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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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of unitary law, the country that was attacked has the right to protection, and the court certainly could not say: stop the hostilities, but the country was attacked, the court, the international criminal court says, well, stop the hostilities, it would certainly be wrong, they made a mid -day decision for israel to use military force cautiously, let's say so that there would be no cases of such genocide there, so that there would not be, well , a serious serious military one, they were afraid of a land campaign that would destroy the entire gas sector there, but it did not suit israel, because israel hoped that this court case would be closed immediately, because according to all, as i said, international canons, it has the right to defend itself and should have retaliated against those who attacked it, by the way, no the decision that, who committed the attack , it was hamas who committed the attack and there, well, there are no condemnations, on the contrary, they rose up there all over the world... we saw
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what kind of demonstrations there were, the extreme left rose up and began to support hamas, which means that it does not have its own state there and and in general, he is waging a war of liberation, and here israel, that means your pressure is always on the palestinians, that's why it's a very unilateral decision, but as i said, it's like that in the middle , the court tried to make a decision in the middle , and by the way, britain, for example, has already condemned this decision, said that... and stopped funding the un agency for supporting palestinian refugees altogether, because it believes that this is unfair and the precedent is wrong, and an unfair decision, so you can have different attitudes, whether the decision or the lawsuit was filed by south africa, if you look now at the whole process from the side, having risen to the field of action, it can be said that the countries of the global south have moved, and they are followers of precisely... the pro-chinese bloc
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of this pro-russian-chinese bloc of this, they have gone on the offensive, in fact, because look , submission, which, this is south africa, which also plays a serious role in brics there, and brics, by the way, is the organization that was created by russia in order to fight for the hegemony of the united states in the world, so south africa filed a lawsuit, the court made a decision and immediately algeria convenes the un security council in order to mean to close. to make, to make this decision binding, to secure it at the level of the highest international platform, that is, such an operation was prepared here, you know, on diplomatic platforms, i believe, and this can be considered as an offensive, in fact, of individual countries that are proxies of this alliance, russian-chinese, as i said, an attack on the free democratic world, on the countries of the west, to which israel has now withdrawn, belongs to israel, despite the fact that it is in the middle east. other topics,
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we have many more topics here, why not the vice-prime minister of ukraine says that ukraine is working on preparing the visit of mr. orban , the prime minister, the hungarian prime minister, and i sit and think, and what can this give, it's just always in the world, when such meetings happen, they happen automatically some good , well, maybe not an improvement , at least the deterioration of the relationship stops, can i... right , maybe actually, no, you are right here, you are right here, you are right, you are very right , actually, look, the trend has changed, look how the visit of robert fico, the prime minister of slovakia, ended just a week before, he stopped everything, blocked everything and said that the war must be stopped and that russia should not be defeated, and that he did not say anything there, yes, he came to uzhhorod, had a conversation and actually even signed a political resolution that supports zelenskyi's peace formula, which is a victory for ...
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over russia, which he so defended, we called it the policy of new pragmatism, what does it mean? physio simply demonstrated with his fingers how you can strengthen his internal power by letting his business earn money during the war, there, for example, in energy, and in transport, and in agriculture, and the construction of engineering defense lines, which ukraine is currently actively building, and to include... business in the reconstruction of ukraine's reconstruction projects after the war, well, we definitely got a positive result, and the prerequisites for this were created by europe, because europe is now fighting for its solidarity and identity, they realized that the united states may not help them anymore when trump comes, and they are now minimizing all these internal challenges, see the resolution of the european parliament according to orbán, who... said that they could
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apply the seventh article and deprive hungary of its right to speak, the right to speak, that it cannot, will no longer block decisions that the rest of the country would like to make by consensus. of the european union, well, orban also said, at first he said that he would block both the military fund and financial aid for 50 billion there, on january 22, if i am not mistaken, he declared, and then he backtracked a little and said, no, i i will probably not block, but after serious decisions, as when they were demonstrated to him the determination of the europeans, that the europeans will no longer tolerate and simply look in the eyes of all orbán's antics, and that's it, and he gave up because he realized that... he has an ax hanging over him that can just cut off his hands and not only his hands, and to deprive him of this tool of blackmail inside europe , he actually has big plans there, he wants to lead all the right and left forces there, which are now coming to power or increasing their ratings, let's say, within the member states of
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the european union, well, from within to change, in general to turn around the european ship union, the policy of the european union, well , for the benefit of who knows, mr. ruslan, one more question is more theoretical, can you somehow improve my thoughts on this matter, in the sense that it is supposed to be this, in the fall of last year and now, in fact, the europeans have finally understood as if the russians began to place the government on the european one. in the military-industrial complex, the tasks for the coming years to produce weapons, in short, they began to understand that this should be prevented for a long time, one cannot smile at russia, and these are not words anymore, but this is already such a serious history, because you and i understand, and for
