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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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i agree to sit down and decide, but how will you decide now, when russia is already bogged down in this, and ukraine is already a subject in this process, so any attempt to decide something without ukraine will end in failure. you mentioned this short distance between russia and the united states of america, well, obviously it's also about alaska, because this whole story can unfold there as well, and this week i tried to unfold this... story of the bears, because putin signed the decree on the search abroad real estate that once belonged to the ussr and even the russian empire, and the proper registration of this real estate, after which the united states of america warned moscow about possible encroachments on american territory, and medvedev, the deputy head of the russian security council, wrote, according to a representative of the state department, that russia is not getting back alaska, sold to the united states of america in 19
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century, so be it, but we expected that alaska would return from day to day, now the war is inevitable , medvedev is now trolling the americans, considering the way both medvedev and putin behave, and russia in general, that from they can to wait for anything, well, there were statements that, in my opinion, today, that texas is already on the eve of war there with others. with the federal government, that is, you know, i think so, first of all, these statements, well, pay attention, i don’t know to what extent it is possible, but it is still medvedev, although we call him there, when he gets to the keys, it’s different different epithets are given, i will not repeat myself now, but he is putin’s deputy in retbez, he has a position, that is, he is vice putin there, although he can... that is
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, sometimes these are some attempts at horror stories, there is hope, and often it is simply for the internal russian audience, there are elections soon, they want to consolidate, there are those who are so bellicose that they will show america the kuskinomat, of course they will never do that, they are afraid, but in... i will remind you borders with other nato countries , that is, there are problems here, because they actually have borders with estonia, and with finland, and with latvia, and with lithuania, through the kaliningrad region, they have borders with poland, that is, well, there are a lot of problems here, just on the territory, so it's serious. perceive, and
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therefore, estonia is preparing for the construction, as i understand it, already this year of a line of defense, i.e. fortifications and the corresponding readiness to deploy a larger number of nato troops later. lithuania is preparing to receive a mechanized brigade of the german bundeswehr, full-fledged, with tanks, with self-propelled, well, with armored personnel carriers and so on, that is, it is a completely different situation, in the nato air, so that you understand, the poles, well, i will not pretend details, but they, i think, realized their mistakes, now any rockets russian planes take off there when we have an alarm, in poland there are also at least a couple of fighter jets, and even a squadron, now permanent patterning has been introduced, i understand, well, it was reported the other day, maybe it happened before, it was introduced over the benelux , belgium, the netherlands, well, at least the f-35s
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were not on duty like that, a pair of f-35s take off in the mode of permanent duty, i.e. rotation changes, they constantly control the airspace. f35.2 is, i will tell you, a powerful control of this direction, that is, they already few people looked at the statements, not their statements, because the statements were, i will remind you, there in the original from... london, there they were and this medvedev launched a nuclear attack on washington, everyone has already seen it, but they see the real actions already from training, as i understand it, because the military will not do that, they currently have 9,000 training, a working version of these exercises, well, the idea, the plan, countering russia’s attack on one of the countries of the region, the baltic countries, in the first place, that’s what where did the protista go? that's why in bilda, when they said this
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the plan with these arrows, how to treat it, it was a training plan, they don't hide it anymore, nato countries don't hide it, they don't call it country x. as it used to be in computer or real exercises, this is russia, these countries are preparing for a confrontation with russia, the only question is that it would be possible to strengthen ukraine as much as possible now, with weapons in a concentrated form, and then they would, well, maybe not would face this, and yes, if they wait and think that they will strengthen from within, as a result will be allowed, even in conditions of war, i emphasize. even in the conditions of the continuation of the war with ukraine, the russians can resort to provocation, so you know, i don't know, sometimes in these statements, it's just the consolidation of their voters there in russia, this is an increase in urapatriotism, and sometimes in this way they can
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send such and such signals, but when therefore , it is no secret that all these lines with moscow are maintained from washington and the countries of the european union. the goals of the president of the russian federation putin regarding ukraine have remained unchanged, he still wants to to destroy ukraine as an independent state and subjugate the ukrainian people, said the permanent representative of the united states of america to the osce, michael carpenter, and at a meeting of the permanent council of this organization on thursday in vienna, he said the following: it is clear that putin and his entourage do not see ukraine as a sovereign independent state , and as a prize real estate object for the imaginary. an empire ruled by the kremlin, filled with unfree people, a population they despise and seek to subjugate to their will by force. contrary to what the kremlin would like to believe in truth, the euro-atlantic future is quite real. at the same
