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tv   [untitled]    January 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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audience on federal terms, well, this is for reference, and i want to thank our guests, olga leni, olga musafirova, were guests of our program today, during our program we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, so 90%, 91% on the tv broadcast said yes to youtube, 86% yes, 14 against. here are the results of this survey, it was a verdict program. it was conducted by serhii rudenko, i will say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, take care of yourself and your loved ones relatives, goodbye, there are discounts on deflu, 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. a person who has fallen into a coma will learn the news. everyone was lied to by spartacus
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an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does he dream of, pa- norman, can we imagine that? all this in the information marathon saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you
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draw your own conclusions. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be? guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon.
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live now where you are. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, the big evening program. well, formally with vasyl in the winter, but de facto, with me. so will keep you informed. about the most important events of this day, together with the best ukrainian experts, i will sum up the results of this day, and accordingly we will also analyze a separate situation in certain hot and tense places of our ukrainian geography, there are a lot of events, well, but i will start with a good espresso ritual with collection, dear tv viewers, once again we appeal to you and the tv channel: espresso and i
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personally, as well as the charity fund of my colleague iryna koval, are collecting for the needs of our fighters, both from the 141st brigade. fighters are performing tasks in... the orikhiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region. infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. with these funds, we plan to purchase walkie-talkies and batteries for them: starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equally important equipment at the front. every hryvnia - every hryvnia will come in handy. and thanks to you, dear viewers, we have already closed more than one collection. so this one. once again , we are asking you, if you have the appropriate opportunity, then donate to needs of our soldiers. our goal is uah 1 million. let's listen now, guys, and continue our broadcast. we ask you to join
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iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help. glory to ukraine, glory. well, let's talk. clearly and succinctly in military terms. so, dear tv viewers, you can see the qr code during today's broadcast, if you have the opportunity, please send as much as you can. we understand that there is no more money, but no one canceled the war. an extremely important piece of news has now arrived from the south's defense forces. during this day, the defense forces destroyed two enemy observation points, guns and a tank of the russian invaders on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. two guns, a tank, a mortar, five units of automobile equipment. well, according to the general staff, the armed forces of ukraine continue to expand the bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region, instead, the enemy is also attacking our soldiers. well, if we are talking about important news and important
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signals, the russian war criminal putin summed up, or rather, summed up the number of his intervenors on our territories in... so, i am quoting interfax now. the length of the front line is more than 200 km , and 617,000 people of the russian group are in the combat zone. well, this is new, corrected, so to speak, information about the number of enemy interventionists. i am currently inviting alisa sesoeva, journalist, member of the zaporizhia district council, to our evening broadcast. glory to ukraine, ma'am. congratulations, congratulations, heroes, glory! well, i have just published some information concerning the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, but we understand that the situation on zaporizhia section of the front. let's
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start our conversation with this first. i will ask you to prepare a proper map accordingly, but ms. alisa, what is happening now on the zaporozhye sector of the front? well, as always, we are told that fierce battles are going on there, but today there was such positive news from the general staff that our armed forces, they have advanced a little in the vervovoy and robodenny areas, in general, as we are informed, every day the enemy does not stop trying to , to repel the positions that our armed forces previously occupied, so it's very, very hot there at the moment areas of the front, told by the military, the military says that they... they are currently using everything they have, they are constantly shelling, and they say that they have reinforcements there, and there was this information that at the moment, they have been reinforced by graduates of some russian school, but at the same time, despite the fact that they are constantly transporting
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immobilized and graduates, the military points out that it is not necessary to devalue the enemy, because, apart from these recruits, there are, of course, those who are fighting against us in this direction. .. professional, military personnel, so at the moment the situation there is not easy, but the main thing is that our armed forces manage to hold the occupied positions, so the enemy has not advanced in recent days, as far as we are informed, but if we talk, for example, about enemy activity, yes, it is possible there is information about the enemy's attempts to enter our land with the help of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and at the same time, maybe there is information about... air strikes and air raids, and in general, how loud was it in zaporizhzhia today? fortunately, in itself zaporizhzhia was quiet today, just like the last few days, but the shelling in the zaporizhzhia region, the cities of goliaipole, orihiv,
