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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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and both on the black sea and on sukhodol, that is, it is clear that they are not happy that their supplies are being stopped now, especially putin's entourage, who are making money from this, supplies from tuabse, supplies from the transshipment there near leningrad or st. petersburg, that is, it is clear that they want a pause, which, by the way, they want to use to know the lifting of sanctions, including, therefore, in principle. it sounds like we are ready as soon as possible, only on our terms, the terms they announced, in short, the capitulation of ukraine, that is, the terms are such and that's all, that is what is the readiness for negotiations , the peace formula offered by the ukrainian side, they completely reject, one more point, the mediators offered them, you know that in switzerland, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, stated that... switzerland is ready and
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offered to hold a summit on peace formula this year, and switzerland also officially stated that they do not see it, or see it only with the participation of the russian side, officially appealed just in new york, to which lovrov immediately publicly said that russia does not agree to this, that is, he clearly noted that russia does not want negotiations even on an official basis. for switzerland's proposal , so what does it mean, such things are generally not discussed publicly, they are not discussed, if the swiss offered it to him, he immediately fumed, sorry for the word at the press conference, he first of all gave reasons, well, the swiss actually zeroed in on this initiative , now i don’t know, it must be clear there that nothing will happen with russia, so i absolutely do not see any readiness of russia to stop the war and the fact that missiles are flying, flying... strikes on
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kharkiv, strikes on ukrainian cities , this is just a confirmation of this, so it is absolutely not serious to talk about anything now, negotiations are possible only if our negotiating position is strengthened, i mean our ukrainian with the help and support of partners, and when the russian side will be forced to take some steps, but i will tell you my position, it is different, i generally believe that the negotiations should and... go only with regard to the exchange of prisoners, the exchange, well, unfortunately, of the bodies of the dead, go with regard to, well all these moments that arise during the war. in no way, until you can sign any, any, well , agreement or something with this regime, and maybe de facto it will somehow be mediated by the usa, maybe somehow, primarily the usa, maybe somehow it will be, eh -uh,...
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to move from one type of war to another, to another confrontation, but i warn right now and for the future that there can be no direct ukraine-russia negotiations with putin, that is, it will be our very losing position in any case , and our leadership knows it, that's why our position is always open, withdraw your troops from our territory, and then we can decide something, and yes, when you kill our... you continue the war, then you offer ukraine to surrender, so how can you come to such things in any option , and what appears, it will appear constantly, and has appeared, but, but, mr. valery, if russia wants negotiations regarding ukraine, then it is not about the fact that they want to participate in meetings, regarding zelenskyi's peace formula and not regarding direct negotiations with zelenskyi, they want negotiations with the united states of america, or ... with the representatives
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of the north atlantic alliance, as they declared in december 21, when putin's ultimatum was known, regarding what the future architecture of influence in the world should look like, and look, yes, you are right, by the way , the moment is very right, they responded with war, they gave an ultimatum in the 21st year, what you said, they received officially in the letters of the usa and nato. ultimatums, i.e. withdraw troops from the territory of the country that joined nato after 1996, i.e. an ultimatum there was nato and the united states, and then, when neither the united states nor nato obeyed, did not obey this ultimatum, whom they attacked, they have the united states, i am surprising you, if i am not mistaken, russia has a border of 4.5 km , that is, well, yes, it’s in the strait , it’s... in alaska, well, if you take sukhadol,
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there’s a greater distance, but they’re very close to the usa, they didn’t attack the usa, they’re afraid of this collision, they and nato are still that they haven't attacked, so far, this... maybe, but they attacked ukraine, the question is why ukraine is here, in general, in this scheme, why ukraine, well, i don't want to go into details , it's their lying, well, it's just a cynical thing , when they see that they can't strike hard, because they get a war with a nuclear state, they hit a weak point, unfortunately, unfortunately, they thought like ukraine, they were wrong in many ways, but they did it, so now without ukraine this is the decision. it will not happen, it is not possible to decide now what could theoretically be said in the 21st year, when there was no large-scale invasion on the territory of ukraine. now that they have caused huge damage in ukraine, when they have violated more more territorial integrity, sovereignty,
