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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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they will respond, thank you very much, oleksan matyly, historian, political scientist, professor at rogers university in the united states, and we will now start to deal with the latest news, who will tell us about the latest news, and nayeva melnyk, whom you already see, and she will tell what is happening in ukraine and the world. congratulations, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, and i will start this issue with the situation in the kherson region. a 66-year-old man was injured as a result of shelling in the village of tyaginka in the kherson region, he was hospitalized, reported to the regional military administration the consequences of the attack are currently being established. and one of the occupiers' projectiles
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flew into a garage in kherson, as a result of the hit a fire started, which was quickly extinguished by rescuers, the state emergency service reported . fortunately, no one was hurt. a child was killed, a 13-year-old girl died today in the hospital as a result of a russian airbomb attack on a small village in the kharkiv region. the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb on... the village on january 17, according to the information of the head of the regional military administration oleg sinigubova, the child was in a coma for a long time because she suffered serious injuries, she passed away today. she mocked the animal. in odesa , the police searched for a girl who cut off a dog's nose with a blade and filmed her actions on camera. this video spread on social networks the day before, and the event took place two years ago. at that time, a 12-year-old child was tortured in... at
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the time of the crime , the child did not reach the age from which criminal responsibility arises, so the police will petition the court for measures of an educational nature, noted the podilsky district police department. he grew up in our house, i don't know if there are any pictures of him on the bed. and again, our column dodgers. at night , four men from donetsk region tried to cross the border, bypassing checkpoints, headed for neighboring hungary. however , the border guards detected violators with the help of drones and informed the state border service. and already in the morning, the military detained two more evaders from the rivne region.
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they are being recruited into the army. the recruiting center of the vovka davinci battalion was opened in lviv. those willing to join can come there our correspondents will tell you about the fight against the russian occupiers, who they are looking for in the unit and how the selection will take place. in the armed forces of ukraine, there is a need for motivated fighters, according to vovka devinchi, deputy chief of intelligence for the battalion. sergey filemonov. we need clerks, lawyers, drivers, infantrymen, and gunners in the battalion, that is, there are vacancies, everyone will be able to find himself. we will consider both men and women, the question of which positions. in the recruiting center of the voovka da vinci battalion, you can get advice on service in the unit and familiarize yourself with vacancies. what do we offer? each person can come to
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us at any time, talk to us, we can evaluate some of his characteristics, evaluate his strengths, that is, we will take into account his past, that is, the skills he possesses, when selecting a position for him. to become part of the wovka davinci battalion, you need to pass a personal interview with a recruiter. the main requirement is strong physical and psychological health. after successful selection, the unit promises to train future military personnel and assist in the preparation of relevant documents. that's what makes our training centers unique. our combat brothers who have real combat experience working in the war and they will conduct these exercises. the city provided premises for the recruiting center free of charge, you can join the battalion by visiting the office at 2 angeliv square or by calling the number.
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the phone you see on the screen. everyone will fight, and it is important, while you have time and opportunity to choose with whom you will fight, choose worthy, valuable and ideologically. the units of the company are filled there, and the vavkydavich battalion is one of such battalions, which has a primary history and value, the value of human life in particular. according to mayor andrii sadovoy, three recruiting centers are already operating in lviv, and another one will open next week. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues, our soldiers need vital equipment. please help to replace the engine in the evacuation room machine, buy an optical sight and mavic. for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000.
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we already have 79 00 in our account. join, you can see all the details on the screen. 10 million euros for the it army. the netherlands joined. to the information technology coalition and have already contributed. in addition to the kingdom , ukraine, belgium, denmark, great britain, estonia, iceland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg and japan. the group was created in the rammstein format. she was called to support the ministry of defense and the armed forces of ukraine in the field of it security. italy and great britain have suspended funding to the agency. un to help palestinian refugees. the reason was the suspicion of several employees in helping hamas. the day before , israel provided evidence of the alleged involvement of 12 representatives in the terrorist group's attack on israel on october 23.