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time, information appeared today that the head of german intelligence, bruno kahl, said that putin is not against attacking nato if ukraine were forced to surrender, it would not quench the thirst of russian power, if the west does not demonstrate clearly. readiness to defend, putin will no longer have a reason not to attack nato. putin's goal , he said, is to restore the former power and greatness of great russia. well, mr. valery, it seems that our western partners are saying everything correctly, everything is logical. but why ours? western partners do not set a global goal, the demilitarization of russia, the deputization of russia, in the end. fication of russia? well, they have an inertia of thinking. what they are declaring publicly today. in march of the 22nd year, i , well, just in non-stop mode, not only me, we all called everyone, well, at the end of february, at
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the beginning of march, everyone with whom we were in contact in order to to help ukraine as much as possible in these difficult days. and even then and later, i am from my, well, you can say, friends from other countries who hold important positions in today and continue to occupy them, i gave a very skeptical assessment of my forecast, well , i only speak for myself, i said that look, they will still try to provoke you, that is, one way or another, it was very skeptically received at that time, further the situation changed gradually. first from intelligence , community intelligence, then gradually to defense structures, well, mainly to defense departments, then gradually to some politicians, now it has come to the point that politicians are finally declaring it, it took two years to declare it, i think , what
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it will take some time for them to understand that without the change of russia, there will be nothing putny in europe, because... because i am not saying how to change it, that is, it is a lot of different issues, but without this, this aggressive policy can continue even after the de-occupation of ukrainian territories. another mistake they are making now. now we have the following discussion: from their point of view, it means that we just need to provide weapons, and they have only one question: which ones can we deploy, mobilize how many people, how many hundreds. thousands, and i tell them listen, first of all, this is unfair, and secondly, don't think that ukraine will fight for you all forever, because we are not only closing our territories, we are also closing the security of europe, well, by and large , nato as well the european continent,
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so there must be collective action, that is , collective action, if you are not able today, then it will come anyway, the war will come to your territory, and what are they wrong? they are wrong in that they believe that while putin is stuck in ukraine, he will not take any steps in their direction, this is wrong, if the war will be as it is now , if it will be maneuvered from the deoccupation of ukrainian territory, and this requires a completely different approach in strategy, providing completely different aid in terms of scale and speed, then maybe he will not have it's a matter of time and opportunity, and if you stop like this and hold on, excuse the ukrainian armed forces, there are shells and everything else, maybe, yes, i understand, there are difficulties, of course, but if you don't find it. the decision to put the production of weapons on the rails as much as possible, well, that's it
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we have a question, yes, well, now i’m talking about partners, we need to set up the production of munitions, well, that is, both shells and cartridges, that is, it is primarily for a completely different production, and here there is a very important point, they live far from the war, so in order for it to work, a political decision is needed, for example, if the factories in germany. there will be a large order from other countries, it will be done faster, the same productions as the french have found now in cesari, which means that it will not be one and a half years to produce one sau, but faster, if it will be by drones, already such initiatives are of joint production, now they have been announced literally with lithuania, here is the visit of the minister of legal affairs of lithuania, with denmark, this is what we publicly know, if it is to be launched sooner, it is necessary for european politicians to issue now... such orders are large for their productions , for myself, that is why it is necessary to unblock 20 billion from
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the european peace fund, where it is allocated for the production of weapons for four years, what is provided to ukraine, it is necessary to strengthen the programs in the european union and nato for the production of weapons, the war has already moved on the world is over, the period is over, now it is necessary to produce, and therefore what they have already declared politically, that they see... the threat of an attack, this should motivate them to act. if they delay, they will face what ukraine faced in the 22nd year, unfortunately. against this background, in all these statements and the unfolding of this escalation and the preparation of europe for war, because in europe they say in the direct text that it is necessary to prepare for war with russia, the training of nato troops began, which became. the largest since 1988, 90,000 personnel of all
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members of the alliance complained to the ministry of defense of belarus that minsk received neither a warning about the nato exercises nor an invitation to them, whether these maneuvers will impress putin and how seriously they show the power of the north atlantic alliance, since as we now understand that most ... the western european states did not predict a confrontation, a military confrontation, a major confrontation with the russian federation, and only the war, the great war of russia against ukraine is only now prompting the western european countries to increase the size of the army, to improve production, that is, no one predicted that all the reserves they had, that they would go to , well, partially go to ukraine in order to oppose russia. well, we talked about the fact that these exercises, they already have an absolutely clear,
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well, obvious task, that is, to counter the russian invasion. and yes, they hope that they are sending a signal in this way, but in reality, you know, signals without concrete clashes or results, it's like, well, the russians may not be able to stop it. "if it had stopped them, they would have thought 10 times about the parades of those who do not need to enter ukraine, but no one accepted it, they carried out their own plan, which was completely in a parallel reality, and no one is guaranteed by nato countries , that they won't fall there either, i'll remind you that, in principle, in history, there was no such thing..." once, well, we saw that despite the fact that there is no, there was no point in sneaking somewhere, but the soviet