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and the zaporizhzhia district are often shelled, and the enemy is constantly shelling there, including from artillery and aviation, but the last the other day, the number of shellings... decreased a little, for example, today 58 strikes were recorded in the zaporizhia region, i want to say that this is a very small number of shellings compared to what happens in the last... days, usually in the last months, i apologize, usually every day the number of shellings exceeds 100, sometimes it reaches 200, but today there were 58, fortunately there were no casualties or deaths, of course there is destruction, but we currently have settlements that probably remain only on the map of ukraine, because there is no surviving building there. ms. aliso, zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. we remember that there were several months, relatively speaking, of peace, informational silence regarding
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the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, then information appeared that the enemy had mined the approaches to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, then it turned out that the general secretary of magathe, rafael grossi, and so on and so forth are going to visit there, and so on and so forth, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant is coming up again, please share some latest news, and why do you think it appeared again in general. but after a certain break in the information field? well, i think that it is connected with the fact that recently there was such a large and extensive comment, an interview of the mayor of energodara, dmytro orlov, who once again emphasized what the occupiers are doing there, and what is happening there. and about the visit magate, you know, i remember how eagerly and expectantly we followed their visits the first few times, because we hoped that... it might change something, but then, as it turned out, not much ,
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especially the hope of the occupiers, their visits do not affect you, you probably remember these simply screaming shots, when the representatives of the magats hugged the occupiers who are on the territory of the nuclear power plant. currently , we know that the situation there, it does not change much. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is currently the same as before during the first one intrusion. during the first day, when the russians entered there, they turned it into a real military facility, there is a proven fact that there is a sub-depot and military equipment of the russians, so at the moment it is a military base from which they periodically shell the cities of nikopol and marganets, sometimes the energodar himself. accordingly, information also appeared that representatives of the management of the united organization visited zaporizhzhia. of nations, yes, representatives of the un office for the coordination of humanitarian
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affairs, well, they would like you accordingly i would like to ask you about the humanitarian situation, maybe not in zaporizhzhia itself , yes, but in the districts and accordingly we understand that there are internally displaced persons within the boundaries of the region, and accordingly, what is possible to hear about real activity, not declarative, but real activity of representatives organizations of the united nations, well, the zaporizhia case. well , from what we can see, even if we compare the situation a year ago, we can see that in general the amount of aid, well, in my opinion, has decreased, there is less and less of such points where people are regularly provided with humanitarian aid, you can see less and less people standing in queues, and these were really really earlier such points where people could come several times a week and get help, these are elderly people and displaced persons. and now, in principle , humanitarian aid is mostly provided locally, that is
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, there are several hubs operating in the zaporizhzhia region that are linked to the territory, for example, berdyansk, melitopol, tokmak, and as for aid from international partners, well either it is not so publicly advertised, or after all it really became less, they began to pay less attention to our front-line zaporizhzhia. uhuh, and finally, i wanted to clarify with you, and in general, do people return to their homes, that is, we are talking about displaced people, maybe even outside the borders of our state, yes, do residents of zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region return or not? well, unfortunately, most people have nowhere to return to the zaporizhzhia region, on the contrary, people are persuaded to leave, because, unfortunately, still people who remain in the cities, in which enemy shelling is covered every day. there are people in goliaipol and orichova. as for zaporizhia
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itself, there was an exodus from there, there were two such waves when people left zaporizhzhia, this was at the beginning of the full-scale invasion and last year in the fall, when we were shelled by the enemy every day , they were literally trampled on many floors, if we recall september-november, then during these two months, dozens of multi -storey buildings were affected, then there was such an outflow of people, now there is no such thing, in principle, everyone... who stays in zaporizhzhia, they work here and live, if you come to zaporozhye, you will see that the city is very, very crowded, but of course the war is felt here. more than, for example, in other cities, if you go further west, because you still feel that it is such, you know, a furpos, which is not here, there is already a front line nearby, so this movement, it is here, of course, is being sewn up. thank you, ms. alisa, and have a good evening. i would like to remind our viewers that
