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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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the main intelligence department is the objects of the military-industrial complex, energy objects, objects of military-political importance, this is what is on the list as a whole, which are absolutely legitimate in the conditions of hostilities. thank you, serhiy zgurets, his team worked extremely fruitfully, actively, and i can only thank serhiy zgurets for these brilliant results of this extremely difficult week. well, now attention, surprise, our favorite column appears in our informational evening: news, anna eva melnyk, of course, will present all the most important events of this day. anya, hello again, i have been saying this tirelessly throughout the day, i promise you. congratulations antin, thank you for your work, i will work further, i will tell you about the most important things. ukraine is increasing the production of projectiles
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and is looking for new cooperation contracts with partners regarding the replenishment of ammunition for the front. this was reported by volodymyr zelenskyi based on the results of the supreme commander-in-chief bid. they also discussed the modernization of drone production to increase the range of use. and the commander-in-chief and heads of directions reported on the situation near avdiyivka, kupyansk and in the south. air defense of the front-line and border areas was also discussed at the meeting. the enemy fired a mortar at kupyansk in the kharkiv region, one policeman was wounded, he was hospitalized, serhii bolvinov, the head of the investigation department of the regional police, informed. the enemy hit the residential sector, as a result of the attack, houses and farm buildings were damaged. drones will protect railway infrastructure. ukrzaliznytsia creates sub-units.
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uav force operators. this was reported on the department's website. the drones will be used to inspect infrastructure during martial law, as well as to record crimes, fuel theft and investigate traffic accidents. railway veterans who were injured and returned from the front will work as part of the unit. ukraine returned the bodies of 77 fallen defenders. according to information. another repatriation event took place at the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, preparation for it lasted a long time, the bodies and remains will be handed over to representatives of law enforcement agencies and forensic medical experts in order to identify the victims. once again , the kyiv court of appeal rejected the appeal in the case of roman chervinskyi. the former intelligence officer complained. due to the inaction of the sbi
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and the investigator due to the fact that information about the criminal proceedings was not entered into the unified register of pretrial investigations , the convoy did not bring roman himself to the meeting, this caused outrage from the lawyer, who noted that this violates the right of his client to access justice. let me remind you that roman chervinskyi is accused of exceeding official authority, he faces eight to 12 years behind bars. satisfaction of this kind of complaints, in particular, regarding the failure to enter information in the register of pre-trial investigations and the beginning of a pre-trial investigation, since the 12th year a purely formal history, a purely formal position of judges, which consists in judicial control, first of all, and the obligation of any which law enforcement agency, be it the national police, be it the security service of ukraine, be it then dbr, if we talk about our you. case
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to enter information into the register of pre-trial investigations and initiate criminal proceedings. mined and sold abroad. law enforcement officers uncovered an underground amber processing workshop in volyn. this was reported in the state border service. during the search, 120 kg of stones and finished products, as well as information records for further sale, were found. in kyiv , an apartment on the fifth floor caught fire, four people, including a child, were pulled out of the flames by rescuers, all the victims were rushed to hospitals this was reported in the state emergency service. the fire covered an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. the cause of the fire is currently being investigated. ukraine and denmark will hold a forum of defense industries and discuss production without... pilots, minister
