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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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is now the most important, american aid to ukraine, especially against the background of this letter, which the speaker of the house of representatives of the american congress, mike johnson, sent to his colleagues, in which he says that the agreements on the compromise on the migration legislation and on the aid to ukraine and israel are stillborn, it does it even mean that we will ever get help or not? well, you know, the situation is really complicated, and it got complicated at the last moment, when you got into trouble. ex-president trump, who apparently put the issue of combating illegal migration in the center of his pre-election program. if you answer yes or no now, then i think that the help will still be there, but it will be given at a very difficult price, and for this it will be necessary to work a lot, now in ukraine it will be necessary to work on a... level directly with
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the americans, with the congress, and it will be necessary to work at the state level, that is, to go abroad, create a powerful team and work in all states, well, for example, the way the lithuanians worked when went to nato in the late 1990s, they then toured all 50 states with a powerful team, but we also have to work in this way, work through the diaspora, through the ukrainian diaspora, through the polish diaspora, through the lithuanian diaspora, all of that 25 million people, of course, to work with those institutions that are currently engaged with the republican team, this is primarily the heritage foundation and other institutions, to clarify after clarifying that aid to ukraine
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is clearly in the interests of the united states of america, and how i think not only democrats, but also the majority of republicans , understand the situation in this way, that if the aid to ukraine is not provided, or provided in an untimely manner, and which is in president biden's request for 61.4 billion dollars, then the situation for ukraine will be. it will be difficult, it will be very difficult at the front, and from this, of course, ukraine will first of all not win, it will lose, but europe will lose and the united states of america will lose, and then the world will really look at this whole situation, understand that the united states lose the lead, so it will be very difficult it is not easy, but if the question is to be asked
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categorically, whether we will have help or not, then i am still inclined to the fact that we will have this help, what terms are we talking about, when we can get it, terms more complicated, uh, as mr. vitaly just rightly said, there is the position of the speaker of the house of representatives, mike john johnson, of course, that this position of his... was formed under the influence of ex-president trump , and the purpose of this position is obviously to further put pressure on the democrats , to get some more some things regarding the issue of combating global migration, well, as for ex-president trump, i think that he will insist that the issue is not resolved for as long as possible, not before
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the election itself, but i will repeat again that the majority of republicans for giving aid, and it 's in the interests of america, so in the end , reason and logic have to work and we have to get this aid, but tell me, theremin, it's more difficult, it's obviously not going to be next week, because next week only the senate will come out with some the text of the agreement, which is which was or until now in the process of reaching a compromise, and then the situation will come to the house of representatives. tell me, mr. oleksandr, the donkey says that it is necessary to ask you. no serious american publication, from the new york times to fox news, says a single word about any serious conflict between the administration of president biden and the city government in texas. urban lunatics, of whom there are always enough in ukraine, and who read such an impression. on russian telegram channels or about
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russian tv, and these literally abound, they say that everything in america is a revolution, america is splitting, the third civil war, and what to do with people who do not understand what informational hygiene is. that there is no information in the telegram channels, that the information is verified news, that this is happening between the american administration and the texas local government, that requires such a feverish reaction in e- propaganda channels? well, there is , there is, there is a problem, there is a problem, which is that there is a different vision regarding the fight against illegal migration of the republicans and democrats, well, it seems, what we have already... talked about, what is brewing there, these parties reach some kind of compromise, but there is also the issue of southern states that really suffer from illegal migration, well, if the numbers are correct, which they say , only in december
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, 225,000 illegal migrants entered the united states through the south , about 3 million in just one year, that is, it is a difficult question, what... to place, and these illegal migrants are mainly placed in the southern states , it is very difficult to place them, and we already know that texas by buses transports these migrants to the northern states, aviation has already been set aside, so if there is a question , but of course there are people who are making a sensation out of it, who are making some kind of public out of it. palandian politics, no, i am sure that america is very strong, america has experienced crises more than once in the past, and it will definitely cope with this crisis, that is, they hope that violence is the end of the world, that, or people who do not are competent and do not
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fully understand the situation, or those who specially play along with such statements, so that some of their own specific interests, well, including them. i am absolutely convinced that the propaganda of the russian federation, which has proven its power more than once in america and europe, is actively working. and the russian , russian media, or rather, russian propagandists, those who are pumping this news, what goal are they pursuing, is it for their consumer, or is it calculated for their consumer and for ukrainians, in order to somehow unnerve them once more to pledge to worry, because ukrainians all expect this help from the united states? the ultimate goal russia, uh, to make a barrier so that america and the west, in general, europe would help us. this is the goal of russia, that
