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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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information and analytical relay, i wish you a peaceful evening, and see you on the air , good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, over the next two ... we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. today in the program. signals from putin, the kremlin allegedly informed the usa about its readiness for negotiations on ukraine, what game is being played by the russian dictator. premonition of a major war: nato conducts the largest learning since the cold war. how quickly can russia prepare for an attack? assistance will not be blocked. hungary and slovakia.
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softened the position on ukraine, which influenced orban and fico? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with diplomat valery chaly. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour , there will be a journalism club. olga musafirova and olga len will be guests of our journalism club. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how ukrainian soldiers from... destroyed the latest russian t-90 tank broke through on the left bank of the kherson region. journalist yury botusov made public clear shots of finishing off equipment with drones. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please. like our pages and also subscribe to our pages. for those who are currently watching us on youtube, take part in our vote. today we ask you about the following: does ukraine need a government of national unity? yes, no, vote with the appropriate buttons, or write your own a vision or one's understanding of what kind of government ukraine currently needs. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote. if yes, then... 0800 211 381 no
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0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free. we are in contact with a politician, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-2019 , valery chaly. mr. valery, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, since we ask our viewers whether ukraine needs a national government. i will also ask you, what do you think, does ukraine need such a government now? i would not like to influence the opinion of your tv viewers at the beginning of the program, since you have already asked, in my opinion, ukraine needs dynamics in the conditions of war, and absolutely, well, the same level of inclusion, not only the authorities, everyone, and everyone, and the president . and the parliament and the fact that
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we have a cabinet of ministers, well, it now plays a strange role, but none the less, and in general broad circles of business and society, that is, because for two reasons, firstly, there is fatigue, and fatigue, with maximum involvement, it is obviously at the front, i.e. here, without a doubt, it is impossible, there are physical forces of a person, they are not limitless, there are just purely mental problems, and the same, if i put in 100% as much as possible, some kind of renewal is needed within the power institutions, i just don’t know how to do it correctly in conditions when it is not possible to hold elections, but here, in fact , the thing that lies on the surface is certain rotations in the executive structures, and what are they can be, obviously, if they are under themselves have a wider base, it will be better. what's more,
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now there are reports that the once-powerful majority factions in the parliament have problems, so i guess we need to look at it first. what coalition will be in the parliament, it can be a coalition of national unity, and accordingly, we can talk about the government, well , that is exactly why we ask mr. valery of our tv viewers, because david darahamya says that 17 deputies from the servant of the people want to leave the parliament, and it can create problems for the majority, well, for the parliament it does will not create problems, but most will need to create a new one. i would just like to add, with your permission, that as far as i know, there are currently revolutionary ideas on how to change it all, but without changes, let's say this, and to change such ideas without changes is a wrong idea, that is, if there is a problem , and there is no
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reaction, because there is a war, and indeed there are not all mechanisms can be used, then one mechanism is understood, we should not weaken the institution, in this case the parliament. and in fact, there are mechanisms here, but on the other hand, it seems that yesterday's mechanisms are being sought , so that the coalition that is in power there does not fall apart, but it has not been a majority in the parliament for a long time, that is, we have, by and large, the composition of both the parliament and the government's committees today. in the parliament, it does not correspond to what happened during the elections, it is obvious, therefore, without elections, without even holding elections in the parliament, one could now really think about expanding, already consolidating the expansion of the coalition, by the way, such coalition agreements, they at one time there were, i.e
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and they are in our legislation, it can be a broad coalition, if we say that it is a war and everyone is united, i don't understand why there are problems here in uniting some kind of coalition... on the basis of the defense of ukraine, the defense of ukraine, the european euro-atlantic integration, and then, by the way, those who, well, are in the opposition, or oppose the authorities, they will be part of this process, it will be their joint precise responsibility. i absolutely agree with you that in the conditions of war, such a government or such a coalition will give the impression that the government is united in ukraine, there is no such division the government, the opposition, well... even a conditional one, during the war, i understand, it is difficult to say who opposes, who is, who is the government, although the government is the one that has the resources and opportunities to influence domestic and foreign policy, and such unity, and such a government would then allow
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our western partners to say that we have a united power, we are united by one goal, we are going to victory, i hope so... it will be, we will return to our foreign policy events and results this week, because russia has been quite active in the last few days used the site of the un security council in order to prove that ukraine is a terrorist country, a country that kills and a country that shoots down planes. first it was a story. with the bazaar that was shelled in donetsk by russian troops, and they blamed ukraine, the first case and the second case, when the il-76 plane crashed in the belgorod region, and in the first and second cases
