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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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with drones, and does this mean that if these fpv drones that attack our armored vehicles now receive the function of such machine vision, that is, they will be able to target the final area of ​​​​the attack due to the fact that they capture the target, or not create a threat for the fact that the actual dome rap in such conditions will also be limited in its capabilities, well, then it will be necessary to work on increasing the range and... have a system that will inform that the infrared camera is aimed at the tank, and he and the operator or the armored car must see, that it works, and then it will be necessary to understand how to beat the situation in such a way that phi does not hit the bucket, well, if that. well, not
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theoretically, today our partners are there, who in lviv have developed a system that detects that you have been targeted, whether with a sight or a camera with infrared radiation, and it informs about what it sees, and informs about the fact that you are seen has been imposed on you, and now you have to think about how to ensure, or create an obstacle, in what ... way so that the camera does not work, and when we talk about the reb, that on your samples, i saw a video of the tests, when you tried to put the suppression system on the quadcopter and lift it into the air, this direction is developing, is there any prospect in this, that at the current stage, yes there is a prospect, there are to date, partners who designed the plane and they want to install it. there
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are special channels for suppression and work from the air, that is, we are now making a block under them and now we are looking for an antenna so that they can conduct the first tests, and at one time you had a concept called closed the sky, where it was envisaged, as i think, the integration of various means of detection, maybe means of suppressing drones or unmanned aerial vehicles, or this... concept was offered to certain communities, certain cities in order to adopt, in order to protect the space above their city , of course we already have certain protocols of intentions and in lviv, we met andriy ivanovych, he became interested in this system, precisely the trls that we are currently preparing, there is a software complex for them, it is being prepared. er, they
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will be detected by detection systems that are still passive, er, that is, there will be a combination of fire impression and suppression, and it will all work together from one command post, that is, lviv, among other things, is interested in having such a comprehensive defense system, and it will include all your developments, in addition to means of fire impression, fire we also pick up impressions, because there will also be a firing module that will be used on the car, and it is also ukrainian -made, it has already been tested, and is in service with the armed forces. and when we will further increase the scope of the reception of anti-aircraft weapons, we talked there about guns, about anti -aircraft fire, about dome anti-aircraft fire, recently there was information about the cover system, that is , a system that provides cover for the entire country due to the fact that global positioning signals are suppressed. using
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unmanned systems, cruise missiles, attack drones of the enemy, can we say that this approach is optimal in order to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's attack forces? yes, of course, he is, let's say that at the moment at today's time it is optimal for the situation, but you need to understand that there will be some... mines again, that is, in today's world, when a situation changes so quickly and to say that it is optimal today and it will be for a long time, no, today you need to understand that there will be some changes, and you have to think, and if something will be different, then in this direction you also have to think about what other options the enemy can use. in order to
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go a little ahead in development, that is, in fact, we can say that the combination different means of repticing into a single system, it just provides density on the one hand, and on the other hand. should it be flexible and respond to the changes that will occur in the solutions that the enemy will try to implement? yes, and when we talk about russian means of combating air targets in the rebot system, there were literally last week reports that the enemy is trying to influence poland or that there are systems operating in the kinograd region that suppress reb in poland in nato countries , or... does this mean that this the enemy's efforts are also sufficiently effective and it is necessary to use some means of countering the russian enemy, can such means be developed and implemented? before the war , russia worked quite hard in
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the radio-electronic warfare system, at a long distance, with large capacities, that is, they have developed this segment and it is quite strong. and speaking, by the way, we are now seeing the video, it is precisely the coverage of the work of the russian reb systems over poland, where these suwal corridors and these darker areas speak of more, well, the power of suppression of gps signals, and the poles said, well, this is basically a threat, it must be fought somehow, but how? well , it is necessary that they think about how to make land navigation so that they can switch to land navi'. which will use ground sensors in order to use not them, not those that, because space satellites that give signals, there is very little power, and accordingly it is quite simple to break this signal, well, let's say this
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, maybe with large powers do it therefore, it is necessary to think about a navigation system that will be ground-based. to ground means there somewhere on mobile communication towers with higher capacities, so that at a certain moment it is possible to switch and have another system, well, the same european galileo, but from ground stations. well then, this conclusion actually applies to us, should we also consider these challenges? yes of course. and then i would like to ask about the reb, about the ideal vision. topics reb, i will now draw a picture, you will say what is real and what is not real. conditionally speaking, what if we we will place powerful reb and rtp systems on the bows, drones, which can simultaneously detect enemy objects, adjust to their frequency, form signals that
