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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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the successor, the descendant, the descendant , the modern president, says we don't need this, that's all atatürk did, modern turkey, we want to have a wider, wider turkish, and you want me to go already, or rather, maybe you don't want , but i will go, thank you for your attention, all the best, see you tomorrow. the real formula 1 in the capital, what ukraine will be like in 10 years and israel's struggle against hamas and hezbollah for the balance of power in the region. good evening, anna eva melnyk is with you and for your attention the results of today's day. a 61-year-old man is injured
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due to russian attacks on dnipropetrovsk region, he will be treated at home, during the day the enemy sent 12 kamikaze drones to the nikopol region. the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said that he also struck with artillery in the evening. six private houses, five commercial buildings, cars, and power lines were damaged. in new york, in donetsk region, the demolition of the rubble of the house, which was hit by the russians on the 15th, was completed. in january , the bodies of five people were recovered from the wreckage. the search operation lasted almost two weeks, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. i remind you the invaders dropped two guided aerial bombs on a three-story building in new york. three people were injured, five remained under the rubble. the remains of their bodies were found today. collection of espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. please help to replace the engine in evacuation. machine
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to purchase an optical sight and mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000. we already have 84,000 in our account. join in, everyone you see the details on the screen. organized formula 1 in kyiv. the law enforcement officers detained the 29-year-old driver who committed the crime. three road accidents at once, this was reported by the patrol police of the capital, the woman ran away from the first accident site and ran into one car on the road, and then rammed two more cars. her little son was riding in the car with the woman, as a result of the accident four cars were smashed, no one was injured. international day of remembrance for the victims of the holocaust, all jews and roma persecuted by the nazis are remembered today. germany
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during the second world war. the date of january 27 was not chosen by chance. it was on this day in 1945 that the troops of the first ukrainian front freed the prisoners of the largest nazi death concentration camp, auschwitz-birkenau. near the polish auschwitz. from 1933 to 1945, the nazis created more than 500 concentration camps. according to historians, about... 6 million jews died during the holocaust, this day was declared by the resolution of the un general assembly on november 1, 2005, and ukraine at the state level joined commemoration of this international date in 2012. the longest war since the formation of the country. the confrontation between israel and the terrorist organization hamas has been going on for more than three months. currently , tsahal is partially withdrawing its forces from the lane.
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after the ground operation, but denies having to return. meanwhile, on another border, the northern border with lebanon, the confrontation between israel and hezbollah is only gaining momentum. about the balance of power in the region in the plot of ulyana dryuchkova. the city of hanyounes in the south of the gaza strip. israel's military leadership claims that the tsehal is getting closer to the main hideout of the terrorists and according to the hostages. suddenly. about a hundred israelis remain in the hands of terrorists, among them the bibas family with two children, the youngest just turned a year old. instead of seeing colors, he sees black, instead of hearing pleasant voices, he hears screams in arabic, hears bombing, instead of crawling, he lies on the wet ground. with every step in the gas, the israeli military finds more and more tunnels. for... in total
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, more than a hundred of them have already been found under the gas strip, of different depth and length, sakhal has neutralized part of the tunnels, but it may take years to search for all of them. during the fighting in khan yunis, we discovered a tunnel in which hostages were kept. the soldiers entered the tunnel, clashed with the terrorists, engaged in battle and eliminated them. according to the evidence we have, about 20 prisoners were kept in this tunnel at different times in harsh conditions, with endless light, air with low oxygen content and terrible humidity that makes it difficult to breathe. the israeli army still has a city ahead of it in gaza. rafah and corridor philadelphia, on the border with egypt. in sahal, they understand that the entire strip of gas must be cleared, because it is through the tunnels that weapons enter the territory of the enclave and terrorists roam. but how to avoid large casualties among the civilian population who were evacuated there
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is an open question, as is the future fate of gaza in general. the terrorists demand an end to hostilities and provide them with international guarantees in exchange for the hostages. official israel. stands its ground, hamas must be destroyed or the morning of october 7 will repeat itself over and over again. we we will not settle for less than a complete victory. complete victory requires the elimination of terror leaders, the destruction of the military and governmental potential of hamas. complete victory requires the return of our hostages home. the escalation continues and on the border with lebanon, iran's proxy, hezbollah, continues to shell israeli territory, in response israel attacks the border. spot liquidations of high-ranking officers of the ksir, the guardian corps of the islamic revolution, continue on the territory of syria and lebanon, although israel does not take responsibility for them.
