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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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or also to think about what other options there may be that the enemy can use in order to go a little ahead in development, that is, in fact, it can be said that the combination of various means of reptics into a single system, it just ensures density on the one hand, and on the other on the other hand, it must be flexible and respond to those changes that will occur in the solutions that the enemy will try to implement, so when we talk about... russian means of combating air targets in the rebot system there were, just last week, reports about , that the enemy is trying to exert influence on poland, or are there systems operating in the kinograd region that suppress the reb in poland, in the nato countries, does this mean that this work on the enemy is also sufficiently effective, and it is necessary to use some means of countering the russian reb, can there be such? implemented before the war, russia
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worked quite hard in the long-distance electronic warfare system with large powers, that is, they have developed this segment and it is quite strong, and to say, by the way, we are now seeing a video, this is precisely the coverage of the operation of the russian systems of reb over poland, where the suwal corridor is located. these darker areas indicate a greater power of suppressing gps signals, and the poles said, well, this is basically a threat, it must be fought somehow, but how? well , they need to think about how to make ground navigation, so they can switch to ground navigation that will use ground sensors to use not those, not those because space.
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there are very few satellites that give signals power, and accordingly it is quite simple to interrupt this signal, well, let's say so, it is possible to do it with large powers, so it is necessary to think about a navigation system that will be ground-based tied to ground means, somewhere on mobile communication towers with greater powers , so that you can switch at a certain moment. to learn and have another system, well, the same european galileo, but from ground stations, well, then this conclusion applies to us as well, we should also take these challenges into account? yes, of course, and then i would like to ask about the reb, about the ideal vision of the reb system, i will now draw a picture, you say what is real, what is unrealistic, i say that if we deploy drones, powerful systems, reb and rtp, which can simultaneously
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detect enemy objects , adjust to their frequency, form signals that suppress these enemy systems and carry out suppression in a narrow direction, that is, not with a wide beam, but with a narrow beam, that is , both rtr and reb at the same time, and a narrow direction, as far as the technical solution is possible, well, such concept, whether it corresponds to the current state, yes. of course, it would be a good idea, this is not a cheap situation, and to work narrowly, if a narrow beam is, well, it is far, but it must be taken into account that in unmanned vehicles there is such a system as pprc, and today there are drones that 700 to 1100 have pprf and pass through all these channels, and this is necessary... well, this is a rather difficult
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situation, and we are working on it today, how to create an effective interference in such a wide range in order to be able to block such wide range, and the pprc of an unmanned aerial vehicle can become at any of these frequencies, accordingly, it should be a fairly powerful system that covers such a wide range of jamming. you said at the beginning of the conversation that the most optimal operating range of mine rebo suppression systems there is up to 5 km, despite the fact that we know that these enemy drones now have a range of 18 km, sometimes a little less, but within 18 km, can we, relatively speaking, have a reb system of such power that russian fpv drones cannot even took off, is this an overly optimistic vision, is this an overly optimistic vision, that is...
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for this, there must be extremely powerful systems, secondly, the topography of the area must be taken into account, they can stand and fly at altitudes up to 500-600 m above sea level. .. kilometers, for example, at such distances , the height is already slightly different there, that is , it is impossible to get there with tactical-level systems, but tactical-level, when they already enter the combat zone, the further it is from the drone operator, the he is more vulnerable to the rep system, so we we are talking up to 5 km there, well, if we are talking about for pilots, the pilot must be found, a detection system is needed. which will detect where the pilot is with the help of triangulation and only fire impression on the pilot to work, another option is for the reb system to work on the pilot as well, the system should be quite powerful, but do we have movement in
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this direction, as we speak there about developments there, which are made there by the company tritel or there by proximus, which create more powerful systems for a longer range, or can we talk about what? their development will ensure a fight against this, well, i think that they should be asked how they develop it, and what are the current goals or projects that your company sets as priorities for itself, what you strive to achieve, well, from the most cool in the near future time? so we must have software that will allow us to connect active radars and passive radars to this system, so the first question is you. detection both in the passive segment as a whole and in the active one, then accepted, the system must make a decision, what to apply, or a system of greater power at longer distances, and it falls into
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the suppression sector, a given target, or it should be a fire impression, and here it is necessary to understand by what means this impression will be carried out, that is, this system has. vati, well, let's say, under control, but it will decide which of the systems to use, based on the software, before the active phase of the war, you had contacts with a number of foreign customers there, a number of foreign companies, is there interest from western enterprises to develop some joint projects , relying on the unique ukrainian experiences, let's say, there has been an extremely great interest in ukrainian developments in general, because they are all used in the combat zone, and those that are effective today are looking for them, trying
