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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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how old are you? i am currently 23 years old. i know that the president signed a decree to award you with the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi? yes, it was awarded on well , i found out that we are in the garden in the month of may, it was just battles. brutally tough in the turkish direction, on one of the days the enemy tried to advance and gathered up to 100 personnel from one of the landings, we quickly discovered the enemy and inflicted an angular defeat, that is , only those who got out of that landing were able to leave the occupiers.
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then on may 8, on may 8, the enemy decided to storm our positions, and here they, in short , at full speed, start to go straight to our positions, to the price positions, and just a bunch of people start running out of the position, well , there is a ravine, such a one from the ravine starts to run straight away. behind the tanks, our guys are there, well, they managed just perfectly there, they destroyed those two tanks , took three prisoners, there is a pile of weapons there in front of the positions, there are 30 men, just lying there, 12 men stopped two tanks there, well, two tanks, two bmp and up to 60 personnel, and we are quite very successful completed the task in the very settlement of new york, our battalion. we can say from
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the month of march to the end of june, and what we did there, we left with 95% completeness. you have to be really careful, if we had let the enemy into the settlement of new york, we would have lost, well , no one knows how much we lost, but i know for a fact that we would have lost more than half a battalion there, because the fighting in the settlement, it's very difficult, everyone just performs effectively. their tasks, and the third company, yes, repulsed all of them there assaults, and the second company there in general created such conditions that they only tried to get out there somewhere, they immediately shot them there with a terekoni, and the first company, which the aviation there just fired twice a day, you understand, we had such a one there a position where the guys just threw smoke to go to the toilet and the machine gunner started shooting because they needed... there was a section to go to
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the toilet and again threw smoke to return, that was the conditions, the most pleasant thing was that when i was given two anti-tank guns and we were already leaving the district, i ask them there, well, guys, how are things there, well, there, and they say, it was cool, well, like, we remembered it for the rest of our lives, and you and the infantry are cool. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with doolgit cream, whatever you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with a 15% discount. dolgit cream 100 g in pharmacies, pharmacy anz, pharmacy kopiyka and pharmacy layer. there are discounts. over the deflu, 20% in pharmacies
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anton borkovsky at espresso. i will never forget that night, the first night in the camp, which turned my whole life into one. long night, i will never forget those faces of the children, whose bodies before my eyes turned into rings of smoke against the background of the silent sky. i will never forget it, even if i were condemned to live forever like god himself.
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at first, the city of new york, the suburbs of new york, we were covered, starting with phosphorus, let's say, phosphorus - it was the best that we then received, a serviceman with the callsign tarzan about... a tanker joined the brigade at the start of a full-scale invasion. we lived in a two-story brick house , when we moved into it, it was completely intact, when we left it, there was only half a cellar, that is , the face of the earth above us was erased, everything that was above us, and then, but then everything was perceived like this, if today, then it should be like this, that is, i am ready, because you know, many people here, who are currently fighting, have such a ... acceptance of life that we all we will die anyway, one day we will die anyway , what is there to be afraid of, but we have to do the maximum that we can do, the installation itself is a rocket and a launcher, that is , we have a rocket, we currently have two types of rockets, these are
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rockets of the class c, fgm 148c, missiles up to 2,500 km, oh, up to 2,500 m, that would be cool, yeah. and fgm148e, these are missiles with a range of up to 4 km. usually, jayviks walk in pairs. but you can manage alone, this is the eye of the rocket itself, very beautiful, it sees almost the same as a human, but much better, and this little one ready for battle, enemy equipment can be destroyed. at the same time, russian troops tried to break through the siverskyi donets river near the village of dronivka and created
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three bridgeheads there for the offensive. from our side, their crossing was repulsed by only two tanks and a small amount of artillery. we were in such a situation, the tank did not work, did not go, did not go forward, did not go back, the second tank also stalled and could not do anything, we just sat in the tank, artillery fired at us. konstantin, the company commander of the tank battalion, joined ... gadi in 2020, i was already sitting in tank, took off the headset and said, like , well, that's it, we'll stay here, we didn't have any hope, we calculated the time when the projectile would arrive, well, between exit, arrival or between arrivals, 10-15 seconds were needed, to throw combat vehicles and remove the cover in the eastern landing, and there was also a peculiarity, because... well, if you had to communicate with your crew, that is, everyone was silent, everyone was in awe, and so was the neighboring tank, they
