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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EET

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such maneuvers that they moved back to the border of crimea. in july 2014, the brigade received a combat mission to carry out tasks in the area of ​​the settlement of stepanovka, fighting for the saur grave, which it carried out until august 2014 . it was during this period that the iconic raid operation was carried out together with the 95th airborne brigade and other units. it was combat. operates in the enemy's rear to stop his advance and cut off his supplies. we drove for two days in a slush. leonid staltsev, in the composition the 30th brigade took part in military operations in the summer of 2014 and during the battles in the debaltsiv direction in 2015. when we arrived at the brigade, got on the bekha and drove off, so you understand, none of the soldiers knew what we were doing, where we were going and what our task was. they said one thing: when they will shoot at you. in response, when we say
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take the defense, take the defense, when we say we're breaking through, we've got to go in there, well, that's all in fact, for me it's always been a story about, well, it's scary, sure, but i caught myself feeling that when hrynyuk was with us, he rode with us on bmp, kombat in general, this is a constant raid story, this is a huge convoy going along the russian border, carrying out the clearing of the populated areas there. points, falls into ambushes, but at the same time my commander ota is always with us, he never once sat somewhere in the back or something else, for which he constantly received from kombat, because kombat says: you are certainly a good man, but if they want you for two, then your monkeys, who will look after them, will worry, but one way or another, the commander had his own the vision, the hero of ukraine, he received for the fact that he personally destroyed several bmps and tanks of the enemy and destroyed a certain number personally. it was a special battle, when we
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had already passed saur mogila itself, stepanivka, and we can say that our battalion was almost encircled between the settlements of krasny luch and anthracite, two very powerful groups, there were also russian ones, there were moscow paratroopers, and a plus the ones they... recruited local people there, well, we also have there, we have up to 40 people there, yes, they drove up to adzik there, and in our uniform, paratroopers, the guys came out and they started talking about something there, and they spoke in ukrainian, everything was as it should be, and they approached our guys like that and took them prisoner, they returned one of the prisoners to us in the evening, he started saying that we should surrender, they
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were walking around, shouting there are these separatists , the names of the company commander, surrender, we know everything, well , the boys and i gathered there, we tell the guy to surrender, and what will they say to us at home , even if we are exchanged, we succeeded now and, for example, they will let you out alive, then it will be a conversation among other brigades, that is the boys surrendered, they were released, everything is fine , we didn’t go, there were no agreements, we remained standing, and then the command sent us help, they broke through the corridors, a second bat was put into the corridor, so the story with the exit was planned so well, that we did not suffer a single loss, not a single person from the battalion-tactical group was killed. btgr is not a battalion, it is a tactical battalion.
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group, this army is small, and it is necessary to take this army out of the environment, realizing that wherever you are, it comes out in any way, and he found that in such groups, this is a story about tactics, strategy and the ability to plan any movements in such a way as to suffer minimal losses, and he did it, unfortunately, during the exit, two soldiers of the second battalion who were holding our corridor were killed, all that , that there were 14 clashes, there was donbas and there was russia, but we understood that there was already a type there, and we made roadblocks at night using google, we asked google how to make a portable roadblock correctly, so that one does not clean up one another, respectively, like , every person who was then together with us, well, this is already a person who would or
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yagu, well, they are definitely all right with the hives, like this story is not about sykons, this is a story about understanding why we are all here, because we also have a lot of the fortification, the first ba... of the 30th brigade at the time of the 14th year was the most combat-ready and prepared battalion of all ground forces of ukraine, i mean the infantry. after the raid, the brigade carried out combat tasks in the debaltsiv direction, during the following years in the svetodar arc and nearby settlements. today we are going to the 30th. now the brigade is under reconstruction, and at the same time the process of combat coordination is taking place. this is a great opportunity for us to communicate. with the fighters about the combat path of the brigade, especially about the events after february 24, let's say, in a calmer atmosphere, and of course, to see how the preparation process is going.
