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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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congratulations, it's news time on espresso, kateryna shirokopoya works in the studio. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war confirmed the list of 65 servicemen published by the russian public. the captives, according to the russian authorities, were in the ill-76 plane, they were allegedly being taken for exchange. at the same time, the main intelligence agency stated that there is currently no reliable and comprehensive information about who could actually be on board the russian military transport aircraft i 76.
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the day before, a meeting was held with relatives and friends of ukrainian prisoners of war. interviewed relatives of ukrainian military personnel from the published list, having familiarized themselves with the video materials, so far have not found any signs that would indicate their relatives. let me remind you that on january 24 , a russian il-76 military transport vehicle crashed in the korochan district of the belgorod region. in gur , it is assumed that there could be missiles on board. russian. propaganda convinces that the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange. an all-ukrainian will be created in ukraine an economic platform for improving communication between the state and entrepreneurs. according to president volodymyr zelenskyi, the entire business community will be represented on the new platform. he told about this in his video message. we need greater
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confidence for business and a greater legal white economy for ukraine, we need more ukrainian productions, more ukrainian products of various industries. i have just signed the decrees that will allow creating exactly such a communication mechanism of the council on entrepreneurship, as it is defined, in particular by the recent decision of the national security council and the all-ukrainian platform for the activation of entrepreneurship and our ukrainian product. community-led inclusive recovery. canada will help rebuild 19 territorial communities from seven war-torn regions. within the framework of the initiative, they will receive expert support in sustainable, inclusive, social and economic recovery. the selected otgs were united into six groups based on the principle of geographical proximity and common needs. in general , more than expressed their desire to participate in the initiative. 300 communities from 11
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the most damaged regions of ukraine. and today we continue our cooperation. from the moment of full-scale, warm-up. oh, it's hard to say. the canadian government has provided over 9 million dollars in aid to ukraine. but the value and strength of our partner. apart from money, this is a unique opportunity not just to get expertise, this is a really unique opportunity to cooperate with a country like canada, canada is one of the big seven countries, i really believe that we will start with you on more general issues that are related to our prioritizations recovery, with our comprehensive recovery and development programs, we will also go further with more pragmatic processes that will speak and answer the question... where should we attract resources? the us and
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canada have suspended funding for the un's middle east agency for palestine refugees the us state department is concerned about allegations that 12 employees of the un's middle east agency for palestine refugees may have been involved in the october 7 hamas terrorist attack on israel. the us government appealed to the government israel to get... more information about these accusations, canada's minister of international development ahmet husen said that canada took such a step against the background of a high-profile case. according to cnn, the agency has already released people accused of collaborating with hamas and has launched its own investigation. the united states handed ukraine two new high-voltage autotransformers, the purchase and delivery of equipment. funded by the us government
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through the agency for international development. currently , the equipment works in the regions that are the most suffered from massive rocket attacks. later, the us will hand over more. 16 such auto transformers will help ensure the reliability of electricity supply in ukraine, the company added. epv-drones are a stable need for the armed forces of ukraine, because the drone will reach where it is risky for a soldier to go. a charity fair was organized at the poltava lyceum, where donations were collected for the purchase of a uav for one of the air reconnaissance units. anna will tell how it was. cakes, cookies, gingerbread and dozens of other goodies were prepared for charity fair in one of the lyceums of the city. schoolchildren and their parents bought products, thought out the menu and prepared sweets. we sell cake, we sell jelly, we sell
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cupcakes, and we also sell marshmallows. all day we worked as parents, the whole class worked to make such and such a cool table and decorate it. i can't get the money. each class prepared its own table with goodies. older children joined both as confectioners and as sellers, while the younger classes were helped by their parents. we prepared a lot because we want to join this good cause and raise funds for charity for our zdsu. these are our patriotic honey cakes, 30 hryvnias each, my mother also made them by herself, very tasty, these are cupcakes, 30 hryvnias each, patriotically, as you can see, yellow and blue, in individual packaging. victoria solovyan works in a lyceum as a teacher of primary classes, but on this day she is teaching how to paint cartridges with petrykivsky painting. my sleeves are like that, they have already traveled abroad and are sold at
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auctions in ukraine, at this fair i also offered a master class on sleeve painting in order to raise funds for... our common goal. the educational institution, together with volunteers , collects five fpv drones for the air reconnaissance unit of karpatska sich. goal - 87 hryvnias. today is one of the events when we collect funds for five fp drones for the air reconnaissance unit in carpathian sich. so far we have collected a little more than 40 thousand. yesterday was a concert event, today is a charity fair and the school is holding another event in a week. volunteers speak, the military always has many needs and the assembly does not. find themselves but any initiatives that help close another bank is a significant contribution to our victory. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for espresso tv channel. international holocaust remembrance day, today commemorates all jews and roma who
