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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel. presso: the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine has get. the right to start negotiations on joining
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the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make up stories, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. big. vasyl zima's broadcast, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will discuss with you, two hours, to find out about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please have a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events.
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the people's deputy of ukraine was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening.
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myroslav czach, public figure, historian, journalist , deputy of the polish sejm, second and third terms of office, will be working at the spresso studio now. glory to ukraine, mr. myroslav, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, donald tusk and president zelensky, denys shmyhal, met and talked , we understand, in fact it is about a complete reboot , not only those or others. tactical points, and
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in general about a new vision of what is called the economic-social-security policy of nato's eastern flank. this story much more than bilateral polish-ukrainian relations, so the meeting took place also symbolically that donald tusk made his first foreign visit as the head of the polish government to kyiv. poland and ukraine are starting to work on a guarantee, the so-called agreement on security guarantees, that is , poland to the statement of the g7 group from vilnius from the nato summit from last year and the development of a bilateral document similar to the one signed by great britain and ukraine during the visit of the prime minister in january of this year is beginning an important fact, because the government of the previous polish government, the government of morowiecki, did not join this declaration. which was a very
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significant and very alarming signal that poland is withdrawing from its support for ukraine. today, this page has already been turned over and poland is returning to support. of ukraine in the military aspect, which was confirmed by president zelenskyi, who said that a package of military aid is being prepared by poland. the second result of tusk's visit to kyiv is that a well-known person, a well-known politician, pavlo koval, has been appointed as plenipotentiary of the government of poland for the reconstruction of ukraine. but it means that there is a person, he is extremely favorable to the arc. ukraine has been a guest at espresso for many years, he is now the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the seimas, that is, a prominent figure in polish politics, and that person is responsible for this
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. i think he has ambitions and a desire to develop precisely this cooperation, so that these are not declarations, but filled with real content. and now with regard to the already specific situation with agriculture, with transportation and so on, here he voiced the development. prime minister shmyhal, and he said that a bill is being drafted in the ukrainian parliament on equalizing the rights of polish and ukrainian carriers, i think that this is not a problem, poland is invited to poland, polish companies are invited to the construction of the autobahn from krakow to rivne, i.e. all that really concerns the residents of lviv and the western region, if the autobahn is built to rivne, it will greatly simplify all transportation and so on, this is the second aspect, and the third, related to the fact that the work is starting, or in fact, the work is already continuing so that in the matter of agricultural products, the export of ukrainian agricultural products to poland is not
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a stumbling block in bilateral bilateral relations, and from what i am following, poland is getting closer to adopting the romanian model, that is, there is export. here are agricultural products, but in some part of the grain, for example, corn or something, when too much is imported to poland, then the license system for ukrainian exporters is included, that is, then it is necessary to ministry and to go and get such an appropriate license, i think that this is ultimately a clear, realistic package of cooperation in those very specific cases that, well, for the last six months... a year or more than six months, have poisoned our lives, so nothing felt there are troubles in the relationship between president zelenskyi and president andrzej duda, then the clouds began to thicken, and accordingly we received several extremely significant scandals, well
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, we understand that the geopolitical page has been turned, so it is already to a large extent history, and the second point, can something similar happen again now, well, let's say what happened, well, actually. calling a spade an embargo on four types of agricultural products, and before it was for all types, plus blocking the border meant that poland entered the economy in this free trade, trade war with ukraine, we call a spade a spade, there was a state of trade war between ukraine and poland . atmosphere, it was actually a trade war, only a trade war is simply unique, because what caused losses to ukraine, well, of course, this is how the front trucks are blocked, 600,400 trucks are standing, they cannot enter ukraine with humanitarian aid, with a normal commercial
