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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the last missile, there is nothing left, we will lose and so on and so forth, against this background i see that the front is standing more or less, somewhere maybe a village has been taken, it really is, well, it is better to have a lot of ammunition than not enough ammunition , and the right mr. evgeny, who says that now we have to choose , to choose, whether to shoot there or shoot here, but i really, really did not like this mood of panic... some screams of some ukrainians who are shouting, that both mobilization is bad and demobilization is bad, in short, such a controversy, and and and against this background , a lot of rumors, gossip, and so on and so forth and the like arise. vitaly kulyk, the director of the center for the study of civil society problems, will now appear before our bright eyes. first of all, we will talk about russia, and here there is a contradiction, because whether there is a civil society in russia or not, something tells me. that there is some
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lack of civil society there, but nevertheless we appeal to mr. vitaly, thank you for finding time for us, good evening, good health, well, look, uh, uh, about multiple citizenship, first let's start with ukraine - with ukraine and with ukrainians, is it a topic for conversation in general, when i started reading in the news that the president had signed something, what will happen plural of citizenship. somehow i did not have any questions, i had questions there in 1992, i remember it very clearly, when i spoke with ukrainian diplomats, they were all against multiple citizenship precisely because of russia, now russia is excluded from the list of possible countries where you can buy double citizenship, i don't see there or belarus, russia, i don't see anything to talk about, whether there are pitfalls or currents here.
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mr. vitaly, well, in my opinion, this is in fact legalization of what we are doing, in fact mass passportization, in a few years we will already have a significant number of people who will already have de facto voluntary, necessary citizenship, so in my opinion, well, close your eyes to it, ignore it in some way already. it will be impossible, the only thing is that questions arise more about the fact that these double romayanstva are no longer about ukrainians, who are supposed to be a diaspora that can come to ukraine and participate in the reconstruction, and this is rather the delegalization of the method of involving foreigners in governance, well, it is no secret that some citizens who were involved in the previous authorities, for example, it was under poroshenko, had
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several passports, and the presence of a ukrainian passport did not start their possession of one of the european passports and they were involved in the government, well, then there were scandals corresponding to the hate of this practice, i don’t you evaluate this practice in terms of pros and cons, but that was it, now some haters say that these are populist steps, most likely it is related to the legalization of the participation of foreigners in possible configurations of the state, welcome to the state , if you hear me, if you hear me, i have the following important question, to me it seems that when you said that they are already acquiring dual, dual citizenships, and it is simply necessary to legalize it, to transfer it from the shadow to such a bright future, you mean these ...
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well, illegal, not fully legal moments when we even read advertisements , if you want to to become a citizen of bulgaria, hungary , romania, at least three or three countries appear before my eyes, there is definitely malta, cyprus and so on, but there already hundreds of thousands of euros have to be paid to get this golden visa or golden passport, and about bulgaria, hungary, romania, simply ukrainians have the opportunity to pay extra. there they say up to €300 and you will be painted or not painted, but they will issue you a passport from one of these three countries, i understand that correctly, this is the legalization of what is already happening anyway, well , add three more here, from two to three years, and people who left for poland at the beginning of hostilities will actually be able to apply for polish citizenship, for example, german citizenship.