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union or russia climbed there, and then there were many more, maybe some arguments, here, well, i explained to you, as i see it, they still want to make a provocation, and nato, until it collides with russia, russia will not understand anything, there is a war with finland, i am now re-reading the memoirs... that's right those times, and you know that everything was logical, as if you don’t need to get gray, but in the first days, of this situation, well... they just fell, there were corpses 1:10, and even 1 to 17 were the days of the dead soviets fighters, i.e. they were just going to the wall there, and it would seem that everyone thought, but no, this cannot be, and when that's why at that time finland was still supported by various countries, they fought on their side, that is, that's why
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the soviet union only stopped, well, when he really got there... he got some kind of base and seized the territory when it was given to him, but also when he realized that this there will simply be terrible consequences for them, so in principle they can do whatever you want, i said and i say, and it will be checked, let's check, i 'm not making a forecast, i just see, i know something about their psychology, that's about them just itches, hands itch, they will try, they are sure that the eu nato countries are weaklings, yes. they still respect the usa there for the fact that the usa has nuclear weapons , for nothing more, in fact, but the europeans, they do not consider them capable of opposing them at all, they do not yet, excuse me, receive an answer, then they will climb, and they will definitely try to climb
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somewhere, the provocation can be, and i think that it can be at the first... opportunity already there next winter, when, between there, maybe the elections on november 5 in the usa , the inauguration, there is a certain such there will be a period, well , not that of anarchy, no, but a certain transfer, trans transition, i.e. the transfer of power, so here i think we need to be careful, it can be just a convenient period for them, training is a good story, training is great, we will also conduct training of nato countries, turkey in the black sea in its eastern part , bulgaria, at least romania, regarding precisely the fight against threats in the black sea basin, i think it will be useful for everyone. friends, i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you
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about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, if you watch us on youtube please vote or... the yes or no button if you watch us on tv call if you think this kind of government is necessary call 0800 211 381 no 0800-211-382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, it's important for us to know your opinion. today we have diplomat and politician valery chaly as a guest, and mr. valery, today the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygel announced at the government meeting that all the countries of the european union have previously agreed to aid ukraine in the amount of 500 billion euros. let's hear what shmigel said. 1 in february, we expect that the eu will approve a new four-year ukraine facility support program of 50 billion euros. in advance , we can say that all 27 eu members agreed
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to support this program. this year we expect that the eu. can provide financial assistance to us at approximately the level of 2023. to cover the deficit of the ukrainian budget , it would be important for us to attract about 18 billion euros from the european union. mr. valery, two countries, or rather, the representatives of the two countries, fico and orban until the last, had doubts about this money, whether whether it is necessary to provide ukraine or not. orban spoke about nato this week, what does ukraine need? should we join nato or not? fitzo met this week with shmygal in uzhgorod and said that they would not object if private arms factories in slovakia sell weapons to ukraine to private companies. in your opinion, what is the reason for the change in the position of fico and orbán, why are they
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going now, if shmygal's words are to be believed. why are they taking a step to meet ukraine? well, first of all, i will say frankly, after the statement of our current prime minister, mr. shmyhal, that ukraine can join the european union, i will allow myself to wait a little until the first day, after all, the approval of 50 million takes place on the first day, all this is preliminary, that's all. well, let 's wait for the first one, and it will be very good if what prime minister shmyhal said will be true, 50 billion makrafin will be provided, which was before. well, it is so obvious that this is the right decision of the european union for a long time. but let's not forget that there are still her funds, regarding which i
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do not yet know that they are complete unblocked, again, the same bloomberg or other publications say that 20 billion have been unblocked here as well, it is european , it seems it is called the peace fund, where military aid to ukraine is consolidated, we do not currently have it in military terms. well, or it is more important that it be. now regarding the position of the countries. here i divide the attitude to the position of hungary and to the position of slovakia. first, not everything we hear in public is to be trusted, just some things can really be said for internal use, we have to react, but understand the context, and the slovak prime minister, he... may have many desires to somehow stand out there and repeat orbán, but so far his control over the parliament is very there, so not very
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convincing for the media, after all, the slovak media so far or they will continue to be free, more free, and they may also ask uncomfortable questions, that is, sometimes we simply do not read in the original sources, we have to look, but it is good that... that the slovak position, after all, has not turned into the hungarian one, it is still, well, more constructive, although by far it will go further, depends on many factors. hungarian, it is more like, you know, strategic, that is, prime minister of hungary orban acts in accordance with his strategy, vision. he is trying to play along with moscow, well, it is obvious, to receive in return. there are all kinds of gingerbread from the kremlin, well, starting with nuclear energy, ending with, well