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the northern cities, such strongholds of israel, were destroyed and deserted, about 80 thousand local residents were evacuated from there. meanwhile, russia began. of the syrian border recently received the leaders of hamas in moscow, and later also a delegation of the yemeni houthis. the latest is another iranian proxies in southern yemen, blocking and seizing ships in the red sea. on the territory of israel itself, rocket attacks are happening less often, but terrorist attacks on the streets throughout the country have become more frequent. from israel. ulyana druchkova for tv channel uso. the world in the next 10 years ukraine will become a kind of suburb of the civilized world, where china will start, such a model of ukrainian geography, journalist vitaly portnikov described during the international forum of political scientists in lviv. he explained that as long as the war continues, our country will be on the border of two superpowers and conditionally
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guard the borders of the civilized world. if ukraine does not officially become part of the western alliance, russia will resume its influence. i would like to add that within the framework of the international forum of political scientists, representatives of poland and hungary. slovakia and the czech republic were divided experience in european integration, the participants discussed with ukrainian colleagues the problems of political education development, political changes and improvement of security policy in the context of the russian-ukrainian war. it was russia's attack on ukraine that created opportunities for us to become part of the civilized world, but for that to happen, we need the west to understand the importance of ukraine becoming part of the civilized world. that it helps him in asserting the position of democracy, market economy in the whole world, and it is necessary for ukraine to concentrate precisely on the solution of this problem, the preservation of democratic european statehood. teenagers and volunteers now have their own space in the capital. the community of st. guidius opened a volunteer center for young people, where
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children are engaged in charity work, provide humanitarian aid to displaced persons, distribute food to the needy, and visit homes for the elderly. as coordinator kateryna y. in 2022, this space was damaged by a rocket fragment, so it was closed, now the center is working again and bringing together young people. subconscious, with that name , an exhibition of photos was opened in lviv by the team of the mykolaiv school of photographers. in the halls of the design center. and urbanism of the powder tower placed 80 works in photographs, the authors share the emotions they experienced during the full-scale war. the exhibition can be seen until february 18, then the exhibition will go to the ukrainian house of arts in copenhagen, i advised people
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to look at everything together and observe, feel, try to understand the meanings, and go a little deeper. at work, look not only at the picture, but also on the concepts themselves, black bags are depicted, but well, garbage cans, i was inspired, maybe... an opportunity to live, but this project was created in order to emphasize the need for ecology in the modern world. this is how the day was presented by the news team, but i will wait for you at 21 with the news summaries of the week, just now the saturday political club with lesa vakuliuk and vitaly portnikov.