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the audience i will explain, you know, this is not a joke in any sense, if a decision is made that we need 150 tanks a year, this means that we need to hire so many thousands of people at a specific... factory , we can’t later, today we need 150 tanks, and tomorrow we don’t need them, this doesn’t happen in a normal society, we make a decision and we say, we order, then the owner of this plant starts looking for metal, starts looking for specialists, hires thousands of workers, this is a big problem and it won't end tomorrow, it will end in at best in 10 years, because it is necessary to rebuild, build, order you... create, then rehearse how it will run, shoot that tank, in short, it is a big problem, is it true that they say that it is literally two -three months ago , it became the norm to post these tasks, because
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one more, also for the audience, i think you know it better than i do, in the past there is always the military industry, because there was such a version that there would be no war. then when the representatives of the military-industrial complexes were standing in line to the governments, he said: get back in line again, because what am i going to help you with when there is no war, i don’t really need it, he milk, he apples, he roads, he planes, yes, yes, and here you are going back with your shells, and now they seem to have moved from behind to the front and now it's the other way around, so we'll still be fine with milk, come on, let 's make the tanks first. and shells, that's right, mr. mykola, you very rightly noticed that right in the middle of december, after the decision of the european council to give us the green light to start the transition to join the of the european union, this is an extremely important
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historical decision, it has not been underestimated yet, in fact it was a turning point in the policy of the european union, when it first, for the first time in history, first took responsibility. range first and the initiative, europe always made a decision after america, america makes some important strategic decision, then the europeans join in, look at the coalitions there, this tank coalition, there is the missile coalition, the aviation coalition, so the americans should have said all this, but europeans mean to support them, for the first time accepted, took responsibility, because they realized that the policy of the united states could change in the year 24-25 after coming. trump, and they have to save both ukraine and themselves on their own. and, in fact, this decision of the european council was russia's response to the ultimatum it gave to the west in december 21, remember? when demanding from the west to divide the spheres of influence in europe, that is
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, to actually create a new system of european security, they needed a line there in 1997 , these are the countries of central and eastern europe, they wanted their influence to spread. on the already active members of the european union and nato, which are the countries of central and eastern europe. so europe replied to russia that there will be no separation of spheres of influence. that they are acting in accordance with the un charter, which recognizes ukraine as an independent state, a sovereign state that has the right to join any alliances, and in this way they reinforced this russian response with their political decision, that is, russia started the war for nothing, because the main goal was not to protect the russian language there, but the main goal was to prevent ukraine from joining the eu and nato, so that it would not escape from the clutches of this führer. moskovsky did not demonstrate a better life and did not become a precedent for the rest of the peoples enslaved
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in russia, and that is why they started this war, well , to demonstrate the west, the second goal was to demonstrate to the west their determination and how they know how to fight, what they wanted there in three days to submit to yourself through the knee to break there, but something went a little wrong, that 's why after this decision, look how which decisions were made, all issues that strengthen... european unity, solidarity, they are strengthened and such decisions are taken at the level of the european parliament, the european commission, all narrow issues of some kind, for example, the position of orban, the position of fitso, there is the blocking of aid to ukraine, the blocking of the military fund , they are all unstitched, even charles michel refused to go to the european parliament, because it would be his step in such a peaceful logic, when the european union did not enter the era before. military, you know, and you could have fun there, leave your post early, to give this position there to orbán, so that, who
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is blocking, all decisions are vital for the european union, but also the realization that they are in the pre-war period, that it is necessary to launch the military industry, it is necessary to reorganize its population, morally, to prepare it for war, to reduce some risks within the european union, these are the decisions that will be made now, that's why help to ukraine will come, orban has nothing to say, if at all. thank you, ruslan osypenko, diplomat, expert internationalist, was in touch with us. thank you, mr. ruslan. next, we will have a 3-minute commercial, and then we will fly with you all the way to the united states of america, where quite interesting events are unfolding on the border, for example, with mexico. oleksandr matyl will be with us to advise us on what is really happening in the united states, but first let's look at the advertising anyway. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in
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just take quertin immuno. all in one package. four components together in one capsule. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes of the state sapsan. of the special transport service, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our division. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. grihyr and grigory tobacconists, writers, brothers, sons of the same father, about the relationship of half-brothers. about how to turn from a ukrainian boy into a russian-speaking soviet person and