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citizenship in general in part of the countries of the european union, there is an opportunity for ukrainian refugees, who are now transitioning from refugee status to... asylum seekers, to receive permanent residency, the next step in one and a half years, two or three years, they receive citizenship of the host country. okay, the next question is definitely about civil society. so, the head foreign intelligence of the russian federation said that the west is preparing a revolution in russia. we have experienced several revolutions here in ukraine. i know that you are. a specialist in latin america , among other things, where there were also coups, revolutions or something like that, and i then had a question, and perhaps, as comrade lenin taught us, the export of revolution and the export of counter-revolution, the import of revolution and or
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counter-revolution, i then obscured , which is impossible, you cannot inspire such events from the outside, and there was one in bolivia as well. who wanted it to do, he was killed , nothing came of it, probably only cuba can be such an obvious thing, well, it was possible there in 1973 or when it was, in short, inspiration from outside is possible, the revolution is possible, i have the impression that it is impossible, and that you you say, it is possible to inspire a coup, but coups are possible if external players are interested in them, and in revolutions, revolutions occur only when there is a revolutionary. situations when there is a management crisis and there is public dissatisfaction, that is, a revolution is impossible in russia, and then the question arises, and here is what you say a coup, that is, vasya pupkin or someone
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there will simply drop him, or ask mr. putin to discuss various options, and mr. putin will leave, and the power will transfer, well, if so. there will be a change of power, that is, the goal, if it is also revolutionary, because the power will be changed, and it is obvious that if the power changes, something else will change, we don't know to what extent, we don't know what exactly, but there will definitely be some changes, well how about to me , revolutions, coups, riots and pogroms are not possible in russia, which is what we actually want, as much as possible quantity, that is, riots are connected with the output. on the surface of the aggression that accumulates in the roots of society, which for now, we can only notice it based on certain pre-set indicators, criteria, from time to time we see it in the form of bashkakistan or ingushetia or dagestan or kandapogia,
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any , we see it breaking out, but it's really there, and it confirms it. even the russian experts and sociologists themselves, as you can conventionally call russian sociology and sociology, but even they record the accumulation of this aggression, the aggression is not channeled, that is, sooner or later it will manifest itself in a riot, there will be a riot, well, either it will be led by someone, or it will be a series of riots there that will plunge russia into a deep civil war, all against all, that is, strictly speaking, this is the scenario to which we are now moving russia, what about... do you turn to a revolutionary, revolutionary process in russia , someday a change of the system is possible, i do not believe it, wait, it is very important, that is, as far as i understand your opinion, in order for there to be a coup, a revolution, and not a riot, it is necessary
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that there were some leaders, or quasi-leaders, or whether someone who can lead this and actually channel all these movements, riot... this is exactly when we see that there are no leaders, people gather just like that on an emotional wave and start to deal with local policemen, authorities, then neighbors they look at it, they also go out into the street and some kind of riot starts, i understand correctly, yes, and then, when the government from the center does not work, does not show its inefficiency, then the local elite picks it up and can talk about.. . that let us defend this perimeter, we will defend it and we will not pay attention to the federal center, and after that the empire falls apart, it has always been so in russia. mr. vitaly, the last question, maybe a group of questions, let's see if the huge size of russia helps putin
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maintain power, or hinders it, because i imagine muscovites, literally from the word moscow, who sit in moscow and take bashkortostan to you know where. on a human body, and i sit and think, well, until it reaches moscow, petersburg, and if it does, how you said dagestan. yakutiya saha yakut and so on, well, it is somewhere over a thousand kilometers away, we can’t even imagine it in ukraine, we have a thousand from the xiang to the don, but they have it just around the corner, just around the corner and thousands of kilometers, there are 5,000 km, 700 km, 300 km, it helps or hinders putin to hold back, well, i haven't mentioned this yet, when it is big, respectively. some kind of large space, in this space first some local problems related to logistics accumulate, and
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then these small riots that take place in provinces, they turn into quality and this rebellion comes to the capital, the biggest and most violent bund takes place in the capital, so i am more convinced that after bashkastan, after dagestan there will be some yahutia, it will come to moscow in one way or another , that is, these riots will continue directly in the center, and it will be practically impossible to submit them, as long as the empire has mobility, as long as it can transfer manpower and keral structures from the center to the regions quickly, it will be able to receive, more or less hold, try to scare, to terrorize the provinces as soon as logistical failures begin, and they are already happening, for example, railways. for example, or the passage of highways, which
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are now in a certain, seriously damaged state to the far east, then obviously this will only accelerate precisely the accumulation of aggression , the exit already directly to the capital of bushi, a question, a short question, a short answer, please, because on ... we need to go to advertising, and prodo, will the riots continue, we will already use this word of yours, when the russian troops will the russian policemen start shooting, it's one thing to shout and and and so on, and for some reason i am convinced that putin will not stop, he will be in moscow, yes in moscow, in bashkartistan, yes in bashkartistan , in dagestan, yes, well in in dagestan, he may hold back, because every dagestani has a weapon there, but so what, how will they react? people, when they start shooting and killing them, will they continue rioting? here it is more interesting, because
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if it is an attempt at a coup d'état or a conditional revolution in the benches, as it was about the white house in 1993, then this will end by shooting, and if it is really a riot that they will try to shoot, then it can turn into a revolution of 905, at least, which was later given by the councils of workers ... armed professional revolutionaries, who in the end carried out the first and second revolutions in the 17th year. thank you very much, thank you very much. vitaly kulyk, director of the center for researching civil society problems, as i promised, it is not long, but advertising. nothing has worked out yet, not yet, zakrep. oh, normalect. honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores
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the territory of belarus, but from the territory of poland, because all the conscious people are not in belarus now. and if they are, they are mostly in prisons, as i understand. so, mr. pavle, good health, thank you for finding time for us, good health, thank you, look, on january 23 , there were mass searches and detentions among various people, political figures, relatives throughout belarus, why ? what happened, here in belarus, white people are always doing something happens after the crisis in the 20s of the 20th year, repression actually does not stop, and it has become an element of internal political management and control over the public, over citizens, these are
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already natural features of the regime that currently exists in belarus. the neo-totalitarian regime , which is based exclusively on repression, is the first moment, the second moment, lukashenko is preparing for the elections to the so-called parliament, and for local elections, and undoubtedly tries to exclude all possible challenges or risks, that is, to act in advance, and the third is the arrests, which actually affected families. representatives of the families and families of political prisoners, and they exchanged information there,
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how to transfer various assistance, they supported each other, however... the parliament and the anti -corruption department got access to this closed chat and, accordingly, almost 100 people were arrested .