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were persecuted by nazi germany during world war ii. the date of january 27 was not chosen by chance, because it is this day in 1945. troops of the first ukrainian front freed the prisoners of the largest nazi death concentration camp, auschwitz birkinau, near the polish auschwitz. from 1933 to 1945, the nazis created more than 500 concentration camps. according to historians, about 6 million jews died during the holocaust. this day was declared by the resolution of the un general assembly on november 1. 2005, and ukraine at the state level joined the celebration of this international date in 2012. meanwhile, an exhibition was presented in the capital for the international holocaust remembrance day. for the exhibition
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, the organizers used original materials from ukrainian archives, such as letters, photographs, documented evidence of the german occupation of kyiv and the shooting of jews. in babin yar, the main idea of ​​the exhibition is to highlight the stories of people during the reign of two totalitarian regimes. espresso tv channel opens a new fund for life-saving equipment for intelligence. given the tense situation in the east, we are asking you to help fund an engine replacement in the recovery vehicle, an optical sight and a mavic for the reconnaissance unit of the 3rd special forces regiment. operations, your donation will increase the effectiveness of destroying the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is uah 480,000. so join together to win. this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website
7:10 am, as well as on our social networks, join, put your preferences. next , my colleague andriy saichuk is waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso. well gentlemen, i welcome everyone who is joining us this morning, we will be with you , we will go through this morning, and today, this saturday , we will follow the news from the front and the news in the world, we will analyze what happened today, what is happening happened yesterday, and we will try a little to look into the future, of course we are all interested in it. the 703rd day of the russian large-scale invasion began today, my name is andrii saichuk,
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you are watching tv channels and our marathon, and i wanted to say, you know, actually reacting to the news, what we just had, kateryna shirkopoyas told, and you know, another the news about the creation of a business council under the president of ukraine, business protection, and here the phrase should be that it is of course to... well, but i will not even dwell on this, i will immediately move on to the second part phrases: how many councils were there already? in my memory as a journalist, not a businessman, you can definitely remember a dozen, no less , in fact there were several dozen, and the more, by the way, the government or president was corrupt, the more i think there were these councils for the protection of business rights, just now in our country , the council of entrepreneurs operates with state status as a state body, for example, under the cabinet of ministers, there are normal conscious people, i asked. one businessman, well-known, i will not name him now, who, i said,
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why does this council not work in such a case, he said because no decision is made there, and in fact what business wants is for the ministry of economy, for example, to stop being a ministry of economy that thinks how to take money from business, so that the security forces stop being a parasitic class that thinks how to take money business , so that... the ministry of finance stops considering the budget as an opportunity, how to divide the money received from business, so that the people of this country, who then go to vote, stop looking at businessmen as barih and speculators, for this some changes are needed, starting from school, from school education, where children finally have to take away from them these remnants of soviet, soviet, communist, russian thinking from their, from theirs. on the one hand, and on the other hand, finally simply return to the state of existence of a legal
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state, because in a legal state there are actually legal mechanisms, if parallel structures are created in our country, where no one is responsible for anything, where the favorites of some main leader of the country, for example, oversee whole sectors of the economy secretly, then we will definitely have corruption and raids on business, the security forces will actually exist as a separate class that just... where there is, where there is, relatively speaking, a fat goose that can be plucked, as one famous deputy said, these are the considerations, i apologize for allowing myself to share they are with you, and thank you for your attention, serhiy lyshenko is already with us, a volunteer deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, who joins us from zaporizhia, mr. serhiy, good morning to you, good morning, please tell us how the night in zaporizhia went, thanking zaporozhye. and today it was quiet, in the evening there were shahedis, and there were flyovers,
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part of them managed to land in zaporizhzhia region, part in dnipropetrovsk, so the situation was stable, controlled by the armed forces, regarding what is happening now in the occupied territories, what news is the report from melitopol, from berdyansk, well, the enemy is in the occupied territories today. everyone is preparing for, let's say, elections, there were explosions near berdyansk yesterday, but what kind of explosions have not yet been reported, there is hope that ours got something interesting, in general, people are living, surviving as best they can, uh, these news that they take apartments from people who did not, who left the occupation, they just take more and more. such news, what with your real estate , how, how does it all correspond, well, at least, i do not know, there is no visibility, legality, and legality