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despite such a bravura tone of putin, especially the last months there, when he survived the crisis and when he fled from moscow. from prigozhin, now he seems to have, at least outwardly, a second wind, and he wants to prove that russia is an absolutely huge potential, and this potential will never disappear, and that russia will win anyway, i'm sorry, but the situation in the fact that russia, in my opinion, too is now in such a position that it is somewhere on the edge of its possibilities. and eh, if the war continues, then there will be, maybe even more problems in russia than in ukraine. and tell me, please, what do you think about this story about the so-called new strategy for helping ukraine, which the washington post published today? well, you know, it's sad if
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that's how it's going to be, i'd like to hope, i believe that the post is a very serious publication, and usually what they write has a... place in life, or at least some part, but in this situation i still hope that there is perhaps a bit of journalistic some kind of addition here, and i say once again that it is in the interests of the united states of america, as a world leader , as a leader of the democratic world, as a world leader in general, that so that ukraine does not lose, and ukraine wins, that if, god forbid, something happens to ukraine, then... this will mean that america is losing this leadership, and this is absolutely not in american interests. ukrainians do not pay much attention, of course, to the elections in the united states of america, but those those who are interested in international politics,
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of course, are worried about trump's success. explain in general how trump, with all his toxicity, still... still participates in the elections and still enjoys the sympathy of many americans. well, first of all, based on the constitution of the united states and the law. which do not set any restrictions for a candidate for the post of president, and of course, maybe in some others, well, maybe not, for sure in a number of european countries it would be impossible, but, but ex-president trump is going to the elections and quite confidently, but here i wanted to say that it is not yet does not mean that he has already been elected president of the united states in the future. because today there are three candidates and all of them still have the opportunity
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to become the next president, this is first of all the president, vice president biden, vice president, not vice president, but ex-president trump, and nikki haley, the former governor of south carolina and us representative vaughan, i think the fight will continue and talk. that there are no chances at all in nikihel, and it is also very early, so we will watch, we will see how it will be the situation will develop, and if we talk about all these lawsuits, how serious they are in terms of the political prospects of the former american president, he lost yesterday by a large margin, this was the main news all over the world, you know, they are serious , it will be a situation, well, you can't. they fundamentally, but to a certain extent, depend on what the supreme court of the united states decides on
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the court decision of the state of colorado, to prohibit trump from participating in the primaries in the primaries and in the state of maine, where he is, therefore, the vice governor of state, decided whether the secretary of state, let's say the state secretary of state, decided not to allow. er, trump is a republican primary, and if the supreme court decides in favor of the state of florida and the state of ment, then a slightly new situation will arise , especially if trump loses other lawsuits there, then, too, the american voter, at least part of him, even those who now follow ex-president trump, they will draw conclusions for themselves, at least in part, and these conclusions will not always be correct. ex-president trump, nikki haley
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for ukraine, what it will be, about trump, we understand that, for example, if putin is waiting for trump's victory, then he expects that trump will not be favorable to ukraine, and we, in principle, remember him a statement that, as president biden is, we have already seen in principle, nikki haley, if she wins, then what can ukraine expect, i think. that it will be very good for ukraine. nicky hale is a very experienced and competent politician, she has passed the stage or there, shall we say, passed the office of governor of a state, and very importantly, she was the us representative at the un. the representative of the usa at the un is a person who keeps the pulse, or rather, the finger on the pulse of everyone. events in the world, and thus she is very well versed in
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international politics, understands the extent to which the struggle between the democratic world and dictatorial regimes is going on today, in particular, well, in general, she understands the american interest, and in this context she understands that ukraine is an american interest, and precisely the victory of ukraine in 100%. in the war against russia is one hundred percent in the interests of the united states itself, as a country, as well as the leader of the world, and of world democracy in general , that is why she constantly talks about it, she is really very competent, she understands foreign policy just perfectly, and it will certainly be very good for us, as for ex-president trump, here... also, if, well, no, you don’t need to sprinkle
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your head with ashes, and here, perhaps, is the situation that mr. vitaly spoke about a few days ago, that trump, when he was president, and when champagne was drunk in moscow, when he came to power , then it's, well, it's champagne, let's say yes, for moscow it's sour, that is, here too, i'm not saying that he will necessarily ... stand there 100% for ukraine, but i can't say that he, if ukraine was an interest for him, would cease to exist , that is, he is... a rather original, specific person, and if it happens that he becomes president, it will become clear over time what kind of policy to expect from him, in general, to go to the presidential elections and sit in the chair of the president of the united states of america, from which the whole world can be seen, these are two different things. and in principle, and about
