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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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situation, so in principle, i think north korea also has certain allocation limits, yes , according to the testimony of the americans, it has allocated its huge reserves, not for nothing, in exchange for the fact that russia provides them with technology, provides more high-tech capabilities , and it is dangerous, today it is obvious that north korea, the leadership there, everything is based. on an exclusively militaristic concept, i.e. they will not abandon it to the extent of strengthening the rhetoric, the power of the north korean dictator increases, that's why they will now make statements more belligerently, i'll tell you more, not so long ago he gave up on exactly that, well , they don't formally have peace, but such a truce, and demonstrate. strangely demolished, demolished, i don't know if
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in his presence, i don't look, there is already news every day, but the fact that there was such a monument there, maybe for the unification of korea, they demolished demonstratively, made changes that now for them the residents south koreans are not compatriots, as they used to be, just deoccupy and annex, they are enemies, that is, it obviously an increase in hostile rhetoric, and it could ... lead to a real confrontation, in terms of missiles on our territory, south, north korea is using this now as a training ground to prepare to improve these weapons right there in their theater of operations. they are preparing for war. well, there was information this week that it is possible that putin will go to north korea, but piskov said that this will not happen before the elections, and yet the united states of america reacted. said it was very bad, and
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they are worried about the joint work of russia and north korea. mr. valery, thank you for the conversation and i wish you good health, thank you for being with us for an hour, this was valery chaly, a diplomat, politician, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching now. us live on youtube and facebook, don't be stingy, please like this video, let the conversation with valery chalym will be seen by as many viewers as possible on youtube and facebook, and take part in our vote, today we are asking you about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, yes, no, on youtube you vote with either that button or that one, if you have a special opinion, his opinion about the national government. then write in the comments, we
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now see the interim results of the survey, 90% of our tv viewers believe that a government of national unity is necessary for ukraine, 10% are against this ratio on youtube too 90% out of 10. we will have the same survey in the second part of our programs. there are discounts on fkalor 20% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. they also say,
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let's make better roads, we will have even better roads , a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following frames can you. shocking news from the scene live kamikaze drone attacks political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions.
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let's go yeah, '
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the verdict program, this is the second part today's program. classified disaster: russia does not agree to an international investigation into the circumstances of the il-76 crash. information war in rozpala. supporting ukraine in russia, fighting for ethnic ukrainians or trolling the kremlin. what will multiple citizenship from zelensky give us? parliamentary crisis is approaching. 17 servants of the people want to compose. dates: does ukraine need a government of national unity? we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about this, friends, does ukraine need a government of national unity? if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, choose the button yes, no, or write your comments under this
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video. what do you think about this? if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphones and vote if you think this is the government, the government of national unity. necessary ukraine 0800 211381 no 0800 211 382 call, all calls to these numbers are free. i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are the best ukrainian journalists. olga len, author and host of the chronicles of information war program on espresso. olga, i congratulate you. good evening. olga musafirova, a correspondent of the edition of new newspaper europe in ukraine. olga, i congratulate you too, congratulations. thank you for joining our broadcast. well, first of all, let's probably give an answer in the blitz format about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, since this is the same question we ask our viewers and it will be fair
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if we also give answers to these questions. olga, you have a word. well, it seems that this is not the first time we have discussed this issue. so i i believe that it is necessary, but the question is, well... rather, whether the ruling party actually understands that it needs such a government, well , the bottom line is that they still haven't matured to this idea, because the very conversations about that , which was mentioned in the announcement, about the fact that, oh, 17 deputies from the ruling party want to draw up mandates, and this is just a big tragedy, well , there would not be this big tragedy if they understood that they probably need to involve a wider circle in in general. well, here are the solutions, thank you, olga musafirova, two olgas, that's why i have to call ulha musafirova by his last name, i agree, you know, unity in times of war is probably the most important thing that
