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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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we are also selecting a new impression, because there will also be a firing module that will be used on the machine, and it is also of ukrainian production, it has already passed tests, and is in service with the armed forces. and when we further increase the scale of perception of reb means, we talked there about guns, about pit reb, about dome reb, recently there was information about the cover system, that is, the system that provides cover for the entire country due to the fact that global positioning signals are suppressed positioning in drones complexes, cruise missiles , attack drones of the enemy, can we say that this approach is optimal in order to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's attack forces, yes, of course, it is, let's say that... at the moment, in today's
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situation, it is optimal, but it is necessary to understand that there will be some changes again, that is, in today's world, when some situation changes so quickly and to say that it is optimal today and it is for a long time, no, today it is necessary to understand that there will be some changes and one must think and if something happens otherwise, that's right... in this direction, we must also think about what other options the enemy can use in order to go a little ahead in development, that is , in fact, we can say that the combination of various means into a single system, it precisely ensures density on the one hand, and on the other hand it must be flexible and respond to the changes that will occur in the solutions that the enemy will try to implement, so what about when we talk about... about russian means of combating
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air targets in the rebot system were just last week, there was a report that the enemy is trying to influence poland, or that there are systems operating in the kinnigrad region that are suppressing the reb in poland in nato countries. does this mean that these efforts of the enemy are also sufficiently effective and it is necessary to use some means of countering the russian attack. can such tools be developed and implemented? before the war , russia worked quite hard in the system of radio-electronic warfare, at a long distance, with large capacities, that is, in this segment has been worked out and it is quite strong, and speaking, by the way, we are now seeing the video, it is precisely the coverage of the work of the russian reb systems over poland, where these are. well, the power
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of suppressing gps signals, and the poles said, well , this is basically a threat, you have to fight with them somehow, but how? well, it's necessary for them to think about how to make ground navigation so that they can switch to ground navigation that will use ground sensors to use not those, not those that... because the space ee satellites, that give signals, there is very little power , and accordingly it is quite simple to interrupt this signal, well, let's say this, it is possible to do it with large powers, so it is necessary to think about a navigation system that will be ground-based tied to ground means, there somewhere on the towers mobile communication with higher capacities, so that at a certain moment... you
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can switch and have another system, well , the same european galileo, but from ground stations. well then, this conclusion actually applies to us, should we also consider these challenges? yes of course. and i would like to then to ask more about reb, about the ideal vision of the reb system. now i will draw a picture, you will say what is real and what is not real. conventionally speaking, if we deploy drones, powerful... reb and rtp systems on the hunt, which can simultaneously detect enemy objects, adjust to their frequency, form signals that suppress these enemy systems, and in a narrow direction carry out suppression , that is, not with a wide beam, but with a narrow beam, that is, both rtr, and reb, and a narrow direction at the same time. as far as a technical solution is possible, well, of such a concept, whether it corresponds to the current state.
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yes, of course, it would be, well, a good idea , it's not a cheap situation, and to work narrowly, if a narrow beam is... well, it's far, but you have to take into account that in unmanned vehicles there is such a system as pprc. and today there are drones that have from 700 to 1100 pprc and pass through all these channels, and this is necessary, well, this is a rather difficult situation, and we are working on that, on this today, how to create an effective one in such a wide range. interference in order to be able to cover such a wide range, and the pprc piloted aircraft can be at any of these frequencies, accordingly, it should be a fairly powerful system that covers such a wide range of jamming. you said at the beginning
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of the conversation that there, well, the most optimal there is the current operating range of the mine rebo suppression systems there up to 5 km, despite the fact that we know that now these... enemy fividrons now have a range there of 18 km, sometimes , well, a little less, but within 18 km, can we, relatively speaking, have a reb system of such power that russian fpv drones did not even take off, is this too optimistic a vision, too optimistic a vision, that is , for this there must be extremely powerful systems, secondly, the topography of the area must be taken into account, they can stand and fly at heights there up to 500-600 m to a kilometer, for example , at such distances , the height is already slightly different there, that is, it is impossible to get there with tactical-level systems, but of the tactical level, when they already enter the combat zone, the further it is from the drone operator, the more