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that trump may want to negotiate with putin, but realistically speaking, he also negotiated with various dictators, such. it did not lead to anything, he has a lot of experience that such arrangements are not serious enough, well i share your opinion, i heard your, your speech recently and i completely share your opinion that if there is somewhere on the third day, let's say they won't be able to agree on some issue, but it won't work 100%, because putin is there, well, as they say in the ukrainian forces, putin is fired up, fired up means he will... start his position, regardless of any logic, then trump can also explode and demonstrate his strength, and the strength of the united states of america against the strength of russia, you know, how can you not compare it, and even more so if you take the whole democratic world, the advantage is somewhere around 20 to one, that's why, well
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, let's wait, as they say, we'll see, we'll see, it will be later with... understood, who will still enter the presidential race from the republicans, so rather it will be all trump, but there is no guarantee that i think there is a chance and nikki haney, trump currently has 20, 32 delegates, and nikki haley has 17 delegates, for a total of 1,225, if i'm not mistaken, delegates for that, or rather a majority of 1,200 . 20 delegates to decide the question of nomination from the republican party. what are the current pain points, what are the current problems for americans, what, what is the present america living now? well, unfortunately, today's america is divided, very strongly, polar on politics,
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yes, and it can be seen from these races, from previous races, and this one. this is this line section, unfortunately, it is not decreasing , at least it is not decreasing, i don’t want to say that it is increasing there radically, but at least it is not decreasing, well, america lives with such worries, domestic politics has always been number one in america, and i think that today it remains number one, and we are talking about such issues as employment, that is , employment, there... wages , social packages, the same, migration, illegal migration, that is, education is very important, and other issues of internal life, of course, which also has a certain role will play out, and now in connection with the fact that russia has attacked ukraine and that there is a war,
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in fact, a dictatorship against democracy, so is the question of foreign policy. will be important, and it also worries the americans, but first of all domestic politics, of course. thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr motsyk, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2010, 2015. i want to finally tell you that i finally found a great article in the washington post that is related to this border crisis. yes, i can finally explain everything based on sources ugh, because there were no serious sources, i didn't even want to talk about it, but it needs to be talked about in order to post. at this point, so each american state has its own national guard, uh, this national guard carries out the orders of the governor of the state, not the president of the united states, this is a federal state. when president george w. bush once wanted to bring the federal national guard into new orleans to prevent, i'm sorry, the army to prevent trouble
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after povina, which was huge there, he waited a long time for the approval of the governor of the state, when the governor of the state finally... agreed, the mayor of new orleans replied to the president of the united states that she did not allow the establishment of a military unit and they did not enter the mass of what the president was capable of bush, it is to introduce the military there without the right to use weapons , without weapons at all, this is the united states , it looks like this, something unreal for ukraine, but because we are not a federal state, it is absolutely normal, why should we not to live, we do not have federal lands, and the states are not just a federation, it is a union of states united into one, albeit a national one. the guards, as you understand, during the flood in novy ri acted absolutely calmly and no one had any questions. now the governor of texas, uh, is asking his national guard, he's doing it, to put up stronger barriers. on the border with mexico, the federal government opposes it, it uh took it to the supreme court, the supreme court said the national guard can't do that in the state,
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the governor of the state does not pay attention to this, he says, you have problems here, but you are hanging your head over there, the governor was supported by 24 governors of other states, they told him to do what he should do, and 26 did not support them, and all of them, therefore, are american politicians, republicans , say, this is a civil war, they draw. now next, what can the president of the united states do? he can federalize the national guard. ugh. what does it mean? he can issue orders that the national guard of the state of texas obey the president of the united states. the last time was in 1957, when president dwight d. dwight eisenhower subjugated the national guard. i think i 'll even try to check it now, i think it was in the state. iowa, if i'm not mistaken, i read it here too , so what were the circumstances, what were the circumstances, they allowed black students there, it's a famous
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story, the first time to go to a white school, uh, the national guard of this state didn't allowed, she did not let them enter there, on the order of the governor of the state, and then the president of the united states, dwight eisenhower. announced the federalization of the national guard in this state so that it could not carry out the orders of the governor, and thus these students could go to their place of study, this is a dramatic story, feature films were made about it, there was no more of this, here are the following, now you can't to say that this is such a serious crisis, uh, for president biden to take such an unprecedented step, the more he seeks an agreement with republicans on immigration policy, but even if ... imagine the most dramatic, president biden will issue such an order, well, it will work, so the national guard in texas will stop building these border fences, that will be the end of it,
