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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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informed about the death of a soldier, i started writing posts on facebook, as correspondence, as letters to my son, and in these letters there were memories, there were already some moments when he was in the war zone , our life with him, it was so short stories, such stories resulted in a full-fledged book, in which the author tells about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army, his own experiences and memories. relatives and siblings, also in the publication lena reveals the topic of how to survive the loss of a loved one, it is like a primer for those who have gone through such exactly how i, or whose children or husbands are, how i gave myself advice, how i found, in which i found meaning to live on, everything i wrote before and everything i will write after, it will be on the second plani, the most important book of my life is the book...
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about lemberg, and it will remain so. according to olena cherninka, lemberg represents the generation of young ukrainians who took up automatic weapons to defend our independence. the nonfiction book is complemented by photos from the family archive. the book really impresses with this kind of powerful force, and no matter what it is about, it still inspires and gives some hope, some faith. lemberg's book should be read at least in order to understand that heroes, current heroes of ukraine, ukrainian heroes become those who were next to us yesterday or the day before yesterday. the book is being prepared by the stary lev publishing house. recently, more literature on military topics has appeared in bookstores, says maryana savka, co-founder and editor-in-chief of vsl. i would very much like the literature that is being created about this time. this is about
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those events, those everything that happens at the front, so that it gives us as much strength, not only about this feeling of pain, which is not inevitably present. the publication of olena cherninka's new book was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. lemberg, don't cry mom, will appear in bookstores at the end of february. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. hello woman, what to do when the liver hurts? allochol should be taken, but what about bile? alohol, it protects both the liver and the gallbladder, natural components alochol contributes to the normalization of the liver and gall bladder, alochol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder, the usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream with... hurts, reduces
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the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on eurofast with 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety, melama b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and give recovery to b6 melamahs, full sleep and recovery from b'. fz. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. thank you for waiting. continues information evening of espresso tv channel. next to me is my colleague oleksandr morchavka. glory to ukraine. alexander glory to heroes. thank you for your word. antina, in the next few minutes i will tell the audience about payments to displaced persons, about pensions, as well as about preferential loans. everything in detail in a moment,
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wait, i'm oleksandr morchenko, congratulations, this is a column. about money during the war, really long-awaited information has appeared about the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, in particular , the general director of magate, raphael grossi, will visit the temporarily occupied by the russians from the nuclear power plant. about this he said after the meeting of the un security council, the head of the agency wants to personally familiarize himself with the situation at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant after the destruction of the kakhovka dam, and also plans to meet with the so -called russian leadership of the nuclear power plant. grossi wants to know the plant's long-term plans , which include an attempt to restart one or more reactors. grosi plans to visit kyiv and moscow to discuss zaporizhzhya as security issues. by
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the way, there was information from the ukrainian energy atom at the zaporizhzhia station the life of nuclear fuel is coming to an end, it is true that if it is not replaced, resources are not replenished. difficulties may arise, but the state budget includes funds for indexation of pensions, in the event of a lack of money, additional social support programs and so-called privileges will be cut. this was reported by the minister of social policy, oksana zholnovich. well, earlier, i would like to remind you that there are already certain concerns in the government that the indexation of pensions may be postponed, there may be certain delays with payments, the main reason is the lack of financing from international partners, it is their money that goes directly to payments to state employees and pensioners. we are monitoring the situation when this money will really be unlocked and will go to the ukrainian
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treasury. well, and also, having certain problems with financing, in ukraine they are going to optimize payments to displaced persons, well, this is a requirement, they say. international partners - said iryna vereshchuk, vice prime minister, minister of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories. the reason is clear, the revenue part of the budget is decreasing. government tied, i will say again, to foreign funds. and according to international practice, two years was enough for the adaptation of immigrants, says iryna vereshchuk. i would like to add that almost 5 million people are officially considered internally displaced in our country. individuals , but there is also a positive for such people, they will be able to continue receiving preferential loans for housing, the ministry of reintegration also reported, it is about citizens of ukraine who lost their homes due to the war, the benefits will continue thanks to additional financing
