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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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it was constantly being repaired and there were literally a couple of boards left from the first argo , is it still argo, but here’s another thing i thought about, continuing your joke, if in principle the bolt is big enough, screw it into some putin somewhere in in the right place, then it can also be called this reindeer herder or whatever it is called, and in principle it will also then become a ship, and at once a man and a steamship, so to speak, so what, i think that the russians have something to think about, how to upgrade your president before the elections, ee, and the ukrainian navy forces can only help him in this. mr. dmytro, what is still going on with the kerch bridge? in fact, as you know, it is not operated in the mode for which it was designed. it should not be forgotten that the kershchen bridge is not only a transport artery, it is first of all a symbol of imperialism, er, of the russian federation. so-called,
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in addition, other energy highways also run along it, accordingly, it plays a rather significant role in the life of crimea, which is temporarily occupied, taking into account the fact that it was cut off from ukrainian systems, but use it to transport military cargo, currently they are after those uraaj. that he got, they can't, and of course , on any occasion, if there's another air alert, or they have information there that something might be going on, they immediately shut him down, he's on such heightened security, actually involved for its protection there are a lot of various forces and means and anti-aircraft. and the border guards, and
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the chemical army and whoever is not there, they protect it quite powerfully, but at the same time on any occasion, it is covered , so again, it is mostly a symbol, for now, guarding the kerch bridge is dangerous for the russians themselves, for example, due to the fact that the kerch bridge in russia was poorly protected from uavs, for as long as six years on... they put colonel, the head of the maritime management department of the national guard, serhii volkov, so he was not lucky, he said, they accuse him of supplying low-quality radars to protect this particular bridge from drones, they found the last one, now everything is probably fine, nothing, it will go , will now go to some private military company.
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will earn more, like all convicts in russia who have the opportunity to continue serving, especially since the person has a profession, the person has a military rank, a valuable cadre for the next pmc of the russian federation, he just changes the profile, well, on alibaba, where he ordered his own those locators, he says, i don't know, wrote in the description that everything works, i arrived, it turned out to be a mosquito repellent, well, that's how it always happens with those chinese, actually. such defeats are a very complex military operation, and any countermeasure is met by an action, and vice versa, therefore, of course, there is no such solution to a specific problem that is permanent, that is , there is always some kind of countermeasure, so in principle, of course, we understand it, it is a competition of intelligences, military solutions, smarts, as the russians say, there's nothing surprising in the fact that... well, they're just looking,
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roughly speaking, for the culprit. uh, well, i also wanted to ask a couple of extremely serious questions, and this is the question, for example , of taurus missiles, if these missiles were in ukraine, then they say that they could be were used precisely to destroy the kerch bridge, how difficult a task do you think it is for these missiles, and what exactly are these for, if... we needed the missiles in the first place? well, i cannot professionally evaluate these types of weapons, because this is more a matter for the air force. from that, from that , from those reviews that i re-read, they differ from analogues and, first of all , by guidance systems, but, but this is not certain, you still have to ask my colleague, from the air force, nevertheless, any- which
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weapon systems, which are new, which are modern, they can be used appropriately to achieve the military. in the temporarily occupied ukrainian territories, and taurus most likely belongs to such systems that are capable of performing tasks that were more difficult to perform before, let's say. david arahamia said the other day that it would be worth declassifying the data on the losses of ukrainian troops since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, and i am sure that they are... much less than everyone imagines, i understand that this is a question for politicians to decide, and more than military, but nevertheless, i immediately thought about the beachhead under krynkami, and there are a lot of
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reports of serious losses that have to be incurred for the high price that has to be paid, in particular to the marines, the ukrainians, who hold this beachhead, what is the situation there now? well, i cannot comment on this part of the front, i can only point out that the information provided by the so-called russian soldiers, the information provided by their information structures, always has an ipso component, they always try all this, of course, is the work of any propagandist. is to talk about how well we are doing and how badly the enemy is doing, and of course this information that they are reporting about our losses, it is not true because i see the actual statistics, and in this
