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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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politician and diplomat, glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, good day, mr. antin. the fall of il-76 in the belgorod region. yes, the story is extremely difficult, the story, i would say so, is even multi-echeloned, but in any case, as of now, the russians will try to use it for their own purposes. it is clear and obvious that this story, it has not been played to the end, and its content. and the initial one is that several factors are combined here, which will not give the russians the opportunity to leave, if out of informational attention, this thing. the first of them, and a very significant one, is the international component, and those who correctly noticed that the plane flew on a very interesting route this summer, egypt, syria, and russia, and those...
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informational leaks, fragmentary, that there were, they give reasons talks about quite serious things in this regard, especially since it is necessary to remember what was happening in egypt and syria at that time. the second thing is that this is actually a group of negotiators that did not get on the plane, this fact is also very important, and it indicates that russia has huge problems. in the system communications and in the system of ensuring these communications, i am not saying that in the security system. the third thing is the exchange of prisoners of war itself, this is another very important factor, and moscow, led by the führer, is looking for any way to collapse this situation, and blame ukraine for it. and the fourth thing, i... very
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important, is that there is no more important fact, more important fragment in russia's war against ukraine today than information and psychological attacks. everyone, especially, such a fact russia will return to to accuse ukraine of the biggest, most oppressive sins. i ask anyone who is interested in this piece to find the material, it is a video and text material about the briefing in the white house, literally an hour after this information appeared, and listen to the journalist's question to john kirby, who was giving the briefing at the time , as he hinted at the fact that ukraine, you see, violates some of the humanitarian bases of waging war, took such a step, and what can you say from this... that is, it is obviously
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clear that for russia, for the führer moskovskyi, any fact in this war will be used as a certain kind of information attack, and in this regard it is necessary to turn to ukrainian journalists, those who take care of this field, those who write, because i just promoted for the sake of professional interest, so what who wrote, who got in, who got firewood, i just want to say to all... these people: understand that the ukrainian army complies with the norms of international humanitarian law, i have said this more than once, every soldier is instructed in this regard , and neither can any officer an officer who makes a decision in such a case to give the command to shoot, if he is not convinced that the attack is being carried out for a military or military purpose, this... everything
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is studied very carefully at the relevant instructional conversations in the armed forces of ukraine, so it is initially conceivable that that the command to shoot at a non-military object was given is inadmissible in principle, and forgive me just in case, if this happens, god forbid, then this is something that is not a system, this is... this is a kind of violation that happened as a result of certain negligent acts or negligence, which, according to ukrainian legislation, will carry a criminal penalty. i say once again, i don't want to name, but the number of those who are currently in the custody of the ukrainian military for violation of international humanitarian law, it sometimes even amazes those who monitor these issues from the point of view of the un. therefore
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, there must be a principled position here, if such a fact has caught your eye in the information circle, immediately reject it at the start, because... this is what can be called in popular literature as an excess, not a system command, which is given in the armed forces of ukraine. we immediately understand that the kremlin is starting to signal, or maybe call through some of its closed channels, saying that this is how american weapons can be used in ukraine, and we also understand that this is also a rather difficult, drastic issue for the americans. americans, as far as i understand you... an unspoken parameter, yes, the reconquest of our territories, the return of our lands, but at the moment the questions regarding the use of long-range systems, for example, on the territory of russia, are somehow still unregulated, still immature americans, i did not accidentally say about the plot
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at the briefing in the white house, but the confirmation, including your words , is the recent message of german chancellor scholz that if we...we know about the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, but if we have a warning that the ukrainian side can, you see, hit moscow with them. so i want to emphasize a small nuance here: there was no such direct speech anywhere, but nevertheless, this message itself, the one that is enclosed in quotation marks as direct speech, is attributed to the events of il-70. the sixth and awarded on the contrary for in order to attract attention and again the question of the supply of ukraine and medium-long-range missiles, if to slow down, and the second quote generally went for a walk funny about what
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you see, the chancellor does not know about what the british ministry of defense proposed to exchange actually and how the situation was real, he said that we know such a position and left it without any comment, instead it came out in the mass media that he did not know anything about this fragment, and in the first part he, as it were, said that they have reservations about the possibility of strikes by the ukrainian armed forces on moscow. here is a vivid example of how the kremlin used... to tie to this anchor, which pulls the information situation, a whole series of facts. i understand that security guarantees are currently being provided to us, in particular from the big seven, we understand that we have stronger and stronger ties with great britain, and
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the security agreement with the united kingdom best demonstrates this, how should we use it, in the principle given us chances and how to make it so that there are similar signatures. memoranda and agreements did not repeat the fate of the so-called budapest memorandum, because there are a lot of correct and pleasant formulas, but there is still the question of their concrete implementation, this question is very important, i would even call it the number one question, today from the point of view of international aid and strengthening exactly the things you said about, the security guarantees, but right away i can't help but ask myself some very important questions for... all of us, this is an international agreement, and an international agreement that has a very wide impact on the internal relations situation, on the external situation, but as you can see, for some reason it is not submitted for ratification to the parliament,