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from the german government. let me remind you that at the end of last year, it was the german bank that allocated 17 million euros to purchase housing in the inner city. to individuals, well, traditionally , a lot of soft loans now under the housing lending program and business lending go through state banks, it is about them that the following information appeared this week, two state banks, ukrgasbank and sensbank , are of interest to foreign investors, these two institutions are already preparing for sale , deputy minister of finance yuriy draganchuk said. these institutions will soon be the cabinet... for them will choose financial advisors, there is currently no question of selling the private bank, but after the nationalization of sensbank, the share of state financial institutions increased to 56%, well, this is a large number, and that is why the international monetary
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fund is still insisting that banks, that are owned by the state has decreased, so we see that the government is now, i understand, conducting... negotiations with international investors who are going to purchase this or that state financial institution, develop it already at the expense of private, not state capital well, this week, important news , in fact, such a significant one, happened at the national bank of ukraine, the regulator stopped the process of lowering the discount rate, which had been going on since the summer of 2023, during this time it decreased from 25 to... 15%. at the first monetary policy meeting of this year , the national bank decided not to revise this important, essentially symbolic mechanism for the ukrainian economy, but this 15% discount rate is essentially a victory for the ukrainian
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economy, experts say. well, it's a sign that prices have essentially slowed down after a wild run growth, the economy begins to recover after. a significant drop, but the prospects are still disappointing, the national bank's forecasts remain pessimistic, it relies on the expectations of ukrainian business, and of course... it monitors the situation at the front, all of this is interconnected. well, but as for prices, the nbu looks at it with such an optimistic forecast. it upgraded its inflation expectations for the current year. it can be 8.6%. vnbu believes that price growth will accelerate somewhat, but within the current year, well, they say, the reasons are the reduction of certain. food stocks that have accumulated due to last year's harvests
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, as well as an additional increase in the price of goods and services will be provoked by consumer demand, that is, our and your expenses, and all again, business, which will transfer all its losses due to the war precisely to prices. well, if we talk about prices, then really, well, traditionally, just at this time of the year, the most expensive vegetables are... i talked about beets, potatoes, but right now the analysts of the eastfruit platform paid attention to cabbage, precisely after such a slight drop in prices, precisely beilogolova began to become more expensive, farmers are currently restraining the sale of quality products, well, of course, stocks are shrinking, they are trying to sell what is still stored a little later at a higher price, well, on average, selling prices have increased by 30% for cabbage, somewhere in the group they sell for uah 13 per kilo , but now they are actively looking for
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farms that are engaged in the resale of vegetable products, in order to really bring down the price, but so far, both beets, cabbage, and potatoes are only grown. and if we talk about the agrarian woman, there was a really difficult situation this week on the ukrainian-polish border, but it is interesting that... that bulgaria has now started insisting on the introduction of tariffs and quotas on ukrainian grain that is going to the european union. this is explained, they say, by the significant suffering of local farmers. in particular, their ministry of agriculture says that local producers cannot compete with the prices of ukrainian goods. he said that this is a consequence of the application of different production standards. officials warn that the current situation may lead to the collapse of bulgarian production. so the european commission must take action. not to protect only bulgaria here, but also the countries of the european union that border our state. well, this is
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what we were talking about, in fact, this is the overland route of ukrainian exports. let's move on to the sea, and an interesting figure appeared this week that through the black sea corridor, which is organized by our state, 18 million tons of goods have already been exported, they went to 32. the lion's share, of course, is agricultural production, the administration of sea ports reported. we are talking about the period of activity of the corridor from last august. these results were indeed significantly exceeded volumes that were achieved during the operation of the black sea grain initiative with the assistance of turkey and the united nations. well, i will conclude with an interesting, really promising figure: 787 soft loans. banks issued a total of almost 4.5 billion hryvnias, and this is only since the beginning
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of the current year. we are talking about preferential state program 579, the ministry of economy reported. most available loans were taken to replenish working capital. the initiative was mainly used by processing enterprises, as well as businesses operating in zones of high military risk and entrepreneurs who implemented investment projects among the regions, the leaders in terms of the sums of soft loans concluded are lviv, odesa, dnipropetrovsk regions, the top three regions, and of course, the capital. that's the last of this economic week, i'll be saying goodbye to you until monday, but the big broadcast continues, more to come, stay tuned. thank you, thank you oleksandr, well, important signals, watched and listened with delight, just thank you once again oleksandr morshevka, well my other one is ready. colleague serhiy rudenko, who will present all the main things that will be released today in his author's
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verdict program. glory to ukraine, serhii. glory to heroes. greetings antina, greetings, dear viewers. literally in 16 minutes , the two-hour verdict will begin. the first part of our program will feature politician and diplomat valery chaly. let's talk about how the russians, through the un security council , tried twice in the last week to condemn ukraine for terrorism and for the fact that ukraine resorts to shelling its territories controlled by russia, we are talking about... the attack on donetsk, which was obviously carried out by the russians themselves last weekend, and the downing of the il-76 plane over belgorod region, why putin and his team are trying to torpedo ukraine in the un security council and what consequences this may have lead to, well, in addition, bloomberg