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, sergey lavrov, who is in the organization of the united natsii, was one of those who tried to state that... that the ukrainians do not need to be given weapons, because you see, they they are using it for the wrong purpose, how do you assess what happened in the un security council and in the un in general, in the context of lavov himself coming there, in the context of the fact that russia is constantly trying to use this high platform in the world with us, when because most countries, obviously, or representatives of countries. they still understand that the war in ukraine was started by russia, not ukraine. there are two questions here, firstly, regarding the un tribune. well, it is obvious that legally, and everyone knows and has proven this, russia has, in fact, taken over the place
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of the former soviet union, including using it in the security council, as a lawyer. and, well, this, this, this story is regularly brought up by the ukrainian side. at all meetings, but there is not a single decision, by the way, there is still no decision regarding the restriction of the right of species, well, here we are unlikely to achieve anything quickly, i think that the situation is so... will remain, or is it better for us to be in this situation , not a participant in all the processes, well, for now, but you are really right, now the second part, the russians often use this participation for propaganda, i will tell you that at other meetings of the security council, they sometimes state things that completely contradict what they have built, built in relation to ukraine, in relation to ukraine, they have built a scheme of lies, it is... based on many lies, and this can be proven with facts, and the members of the security council already know this, everyone, well
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, some pay attention to this, some just want to keep silent, but everyone knows very well that, for example, the security council is dedicated to the problem of the near east, and russia did not block the decision regarding the striking by the united states of 100 missiles, including tomahawks, against those missiles of the houthis, you remember. russia did not block in any way, only one remark they wanted to make there, that it does not apply, or rather to involve this palestinian solution to the palestinian issue, this is the first, and second and most importantly, that the same rule that they supported on that meeting, it cannot be used in the black sea, by the way, china supported them in this, what is possible and not possible in other points, i.e. what they are doing, and they in no way... did not deny the right of the usa to react, and it was done very quickly, at our own meetings,
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i mean, devoted to the issues of the russian-ukrainian war, whether they are convened by russia or ukraine, the position is unchanged, this is a well-read, often well-read document from the kremlin that they receive, and it can be seen, sometimes at the last moment, and they simply read it, i think that this is already a roach, she got everyone... well, actually, it can be seen in those countries that just listen to it every now and then, and, unfortunately, such a situation that they sang about the last situation, the press conference of the head of their foreign policy department, so what you asked, ah, well, i listened to it, i was just curious what questions journalists ask, nothing new there, what i heard something new. explanations that worry everyone now, that russia is really showing some
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moments of readiness or preparation for a possible attack on a nato country or provocation, and so often they began to deny it, that it convinces me more and more that they are will be prepared, that's how lavrov spoke according to freud, when asked if this is planned, he said, you understand, well, not from any point of view. not political , not economic, none, we do not plan and it makes no sense for us to attack a nato country, and we will not attack, and continue, it is interesting, we and svo, this, they are called a war against ukraine, a special military operation , we didn't want to do that either, but the nato countries, that is, it was clearly said that in principle they are comparing it and it could be the same. it's the same with them on this issue which is being discussed recently, they convened a discussion there, well, first
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of all, no one believes, the same lavrov at a press conference when asked about the plane that was on russian territory, very close to military operations, why did he end up there, well this is a military plane, and actually, that's why it ended up there very close to the means of destruction. of various russian and ukrainian ones, i.e., in this zone, civil aviation flights are prohibited, this is a purely military aircraft, and its type is to destroy transport, which is wind-up, it is there is none, none, in principle the difference, he is assigned to a military regiment, he performs military tasks, this is a fact that cannot be denied, then a fact that i can say, and this is a fact, russia does not allow international investigators to... to of this catastrophe, that is, it does not allow how quickly they wanted to beat all this, as lavrov says, you
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believe us, you just believe us, just trust, that's all, and they say to them, what kind of international investigation will there be, they say, no, no, i think lavrov has not yet been instructed by the kremlin, and the kremlin has already said none the investigation of the international, this is the first, second, you declare there about the dead civilians or prisoners of war, firstly, you have done a lot. if you say so, well, suddenly such transportation was allowed, this is a violation of the rules of war, that is, it is clear, but they do not give the international red cross on... even access to these prisoners, they do not give any to these lists, by the same token, this is a fact , one more fact, these are the facts that have been proven, everything else still needs an international investigation, and while there is no such investigation, no conclusions can be drawn it is possible, moreover, this investigation should be
