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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian service of the voice of america chas time, i am yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. house speaker mike johnson sent a letter to lawmakers expressing doubt that republicans and democrats will be able to reach any agreement on us border security and aid funding to ukraine, israel and taiwan. in a letter obtained by american journalists, johnson writes: if: the rumors about the content of the draft agreement are true, it has no chance of support in the house of representatives. on the eve senate democratic leader chuck schumer acknowledged that progress on the border and additional funding was difficult, but said negotiators would work through the weekend to complete the deal. white house spokeswoman karin jenpierre praised the efforts of both parties in the senate trying to reach a compromise at a briefing on friday. republicans in the house of representatives , she said, should do. same thing if they
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really want to solve the american border problem. house republicans have a choice to make, they have to choose whether they want to actually solve the problem, as the bipartisan senate is trying to do , or whether they want to get in the way and score political points. that's a decision for house republicans to make . it is clear that the senators, as a solution, they said they would do it. we republicans and democrats alike have agreed to try to negotiate in good faith and try to figure out how to reach a bipartisan agreement. the president clearly stated in the requests for additional funding that the country needs what aspects are needed that relate to national security. kainzhan was also asked, given the urgent need for aid to ukraine, whether the white house is considering the option of splitting the aid. in ukraine from the request for
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funding of other national security needs. a white house spokeswoman said the white house still considers all elements of the request important, and that president biden has repeatedly made clear to congressional leaders why aid funding to ukraine is needed now. now it's up to the congress , she said. and to other topics, international the un court temporarily passed a temporary decision in the lawsuit against israel from you'. to the country to immediately take concrete steps to prevent death and destruction in the gaza strip and to prevent actions that could amount to acts of genocide against the palestinians. the judges did not listen to israel's calls to dismiss the south african republic's lawsuit alleging that israel's military actions in the gaza strip could amount to the crime of genocide against the palestinians. what does it mean? let's talk about it with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. bohdan, so can we say that today's... international court of justice
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ruled in favor of one of the parties, israel or the republic of south africa, and does this decision mean that the court does not reject that the actions of the israeli military can be recognized as genocide against the palestinians. yuliya, as you already said, and it is worth emphasizing, it is a temporary decision, that is, before the consideration of the charges, before the consideration of the case on the merits, the international court of the un in the hague will not go yet. reached, in fact, to put it simply in words, it is about the following situation: the republic of south africa claims that there are such terrible things happening in the gaza strip now that they require an immediate interim order of the court while this charge itself is being considered by the court, in fact, and this is an interim order, in the opinion of the republic of south africa should lie first. in order to
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oblige israel to stop the military operation in gaza against the palestinian population, as south african representatives and lawyers say. lawyers, but today, the un court in ghazi did not satisfy this demand of the south african republic, that is, in fact, israel recognized the right to defend itself, recognized that there was an attack by hamas, an organization that is considered terrorist in europe and america, and that this attack gives grounds for israel, gives israel the right to defend itself. to be heard in accordance with the un charter, so here is the lawsuit, or this demand of the republic of south africa was not satisfied, but israel, for its part , wanted this case to be dismissed altogether, so that the court would not consider it, that there were no
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even possibilities of actions that would connect there is no genocide, here the court did not agree with israel, in fact. it was announced today that the international court of justice of the united nations considers that there is a threat that the actions in the gaza strip are subject to the provisions of the international convention on genocide, and that the court will consider this, and that the actions of israel are necessary in order for these, let's say the actions did not take place, or if they have already taken place, so that the evidence is not destroyed. this is how the chairman spoke about it today. judge in the hague. the court considers that, in relation to the current situation, israel, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, regarding palestinians in gaza, must take all measures within its powers to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article
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2 of the convention, in particular: a) killing members of the group, b) causing serious physical or mental harm to members of the group, in the intentional creation of the group. conditions designed for its complete or partial physical destruction and the introduction of measures aimed at preventing births in the group. the court recalls that these acts fall within the scope of article 2 of the convention if they are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, the group as such. in addition, the court considers that israel must immediately ensure that its military forces do not commit any of the above actions. bohdan, in short, what is expected next in this court case, and what is the time frame? briefly, in a month israel is due to report on these demands, some of which you just heard from the judge, but in general the wheels of international shipping turn
