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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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to tie grigoriy skovorody to the street, there may be different options. i want to remind you that in addition to the pushkinskaya metro station, we still have the pushkinsky entrance, which is a small perpendicular street, now skovorody street, we also have pushkin street, er, on one of the outskirts of the city of kharkiv, a small in the private sector, few people hear about her, few people know, but nevertheless, she is also. it will also be renamed in the near future, and in general, we still have about 400 streets connected to the stama of russia connected with russian military figures, cultural figures, scientists and other ideological names there, we even have aeroflotska street, well, named after the soviet company aeroflot, which leads to our airport, but we know very well that there is no aeroflot in ukraine now, but there is aeroflot. in russia there is such a campaign of civil
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aviation, which is also currently involved in the aggression against ukraine. well, yes, it is as it sounds, like commercial advertising, to name a street with the name of a company - what if coca-cola, for example, invested 100 million dollars in kharkiv with the condition that one of the avenues will be called the coca-cola avenue, for example, well, it looks so-so, especially since the planes of the aeroflot are now reported to crash literally every week. landings or about flight delays, because russian planes are actually already starting to fall apart due to sanctions, and recently in pavlo, by the way, near afghanistan, which belonged to russian oil and gas, well, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for the conversation, i the only thing i wanted to ask was this, worrying, god, how to say it, disturbing report from intelligence estonia about... the fact that the russians are allegedly preparing
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a provocative attack on kharkiv in order to divert forces from belgorod, in the direction of kupinsky. well, the fact is that the kupinsky direction itself was used by the russians all this time, starting in the fall, as a way to divert attention from the southern direction, and for our military, and they partially succeeded. moreover, for them, kupyansk is still such a huge logistics hub, the kupyansk railway station is a very important hub, and when in the fall of 22 our troops liberated kharkiv oblast and , in particular, recaptured the kupyansk nodes, this was a huge blow to the ability of the russians to carry out any actions in this direction, but you can expect anything from them.
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the russians have the ability to carry out similar , let's say, strikes in different directions, to divert attention, again, and to weaken, so to speak, our capabilities of conducting hostilities in other directions, so we can expect everything, but i hope that our intelligence does not eat its bread in vain and exchange of intelligence data with other countries and partners also takes place, therefore... therefore , let's hope that everything will be more or less under control, although it is certainly not easy, we will have a representative of the command of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, volodymyr fityom, we ask him what he thinks about this threat, thank you very much, mr. serhiy, serhii zhukkov, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, an employee of the center for centennial communications and information security, was with us and talked about the situation in the city of kharkiv, kharkiv, let me remind you that after... a terrible attack
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this week and, unfortunately, there were many casualties, the city announced mourning, now the city is withdrawing after this tragedy, and now dmytro zabavin, a deputy of the mariupol city council, will join us, we will ask what is happening in occupied mariupol, here i am at that time, but mr. dmytro, mr. dmytro , good morning to you, good, well, what are you, hero of glory, what is the situation in mariupol now, what do you hear from your city? in mariup, the occupiers invented a new technological rush, they created a technology for heating asphalt pavement in mariupol, well, that is , there is no heating in the houses of mariupol residents, but the russians are heating the asphalt pavement, and in the last day eight... and this is all in those demonstration
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areas where the occupiers said that there is heating, that is, the russians are not able to solve it now. communal problems that exist in mariupol, and even for the image of the domestic consumer it is not possible to show how everything is healthy and how everyone temporarily lives under the occupation in mariupol, therefore, accordingly, there are jokes about queues for receiving social benefits, let's say, security, and we see 200-300 people in general in the queues, in the post offices, who want to get at least some kind of social assistance, because there is nothing to survive, everyone will be talking a lot from this week, this video