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meanwhile, the constitution clearly defines that such acts are valid only after the consent to they were given by the parliament, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this is... if so, then i will remind everyone that the budapest memorandum was not ratified either, but at that time the previous constitution was still in force and it allowed similar things, including things like there the provision of external guarantees by the ministry of finance, the conclusion of mandatory similar industry and sectoral agreements, and so on, and an agreement on security and defense issues. they could be called such, well, that is also a stretch, but this document, on the other hand, it cannot not be ratified from the point of view of the norms, the position of the current constitution, this is the first thing that must be remembered, and therefore here, give me the wind of the budapest memorandum, it already
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at home, and the second thing is the implementation mechanisms, i am still convinced today that the budapest memorandum... this is a very serious document, but what is missing, what is not there, and what cannot be in such a document, as well as in a document signed by the reshisunak. by president zelenskyi, this is the mechanism of its implementation , which i mean, well, first of all, it is actually ratification, because then it becomes a law, which means that the organizational structure is being adjusted under it in ukraine and , accordingly, great britain, because i will remind you, analog, analog such security guarantee, is an act between the government of the united states of america. and taiwan, it is called the taiwan relations act, the taiwan relations act,
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which, not only was it voted on by the congress and the senate, but it was also voted on by the parliament of taiwan. in this way, it is a document for two parties, and i would still recommend to ukrainian specialists who take care of this topic to take this document and look at it, how it is designed. next, if you read the signed agreement, it has a limited time and term. in fact, this is a document about two-year guarantees, and also, if you look at international norms, then if you take away the ratification, if you understand that such an act does not carry organizational system of support, then... it can be interpreted simply as an agreement between prime minister reshi sunak and
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president volodymyr zelenskyi. there is one more thing that is very important, the problem here is competence. if you look at this document, it contains components that relate to the powers of the ministry of defense, the cabinet of ministers and the president, there are things that relate to the competence of the president, that is, in the field. defense policy, there are specific figures that relate to money and objects, these are matters the ministry of defense, well, in the extreme case of the cabinet of ministers and so on, that is, all this suggests that at will, if guarantees were to be obtained, obviously due to the huge volume of these things that were discussed , the key is lost: and this is not the law for... the parties, it is very important, secondly, the parliaments have not ratified it, from here it must be read
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absolutely clearly: its financial security will be under a big question mark, but from the point of view of political rhetoric, it is a colossal step forward, because it is shown , that great britain, but here further put a comma like a country that does not belong to the european union, you mean it. second, it is like a country of the anglo-saxon bloc, of course, because it reads like that, and it reads like that, more like a country that belongs to the so-called copenhagen format, which is what is included further in romstein and so on, she is ready to provide appropriate help, but at the same time there is a drawback here, the essence of which may lie in the fact that only in the period of premieres from the animal. yes, because if it is not a law, just an agreement between two persons, then it can
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should be read exactly like this, and i do not rule out that in some time, after the conservatives leave power, it will be said that the conservatives should sign, let them implement such an agreement, because i say once again, this is not a law, it must be understood from from the point of view of the norms of international, international law, you will tell me that yes... in international law there are even things that talk about verbal agreements, yes, verbal agreements, but they are not reached in matters of security , security guarantees, especially that these two words guarantee security, they say that this document had to comply with the international convention on agreements and treaties, which provides for the mandatory implementation of national norms of the constitution. from the point of view of ratification itself , i am not saying this for the first time, i hope that
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in the future, and perhaps in the case of great britain, at least the ukrainian political leadership will return to this issue and send this document to the parliament for ratification, because i do not i know for what reasons, i cannot understand why the lack of ratification was allowed. such a document, because from the point of view of the information drive, the political tone , it is a great step, it is a great step, another matter is why... they did not reach the actual legal basis and actions of such a document, because you understand when we are being told about , what do you see in the budapest memorandum that is not the right word, or is it not translated that way, then in relation to this document you and i will be told that it has not yet been ratified, on the basis of which certain resources will be issued from
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the budget of one state, another for its implementation states and so on further, i... i completely agree, this is a very important point, it is a fundamentally important point, and let's hope that the prime minister of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, rishi sunak, will also take the necessary steps when it comes to jobs, in particular with the british parliament, but in any case, similar signals show that certain parameters of what is called a new security agreement for ukraine or a new security format for ukraine. that he is emerging, what should we expect from those states, countries, blocs that we consider our allies, but currently they are our friends, partners and buddies. by itself, the agreement that has already been signed and the agreements that will be signed further. what are they talking about?