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to meet there , i don’t know how to talk about common things, i haven’t heard of such situations to date, but they are interested quite strongly and... they are interested in the equipment, and how it is used, and the tactics of use, i.e. western partners and other countries are very interested in all these segments, that is, even when you go abroad for a tender, they always say, no, no , no, we will not be there with them, let's work with the ukrainians on this topic. they are definitely professionals here, and you are participating now? in foreign tenders with its products , that is, this product, which was already created during the war, which was processed by combat operations, which has a demand in the domestic market, it is of a wider range there, and there is a different logic for suppression and
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by different means, so to say that they are exactly the same as for rifles, of course there are big offers that... we also made there for systems that protect, but now this is the latest order, well, not an order, let's put it this way, negotiations are going on installing systems on ships , foreign ships, foreign ships, well , mr. yuri, thank you very much for such detailed explanations, for what you do for our country, for our defense capability, your company, you personally, i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was yuriy momot, deputy general director piranha companies. that develops domestic means of radio-electronic warfare. and in conclusion, i will say that now we are at such an important stage of the confrontation with the russian federation, where we have to bet on effective technologies, technological solutions in the fight against the enemy,
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because the enemy has a certain quantitative advantage over our armed forces, and this quantitative the advantage can be leveled only by asymmetric technological processes, which is trying... our leading defense industrial companies, my name is serhiy zguryts, stay tuned to the espresso channel. greetings, i'm olga len, this is the chronicles of the war, and first of all i would like to inform you about our new collection, which is held by the espresso tv channel and the charitable foundation of our colleague iryna koval. we invite you to participate in the collection of funds for our defenders of the 141st brigade, who are performing tasks in the orichiv direction. this is the zaporizhzhia region, the infantry, infantry and air reconnaissance
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need high-quality equipment for the successful performance of combat missions, we plan to purchase radios and batteries, as well as starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors for the detection of drones and many other things are no less important at the front. every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, we really hope for your help even now, it is what saves the lives of military personnel, what allows us to destroy the battle. enemies, and our goal is now 1 million, and we hope to beat it , join us, please, look, here is a qr code for this collection, it will appear from time to time, well, now let's see, what happened at the front in the last few days, and we will actually discuss all this later. military map actions for the period of january 17-24. russia has started the third stage of the offensive, and the armed forces have long-range weapon. the area of ​​svatovo and kreminai in luhansk region, as well as avdiyivka and bakhmuta in donetsk region,
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became the epicenter of the heaviest fighting during the penultimate week of january. luhansk region the zsrf is looking for new cracks in our defense. for the first time in several months, the occupiers were able to break through a section of the front about 10 km between svatov and kupiansk, as well as enter the long-empty village of krokhmalne. they also managed to occupy about 8 km of strategic land. an important connecting route kupyansk with svatov. active hostilities continue between the villages of ivanivka and yagidne. rashists continue to storm the kislivka and kotlyarvka, trying to develop their success. however, the leadership of the armed forces assures that the situation has been stabilized. to the south, in the kreminnaya region, our heroes managed to repel all enemy attacks. bahmud front. the trends of the previous period, when the invaders tried to advance both in the northern direction towards siversk and in the south, are continuing. side of the temporary yar. in the north they eat actually managed to capture the village of vesele. several of its northern streets are still in the gray
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area. however, the center of the village and its eastern outskirts were under occupation. at the same time, the armed forces of ukraine somewhat improved their positions west of vesely and continue to hold back the rashist offensive in the direction of rozdolivka. to the south of bakhmut , the situation around klishchivka remained unchanged, but the russian landing force pushed with all its strength to ivanovsk. they managed to break through several hundred in a week. meter south of the road bahmud times yar, and also expand gray area north of klishchiivka. at this stage, the enemy's goal is to create threats to encircle the tick, cut supply routes and force our defenders to withdraw from strategically advantageous dominant zones, which were vacated under the suu in the summer. avdiivka maintains a circular defense. the last week has been quite difficult: the russians are constantly hitting the city with guided aerial bombs. on january 17-18 , about a hundred such bombs fell on avdiivka. in the steppe area, the invaders made many attempts to gain a foothold in the village, but the defense forces
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rejected and destroyed them every time. instead, in at the southern gate of the city, the russians managed to repel the defenders in some places. thus, the enemy advanced to the west of the vineyard village. fierce fighting continued in the private sector and near the tsarska okhota recreation complex, which ended up being occupied. the russians also tried to gain a foothold on sportivna, chernyshevsky and soborn streets, however. our soldiers drove them out of there. the armed forces have a new weapon for attacks on the russian federation. ukraine has carried out a series of successful drone attacks deep in russia's rear, thereby trying to expand the battlefield and deliver pre-school strikes that will affect the course of the war and the economy of the aggressor country. on january 18, the sbu made the first attempt to strike objects in the leningrad region, but without the necessary result. but three days later, our drones hit the sea terminal 150 km away. from petersburg. as a result, the ustloga oil oil terminal, through which 20% of russian oil is exported,
