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tv   [untitled]    January 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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in order not to aggravate the atmosphere, in fact it was a trade war, only a trade war is simply unique, because what causes losses to ukraine, well, of course, yes, the first trucks are blocked, 600, 400 trucks, standing still, they cannot enter ukraine with humanitarian aid, with normal, there is a commercial component, military aid to ukraine, but it caused damage to the polish economy, poland earns. in general, when we take into account the exchange of goods between ukraine and poland, poland earns from ukraine, because it exports more, as it has been importing from ukraine for two years, the war years, and thank god that donald tusk, as prime minister, understood this situation, and that he used all his leverage to stop this state of affairs, it is so when talk about the global aspect, but we are at the threshold... that page, i believe that
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there will be no return to this state under the current government, the biggest guarantee of this state is himself, himself, the very person of donald tusk. there is a feeling that this year, well, it can pass under the sign of two donalds, this is donald tusk, without a doubt, yes, when we talk about eastern european policy, and donald trump , when we talk about continental security policy in general, i am very grateful to you, anton , for you to say, this is what ... coming to power in donald tusk's poland means reformatting and the place of poland in the european union and in the security dimension, because that's how it is, donald tusk is not only the polish prime minister, but one of the most iconic political figures in europe, and that's how it will actually be, negotiations are now underway restoration of the so-called weimar triangle, that is france, germany and poland, and the role of poland under tusk's premiership will be much greater in europe than it was under... yaroslav
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kaczyński or andrzej duda, that's for sure, and relations between ukraine and poland in from this point of view, when you look at them, they have a very important meaning, after all, ukrainians do not need to explain this. now regarding donald trump, i am closely following the primaries and what is happening, well, everyone has already written off our lady nikihelev, in fact already on the losing side positions and so on, i would think that this. politics is a complicated thing, the election campaign is the same, qualities are very important, leadership qualities and the results in the new hampshire primaries were not so bad 55 to 44, this in favor of trump means that niki hal is not in such a losing position for me, but well, other wiser people, who are more familiar with the american situation, say that it is lost, well, well, let's say it is lost, but all the observers who say that... not because they are very
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satisfied with the progress of the primaries, but because of attention to the fact that among republican voters , a third say that they will not vote for him under any circumstances, and there is such a category, which are those who have not yet decided, that is, who are looking closely, who, yes, they have a negative electorate or a negative perception trump 's is very large, and it is getting stronger, that is, when we calculate the nationwide level, when trump will... in a run-off with the president and biden, the results can be very different, although today trump leads with a margin of 3-4% over biden. so to speak and everyone says god, biden can't win and so on, so the situation doesn't sound like that , now the republican primaries are being shown, there is no such great dominance of trump among the republican voters, yes, he has a huge dominance in... the republican
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party, but not among republican voters, and i understand, well, but in any case, trump is back in big politics, and trump will shape the political agenda in the united states, well, until the election, so we don't know how it will end election campaign in the united states, but trump's influence is already there, he started giving out signals, sending signals, and no one can decipher them correctly, well, because trump is trying to keep his own. such a geopolitical one, maybe he's just lying, maybe he's just promising, but in any case he's showing that he has some kind of plan, but given his previous political credit history in europe, his threats were very well remembered, so to speak, to nullify the influence of the united states on the european continent, europeans pay more for their security, europeans began to think in global categories, and global categories consist in the fact that they understand that america is ready. objectively for
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the confrontation with china, china's forces are weakening, their economy is weakening, but the americans need, there is this detached kimir. chin or whatever it is called there, let there be kimchin, and he and the americans should deal with the challenges in asia, india is not easy, india is forming its own so-called nationalist agenda, god knows whether it will not occur to indians that in they also had some kind of empire there once 300 years ago to return pakistan and what do they try to do from time to time, that is, the americans have something to do, so does russia. is a threat, all europeans recognize at that moment that russia is also an existential threat to europe, and europe needs to prepare for a confrontation with russia and not rely so much on american, american