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you cannot do it without ukraine, even if, let me remind you, in the 21st year there were a lot of russian troops concentrated in our borders. then, as you remember, there was a meeting in geneva between the presidents of the usa and the president of russia, yes, this is the desire, i agree to sit down and decide, but how will you decide now , when russia is already bogged down in this, and ukraine is already a subject in this process, therefore any attempt to solve something without ukraine will end in failure. you mentioned this one the distance between russia and the united states of america is not great, obviously. it is also about alaska, because this whole story can unfold there too, and this week medvedev tried to unfold this story, because putin signed a decree on the search abroad for real estate that once belonged to the ussr and even the russian empire and the proper
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registration of this real estate, after which the united states of america warned moscow about possible encroachments on american territory, and medvedev, the deputy chairman. he wrote to the russian security council: "according to the words representative of the state department, russia will not get back alaska, which was sold to the united states of america in the 19th century. well, so be it, but we expected that alaska would return overnight, now war is inevitable. medvedev is now trolling the americans, considering how medvedev, putin, and russia in general are behaving, that you can expect anything from them. well, there were statements. what i think today, that texas is already on the verge of war there with other states, with the federal government, that is, you know, i think so, the first these statements, well, pay attention, i don’t know to what extent
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it is possible, but it is still medvedev, although we call him there, when he gets to the keys, different epithets are given, i will not repeat myself now, but he is '. that is, sometimes these are some attempts at horror stories, already a hope, and often it is simply aimed at the domestic russian audience, there are elections soon, they want to consolidate there those who speak so militantly. that they will show some movie to america, of course they will never do that, they are afraid, but they have more let me remind you of the borders with other nato countries , that is, there are problems here, because they
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actually have borders with estonia, and with finland, and with latvia, and with lithuania, through the kaliningrad region, they have these borders with poland, that is ... well, there are a lot of problems here in this very area, which is why they take it seriously there, and that is why estonia is preparing for the construction, as i understand it, of a line of defense already this year, that is, fortifications and the corresponding readiness to later deploy a larger number of nato troops. lithuania the german prepares to accept the mechanized brigade of the bundeswehr. full-fledged with tanks , with self-propelled, well, with armored personnel carriers and so on , that is, it was a completely different situation, in the nato air, so that you understand, the poles, well, i will not go into details, but i think they realized their mistakes, now be -what
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russian missiles there, planes take off when we have an alarm, in poland they also go up, at least a couple of fighter jets, and even a squadron, now constant patrolling. entered, i understand, well, it was reported the other day, maybe this was before, entered over the benelux, belgium, the netherlands, luxembourg, f35, well , at least f-35 were not on duty like that, f-35. the pair takes off in a mode of constant alternation, that is, rotation changes, constantly controlling the air space. the f-35-i2 is , i will tell you, a powerful control of this direction already, that is , they are no longer their statements. this applied a nuclear attack, everyone has already seen it, but they see real actions already from preparation,
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as i understand it, because the military will not do that, they are currently training 90 00, a working version of these exercises, well, the idea, the plan, countering the attack of russia on one of the countries of the region , the baltic countries, in the first place, that's what the confrontation passed, that's why in bilda, when they said this plan with these arrows, how to treat it, it was... they don't hide the training plan anymore, the nato countries don't hide it, they don't call it country x, as it used to be in computer there or real training, this is russia, these countries are preparing for a confrontation with russia, the only question is that it would be possible to strengthen ukraine as much as possible now, with weapons in a concentrated form, and then they would, well, maybe they would not face this, and yes, if they wait and think... that they will strengthen from within, as a result they will allow, even in the conditions of war, i