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very slowly, so overall this case is expected to take several years. bohdan, the un international court is also considering a case involving accusations by... countries against russia under the genocide convention. how are these cases different, or perhaps they have something in common? well, first of all, the un international court of justice currently has two lawsuits from ukraine against russia, related to the russian war. the first case is related to the lawsuit of 2017, and there it is about russia's actions in the captured crimea, and also about the support, as ukraine says, of terrorism in the donetsk and luhansk regions, starting in 2014, and this case is pending, yes would to speak at work. the second case is related to
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the genocide convention, as well as the case against israel, which was filed by representatives of the south african republic, but by ukrainians. a lawsuit against russia citing the convention on terrorism is a little different. it says that ukraine accuses russia of illegally using the pretext of accusing ukraine of genocide in order to carry out an illegal invasion of ukraine in february 2022. literally the next day, ukraine. prepared this lawsuit and submitted it to gaga, the main thing that probably distinguishes this case, this ukrainian lawsuit against russia, is that more than 30 countries have joined the ukrainian lawsuit at this time, as well as the fact that there is
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already a previous court decision that requires russia to stop hostilities actions against ukraine, as early as march 22, it was announced in gaz, but russia... as we can clearly see, does not comply. thank you bohdan, it is extremely important to get this information as well. my colleague in london, bohdan tsyupin, was in touch with the studio. nato launched its biggest this week military exercises since the cold war. a staunch defender. in the coming months, 90,000 nato troops will take part in a series of training operations across europe. in particular, fifty ships, 80 aircraft and more than a thousand combat vehicles were involved. according to nato secretary-general jens stoltenberg, the alliance is doing everything to ensure readiness. troops and so that moscow has no doubts about the ability and commitment of nato to defend every centimeter
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of its territory, according to the message of the pentagon, the training will test the ability alliance to rapidly deploy troops and will be a test of nato's new defense plans. training operations will take place on the territory of finland, estonia, germany , greece, hungary, latvia, lithuania, norway, poland, romania, slovakia, sweden and great britain. training will continue until june. sweden will also take part in these events, despite the fact that the country has not yet officially joined the alliance. hungary remains the only state that has not yet ratified sweden's accession. official stockholm declares negotiations with hungary on accession will not lead, because budapest did not put forward any prerequisites earlier. in an interview with the voice of america , sweden's national security adviser, henrik landerholm, who is currently in washington, said that his country currently has no position on ukraine's membership in nato. after all, sweden itself has not yet formally joined the alliance. however, from his point of view, the question
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is not whether ukraine will join nato, the question is when and how it will happen. he also explained why the victory of ukraine is in the interests of europe. we are loyal supporters of ukraine. our population is a loyal supporter of ukraine. sweden strongly supported ukraine militarily. in the last two years we have spent 3 billion euros, most of it on military support, if ukraine loses the current war against russia, it will be devastating not only for europe in general, but also for sweden and our surrounding regions. this would increase russia's desire to interfere in our affairs and try to divide and rule between eu and nato countries. therefore, weakness is an invitation for russia to do so. i have always been fascinated and... felt the tragedy of the aspect that most countries in the world actually value rich, peaceful and stable neighbors, this
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is the position of sweden, this is the position of most countries, but somehow russia has the opposite opinion, it prefers weak and unstable neighbors on which it can extend its power and dominance. i think this is completely inappropriate and a misunderstanding of how the world works. russia would be richer, more successful and more peaceful if it. would agree with her neighbors and look at the world from a more generous and less dominant perspective. we are watching, continuing the release. yaroslav hrytsak, professor of the ukrainian catholic university, columnist, participant of the december 1 initiative and one of the most recognizable modern ukrainian historians in the world. in the fall, his book to overcome the past global. the history of ukraine was published in a polish translation. at the beginning of january
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, professor hrytsak met with voice of america in lviv to sum up the results of the previous two and discuss forecasts for the new, already third year of war in ukraine. i would say that the first year was a blitzkrieg year, and this year ukraine won outright. and that's why there was such an elation. but the majority do not understand, or did not understand, or did not know from the point of view of history, that the blitz is not the end of the war, it is the beginning of the war. and now we are in the second stage, which is ending, and this is, conditionally speaking , a draw, a fighting draw, and with the better score, of course, to ukraine, because russia seriously did not manage to achieve anything, the russians did not even manage to reach the borders of donbass, and this something says about it, and in the first and second matches those countries won after which america was, i believe that to a large extent we lost the recognized competitions, because we are isolated and political, because the west did not recognize us, the west is now the first time in ukrainian history in a ukrainian way. there was no such thing, the decision-making elites, systemic elites, are not pro-ukrainian, the ukrainian war is
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global, already a global war, it is not yet a world war, but it is already global. ukraine can only resist and win if it has access to the resources of the west, because these measures are ten times greater than the resources of russia, the whole the gross product of russia, leda reaches the gross product of italy, if i'm not mistaken, or has a common level to the common of portugal, spain, except for ukrainian-russian. a third war may appear in israel, in palestine, and you don't need to have a great mind to understand that this is a great threat to ukraine itself. america thought, at least until recently, that it could handle two big lashes. the big question is whether it can withstand another third war, but for now, for now we understand, these stacs, which are now available, these are enough american resources to wage a war in ukraine successfully. america did not take an anti-ukrainian position or was a little disappointed, let's put it this way, that is, it had a certain disappointment, disappointment that the ukrainian elite is not, is not, is not elite,