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greetings friends, olesya vakulyuk, vitaliy portnikov, saturday polyclub on the espresso tv channel is on the air, we are glad to see you on espresso tv channel, and we are starting the saturday plitclub, we will summarize the main events of this. of the week, the main events that happened in ukraine and also in the world, and we will start our broadcast with ivan kyrychevskiy, a military expert of the defense express portal, already appearing on our broadcast, mr. ivan, we welcome you, congratulations, sir, good evening, so let's let's start with perhaps the loudest event of this week, this is the wreckage of il-76, we don't even know what to call it, disaster, destruction, crash. well, in any case, let's say the il-76 case in belgorod oblast, still, what we can
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understand at the moment, because in any case, i would say that this is the largest russian information operation against ukraine, i would say in two years, if we are serious, and we have somehow understand how we should at least cover it, what would you advise us, and how we should react to such russian insinuations, unfortunately, from one side. any data that would allow us to fully establish the entire chain of this disaster, well, in the literal sense of the word, it is a disaster, if you take it is in what happened and therefore, let's say, what kind of information trail the event has acquired in our space, unfortunately, objective data is still not enough, we can only deny some russian statements, well, regarding, for example, there has already been a debunking as for the russian one, let's call it a propaganda cartoon, where they tried to show that some people were being loaded into the il-76 before the flight, but even polish researchers dispelled that it was
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a montage, to put it mildly, but why am i inclined to use the word a catastrophe, because, unfortunately, we found ourselves in a situation where, you know, literally what happened in the information space can be written as a quoronka catastrophe and one can only draw conclusions for the future, the conclusion for the future is roughly like this, we need urgently somehow stop at least each other, you know, how to say it, i would not like not to use it. this is not an academic word that indicates the intensity of our quarrels in the information space, well, we wanted to, well, let's put it this way, we need to stop these non-academic quarrels, instead, if there are any problems, then start it, you know, talk with arguments, because until now we had just a common method, for example, let's say, pitting expert y against expert x and thus charging the audience, but unfortunately, and let's say, everyone thought, that this is such a working technology that allows you to shut down people there, but unfortunately you... yes, because of that there is no stable trust in any speakers, unfortunately, we,
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in our information space, then they go to look for some alternate versions, begin more to believe the ministry of defense of the russian federation and there, let's say, people, even in the west , who can prepare russian propaganda, or rather just submit, but the institute for the study of war for some reason is presented as just an independent western analyst, it is simply a transmission of a russian telegram, and it turns out that we, by and large, when we try to comment on this story... well, we are just trying to fight with what we have because of, let's say, some shortcomings of social and political life, people start to trust russian sources more , and even individual, let’s say, resources, and they begin to believe selectively, because for some reason the version of the russian ministry of defense regarding the captured information spaces came, but well, for example, no one spreads, for example, nonsense from the ministry of defense of the russian federation that they there they shoot down points u or russian propagandists about the fact that
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armenia allegedly gave us missiles there to fire at... complementary things, that, for example, there are not birds flying to the crimea, but you know, well, literally, in such flocks, or that they regularly shoot down our thunder 2 missile, about which we are constantly flying there, when it finally arrives, that is, we need to stop it somehow , well, for the future, at least , to criticize each other openly, because this is the history of 76 she created. a dangerous precedent, when for the first time in two years russian sources were really believed more than ours, and unfortunately, this situation cannot be washed away, let's call it that, well, maybe that's why they believed it, because it's about people and prisoners of war, about prisoners of war, yes, it's about the fact that there are many families who are waiting, and of course that even if it's fake information, but everyone, everyone is waiting for something different from captivity, but is waiting for his return to see his family, and that is why such a reaction could be, but
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even if russia, let's say, invented this version this time, in order to sow us this... confusion, so that we start quarreling once again for some new, new some bone for grizzly, we have no guarantee that next time the russians they won't start covering their military planes with human shields, it turns out, well, they are already doing it, unfortunately, that is, at the front, when , well, they have already repeatedly recorded cases when the russian occupiers use our halves purely as human shields to cover. .. must take cover from the strikes of drones, so unfortunately, everything is not excluded, well , why i use the word catastrophe in all senses, purely because now we cannot calculate in advance what crime the enemy may resort to, accordingly, we are not what's moral now we cannot prepare, well, in the sense of what the enemy may say or do, because even if we even recall such a scandal, well, similar incidents