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emphasize, even in the conditions of the continuation of the war with ukraine, the russians can resort to provocation, so you know, i don't know, sometimes in these statements, it's just the consolidation of their voters in russia , this increase hurray for patriotism, and sometimes in this way they can send some kind of signals, but at the same time it is not... a secret that all these lines with moscow are maintained both from washington and from the countries of the european union. the goals of the president of the russian federation putin regarding ukraine have remained unchanged, he still wants to destroy ukraine as an independent state and subjugate the ukrainian people, said the permanent representative of the united states of america to the osce, michael carpenter. and at the meeting of the permanent council of this organization on thursday in vienna, he stated the following. it is clear that... and his entourage view ukraine not as a sovereign independent state, but as prize
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real estate for an imaginary empire ruled by the kremlin, filled with unfree people, a population they despise and seek to subjugate to their will by force. contrary to what the kremlin would like to believe, the euro-atlantic future is quite real. at the same time, today there was also information that the head of german intelligence, bruno kahl , said that putin is not against attacking... nato, if ukraine were forced to surrender, this would not quench russia's thirst for power if the west does not demonstrate a clear willingness to defend itself, putin will no longer have a reason not to attack nato. putin's goal, he said, is to restore the former power and greatness of great russia. well, mr. valery, it seems that our western partners are saying everything correctly, everything is logical. but why don't our western partners set a global goal. demilitarization of russia, deputization of russia, ultimately,
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denazification of russia. well, they have an inertia of thinking. what they are declaring publicly today, in march of the 22nd year i, well, just in non-stop mode, not only me, we all called everyone, well, at the end of february, at the beginning of march, everyone, with whom we supported. connections in order to help ukraine as much as possible in these most difficult days, and even then and later i was very skeptical of my friends from other countries who hold important positions today and continue to hold them assessment of my forecast, well , i'm only talking about myself, i said that look, they will still try to provoke you, that is, one way or another... otherwise, it was very was perceived with skepticism at that time , then the situation changed gradually, first from
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intelligence, community intelligence, then gradually to defense structures, well , mainly to defense departments, then gradually to some politicians, now it has come to the point, finally politicians are announcing it, it took two years to declare it, i think it will take some more time for them to... express the fact that without changing russia , nothing will go well in europe, because i am not saying how to change it, that is, it is very many different questions. but without this it is aggressive the policy may continue even after the de-occupation of ukrainian territories. another mistake that they are making now, now we have the following discussion: from their point of view, it means that we just need to provide weapons, and they have one question: which ones can we deploy, mobilize how many people, how many hundreds of thousands, and i
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tell them , listen, first of all, this is unfair, secondly, don't... think that ukraine will fight for all of you forever, because we are not only closing our territories, we are also closing the security of europe, well, in a big way account and nato on the european continent , therefore there must be collective action, that is , collective action, if you are unable today, then it will come anyway, the war will come to your territory, and in what they are not wrong, they are wrong in that they believe that as long as putin is for... in ukraine, he will not take any steps in their direction, it is wrong, if the war is as it is now positionally, he will do it if it is deceived about the deoccupation of the ukrainian territory, and this requires a completely different approach in strategy , providing completely different help in terms of scale and speed, then maybe he will not have the time and opportunity for this, and if you
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stop like this and keep it, excuse the ukrainian armed forces, there are shells and everything else, maybe yes, i understand , there are difficulties, of course, but if you do not find a solution, the production of weapons will be put on the rails as much as possible, well, this is also a question for us , yes, well, now i am talking about partners, we must put on the production of ammunition, well, that is, both shells and cartridges, that is it is primarily for a completely different production, and here it is moment is very important, they live far from. therefore, in order for it to work , a political decision is needed, for example, if there is a large order for the factories of germany and other countries, it will be done faster, the same productions as the french led now in caesarea, which means that it will not be produced for a year and a half one sau, and sooner, if it will be through drones, already such initiatives are of joint