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, it is said that at one time his party was not very well financed from european countries, that is, he, plus he wants to use two sides financially, both russian and brussels , and he wants to pull, that is, him this is... bargaining, there is such a word, bargaining, yes, it seems to me, it is inoffensive, it simply establishes that this is not a politician, but bargaining, that is, one who deals with trading deals in international affairs, that is, it is not about values , not about geopolitics, it's purely about his power inside the country, he saw that it works, he saw that it is possible to trade, but he only threatens to lose some contact with brussels. it is also being acted upon, well, for example, it is currently on the table, the termination of the right to vote in hungary, there is such a thing, it can be such
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decision, and, for example, brussels said that if hungary continues to block, then they will bypass this one and allocate the package only on a bilateral basis in tranches, well, that is, in principle, he already got everyone there, of course, because it is an eu country, a nato country, what will happen next , it's hard to plan, but it's hard to say, but i think that's his strategy. he is waiting for a change of power in the usa, donald trump calls him the best politician in europe, and even one in the world, well , he likes it, so i would very much like the prime minister of slovakia, fice, not to leave him by the way, i was at those meetings where i was, where the negotiations were conducted with the participation of prime minister fitz, he, frankly, did not make an impression on me, but such a one, as we are now evaluating. according to his statements, i really hope that the very circumstances in slovakia, and the slovak people, and his support has always been there, he will be unchanged, although the trends there after the work
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of the russians in slovakia can seriously change, that is why the prime minister of slovakia often reacts very strongly to there is a pro-russian mood in the eastern part of the country, i.e. his just the electorate in the eastern part, so let's take it easy before that. attitude, but we will have to respond to any statements that come from such a level of person, if it is a but, but, obviously, mr. valery, and the future of nato will also depend on orban, since turkish president erdogan signed the decision parliament on the ratification of the protocol on sweden's accession to the north atlantic alliance, i understand that now there is not enough hungary, i understand correctly, hungary. declared, as far as i don't remember who exactly, but this there was an official statement, hungary will not be the last, that if turkey does it, then hungary just automatically lied.
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well, i understand that the hungarian government lied, that is, after that they invited sweden to come to the negotiations, to which the swedish side absolutely, well, absolutely, well, with real reasons, said, we have nothing to talk about with you, you have no conditions regarding sweden they didn't show it, in relation to finland, yes, there was, in relation to sweden, no, well, that is, they played into it, and therefore, just forgive them, they will be sent now. sweden will be a member of nato this particular year. and whatever one country does there, i assure you, one country, like, well, one country, like france, germany, or the usa, or great britain, can block there, and that, our membership in nato in due time blocked by two countries, one country will not block the process, i am sure of that, so sweden will get an accurate decision and it will be in nato this year. another important issue, mr. valery, is the participation
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of north... korea in russia's war against ukraine, defense express agency experts write that during the last strike, russia's massive attack on the territory of ukraine and, in particular, on kyiv last tuesday, missiles from north korea were used. the government of the united states of america is worried that kimchinin may carry out some kind of deadly action against him in the coming months. of south korea, the new york times writes about it , that is, everyone states the fact that, together with russia, north korea is trying to use all its accumulated potential, military potential, either in a war against ukraine, or in a war against south korea, possibly against japan, they will be able to use this potential, and maybe against the united states of america, well, it can all be because they
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have it. different types of weapons, they are an exile country, that is, they are under sanctions, but the fact remains, north korea was and remains the most militarized country, but we do not see any reactions or actions regarding north korea now, why? well, we're actually just focused on the questions. of the russian war against ukraine and the middle east, there is steps, even last year there were additional agreements signed by the us with south korea on additional actions and the placement of american, let's say, response capabilities there on the territory of south korea, that is, no, south korea is preparing for a possible confrontation, in fact, and i will tell you this , in my
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opinion. it's just that this whole situation showed that the war on land for countries like russia, north korea, it just has its own, well , attractive sides, yes, because in conditions when you don't stretch there, you don't stretch technologically, you can simply translate the war in the war of the last century or, well, in the war of the third generation, as we can see. even that, and the fourth one, that’s why, in my opinion, well, now i think so, while everyone is talking about a possible attack there on taiwan, it is more realistic to have a serious collision of just two countries, and here it can actually be serious, spin up a very serious situation, so in principle... i
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think north korea also has certain allocation limits, yes, it has, according to the testimony of the americans, it has allocated huge reserves their own, not for nothing, in exchange for the fact that russia provides them with technology, provides more high-tech capabilities, and this is dangerous. today, it is obvious that north korea, the leadership there, everything is based on exclusively militaristic. concepts, i.e. they will not refuse this, as the rhetoric increases, the power of the north korean dictator increases, so they will now also make statements more belligerently, i will tell you more, not so long ago he refused exactly that, well, they formally have peace there is no, but such a truce, and demonstratively demolished demolished. i don't know if in
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his presence or not.


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