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that came out again about how apartments are being sold in mariupol, just residents who were forced to flee from the occupation, and that's it , of course. a video that simply amazes with its cynicism, when people walk around the bombed-out apartments of others, and as if nothing, what is this new term that appeared in them in in the russian lexicon, another such abervalch is on duty, this is destruction, this is an apartment that was hit by a bomb, this is called destruction, 5 million rubles, just imagine, and a lot of that real estate, i... they even allegedly sell it there, that's what housing that the occupiers simply squeezed out of people, that is, people left under russian shells, saved their lives, and
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then their housing was taken from them, because they left and did not want to return to the occupation, and then they gave it to someone and now it is... ... it is sold, and accordingly from such cases a lot, because, as the main deserter terrorist putin said recently, mariupol is getting younger, and in this , let’s say, he didn’t say why, because they are doing everything so that mariupol pensioners die, who cannot get medical care or ... proper food, and instead of pensioners, whom they continue to kill by organizing genocide, they import their guest workers, so-called native nationalities of the russian federation, who, let's say, are young, but
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have the same relationship to mariupol as russia in general has to mariupol, that is, respectively, so cynically it was said that... that mariupol is rejuvenating, really, because they are killing the civilian population and the death rate in mariupol is now even surpassing the figures when mariupol had 500,000 people, the death rate was less than now, when in mariupol 100, well, the sbu has announced a suspicion of a young journalist, if you can say so, a journalist from... sure from mariupol, his name is oleksandr yakimets, a ukrainian surname, this boy works on such a channel as mariupol-24, and the sbu actually announced to him
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accusations in connection with the fact that he is, as it is said, as it is actually said in this message, with... prepares materials in which the image of the legitimacy of the russian occupation is confirmed, that is how it sounds in a word, well, in fact yakimet prepares, this mr. yakimets, various plots , for example, our president is putin and i am for him, for him, and i conclude such plots, i don’t know if there were even such plots in soviet times, i don’t remember much, it seems to me that there are already some there somewhere between 37th and 53rd somewhere from that time. but in fact, it is only 19 years to the boy, but he is a boy from mariupol, that is, he basically went to a ukrainian school, in mariupol, in which ukraine invested a lot of money after the 14th year, and in education, where all ukrainian, i don’t know, some
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writers, poets, singers , all the cultural figures went to that mariupol in order to somehow have ukraine present in mariupol, no one wanted that city to be lost a second time, and... nevertheless, this mariupol 24, i understand that it was created on the basis of the city tv channel that belonged to akhmetov, i understand correctly, look, the situation looks like this, that... there are really thousands of collaborators, and this is true, and it must be said, and for most of them there are already criminal proceedings of the security service of ukraine, prosecutors have been announced, and accordingly some of them verdicts were even passed in absentia, regarding what you said that the boy is 19 years old, unfortunately, there are such cases, for example, one of the principals... from mariupol schools, who, ah, two years ago, organized
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patriotic events , ukrainian events, in schools, pust shevchenko was standing there, in the hall, there children drew pictures of our defenders, and accordingly, this woman changed her shoes, and there are , unfortunately, a lot of such mangarts. who changed their shoes, but they don’t have any patriotism, which they talk about, it ’s just a banal desire to make money, unprincipled, that is, these people in general, despite the fact that the russians killed more than 100 thousand mariupol residents in the city, they went to work for the occupiers, and even imagine, there are many... such cases when, even among teachers, russians killed a person's child, but
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she still went to work for the occupiers, well, that is, the stockholm syndrome already has some kind of mental manifestation there, and such cases, unfortunately, happen, but if we take the majority there, then more than half of the residents... simply left, not accepting the russian occupation , that is, accordingly, if we take the percentage of those who remained there, yes, there are thousands of collaborators, unfortunately, but it is a percentage of a few percent of the population, because the absolute majority of residents left, not accepting the occupation and not accepting what did that horror, crimes, who did russians in mariupol, well, it’s interesting, but i still wanted
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to clarify once again, about this mariupol-24, is it on the basis of the channel that belonged to akhmetov, there was the mariupol channel, on the basis there i can't be there because they bombed, there was mariupol television, its municipal tv channel was tv7, sigma, that's what it belonged to. to the metinvest group, but since i know, that is, they brought some equipment there and, accordingly, gathered some journalists who showed some pro-russian views there, and accordingly some of there were indeed employees from these local tv channels, there were cameramen and journalists there as well. er, who also became collaborators and accordingly now work