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regard i can state that everything is not as bad as they say, so, in short , well, thank you very much, mr. dmytro, dmytro platynchuk, the spokesman of... the military forces of ukraine, the captain of the third rank was with us, well, we, we are going further and halyna is with us further kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council , mrs. galina, we say good morning to you, did muscovites get a little sleep last night, tell us, congratulations, yesterday evening the residents of kharkiv heard two explosions, but it was somewhere outside the city, so far we do not know we know what it was, well, in principle, the people of kharkiv are already accustomed... not to find out immediately, to wait for official information, the night was more or less calm in kharkiv, at the same time, we have heated battles in the kupyansk direction, this is the northern the eastern direction of kharkiv region, and there are quite hot battles, the enemy is fighting hard there,
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however, nature is a little on our side, because it is more or less warm, and the enemy cannot use heavy equipment to advance to his desired goal. and the desired goal of the enemy has not changed, it is the kupyansk junction, because the town of kupyansk is located on two banks of the oskil river, and the right bank is higher, and the left bank, where the kupyansk junction is located, part of kupyansk, this is what the russians want to take, and there is a very swampy area, and it is difficult for them to advance, and if they take the kupensk junction, and there a large railway station. and this means that the supply of resources for the russians will be very large, and this means that they will then be able to plan their operation on kharkiv, that is, kupynsk, this struggle for kupynsk is knotty, and they are fighting because they need
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some kind of victory for putin's presidential election to win and the battles are intensified, besides, in the same place, well, in fact , we understand that the wooden border and a lot of these subversive and intelligence groups of russia. also pass into our territory, and there is still a large gray area, there are still occupied territories, from where they also regroup and also carry out shelling, that is, we have such a territory, a hot spot, it is restless there, kharkiv is more or less calm, although yesterday there were funerals of those people who died on january 23, because we had three explosions on january 23 , well , we have what we have, how is kharkiv actually? will not discuss this information that there may be another attack on kharkiv, well, this was written about at the beginning and in january, the british media, and also recently estonian intelligence said that there may be a diversionary maneuver to attack on
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kharkiv in order to pull back the troops of the ukrainian defenders from near kupinsk, in order to try there to make the breakthrough that you, mrs. galyna, spoke about from the very beginning, i am true... i say that yesterday on our air volodymyr fityu, the spokesman for the command of the of the armed forces of ukraine stated that there are currently no signs that such an offensive is being formed there. operation and the forces are gathering against, nevertheless, what, what now, er, what is the attitude of the kharkiv people, actually after this arrival, where the largest number of people died in for the residents of kharkiv from the beginning of the full-scale invasion and from receiving all this information, thank you, well , in fact, kharkiv residents also have their own signs that they are watching for. own criteria, what will happen to kharkov, we understand that if they take the kupyansk hub, then the threat
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to kharkov begins, because they will begin to advance towards izyum and from there they will start shelling kharkov closer, we remember the spring of the 22nd year, in the spring and summer, when kharkiv was shelled simply with different types of weapons, now we are being pelted with rockets, and different types weaponry and hailstones and barrel artillery, it was terrible, even fighters would fire at us then. and in fact, that is, at the moment, since everyone already has their own informants, we are watching to see if the enemy is advancing to the south. the regional administration sends text messages to the residents of kharkiv, which provide hotlines for evacuation, well, if suddenly someone wants to, well , these sms messages are aimed more at residents of that gray area, which is more adjacent to the kupyan region, because there are problems with the internet. .. it is easier for people to read esku than go to the internet and see operational information. i don't see panic among kharkiv residents,
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because they are already used to that, as it goes, people are used to it, if there is a need for some energy resources, for water, people have reserves, that is, the situation here is more or less, i will not say that the situation is different from what it was, people are observant... and have their own beacons, what can happen, actually in kharkiv now after this arrival on january 23 , the air alarm will be activated in a different way, some other approach, what does this mean, ms. galina , tell me, please, and whether at all air alert, is it relevant for kharkiv? thank you, in fact, it’s good that... such a differentiation occurred when there was a separate air alarm for the region,
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another for kharkiv, because we lived endlessly in air alarms, but they still turned on after the arrival of missiles, and therefore if we were already used to it, that there are constant air raids, and constantly, because kupyansk is constantly shelled with flak, vovchansk is shelled, these are the cities that are closer to the border with russia, and there, of course, in that gray zone... alarms are much more frequent, even than in kharkiv, and here it would be a little easier for kharkiv residents, although everyone is already used to air alarms, eh, but it did not affect the vitality of kharkiv residents, perhaps in other territories air alarms affected the activities of some institutions, some shops, well, here, since we know that there is an arrival, and then anxiety, here, in principle , it did not affect the work, no points, no... shops and so on, because it was still, well, nothing helped, to run to metro, you won't be in time, i have to walk to the metro for 5