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were sitting, they were very frightened, i saw their eyes when i tried to somehow get out of the tank to see what their condition is, how to cheer them up, that is, i had constant contact, i talked with them, if i gave them hope that now we will run, evacuate and everything will be fine, what is the thought that you held on to, what gave you the strength yourself... not to lose your mind and to support others, well, this is such a very difficult question, because i motivated myself that no one would help me except me, that is, i had to take everything into my own hands and i could not arrange everything, i.e. evacuation, relocation, i.e., in front of the personnel to show their weakness, because it would be much worse for them, they always look to the commander and the commander has to... support the people, adjust, and the next day we managed to destroy somewhere around two or
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three units of military equipment, plus a boat we was destroyed, which performed the task of stabilizing these pontoon-bridge crossings of the bezdyan rivers, and by the end of the next day, the enemy had exhausted all his attempts to force the tsoiika, and that was the end of this story. the next attempt of the enemy was several days later, it was already famous the crossing at bilogorivka, there the enemy already used much more military equipment and manpower, well, this was already the second attempt , few people know about the first attempt in the village of dronivka, it is not well known, because there received much less units of ours on... for cutting off and destroying that seasoning. after the battles
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in donetsk region and a short recovery, the 30th brigade was transferred to the izyum direction, which was very hot in the summer. well, there are tank battles, up to 10 tanks in different landings just went out there and just fired directly according to our positions. we found quite a lot of tanks there, and what i really didn't expect, again, yes, i saw about nine or 10 tanks there, well, these are t-70-90 night tanks, shot your mother, i don't see him, come on , come on, come on, yes here he is here he is here he is the best of my work, i consider it the best, it is a heavy russian t-90 tank in the kharkiv direction, they have very few of them,
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they cost a lot, there were very few of them in ukraine, and i burned one of them, and what is special about this tank? he has very strong armor, he has very strong protection against anti-tank weapons, and well, he is considered almost invulnerable, i did not burn him, i inflicted critical damage on him. but there was no explosion as such, it was this tank , as i was told later, that 11 rpgs were fired, that is, they could not destroy it with ordinary hand-held anti-tank weapons, we were in... called on an alarm, we saw it, it was very hot , the temperature was very high, and then he worked on our positions, turned back, took the infantry with him and with the infantry he had to start this infantry already at our positions , that is, they were supposed to storm our positions, and when i attacked, when i attacked him, all this infantry was blown away by the wind, they flowed, of course, without
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the support of equipment, they didn’t go anywhere, and that’s all, that is the offensive choked, so... i'm a hero, well, guys from the anti-tank division were given to us, and our guys did tricks, we didn't come out like that. there was a lot of enemy infantry, as there were a lot of tanks, and what did you do to him? artillery is not a sniper rifle, you see, it does not hit directly there in that meter, where are you supposed to go, and you will get 5 m from the tank, well, it doesn't matter, and we simply destroyed them there with pturs, javelins, we set them up for ambushes
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, let them get closer and then shot down the goose there, well, again, the infantry. i did all the work, there is, please, there is a tree, a dance floor, offensive actions were actively carried out there, fifa equipment was found, at the end of august 2022. year, the brigade received a combat task to carry out offensive actions in the direction of the city of izyum, this is how the legendary counteroffensive began, the task of the brigade was to seize southern outskirts of the city. i heard the command that all vehicles should be visible to the firing position, fully loaded with ammunition, provisions, fuel and be ready
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to work on the targets. when in the morning... we moved into position, focused on the targets, we opened massive fire on the enemy, our infantry vehicles began to attack, i already understood that we were starting to move forward. by the end of the day, we changed the firing position, we moved closer, that is , i realized after that that ours were able to advance in this direction, and the last, the last target i received was an enemy column that was already trying to escape from a large kamesuvakhi, that is, we opened fire on it. they were not allowed to leave, some of them still broke through, but most of them remained there together with the equipment, after which we entered the populated areas and saw for ourselves what the occupation troops of the so-called russian federation had done.