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with the deer, because let's remember, then russia also tried to hang everything on us, they say that hymars was fired at and simply... it was then a period when, on a purely logical level, it was easier for the russians not to believe everything, well, because what kind of hymars, we were only given hymers, there was literally a couple of times a day to shoot a combat kit, well shot according to the stockpiles of shells, respectively, which olenivka , unfortunately, two years have passed, so i will repeat myself, here we can overcome such disasters, including in the informational plan, unless we stop criticizing each other harshly and start... at least to speak with arguments, because well , for example, i, for example, am fully aware that i may have some, let's say, methodological claims, that other commentators may have methodological claims, so it's better if there are already some problems, it's better to say that, you know arguments, and stop , well, forgive me for trying too much, and tell me, please, what do you think, if we talk about the fact that russia
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is denying an international investigation of this whole story, it speaks in favor of the fact that... at least they don't do much negotiate in this situation, well, they, you know , not that, at least, they do not negotiate everything in this situation, well, because, unfortunately, in this situation, we cannot rule out that these lists of prisoners of war, which they declared, then they could, well, these people could die because of the independent treatment in captivity, well, russia does not comply with the geneva convention, we cannot rule out that russia could even use these prisoners of war for its own purpose at... on the front, we even, let's say, exhaustively, judging by this, we don't even know in which russian structure could belong to this same il-76 and even in which, well, at which moment of the flight did this trifle take place, because there are many, let's say, reasons to believe that in fact at this moment this il-76 was taking off from belgorod, and, for example, it could already unload in the end, here
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there is publicly available data that at the exact moment when this russian plane fell, she was naked. in the belgorod region , an air alert, i.e., the air defense of the russians should also, in theory, have fallen, and the il-76 is a very large aircraft there, let's say, 50 by 50 m in size, it can be taken, for example, as a group target and cannot be ruled out, that the russian anti-aircraft fighters could simply think that it was, for example, a group of our missiles flying at them, in principle, russia does not negotiate everything here, the problem is that instead of to say something essentially objectively, although when the russians spoke essentially objectively, she was able to create... captives now, they are now in standby mode, and what about these people, that is, who can shed light on what happened, so that at least they can get away from their hearts, although the fact that their relatives are in
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captivity is also not too easy, well but at least they know they are alive. well , as far as is known and as far as has already been declared official structures, well , the same coordination committee for the treatment of the troops with prisoners of war and other official structures, they communicated, even the phrase, it seems from budan, in the video, the relatives could not, well, let's say so, the propaganda videos that they tried to show the russians, that their relatives could not identify anything that could indicate their prisoners, well, accordingly , you know, the relevant work of the military structures is carried out simply... we are also, well, how can i emphasize, we are in a very sensitive situation, which there has an emotional color, accordingly, so as not to widen the funnel of disaster, well, maybe our military structures have chosen the right course here. when he tries to at least conduct some closed communication with his relatives, and he tries not to carry it out into the public space to a greater extent than is
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necessary. tell me, in principle, if we talk in principle about the actions of the russians at the front, how do you see the situation now, when we talk about the fact that the counterattacks of the russians manage to be resisted, how long can this process be? well, let's say a spare there is strength for several weeks, because there is still a certain possibility, let's say, not to conduct all the necessary fire work by crows, judging by this, to use, including the logistical and technical assistance that was delivered from the western allies, well, if the researchers of the closed sources say that about 40-50% of russian federal troops hit half-buckets, then it is not difficult to guess that the other 50% of russian losses, including armored vehicles and manpower, are the work of artillerymen, there are army aviation. tactical aviation, actually, even engineer troops that can set barricade mines in time, that is , there is a reserve of strength for several weeks, but then the question arises, how rhythmically will
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the help from the western allies, for example, german shells, and what will be accepted in general, let's say so, for 2024 with help from the us, because there is one unpleasant point that has not been talked about yet, but we have to talk about it, not only that we are basically living at 50% now. as a country at the expense of external financing, it turns out that we wage war by 50% exclusively at the expense of external resources, because we can recall that last year only the united states provided 30 billion dollars worth of such expendable military aid, there are shells, tanks, necessary machines, and this is half of our military budget, or rather, just as long as this equivalent was of our military budget, i.e., what we were able to collect at the expense of taxpayers' money, therefore... this is the situation in the short term . the fact that lukashenko went to putin, that