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ukraine needs, and here i would like to add something else, well, there are 17 deputies, they will simply write statements and.. . they will go quietly, no, not to the forest , just from the parliament, but i don’t know, forgive me, people still received money for their work, state money, not so little, will it be possible for the voters to hear some reports that they they did, and i, as a citizen, am just as interested to know, and which ones are actually spiritual the push has led them to... to draft mandates, of course we don't discuss medical issues, i know there's one person who said that, but everyone else, i think, before they go, they have to at least motivate this decision. frankly speaking, colleagues, i believe that these are 17 people
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who want to leave the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the servant of the people, well, obviously, this is a demarche, such a public demarche, and... we are talking about the reputation of not only the faction of the servant of the people , about president zelensky, because in 2019, we know how did this faction and... these people 's deputies gather, or were they still candidates for people 's deputies of ukraine, but the fact remains: the head of the servants of the people faction in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, davyda rahamiya, announced the possibility of a parliamentary crisis due to the large absence of deputies, what he said , i will quote: a big crisis is approaching with the parliament in general, because only in my faction i have 17 applications for the conclusion of the mandate, that is, we already have 401 people in the parliament one more customs clearance... i will be released due to medical reasons, there will be 400 people, 226 out of 400 very hard to collect
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to be honest, i also know in other factions and parties that there are people who want to leave, we decided for ourselves that we will not vote for the drafting of mandates, only if there is a real medical situation, and so there are no more conditions due to which we we will vote for drawing up mandates in order to keep the parliament legitimate, well, frankly... here arahamia is talking complete nonsense, because the parliament will be legitimate if these 17 people's deputies of ukraine leave, nothing will happen, and if some reformatting is needed or creating a new one majority, these votes are also there, 226 votes are needed for a majority, and these votes can be collected from other factions and say that we do not have power. positions, we do not have any differences, we are all at war now, and therefore the whole parliament should
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unite, and in general this parliament should take and declare itself the parliament of national unity during the war, this was probably the best, why olya, i appeal to olhyleny, why doesn't zelenskyy act like this, this is absolutely a win-win situation, that is, first of all, he gives the opportunity to other factions, other... parties to share with him all the responsibility in the country, secondly, he gives the opportunity to all the people to show that he really is the leader of this process, and he can make it so that all representatives of the verkhovna rada, including those of the conditional opposition, because during the war, it is very difficult to talk about the opposition , that they all work for the people of ukraine, well , i see two problems here, well, first of all, they say that with 400 deputies after drawing up these mandates, you cannot collect 226 votes,
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well, somehow it is very it sounds strange, well, because if there were 300 of them, well, it would be a problem to collect 226 votes, you have a reserve of votes, well, at least 150 deputies, by and large, even in order for the sessions of the parliament to be legitimate, well , it seems that 50 deputies can safely go, another . it won't happen, well, just nothing , you can convene the parliament, you can hold whatever you want, so there really isn't any problem here, if you introduce something that you talk about with society, under which you achieve some kind of unity of society, but not are you trying to push some kind of strange whims of yours there or are you not suddenly trying to push some commercial interests of individual people, let's say so. it's really possible not to collect 226 votes, it's true, yes, if you don't have people with pockets, pocket money, you
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won't collect them, and probably there is a reason for this , because it really won't be possible to collect summary projects, everyone understands that, well, and the second reason is, you know, there wouldn't be any problem with these 17 people leaving if they left because they want to join the defense forces of ukraine, to participate more in the defense of the state. well, in general, this should be welcomed , you can easily let such deputies go , simply because they want to do a noble deed and any party should be proud of them, and they should calmly draft such mandates, but apparently these people do not come out like that, they they are not leaving because they want to join the army, but for some other reason, and perhaps this reason is shameful, if the ruling party does not want to talk about it, it does not want to say, but why exactly... suddenly by the way, well, when the war, when oh yes it is necessary, everything, and such a responsible party, and
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right now it is in power, and 17 deputies make up the mandate, probably the reason is that it is somehow very embarrassing to make it public, but it would probably be worth it, no shame to mykola tyshchenko, the godfather of the head the office of the president of ukraine, because he said that these 17 traitors received money from pro-russian forces to draw up a mandate, the purpose of which was to break up the couple. let's listen to what tyshchenko said: i received information that he offered pro-russian forces for drafting a mandate in the parliament. deputies money, there are 17 deputies on the list, as the listers who entered the list, as well as the majoritarians, why is this being done, it is being done with the aim of collapsing the parliament, now the russians are not having significant success at the front , so they are trying to destroy the country from the inside, oh