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as propagandists, propagandists for the russian regime. well, there was actually an investigation into the media detector, even last year , in fact, how did it happen, actually there were collaborators on every channel, partly, most of them left, well, i heard the opinion from mr. andryushchenko that there, for example, on the akhmetov channel somewhere around... 50% could stay, half left if i didn't i'm wrong, that's how it was divided, if we take it as a percentage, imagine, unfortunately, but about 1/3 of the city council, i.e. the members of the city council - these are also collaborators who betrayed and cooperate with the crow, that is, the percentage is really worth several . indicators also regarding the media, regarding deputies, regarding school principals, well, that is, there is a percentage
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of indicators that, unfortunately, are off the charts. thank you very much for this conversation, dmytro zabavin was with us, a deputy of the mariupol city council. we know what to do with collaborators when mariupol will return to ukraine, but for now, it is probably not the task of this year, that's about it. there is a lot of talk now, and in particular , the washington post wrote that the biden administration secretly advises ukrainians this year to prepare for... the 25th year, to be on the defensive this year, there are also many publications about this, we will talk about it in the next hours of our broadcast today, we will now take a short break and then kherson and oksana pogomiy will join us and tell us how the night passed in our glorious but also long-suffering kherson. there are discounts on
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well, well, we are returning to our telethon and we already have e. now mrs. oksana pogomiy, deputy of the kherson city council, mrs. oksana, we are glad to see you, good morning, good morning, well, traditionally, i ask how kherson slept or did not sleep, whether the russians were allowed to sleep, today i am in mykolaiv, but kherson was monitored, as our girls-boys say, the night was moonlit and quiet, today, thank god, and how in mykolaiv, then i'll ask right away, it's generally quiet in mykolaiv, porivska. ms. oksano, regarding kherson, i am asking from kherson news, the government has extended payments until spring. for immigrants, this happened in particular after criticism, which came from, i don't know, from politicians, and from many people, in our including the channel, but it was extended until
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march 1, shmygal wrote about it in the telegram channel, he probably did not find better platforms for himself to report news, and this will only be distributed to certain groups of people, that is, pensioners, people with disabilities, children orphans, that is, the number of people who receive ... forced migrants social payments, these unfortunates 2000 hryvnias, is this good, well, good, of course, probably news, how important these payments are for the people of kherson, well, this is good news, only up to 1 in march, actually, uh, people of kherson, uh, hmm, this is very important, because people are renting apartments, even those who are internally displaced in the region, that is, you their... villages where there is a dilapidated house, somewhere in kherson live, even if they rent an apartment for 2 kopecks, but we don’t have such a thing, we
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still have prices there of 3, 4, 5, and we still have to pay the utility bill, so this payment of social security, it helped people at least a little, because when you, when you leave, you leave with a suitcase, you don't have a fork, a spoon, a pillow, a blanket. it all needs to be somewhere brothers, it’s good if you have it at the volunteer center, now it’s good if you have it in a second-hand store somewhere for a penny, people have run out of supplies, if they had money, now they actually give some help in kherson, i mean food or hygiene there, only those who are bedridden, 75 plus age and many. to children and families with children, and this is cut off, and that is cut off, now pensioners who come to the social service are told that we currently have
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such a policy, at least in one of the districts of the city, in the central one, that's for sure, we have now such a policy, if you have children, then let them help you, and children are also in such a difficult situation, that's why they give and take away 200 kopecks. i consider this just a cynical insult to the residents of ukraine in a state of war, and how would you like to see help for the kherson people? and first of all, there should be a fund, let it be a hostel , i don't know, but it should have communications with everything, because we also have different hostels, there should be a fund that can... offer people where people can go leave, and it is not for people it should be for money, only, i understand that the utility company has to be paid, let them pay
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, at least these, this aid to idps should be kept, i will tell you, i have a daughter in mykolaiv, she has two children, my eldest grandson is already working, he is 20 years old, but they live in the same apartment, this money is enough for them, that they earn only to eat, this helps them a lot. no, well, they would eat less , as they say, but my daughter, who works, my grandson works, his girlfriend works, they lived in an apartment for which they took 400 uah, now the landlady said, there are more of you people, she raised the price to 600 hryvnias, and my daughter says that if the idps are taken away, i don't know what to do, even if you return to kherson, and she has a child, the second is small, i would not like to... go to kherson under shelling, we have shelling actually, it was quiet tonight, actually they have become denser and we are shelled more, and the problem at