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should mean this visit, they are agreeing on something, asking for something, they are planning something again, some kind of offensive from the territory of belarus, well, as for the offensive on the territory of belarus, it will be possible to understand when there, if some large echelons start to go, well, the railways there , you know... several dozen in a short period, there for a few days or a few weeks, well, for example, on the eve of the invasion, they drove at least 200 such large railway trains there, while this does not happen, attribute any overly aggressive intentions to the belarusian regime of lukashenko , but for now it is not necessary, just because you know, not to please the ego of the dictator, well, dictators just love it when they are pleased with the ego, there may just be another political stage, well, we came, we talked, what to do next to build our... state, if there is some, let's say, a clear criterion of a military threat from the territory of belarus, well, we will be able to see it even
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more clearly than from such moments that lukashenko once again flew to the territory of russia, with such a frequency as he basically, judging by everything is flying there, well, to perceive every such politician, let's say, as some kind of threatening sign, well, it's too much, if we talk about what is in principle. ukraine needs to protect itself in connection with this visit of lukashenka, do we also need appropriate fortifications on the russian-ukrainian or belarusian-ukrainian border? well, they are building, we even have such an interesting story here that, based on open sources, we have 500,000 mines installed on the belarusian border alone, that is, it is no less than, for example, the russians planted mines on this his so-called surovikin line, well, to try to counteract the counteroffensive. zsu, here , in the case of fortifications, i just think about the northern border, there is nothing for us to worry about there, there are questions, there may be on the eastern border, as far as we
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have time, but the fact is that, let's say, we have a set necessary fortification structures that can delay any mechanized offensive from the territory of belarus, this is fortunately a fact, why we did not have these structures at the time of february 2022, especially since we are saying about besides yes... infrastructure that can be built within a few months, what actually happened, this issue is open and will have to be closed, accordingly. putin said that 617,000 soldiers are now in ukraine, can you believe him, or is this, naming the number, as a reaction to the fact that nato decided to conduct the largest military exercises in the last 40 years? i think it's just, let's say , a matter of accounting, because when the main intelligence agency talks about 400... right across the front line plus there's 30,00 occupation contingent, so-called the roshvardiya, well, i think that they are just drawing up to this figure in the kremlin, well, for example
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, the militia or. there are some occupying structures that do not take part in hostilities, in principle they are not even capable, but what they are doing, as they say, they are doing tasks in the area of ​​this military operation, so it is unlikely, let's say, it can be is even connected with the fact that nato is conducting some kind of training somewhere there, it's just - let's say this, in the kremlin , unfortunately, they have learned too well to throw into our information space, any theses that we then start to discuss, this is actually. with this number of about 600, how many thousands of occupiers in ukraine, it happened. thank you, thank you, mr. ivan, ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of the defense express portal, was in touch with us. we are going to break for a couple of minutes now, but please stay with us, there are more interesting conversations ahead. hello, woman, what to do when there is a liver? alohol should be taken. and for bile what? hello? it
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let's start with this topic, which seems to me to be the most important right now, american aid to ukraine. especially against the background of this letter , which the speaker of the house of representatives of the american congress, mike johnson, sent to his colleagues , in which he says that the agreements on the compromise on the migration legislation and on the assistance of ukraine to israel are stillborn, it generally means that we will get help someday or not , well, you know, the situation is really complicated, so that it becomes more complicated in the last one the moment when ex-president trump intervened, who obviously put the issue of combating illegal migration at the center of his campaign program, if the answer is yes or no now, then i think that help will still come, but it will come at a very difficult price, and for it will be necessary to do a lot of...
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work, now ukraine will have to work both at the bilateral level, directly with the americans, with the congress, and it will be necessary to work at the state level, that is, to go abroad, create some kind of powerful team and work on all in the states, well for example, the way the lithuanians worked when they joined nato in the late 1990s, they... and toured all 50 states with a powerful team, so we should also work in the same way, work through the diaspora, through the ukrainian diaspora , through the polish diaspora, through the lithuanian diaspora, a total of 25 million people, well, of course, work with those institutions that are currently involved.


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