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she does not answer the thesis that we cannot work with nato countries, with each individual one, because we have to work only with nato as a whole. in truth, this means that it is very important that today we all realize that the issue of regional, continental, global security is an issue that consists of multiple components, in this system there may already be, it is obvious, bilateral agreements, further, regional agreements, further, continental agreements, global agreements, but they can form a single whole. actually, this is what you and i have been talking about for more than a year, which is evident from that new year's christmas message of the british foreign minister at the time, a track list of speeches to the london city hall, when she talked about the time coming labile security system,
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soft? and in fact, if you look at this, then... these bilateral agreements, they should be aimed at what? and to ensure the security of ukraine , to ensure the security of the countries of central europe , to ensure the security of the countries of the european continent, further, to ensure the security of the countries of the north atlantic bloc, to ensure the countries of the euro-russian bloc and global security, these are actually these components, these components, they ... should not create a hedgehog in relation to each other, and it is most suitable to select all this, systematize, definitely the format ramstein, and here it is very important that , well, at least somehow in the format of ramstein for today , we move on to a conversation on this topic, because even
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the first thing we talked about with you, it looks like: these are some bilateral... and industry agreements, because it will be read like that from the point of view, actually, now, and what does it have to do with central european security, absolutely nothing, well, what we are talking about, like a mirage, like an intermarium there of two seas, three seas and so on , now how it will be formed in the system of relationships in the system nato, and if you add to this that europe today... all the time talks about its own security, moreover, the current exercises conducted by nato, which they testify to, that in connection with the fact that the minimum invited participant there is the united states of america, and the united states of america is today 90% of the security implemented by nato.
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the current studies show that there is a model and a legend. which is 90% actually the countries and states of europe, and literally a few destroyers, the united states of america, which out of almost 90 thousand personnel members participating in this exercise are present at them, that is, it is already a shot at the model that can be made after the statements of candidate trump that we can withdraw from nato, although this is not an answer and it is obvious that.. ... it won't be like that, but it's clear that preparations are being made for this, now one more thing, you need to understand that in matters of security, the bilateral relations that ukraine will conclude... with nato states, they must be implemented in the form of concrete steps, i.e. conditionally speaking, training is going on, both
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conditionally speaking, and not conditionally speaking, realistically speaking, nato will interact with countries that wish to join nato, well, in particular, such as ukraine, further, how will they interact with those that have already formed as a separate defense alliance, well, such... as, for example, ukus, indo - the pacific bloc , which exists separately today, although it is called together in some countries, and from here it is obvious that we cannot do without formalizing the role played by the contact group, this really pisses me off to the extreme, because i went through the contact group group in minsk when i hear ramshtein being called by the contact group on issues of assistance... to the defense of ukraine, well, as the ukrainian classics say, to contact does not mean to decide, you understand, and all this
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indicates that today those who draw out and those who sit on button of european security, and regional , european, and continental, in general and global, they do not quite clearly understand, but how all this will interact with each other, how it will... cooperate, because holding additional meetings, even online meetings, it is not solves the issue of providing emergency services provision of troops with ammunition, armored vehicles, maintenance of all this and so on, so i can say that so far , if we take the path that ukraine has started to follow, signing bilateral guarantees on security, and the transition to regional security is not even visible, moreover , i don't see that they understand this problem, because when
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you listen to people like orban or people like fico, what do they think about that we will stay here under nato, and you try there, but in vain they think, i will remind them about the trip from suvorov to the alps, it is not clear what he did there, but it is supposed to mean... the monuments to suvorov in russia are standing even now, no one has taken them anywhere, so where the boot of a russian soldier can fit is known only to the moscow führer , and this must be understood very well. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for this extremely important conversation on the air of the tv channel, i want to remind our tv viewers that now roman bezsmertny, an iconic politician and diplomat, was working for them. there are discounts on fkalor 20% in psyllium pharmacies, memory and savings new york of the 19th century is