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that is, there is no viability, after a certain experience of communicating with the team. this became known now, because a new biography of biden for the three years of his presidency has now been published, which we describe in great detail, the context of the conversations between zelinsky and the american biden and the american administration, before the war, biden did not believe that this government would last, he did not have a very high opinion, based on the nature of correspondence and communication or opinions, so they had the idea that this government would most likely fall, but this is ukraine , which will fight. and it was a big partisan war, and they were talking about creating an alternative capital, maybe somewhere in poland, because in western ukraine, and supplying weapons. unexpectedly, it turned out that the ukrainian authorities resisted, and resisted quite successfully, and this completely ruined the tactics of america's biden. biden is, relatively speaking, a child of the cold war. biden was formed in the cold war, and
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here it is necessary to understand that the main thing is that if the seeds of the cold war were not allowed to grow into a hot war, this is my prediction, now we are ... facing the year that will not have significant changes, radical changes, that what zaluzhny says is an oppositional war, but this is a year that can pave the way for a radical change for the next 25, and maybe the next wars to last longer, conventionally speaking, this is not the 39th year and it is not the 45th year, but this the 42nd year, i hope that this will be such a change that crimea will get a technological one a decisive weapon, we already have a very big thing, because in essence it has a closed sky, we already sought at the beginning. war, we see that missiles are falling, shaheds are eating, but their effectiveness is quite low, and this is also a big private, the fact that the russian, russian, russian fleet is withdrawn from the black sea, in fact, also says something, very important, i.e. she talks about the importance of technology, secondly, it is very important for me, or the fact that ukraine should get out of this, relatively speaking, greek period, which has already ended, it cannot be in a long-term position
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, it can never last indefinitely, and it must undergo systemic reforms, and we already know the system of reforms, this is what it says. it is mobilisation, it is the creation of a war industry and all these other things, and it must be considered as soon as possible, because that is why i believe and i hope that a year will be clear about it, i want it, so that the country will compare with britain in the 40 year, the 41st, turning into a military camp, a military camp, i am very much waiting for zelenskyi to finally say the phrase that cherchyn said, he does not say that he promises the ukrainians nothing but blood against tears, because we continue to live with the feeling that the war is somewhere far from us. it was an interview with a ukrainian historian. more than 2,200 objects were destroyed or damaged in one village of borodyanka, kyiv region, in the first weeks of the full-scale russian invasion. in particular, in march 2022, a russian rocket destroyed a local court. for almost two years now, judges have been crammed into a temporary room where they hold hearings and pass judgments,
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in particular in cases involving responsibility of the russian military. the us agency for international development undertook to restore the building. usaid. its representatives consider this step important for ensuring justice processes in ukraine - says anna kostyuchenko. ot. this was my desk. this was my workplace, this is my computer. gennadiy stetsenko, head of the borodyan court, examines the ruins that his office has turned into. active hostilities began in borodyanka on february 27, 2022. and on march 2, the russians attacked the village with a series of rocket attacks, one of the rockets hit the the building of the local court, yes , we worked in this building until february 24, 22 , in this form, almost in this form, we found this building when
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we returned, well, right after some ... 22nd year. gennadiy worked in this court for over 30 years. on the day of the full-scale invasion, he and his colleagues worked full time. he managed to hide the main court cases in a fireproof archive that survived the shelling. although, looking at this room, yes, there are serious doubts that anything could be here save we ourselves were surprised, and added it to everyone in the chat. come back, we will, we will do something, but optimism was added when i discovered that what i said was preserved in the archive, and the entire archive and the affairs, we can understand the work, the database that we managed to copy was preserved, the personal cases, seals, coats of arms,
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flag. the surviving flag with the autographs of ukrainian defenders now hangs in the temporary court building. during the occupation , russians lived in this building, so cosmetic repairs were needed. events are held here about a dozen cases related to war crimes committed by the occupiers in the village of borodyanka. currently, the accused captured russians are awaiting their verdict in one of the ukrainian pre-trial detention centers and are being presented at hearings online. a war crime is a violation of the laws and customs of war. it is cruel that among the cases we are considering, it is brutal treatment of the civilian population, kidnapping. property of the civilian population, the killing of civilians, or attempted murder,
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there they shot several cars, civilians who were just driving, wanted to to evacuate, everyone was shot, cars, but persons remained alive, managed to escape, but there are those who did not manage to escape, where they died, the us international intelligence agency ecid within the framework of the justice program. everyone pledged to help restore the courthouse destroyed by the russians. the americans cemented their promise by signing a corresponding protocol with the leadership of the kyiv region. currently, the evaluation of costs for the restoration of the court is underway, but its reconstruction, according to yeosred, is important for ensuring justice processes in ukraine. one of the most important things are done within the framework of our project in the context of the war in ukraine - this is to ensure and support the processes of prosecution for war crimes and damage