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just the other day published information that putin... is trying to send a signal to the united states of america indirectly through indirect channels that he is open to agreements regarding ukraine, well, there are a number of those conditions that exist in russia, of course, this is the recognition of a territorial, new territorial reality, they have been talking about it for a long time, let's talk with mr. valery, what he thinks about these signals, and the situation that is developing around... of ukraine, with our western partners, with western europe, with germany, the united states of america, slovakia and hungary. the second part of our program will feature my on-air colleagues, journalists, olga musafirova and olga len. let's talk about how the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine is disintegrating literally before our eyes, because davyd argamiya stated that 17 people's deputies in... ukraine from the servant of the people want to resign from the parliament to withdraw their parliamentary powers, what will this lead to, isn't it time to talk about the government of national unity, and we will also mention the decree of the president of ukraine regarding lands, where are russian lands, where ukrainians live, what does he want to do with these lands and what signal to send to our compatriots on the aggressor's ... on fridays, well, there are literally 13 minutes left before the start of the verdict, the big evening with antin barkovsky continues, antin, you have the word,
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thank you serhiy, well, the release of the verdict will be extremely important today, so we will watch. together, and now i suggest, dear tv viewers, to watch a review of sports news. evgeny pastukhov will present all the most important things. khrystyna dmytrenko is the bronze medalist of the european biathlon championship, which is being held in slovakia. the ukrainian finished third in the women's sprint. dmytrenko did not hesitate both firing lines and showed quarters. the result in the rapid fire race. the european championship bronze is christina's debut award at this level. the rest of our biathletes took places in the top 40 and qualified for the pursuit race. norwegian idelien won the race. silver went to her compatriot maran kirkeide. the men's sprint took place today. of the six ukrainians, two finished in the top 20. vitaly
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manzin - 12th and dmytro pidruchny - 20th. debut gold of the european championship. frenchman antonin guigonna won in his career. lyudmila kichenok will play in the final of the doubles tournament of the grenslam series for the first time in his career. in the semifinals , ukrainka paired with latvian yelena ostapenko defeated the canadian-new zealand duo of gabriela dobrovsky and erin routliv 75-75. in the final, kichenok and ostapenko will face taiwan's sechuways and belgium's elise mertens. the final match will take place on sunday , january 28. the jurgen klopp era at liverpool is close to an end, the german merseyside boss has announced that he will leave anfield at the end of the season, admitting that he loves the club, its fans, the team and staff, but the specialist is convinced that the time
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has come to leave. i know. that i can't do this job over and over and over and over. after the years we've spent together and all the time we've spent together and all the things we've been through together, my respect for you has grown, my love for you has grown, and the least i owe you is the truth, and here's the truth, the fact is that i lack energy, if i could express it. having led liverpool in 2015, better times for the team, the club gradually transformed the marseillaise into a powerful team that managed to impose competitive struggle of the hegemon of the premier league, manchester city. under the leadership of klopp, liverpool won the gold of the english championship for the first time in 30 years and played in the finals of the champions league three times, and in 2019 they won the elite eurotrophy. in addition to klopp , the club will keep his assistants from the coaching
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staff, sports director jörch shmatke will say goodbye to the reds already this winter. in the current season, after the 21st round, liverpool leads the league table of england. well, important news has arrived from kharkiv, so the deputies of the kharkiv city council today they decided to turn on the air alarm signal in case of an immediate threat to the city, and not for the entire region, i am quoting now the mayor of kharkiv terikhov, today the deputies supported my initiative and made a decision to create a differentiated air alarm notification system, according to the kharkiv mayor, according to according to the new rules, the siren will be turned on only in case of danger without... moderately for the city, not for the entire region. yes, well, now is a thrilling, solemn moment. natalka didenko, a person,
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who knows about the weather, if not everything, then almost everything, and is always willing to share the secrets of our meteorology with our viewers. glory to ukraine, natalka, congratulations. to the heroes, thank god, how glad i am to see you. let's talk about the weather. and as always, not only about the weather and all kinds of interesting winter things, well, in short, a lot of interesting things literally in a second. despite such a small, but warming, thaw and even positive air temperature, winter continues, and snow, especially, if not in big cities, but somewhere on the outskirts or in mountainous areas. more enough, and that's why today we will talk about the most famous ski resorts of ukraine, of course , all of them are located in the mountainous area,
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in winter you can rest anywhere or go to take a break for a few days, er, you know, so you can bring your mental health back to normal, as they say health, but we will talk about these resorts, well, of course, the most promoted, the most famous ukrainian resort was... bukovel, there are many entertainments for family vacations, there is a ski school, and people like to rest in bukovel, well at least loved not only ukrainians, but also many foreigners. dragobrad is the highest mountain resort, but its specificity is that it is more suitable for such experienced, serious skiers. slavske, beautiful , the oldest ukrainian ski resort, is located on mount trostyan, and it has 11. pelepets is a ski resort in the mizhhirsky district of the transcarpathian region, there is also the shipit waterfall nearby, and pelepets, the second highest resort in ukraine.