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what is more important, firstly, to be able to hold the defense. oleg, the company commander of the mechanized battalion, joined the brigade in 2020 . throw grenades, occupy the border, now practice offensive actions, how to attack correctly, so as to bear less losses, after all , our land must be won back, not
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only defended, but also returned and saved. infantry is, roughly speaking, universal soldiers. andrii, chief mechanized sergeant. will not enter, for example, some land, it is not considered captured until there are infantry standing there, a warrior is probably the person who can destroy fear in himself. ivan, the company commander of the mechanized battalion, is afraid each person, but at certain moments it must be rejected for one's life. everything is charging, we are going to the weekend, a cow, a herd, which, counterattack repulsed , to carry out a tactical retreat to more prepared positions, a warrior, as they say,
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well, yes, they are not born, they are made, everyone has this in their heart, everyone must convey it to themselves, well, if not me, then who, i once went to fight in the 14th. then i said that it was not my children, it turned out that now my children are also fighting, on february 24 the brigade met in the east, the second mechanized and motorized infantry battalion continued to defend the svyatodar arc, units of the 1st and 3rd mechanized battalions have been occupying the ugorli direction since march, last night a decision was made to withdraw from the attack all command posts in the districts where the units are located. them to other areas, that is, the first attack of the enemy came on empty positions and areas not occupied by anyone, when the enemy began to advance on thursday morning, i was resting then, but woke up because i heard the coming of hail. andrii, the battery commander of the artillery division,
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awarded the order of bohdan khmelnytsky third degree. the commanders were given an order for the batteries to take up firing positions and begin to cover the actions of our infantry, to carry out offensives. and we moved to... the defense of the settlement of new york, it was somewhere on march 15 or 16, the uav operator reports to us that i see three columns of equipment opposite verkhnyotoretsk, one column of 40 units of bmp equipment and tanks, the second column of 30 bmp units and tanks and the third column of 10 artillery tanks, and we immediately began to disperse them from there with artillery, we once there dispersed, they got together, once they were dispersed a second time, and then they went anyway...
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the first time it was already after the concussion that the tanks sat down like that for a while. they shook, but nothing, after that, they still left, they still shot, they still came under artillery fire. kostyantyn, deputy chief of staff of the tank battalion, was awarded the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi, third degree. in what period was it? in what period was it somewhere closer to march. cold, there was already a little snow, it fell, it was cold, and then it was the task is to destroy two bmps. the turtle is ready. we are ready.
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at first it was scary, and then it was like adrenaline, we drove on, and then there started one run, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, then we destroyed nine bmps with one dance, and many people from denmark, and we they took a breather and on march 21, the team arrived very early to say that they had to leave, because a very large convoy was leaving. battles, helicopters are flying, aviation is flying, so we left, we hear over the tower, just like that, something flew by, already the first of some rpg or something
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new, let’s all damn it, we have a report do it, they are already shooting at us, you can’t hear two tanks coming out, one stops, well, two stops, but the crew of one runs into the forest, and the other just turns on us, and i hear such a blow in the turret and that’s it, i just disconnected. this one came to himself, i see, everything is black, i sit, i wipe myself, i say the first words just now, alive, he says, alive, and this one immediately comes to me, you don’t have any teeth at all, i ’m like that, he’s still like that that's all, yes, and then on the second arrival we started burning from above, i immediately let's get out, open the hatch, but the hatch was sealed to me, i can hear the fire from above... all the mechanic says: i thought there were 200 of you, all of you, dude, he says, as soon as i heard your voice,
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it became so easy for me, the most memorable battles, they were when we were still at the beginning of the war, it was in the months of may were standing near turetsk, when on one of the days the enemy tried to advance with two tanks and manpower, a decisive attack by two tanks and under the cover of artillery approached the dense. under our strongholds, as soon as we discovered them, they began to open indiscriminate fire, the manpower was destroyed by artillery units, my battery was working, the hails were working, the barrel , the so-called 2s1, was working, the tanks then defeated the infantry with the help of the javelin, their attack then was completely unsuccessful, we raised them, after which... the opter saw so many corpses, that is, no one got out of there, not all of them were there lay down
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how old are you? i am currently 23 years old. i know that the president signed a decree to award you with the order. bohdan khmelnytskyi, yes, was awarded on well, i knew that we would be awarded in the month of may, it was precisely the battles that were fierce, fierce in the turkish direction, on one of the days the enemy tried to advance and gathered up to 100 personnel in one of the landings. we quickly identified the enemy and inflicted angular damage, that is, from that landing , the occupiers were only able to come out 3-0, which came out.