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vulnerable it is to the system rap, that's why we are we are talking up to 5 km there, well, if we are talking about for pilots, a pilot must be found, a necessary system is needed. detection, which with the help of triangulation will detect where the pilot is, and only a fire impression on the pilot will work, another option is for the reb system to work on the pilot as well, the system must be quite powerful, but do we have movement in this direction, so when we talk about developments there, which are made by the company tritel or proximus, which create more powerful systems for a longer range. is it possible talk about what their development will ensure the fight against this, well, i think that they should be asked how they develop it, and what are the goals or projects that your company is currently setting as priorities for itself, that you strive to achieve, well, from such the most cool in the near future time? so we
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must have software that will allow us to connect active radar and passive radar to this system, i.e.... the question is detection, detection, both in the passive segment of targets and in the active one, then the system must make a decision , what to apply, or a system of greater power at a greater distance, and it falls into the suppression sector, a given target, or it should be a fire impression, and here it is necessary to understand by what means this impression will be carried out, that is, this system. should work, well, let's say, under control, but it will decide which of the systems to use, based on the software, before the active phase of the war, you had, well, contacts with a number of foreign customers there, a number of foreign
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companies, is there any interest now from the western side enterprises to develop some joint projects, relying on unique ukrainian experiences? er, let's say this, er, it has increased, there is an extremely high interest in ukrainian developments in general, because they are all used in the combat zone, and those that are effective today, they are looking for them, they try to meet there, talk about common things, i don't know, i haven't heard of such e-e situations to date, but i am quite interested. are very interested in the equipment, the way it is used, and the tactics of use, i.e. all of these segments, there is a lot of interest from both western partners and other countries, that
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is, even when you go abroad for a tender, they always say, no, no, we will not be there with them, let's talk with the ukrainians on this topic, they are here definitely professionals. you are now participating in foreign tenders with your products, that is, these products, which have already been created during the war, which have been processed by combat operations, which have a demand in the domestic market, they are there uh... wider ranges and there are the logic of suppression and by various means is constructed differently, therefore, to say that they are exactly like that in terms of guns, of course there are big proposals for us to make there also systems that protect, but now this is the latest order, well, not an order, let's say, negotiations are underway to install systems on... ships, foreign ships, foreign ships. well, mr. yuri, thank you very much for such detailed explanations, for
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what you do for our country, for our defense capability, your company, you personally. and i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was yuriy momot, deputy general director of the peranyateh company, which develops domestic means of electronic warfare. and in conclusion, i will say that now we are at such an important stage of confrontation with the russian federation. we have to bet on effective technologies, technological solutions in the fight against the enemy, because the enemy has a certain quantitative advantage over our armed forces, and this quantitative advantage can be leveled only by asymmetric technological processes, which our leading defense industrial companies are striving for. my name is serhiy zgureytse, stay tuned espresso channels. there are
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the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso.
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congratulations, this is a joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together with beraber, in which we talk about the problems of the occupied crimea, my name is khrystyna yatskiv. i congratulate ayder mozhdabayev, selyam aleykum. peace be upon you, khrystyna khanam. well, let's start, as always, with the security situation around crimea, and we will immediately remind you that it is immediate. connected with those events which are developing on the left bank of the kherson region, and the russian propagandists of voenkora are already returning the meaning of the dnieper-crimean direction to their lexicon, and we also understand that our defense forces are expanding the bridgehead as far as they can do it on the left bank, in connection
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with which the occupiers change the transit regime between crimea and the... temporarily occupied territory of the kherson region. probably, this is connected with , in particular, the attempt to transfer additional forces, both equipment and personnel, from crimea . and the military campaign of our country may well be based in 2024, once again on security in the black sea and around the temporarily occupied crimea, at least that is what us assistant secretary of state for europe and eurasia james o'brian thinks. he. says that it will be possible to put it into practice if the united states is able to allocate financial assistance to our country, well , directly without liberating crimea or limiting the use of crimea by the russians, imagine, in general, the development of the situation in our favor in this war, quite difficult