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production, now they have been announced literally with lithuania, here is the visit of the minister of legal affairs of lithuania from... this is what we publicly know, if it should be launched faster , european politicians need to issue such large orders now for their productions, for themselves, that is why it is necessary to unblock 20 billion from the european peace fund, where, for four years, it is distributed for the production of weapons, what is provided in ukraine it is necessary to strengthen the programs in the european union and nato for the production of weapons, the war has already moved around the world, everything is already over. period, now it is necessary to produce, and therefore the fact that they have already declared politically, that they see the threat of an attack, this should motivate them to act, if they delay, they will face what ukraine faced in 22, unfortunately. against this background, amid all these statements and the unfolding of this escalation and
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europe's preparations for war, because in europe they say in plain text that... it is necessary to prepare for a war with russia, the training of nato troops began, which became the largest since 1988 year, 90,000 personnel of all members of the alliance complained to the ministry of defense of belarus that minsk had received neither a warning about the nato exercises, nor an invitation to them, whether this would do the impression on putin, these maneuvers, and to what extent they show the power of the north atlantic alliance, since, as we now understand, most western european states did not predict a confrontation, a military confrontation, a major confrontation with the russian federation, and only a war, a major war of russia against ukraine , only now prompts western european countries to increase
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the size of the army, to adjust production, that is, no one predicted that all the reserves. which they had, that they will go to, well , they will go to ukraine in part in order to confront russia? well, we talked about the fact that these exercises, they already have an absolutely clear, well, obvious task, that is, to counter the russian invasion. and yes, they hope they're sending a signal that way, but really, you know, signals, with no specific confrontations or results. that's right, well, it might not stop the russians, if you stopped them, they would think 10 times about the advice of those... that it is not necessary to invade ukraine, but no one accepted it, they were acting purely on their own the idea that was absolutely in a parallel reality, and
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no one is guaranteed by the nato countries that they will not be overthrown there either, i will remind you that, in principle, this has already happened more than once in history, and we have seen that despite the fact that there is no , it didn't make sense... somewhere, the soviet union or russia got in there, and then there was much more, maybe some arguments, here, well, i explained to you, as i see it, they still want to make a provocation, and nato, until it collides with russia, russia will not understand anything, there is a war with finland, i am now i reread the memories of those times, and you know what happened. you don’t have to worry about it, but in the first days of this situation, well, they just fell, there were corpses lying there one to
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10, and even 1:17 were the days of the dead soviet soldiers, that is , they just went there to oboe, and it would seem that all they thought, but no, this cannot happen, and at the same time, finland was still supported by various countries, fought on their side. that is, that is why only the soviet union only stopped, well, when it really got a base there and got, captured the territory, when they gave it to him, but also when i realized that it would simply have terrible consequences for them, so in principle they can do whatever they want, i said and i say, and it will be checked, let's check, i'm not making a forecast, i'm just seeing , i know a little about their psychology, but they just... itch, their hands itch , they will try, they are sure that the eu countries, nato are weaklings, yes, the usa, they still respect the fact that the usa has nuclear weapons, not anymore
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for which, in fact, but the europeans, they do not consider themselves capable there at all to oppose them, they have not received an answer yet, i'm sorry, then they will climb, and they will definitely try to climb somewhere, there may be a provocation, moreover, i think that it may be at the first opportunity already there next winter, when between then, maybe the elections on november 5 in the usa, the inauguration, there will be a certain such period, well, not that there is no power, no, but a certain transfer, trance transition, that is , the transfer of power, so here i think we need to be careful, it could be... just convenient period for them, learning is a good story, learning is excellent, we still need to conduct training in the black sea in its eastern part of nato countries,
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turkey, bulgaria, at least romania, in relation to combating threats in the black sea basin, i think it will be useful for everyone. friends, i would like to remind you that during our broadcast we conduct survey, we ask you about whether ukraine needs a government of national unity, if you watch us on youtube, vote either with the yes or no button, if you watch us on tv, call, if you think that such a government is necessary, call number 0,800-211-381, no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, it is important for us to know your opinion. today we have diplomat and politician valery chaly as our guest. and mr. valery, today the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygel announced at the government meeting that all the countries of the european union have previously agreed to aid ukraine in the amount of 500 billion euros.