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return to his native language under the influence of his older brother. about talent, dignity and the pressure of the totalitarian machine on a person in the documentary grihyr and grihyory tobacconists. on sunday, january 28 at 9:30 a.m. at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project "own names" with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western internet users. what kind of towels interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out this week. sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. i am here temporarily, i will return home soon
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, live now where... you are, so our program continues, and oleksandr matil will appear now, historian, political scientist, professor, angers university in the united states of america, this university is located, good hello, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, and the first question, you know, we are not very keen on it. let's see, but if we listen, sharpen our ear to the east, then in russia they started talking about the emergence or possibility of the emergence of the people's republic of texas, there is an uprising , there is disobedience to the central federal power, there, in short, everything, the governor told the president, he left here, it's not it's your
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business, it means that the troops have already come there, and the governor said not to let... the troops, we have our own troops here, in short, and well, i guess the logic is that the next step is for texas to secede from the united states and join mexico, as it actually happened there in the first half of the 19th century, and so on, and now, and now the true , true version of what is happening there, because we are interested in it, because they say that the military aid of the united states to ukraine depends on it, well... you see, texas is a state that was once an independent state, and people there have a rather sophisticated, artificial feeling of its own uniqueness and identity, it is profound a conservative state, always was, is and probably will remain for some time, and as you can see from the map hanging behind you, then the largest
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part of the border with mexico, then just like texas. and it does not surprise me that they, so to speak, decided to take matters into their own hands, because somehow the situation is not developing as it should, or according to them, as it should, does this mean that america will fall apart and that there will be an independent texas, well , hardly, i think there is almost zero chance of that, but maybe what powers, what mandate do the... states, and in particular the state of texas, they on their own, they can close this border, open it, strengthen it, weaken it, build a wall, not build it, what kind of subordination do they have, who is here with us, who has the right of the first night, in texas or the federal government, uh it seems to me that this issue is not
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completely resolved, you know, because eh... america is still a federation, the states have different rights, more so than the former soviet republics, and texas especially believes that it has the right to protect itself from immigrants. they thus created their own to a certain extent a kind of constitutional crisis, which may now reach the supreme court, which will have to say finally who has primacy here. but as you can see, they allowed themselves such a thing, they did such a thing, it is difficult to deny them such a right, so it will all go to the courts sooner or later, look, the united states are developing, this is today's news, at least it appeared today in ukraine , you and i once said that very often the news for
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ukraine is 3 months or two months ago for america, it's just that it's somehow very... slow translate from english, i don’t know , so the washington post wrote to us that the united states is developing a new strategy to help ukraine, and this strategy, as i understood it, is not the present, but really a strategy that requires not weapons, well and weapons must also be supplied, but maybe some such specific weapons, but first of all, one should not think about the conquest of territories. and we need to think about strengthening the economy of ukraine, strengthening it strategically, so that corruption stops, and so on, and weakening it strategically. not everyone in russia and ukraine are satisfied, because territory is important for ukrainians, as you and i understand, and they say that this is madness, we are delaying the return of land for 10 years, for some reason everyone
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is optimistic for 10 years, ask the estonians, they somehow managed to do much more , than 10 years, and we will not hide from the poles from 1700 92 and up to and until 1991, well 90. that's okay, so three three, almost two, more like two centuries. what do you say, how serious is this matter, how much did the americans decide that the failures of ukraine in the summer regarding the counteroffensive motivated the americans precisely to think about changing the strategy, well, you see, in general, now everyone is discussing the question of how to help ukraine, what ukraine should and should not do, of course, because there is an impression, in my opinion, that is not entirely correct, after all, there is a fairly widespread impression, that there is this stalemate at the front and not only at the front,
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and thus it is necessary to look for alternatives to the current policy, and so on, all the more so, as you know, there in the congress they are stuck on this aid package for ukraine, stuck, who i don't know when it will happen or if it will happen at all. just this one mike johnson announced today that there is some kind of compromise policy, it is dead , so people are all thinking about alternatives, which means that if we deliver as much or as many weapons to ukraine as it would be necessary, what should we do, what is plan b? so i think, from that point of view, it's not that big of a deal, especially since you know, they just started thinking about such a plan. it is not worked out there, and plans, as often happens, as you know, change very often, so that i do not yet fall into any particular unrest because of