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well, play is a complex located in yakislavske in the skoliv district of lviv area near the village of plavie, upper tracks for such experienced, serious athletes, lower slopes, comfortable slopes for beginners, and there is also a ski school there. well, i don't know how much it's all there now. works all these schools, but judging by the press, i, for example , know that bukovel, well, i read, at least, like all of us, is very even flourishing, god forbid that everything should be only for good, and winter, and ski holidays, and in general the possibility of rest in principle of any kind, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now let's look at the forecast chart and see that tomorrow there will be such quite active activity, the magnet... the activity will be increased, so please, those who respond to magnetic storms, pay attention to your well-being, especially since there are many reasons to pay attention to this well-being now , and also taking into account the flu and covid, which
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have worsened and are said to be spreading in ukraine, capturing more and more citizens in their tentacles, don't give in, we'll move on to the weather itself, let's see what this winter will be like, this winter weekend, the very first winter saturday in every... region of ukraine, we traditionally start from the western regions, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, well, first of all, there will be a strong wind, be careful, be careful, it will be damp, cloudy and moderate wet snow, although, as you can see , air temperature with pluses, but at night small minuses and approaching zero and will provoke more wet snow, and where there is wet snow there is wet snow sticking, very carefully and carefully. cloudy weather will also prevail in the north of ukraine tomorrow, i won't say. that some are extraordinary here there will be precipitation in the west, for example, it will be heavier, to moderate, as i said, but nevertheless, there will also be a little wet snow here and there, in the east.
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the weather in ukraine tomorrow is also expected to be cloudy, so sad, damp, gray , the air temperature is close to zero, well, now it is thawing almost everywhere, well, small minuses will be observed at night, and small precipitation will also be observed in places in the eastern part of ukraine. in the central part of ukraine, the weather will not differ much from the rest territory, there will also be dense cloudiness, gusty wind, air temperature will fluctuate. around zero, in the southern part of ukraine it will traditionally be a few degrees higher, of course, the air temperature will range from two to 4 degrees celsius, in the crimea up to five to seven, and here, of course , precipitation is mainly in the form of rain, in kyiv tomorrow the weather is expected to be cloudy , i wouldn't say that there will be any significant precipitation, maybe some light sleet is possible somewhere, but again, no serious precipitation, i repeat, and the air temperature is about 0°. want to say
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what... in the near future, from january 29, we will finally have anti-cyclonic weather, which means that the precipitation will stop and there will even be sunny clearings, but it will be so fresh and cool, and from february 2, a noticeable, sharp warming is expected somewhere to +3 -9°, in the south and south-west even up to 10-12°, but do not rush to hide warm clothes, because this... the temperature fluctuations are so, but still it is nice to say once again that from february 2 we expect warming. well, thank you, natalka didenko, that's what we heard, a certain thaw is coming, but not immediately. well, and an important message from the intelligence agencies of estonia, as we
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understand it. that estonia is not, so to speak , the center of, i don't know, russian or anti-russian espionage, but in any case, that estonian analytical centers process a lot of different nato information, and therefore we take the message from the head of the development center extremely seriously of the estonian defense forces , colonel ans kiveselg. so, for words, according to him, the situation on the battlefield in general has not undergone special changes. general intensity. combat operations decreased compared to previous weeks, with one exception in the avdiivka area , the number of shelling from the russian federation has a tendency to increase, and according to representatives of estonian intelligence, the decrease in enemy combat activity is mostly associated with a change in weather, an increase in the amount of precipitation and the preservation of positive temperatures, due to that the soil loosens and becomes more impassable for heavy military
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equipment. according to kivselg, the russians continue active hostilities in the area the avdiivkas are accumulating equipment there, presumably preparing for another breakthrough attempt. this is an extremely important signal. next, i quote the head of intelligence of the estonian defense forces. it is quite likely that the current intensity of offensive activity in the direction of avdiyivka and its possible reorientation is also aimed at breaking the fighting spirit of ukrainians. well, understand. that our spirit is stronger despite the fact that, according to official russian imperial information, russian enemy groups on the fronts in ukraine number about 617,000 people, the moscow führer said. well, we will be on the alert, and now, accordingly, my colleagues will pick up
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the information and analytical baton, i... wish you a peaceful evening, and see you on the air, good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, the world, pro... war and our victory today in the program. signals from putin. the kremlin allegedly informed the us of its readiness for negotiations on ukraine. what a game the russian dictator is playing. premonition of a great war. nato is conducting the largest exercises since the cold war. how quickly can russia prepare for an attack? assistance will not be blocked. hungary and slovakia.


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