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alisa sysoeva, a journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district, was currently working for them on espresso. please, it's important. the signal came from former secretary general of nato and ex-minister of defense of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland george robertson. so, i quote the bloomberg agency. robertson claims that despite his russia-friendly rhetoric, trump as president of the united states actually strengthened american defenses and increased contributions to nato. direct speech. now in the absence of progress on the field. battle in russia, putin seems to have only to wait until the election of donald trump, who he hopes will conclude some dirty deal to end the war. but even that strategy, if you can call it that, is flawed, robertson said. the republican members of the us congress were here in the uk and they were very keen to make it clear that this
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strategy is flawed and during his time in office, contrary to his rhetoric, trump...sent missiles to poland, increased nato funding and significantly strengthened the power of its own armed forces, and therefore it begins to look like another miscalculation by the kremlin, - explained the former secretary general nato, mr. robertson. he was the secretary general of nato until 2004. well, let's go back to the analysis of the situation in the regions. daughter mykola dovbnya, deputy of the druzhkiv city council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. mykola glory to heroes. good evening , espresso tv channel. good evening, mr. antit. so, mr. mykola, i wanted to ask you first about the news from the front line in donetsk region. yes, we understand that the situation in avdiivka is very difficult, but there is also bakhmut, and the list goes on. i would ask you to share some,
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possibly quick, so-called operational ones news what i get from... from the news of the guys returning from bakhmut, chasovyar, lyman, avdiyivka, confirms that the situation is extremely difficult, and the delay of the us congress, or nato, in general, with the supply of weapons is felt. unfortunately, every day of delay is the life of our boys, which you will never get back. er, as for the civilian population, it's also suffering from shortages. rockets, druzhkivka was shelled tonight, 10 private houses were destroyed, people were left without a roof in the winter, without the possibility to rest in peace enter the spring. also, today i spoke with representatives of the military administration of the city of sivirsk, and here is very interesting information,
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you know, the city of sivirs is located 5-7 km from the front line, ugh, the city, the city without... water, without gas, without electricity, over 1,200 people still live there, why do they live, this is some strange story, it should be studied by psychologists, it should be studied in general, why a person gets used to rocket attacks first, then to artillery fire, then to complete destruction, and it remains, it remains in the place where she lived, and it cannot be said that there remain quilters waiting for russian peace. who are tuned in to russia, no, this is some kind of strange psychology, and it must be studied, because it is absolutely incomprehensible how a healthy person can remain in the conditions that exist now, winter, i repeat, without water, without gas, without light, and thank god that the military administration is working,
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the seversk military administration is working very well, the same situation during the air war, not a single whole house, not a single one, everything was destroyed, half huts, half some holes in which people they live, spend the winter, are supplied there, yes , they are supplied with huts, they are brought firewood, they are brought bread, food, and this is some absolutely strange situation, strange behavior of people, which needs to be studied, why this happens, certainly, mr. mykola, well but here for sociologists... for anthropologists in general , the field of work is not plowed, so it also applies to those who remain and, so to speak, the rest of our population, so the situation. in the country in general is not idle. bakhmut. perhaps you have some additional information about bakhmut. so we understand that the enemy is activated there.
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to put it mildly, the fighting continues, the fighting is tough, but druzhkivka is not far from bakhmut. share, be kind, maybe more news. yes, druzhkivka is really located in several, well, 15-20, it all depends on where you are measuring from. now you are showing footage from the destroyed city of bakhmut, it is very, very sad to see all this, i have often been to bakhmut, i have seen the development of this city, since 2015, 16, 17, after we were released, we repeat , in the 14th years were surrounded, and parks and bases of the olympic sports reserve for donetsk athletes were built in bakhmut. now everything is turned into ruins and everything else that concerns the military unit, extremely fierce battles are going on on the right of chasovyar, the enemy is trying to get
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to the heights that are currently ours, and you must understand, i said six months and a year and a half ago, that chasovyar is the highest point, the highest place in the donetsk region, from which there is a complete view of sloviansk, kramatorsk, drushkivka and konstantinov now slovyansk, drushkivka , kramatorsk are simply under such tension, but kostiantynivka is under constant artillery shelling, i emphasize artillery fire, not rockets, not rockets here, the artillery has started to work here, as for the mood of our boys, the mood is fighting, guys, those , with whom i am talking, these are professional sosivoshniks, they leave constantly, well, on rotation during avyars, they hold the defense, i already said that... one of the bits after our indisputable victory, it will be just crazy mining, the war is going on now by some on paths, on paths, on some small
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roads, because everything else is mined, and mined daily from drones, both by our armed forces to protect the cities that i listed, and by the russians, so this is another problem that will befall our area after victory, and what is the orientation? depth of mining and in general how densely the enemy is trying to mine, well, we understand that they also have a limited number of drones, you know, mining, density of mining, well, look, between the contact line from 1.5 km there to 500-700 m, and this entire area is completely mined, there are some trails left to... take out for observation for this, but everything is completely changing, and it is changing without using means that then they will show where it was mined, they just