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myroslav chakh will now work in the espresso studio. public figure, historian, journalist, deputy of the polish diet of the second and third term. glory to ukraine, mr. myroslav, i congratulate you. glory to the hero, congratulations. donald tusk and president zelenskyi, denys shmyhal, met, talked, we understand, in fact, it is about a complete reset not only of certain tactical points. and about the new in general the vision of what is called the economic-social-security policy of nato's eastern flank. this story is much bigger than bilateral polish-ukrainian relations, so the meeting took place also symbolically that donald tusk made his first foreign visit as the head of the polish government to kyiv. poland and ukraine are starting to work on guarantees, the so-called agreement on security guarantees, that is, poland has joined the statement. of the g7 group from vilnius from the nato summit last year and the development of a bilateral document begins like the document signed by great britain and ukraine. during the visit
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of prime minister sunak in january of this year, this is an extremely important fact, because the government of the previous polish government, the morowiecki government, did not join this declaration, which was very significant and a very alarming signal that poland withdraws from support for ukraine. today, this page has already been turned and poland is returning to military support for ukraine. aspect, which was confirmed by president zelenskyi, who said that a package of military aid is being prepared from poland, the second result of tusk's visit to kyiv is that a very well-known person, a well-known politician, pavlo koval, has been appointed as the representative of the polish government for the reconstruction of ukraine, but this means that there is a person, he is very extremely favorable to
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ukraine, guest. espresso, for many years, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the sejm, that is, a prominent figure in polish politics, is responsible for this and that person, i think, has both ambitions and a desire to develop precisely this cooperation, so that these are not declarations, but filled with real content. and now regarding the already specific situation with agriculture, transportation and so on, the prime minister announced the results here. shmygal and he said that a bill is being drafted in the ukrainian parliament to equalize the rights of polish and ukrainian carriers, i think that this is not a problem, poland is invited to poland, polish companies are invited to the construction of the autobahn from krakow to rivne, that is, everything that really bothers the residents of lviv and of the western region, if the autobahn is
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built to rivne. then it will greatly simplify all transportation and so on, this is the second aspect, and the third is related to the fact that the work is starting, or in fact , the work is already continuing to ensure that in the matter of agricultural products, the export of ukrainian agricultural products to poland, they are not this stone stumbles in bilateral, bilateral relations, and from what i observe, poland is getting closer to adopting the romanian model, that is, there are exports, agricultural products, but in some, some way part of the grain, for example, corn or something, when there is too much import to poland, then the license system for ukrainian exporters is included, that is, then you have to go to the ministry and get such an appropriate license, i think that this is ultimately an understandable realistic package cooperation in those very specific cases that have been going on for the past six months or
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more. for six months, they poisoned our lives, so nothing felt bad, like in the relationship between president zelenskyi and president andrzej duda, then the clouds began to fall condense, well, and accordingly we received several extremely significant scandals, well, we understand that the geopolitical page has been turned, so this is already largely history, and the second point, can something similar happen again now, well, let's say what happened, well, actually , calling things our own embargo on agricultural four agricultural products, and before it was on all kinds, plus blocking the border meant that poland entered into this free trade, trade war with ukraine, we call things our own, was the state of trade war between ukraine and poland, we didn't call it that, so as not to thicken the colors and so on, so as not to inflate the atmosphere,
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in fact it was. a trade war, only a trade war is simply unique, because what caused losses is ukraine, well, of course , yes, the first trucks are blocked, 6,400 trucks are standing, they cannot enter ukraine with humanitarian aid, with a normal commercial component there, military with the help of ukraine, but it caused damage to the polish economy, poland earns, in general, when taken into account. trade between ukraine and poland, poland earns from ukraine, because it exports more than it imports from ukraine. it has been two years, the war years, and thank god that donald tusk, as the prime minister, understood this situation, and that he used all his levers of influence to stop this state of affairs. this is true when talking about the global aspect, but we will turn it upside down.


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