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the agency decided to terminate the contracts of these employees and begin investigation. in italy, their decision was explained by the desire to provide humanitarian aid to the palestinian population. protecting israel's security. earlier , the united states, austria and canada announced the suspension of funding to the un agency. hryhor and hryhoriy tobacconists presented the tape with that name in shilivka, poltava region. the place for the first show was chosen to be the small homeland of the wordsmith brothers. the three-part film is about the formation and creative rise of the ukrainian novelist hryhor tyutyunnyk in the context of creativity. and the influence of his elder brother hryhoriy, shot a movie by ukr telefilm, after almost 20 years of break, the tv premiere of the film hryhori and hryhoriy tyutyunyka, watch on espresso on sunday , january 28 at 9:35. you should write as if you were writing
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your last thing in life. there is no mystery of talent. there is an eternal mystery of love. the control was difficult, and over the person, as the writer hryhor, he had literature - this is conscientiousness, this is truth, this is duty, this is great responsibility for every word. international day of remembrance of the victim. the holocaust is remembered today by all jews and roma who persecuted by nazi germany during world war ii. the date of january 27 was not chosen by chance. on this day in 1945,
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the troops of the first ukrainian front freed the prisoners of the largest nazi death concentration camp, auschwitz, birkenau, near the polish auschwitz. since 1933. until 1945, the nazis created more than 5,000 concentration camps; according to historians, about 6 million jews died during the holocaust. this day was declared by the resolution of the un general assembly dated november 1, 2005, and ukraine at the state level joined celebration of this international date in 2012 . meanwhile, to the international day of remembrance. victims of the holocaust in the capital presented an exhibition, the organizers used original materials from ukrainian archives for the exposition. these are letters, photographs, documented evidence of the german occupation of kyiv and the shooting of jews in babiny yar. the main idea is to highlight the history of people during
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the reign of two totalitarian regimes. these are the things for the moment, read more about important things on our website spreso tv, also subscribe. to our social channels espresso networks are on youtube, telegram, instagram, twitter, stay close and mykola veresen will continue to work for you. anna javamelnik was really not mistaken, i will really work, it is true, and i will start working by inviting mr. oleksandr duleba, political scientist, director of the slovak association of foreign policy, to our conversation, accordingly it is clear that he is from slovakia, mr. oleksandr, good to you hello, thank you for finding time for us. good evening mr. mykola and all your viewers. the first very important question about
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this your prime minister robert fitzo. what i observed, and i look at all of europe and slovakia from the corner of my eye, as mr. fico said, is really anti-ukrainian, pro-russian, and so, and so, and anti-european. and in business. he does not have anything like that , there is no such and such an opposition to ukrainians , there is no such love, even love for putin, there is nothing anti-european and so on, and therefore these are the results of the negotiations with the ukrainian colleague, they were exactly what they were, well as if everything would be no big deal there are no problems in the relationship, what can you say, i looked a little and saw. part of your conversation with mr. professor moteli, he was proposed to create such a thing, that
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is, political psychiatry, probably political psychiatry would be able to give an answer to this question of yours, well i want to say yes, it is very difficult to draw conclusions based on what the physio says, yes, you really need to watch what he is doing, the prime minister said it very well... the minister of estonia after the first de fizo summit was already the new prime minister after the elections, it was back in last october, she said the following: if orbán and fizo say the wrong things but do the right things, that's fine, that's fine. in fico, i will say this, well, in the first days after that, after just after this summit, i already understood that, regardless of what he said, yes, that not a single one... for ukraine. end. what are the realities? the reality is that
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if in the 22nd year in slovakia we produced less than 10,000 155-caliber projectiles, then last year we produced about 50,000 of these projectiles, all of them for ukraine. and plan through a year at the beginning of the 25th year to produce 150,000 shells. and fizo will not stop it. it's real. support, military support , speaking of military support , the production of zuzana 2 howitzers is underway, this is a contract paid for by the german, dutch and danish governments, produced here in slovakia, 16 new howitzers will be delivered, two of them have already been delivered, there are some delays, well, i understand that there are no political reasons for these delays in this production, yes, but there are just plain ones. commercial reasons. and another, third, is the repair of military equipment, which
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damaged at the front. that is, in principle, it does not stop. he told his voters not to fire a single projectile at ukraine. and in principle, there will be 150,000 of them somewhere in a year, there will be havbytsi. repair of military equipment for ukraine will continue. so, from this point of view, in principle. yes, he did not change anything fundamentally, he only stopped the supply of old shells from the reserves of the slovak armed forces, and they are already basically empty, because the government of geger and odor provided everything that could be provided a year ago . the second thing that is very important for ukraine is this position of slovakia regarding sanctions, regarding russia. and here fice... said that there is a red line, yes, it is nuclear energy, the problem is