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minutes, but i still won't have time to run to him, because i hear the arrival first, and then the alarm, so it is unreal, and what about until january 23, when there were powerful arrivals from the russians at 4:00 in the morning, and at 7:00 in the morning and then in the evening, it made me a little angry kharkiv residents, because... that along pushkinska street, which has now become grigorije skovorody street, such an ancient historical district, has simply been destroyed, this is the academy of legal sciences, and this is actually the academy where the judges of the constitutional court gathered for their decisions, precisely in kharkiv, it is such an old mansion, nearby nearby is the building where tadeusz brzezinski , the father of zbigniew brzezinski, lived, it is known that he was in kharkiv in the 1930s as the consul of poland, that is, in fact, it is such an... ancient historical center, where a very large part of the historic, ancient
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buildings were damaged, this is it everyone was so impressed, i 'm not surprised, i'm not surprised that the city council renamed this street after a few days, simply because it was impossible to bear it anymore, i will ask the last question, the british newspaper the telegram wrote about the fact that according to various sources russia is preparing its economy. for another 3-4 years of the great war, i.e. completely, now up to 30% of the russian gdp of the russian budget is spent on... on average, on the war with ukraine, and at this rate, as if they say in the telegraph, they are counting on another 3-4 years, to live and fight with ukraine, and for i don't know, lviv residents, this is not much, probably good information, but what is this information for cities that are in close proximity to
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russia, like you, how to live the next three years, if will there be a war somewhere? at such a level as now, in a word, like, is there any strategy, well, i think that, you know, like, we're being told worst-case scenarios, they're telling us what they're preparing for, along with that, we've got our counter-scenarios, our military is more flexible , more creative, how to live with such, well , the people of kharkiv have already adapted to live, and to... adapted, the people of kharkiv basically know what to do in such situations, and at the same time , we waited a long time for people to russia was changing, especially those people connected with kharkiv, especially people connected with military educational institutions, very many russians have graduated from military educational institutions in kharkiv, we have been waiting for this for a long time, and now there is even information that they
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are thinking about something, but there is information circulating on telegram channels that someone is there from russia. and a military man who worked at the factory where those rockets were manufactured and the rockets flew to kharkiv, his grandmother died and he allegedly committed suicide because of it, maybe it’s a fake, but we expected it in the 22nd year, that a little insight would pass, so what do you know, i was still waiting for the year 2000, but i was interested in the spring of the 22nd, and i was teaching in the military pilots, this is... the school of military pilots in kharkiv, where many russians studied, and then in 2000, 2001 many cadets from crimea studied, but i wonder what happened to them, kharkiv, the city where they fell in love, where they had friends, where they remember all the alleys, what happened to them, how they feel, that is
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, the situation is that russia can plan a lot, but their plans... can change from within, and there will be various such factors, we, you know , they already quantitatively planned kyiv in 3 days, kharkiv in one day, they already planned, but it didn't happen, well, nothing , i think we will stand, we don't have, in the end there are many options, except to stand for as long as it takes, it's 100%, and the main thing is to have this attitude and be ready that maybe it will last longer, if it lasts less, then we will all be happy. so to speak, surprised, if not, let's say, well, in principle , everything went according to plan, finally, finally, we got to where we were going, probably somehow. mrs. galina, thank you, we wish you and kharkiv a peaceful day. halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us at communication, we are going for a short break, we will return, we will continue our roll call, we will move to the dnipropetrovsk region,
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stay with us. there are 15% discounts on tosmai in the pharmacies of plantain bam and ochad. a person who has fallen into a coma will learn the news. saturday's spartak lied to everyone. who? now my girlfriend will come there, and her mother, also my girlfriend. grandma will be. let's play something, show your google search history. direct real search history. we are definitely playing, the elections were 100% for lebigovych, i suggest peeing and sleeping, what can i do a little i'll take a look, in general it's like this, supposedly the first sex in two years, there are 10% discounts on lactiale in
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pharmacies psarynyk, pam and oskad. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say: let's make better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all that. in the informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present the project of their own names with myroslava. barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates.