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let's hear what shmigel said. on february 1 , we expect the eu to approve a new four-year support program for ukraine worth eur 50 billion , the ukraine facility. in advance we can say that all 27 eu members agreed to support this program. this year, we expect that the eu will be able to provide us with financial assistance at approximately the level of 2023. to cover the deficit of the ukrainian budget, it would be important for us to attract about 18 billion euros from the european union. mr. valery, the two countries, or rather, the representatives of the two countries fico and orban until the last, had doubts about this money or? should ukraine be given or not, orban spoke about this week about nato, whether ukraine should join nato or not, fitso
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met this. a week of hurling in uzhhorod and said that they would not object if the private armouries of slovakia were private companies to sell arms to ukraine, what do you think is the reason for the change in the position of fico and orbán, why are they going now, if you believe the words of shmyhal, why are they going one step closer to meeting ukraine? well , first of all... i will say frankly, after the statement of our current prime minister, mr. shmyhal, that ukraine can join the european union, i will allow myself to wait a little until the first day, after all, the approval of 500 billion takes place on the first day. all this is preliminary, that's all, well, let's wait for the first and it will be very good if
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what the prime minister said. shmygal , it will be like that, 50 billion macrofin will be provided, which was before, well, it is so obvious that this is the right decision of the european union for a long time, but let's not forget that there are still its funds, regarding which i do not yet know that they were completely unblocked, again, the same bloomberg or other publications say that 20 billion have been unblocked here as well, it's european, it seems it's called the peace fund, where... where military aid is consolidated for ukraine, in terms of the military, it is no less, or even more important that it should be. now regarding the position of the countries, i divide here the attitude to the position of hungary and to the position of slovakia. first of all, not everything we hear in public is to be trusted, just some things can really be said for internal use, we have to
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react to them. but to understand the context, and the slovak prime minister, he has, perhaps, a lot of desires to stand out there somehow and repeat orbán, but so far his control over the parliament is very there so not very persuasive for the media, after all, the slovak media is still, or will continue to be, free, more free, and they can also ask uncomfortable questions. that is, sometimes we simply do not read in the primary sources, we have to look , but it is good that slovakia's position, after all, has not turned into hungary's, it is still, well, more constructive, although where it will go next depends on many factors. hungarian, it is more like, you know, strategic, that is, prime minister of hungary orban acts
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according to his strategy. vision, he is trying to play along with moscow , well, it is obvious, in return to receive all kinds of gingerbread there, from the kremlin, well, starting with nuclear energy, ending with, well , it is said that at one time his party was not very financed from european countries, that is, he, plus he wants to use... two sides in financial terms, both the russian side and brussels, and he wants to pull, that is, him, this is bargaining in here is such a word, torgash, so it seems to me that it is inoffensive, it simply records that this is not a politician , and trading, that is , the one that deals in trading deals in international affairs, that is, it is not about values, not about geopolitics, it is purely about his power inside the country, he saw that
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it works. he saw that it was possible to negotiate, but he was only affected by the threats of losing some contact with brussels, well, for example, the termination of hungary's right to vote is currently on the table, there is such a solution, there may be such a solution, and, for example, brussels said that if to further block hungary, then they will bypass this one and allocate the package only on a bilateral basis in tranches, well, that is, in principle, it already covers all got it there, of course. for an eu country, a nato country, what will happen next is difficult to plan , but it is difficult to say, but i think that this is his strategy, he is waiting for a change of power in the usa, donald trump calls him the best politician in europe, and even one in the world, well he likes it, so i would very much like the prime minister of slovakia, fice, not to follow his path, i was at those meetings where i was there, where negotiations were held for'.


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