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help, and when we talk about trump, i will always be what to emphasize 11 months before the election, who is the president of the united states, that's right, joe biden, you have to ask joe biden. and what will joe biden do for ukraine and what he has committed to in relation to europe, and here is an extremely important role, and it is american observers, journalists, experts, everyone is talking, the activation of great britain and the absolutely united position of conservatives and the labor party, the labor party. regarding security issues, the position is the same, to support ukraine, strengthen nato and strengthen the european component. the speech of the british minister of defense, who elaborated on the guarantee
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uk security for ukraine, simply phenomenal. there was also a phrase that i just sat down with: great britain said: "our union with ukraine for... 100 years, we will not leave ukraine, russia, forget about the fact that great britain will leave ukraine, this is such a phrase, extremely expensive worth, great britain has always had, has and how many f-16s are behind this phrase . extremely powerful the treaties with france and... the united kingdom, when we talk about 1939 , yes, but aid was given, but there was a so-called strange war, well and accordingly, now we understand that our european allies are showing their readiness, but here is the question, so to speak, in trifles, well, if
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we are talking about aviation, for example, it is not a trifle, of course, i am being ironic, well, but the decision is still on the table, no, the decision, today, colonel ignat said that... our partners are ready to transfer to ukraine today the f-16s are standing still, nothing has changed from our conversations that the dutch, danish and norwegian f-16s are ready to be transferred to ukraine, but we do not have the infrastructure to receive and service them, it is precisely with the leopards, the leopards transferred, and the minister of defense, germany, boris pistorius said that in 2024, germany. is training 10,000 ukrainian soldiers and will hand over 80 leopards, the problem is where to repair them and where are the spare parts, it may seem absurd, but in fact europe after the end of the cold war disarmed, and the military-industrial complex
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also dripped a little on exports, they gave something there, in return for their own forces and would still help in this way, during such a terrible war, which is russian, which is the russian-ukrainian war. they are not ready, they are being pumped up slowly , but they are being pumped up, that is, there is something i am leading to, the situation, the war in 2024 will go to a completely different level, this is a completely different level, which will be the construction, the system of alliances and political decisions will be built, and military, then decisions, economic decisions, the bottom line will be that ukraine will indeed be given all the means to win. defeated russia , there is a disposition for this, secondly, for ukraine to strengthen its own forces so much that it can last for 100 years, how would someone in russia think of attacking ukraine or any other, other countries, that is
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, an absolutely different configuration is emerging, will president trump, whether or not trump is going to be president, at that moment it starts to matter a whole lot less. because the system works, states work and their armed forces work, and the military-industrial complex, but europe can now go through a series of elections, so almost half of the countries of the european union will go through... national elections this year, well, accordingly, we see how the right-wing populists are warming up, at one time, for example, slovakia i was pleasantly surprised, yes, when i chose the fizo party, well, we can see certain miracles of this plan in quotes, of course unpleasant, i don’t know there, in the netherlands, in belgium, and what, and and, and who makes the decisions, elected politicians or , i don't know whether those or other elites, no, no, then elites no, elected, elected governments, of course. and coalitions, politicians and so on make decisions, but we do not forget that during the war and the confrontation
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as it is, the minister of defense of germany said that we should be ready for this, so that russia will go to war against germany by 2020, the 30th year, it's just a copernican copernican revolution in the way germans think about their security in general, i'm not talking about sweden. and about the norwegians, who said that in 2-3 years we should be ready for russia to go to war against us, the finns are not at all is being discussed, yes , that is, we have a radically different situation, this is a radically different situation, and here the roles are already defined, just like in germany, well, all the alternatives, that is, the scholars, well, we forget that there will be elections, well , next year they have them, it seems should pass next year. parliamentary elections, who is leading in public opinion polls, the christian democrats, who left