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component there, military with the help of ukraine, but it caused damage to the polish economy, poland earns in general. if we take into account the exchange of goods between ukraine and poland, poland earns from ukraine, because it exports more than it imports from ukraine, for two years years, the war years, and thank god that donald tusk, as the prime minister, understood this situation, and that he used all his leverage to stop this state of affairs, it is so when we talk about the global aspect, but we they turned that page and... i believe that there will be no return to this state under the current government, the biggest guarantee of this state is himself, the very person of donald tusk. there is a feeling that this year, well, it can pass under the sign of two donalds, it is donald tusk, without a doubt, yes, when we talk about eastern european politics, and
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donald trump when we talk generally about continental security policy. i am very grateful to you, anton, for what you said , this is one of the most iconic political figures in europe, and so it will in fact be. currently , negotiations are underway to restore the so-called weimar triangle - france, germany and poland, and poland's role under tusk's premier will be much greater in europe than it was under yaroslav kaczyński or andrzej duda, that's for sure. and relations between ukraine and poland in such perspective, when to look at them, well, they have a very important meaning, after all, ukrainians do not need to explain this. now with regard to donald trump , i am closely following the primaries and
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what is happening, well, everyone has already written off our lady niki haliv, in fact, she is already in a losing position and so on, i would think that this is politics, it is a complicated thing, an election campaign also, qualities, leadership qualities and results are very important, the primaries in new hampshire were not so bad 55 to 44, this in favor of trump means that nicky hull is not on such losing positions for me, but well, other wiser people who are more familiar with the american situation say that it is lost, well, well, let's say lost, but all of them are observers who say that trump is not too happy with the course of the primaries , and taking into account the fact that among republican voters, a third say that they will not vote for him under any circumstances, and there is such a category, which are those who have not yet... decided, that is, who are watching, who are , they have a negative
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electorate or a very negative perception of trump is large and it is getting stronger, that is, when we calculate the overall national level, when trump will have a duel between the president and biden, the results can be very different, although today trump leads with a margin of 3-4% over biden, so to speak and everyone is saying ... well, biden can win and so on, so so, so the situation doesn't sound like that. now the republican primaries show that trump does not have such a large dominance among republican voters, yes, he has a huge dominance in the republican party, but not among republicans voters, but i understand, well, but in any case, trump is back in big politics, and trump will shape the political agenda in the united states. well, right before the election, so we don't know what the end of the election campaign will be like in the united states, but
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trump's influence is already there, he started sending signals, sending signals, and no one can decipher them correctly, well, because trump is trying to keep his mystery geopolitical, maybe he's just lying, maybe he's just promising, but in any case he's demonstrating that he has the guts or another plan, but taking into account his previous political credit history in europe, his pogrom was very well remembered. so to speak, to nullify the influence of the united states on the european continent. europeans pay more for their security. europeans began to think in global categories, and global categories consist in the fact that they understand that america is objectively determined to confront china, china's forces are weakening, their economy is weakening, but the americans need, there is this detached kimirchin or whatever he calls it. americans should engage
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challenges in asia. india is not easy. india is forming its own so-called nationalist agenda. god knows if it will not occur to the indians that they also had some kind of empire there once 3 thousand years ago they will return pakistan, well, what are they trying to achieve from time to time. so americans have something to do, right? russia is for... and all europeans recognize at that moment that russia is also an existential threat to europe, and in europe it is necessary to prepare for a confrontation with russia and not to rely so heavily on american, american assistance, and when talking about trump, i will always emphasize for the time being 11 months before the election, who is the president of the united states, that's right, joe biden, you have to ask joe biden, everyone understands. schedules and so on, but trump has not yet become president, the president of the united states is joe biden, and we need to talk about
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what joe biden will do for ukraine and what he has committed to in relation to europe, and here an extremely important role , and these are american as well, and observers, journalists, experts, everyone is talking, the activation of great britain and the united absolutely the position of the conservatives, and the party, and the labor party, the labor party, they will also have higher elections. regarding security issues, the position is the same: support ukraine, strengthen nato and strengthen the european component. you. the speech of the british minister of defense, who interpreted britain's security guarantees for ukraine, was simply phenomenal. there was also a phrase that i just remembered: great britain said: "our union with ukraine is for 100 years, we will not withdraw from ukraine, russia, forget about the fact that great britain will leave ukraine, that's how