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the state level, as it was, it is not solved, on the contrary, they only aggravate it. i wanted to tell you one more piece of news: the kherson city court seized in absentia the property belonging to yuriy kovalev, and this is deputy of the so-called of the kherson regional state duma, we can even show this gentleman, here he is a member of united russia, and there is also interesting information about this gentleman, he is his own brother, that he actually became a deputy of the united russia of the kherson regional duma only in september of last year, and before at that time he was a deputy of the kherson regional council from the servant of the people, and this is also the brother of this same oleksiy kovalev. who, who was shot by a collaborator who was a deputy of the verkhovna rada from the servants of the people, and by the way, his brother, he also turned out to be a person who is not poor, for example, the court seized 524 hryvnias, over 300
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plots of land, all movable immovable property worth 100 million, as well as all kinds of corporate rights, and in total almost a billion hryvnias were seized, 640 million, well less, on his all kinds of property, which belongs only to the brother of this kovalev, but i still think to myself, this person went, that is, to the regional council, and as a servant of the people, and on the one hand, a person, as we can see, of very pro-russian ... views , that is, whose people, so to speak, the servant, and on the other hand we understand that here such people were like barons, locals, who definitely had their servants, i don't know, with liveries and wigs, probably, well, how could this person be elected a servant of the people in the pews, and where were the eyes looking? listen, i was with votetimov, who is 200 years old, i took part in the elections,
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this is our place... we were competitors in the 19th year , i took part in the elections in the same area, and i will ask people, people they told me: oh, that's him and his brother, they're such bastards, they mess with the earth, they squeeze people, they're over there, i say, well then, what are you for them, what are you going to vote for them, they told me, well, this is, this is the party of the servants of the people. they are leaving this party, you know, these are slogans, let's do them together, no, let's do them again , this was the slogan, it was in their head, you could get a tattoo in the lobby, people just left like sheep, i say bastard , they say to me the servant of the people, i say you know what kind of person this is, and they say to me the servant of the people, that’s how it turned out, well, but they, you see, made us only together with those people who
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thought that they were together, and you... that they were simply used, well, if we talk specifically about these kovalovs, well, at least one of them got paid, well, and the second one, i see the other one somewhere , well, well, well, he's doing well, he's doing well , well, somehow it is that people somehow sooner or later draw conclusions from everything that is happening, listen, they are these blacksmiths, they reigned on the left bank there, i would call it that, and now the left bank is so much. suffers, especially those who could not leave, very hard, sometimes they, sometimes people because of their choice they pay in full, sometimes even with their lives , well, i don’t know if they will draw conclusions, i am not so optimistic about our wise people, in fact, ms. oksana, we will, we will believe in the best, as you know, as we believe in the best, we prepare for the worst, so, so ours
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is reserved. oksana pamii was with us, a member of the kherson city council. well, this first hour of our information-analytical, so to speak, is coming to an end, the end. we will now pass the floor to the news, and the news release has been prepared for you by our group, of course, information service, and today it is represented, so to speak, already on the screen by kateryna. belt kateryna, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, andriy, i will tell you about the night attack of the shaheids on ukraine and the updated information about the ill-76 plane.
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greetings, espresso news channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war confirmed the list of 65 servicemen published by russian media. according to the information of the russian authorities, the prisoners were in the ill-76 plane and they were allegedly taken for exchange. at the same time , the main intelligence agency said that there is currently no credible source. and comprehensive information about who may have actually been on board the plane. the day before , a meeting of representatives of the coordination headquarters with relatives and relatives of ukrainian prisoners of war took place. interviewed relatives of ukrainian military personnel from the published list, after reviewing the video materials, so far have not found any signs that would indicate...


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