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my god, it’s scary, there are listers, i’m sorry, but... of course commenting on both arahamiya and tyshchenko at the same time is a futile and difficult task, but still, this is what they say and how they justify that they destroy the pro-russian forces of the parliament, and that opzzh is there. almost in its entirety is still sitting in this one to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and we understand that they will continue to vote, because if these 17, including those in the majority, come out, then obviously we will have to look for votes somewhere, the servant of the people does not want european solidarity and the homeland in this conditional coalition, but will there really be such
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a collapse in the verkhovna rada of ukraine also because ... in principle, most decisions are not made by the verkhovna rada of ukraine and not within the walls of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. i will answer this way: if mr. tyshchenko has such serious and proven information, then i hope so after he already gave it to the mountain on the air, he turned to the law enforcement agencies , has. having certain evidence, having certain documents, because it's just, well, it's a sensation, if the current people's deputies of ukraine received money from russia to draw up mandates, well, it needs a very, very serious, thorough study, it's so simple to say , to say, i think it would be
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wrong, and i really hope that he will bring this story to an end. although, as you understand, i say this a little with irony and sarcasm. now seriously, i'm not big constitutionalist, but i remember the following, that the verkhovna rada of ukraine is full-fledged, provided that at least 2/3 of its constitutional members are elected or present, i.e. 300 and a little more. we now have 401 people, 17, i do not argue, this is a lot, we have some information that about a hundred deputies will leave the council, why such a panic, 300 people, and how many times, by the way, have we said that such a number of deputies
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of the verkhovna rada of ukraine is possible, taking into account, well, what we have already recalculated... yes, occupied donetsk, luhansk oblast, crimea, maybe a smaller number of deputies is enough , but so that they are of higher quality, but on the issue of quality, here i agree with my colleague olga len, well, there are big problems here, and it 's sad to watch, very often sad. to see what decisions are made, that is, in my opinion, you know, from reducing the number of low-quality deputies, the quality will not change, it will still be quite low, so it will neither worsen nor improve the situation,
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the solution to the problem lies a little in another plane, or not even a little. the one we are talking about they have already said that it is necessary to somehow increase the quality characteristics, but here the question is also that, well, there will be no more elections, and accordingly, here the question is about the elections, well, the fact is that this verkhovna rada remains anyway, but i have meaning that if they all get off the plane, like in that ad about chewing gum. to say goodbye to everyone, sooner or later they will reach 300, and we cannot do anything about the elections, because according to the current legislation , wartime does not allow you to hold them. how to be in to this situation, i.e. people, ukrainians become hostages of those people's deputies of ukraine who can simply walk out of the parliament
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and say: listen, i can't, that's it, it's over, well , listen, if we all understand that when mykola tyshchenko leaves and something speaks, it is not he who speaks, because he does not have such ideas of his own, it is most likely that we have brilliant ones. media people who work around the office of the president, and they invented this legend, but wait, there is already a problem here if the deputies took money from russian there are some circles, well, they are traitors, that 's right, and as far as i know, in general , treason is just the reason for these people to be deprived of their mandate, right? well, yes, of course, do we in the office of the president believe that treason is not a reason for impeachment. mandate and they invent such legends, that's why i don't understand something about them in this regard, high treason even implies that they should sit down and
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announce suspicion, the one who invented this legend does not consider it a state treason as a pretext for depriving the deputies of their mandate, i have a simple question for them and this is what i am clear about, that is, can traitors sit in the verkhovna rada and make some decisions, are you serious, well, that opzh deputies can... sit and to make decisions despite the fact that they are deputies of the party, which is a ban in ukraine in general, so many talks about the fact that these opzh deputies should probably not sit in the verkhovna rada, here it turns out that we have traitors in the ranks of the ruling party, their no one is going to take away the mandate, well how wonderful in general, well, you see, colleagues, we came to a rather interesting topic, state traitors with deputy mandates, or potential state traitors or traitors. the real ones who sit in the walls of the parliament, vote, pass laws by which the whole country lives, well, also opzh, a faction of the opposition platform during the life