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suppress these enemy systems and carry out suppression in a narrow direction, that is, not with a wide beam, but with a narrow beam, i.e. at the same time and... ter and reb and narrow direction, how far is a technical solution possible, well, such a concept, does it correspond to the current state? yes, of course, it would be, well, such a good idea, this is not a cheap situation, and work narrowly, if narrowly the beam is, well, it's far, but it should be taken into account that in unmanned vehicles there is such a system as pprc. and today there are drones that have from 700 to 1100 pprc and pass through all these channels, and this is necessary, well, this is a rather difficult situation, and we are working on this today, how
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to create an effective obstacle for such a wide range that it was possible to cover such a wide range, and pprc piloted aircraft. already at any of these frequencies to become, accordingly, it should be quite powerful a system that closes such a wide range of jamming, you said at the beginning of the conversation that there, well, the most optimal there is the current range of the mine rebo suppression systems up to 5 km, despite the fact that we know that now these enemy fpi drones are now have a range there of 18 km, sometimes a little less, but within 18 km, can we, relatively speaking... have a reb system of such power that russian fpv drones do not even take off, is this an overly optimistic vision , an overly optimistic vision, that is, for this there must be extremely powerful systems , secondly, the topography of the area must be taken into account, they can stand and fly
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there at heights of up to 500-600 m, up to a kilometer, for example, at such distances, the height there is already a little different, that is, to and get there ... this is impossible with rap systems of the tactical level, but at the tactical level, when they already enter the combat zone, the further it moves away from the drone operator, the more vulnerable it is to the system. that is why we are talking up to 5 km there, well, if we are talking about for pilots, a pilot must be found, a necessary a detection system that will detect where the pilot is with the help of triangulation and only fire impressions on the pilot to work, another option is for the reb system to work on the pilot as well, well , the system should be quite powerful, but do we have movement in this direction when ... there we are talking about developments there, which are made by the company trytel or there by proximus, which create more
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powerful systems for, well, the longest range, can we say that their development will ensure the fight against this, well, i think that they should be asked , how they develop it, and what are the goals or projects that your company sets as a priority for itself, what do you want to achieve in the near future, so we must have... software that will allow you to connect active radar and passive radar to this system , that is , the first issue is detection, detection both in the passive segment of targets and in the active one, then the system must decide what to use, or a system of greater power at greater distances, and it falls into the sector suppression, a given goal. or it must be a fire impression, and here you need to understand by what means this
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impression will be made, that is, this system must work, well, let's say, under control, but it will decide which of the systems to use, based on the software, you have before the active phase of the war, there were contacts with a number of foreign customers, a number of foreign companies, or now there are... on the part of western enterprises to develop some joint projects, relying on the unique ukrainian experience? let's put it this way, there has been an extremely high interest in ukrainian weapons in general, because they are all used in the war zone, and those that are effective today are looking for them, trying to meet there. i don’t know if i’m talking about something common , i haven’t heard of such
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situations to date, but they are interested quite a lot, and they are interested both in the equipment and in how it is used and in terms of the tactics of use, that is, there is a great interest in all these segments and the western partners and others countries, that is, even when you go to a tender abroad, then... they always say, no, no, no, we will not be there with them, let's work with the ukrainians on this topic, they are definitely professionals here, and you are now participating in foreign tenders with their products, yes, that is, this product, which was already created during the war, which was processed by combat operations, which has a demand in the domestic market, it has a wider range there, and there the logic is constructed in a different way... pressure and by various means, so to say that they are exactly that such for rifles, of course there are big
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proposals for us to make there also for systems that protect, but now the last ones, this is an order, well not an order, let’s put it this way, there are negotiations on installing systems on ships, foreign ships, foreign ships, well mr. yuriy , thank you very much for such detailed explanations, for what you are doing... for our country, for our defense capability, your company, you personally, i will remind our viewers that my co-developer was yuriy momot, the deputy general director of the pyranytech company, which develops domestic means of radio-electronic warfare, and in conclusion i will say that now we are at such an important stage of confrontation with the russian federation, where we must bet on effective technologies, technological solutions in the fight against the enemy, because the enemy has... a certain a quantitative advantage over our armed forces, and this quantitative advantage
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can be leveled only by asymmetric, technological processes, which our leading defense industrial companies are striving for. my name is serhii zgurets, stay tuned espresso channels. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. ex-deputy chairman of the dnipro district court of kherson. what happened is an exclusively positive moment. there are mass extortions from khylian people in the court in odesa. actually, it turned out that specifically four people... made all these decisions. congratulations. you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. the judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. the reformation process is extremely difficult, in particular because of the fact that it is ongoing during a full-scale war. the higher judicial bodies, the higher council of justice and the higher qualification commission of judges were formed