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that slovakia has not yet, in our country, we have not yet resolved the issue of alternative fuel, so that instead of russian fuel, we can use other fuel for these reactors, which we have, and you know, we recently had a new unit, the fourth unit started working, probably 60% of slovak electricity is already produced. from the core, and here there is a very important issue, here there is an understanding in the european one as well commission, well, i will say yes, it is not only fico who would be against any sanctions in this area, yes. regarding nuclear fuel, and that would be the governments of geger and odor, the dear slovak government was, so there is no big difference here, and the last one is a 50 billion aid package from the european union, which is very important, yes, he said at the first summit, yes, we support, and we are ready to make our national contribution, if there are, this package
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will be created through the contributions of the members of the european union, yes? so, well, i still have one question here, because it's really impossible to trust fitz based on what he says, he a week before the meeting with prime minister schmigal, he met with orbán, you had the footage there, you showed just this meeting, and in this meeting fitz on after the joint press conference, that is, he said that he likes orbán's arguments about this package, so do i... and here, let's wait and see what will actually happen at this european council summit on february 1, because orbán, what orbán offers, orbán offers , so that this package was created outside the budget of the european union, why he wants to create, this is his condition to support this package, because in principle,
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if it will be created within the budget of the european union, there is legislation, there is management of it. budget, and in principle, since the eu members approve the expansion of this budget there, all management is already in the hands of the european commission, if it is created outside the framework of the european budget, then in principle there is a possible interference in the management of the members of the european union during the implementation of this package , and orbán wants it, he wants it not to be for four years, and for it to be for year, and that there was a report... at the end of each year and that there was an approval and so on. orban is his conditions, as he formulated at this press conference with fico. well, fitzo said that he likes these arguments. so let's go, he, they are not against, and orban is not against, the adoption of this package for ukraine, only he has such conditions that, indeed, they
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will make this package more problematic and its management more problematic. then let's wait and see what the result will be, well... basically what he said to prime minister shmihal, he really doesn't mind, he will support it. mr. oleksandr, look, it is important about energy, indeed, there is an absolute controversy here, ah, robert fizo said that the gas will continue to flow, and shmyhal said that it will not flow, and everyone has already written about it here, and until we meet, that there will be no gas and that next year, this year is the last year. and now about nuclear energy, if you asked me, i would say, if i were a lawyer, i would say, listen, whatever the problem is, there is gas in europe, there is somewhere to buy it, why is it necessarily russian, that's what i would say , and in relation to the atomic one of energy, i would say, well, okay, there is a russian one, how is it an atom there, or what
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is it called there, but there is a beautiful american westenhaus and... nuclear plants are now changing from russian to american, and moreover, the americans proposed, i i remember that in the mid-90s, and there, due to insane bribes and influences, the american and russian intelligence managed to stop the contracts with the american west house, and that is why we were still on russian fuel, what do you say, let's go on gas, why does the physio so want to continued? transit, you know, it is not a question of not having gas, we have already understood, this is the last winter, we have in our consumption, and in principle, we had one hundred percent gas consumption, it was russian gas, before the war, last winter fate of russian gas in our consumption was 8%, 8%, and in principle it should be said that
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there are no sanctions regarding the purchase of russian gas, so the gas decides. here is another thing, this is a business related to gas transit, because in principle, this is gas transit, yes, this is business, well, for ukraine and for slovakia, and i think that here is the motivation of fico to have this transit, well , i think that the issue will be resolved, i understand the ukrainian government, the ukrainian company, which says that there will be no further extension of the agreement on transit, because... in principle, you know, if we inherited some business from er soviet times, or communist times, it's just gas trade, all contracts. western consumers of russian gas were made on the slovakian-ukrainian border and, in principle , western companies paid for transit already through
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slovakia, while gazprom paid in ukraine transit through ukraine to uzhhorod velka kapushana yes now the solution to this situation, if you want to consume russian gas and the ukrainian side does not want to extend the contract, please, then the border will be russian-ukrainian, buy this one. gas on the russian-ukrainian border, pay for, that is, only from uzhhorod this border, where gas trade will be carried out, will be transferred there to the russian-ukrainian border, if there is a company or a consortium of companies that will be interested in negotiating with oil and gas, so be it agreement of the ukrainian side, well , this consortium will have a contract with gazprom, and this consortium will buy gas on the russian-ukrainian border. to hear the transit through the territory of ukraine and naftogaz will provide services in this and that's all, so i think that this issue is not so tragic here.