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then on may 8, on may 8, the enemy decided to storm our positions, and here they are, in short , at all times. they start to go straight to our positions, to the valuable position, and a bunch of people start running out from the post, well, there is a yartik and from the ravine they start running just after the tanks, our guys there, well, they tried to...
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we can say from the month of march. by the end of june, yes, what we were doing there , we exceeded the 95% occupancy law, you have to really watch your eyes, if we launched the enemy inside the population of new york, we would lose, well, no one knows how much we lost, well, i i know for sure that we would have lost more than half a battalion there, because fighting in a populated area is very difficult, everyone just effectively performed their tasks, and the third work... there repelled all those assaults, and the second company there generally created such conditions that they only tried there to get out somewhere, they immediately shot them there from the terrekons, and the first company, which the aviation there just fired twice a day, you understand, we had such a position there, where the guys just threw smoke to go to the toilet, and a machine gunner started shooting because they
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had to run through that area to go to the toilet. and they threw the dems again to return, these were the conditions, the most pleasant thing was that when i was given two anti-tankers, and we were already leaving the district, i asked them there, well, what are the guys, how there's things going on, but he doesn't say, it was cool, well, we'll remember it for the rest of our lives, and the infantry is also cool. there are discounts on zzilor 10% in pharmacies, a plantain for you and a benefactor, a person who fell in who knows the news, spartak saturday lied to everyone, who will come here now my girlfriend and her mother, also my girlfriend, grandmother will be there, let's play something, show
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your google search history, real search history. we are definitely playing, the election was 100% in favor of lebigovich, i suggest you pee and sleep, maybe i'll take a look, oh, in general, yes, supposedly the first sex in two years, there are discounts on fkalor 20% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. at first the city of new york, upstate new york, we were bombarded, starting with phosphorus, let's say, phosphorus, it was the best that we got at the time. a soldier with the call sign tarzan, an anti-tank gunner, joined the brigade at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. we lived in a two-story brick house, when we
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moved into it, it was completely intact, when we left it, there was only half a cellar. that is, we were erased from the face of the earth, everything that was above us, and that was then, but then everything was perceived like this, if today, then it must be like that, that is, i am ready, because you know, very many here and now who are fighting have such a perception of life that we will die anyway , one day we will die anyway, what is there to be afraid of, but we must do as much as we can, the installation itself is a rocket and a launcher. that is , we have a missile, we have two types of missiles at the moment, these are cest-class fgm148c missiles, missiles with a range of up to 2,500 km, oh, up to 2,500 m, that would be cool, yes, and fgm148e, these are missiles with a range of 4 km, usually zhaviki walk in pairs. but
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you can handle it alone: ​​this eye of the rocket itself, very beautiful, it sees almost the same as a person, but much better, and this little one is ready for battle, enemy equipment can be destroyed. at the same time, russian troops tried to break through the siverskyi donets river near the village of dronivka and created three bridgeheads there for the offensive. from our side, their crossing was repulsed by only two tanks and a small number of artillerymen. we were in such a bad situation, the tank does not work, does not go, not forward, not back, the second tank also stalled and they couldn't do anything, and we just sat
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in the tank, artillery was hitting us. konstantin, a tank battalion company commander, joined the brigade in 2020. i was already sitting in the tank, took off the slumophone and said, like, well , that's it, we'll stay here. we didn't have any hope, we calculated the time when... a line would arrive, well, between exit, arrival, or between arrivals, 10-15 seconds were needed to throw combat vehicles and remove cover in the nearby landing, and there was still feature, therefore that if you had to communicate with your crew, that is, everyone was silent, everyone was in a daze, and so was the neighboring tank, they were sitting, they were very scared, i saw their eyes when i tried to somehow... tank to see what their condition was , how to cheer them up, that is, i had constant contact, i talked with them, if i gave them hope that now we will run, evacuate and everything will be