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of foreign affairs of denmark lars luke rasmussen arrived on a visit to ukraine, together with his ukrainian colleague dmytro koleba, he took part in the opening of the office of the danish embassy. in mykolaiv. rasmosen also announced financial support for the fight against corruption in country. this is the third stage of the eu anti-corruption program, which denmark has been leading since 2016. at this stage, the european union allocates more than 10 million dollars, and denmark, on its part, almost 9 million more. farmers' revolt. german farmers brought 250 tractors to olaf's coalition offices. they are protesting plans to cut fuel subsidies. this is reported by the dpa agency. they organized such an action to convey their list of demands to the three parties. i should note that the protests in germany have been going on for several weeks. during the demonstration farmers blocked movements with tractors and other
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agricultural machinery. granite is mined. a powerful explosion rang out in the leningrad region of russia, the incident occurred in the city of vyborkh near the border with finland, where local residents noticed thick smoke. the russian ministry of emergencies stated that the loud noises are the result of scheduled work in one of the quarries. there are no other details. community-led inclusive recovery. canada will help rebuild 19 territorial communities from seven war-torn regions. within initiatives, they will receive expert support in sustainable, inclusive, social and economic recovery. the selected otgs were united into six groups based on the principle of geographical proximity and common needs. in general, more than 300 communities from the 11
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most damaged regions of ukraine expressed their desire to participate in the initiative. and today we continue ours. cooperation, from the moment of full-scale, integration, oh, it ’s hard to say, the canadian government has provided ukraine with more than 9 million billion dollars of aid, but the value and strength of our partnership beyond money, it's a unique opportunity not just to get expertise, it's a really unique opportunity to cooperate with such... a country like canada, canada is one of the big seven countries, and i really believe that we will start with you on more general issues that connected with our prioritization of restoration, with our programs of comprehensive restoration and development, we will also proceed with more pragmatic processes that will speak and
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answer the question of where we should attract resources, helpers in the city of kirovohrad region, where there are barely 10,000 people exist. three volunteer centers at once, work in these centers does not stop for a single day. espresso correspondents visited the army aid shops. volunteers from the pomichnian community in the kirovohrad region sew nets, sew warm clothes, dry vitamin teas, and cook for the defenders. four workshops were set up to help the army. many have relatives at the front. the mother of a personnel military light is weaving camouflage nets. volunteers handed them over... already hundreds of meters, we knit nets for the armed forces, as i have a son military serviceman, i want to do at least something for the armed forces, if i knit here, it means i will save someone's life, at least one, at least two of the soldiers, it will be very
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good. the people of pomichnya named their volunteer center the volunteer, the backbone of the organization consists of six dozen people, the head of the community, oksana kyrychenko, has been waiting for several years since the war. i have a son from my relatives in the avdiiv direction in the 110th brigade , artillery division, i have a cousin also in the avdiiv direction , i have a son-in-law who is also fighting, well, not here, not here far away, and a nephew, that is, i have a very rich family. and this is hell's kitchen , that's what the housewives jokingly call it, she has been working in the auxiliary since 2015, during the anti-terrorist operation, the volunteers pampered the soldiers on holidays, now they still don't give orders every day, they have something to treat those who are in the community and the soldiers on the front lines , nataliya dyadechko shows.
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we bake dumplings, it's called caterpillars with strings, we cooked borscht today for the boys, we did it. pilaf, made draniks of the south with draniks. and this is what the drying shop looks like: medicinal teas are dried and packed here herbs, pomichnya borscht, soups with mushrooms, vitamin sets. from fruits and nuts, they are made primarily for vegetarian warriors. here we make borschts , soups, teas, vitamin kits for our boys, well, whatever they need, they order from us, and we make it for them, here they sew underwear, warm clothes, hats, pillows that do not absorb moisture and fit well a sleeping bag, a poncho in case of rainy and snowy weather, thousands of units have already been sewn for the defenders. the fabric was collected all over ukraine and in grandmother's chests. among 77-year-old mrs. tamara, a seamstress, has