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regarding the core, i agree with you, we are late here, not only us, but also in the czech republic, it is a similar situation to really adapt this fuel from westinghouse or other manufacturers to use in this tipper. which our countries have, well, i think that this is already being resolved, i think that we will do , we will create some kind of consortium of agreements with the czechs, so that together it will still be cheaper, so all this, you know, here fico's statements regarding gas transit should be understood as that he wants to protect some business the interests of the slovak transitor. of gas through the territory of slovakia wants transit to continue, because this is a business, well, it will continue, only the architecture of this business will change, i think so, that
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is, you think, well, this is also what was said here, that a consortium will be created, and it will no longer be a ukrainian policy, as it were, but rather a more general european one, and it is this consortium that will be conducted with moscow. negotiate there with the government or gazprom with someone there and then develop a common position of the europeans? the main change here is that if someone in europe wants russian gas and wants to transit it through the territory of ukraine, let him negotiate with the russians and buy it at the russian-ukrainian border, not the slovak-ukrainian border and that's it. the last question or group of questions, mr. oleksandr, i i would like to ask you about... the position of robert fico right there in slovakia, how strong he is, how well, because there are talks there, that there are strikes, some speeches, some
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demonstrations, if he is not like that, he is not so sure standing on legs, is it true, is it serious, do we have to wait for new elections and so on? i would not rule out new elections, because the majority in the government is very fizo, well, we have 76 deputies. it is necessary for the majority to have a government, and he has 79, 79, yes, one of them fell ill and he no longer participates in this, it is realistic that they have 76-78 present deputies who passed the legislation he wants. well, what is the main problem of slovakia now? in the fact that he really started with the main motivation, and for which he went to these elections, fought for this power, to formulate... this government is to stop the corruption investigation, there are more than 130 such cases of corruption,
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high-ranking officials who committed these corruption cases when he was prime minister, he wants to stop it, and the first thing they did, in december, was to propose changes to the criminal code and cancellation of special. of the prosecutor 's office, which deals with this, the people you see now on the streets of slovakia and these are regular protests, i want to say, these are already regular protests, every thursday at 18:00, people go out for protests, it's for this term, just such powerful protests in bratislava, last week there were 27,000 people, they are coming to more than 20 other cities of slovakia, well, already somewhere more than five. 10,000 people go to these protests regularly, precisely with the goal of stopping this legislation. the european prosecutor's office has already said that if there really will be er... they
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this law will be passed, the special prosecutor's office will be abolished, well, i will give you such an example, yes, if according to modern legislation, someone gave, that is, committed a crime of corruption, or gave money, or took money, 40,000 or more euros, then go to 10 years in prison , after that, how will they change it, only after, if this crime was more... 3000 € then it will be for 10 years, if 40 thousand, it will be there at all, i don't know, there 2- 3 years and so on, well, this is only one case, here it is very important that the european commission, the european the prosecutor's office said that the change in this legislation threatens the investigation of possible corruption, abuse of the funds of the european union, and then there may be a reaction of the european commission, which can really reduce funding through...
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the fund for slovakia. thank you very much, i'm sorry, mr. oleksandr, sorry, i just don't have time anymore. oleksandreba, political scientist, director of the slovak foreign policy association, was in touch with us, we will definitely come back, because slovakia is our neighbor, we need to know what is there happens, it's important. now we will get to poland through a short, four-minute advertisement, but without advertising we will definitely not get to poland, that's why advertising. nothing has worked yet, not yet, constipation, oh, normolact, love, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on amicitron 20% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings, usual tasks become unreal, heavy
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i will never forget that night, the first night in the camp, which turned my whole life into one long night, i will never forget those faces of the children, whose bodies before my eyes turned into a ring of smoke against the silent sky. i shall never forget it, even if i were condemned to live forever as god himself. and good health once again, as i promised, behind me you can see the polish flag and the ukrainian flag, so we will look at poland more intently. dariusz matryniak, a polish expert on international issues, the head of the poland of ukraine center is coming with us, you can see that he is already in good health, mr. dariusz, thank you for finding time for us. i have such a question for you, well, more economically, financially and economically, but again...
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again against warsaw, against the import of ukrainian grain, farmers and so on, and i cannot understand this, is it not possible to solve it, approximately it is clear how much ukraine can supply to poland, for example, or not poland, in transit further, to polish ports, or further to germany, or further to holland, or further to some croatian ports, in short, it seems to me that... my, my, my such an undeveloped mind tells me that i must sit down, look , how much grain is in ukraine , how much is harvested, how many apples, i don't know what else they sell there, how much transport, how much gasoline, how much is all this, yes, let's go to poland, you need something, yes, we still need that much there tons of apples, although i think everything is fine with apples in poland, or there something else, or something else, we're here.


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