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to this, and this situation is no longer news, it has been for more than a year, probably this situation, or even, maybe even more, because already at the end of the 22nd year, such a situation began, when the enemy began to conduct an inventory of housing, to enter their registers there with... to oblige the owners to appear with documents and so on and so on, in order to carry out a certain control of the situation, to find housing, the military were initially resettled in the same way. lo, that is, wherever people left , the military was sent there, then doctors and teachers from russia began to come to the zaporizhzhia region, they began to be given this housing as official, and therefore , in principle, this is an ongoing process, and many of the people, in fact, who are still in the 22nd year they left, uh, they already left with the clear
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idea that they are leaving their home forever, they are leaving their belongings forever and simply because even if once they return, then nothing will happen, because the occupier will sleep there, things will be thrown away, and in principle there are many such cases, and i know quite one interesting case in this regard, in one of the small towns of the zaporizhia region, which was occupied, a family had two apartments, the husband and wife had two apartments, in order to prevent one of these apartments from being taken away, they sort of... got divorced and the husband began to live in one apartment, the wife in the second, in the second, well, they were summoned to the commandant's office, they were informed, that their divorce are canceled, from now on they live in one apartment, and the second one is taken for the benefit of housing the military, that's how the ruse failed, ugh, okay, let's go back a little to zaporizhzhia itself, there are already many
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different stories about what seems to be ivan fodorov. .. a new one can lead, a new one can become the head of the zaporizhia military administration, you must have definitely heard about it, or now, what is zaporizhia saying about it now? well, actually, everyone is waiting for the presidential decree, whether it will be or not, because the previous one has been passed the approval procedure with the cabinet of ministers, and accordingly, the appointment is expected, and how this appointment will affect the situation in the region will be seen right now. in my personal opinion, after being the mayor of the city of melitopol, he is like us, the peaceful city of melitopol, what is important is that he was an effective manager, and what will be the consequences of his activities for the zaporizhia military region, well, we will see only by the result, so we are waiting for what there will be
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consequences, what will be the actions, and most importantly, what will be the personnel appointments, because we understand that one person cannot do all. yes, of course, this pause continues, by the way, with mr. fedor, the mayor of melitopol , the information of one of the opposition deputies appeared first, it seems that oleksiy goncharenko wrote it about the fact that such an appointment is being prepared, there is already an agreement, but further, for now the matter not going, this, by the way, if it does happen, it will be the third head of ova in two years of the war, what is the reason that these heads of military administrations change so much? well, the fact is that... if you take it that way, then this is already the fifth head of the region during the period, this, if you do not take now the one who was left there as an inheritance from poroshenko, and we have not yet changed, let's say, the head of the region, in general, this is already the fifth appointed, it is expected that the fifth appointed during the zelenskyi presidency, which is actually
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a certain record for the zaporizhzhia region, because so often. they rarely changed, but the selection of personnel is underway, the area is difficult, the front-line situation is difficult, and the expectations from the authorities are appropriate, but let's see what happens, we must not get used to changes. what do they say in zaporizhzhia about this year, what do they expect? ah, what a task the residents face themselves, this is to survive, this is to... live in conditions when no rockets will arrive, live in conditions when everything will be more or less calm, and there is some hope that in the 24th year it will be possible to liberate in fact, most people do not have the zaporizhzhia region, everyone understands that this is a difficult process, last year showed this, and they do not promise an active counteroffensive, so everyone understands that
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there may be serious problems with this issue and they are waiting, thank you. thanks for the conversation, serhiy lyshenko was with us, a volunteer, a deputy zaporizhzhia regional council, we will now take a short break and then visit kharkiv, and then mariupol. there are discounts on evcalor of 20% in the psaryznyk, pamp and oskad pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. big broadcast of vasyl winter 2 hours. hours to keep abreast of economic news and to learn about the war and what the world is about, two sports news, two hours in the company of favorite
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presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, a large air of vasyl winter, a project for smart and caring people, an espresso in the evening, a verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on... in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. i will never forget that night, the first night in the camp that turned my whole life into one long night, i will never forget those
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faces of children, whose bodies before my eyes turned into rings of smoke against the background of a silent sky. i shall never forget it, even if i were condemned to live forever as god himself. grihyr and hryhoriy tyutyunnikov, writers, brothers, sons of the same father, about the relationship of half-brothers, about how to turn from a ukrainian boy into a russian-speaking soviet person and, under the influence of his older brother, to return to his native language. about talent, dignity and pressure of a totalitarian machine per person in the documentary grihyr and grihyory the tobacconist. on sunday, january 28 at 9:30 at... espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live