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a granddaughter-in-law at the front. the woman recently broke her arm, so she can't wait to get back to work. if only you would recover, it would be faster to come here. because it seems to me that yes, it seems to me that i somehow distanced myself from this and everything and help. pomichnyans cheer for all the defenders, for them there are no strangers or relatives. this is what you meet, look at in uniform, and the soul cries, because, because they are our children, and we really want them to return as soon as possible, all alive and well, to their families, to parents. volunteers say that the common goal has united them so much that even after the victory they are unlikely to stop, they are going to support. families of soldiers and in the future from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. i will meet with you tomorrow,
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i will wait for you in this studio at 2 p.m., be with espresso, because the big broadcast continues, which means that antin burkovsky is still working. thank you, thank you, anya. well, i will pick up the baton and we will inform about the most important events of the day. of course i will. not right now i will add my excellent and knowledgeable colleague yuri fizera. glory to ukraine, yurko. glory to the heroes antina, and i also congratulate everyone who joined us today. in particular, i will talk about the following. the world's reaction to the fall of the russian military transport, aid to ukraine from the european union, and what happened to the oil refinery in the still russian city of tuapse. about this and other things already. in a moment in the column world about ukraine, well, but i will start with this, even before
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lunch it seemed to me, well, until lunch kyiv time, it seemed to me that soon, maybe in the next few days, we we may receive, if not excellent, then very good news from the united states of america, regarding the continuation of financial and military aid to us. congressmen there, well at least that's what i read before lunch, agreed on an agreement to protect the southern border with mexico and strengthen migration legislation, the guardian wrote about this, citing its own sources in the white house administration, as well as in the highest legislative body the usa, and even more so, that the agreement may be at the final stage, the day before, the leader of the republicans announced. who is the minority in the senate, mitch mcconnell, and this despite the fact that, according to another edition
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of politico, donald trump is trying with all his might to convince republican senators not to support these agreements. well, as i said, it was before noon, in the united states of america, it was morning, and that's when they started to receive, well, such disturbing news from the state of texas, it's half past. a huge state on the border with mexico, and here is this news, well, they showed me that the agreement between the republicans and the democrats to continue funding ukraine, support of ukraine, may unfortunately fail. what is the matter? i will tell you two words: the governor of texas, greg abbott, started an open confrontation between the federal and local authorities, the governor ordered to extend barbed wire on the border with mexico and strengthen its security, and to
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protect, to strengthen, he even sent the national guard there, which is under he threw away the reports of the federal border guards. experts say that even donald trump and his supporters may be involved in escalating the situation, and it is also very interesting that the governor of the state uses the method... which at one time in the 20th year was used by alexander lukashenko, the self-proclaimed president of belarus, that is, what the local texas government does, it catches. mexicans who illegally crossed the border are put on buses and taken to the northern states, in order to show the northern states that look what we have, and you say that the border cannot be strengthened, the muscovites immediately started to disrupt their websites today to write about the fact that oh my god, a new one might start in the states
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civil war, well, that's why the situation is very serious, i still really... hope that donald trump will find an understanding with the republicans, and there will still be money for ukraine, well, first of all, let them solve their issues. let's go further: next week, ukraine may receive 50 billion euros of multi-year aid from the european union. on february 1, the corresponding decision should be made at an extraordinary summit of the leaders of the european union in brussels. this was reported in the columns of bloomberg with reference to the president latvia's edgar sarinkevičsa, according to the information made public by him, the agreement will be either by agreement of all 27 member states of the european union, or, further his quote, according to another mechanism that will work if it is not possible to reach the agreement of all countries.