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there will be no civil war, there will be no conflict, just biden, as a person who, like any american president , respects federalist principles, because on the eve of the primaries, he will most likely not take such radical steps, because it not only worsens his relations there, say with the administration of texas or with the southern states there, in principle with the very the very... idea of ​​federal rights, especially in a situation where as many as 24 states, they, in one way or another, support this, these actions of the texas governor, that's all, but for this you need to understand american federalism, if you look at the american federalism through ukrainian eyes, how is it some kind of guard there, what does it mean that there could have been some kind of guard in the zaporizhzhia region that could build, no, that can’t be, so... we’ll make things up, we’d better talk with vasyl baudlar, another experienced a ukrainian diplomat, the current ambassador of ukraine to the republic of turkey, mr. vasyl, nice
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to see you, good evening, good evening, mr. vasyl, let's start with the decision of the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, to sign this decision of the grand national assembly of turkey on sweden's accession to nato, here's how do you think this is the expected outcome of the entire story? absolutely expected, and washington and ankara were preparing for this , of course negotiations were held, and of course the negotiations were not directly with sweden, sweden they finished last year, and the whole dialogue continued between washington and ankara and it was understood what the price of this issue was, this issue was related to the f16 with the lifting of restrictions that exist for turkey after the purchase of the s-400. therefore, here it is as if all the people who make decisions regarding the security of turkey absolutely understand that this decision will be made sooner or later, and
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the speculations that have been going around can be seen simply as one of the means of pressure to make this decision faster, than later accepted, now the press has generally started to say that the chairman of the committee on... parliamentary affairs insisted on such a decision, and until recently the vice president of turkey, fat oktay, who allegedly convinced erdogan to make the most of this situation and solve several key problems with which faced by turkey in relations with its western allies, and primarily it concerned the military-industrial complex and the strengthening of defense capabilities, as well as the removal of restrictions, which were, for example, on the part of canada or on the part of the united states, regarding supplies. not only f16, but many parts of military equipment and equipment, for example, the same cameras for byraktars or, special there...
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avionics means, that is, we simply do not know much about it, because the western press does not write about it, they talk about it here and in kularah, and frankly. and what is said about the fact that the meeting with the president of iran took place, and what is said about the planned meeting with putin, erdogan? well, look, here, the unity and struggle of opposites, as they once said in our country, that is... on the one hand, there is a very strong competition and even opposition to a certain measures of measure between turkey and iran in the region, because they have serious differences, as in the caucasus, in syria, there is a significant share of attacks by the so-called kurdish workers' party from the territory of iran on the territory of turkey, there are differences regarding energy policy, and certain problems , which cannot always be
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solved, yes. as ankara wants, for example , but on the other hand, turkey perfectly understands that with such a neighbor as iran it is necessary to keep in touch, it is necessary to solve problems, and one of the examples, for example, we do not see this in general, but there was also a visit of the head of the turkish intelligence or security service, ibragii mykalin, to iraq, parallel to the time when the iranian president was in ankara, and there too... there were talks and negotiations about counterterrorist actions and about the possibilities of strengthening energy cooperation , and kalin met separately with the shia and sunni parts of iraqi society, naturally trying to strengthen the influence of turkey in this country, because in the north , precisely in the region controlled by this kurdish regional administration, there are turkish
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troops that are actually fighting or actually fighting a mini-war with units of the kurdish workers' party, so there are many problems, and of course the topic of gaza, the topic of israel, it was one of the publicly dominant ones, because there is not only a common position with the condemnation of israel's actions, but also certain differences in the interpretation of the situation and even mutual accusations, who does more to support palestine, who does less, so here... there is also an attempt to interact and solve problems, but there are also issues related to differences in interpretation and in that what specifically each of those governments do? well, do i understand correctly that turkey can be said to ignore turkish iraqi kurdistan in its contacts? no, no, on the contrary, they have very good relations with iraqi kurdistan and part of the oil just
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comes from... the territory of this, well , iraqi, they call it the administration of northern iraq, kurdistan - the word is almost forbidden here, that is, it is a bad tone to speak about the word kurdistan in communication with the turkish authorities or the media, but in fact just the interaction with barzani and his government is absolutely open and so... poor, because, if you know, barzani himself, he professes more such right-wing views, and the pkk, or the workers ' party of kurdistan, are leftists who also oppose, within the kursk community, as well the stock markets are also opposed , so these are two different currents, and of course, each of them forms its policy in the region, depending on its interests, of course, it is important for this administration of virbils to trade
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with... its oil resources and have good relations with official ankara , about what they can will erdogan and putin talk on february 12? wow , the spectrum is such that we can, as they say, only write out the agenda, we are of course extremely sensitive to such contact, and this is absolutely normal, because those who are friends, or try to communicate with our enemies, are always perceived emotionally, how those who are trying there with... to change sides, or not to find their own benefit in such communication, in fact, turkey certainly has its own interests, but in ankara they do not stop their efforts to find opportunities, as they say, until they find peace in the region to the point of persuading in a certain way to return to the negotiating table himself.


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