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phrase, extremely expensive. great britain has always been. there are and how many f-16s are behind this phrase, i understand what you are talking about, miroslav, but on the other hand, we remember that the republic of poland, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, had extremely powerful treaties with france and the united kingdom, when we talk about the year 1939, yes, but help was given, but the so-called strange war was going on, well, and accordingly now we understand that our european union... is demonstrating its readiness, but here the question is, so to speak, in the little things, well if we are talking about aviation, for example, this is not a small thing, of course i am being ironic, but the decision is still on the table, no, the decision, but today colonel ignats said that our partners are ready to hand over f-16 to ukraine today, they are standing, nothing it has changed since our
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conversations that the dutch, danish and norwegian f-16 are ready to be transferred. country, but we do not have the infrastructure to receive and serve them, it is precisely with the leopards, the leopards handed over, and then the minister of defense of the republic of germany boris pistorius said that in 2024, germany will train 10,000 ukrainian soldiers and hand over 80 leopards, the problem is where to repair them and where are the spare parts, it may seem absurd, but in fact europe is after the country. the end of the cold war disarmed, and the military-industrial complex also dripped a little for export , they gave something there, in return for their own forces and would still help during such a terrible war, which is the russian one, which is the russian-ukrainian war, they are not ready, they are slowly being pumped up, but they are being pumped up, that is, they are to what i am leading, the war situation in 2024
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will go to a completely different level, this is a completely different level. which will be built , a system of alliances will be built, and political decisions based on that, and military, based on that decision, economic decisions, in the end, will be such that ukraine will really be provided with all the means for ukraine to win, defeat russia on this attitude, secondly, for ukraine to strengthen its own forces so much that it can last 100 years, as someone in russia can think of. attack ukraine and or some other other countries , that is, a completely different configuration is lined up, whether trump will be president or not trump will be president, at that moment it starts to matter absolutely less, because the system is working, the states are working and their armed forces and the military-industrial complex are working. but europe
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can now go through a series of elections, so almost half of the european union states will go through national elections. this year, well, and accordingly, we see how the right-wing populists are warming up, but at one time, for example, slovakia pleasantly surprised us, yes, when it elected the fizo party, well, we can see certain miracles of this plan in quotes, of course unpleasant, i don’t know there, in the netherlands, in belgium, and what, and and, and who makes the decisions, elected politicians, i don't know, these or other elites, no, no, then the elites are not, elected, elected governments, of course, and... even the decisions of the coalition, politicians and so on, on the other hand, we do not forget that during the war and the confrontation of such as the minister of defense of germany said, we must be prepared for the fact that russia will go to war against germany by 2020, in the 1930s, this is simply a copernican,
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copernican revolution in the way germans think about their security in general, i'm not talking about sweden and norwegians. who said that in 2-3 years we should be ready for russia to go to war against us, the finns are not discussed in this way at all, that is, we have a radically different situation, this is a radically different situation, and here the roles are already defined, just as in germany, well, all the alternatives, that is , we all forget that there will be elections, well , next year they have, it seems that next year they should hold parliamentary elections election, who? leads the opinion polls , the christian democrats, who have moved away from the angela merkel era, and now they are generally pushing chancellor scholz, that he is not enough. supports ukraine , then for the first time in six months or so, the alternative is losing support there, ukrainians took to the streets of their cities and everyone was shocked, led by
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president steinmeier, and said: there are so many of us, and we stand against this, the threat to the alternative, more moreover, now they call it a bureau or office of protection of the constitution on... gives documentation to ban the activity of the alternative party, because it is a threat to the constitutional order, a threat by the constitutional power can ban the activity of this party, you, anton, did you see such processes six months ago? no, and here we return to poland, poland, its elections, parliamentary elections on october 15 inspired europe, democrats know how to win, societies know how to mobilize for protection, ukrainians are not like that. were mobilized and you simply caused the whole world to wonder that ukraine is this david with that goliath is fighting, and from where does she have strength,
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and sacrifice, heroism and everything, courage, everything that you can say positively, but there is also a non-military way, that is, which shows poland that democrats can win and pro-european and democratic societies can win , but look, returning to security agreements, security guarantees, there is a bilateral, bilateral level, there is a level of what is called security guarantees from the g7 side, well, let's take, for example, the british case, how seriously will they be ready here, well on it's 100 years sounds very good, but how deep will great britain be prepared to enter into what is called the protection of ukrainian national interests, given its colossal, although not as powerful as the united states, resource, and this may also apply to poland. well, you mentioned the 39th year, yes, and the security guarantees of great britain, regarding poland, the strange war and so on, it is necessary