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well, according to president edgar sarinkevich, in any case, ukraine needs this money. and the european union is simply obliged to allocate them. this moment is interesting, you know, there is, everyone says that there is a plan a in the european union, here edgar edgar srinkevich clearly said that there is also plan b, plan b is that hungary, which has repeatedly promised that it will not support the allocation of this aid to ukraine, can be deprived of the right to vote. and only 26 member states of the european union will vote, and it is very interesting that the president of latvia called it an acceptable option. yes, let's move on, by the way, with regard to the american plan "b" of assistance to ukraine, it is not worth speculating about it now, this was said the day before during a speech at the german marshall found in washington
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, the assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia james o'brien. but at the same time, he did not deny the existence of this plan b. europe and eurasia by james bryan. adding that joe biden's administration is currently working, well, on that plan, which is called a. ba more, he expressed confidence that in the near future the congressmen will unblock the provision of aid to ukraine. and then a short quote from mr. o'brien. as president biden said, we will help ukraine win. this is our strategic goal. thank you for this position. now the most important thing is that the events on the south the borders somehow did not get out of control, or maybe they were not somehow stimulated from the outside to get out of control. now let's move on: russia called an extraordinary meeting
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of the united nations security council to condemn ukraine for shooting down a russian ils military transport plane. 76 near belgorod, instead ran into a wave of criticism and condemnation from those present at the meeting, and this despite the russian ambassador's efforts to present the situation as if kyiv knew when this plane would fly and when will be transported, who will be transported on board it, moreover, the representative of the terrorist country even accused the west of involvement in the downing of the plane, since, according to him, it is the western countries that supply... ukraine with the weapons that were used to shoot down the aircraft. however, this did not help him, and the rest of the audience emphasized that it was russia that was to blame for this. well, now i suggest listening to a few direct speeches from those who were present at this meeting. for example, the representative of ukraine, khrystyna
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hayovyshyn emphasized that a military transport plane, like any other military... russian planes, unfortunately, still in the federation, are legitimate targets for the defense forces of ukraine, and let's hear what else she said in her direct language. taking into account all the above facts, ukraine emphasizes that, in accordance with the norms of international law, russia bears full responsibility for the lives of ukrainian prisoners of war. we insist on an international investigation to establish all the circumstances. of this incident. mr. president, russia is leading the way responsibility for aggression against ukraine. the russian state is the world's largest organized source of terror. russia. and its leadership must be held to the strictest responsibility for every manifestation of this terror. well, the russians did not expect
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such a meeting. by the way, the united nations organization itself, to great regret, once again proved its impotence, if only through the mouth of the deputy secretary general of the united nations rosemary di carlo. this organization started a russian war in ukraine yesterday, but has indicated that she is unable or unwilling to intervene in the investigation, let's hear her directly , ms. dicarlo. we understand that both russia and ukraine are conducting separate investigations into the incident, and ukraine has called for an international investigation as well. the united nations has no way of verifying these reports or the circumstances of the disaster. it is clear that the incident took place in the context of the russian invasion of ukraine and the ongoing war, in order to avoid further escalation, we call on all
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parties concerned to refrain from actions, rhetoric or accusations that can further inflame an already dangerous conflict, well , that is, there is condemnation, but what's next, nothing else, it's good that there is the united states of america and its position... this is how the representative of the united states in the security council commented on it all un robert wood. let's listen to him directly. russia's hasty convening of a security council meeting fits into a pattern we are already familiar with. moscow has repeatedly tried to shift the responsibility for the tragedies of this senseless war onto others, as if it were the victim and not aggressor while we are working on the collection. facts and establishing what happened, it is worth emphasizing once again that it is the kremlin that bears full responsibility for the start and continuation of this war. servicemen
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of the russian armed forces are also responsible for war crimes and other atrocities they have committed. well, that is, as you can see, russia is calling a special meeting of the un security council, it expects that everyone will condemn at this meeting. ukraine for knocking off the elbow from the buchin by their own citizens present at his oblav, but ran into on a completely different note, although russia's reaction, well , you must have been sure of this, is quite predictable, putin's spokesman dmitry peskov said this morning that the kremlin is extremely dissatisfied with the results of the meeting of this security council on the issue of the russian il-76 crash, and so on. .. do you know how he explained it? he said that there were no words of condemnation of the disaster from western countries. well , the fact that the words of condemnation of russia were spoken, he