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that's all, it's just a kind of reality, a kind of realistic approach to the current situation, and it doesn't exclude, it doesn't exclude the return of the lands, it's just that it becomes, so to speak, well, let's say a secondary issue... but the question the economic strength of ukraine and corruption, it is also important in principle, especially the first, i think corruption is more difficult, i am not entirely convinced that it is as bad, as evil as it is often imagined in the west, but ukraine must have an economic base to win back and then over time to integrate the now temporarily occupied lands, without economic, without economy, then yes, well, even if... it conquered, it won’t conquer, at least not for long, so in principle, i wouldn’t get so upset, mr. professor , i
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think the following question is closer to humor: did america pay attention to the beautiful words of the former russian president, mr. medvedev, that alaska should be taken away, you should give it to us, to us, to the russians. and i immediately started looking on the map, i remembered the school years of these two good-natured billindhausen and lazars who swam somewhere at the south pole, then i think the next stop will be: "give us our penguins, they are all completely russian, obviously penguins, if alaska is russian, why shouldn't the penguins be russian, so what is it known in america, did any newspapers write something about it?". please, well , newspapers are writing about it, various press agencies have already written about it, today even the state department said something there, well, everyone
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said unanimously, it is unlikely, it is unlikely that something like this will happen, don't even think about such plans, you see, it's extremely interesting, because it's just a sign of what russia and the russian elite are already up to, how they already talk about such absurd things, and it's supposed to be ... seriously, i understand, if it was a joke, well , you know, if you don't do such and such, then we will do such and such, so be it, we could laugh, they are serious , but this is already completely absurd, eh, especially, as you know, if you really apply this principle , that if the lands are historical, then they belong to russia, and if they are not historically russian, then they must be owned then give to other indigenous people. in fact, if you apply this principle to the current russian federation, 90% would fall away. and well, i think zelensky and
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the ukrainian government. everyone understands this, because just today or yesterday, if i’m not mistaken, there was a decree or decree of zelensky, about the return of the kuban and so on, well, it’s all already turning into a bit of a joke, but from the ukrainian point of view, it’s a good joke, because it emphasizes that the russian federation is artificial, even very artificial, mr. oleksandr, look, i have you, i have an offer for you, tell me. to your rectors, vice-rectors, in short , above, this is such a scientific proposal, we know that there is such a science, or a branch of political psychology, but after these words and putin, many words and medvedev especially, can introduce political psychiatry, well , because it you have to go further, the study of these phenomena even after alaska,
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you are not from psychology. we need political psychiatry and we need to attract serious psychiatrists, combine them with you, historians, psychiatrists, political scientists, philosophers, all together, and so that they develop a new science, will call it with such a name, what do you say about the proposal, you mean, if the proposal is accepted, please appoint me as an honorary professor with a small salary, i completely agree with you. "i completely agree with you, it would be very nice, and the last thing, as far as today after this is not an election, but this is an attempt to look at the pre-election field, to what extent we can now talk about the chances of trump or biden and whether it is worth talking about it at all or even more it's too early, but here in ukraine too, many
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people are nervous and say that..." the impression that biden will lose? such an impression is already spreading in america, especially among democrats and liberals. of course, republicans and conservatives have long been convinced , that he will win and should win, but now the more times, so to speak, the liberals and democrats themselves are convinced that his victory is plausibly inevitable, and for various reasons, well, as you know, he is the first ... and he won the primaries, on luckily, his rival in the republican party, gailey, she got 45% in newhamshire, which is very good, she still remained as a candidate, and it is possible that she will succeed in overtaking trump, but i am not entirely sure that it will happen, but it turns out that he will, that he almost will probably be
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the republican candidate and... and people are afraid that he will become the president, then the question of what all this means for ukraine, the last question, literally half a minute, and the possible anti-trump consolidation, you say, now trump is getting stronger, stronger, and it is, but it should n't scare trumpists, even among the republicans to unite and stop trump, it all depends, well, a lot depends on the so-called ... independent voters and balanced moderate republicans who look with some horror at trump himself, if they went to the democratic side, or even if they just refused to vote, that would be enough, then in principle biden's chances become much better, but you see, it's hard to tell how they are, what they think and how they will react, thank you very much.
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the united states, and we will now begin to deal with the latest news, who to us will talk about the latest news, and nayeva melnyk, whom you already see, and she will tell you what is happening in ukraine and the world. congratulations, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, and i will start this issue with the situation in the kherson region. a 66-year-old man was wounded as a result of shelling from the village of tyaginka in the kherson region, he was hospitalized and reported to the regional military administration. the consequences of the attack are currently being established.


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