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we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. hryhor and hryhoriy tyutyunnikov, writers, brothers, sons of the same father, about the relationship of half-brothers, about how to turn from a ukrainian boy into a russian-speaking soviet person and, under the influence of his older brother, to return to his native language. about talent, dignity and the pressure of the totalitarian machine on a person in the documentary grihyr and grihyory tobacconists. sunday, january 28 at 9:30 a.m. at espresso. so, dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our roll call and now we will ask about the dnipropetrovsk region from the deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council khrystyna kalyushik peltek, she is already with us,
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mrs. khrystyna, good morning, good morning, how was the night, what was this sunday morning in dnipropetrovsk oblast, please tell me, the morning in dnipropetrovsk oblast is quiet so far, at night, the nikopol community was hit again. they fired from heavy artillery and shot down a drone over dnipropetrovsk region yesterday evening. well, let's put it this way, the most important thing is that there were no human casualties, and this is possibly the most important thing. what, in principle, does the city live apart from war? tell me, please, what are the topics of hearing now? well, the city lives, of course. that most lives on in war, continues to live by volunteering and helping our guys on the front lines,
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but still, just yesterday, the dnipro telegram channels were shaken by the news that realtors were called and asked whether... apartments in dnipro would be rented out to citizens of russia who support let's say, russian politics, foreign policy. it was said, not directly, but , let's say, er, it was clear, from the conversation itself, and the most terrible thing is that the realtor rebuked, let's say positively, shifted the responsibility to the owner of the apartment, but it was a provocation, it was like that provocation, i don't understand what
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it's about now, yes, yes, it was checked whether realtors are in principle ready to rent apartments to potential occupants, well, let's say that it was one case, but it's a pity that it happened, and it with... of course, what shook, outraged , people, uh, well, here, let's say, in this case, of course, that, as they say, i wang, that after that this person would give his comment, that he expected that she just wanted to hand these people over to the security service or something, but i mean realtors. the position of a realtor, but still, if you resort to now, now, for a second, let's get down to such a critical analysis of exactly this conversation, what
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was said on one side, what was said on the other side, then we see more of such a position, well, parasitic, maybe, what, well, i'll give it to you, i will tell the owners, but... of course that i, let me tell you a few more, will find options, and unfortunately, the question did not arise, on which, on which and in principle, how are these people with a russian passport, with appear on the territory of ukraine, because we know that since the 14th year, all russians who entered the territory of ukraine they either had... to have a permanent residence permit, but it is also possible that they are ukrainians no less than those who have a ukrainian passport.
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because they have lived here all their lives and there are already such other circumstances, let's say this, why did they not renounce this russian citizenship, but relatives also stopped by, and citizens of ukraine wrote, wrote letters to reception points, to crossing points, that i take responsibility , that it is my relative there or my friend, i take responsibility for... the person on myself, please let it go, as soon as someone from belgrade will come and film an apartment here in dnipro and still renting out this apartment, well, that is, yesterday it was natural that such a bomb was local, well, this is what became clear, yes, but i think that there were certainly cases when quietly somewhere there apartments were rented out , well if, if there is a person, then this is
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a bit of pranking from the other side. can you imagine, good day, good day, it is possible to rent an apartment from you in dnipro, but it is possible, well , i have a russian passport, then nothing, nothing, everything is fine, i will write it down as my wife, marchenko, fine, fine, my last name it is necessary, well, tell me, medvedchuk, it’s fine , it’s fine, then come , we’ll figure it out somehow, that’s all, there’s an ordinary surname, medvedchuk and medvedchuk, my lord , well, that’s exactly what the whole matter is, it seemed , not even within the deadline , even so...
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in order to make money and transfer responsibility from... to the owner and say that i'm useless here, ugh, well, it's kind of like this, well, a very parasitic position, you know, but but, but i understand that this reaction was shocked by, well , that is, now shocked by this story itself, yes, of course, one more piece of news, with which the dnipropetrovsk region was a little shocked that three communities did not want to rename the may day pavlograd, i still understand. pavlograd, well, emperor pavlo , well, you and god be with him sounds normal, well, but senelnikovo, where are you from, i’m from senelnikovo, well, and perstotravensk, well, it’s simple, i think it’s just more of a story about what did not agree on how they will be, what will be the new name, because novomoskovsk, which was, well, now nova
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samar, but philologists... say that it is correct that there should be a new samar, and the old name is just samar, er, that is, well , nova samar is better than novomoskovsk. regarding this, well , they will rename it, but just later, when they reach a common opinion. ugh. of course, in my student years i had an acquaintance from novomoskovsk, a good girl. well, sir. there are patrols from there, you see, so we, i also, i think, support the ukrainian manufacturer, and when he changes, when the settlement changes its name, then there will be even more listen, if moscow is destroyed , it can leave at least novomoskovsk, but no , we won’t even leave it, well, we don’t need that russian secondhand, ms. khrystyna, thank you, khrystyna kalyushik, coat-tailor, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us at communication, we talked about what is happening in the dnipropetrovsk region, and now we will learn what is happening in ukraine and
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the world from kateryna shiropoiz. ready to listen to a fresh selection of news from her. katya, i congratulate you on your word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will talk about the consequences of the night attacks on zaporizhzhia and kremenchuk and how volunteers from poltava region are making fpv drones for the front line. greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians fired two ballistic missiles at the kremenchutsky district in the poltava oblast. this was reported by the head of the region, philip pronin. as a result of the hit, a fire broke out at the industrial facility.


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