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stopped working for two days. even after the fire was extinguished, the terminal will not be able to fully operate for another month. an important nuance of this attack is that uavs appeared in the armed forces, capable of flying more than 1,000 km and carrying more explosives than their predecessors. therefore, the deep rear of erefia becomes vulnerable, because it was not previously covered by air defense, especially the front. on the other hand, even though air defense systems appeared after the attack in st. petersburg, they will not be enough for all military and industrial strategic objects at a depth of 1000 km, so the zsrf will be forced to reconsider. and reallocate your resources. meanwhile, on our way to st. petersburg drones managed to fly to smolensk, where they hit an aircraft repair plant that produces kh-59 missiles of various modifications. and also baovna visited the cheglivskyi val military plant in tula, which produces anti-aircraft elements of the panzer s1 air defense system. another drone attacked the tambov powder
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factory, although this attack did not lead to large-scale destruction, but the target is already in the crosshairs. for several days in a row, one of the most powerful storms raged. from the beginning of the full-scale war of fires at the oil depot in the city of klinka, bryansk region, and such defenseless objects that are the circulatory system of the russian army and are in the range of the new drones, there are hundreds of them. we win daily, death to enemies. well, that's the situation, now let's talk in more detail with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political observer of the information resistance group, and talk about what's actually happening. in this military confrontation and regarding what actually happened today in the first half of the day, namely the downing of the il-76 plane in the territory of the belgorod region of russia. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. congratulations. let's, i guess that's where we'll start. in principle, we do not have a lot of objective information about what happened there.
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we have, we absolutely clearly have a special information operation on the part of russia, because there are very... so abundantly, there are various leaks, lists of prisoners, which seem to be the statements of the deputies of the state duma, regarding the fact that they know exactly what happened there, which, in principle, well, as it turned out later, it doesn't really correspond to reality, but rather the question is, well, in this situation of such uncertainty, how should we better treat it, and actually, how better master all these stories, well , really. in fact, informational , what happened, the russians are trying to spread a series of manipulations, fakes, and at the same time, not operating with facts given by some kind of verification of their words, but using rather emotional, emotional
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statements of some kind, and by the way, the first, the first message, which was in relation to the il-76, the message itself appeared in the russian information space, as if this plane was shot down by russian air defense means, that is, almost under the same tracing, as this was with an a-50 and an il-22, we shot it down, and then information appears that ukrainian prisoners of war who were being prepared for exchange were on board this plane, and it appears immediately. many questions, for example , i know that by airplanes, well, it is not such a common practice when prisoners of war are transported, mostly they do it either by rail or road transport, but 65 prisoners of war and only three escorts, a statement from the ministry of defense of the russian
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federation, if even we take the official ones documents, namely... directly order number 140 of march 7, 2006 regarding convoys, and they are carried out in a completely different number: two convoys for one or two convoys, 3.6 convoys for three convoys, 7.10 for seven convoys convoys, that is, we can already see that this number does not match even with their statutory documents, this is the first point. the second point is that doubts appeared when the first shots of the field itself appeared, no bodies of the dead were observed on the field, the very remains of the il-76 were scattered in the distance in with a radius of 5 km, while there is little
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left of them. this all indicated that, more than anything else, there was not only fuel on board this plane that detonated during the fall of this plane, but there was some other cargo that could detonate and destroy the plane even more and scatter its remains over an even greater radius , and of course the absence of bodies, because we remember very well the photo of the field where mh-17 fell, which was... shot down by the russians zbuk m3 and then with a lot of debris from the boeing itself, and it was in the photo and on video a large number of itil passengers, let's take at least even the crash of such a small commercial plane, on which, well, a commercial type of plane, on which business jet, on which yevgeny prigozhin flew,
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a small number of people on board, a small plane, but the first photo and video from this field, they also recorded the bodies of the dead, they were visible, there is a large field of snow on which we cannot see the bodies, well, there is a question where they are. the point is, well, apart from everything else, now there is information, well, it has already been published, that the plane itself was going to take off, and not to land, that is, if the plane leaves belgorod, and does not fly to belgorod, then he cannot take prisoners of war to belgorod for exchange, and it has been repeatedly said that he is very interesting. emphasized the fact that this particular board, this particular plane constantly took part in a kind of iranian express, that is, it is
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a military transport plane that flew to iran for kamika 136 drones and other military cargo, so there are a lot of such moments, but it is necessary to understand that the russians, they are in order to maximize and discredit... as much as possible and do it the most murderous is ipso, they can do anything, the good ones will do anything, if they don't have enough bodies of the dead for evidence, they can arrange them, that's the problem, and if they don't have enough evidence for that, to confirm their version, they can also do them, and this is, in my opinion, the biggest danger in this situation, well, i have to say here... that we have an even worse situation than when mh17 fell, which the russians, i recall, shot down . then there were some international journalists there, they could