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practically from scratch. however, the course of judicial reform, which is a key requirement on ukraine's path to the eu, is influenced by other events, in particular , the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system. today, we will tell you about how judges in odesa en masse disarmed men from mobilization. but let's start with the news. the supreme council of justice, on the second attempt, considered the message of the judge of the dnipro district court of kyiv, yulia ivanina, and the appeal of the meeting of this court about'. interference in the administration of justice, however, the case was heard in closed session, which was requested by the judge herself for security reasons. the judge asks for this notification about interference in the judge's activities regarding the administration of justice, i ask that it be considered at a meeting of the supreme council of justice, council of judges of ukraine in closed session, taking into account
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the circumstances i have outlined regarding the threat to the safety of my family members, in particular minor children. thirteen members supported the decision to hold a closed hearing grp according to his results, the supreme council of justice decided to contact the office of the prosecutor general and the director of the state criminal investigation department to check the circumstances of the search in the dnipro district court of kyiv two weeks ago. members of the vrp draw the attention of the state bureau of investigation to the need to observe guarantees of independence of judges and maintain the authority of justice during investigative actions. the council of justice will also contact the court security service regarding security. personal safety of judge yulia ivanina and her family members. we will remind, 11 in january, the meeting of judges of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv was informed about the conduct of a search in the court, which took place with numerous violations of procedural legislation and without a decision of the investigating judge. at the same time, without proper grounds, the employees of the sbi took pictures on their personal mobile phones
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of the draft of the yet-to-be-announced court decision and searched and examined many people who were in prison at that time. court officials after the interview, the higher qualification commission of judges recommended to the supreme council of justice to dismiss the odious judge kharkiv district administrator olena izovitova vakim. izovitova vakim - judge of the maidan. in 2013, it passed a decision to ban peaceful gatherings in support of euromaidan in kharkiv. initially, the judge banned peaceful demonstrations from november 26 to 29 , 2013. and the very next day , the fence will be taken indefinitely. protest actions. the previous composition of the high council of justice recognized that the judge had violated the rules of procedural law, but exempted her from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. judge olena izovitova vakim has a lot of property, appearance which is difficult to explain by income. and not only her, but also her children, who, with the minimum salary, became owners of expensive cars. mother of judge lidia izovitova, head
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of the national association of lawyers of ukraine and associate of putin's godfather, viktor medvedchuk. the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against volodymyr serdynskyi, judge of the brovyr city district court of the kyiv region. it will be recalled that serdynskyi was bribed with us$ 400. according to the investigation, the judge received an illegal benefit from the representative of one from the parties in a civil case for making a decision in their interests. part of the money in the amount of 1. he received it earlier, when the decision was made to extract evidence in the case. when receiving the second part. funds in the amount of 3,000 dollars for a debt collection decision in favor of the plaintiff serdynskyi were stolen by nabu detectives in the heat of the moment. during the searches , 15,500 dollars packed in different envelopes were seized from serdynskyi. recently , a video of a luxurious palace belonging to the family of the former deputy appeared on the internet
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chairman of the dnipro district court of kherson andrii ivanyshchuk. here everything is in the best traditions, items of excessive luxury for everyone. precious paintings steps away, a pool and even an elevator. the ivanyshchuk family owns a whole complex of elite houses in the center of kherson, with a total area of ​​1126 m2. the largest house, which, according to documents, belongs to the judge's mother, reaches 850 square meters. for comparison, the famous honka yanukovych in myzhigirya is only a little over 600. here hangs a portrait of andriy ivaneshchuk as an officer of the russian imperial army. andriy ivanyshchuk, son ex-chairman of the appeal. anatoly ivaneshchuk of the kherson region, who in 2012 was detained by employees of the kyiv uboz after receiving a $100,000 bribe in a restaurant in the center of kherson. however, he managed to escape. punishment. in 2014, the central district court of the city of mykolaiv acquitted him. anatoly ivanyshchuk was able to retire, keeping his judge's pension. his son
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andriy ivaneshchuk became a judge of the dnipro district court of the city of kherson in 2002. in three years, he was already appointed deputy head of court he held this position for 11 years until the dissolution of the court in 2016. the president came to the conclusion about the need to... create the kherson city court and unify the three district judges that exist and still exist in kherson. in my subjective opinion, the formation of a new court based on three judges is an exclusively positive moment. presumably then, in 2016, andriy ivaneshchuk was convinced that he would continue working in the newly created court. however, higher qualification the commission of judges made a decision on his transfer to the position of judge ochakivska. of the city and district court of the mykolaiv region. he did not agree with such a career turn and successfully appealed the decision of the bkks. thus , ivanishch managed to work for another 2.5 years in
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a non-existent court and receive a salary without administering justice. on august 20 , 2019, the supreme council of justice dismissed him. during his time as a judge, andriy ivaneshchuk and his family were able to build and furnish not only this luxurious estate. as of 2017, a former judge. he also owned a five-room apartment of 267 m2, also in the center of kherson. his mother had another house, an office for living quarters. elite real estate was also owned by the father, who managed to escape anatoly ivaneshchuk's prison. the current whereabouts of this large successful family is unknown. according to the sources of most , they probably left for crimea at the beginning of the occupation of southern ukraine. the security service of ukraine and the national anti-corruption bureau exposed a corruption scheme in the belgorod-dniester city and district court odesa region, with the help of which men