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the era of angel and merkel, and now they generally push chancellor scholz, that he supports ukraine too little, then the alternative fir dolge there, for the first time in six months or so, is losing support, the people of niv took to the streets of their cities, and everyone was shocked, led by president steinmeier, and said: there are so many of us, we stand against this, the threat of the alternative, moreover, now, in them it is called the bureau or the office of the protection of the constitution , it provides documentation to ban the activity of alternatives to the fir dotchnom, because it is a threat to the constitutional rule, a threat to the constitutional rule can ban the activity of this party, you saw anton six months ago, such processes, no, here too... let's go back to poland, poland, and the elections, the parliamentary elections on october 15 inspired
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europe, the democrats know how to win, societies know how to mobilize for defense, ukrainians are not like that, they mobilized and you just caused the whole world to wonder that ukraine, this david, is fighting with that goliath and from where does she have strength, and sacrifice, heroism and everything, courage, everything that you can say positively, but... there is also a non-military way, that is, which shows poland that democrats can win, and societies can win about european and democratic and look, returning to security agreements, security guarantees, i understand that there is a bilateral, bilateral level, yes, there is a level of what is called security guarantees from the g7, well, let's take, for example, the british case, how seriously will they be prepared , here, well, for 100 years it sounds very good, but how deeply ... will great britain be prepared to enter into what is called the protection of ukrainian national interests,
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given its colossal, although not as powerful as that of the united states resource, and this applies, perhaps, to poland. well, you mentioned the 39th year, yes, and the security guarantees of great britain, regarding poland, the strange war and so on. it was necessary to consider whether they were ready, not ready, and what role he played in the decision. of these guarantees that these guarantees did not work, the ribbentrop molotov pact, do not forget that the molotov ribbentrop pact, that is, the pact of hitler and stalin was directly directed against the security guarantees of great britain and france, which were given to them. hitler would not have gone to war with poland against poland if he had, in the rear, the danger that would a second front was opened, if it wasn't there it wouldn't have been. in the aggression of the peasant workers of the red army on september 17, 1939, this is clear, and
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before that there was a pactrin trope of molotovs and the division of spheres of influence and so on, which the british and americans already knew on the second day, because agents, well, agents, maybe it was said that way , the people in auvites amd and in the embassy of the third reich in moscow immediately passed these on, and they knew what was being prepared and what kind of war was ahead of us. it will not be a war of attrition for the defense of poland, but it will be a world war already, and that was also clear on the 23rd august 39, now returning, and what are the guarantees? which will be on the part of great britain, what do they mean, so the minister of defense, speaking, among other things, about guarantees to ukraine and about 100 years of the british-ukrainian alliance, said that they will be strengthening their nuclear forces at that moment, and there he said about the construction of about 12 or how many underwater atomic sensors, this
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is translated into direct language, which counts in the security sphere, not only. american, yes, but also the british component is growing like yeast, that’s understandable, and secondly, i see such a remark, the former ambassador of ukraine to great britain, mr. prystaiko, a very good, after all, ambassador, a qualified diplomat, said when asked, do you imagine that british soldiers can come to ukraine and defend ukraine, he said yes ... i imagine such a situation, well, let's end on this optimistic note, myroslav, thank you very much for this extremely interesting and productive conversation, i want to remind our viewers that myroslav cheh, a public activist, historian, journalist, member of the polish diet of the second and third term. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will
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inform you about all the most important events of the day, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on aquamaris of 15% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. i will never forget this night. the first night at camp that turned my whole life into one long night. i will never forget these faces of children, whose bodies before my eyes turned into rings of smoke against the background of a silent sky. i shall never forget it, even if i were condemned to live forever as god himself. a separate set of unmanned aerial