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let's see how it will be, this does not cancel what we have to do ourselves, and for the first time. turn to help the army, huh, and this is one of the main things that we do, thanks to this iter, i encourage you to help, if you are already watching this program of ours together with espress atp, then know that there is such a 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilidzhikhan, whose commander is the general director of the otr tv channel, yes. such times, lignuri slyamov and this battalion created by order of the command began to be created in august, now it is the southern direction, it is an assault battalion, do you understand what this is and what kind of help our soldiers and officers need, the urgent need at the moment is fpv night drones, that is,
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drones with thermal imaging. cameras that allow you to attack the enemy at night in absolute darkness, so join the collection, you can see the qr code of this collection on your screens, at least 50 such night drones are needed, it is 1.5 million uah, 30 00 uah is the cost of one such drone , it's not cheap, but we won't have anything cheap in this war and... nothing will be free and just watch and discuss war is, well, it's ineffective, it may be interesting, but it doesn't help, so at the same time as you watch this program, donate to drones, donate, help our fighters, there is also a card number, so there are qr codes, there
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is also paypal, who is watching us, maybe it is more convenient there abroad, as well... you can use paypal liberation of crimea means how is it called correctly in ukrainian language dog yes dog well dog yes for sure and a little differently well ok dog gmail .com, look at our program, we will always be there to support such meetings for the only separate unit within the crimean armed forces, which we are proud of and which we support. well... they support the process of deoccupation of crimea, which actually has already begun, and we understand that this will be a very multi-layered story, the most supportive of crimean deoccupation are people who stayed in crimea for various reasons, you know, having the opportunity this week to talk with general of the armed forces of ukraine dmytro marchenko, who takes care of the partial, he
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is so cool, he is one of the best, takes care of communication of our defense forces with the underground in the south in general, so his opinion, which looks more than authoritative , is that people in crimea continue to provide information, extremely important information for the defense forces, let's listen. i will say that there are people in crimea who do not want russian peace there, they want it in... ukraine, and they also help us and will help us, and eh, well, you understand these are the people who were forced to stay there. taking care of their homes there, of some elderly people there parents, there, and they are forced to be there, but they don't exactly want
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a russian peace there, that's why they help us as much as they can, they find channels, they find, they find an opportunity and give us the valuable information about which i already told you, well, the actual full interview with dmytro marchenko, look for espresso on youtube in the espresso comment project, in general, subscribe and be with us, as in fact with the atp tv channel, the content of which is extremely valuable for everyone now, who really cheers for the liberation of crimea, and i would like to remind you that what dmytro marchenko is talking about is extremely important, people really signal, help to find enemy resources, military facilities, movements and so on, but it is very important. it is extremely important to do this in a safe way, and here it is definitely worth noting that messengers such as telegram are not reliable,
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at least i saw a post about it from andriy klymenko, but this post is by volodymyr lyashenko, yesterday once again we received confirmation that it was sent via telegram chat 100% of the information gets to the russians, but in this time, such imprudence of a person led to the fact that she was imprisoned in... him, and the occupiers accuse her of treason. and we include in our conversation volodymyr lyashenko, representative of the national council in the autonomous republic of crimea and in the city of sevastopol. mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. salam aleikum. aleikum salaam. a few words about the incident when a person apparently used the announced telegram bot, transmitted information from... is now in the cells of a russian prison, maybe i am i understand, we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, how often does this happen, and what
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conclusions should we draw from this? in fact, information about such cases is received , but it was not, let's say, verified, but this case, it has already been verified and yesterday i was informed that, unfortunately, it happened that a person provided certain information at the request of one of .. as if pro-ukrainian channels, and after some time the occupiers came to this person and gave her information about what she had written in the telegram channel, conveying this information, and the person is now taking measures against it and trying to accuse it of treason against the occupying state. unfortunately, we hope that this will be a single case and everything will be over. let's put it this way, it's more or less normal, but one must understand that media literacy is a habit that citizens of ukraine, especially those who