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could leave the territory of ukraine after paying a bribe. for $3,500 , decisions were made in court that fictitiously determined the place of residence of minor children by husband. this gave conscripts the right to go abroad after being conscripted. according to the investigation, the scheme has been operating since mid- april 2022. over 1,000 similar decisions were issued during this time. a lawyer involved in the scheme was looking for clients. pravozahnyk also acted as an intermediary during the transfer of money. scheme with fictitious ones court decisions on the residence of children in favor of the father became active just at the beginning of a full-scale war and last year gained skyrocketing momentum. ngl media journalists have analyzed such court decisions since 2021 . then there were 289 of them. in 2022, the number increased to 859, and in 2023 it is as many as 2,708, and 30% of them were approved in
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the belgorod-dniester court. we actually found that four judges in particular made all these decisions. you can apply if you have a housing lease. i have reasons, because it is called according to the place apply to the court for registration. and actually, in my opinion, these are the things. also testify about the scheme, well, because most people, well, accordingly, did not live. according to the investigation materials , one of the key figures in the scheme is the former chairman of the belgorod-dniester district court , oleksandr boyarskyi. so if it was not the pressure of the court today, then what was it at all. and i am asking you to shed light on this issue. oleksandr boyarsky was informed of the suspicion. the higher anti-corruption court chose a preventive measure for him in the form of detention worth of the possible. leave on bail in the amount of uah 1,59,800. boyarsky has already announced that he will pay the bail, and this is not surprising, money
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is not a problem for the judge. odesa media call the boyar judge a millionaire. for 2022 , he declared $30,000 in cash. the judge has $72, almost 46,000 euros and almost 3 million hryvnias in his accounts. oleksandr boyarskyi is currently also involved in another case. in july 2000, the state bureau of investigation exposed him to a fraud attempt, the chairman of the court , through the mediation of the lawyer, promised the resident odeshchyna to ensure that another judge makes a positive decision. at first, the judge and the lawyer planned to receive uah 700,000 from the citizen, and then reduced the amount to $600. the law enforcement officers documented the transfer of $3,500 to the judge, the lawyer was detained while receiving the rest of the funds. there is now an open criminal case against him, which is still being investigated. and it is still in court. the supreme council of justice suspended boyarskyi from administering justice. however, he returned to his post in two months. journalists identified the names
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other judges. of the gorodnistrov court, which issued decisions that allowed men to evade mobilization and go abroad. our rating was the current chairman of this court, valentyn zaviryuha, that is, he was also second, third, this is serhiy savytskyi. officially, in the case of the sbu and nabucza , the judges do not yet appear, in general, the judges of the belgorod-dniester court could earn more than 3 million dollars, helping men fake divorces in order to mobilize and leave the borders of ukraine. today i have everything, it was the judicial control program and me tatyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. events, events that are happening right
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now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however , it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. more than 1900 ukrainian children were deported to russia, and this is not the final figure, because russia refuses to provide complete lists of children deported from ukraine. in particular, ukrainian boys and girls who, even before the start of the full-scale invasion, were in boarding schools in the temporarily occupied territories were deported to russia. and
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today... we will talk about one of these difficult stories, this is 15-year-old sashko ivanov, who is now considered missing. the boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days later before the beginning of the full-scale invasion, all the pupils of this boarding school were allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities. this was told to us by grandmother sashka, who is currently in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson.
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rostov region. above all, svitlana oleksandrivna wants to find her grandson, and if he is really deported to the russian federation, then to return sashko to ukraine and take him under his care, although it is likely that sashko is actually in russia, but at the moment, this is inaccurate information that is currently being checked. and therefore i am asking absolutely everyone who is watching this video now, please look carefully at sasha's face, he looks 14-15 years old, sir'. build has light pink hair and brown eyes. so, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, do not delay and immediately inform us on the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 11630, which is free from all mobile operators. also, it is possible that this program is seen on the internet in russia, where youtube still works , so if you know any information about sasha ivanov, you can to confirm that he is really in... then
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write to us on the children's search service website, or on the children's search service's facebook or instagram. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. let's not be indifferent, and let's try to find sasha ivanov together. also, i ask each of you to share this video on your social media pages if possible. in general , the deportation of children is an element of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if... if you are aware of any crime against a child, in particular, about kidnapping or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website, you can do it even anonymously. i also ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. here in the missing children of ukraine section, you can see boys and
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girls who are currently missing. wanted look carefully into their ob'.


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