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at least to see something, and they saw it. and now we have a territory that, according to the latest reports, was simply completely closed, they don't even allow civilian rescuers, russian ones, there are only military personnel, and what is happening there is not at all clear, absolutely, that is, there... anything can be done anything, anything is falsified, well , in the end, we'll see, during the day, there will be something filmed there, they won't, because i still don't see any correspondent footage from there, well, there's nothing at all so far, so let's see, but here it is interesting to pay attention to a slightly different story, this is already in these days, this is the second such a strange story, well, you remember the 21st morning, on january 21st, the shelled... bazaar in donetsk, which they also tried to present as a shelling from the side of ukraine, and which in principle, well, it is quite doubtful, er, from the point of view that it
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could be a reality, that ukrainian forces would fire there, because, well, our forces do not confirm in any way, in general, that at that moment there was some shelling in this direction, in that direction, and well, in general, his delivery, i am talking about she told this in another program, she is so very doubtful. but it is clear that, well, you know, there is a whole series of, well, active propaganda russian companies, which seems to me to be connected a little with what was said in the review of our analysts, who drew attention to the fact that in ukraine there were opportunities to reach quite far and hit such, you know, logistical military targets on the territory of russia. and well, we can, in principle, even see the relationship here, that it is possible that all these
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provocations are aimed at depriving ukraine of these opportunities, or at least , well, to tie our hands in some way, can it be so, i'm not talking about that anymore, but uh, it's quite simple, i think, for the russians the question is, what is it that could fly so far? and to what extent is it actually a ukrainian product? yes , if we are talking about the terrorist attack in donetsk, then the russians there immediately began to tell that it was a 155-caliber projectile, a western-style 155 klipt projectile, and at the same time the flight trajectory of this projectile was examined, if i am not mistaken, it was proven that ... this is from the red guard mines this shot was fired, and this is the occupied territory, and today
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it makes no sense to do such and such provocations with the aim of... discrediting ukraine, because any, any means of counter-battery combat, it records where the shot is fired from and where the trajectory of this projectile is coming from, we do not live in the middle ages, this is already a medieval method of making such provocations, but the russians did them with the goal, again , in order to spread even among the western media, among western politicians of the pro-russian direction. but these narratives about the fact that there is no need to provide ammunition to the ukrainians, because they are shelling the civilian population of donetsk, the so-called dnr, with them, and regarding the a50 and il-22, they really scared the russians by the fact that these planes were shot down and damaged , and they will try all kinds of methods, but block the transmission to ukraine accordingly.
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complexes that could theoretically have been used during these shots, but if we are talking about the destruction of these planes, but when we are talking about, for example, what happened in st. petersburg, yes, some kind of energy terminal there, something hit, some aerial object, then it is no longer directly a weapon of the western type, they talk about it openly, these are some drone projects that are produced in gurmo of ukraine, which produced by the sbu, and of course they divide among themselves the targets that they strike with the help of their own production of products, and it has nothing to do with the west, but for the russians as well, i see it as important.
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creating so-and-so, creating so-and-so of a distorted threat from ukraine, allegedly to civilians in the russian federation, and precisely for the purpose of discrediting ukraine, i think they will be willing to go to great lengths, and therefore i do not even exclude the fact that some event, some incident, may happen on the territory of the russian federation with civilians at ... this facility and they will be blamed for this, they will blame ukraine itself, because the russians have nothing to oppose, to oppose all long-range weapons, as we can see, they cannot, their air defense, it is becoming weaker and weaker every day, and then i understand that in general , the appearance of such means that
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express so far, well, it changes somewhat the general picture of hostilities, theoretically it can happen, yes, of course, this is an influence already beyond the borders of the near radio judge, the near rear , because st. petersburg, it remained a rear city for almost two years, it was a rear city, but now it is no longer the rear, in fact, if drones fly there that can strike at such objects, in addition, we remember that... the city ceased to be moscow, and then it was the pskov region, everyone remembers the khresty airfield, where, by the way, the il-76 military transport aircraft was destroyed and damaged, and therefore, gradually, this is the understanding of the rear zone in russia, well, it is losing its significance, because it is this near and middle
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body zone, they are the most important in... matters of logistics, provisioning, and even more so, i would say, commanding troops and using even the effective use of the same tactical aviation, and gradually this bodily zone, it disappears, well, i also see that the power has increased, i would say this carrier itself, because one thing is some such low-powered drone that flew in and, in principle , damaged it, but not badly. and it is another matter if the power is such that, in principle , the damage is really critical and requires a long repair, a long time to eliminate them, and this is a completely different reality, apparently this also happened. we have to go to a commercial break for a few minutes now, let 's go, then we'll talk about things battlefield, what is happening here on the front line like this.


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