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live in the temporarily occupied territory, should have , well, the same habit as, excuse me, brushing your teeth in the morning, that is, it is not possible to use telegram for transmitting any information that may pose a threat to such people, you can't brush your teeth with a toilet brush, i would say so. er , i, mr. volodymyr, i was really surprised that in principle someone still uses telegram, well, it’s good that at least not classmates, but now i want to talk to you, focus attention on what is happening on the propaganda front , which does not stop fighting there, military actions by the occupiers have not stopped for 10 years, this is a long period, and it affects consciousness despite the fact that there are indeed many people in crimea who remain ukrainians, who are absolutely not are subordinate to this government, well, formally
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they live there like this, but they do not serve it , not on the contrary, they do everything they can for ukraine, but, but, in your opinion , what is the impact of this propaganda on your residents of our... temporarily occupied territories, including crimea. well, in fact, the psychology of a person is such that if there are no alternative sources of information for him, even if he is very , let's say, very crazy, but he uses this information, he is still exposed to this information, that is how deep this influence is, i believe that it is, and it is really very important now. moreover, he, the russians are constantly changing him, they are strengthening him through various measures, in particular, for example, now
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the so-called installation project. free equipment of free satellite dishes, which they called, well , it is very strange that they called it another way, they called it russian peace, here is this project, unfortunately, this is their additional influence, efforts to influence, both on the territory of crimea and on the territory , the so-called newly occupied territories. i, i would called, mr. volodymyr , these are noodle plates, well, actually, well, but don't say that, but... but, but the noodles are very tasteless, in fact, i'd say they're even, sorry, they're poisonous, they're dangerous for for the mental health of a person , ugh, mr. volodymyr, in such conditions, what should we do, how should we act in this direction of information, because unfortunately, when the occupiers strengthen, constantly maintain the level and mass of propaganda, unfortunately, in our
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state . the opposite has happened in recent years, it started even before of a full-scale invasion, when the only crimean tatar tv channel atr was deprived of state support, it simply provoked, provoked treatment, well, i don’t know how to say it in ukrainian, they just like it, no, on the contrary, the russians, they were very happy about it, yes, and it was theirs such an absolute victory, well, it cannot... not agree with this, when such an enemy is weakened 100 times there, like the tr tv channel, which was there, well, such a powerful tool of counter-propaganda, now, unfortunately, almost nobody in team, well minimal the number of people, just to provide a minimum broadcast, news in the crimean language, in the ukrainian language, and there are a few direct analytical programs left there, everything
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we can... we do, even without money, the main thing for us now is the support of the 48th separate assault battalion , the commander of which was created by lyno ruslyamov , the general director of our tv channel, but what is, is what is, and the situation, the situation does not change at all, it will soon be the third year of a full-scale invasion, and how in such conditions, when the emphasis is on the crimean direction , well, frankly, no, here is our program, there may be something else somewhere, but for sure ... it is not much, what are you like, as a member of the national council for television, radio broadcasting, specifically in the crimean direction, what, what are your thoughts, what are the prospects, what to do , in fact, you can’t lay down your arms, well , sir, well, first of all, i want to say that i am not a member of the nation, i am a representative, that’s it, i’m very sorry, but for the audience, you are a small representative of the national council in general, this is a slightly different situation, because he is a member of the national council
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actually. has to make decisions, but collegially, and the representative of the national council is still a bit of an administrative position, but i can say that i, for example, see that there are at least three directions, the first direction, about what you said, it is now i am trying to change the principle, to change the legislation in terms of support, state support of the media dealing with the crimean issue, which cover the issues of the people's republic. with crimea in the media of ukraine, this is the first, personally, well, my attitude to this, that the mechanism provided by the legislation today is a peacetime mechanism , and it cannot be used in our situation, because it is ineffective, another mechanism must be developed, which will clearly give the opportunity to make powerful materials precisely to those media that understand the crimean
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topic, so that we don't have such... cases as, for example, there, i'm sorry, there is some low-grade humor there, there is a diesel show or something else related to the crimean people, this is unacceptable. the second direction that i see, in particular, if we are talking about this one, let's say so, russian peace, then it is to turn to the international, international telecommunication union, to turn to certain appeals from the ukrainian side regarding. the use of certain algorithms that will allow influencing the russians' use of the radio frequency resource for their propaganda, that is, in the direction that it cannot be used, and the third very powerful mechanism, as i see it, is sanctions, it is to add these people who produce in here's the equipment, and this uh...


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