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caused by the war, as well as expanding access to justice. it is planned to create a modern courthouse and further spread this project throughout ukraine. usaid will not only finance, but also control the process from the development of documentation to the commissioning of the facility. most of your time. we spend at work, so here is our life, and when we heard that destroyed premises , respectively, well, there was despair and rage, and these emotions were very strong, powerful, we are very happy, we are waiting for the reconstruction of our premises, and this is good for the community, and great for the team, according to representatives of the usid reconstruction company. years i liked this corner, probably in according to preliminary estimates, the complete restoration
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of the borodyansky court building may take 2-3 years. i will choose my office for myself after the restoration. anna kostyuchenko for voice of america from kyiv region. known ukrainian pianist pavlo gintov, who lives in new york, gathered for a charity concert. of ukrainian classical music, those who want to help ukraine, and those who are interested in the culture of people who have been resisting russian aggression for almost 10 years. my colleagues natalka churykova and vyacheslav filyushkin attended the concert at the washington church of st. anna. a piano concert, the program of which consisted almost exclusively of works by little-known ukrainian composers, gathered a full house in washington. before the war, one could only dream about this - says the ukrainian pianist pavlo gintov. for the most part, ukrainian music
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remains something mysterious and unknown for them. and so far it seems to me that i manage to interest them, that is, as far as i can see, they like ukrainian music, they are usually very surprised that they have not heard it, that they do not know it, and they open it. as a musician, i was deeply impressed by this unknown piano repertoire, i was interested to hear not only pavel's first-class performance, but also to learn about the soul of the ukrainian composers who wrote this music. in in the program of the performance in washington, in addition to lysenko, lyatushynskyi, skoryk, the works of unknown, even for ukrainians, composers who were expelled by the soviet authorities for immigration. these compitos... and let's say, serhiy bortkevich, fedir yakymenko, i will play their works in a concert today, and i discovered them only when i was already living in america, and because of the events
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of 2014, because i started collecting. this repertoire for concerts of ukrainian music and i began to see names that i had not seen before, i began to find works that i had not heard of before. to me it is very nice that many people from other countries are doing it, i see that, let's say, i am playing yakymenko today in washington, at the same time someone is playing yakymenko in britain or in finland. pavlo gintov was born in kyiv, graduated from the moscow conservatory and has been living in america for 17 years, where he performs and teaches. he has been a ukrainian activist for 10 years, protesting against russian performers who supported the war and collecting aid for ukraine. there was also a charity concert in washington, at which the boston organization hill ukraine collected money from all over ukraine for doctors on the front line. there are many connections between musicians and doctors, for example, between
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doctors at massachusetts general. hospital and the boston symphony orchestra. with the help of pavel gintov, we are collecting funds for the hill ukrain organization, which provides the medical needs of ukrainian doctors on the front lines and helps improve the qualifications of doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists themselves. the leader of the boston doctors group says that the benefit concerts do not bring in much money in the general collection, but music has its own healing power. perhaps 10-12% of funds comes from the concerts, but the music is part of the recovery process, which we help the ukrainian community in america and ukraine as well, because we broadcast the concerts online, and we know that the ukrainian doctors also listen to them and feel our support. evgeny vindman, now a former employee of the national
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security council, also came to the washington church of st. anna to support ukraine. and a retired us army colonel is involved in russian war crimes investigations, and in the us he is running for congress in the democratic state of virginia party and says that he talks about ukraine at every meeting with voters. it is important to make people keep thinking about ukraine, and people come up to me at these meetings and ask what we can do for ukraine. as mark poznansky says , for many who came to sunday's concert, the matter of supporting ukraine is deeply personal. when russian troops began to concentrate on the borders of ukraine, i remembered what my jewish family experienced in 1939,
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when... invaded poland. i told myself then that we need to help ukrainians now, so that our descendants do not read about these events in 80 years and say, it is a pity that they were not helped then. the only non-ukrainian piece in the program was frédéric chopin's prisoner. but the fate of this exile from his native poland after the suppression of anti-russians. the uprising resonated with many in the audience, where many refugees from the already current russian war had gathered. the story that pavlo tells with his music not only heals, but it really makes you think, think about what today, what evil ukraine is fighting today, defending its independence, its cultural identity and its future as a democratic state. voice
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of america. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian. see you next week, take care, all the best. pope! there are discounts on lactial, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. 10% discount on paracetamol darnytsia in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis
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on... the border between.


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