. and department heads reported on the situation near avdiyivka, kupyansk and in the south. air defense of the front-line and border areas was also discussed at the meeting. the enemy shelled kupyansk in kharkiv region with mortars. one policeman was wounded, his hospitalized - informed the head of the investigative department of the region, serhiy bolvinov. the enemy hit the residential sector. as a result of the poshko attack.
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houses and farm buildings. at night, two enemy rockets hit the residential quarters of the dnipro district of kherson. one woman was wounded, said roman morochko, head of the city's military administration. pre-destroyed kindergarten, shopping and entertainment center, damaged houses. and the espresso tv channel opened a new fund for vital equipment for our defenders. please help to replace engine in an evacuation vehicle, purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to more effectively destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has almost 40 thousand. join, all details. you see on the screen. drones
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will protect railway infrastructure. ukrzaliznytsia creates a division of uav operators. this was reported on the department's website. drones will be used to inspect infrastructure during wartime condition, as well as for recording offenses, thefts, fuel and investigating traffic accidents. as part of the unit. railway veterinarians who were injured and returned from the front will work. ukraine returned the bodies of 77 fallen defenders, according to the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war , another repatriation event took place. preparation for it lasted a long time. the bodies and remains will be handed over to law enforcement officials and forensic experts for identification. dead persons lemberg, mother, well
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don't cry, that's how writer and photo artist olena cherninka named her new book. it is dedicated to her son and his brothers who did not return from the front. let's see what olena shares in her book. mother's book about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. writer olena cherninka shared. stories of personal grief. her 28-year-old son mykhailo went to defend ukraine in the first days of the great war. in may 2023, she announced the death of a warrior with a shaved head. i started writing facebook posts as correspondence, as letters to my son. and in these there were memories in the letters, there were already some moments when he was in the war zone. our life with him. they were so short. stories
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, a full-fledged book was published from such stories, in which the author tells about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army, his own experiences and memories of relatives and brothers, also published by olena. covers the topic: how to survive the loss of a loved one, this is like a primer for those who have gone through the same thing as me, or whose children or husbands are, how i coped, how i found, what i found the meaning of living on, everything i wrote before and everything i will write after will be in the background, the most important book of my life is the book about lemberg, and it will remain so. according to olena cherninka, lemberg represents the generation of young ukrainians who took up automatic weapons to defend our independence. the nonfiction book is complemented by photos from the family archive. the book really impresses with this kind of powerful force, and despite what it is about, it still
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inspires and gives some hope, some faith. a book lemberg should be read at least in order to understand that... heroes, current heroes of ukraine, ukrainian heroes are those who were next to us yesterday or the day before yesterday. the book is being prepared by the stary lev publishing house. recently, more literature on military topics has appeared in bookstores, says maryana savka, co-founder and editor-in-chief of vsl. i would very much like the literature that is being created about this time, about those events, those... everything that is happening at the front, so that it would give us as much strength, not only this feeling of pain, which is inevitably present there. the publication of olena cherninka's new book was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine.
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lemberg, don't cry mommy, will appear in bookstores at the end of february. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. he spoiled the child. law enforcement officers detained in kherson. a scoundrel who sexually assaulted a 14-year-old stepdaughter. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. while the intruder's roommate was not at home, he resorted to let go, the daughter called her mother and told about what had been done. currently, the perpetrator is in custody, he faces from 15 years to life in prison. mined and sold abroad. the law enforcement officers uncovered an underground amber processing workshop in volyn, this was reported to the state border service, during the search they found 120 kg of stones and ready-made stone products, as well as records with information on further sales. magat general director rafal grossi
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will visit the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant temporarily occupied by the russians, he said said after the meeting of the un security council. the head of the agency wants to personally familiarize himself with... the situation at the armed forces after the destruction of the kokhov dam, and also plans to meet with the so-called russian leadership of the armed forces. grossi wants to know the plant's long-term plans, which include trying to restart one or more reactors. he also plans to visit kyiv and moscow to discuss zaporizhzhya as security issues. granite crumb is mined. in the leningrad region of russia, it was heard. the second explosion incident occurred in the city of vyborg near the border with finland, there, local residents noticed thick smoke, the russian ministry of emergency affairs said that the loud sounds were the result of planned work in one of the quarries, there are no other details. the international court of justice of the united nations obliged
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israel to take measures to prevent genocide in the gaza strip, and also called to allow the access of humanitarian aid to eskalaw and to strengthen the protection of palestinian civilians, reports al jazeera. the court did not oppose the military operation. in fact , israel was obliged to minimize civilian casualties and destruction. the international court of justice too obliges israel to submit a report to him within one month, which should include a description of its actions to implement the resolution. agrarian rebellion. german farmers brought 250 tractors to the offices of olaf scholz's coalition. they are protesting plans to cut fuel subsidies. this is reported by the dpa agency. they organized such an action to warn and convey
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their list of demands to the three parties. i would like to note that the protests in germany have been going on for several weeks, during the demonstration farmers blocked traffic with tractors and other agricultural equipment. technology, the next news release at 5 p.m., i tell you, see you, and of course, you can always read more about important things on our website: espresso tv, my colleagues work for you around the clock, and my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin burkovskyi will also work from now on. meanwhile, the recruiting center of the vovka devinchy battalion was opened in lviv, and the city provided premises for the recruiting center free of charge. the center became operational on... angeliv square, opposite the peter and paul garrison church.