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now where you are. well, back to our roll call, serhiy zhukov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council and an employee of the information security tape communication center, is already in touch with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, well , actually, of course, let's start with a question, how the night passed, well, calmly, in kharkov, thank god, the night passed, it was quiet, everything was as it were normally. after the missile attack on the 22nd, kharkiv continues to calculate
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the various consequences and as i heard that there will be less, less, less of these, fewer times they will announce the air alert, what is this connected with, something i can't hear you very well , can we how... here we can, we can , we can try, and i said, let's try to redial you, so okay, let's try to establish a connection, mr. slipano, he can hear us very well, let's try to record it now, in the meantime i'll say you that the siren will sound in kharkiv only in case of a real threat to of the city, mr. terikhov said about it, this is due to the fact that... obviously , the notification system is activated too often, well , imagine that if, for example, somewhere in uzhhorod this system sounds once a week, then,
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for example, in kharkiv - it is literally everyday music, if you can call it that in quotes, which is not very pleasing to the ear, but it has certainly become commonplace for us, recently we talked about it with my wife, who... says: you know, sometimes i hear some melody or something else, and suddenly some notes from the air war announcement alarms, i thought that surely this is something , this is something that will probably stay with us for the rest of our lives, that is, we will hear these notes in quotation marks, you know, air alarm alerts in some of the advertising jingles, in some phone calls and so on. serhiy zhuka is already with us, he is returning to the deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. serhiyuch, how can you hear me now, well, a little better, a little better, well, let's try to communicate at this level then, i wanted to ask
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about the fact that there will be fewer air warnings anxiety, what do they say about it? yes , this is for now, let's say this, the project that will be implemented, i don't know when, but definitely not today, not tomorrow, regarding the gradations, yes, regarding the air alert levels that will be announced in kharkiv, this decision was made yesterday by kharkiv the city council decided to create a situation. the center, or the coordinating one, i apologize to the center, how it will work, i still don’t know, after the powerful shelling that kharkiv experienced this week, which caused a lot of damage, i am now still counting the dead and damage, in particular to the historical part of the city, here, well, but the deputies decided after
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that to rename... and 65 streets alleys alleys and already i understand that such a decision was made yesterday, it was by the way, it seems an extraordinary session of the city council, well, look , in fact, sessions of the city council have been held for several years, they are all extraordinary in the kharkiv city council, so it is tied to the option. i would not, it was planned for a long time, and the renaming was also prepared for a long time, it is not done in one day, as you understand, that is the only a surprise, let's say, for us, that is , for the people who were directly, as for me , yes, who was directly involved in the process of preparing these renamings, was the renaming of pushkinska, it was the initiative of the mayor, do it right
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now , yes, because the talk that he will do it already, well, he will postpone this issue for renaming a little later, yes, but it so happened that literally there, on the eve of this planned session, another barbaric shelling of the center of kharkiv was carried out, just under pushkinska street was also hit, and maybe it was a pretext. it was necessary for the mayor to do this after all, not to postpone it for later, but to bring this issue to the session that took place yesterday, i see that such pro-ukrainian activists have already started such a campaign in social networks that the metro station, which is further remains pushkinskaya, the station itself is decorated with bas-reliefs of the russian poet, well
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, look, the bas-reliefs... metro has already been cleaned, in fact they are not there, formally under the pretext of repair work at the station, but we we understand very well that in the coming months, well, three months, yes , at least, as a maximum to be more precise, the station will be renamed, the question is, what name will this station have, because the name of the metro station, it should first of all be oriented. in the locality of people and tell them about where they are and where they came from , there are a lot of facilities in this area, there are universities, different ones, including a law university, a polytechnic university, and others that are very important and symbolic for kharkiv places therefore, this question is debatable, what exactly will this name be, there are options, yes, that is, it is not necessary to tie it to the street now. speaking
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pans, there may be different options. i want to remind you that in addition to the pushkinskaya metro station, we still have the pushkinsky entrance, which is a small perpendicular street, now skovorody street, we also have pushkina street, on one of the outskirts of the city of kharkiv, a small one in the private sector, about few people hear her, few people know her, but nevertheless, she is also and she will also be the closest at times... named and in general we still have about 400 streets associated with russian cities, associated with russian military figures, cultural figures, scientists and other ideological names, we even have aeroflotska street, and the name in honor of the soviet campaign, aeroflot leads to our airport.


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