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to consider the bulk, were they ready, were they not ready, and what role did it play in the collapse of these guarantees, that these guarantees did not work , the ribbentrop pact molotov, don't forget that the molotov ribbentrop pact, that is, the hitler-stalin pact was directly directed against the guarantee. as well as great britain and france, which were given to him. hitler would not have gone to war with poland against poland, if he had realized the danger that a second front would be opened, if there had not been, in the aggression, the workers of the christian red army on september 17, 1939, this is clear, and earlier there was the ribbentrop-molotov pact and the division of spheres of influence and so on, which the british already did on the second day. americans knew because agents, well, agents, it might be said that way, the people in auvites amt and in the embassy of the third reich in moscow immediately passed these on, and they knew what
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was being prepared and what kind of war was waiting for us, it would not be a war to defend poland, but it would the world war is already on, and it was also clear on august 3, 1939, now returning, what will those guarantees be? on the part of great britain , what do they mean, so the minister of defense, speaking, among other things, about the guarantees to ukraine and about 100 years of the british-ukrainian alliance, said that they will at that moment strengthen their nuclear forces, and there he said about the construction of about 12 or so underwater nuclear submarines, this is translated into a direct language that counts in the security sphere, not only american, huh. but also the british component is growing like yeast, that is clear, and the second thing is that i will make such a remark, the former ambassador of ukraine to great britain, mr. prystaiko, is very
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good, after all, her ambassador, this qualified diplomat, said when asked, do you imagine that british soldiers can come to ukraine and defend ukraine, he i said yes, i have such a situation... well, let's end on this optimistic note, myroslav, thank you very much for this extremely interesting and productive conversation, i want to remind our viewers that myroslav cheh, a public figure, was currently working on the spresso broadcast. historian, journalist, member of the polish diet of the second and third term. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. we are looking for a three-year-old.
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esfir pavlovsko. the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in the city of oleshki. this settlement was occupied from the first days of the war and the situation there is still very tense. i hope that the connection with the child disappeared precisely because of the occupation, and everything is fine with the girl. unfortunately, it is currently unknown whether the child is still on the left bank of the kherson region. perhaps esfir was taken somewhere, which is why it is important for us to know any information about the child. if you own it. call us at the magnolia child tracing hotline right away by the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we will continue the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, also from the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about the girl's apparition. imagine, a woman
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knows nothing about her fate for almost a year. it so happened that karina's parents separated long before the start of the war and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother on a permanent basis, but on the eve of full-scale she was with her father during the invasion, and when the russians entered, she ended up in the occupied territory. from time to time, the woman says, she rewrites. with his daughter on social networks, but in april 2023, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off. the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and no one knows where she is now. even, well, here in this territory to search for a child, because i don't know where to shout, how to find a child.
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the girl's mother is also present. in the occupied territory, but continues to do everything in her strength to find his daughter. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or who knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna, the date of birth is august 9, 2007. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, does anyone know anything about her? possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am very much waiting for her to respond. thanks
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to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave, and there are problems with communication. help find missing children can. everyone: take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia child tracing website. here you can view all missing photos. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report. and we are
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for. let's use all possible mechanisms for punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings, it's news time on spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians struck with two ballistic missiles in the kremenchutsky district of poltava oblast. this was announced by the head of the region, philip pronin. as a result of the hit, a fire broke out at the industrial facility. rescuers are working on the spot.
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information about the damage.


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