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complexes sapsan of the state special transport service appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! we saw a video of mavik entering, he was already shooting himself to the last, and we already saw that he was being tied up, they put him in a trench, we started actively with this one, you can say that the carousel is doing resets , the 300th russian attack aircraft is lying next to him, he is right next to him, we had the pilot kevin, he
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was given an order, he says, we have to somehow get this prisoner out, somehow , so that he understood and got out of there, he came up with such an interesting thing, ears, ran, did his job, they said, well done, you have a smile, turned around and ran to the dugout, you don't know what will happen now and you don't know what it will be in a couple of seconds, well, this is the exit hail, we are going to the silver forest, here we are passing through the city of siversk, they are superior in our country and... in technology, they are also superior in armaments, they leave as if in a circle of bmps and make a beautiful wagon , they want to reach toleman, i want to seize the road, well then, how lucky will they be, but they will be out of luck. the kremina region
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has been one of the hottest areas of the front for almost a year now, we have visited various areas of the ukrainian defense in srebynykh. forestry to find out what caused the russian army's strong desire to control these forests? we will talk about this in today's episode issue of donbas-reality, and we will also show unique footage of how a drone rescued a ukrainian soldier from captivity, and tell this extraordinary story in detail. eduard, air scout of the shock group. one of the hottest points of the front, his unit fights around the clock, the fighter keeps track of the results of work, for three weeks, in total. units of automotive equipment, this is for three weeks of such assaults, meat assaults on the russian
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federation, that they tried to break through our defense line, nothing succeeded, and this is all thanks to drones, that is, one crew, sitting somewhere in the basement, in the dugout, it doesn't matter where, he does a very, very colossal and big job, the guys don't sleep at night, they work during the day, but... during the day, eduard's unit together with his comrades repel dozens of assaults, but he remembers one battle it's going to be a long time - says the fighter. well, they just saw the assault of enemy units on the positions of our immediate neighbors. they drew attention to the fact that a large assault group was coming, which had already entered our trench, was near the trench, jumped into the trench, the battle began, our neighbors began to retreat there and there among the these people we understood, we saw a video from mavik of how they were coming in, he was shooting back to the last one there, then
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he simply realized that the enemy was moving along the trench from the left to the right, well , he didn’t have such a big choice there, in principle, that’s why he decided to surrender, i understand, and we already saw that he was being tied up, he was being put in a trench, because the trench had not been completely cleared, there were a lot of people there, there was such a large area. did not wait for that, because if the assault had already ended the enemy's position would have been captured by him, well then there would have been nothing to do there, there would not have been, there would have been no sense, because this prisoner and , well, the people who remained there were simply killed, or taken out, taken captive, so it was decided to immediately inflict fire damage with drops from the mavic, we began to actively do so and so, you can call it a carousel, to make drops, that is, drop ammunition one by one, one by one, they had a lot of them at once... this video of the
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same battle: a ukrainian prisoner of war in a trench, a wounded man next to him russian military serviceman. the situation began to develop according to such a scenario that no one expected. there was one reset on the drone on the mavik, which was attached to a grenade. we teenagers began to see what he would even do, whether he was alive or not, this guy. he was lying in the trench, then stood up , his hands were tied behind his back, as i understand it, his hands were loosely tied there, that is, with tape or something like that, well, it is unclear, because he tied himself very quickly, a three-armed russian is lying next to him stormtrooper, here right next to him, looked around, saw that there were many wounded of his opponent, who could not help himself there, there were also killed, and realized that nothing was in danger for him, pilot kevin was with us, he was given an order, i must say, it is necessary to somehow get this prisoner out , somehow to make him understand and get out of there, how he came up with such an interesting thing, he began