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today we will also talk a lot about the military-technical potential of both our enemy and ours, we already have valery ryabikh in touch with us. actually, we will talk about this whole situation with him. military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. already in touch with us. so mr. valery, we add you to ours. tero and congratulations, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ground drones of the armed forces, in fact, a video of the use of a drone by ukrainian fighters with a projectile that blew up a bridge at a range of 4 km was spread on the network, how in general do such drones work and how effective are they, would you like your opinion? and here it should be noted that the use of ground drones has increased recently, and if the trend of the past years was
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the appearance of many shots with the use of drones, unmanned aerial vehicles, then at the moment the trend is precisely such that there are more ground drones and they have different purposes, once again this video presented another one of the hypostases of applications. of such a drone, and this is a remote effect on a remote object in order to disrupt the enemy's communications, well, to put it simply, a drone was used for a screen saver, delivery of a special engineering charge in order to disable the bridge crossing, which the enemy used to move his combat units. and it is possible that in this direction had some such tactical significance, and here it should
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be noted that a domestic drone was used for this, and such a combination was used when this drone delivered a special engineering charge, which is specially designed to damage or destroy objects of a similar type, here we are talking about a special charge, and not some amateurish solutions, and as we saw, for example, in the case when the occupiers used such with a blocked gas pedal , some kind of tank or something else filled with a large amount of explosives, when tons of substances were used there in order to somehow deliver there... to the positions of our defenders, an engineering charge with a charge
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of an explosive substance of 50 kg was purposefully delivered here, which the special one has a special form for destroying such objects, and this small charge was used to disrupt precisely the enemy's line of communication, to destroy this bridge, and this is also another such use of ground drones, along with this we saw e... for example, the use of an ironclot-type drone with a saber combat module by the third brigade there to destroy enemy targets on the battlefield with small arms fire, and it should be noted that, well , there is a lot of work in the field for such means combat from similar combat use to, for example, the performance of logistical functions. evacuation of the wounded, and here it should be noted that the work on expanding the possibilities
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of using these drones and precisely transferring the main load on the battlefield to similar robotic platforms, whether air or ground-based or sea-based, we see that this trend exists, and in ukraine , systematic work, and for example, the fact that the number of such videos has increased now, this is an investigation that has already been carried out , because, for example, in the month of july was conducted by the ministry of defense and the newly created accelerator of the ministry of defense, which should contribute to the development of such systems. a meeting with companies dealing with these issues in ukraine, at that time there were more than three dozen such companies, and the fact that now there are more such videos means that this work was probably not in vain and what will happen next, mr. valery , allow me, if i may,
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i would also like to ask you about the downing of a ballistic missile from the dprk, which... was flying at our capital, you, in fact, and your colleagues write about the fact that the fragments of such a rocket were found, and in fact such a rocket was used by the russians in one of the recent missile attacks on our capital, in fact, we would like to question you, so we can understand that the russians have already began to use it not so casually, there is already a tendency for them to start, as they say, interspersed with their missiles , to launch and launch ballistic missiles at north korea, well, it is clear that this is exactly how our editorial office ended up at the disposal of photo with the wreckage of this rocket, and according to eyewitnesses, these wreckages were found precisely in the kyiv area, and this may indicate that the russian
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interventionists are expanding the geography of the use of such means, and of course it confirms it. the fact that, after all, there is this criminal alliance between the exiles of this world, north korea and the russian federation, which, losing technological and other opportunities to increase the production of its own means , turns for help to those countries, like north korea, which are under sanctions, and by the way, which are approved by the same russian. federation in violation of all its own obligations and all un resolutions, and the fact that the geography of the use of such missiles is now expanding, this can speak of several things, well, first of all, that the russian federation received some kind of test from north korea
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batch of similar means, and now she uses some, one might say experimental ones. for experimental purposes in order to find out exactly the effectiveness of these means, well, depending on the range of use, their use, well, accordingly to work out the tactics of using these missiles and combining them in these massive missile attacks with their own means, and in addition, this is also , i think, used by the enemy in order to overload our system from... this is precisely because, for example, those but the north karen missiles, they may have slightly different parameters, and, for example, our air defense system there may respond to them in a different way, although in principle they cannot differ much there, and somewhere in their characteristics