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about exactly the violation of the rules of war, not about who fired there. this plane, because it could have been russian friendly fire, that is, not in relation to this, but precisely in relation to the violations of the rules of war, and the investigation should be with the admission of all expertise, everything, because now days they, you know, they can use, we have already seen it , when mh17 crashed, we believe it is a civilian plane, they so wanted to hide the fact that a russian beech was used, brought from russia from russia, they... wanted to hide so much that they took a break, they even got to the point that all of them, well , they were photographed first against the background of the bodies of the dead, and then they cleaned it all up , and only then they allowed it, well, if there were other explanations, and we, the ukrainian side, they immediately demanded the admission of international experts, that is, we opened all the maps at once, even, frankly speaking, in
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a situation when, well, maybe not everything was clear yet, but they definitely said so between. therefore , until i see the data of the international investigation, in any way, no russian comment, neither lavov, nor putin, i accept, because i heard so many lies from them, during the war, you know that lies are a tool of war. well, the united states of america accuses russia of trying to shift responsibility for the consequences of the war unleashed by the kremlin on ukraine, due to the haste with which the russian delegation convened the security council of the ou. after the crash of the il-76 in the belgorod region, the deputy permanent representative of the united states of america to the united nations, ambassador robert wood, stated that he said: russia's haste to convene a meeting of the council fully corresponds to the russian model textbook with which we are all familiar. the russian federation has repeatedly tried
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to shift responsibility for the tragedies of the senseless war of choice onto others, as if it were a victim, not an aggressor. ramza ozha , a representative of american diplomacy. well, against the background of this, another message appeared that putin is sending signals to the united states of america about readiness for negotiations, regarding the war in ukraine. you must have read this news from bloomberg, mr. valery, i don't know how much you can trust what he writes blumber, but they say that because of indirect contacts, the president. sent a signal to the united states of america that he is open to negotiations regarding ukraine. in particular, putin is allegedly ready not to object to ukraine's possible membership in nato in exchange for consolidating russian control over the territories of ukraine occupied in recent years. hints that russia is open to negotiations, even if they are not sincere, could
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help sow divisions among ukraine's allies, isolating kyiv and undermining the president's efforts. zelensky to get support his own peace formula, which involves the complete withdrawal of russia. so what is behind the signals, not even putin's, but the signals that periodically appear in the press about moscow's signals? well, they are not only covert, they are open, they are publicly stating that they want to stop it as soon as possible now. active actions, because they , well, we are obviously in a difficult situation, and they also have serious problems, they need some period to restore their capabilities, there our armed forces and defense forces have halved, at least already theirs, well army both on the black sea and on sukhodol,
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that is, it is clear that they are not happy. from the fact that their supplies are now stopped , especially putin's entourage who are making money from this are not happy to use for knowledge of the lifting of sanctions, including, therefore , in principle, it sounds like we are ready as soon as possible, only on our terms, the terms are them. announced, in short, capitulation of ukraine, that is, the conditions are such and that's all, that is , what is the readiness for negotiations, the peace formula offered by the ukrainian side. they generally reject absolutely, one more point, the mediators offered them, you know that in switzerland, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said that switzerland is ready and
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offered to hold a summit on the peace formula this year, and switzerland also officially stated that they do not see whether they see this only with the participation of the russian side, they officially appealed just in new york, to that... lavrov immediately publicly said that russia does not agree to this, that is, he clearly stated that russia does not want negotiations even on the official offer of switzerland, so what does this mean, such things are not discussed publicly at all, they are not discussed, if they were offered to him the swiss, he immediately blurted out, excuse me for the word at the press conference, first of all, he basically, well, the swiss actually nullified this initiative, now i don’t know, it must be there already... it is clear that there will be nothing with russia, so i can't see at all there is no readiness of russia to stop the war, and the fact that rockets are flying, strikes are flying at kharkov,
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strikes at ukrainian cities, this is just a confirmation of this, so it is absolutely not serious to talk about anything now, negotiations are possible only if our negotiating power is strengthened our position, i mean the ukrainian position with help and support... and when the russian side is forced to take some steps, but i will tell you my position, it is different, i generally believe that the negotiations should proceed only with regard to the exchange of prisoners, exchange, well on regret, the bodies of the dead, to go in relation to, well, all these moments that arise during the war, in no way, until it is possible to sign any, whatever... any agreement or something like that with this regime, and maybe where- the fact is that somehow, through the mediation of the usa, the usa may be the first priority, it may somehow be transferred from one