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to flash the lights on the drone, we always turn them off, so as not to burn, to put it bluntly, his drone, and he began to rattle with these lanterns, this guy saw, he didn't get confused, he saw what i was throwing at him don't work, that is, it's my own, so he started to get out of the trench on his own, but he didn't understand which way he should go at all. well, then he started asking there, pointing with his hands, whether i should go left or right, i don't know, and the drone is already showing him the direction where to go out. the footage from the drone shows that the ukrainian fighter was without a weapon while he was trying to get out to his own, another unforeseen moment happened, it turned out that the drone fighters did not destroy the entire assault group of the enemy , it was as if they did not feel any trouble, everything was fine, he started to crawl away , and then we we see such a... picture that he froze in place, and we could not understand why he did not crawl further, and then, when we raised the drone camera a little higher, we saw that the enemy was standing there, one serviceman, he did not shoot at him , nothing, but i showed him
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to return to the place, like with my hand, where are you going, and at that moment they did not react immediately, they flew up, well, the reset immediately started, automatically, not aimed, but nearby, he fell under a tree, he is there lay down, then we finished him on the second reset. and i understand that he is was after the first 300th and they began to take out the serviceman of the neighboring brigade directly to a safe place, he began to climb out to the dugout on all fours in the same way. the operation to save the ukrainian fighter lasted about an hour. in the last shots, it is noticeable that he is no longer crawling, but running towards the shelter. we understood the dangers. such in the way that we know where our positions are, we know where the reserve positions are, where our dugouts are, and we also knew where our neighbors' positions are, we took him out until he crawled,
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he did not go to... a safe distance there, conditionally maybe a kilometer there, we knew that there was a dugout there, he climbed into this dugout and then the evacuation group came and took him directly there, his people had already taken him from there, then i would like to talk with him to this soldier, to ask him how it really was, but then we just flew to do our work, because the assaults there did not end, getting to the position of the ukrainian mortars is another quest, we are leaving the road... with empty they don't come here with their hands, ours the attendant brought the boys a gas cylinder and household items. how are you sitting there in your trenches? ears , how to say them correctly, i
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can't even find such a word... if they have a crowd of people, or they are preparing something, then we immediately start working so that they do not approach our infantry, we how always be ready to go to work on the goals, and try to do it as quickly as possible, prepare, focus and make a post, stay on these installations, be angry with the exposure, the most - these are the dugouts, infantry, on the offensive. but yesterday there was an attack, we repelled it, and then our guys went on the attack, then we covered them, well , constantly, well, one day, i'll tell you, in two years, it's already, well, it's just the basis of your activity , here he ran, did his job, they said, well done, you have a smile, turned around and ran to the dugout, to linger all the time, well, near the gun.
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it’s not worth it at all, the fact that the otvetochka can fly very quickly, the intensity of the battles, is not scary, because what was at the beginning back in the spring and summer of 2022, then it was more, well, much more and shelling and hostilities, now there are, but not as much as it was then, at the moment it is still quiet, but this does not mean that it is quiet.
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target calculation, in the first months of a full-scale war he was not taken into the army , he was not 27 years old, later he was mobilized, well, i understood where i was going, because, as they say, it could be a one-way ticket, well, that is unknown, because you don't know what will happen now and you don't know what will happen in a couple of seconds, and that's why you're never, well, you're not safe, you're not even insured against it, but nevertheless, as they say, well, it's been two months already, as they say, well... i've lived, i've seen a lot, well , it's all scary, no matter how cool it is, well, it's scary, here, here, everyone wants to live, the conventional silence is broken by the sounds of breaks, like say the military, come very close, well , let's hope for ours, it's aviation, it's a way out, fighters are winding bags of
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gunpowder on mines to increase the flight range, you have to do it with your bare hands, and it's -15 outside now. well, it's enough for us that we run to the pipe, work, that's enough for us, because it's all intense, it well, it was even after work , you could even get used to it, because it is all fast, there it will do this, there it will do it, this one constantly has to be lit under it, just like before the snow, just like before autumn, just like and until spring. you have to constantly look for new camouflage sets to disguise yourself, because if you don’t disguise them, they will find them very quickly, we can even squat and do push-ups, in the dugouts , we already have them, we bought them, you see, we are still thundering, alexander is the only one in his calculation who fights with 20...


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