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may coincide with those of the russian federation, well, in addition to the fact that earlier... we concluded that, after all , north korean missile technologies, they also have their origin in the country of terrorists of the russian federation, but this is a threatening trend and not only for ukraine, but of course also for the whole world, and this means that in addition to the fact that the russian federation violates all these requirements there by buying or acquiring weapons there in one way or another, and well, rather than everything else. .. such an exchange of missile technologies, which did not begin today, but rather, long before that, because the same kan-24 missile was tested several years ago, for this the creation process was, and we also saw the use of long-range ballistic missiles, which
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already threaten the same united states and japan on far east from the side. mr. valery, well , we would like to ask you about such a rather exotic piece of news: russian propagandists began spreading the word that with their, so to speak, kulibins, they managed to mold a new simulator of a nuclear explosion, yes , as far as i understand, it is not... just some there is an educational model, yes, but, but, but you have a word, tell me, please, what this invention is, how dangerous it is, how the enemy can try to use it. well, there are very scary words here, simulator , nuclear explosion there and so on, in fact, this is a common educational tool, and it says that
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the enemy, well, let's say this, uses this kind of news in two such angles, first of all, of course, that information influence on the fact that we are preparing for a nuclear confrontation, and secondly, what we are capable of producing such a thing. but it should be noted that everyone who studied in military schools, at least during the soviet era, they all went through training using similar means, there is nothing like that here, it is just a means that is made there on the basis of diesel fuel, kerosene, well, plus the use of phosphorus, the main goal is, let's say, to make an imitation. nuclear explosion and its main factors, light radiation, shock wave, and the formation of this so-called nuclear mushroom, which must be there from somewhere
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well, at least up to a kilometer, and so that it can be observed from a distance of up to 30 km, this is precisely for simulation during exercises and for practicing the actions of the unit in the conditions of the use of nuclear weapons, well, what they have now returned to... inventing what was already invented a long time ago, this suggests that before that they lost these technologies that were in the soviet union, those almost endless reserves that were in the soviet union ran out, and now they decided to raise mr. valeria, yes, because we already thought that the enemy can will somehow try to use this thing, this simulator of a nuclear explosion on the battlefield, but no, just another simulator, and this one is extremely interesting... yes, a few days ago we all saw the video, the age-old video, how the bradley fighting vehicle destroyed the advertised, publicized russian tank t-90m breakthrough.
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yes, this news, i think, has interested everyone and our partners and friends in the united states, in the european union. how do you think this was even possible? well, here, perhaps, it was due to two factors, and here it is not, it is known. which factor is more decisive, these factors are the technological advantage of western equipment and the advantage of the human factor, namely the training of the crew of the same bradley machine, who skillfully used it on the battlefield, well, about such application theoretically and practically, well, everyone talked about that too including installing automatic cannons on bmps from... one of the main opinions there, let’s say, regarding the use of such a machine against a tank
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is unusual, let’s say, it is the use of direct shelling with tank bursts in order to literally cut off all attachments equipment, damage the same guidance devices, and thus blind the tank, and then finish it off. this is when the regular, for example, anti-tank means, such as tish anti-tank missile systems, which are also in service with the same marder bmp, bradley bmp, and other bmps of a similar class, including bmp-2, for example, post-soviet ones, but of course , which is the most important thing here, which is bradley, which was developed back in the 80s of the last century, and yes... in a duel with this unsurpassed, as russian advertisers say on the international market tank 90 breakthrough, which should show
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all the magnificence of this russian tank construction, and this just showed the insignificance of these words of this propaganda, and yet such words cannot replace the lag in technologies, and they were happy to assure us of this. including our partners during the meeting in the romstein format, where they were also shown this video, and this is also precisely what should encourage them to transmit more western technology in order to debunk such myths and for precisely the western military equipment has already dominated the markets where these russian terrorists used to graze so that they no longer have the opportunity... to steal coupons and from other countries, offering him such, over-analog, things. thank you, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development
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of the information and consulting company defense. the press was in touch with us, now we will have a break for a few minutes, after which we will return, we will have dana yarova in touch, and with her we will talk about many interesting things related to the procurement of the ministry of defense, so wait for her literally a few minutes and she will be in touch with us, so be with us, hello, woman, what to do when the liver wakes up, you need to take allohol, but what about bile? alohol - it protects the liver and gallbladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of liver and gall bladder. alohol - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. there are discounts on citramon darnytsia 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lacal active. lakalut active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and noticeably tightens. gums. lakalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lacalut
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, we will have even better ones. a special look at events. in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. information day of the tv channel in rozpala, we are now adding our guests to our marathon. oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, is in the studio. and dana yarova, from our name


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