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no one really expected that the place would go, well, no one even told us about it , what was being prepared there, yes, it was proven right at the very last moment, these establishments, which were the enemy 's leaders, vaman, all spoke for kherson, but the whole thing went down , and everything was very simple, the enemy did not expect it, there were no conditions created where the enemy could predict that it would be an offensive, because it was not an accumulation there, it was an accumulation, the boys simply regrouped and went on the offensive and began to break through in all
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directions, and there were cases where... battalions were driving and saw how their artillery was deployed, well, like, the artillery thinks that we are still ahead somewhere, but we are already here- the artillery was fired nearby visually, seeing it blowing up, the enemy simply abandoned everything, there was equipment, positions, they simply ran away, because their north had broken through them, and they understood that they... the key task was that they held, because if not held, the enemy
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would have carried out these offensive actions, and such opportunities would not have been created when we could go into a counterattack. i have already heard from your brothers that it is very important for foot soldiers to set foot on the ground they are raising, do you remember those feelings when you first we found ourselves in the de-occupied territories, yes, of course, the first place i went to when we returned from izyum. we visited vezyum, traveled around these de-occupied cities and talked with people. ruslan kot, the company commander, joined the brigade after the full-scale invasion. and we returned
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to where we fought, namely to the territory where the demarcation line was, where theirs was, where we were. we always returned there, looked at what tanks we burned, what equipment we knocked out, this one, where their territories were, maybe... maybe we did something did it wrong, well, i had to draw some conclusions for myself, it was very fulfilling for me that we specifically returned to those places where we were severely beaten, namely this is their first line, well, we also wanted to make a significant contribution to this offensive, sometimes, well, to be proud to say, well, there is such a person who says that we took part in this particular offensive, because it went down in history when, as... an offensive is not usually carried out by superior forces, but we were able to with much smaller forces dislodge the enemy, defeat them
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, and then get a large number trophies, what we received from the trophies is a large number of 152 caliber ammunition, which is in short supply for us, we were able to effectively get and use them all, that is, back after a while already in the bakhmatsky direction, we fired the so-called so-called lendlease at them, that is it... it was doubly nicer to work with them, we found two t-72 tanks, the latest tanks of the armed forces of the russian federation, well, plus other units of our battalion also found military equipment, we equipped them completely tank company on t-80 tanks, as well as in each tank company. the t-72, which has the latest weapons, has thermal imaging devices
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that help when firing at night , we use this to this day, that is, tanks leave at night, to inflict damage on the enemy, it somehow helped us. after the counteroffensive, in september 22, the brigade made a 150-kilometer march from barvinkovo ​​to the city. bahmud to carry out tasks in this direction. when i saw the brigade, the brigade occupied a strip south of the outskirts of bakhmut, that is, occupied defense opponent chowk wagner was against us. that is. it was very difficult, because they carried out assaults both during the day and at night. they chose. tactics of night operations, or during very bad weather, when , let's say, we could not fully use our air reconnaissance equipment,
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the work was in groups of 10-15 people, the task was to get to the trench at any cost, they did not count losses, let's say, the assaults were avalanche after avalanche, that is, even... the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine did not have the ability for a rest, after the end of one assault, an assault by another group immediately began, there was a flood of prisoners, they did not have problems with personnel, so to speak, as a special contingent, as much as they needed, they suffered losses in a day, 100 men, the next morning they brought 100 men. 2s3 m macatsiya, this self-propelled artillery installation was actively used every day, releasing
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100 or 200 shells during the day in some places, because the enemy continued assaults from the very morning until the evening, such self-propelled artillery helped the offensives to take place, of ammunition, it was about one to five, that is, for our one ammunition, they responded with five or six, we were behind accuracy, that is, we constantly worked from them precisely, that is, every projectile landed near the enemy. approximately what i know at the moment, what is confirmed for sure, is the destruction of up to five or six mortar units, together with mortars, with ammunition and with units, as well as up to 20-30 groups of so-called wagnerites, that is , which was destroyed on bakhmut, is what has only been confirmed, how much we have worked out and the so-called rushes of the battle could not be detected, it is no longer possible to count, but what we saw,
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the fields were littered with corpses. of the russian occupation troops, that is, they suffered very heavy losses, and we saw their work, and this greatly lifts the former mood, this installation, in which battles everyone took part, i have five such machines in my battery, each of them took on all participation in the theaters of hostilities, we also have four nominal guns, that is, we have four fallen comrades, each... of them had their own call sign, and on the receivers, on barrels, each of them has its callsigns signed, that is, these guns carry punishment for the enemy and retribution for our fallen brothers, tell me about the idea of ​​this wall, i know that you were one of the initiators, the initiators
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of its creation. when the ukrainian army suffered the most losses from the 23rd year to the 22nd year , it was the august 29th incident in ilovaisk. in st. andrew's church, we simply made a banner with those who died in ilovaisk and people began to put up lamps, carry flowers, then the idea arose with pavel nityosov, he is an employee of the ministry of defense museum, to do it right here, why right here, because this is the place itself, it is significant for ukrainians, because at the beginning of the 14th year it was activists of the maidan, volunteers, all
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funerals, some... tarry events, they took place on the territory of the monastery, and for many it is this is a very iconic place , and then there is the mykhailo monastery and the archangel michael, they are the patron of the ukrainian army, and they did it right here, because it is supposedly at the entrance to the church, because many guys are not faithful to the orthodox church, some of them are atheists, some evangelical, roman catholic, buddhist, that is, different. and therefore it is as if you are at the threshold of the temple, and it is also about religious freedom and religious tolerance and respect for the religious views of any person, of course, that this is a temporary project, so that after the end of the war, after our victory, it will be some kind of already an architectural competition, it will be something else, the money for the wall of memory was simply collected by volunteers, people,
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families, the fallen servicemen themselves. and in fact, no matter who says it, i understand that in respect, and so that people can see what the price of peace in kyiv is, who these guys are, they should be now, we may make a mistake in the data there, we may not put someone there, but those we know should be put immediately, we do not have such losses as the enemy, and we remember, this is important for us, it is humanity. respect is very important.


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