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was silent about it, but they did not condemn the catastrophe. yay-yay-yay. well, let's move on. the united states of america in no way involved in the downing of a russian military transport plane in the sky over the russian city of belgorod. about this during press. the us state department deputy spokesman vedant patel said at the conference. thus, he rejected accusations from russia that washington might have something to do with this incident. a representative of the us state department said that the us will coordinate efforts with the ukrainians during the investigation of what happened, and at the same time mr. patel added that the fact that the disaster happened on territory of russia. makes it difficult to independently verify some details. in the end, he said very gently here, not the verification of some
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details, but actually the verification of everything that happened, because firstly, russia will not allow independent experts to conduct the investigation, secondly, what it will represent, well, of course, no one, no one will believe this. as soon as possible. cease fire and sit down at the negotiating table in order to end the crisis, with such an appeal, and, by the way, the word crisis is in it, not war, addressed ukraine and russia today representative of the ministry of defense of china wang, foreign affairs of china wang wenbing, this is how he answered the question about what kyiv and moscow should do after the fall of the russian il in the sky over belgorod. as you understand, the spokesperson of the chinese foreign ministry did not say anything concrete or new, but at the same time, wang wenbin expressed hope for the escalation of the situation in ukraine, according to him, political settlement is the only way to overcome
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the crisis. situations, crisis, crisis, crisis, but you sit down at the negotiating table to solve this crisis, but until beijing starts talking about the fact that ukraine is not a crisis, but a russian war, which moscow started in december of last year, then maybe something will work out, by the way, you remember are you talking about china's peace initiative, which consisted of 10 or 12 points, i don't even remember anymore. and no, you don't remember, because the chinese themselves saw that it was impossible to talk about peace with russia. the issue of continuing military and financial support for ukraine in canada is becoming increasingly politicized, the prime minister of the wedge-shaped country said sheet justin trudeau said at a meeting with deputies of the liberal party led by him. according to him, the majority of parties in the parliament continue to support ukraine and vote for providing it with the necessities.
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aid, however, he says, there are also those who, due to their own ambitions, decided to vote against continued support. next is a short quote from the prime minister. all of you now see and understand this policy around ukraine, which, unfortunately, we are also observing here in ottar. that is, he meant politics that exists in the world. unfortunately, it got to of canada well, and in conclusion, hit on... the tuabssyn oil refinery in the krasnodar territory of russia stopped working after a drone hit its vacuum plant the day before. this was reported by the reuters agency with reference to its own sources. according to published information, the plant, which annually processes up to 9 million tons of raw materials, turned out to be paralyzed. according to reuters sources, the plant will not be able to quickly resume production, repairs
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are tentative. may last until the end of february, beginning of march, well, the words, two, come to mind well, maybe three weeks, well, although in this case the words are fine, because three weeks for such a huge refinery, that's pretty cool. well, that's all for today, after all, as in this week 's world about ukraine section, i'll meet with you on monday, but don't switch, because we still have a lot to do. interesting, thanks to my colleague yuri fizer. well, and important news to catch up. ukraine and denmark agreed to start negotiations on obligations in the security sphere. this was reported by the minister minister of foreign affairs of denmark lars lekke rasmussen. short quote: we feel a responsibility to help ukraine achieve
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full. territorial integrity to fight against russian invasion forces and become a full member of the eu. i discussed this with my good friend dmitry today. rasmusyn is referring to dmytro kuleba, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. well, i'm moving on to other equally important topics. lemberg. mom, don't cry. that is how writer and photo artist olena cherninka named her new book. it is dedicated to her son and him. brothers who died in the russian-ukrainian war. what are the books about? let's look at the story of colleagues. mother's book about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. writer olena cherninka shared a story of personal grief. her 28-year-old son mykhailo went to defend ukraine in the first days of the great war. in may 2023, pobratyma announced the death
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of the soldier. i... started writing posts on facebook, like correspondence, like letters to my son, and in these letters there were memories, there were already some moments when he was in the combat zone, our his life, these were such short stories, such stories turned out to be a full-fledged book, in which the author talks about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army, her own experiences and memories of relatives and brothers, also in the publication... reveals the topic: how to survive the loss of a loved one a person it is like a primer for those who have gone through the same thing as me, or whose children or husbands are, how i coped, how i found, in what i found the meaning of living on. everything i wrote before, and everything i will write after, will be on the second one the plan the most important book of my life is a book.


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