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scatter from the lancets, the petals scatter, which cause significant damage to people, they do not kill, well, maybe, of course, and such a situation will happen, they tear off hands, limbs and so on, the density of mining is terrible and. .. i would like in this plan in terms of life donetsk region to touch on another topic, the topic of the functioning of the civilian population and small businesses, because strange things happen in our region, those entrepreneurs who have adapted, adapted to work under constant shelling, they are now beginning to bear the same tax burden as the rest , the rest of the enterprise. who work on the territory of ukraine, we do not ask for tax benefits, we do not ask to be exempted from taxes, but there are such things as, for example, property tax, and we all understand that
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most of it, the majority of this property has already been destroyed in one way or another, we have always paid taxes, i am also an entrepreneur, we have always paid these taxes ten times over, and there is no question of compensation now, it is clear that we will compensate and rebuild after the war and now we need to raise the issue of exemption from local taxes, land taxes, property taxes, those entrepreneurs who invest in business now, well, the service sector there is developing, being rebuilt, now, by the way, the kramatorsk machine-building plant is starting to restart these or other lines and even furnaces for smelting steel, i think i am sure, or rather, that your program is being watched... the powerful are being watched by the authorities at all levels, and i am appealing, as a member of the local council, to those who can to make a decision on exemption
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from taxation, at least... local taxes, people who are working now, investing, well , the last money, supporting, you understand that all this is set up in one way or another to support the armed forces of ukraine. mr. mykola, there is not even a single doubt at all, the only thing that i would like to ask you to gather like-minded people and formalize your proposals in writing, how this model should look like, well, we understand that even our officials. they have hearts and understand how , for example, the work of an entrepreneur in the kyiv region differs from the work of an entrepreneur somewhere 20 km from bakhmut, that is, there are two big differences, well, accordingly, this is my appeal, i think that my fellow journalists support you , and accordingly this information will still arrive in the proper way by the way its distribution, and finally, when we talk about all these problems, and there is no
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... fact of the facts, that the fiscal is squeezing local business, well, you know, i myself faced the fact that, for example, one of the enterprises which i take care of, it is removed from the single tax, that is, we are now transferring to the general taxation system , new taxes are added, an attempt, and the transfer happened in an inexplicable way, without notification, an attempt now eh... hold on, get these acts, why is this happened, does not lead to anything, and the state needs it to understand that those who are currently working in any field, i will tell you, detect, for example, seversk without, what a gradation, how quickly the situation changes from the front line, 5 km from the front line north without electricity, heating and gas, rai oleksandriivka is a village, well, such a great village, it already has
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light. the distance from the front line is 10-12 km, can you imagine, the kid constantly pulls wires there, starts at least electricity so that people can pump water through wells and somehow warm up, a little further 25-30 km the business starts to work even more actively, 30 km, kramatorsk, druzhkivka , slavensk, we are working, we are working, but you can imagine under what conditions, so i fully agree with the fact that this should be done in general with... a request, perhaps through our, your, tv channel, in order to it is possible that the authorities reacted to the situation that exists now in front-line businesses with front-line business. thank you, mr. mykola, for this honest and extremely important conversation. we were contacted by mykola dovbnya, a member of the druzhkiv city council. druzhkivka is a city not far from bakhmut. the informational evening of the tv channel continues, i inform
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you are the most important thing. and accordingly, now my colleague serhiy zgurets will analyze the most important of what is called the military results of the day. glory to ukraine, i congratulate you, i congratulate our viewers, today we will talk about what happened on the front line during the week, about the battles around avdiivka in other areas of the front, about the strikes by our long-range drones on the oil terminals near st. petersburg, and about the fact that wreckage of a north korean missile was found in kyiv, which was shot down by our air defense system, about it in a moment well, the informational evening of the espresso tv channel continues, the military results of the day are rounded up by serhii zgurets. even for a week, that's how serhii zgurets makes up, and i only slightly assist him. well, here is the news that
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arrived. today, so from the defense forces of southern ukraine. so, over the past day , the enemy on the left bank of the dnieper has lost two guns, a tank, and five vehicles, and the enemy is not able to advance our soldiers, and on the contrary , information came from the general staff today that a certain expansion of the bridgehead is underway, we understand. as far as this bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region is important. mr. serhiy, please tell me what... what and what are the prospects, what do you think is happening there now? well, in fact, the general staff regularly reports in its reports that the bridgehead is being expanded, although in fact we understand that a bridgehead is a situation where our troops can move without a threat to their movement, in fact it is rather not a bridgehead, but a cluster of holding certain areas on the left bank.


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