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fine, what thought did you hold on to, what gave you strength and yourself not to lose one's mind and still support others, well, this is very difficult question, because i motivated myself that no one would help me except me, that is, i had to take everything into my own hands and arrange everything, that is, the implementation of evacuation, relocation, that is, and in front of the personnel i did not could have shown his weakness , because it would have been much worse for them, they always look to the commander and the commander has to support people, set them up, and the next day we managed to destroy somewhere around two or three units of military equipment, plus we destroyed a cadre, which... carried out the task of stabilizing these of pontoon-bridge crossings leading to the rivers, and by the end of the next day, the enemy had exhausted all his attempts to force this
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year, and that was the end of this story. the enemy's next attempt was a few days later, it was already a famous crossing at beilohorivka. there, the enemy already used much more military equipment and manpower, well, it was already the second attempt, about the first attempt in the village of dronivki, few people know, it was small, of course, because there received much less of our units, specifically to repel and destroy that seasonings after battles in donetsk region and a short recovery, the 30th brigade was transferred to the izyum direction, which was very hot in the summer. well, there were tank battles, there were just up to 10 tanks in different landings and they just fired at
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our positions with direct fire, well, we destroyed quite a lot of tanks there, and what i didn’t expect, again, yes, there are about nine or 10 of us there 70-90 tanks. my best work, i consider it the best, is a heavy russian t-90 tank in the kharkiv direction, they have very few of them, they cost very many, there were very few of them in ukraine, and i burned one of them, but what is so special about this one? it has very strong armor, it has very strong protection against anti-tank weapons, and well, it is considered almost invulnerable, i did not
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burn it, i inflicted critical damage on it, but well, there was no explosion as such, it was on this tank, as i was told later , 11 rpgs were fired, that is, it could not be destroyed by conventional hand-held anti-tank weapons, we were called on the alert. we saw him, it was very hot, temperature was very large, and then he already worked on our positions, turned back, took the infantry with him, and with the infantry he had to lead this infantry already to our positions, that is, they were to storm our positions, and when i beat, when i beat him, all this infantry was blown away by the wind, they flowed, of course without the support of equipment, they did not go anywhere and that was it, that is, the offensive was choked, so i am a hero.
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well, yes, we had guys from the anti-tank division, and our guys did tricks, didn’t go out, there weren’t so many components of the enemy infantry, like there were many tanks, and what did you do to him? artillery is not a sniper rifle, you see, it doesn't hit right there in the meter where you are...
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they actively conducted offensive actions of fifa technique passes there. at the end of august 2022 , the brigade received a combat mission to carry out offensive actions in the direction of the city of izyum. thus began the legendary counteroffensive. the task of the brigade was to take control of the southern outskirts of the city. i heard the command that all vehicles should be seen at the firing position, fully loaded with ammunition, provisions and fuel and be ready to work on the targets, when we moved into position in the morning, focused on the targets, we opened massed fire on the enemy, our infantry vehicles began the offensive, i already understood that we are starting to move forward, by the end of the day
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we.. . together with the equipment. after that, we already entered the settlements, saw for ourselves what the occupying troops of the so-called russian federation had done.
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no one really expected that they would leave nastya, well, no one even told us about it, what was being prepared there, yes, it really was proved already at the last moment, these are measures that were introduced by the enemy of vaman, everyone spoke for kherson, and this whole thing went, and everything is very banal simple, the enemy did not expect it, it was not created. conditions where the enemy could predict that it would be an offensive, because it was not a build-up there, a direct build-up of forces, it was just that the guys regrouped and left and began to break through in all directions, and there were cases where the battalions were driving and saw how their artillery was being deployed , well, the artillery thinks that we are still ahead somewhere, but we are already there nearby and shot. so the artillery
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visually, seeing how it is being deployed , is not ready now, the enemy was just throwing everything, there was equipment, positions, they were simply fleeing because their north had broken through them, and they understood that they would now be... no opportunities would have been created where we could counterattack.


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