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type of war to another, to another confrontation, but i warn you immediately and for the future, there can be no direct ukraine-russia negotiations with putin, that is, this is it will be our very losing position in any case and that our manager knows. therefore, our position is always open, withdraw your troops from our territory, and then we can decide something, and yes, when you kill our people, continue the war, then you offer ukraine to surrender, then how can you come to such things in any option , and what appears, it will appear constantly, and has appeared, but, mr. valery, if russia wants changes regarding ukraine, then it is not about... that they want to participate in the meeting, regarding zelenskyi's peace formula and not as for direct negotiations with zelensky, they want negotiations with the united states of america, or with representatives
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of the north atlantic alliance, as they declared in december 21, when putin's ultimatum was known, regarding how the future architecture of influence in the world and... look, yes, you are right, by the way , the moment is very right, they responded with war, they gave an ultimatum in the 21st year , what you said, officially in letters the usa and nato received ultimatums, that is, withdraw there troops from the territory of the country that entered after 1996 to nato, that is, the ultimatum was nato and the usa, and then, when these, neither the usa nor nato did not obey, did not obey this ultimatum, whom they attacked, they have... to the usa, i i am surprising you, if i am not mistaken , the border in russia is 4.5 km, that is, yes, it is in the strait, it is
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in alaska, well, if you take sukhadol, there is a longer distance, but they are very close to the usa, they did not attack the usa , they are afraid of this collision, they and nato have not yet attacked, so far, it may be, but they attacked ukraine, the question is, what does ukraine have to do with it, here in general, in this... what about ukraine, well, i don't want to go into details, it's their lying, well, just cynical thing, when they see that they can't strike hard, because they get a war with a nuclear state, they strike at a weak point, unfortunately, unfortunately, they considered ukraine to be like that, they were wrong in many ways, but they did so, so now there will be no decision without ukraine, it is not possible to solve now what theoretically could be said in the 21st year... when there has not yet been a large-scale invasion on the territory of ukraine, now when they caused enormous damage in ukraine, when they violated territorial
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integrity and sovereignty even more. "you will not do it without ukraine, even if , let me remind you, in the 21st year there were a lot of concentrated russian troops in our borders, then, as you remember, there was a meeting in geneva between the presidents of the usa and the president of russia, yes, this is a desire, i agree, sit down and decide, well, how will you decide now, when russia is already bogged down in this, and ukraine is already a subject in this process, so be it..." any an attempt to solve something without ukraine will end in failure. you mentioned the small distance between russia and the united states of america. well, obviously it is also about alaska, because this whole story can unfold there too, and this week medvedev tried to unfold this story, because putin signed a decree on the search abroad for real estate that once belonged to the ussr and even the russian empire, and appropriate...
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formation of this real estate, after which the united states of america warned moscow about possible encroachments on american territory, and medvedev , the deputy head of the russian security council, wrote: according to the representative of the state department, russia is not getting alaska back, it was sold to the united states of america in the 19th century, so be it, but we expected that alaska would return from day to day, now war is inevitable . medvedev is now trolling the american. or considering how medvedev, putin, and russia in general are behaving, that you can expect anything from them. well, there were statements that, in my opinion, today, that texas is already on the verge of war there with other states, with the federal government. that is, well, you know, i think so, first of all, these statements, well, consider, i don't know how much you can.
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but it’s still medvedev, although we call him there, when he gets to the keys, different epithets are given, i won’t repeat myself now, but he is putin’s deputy in retbez, he has a position, that is, vice putin he is there, although he may have wanted something else, but he is vice-vice-putin, that's why he was given such a role, which was played by zhirinovsky before, that is, sometimes these are some attempts at horror stories. there is already hope, and often it is simply for the domestic russian audience, there are elections soon, they want to consolidate, there are those who are so belligerent that they will show some movie to america, of course they will never do that, they are afraid, but they still have, let me remind you, borders with other nato countries, that is, there are problems here
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, because they actually have borders... with estonia, and with finland, and with latvia, and with lithuania through the kaliningrad region, they have borders with poland, that is, well, there are a lot of problems here , exactly that is the territory, that is why they take it seriously there, and that is why estonia is preparing for construction, as i understand it, already this year , the line of defense, that is, fortifications and... lithuania is preparing to receive a mechanized brigade of the german bundeswehr , complete with tanks, self-propelled armored vehicles, and so on, that is, it is a completely different situation in the air of nato, so that you understood , the poles, well, i won’t go into details, but i think they understood their mistakes, now
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any missiles... there are planes that take off when we have an alarm, in poland there are also at least a couple of fighter jets, or even squadron, now permanent patronage introduced, i understand, well, it was reported the other day, maybe it was before, introduced over the benelux, belgium, the netherlands, luxembourg, f-35, well, at least the f-35s were not on duty, the f-35 pair takes off in mode of permanent alternation, i.e. rotation changes, permanent. i will tell you the powerful control of this direction already, that is , they are no longer their statements . have seen, but they see real actions already from
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training, i so... understand, because the military will not do that.


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