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of viktor medvedchuk's party, which is officially banned in ukraine, it sits in the verkhovna rada, passes laws, they renamed it myself, next to this in local self-government, i looked at special statistics, more than 4 thousand deputies local levels of more than 400 from this party, olya, what, what should we do with all this, the army of deputies, because if there are no elections, why, why should ukraine tolerate them? well, i don’t know, maybe some other norms should be adopted ad hoc during the transition period, if we can’t hold elections, then... some kind of reduction in the number, well , the legitimacy of the council, for example, there are up to two-thirds, half of the parliament, and just like that and
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to describe this story, which works in such an emergency situation, when the whole situation turned out like this, i understand that it is possible, you know, this will not be legislation forever, but any such legislation, for example, if we adopt legislation regarding collaborators, or regarding de'. occupied territories separately, well, it will not be forever either, it will have some limited years of operation, but probably there is also only such a way out, thank you olga, and what do you think, what to do with these, with this fifth colony, which did not go anywhere with the verkhovna rada of ukraine? actually, in the existing situation of the legal decision, i do not know what it can be, then it is necessary to... prove that these people are traitors, and then actually act, once again, relying on
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the norms of our legislation, but this is of course a very dangerous story, if during the war, not only in the verkhovna rada, but also in local councils, on at all levels there are people who, well, by definition are not. can have access to any state secrets, not even state secrets, in principle, to matters related to the defense of the country, to energy, to everything, because these are all, well, elements of the defense of our country, and if you take into account attention that these people, if so, delicately. to say, they are not very friendly towards ukraine's pro-european and pro-atlantic course, so stay. they are there
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, it does much more harm than, well, than some imperfect laws, because it is , well, just like a direct action against statehood, but something tells me that these very deputies, they will never form a mandate of their own free will and will not leave because they know why they are sitting there. well, it's a pity, of course, because you can fight on the eastern, southern and northern fronts, and have a mother inside this fifth column of the state, which will really make decisions, including at the local level, because 400 deputies are a very large army, they split into different factions or groups, but the fact remains , these are people who were elected from the party that is banned is officially banned in ukraine, as, among other things, from the sharia party in
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the east. in the south , deputies were also elected to local councils, well, i think, this decision is just overdue, they are probably due to the fact that the party is banned, they have, well, eliminated to be its deputies , there are, or should be, some legal consequences, well, that is , we cannot pass a law that we ban an enemy party, but individual people who were in it, for some reason, do not bear any punishment for this, but more and more they get the opportunity to be over the term of office, which. yes, one more topic, colleagues, this is the il-76 disaster in the belgorod region, i wanted to talk to you about how information russia played on this field, because we saw an information and psychological special operation
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of the russian federation and became witnesses. of this special operation, it was aimed primarily at western countries, which, including the un security council, received information from the russian side, the plane was flying from belgorod somewhere, and during takeoff somewhere, this plane was shot down, the russians said that they were there ukrainian prisoners of war, and today putin repeated that ukrainian intelligence knew about it. olga len spoke literally yesterday, she spoke with andrii myusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, i know that you analyzed this situation in detail, why ukraine gave information in this situation, and is it correct that we let the russian federation speak and then spoke in the language of some facts and norms of war
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that exist in the world. well, you can't say that we directly gave in in this situation, because i don't see in the international community that they would all say: oh, ukraine shot down the plane, no, it didn't happen like that, after all, it didn't happen like that, for us first of all, this story is important, that is, how the westerners reacted as a result politicians, the western media, well, it is obvious that everything is ambiguous, as it always goes, but it is not the case that they did it directly. we conceded, let's not exaggerate either, i also believe that with all the nuances there is no unambiguous blow to our inner self, because if you look at it from a distance, well, a couple of days have already passed, and an attempt to shake it up somehow, after all, apart from that, that this special operation was aimed at a western audience, it was also aimed at
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an internal ukrainian audience, because... obviously, that, inflaming about 65 ukrainian prisoners, they expected some kind of internal disturbance, this disturbance also did not occur. after all, everyone , well, there is some understanding that the danger for our prisoners is primarily borne by the russian occupiers, because they create this danger, well, of course, there are nuances that can be discussed. the first important nuance, which , well, i think, should have been heard earlier, that is , the statement from the ukrainian side that ukraine did not know how there, what they were going to transport, who, where, and that there would be ukrainians on this plane prisoners, should have to sound much earlier, she had to wait there for 7 hours 20 times.


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