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lukashenko's regime: one can hope that people will go out into the streets again. we belarusians have a completely different story from ukrainians. we had a history of success, and that's why we ukrainians are not strong we are afraid of the authorities, and that is why we go out and demand something when we really need it. in belarus, they also went out and a lot of people, to put it mildly, maybe a lot, what we saw. ah... but there is a story of failure, now, if lukashenko weakens and there is an opportunity to go out, people will be scared, will they still go out, in your opinion, let's start with the fact that while lukashenko is alive and in power, in the situation in which
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belarus is now, the regime of repression will not weaken, respectively. the situation will be repeated existed even in the times of the soviet union, after the death of stalin, there were great expectations that the repressions would weaken and start from the league, and this provoked domino effects in many countries of the socialist bloc, the then socialist bloc, protests and revolutions began in these countries in the same germany, actually forced the soviet union to use troops. and it also happened in the soviet union, for example, everyone remembers. lukashenko understands that the easing of repressions,
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some restructuring, which was observed in the 80s years in the soviet union, it will lead to the collapse of the system, and accordingly, there is no way out for him, except to preserve the system of terror, at the present moment, at this moment, there has been an increase, and accordingly, the fate of reshmi himself and the fate of lukashenko directly related to the extent to which the system will be able to continue these repressions, and based on the fact that the belarusian and russian systems have actually merged, we can already talk about a single system of totalitarianism in those areas as long as there is support.
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and the opposition in belarus are people who stood for democracy, it was approximately, belarusian citizens.
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now they meet very often , we notice it, they simply have no one to talk to, because he is the same as the one and the other, they are so lonely, he sits at his place, they sit at their palaces, only subordinates are near them, there is no one to talk to to talk on equal terms, or why they go to each other, well, first of all , lukashenko to putin, it seems to me. everything has already been decided there, what else can be negotiations, regarding which agreements , about which they have not yet reached agreements in the past
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, what they are bragging to each other, well, in his non-visit, st. petersburg is connected, in fact, with the meeting of the council of the allied powers, which has existed since 99, or better to say, with the deepening of russia's integration expansion in belarus, we see, and ukrainians have directly felt, russia's strategic seizure of the territory of belarus and its use.
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and to date, russia has already transferred some of its economic efforts to belarus. now almost 95% of the belarusian economy directed towards russia, after the crisis in the 20s, after the sanctions, belarus is economically almost entirely dependent on russia, and this is a disaster for belarus in the long run, that is, if putin's regime weakens. it will be very difficult for moscow. russia is interested in completely subordinating the economy of belarus, and the so-called secretary of state of the allied powers.
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to the head of the center for political analysis and forecasts, thank you very much for taking the time for us, i would say that this is such a huge illusion. two states, one economy, that kind of thing does not happen, never and no one even thought about it, there was an attempt to make two states, and even two economies, china and hong kong, what came out of it, people who are interested, know, it immediately turned into one state called the people's republic of china at the head of with the communist party of china, so the world has never seen anything like this, so now we will have an interview, an interview about drones. flying
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machines, there is a discussion, the ukrainians say that we are worse, the russians say that we are worse, that is , there is no better anywhere, it looks quite funny, when you read russians or ukrainians, but our beautiful colleague khrystyna yatskiv understood this problem, who spoke with the legendary general dmytro marchenko, who was the one who led the defense of mykolaiv in 22, then we all looked at mykolaiv to see if it would advance. the enemy will not advance , has not advanced, now let's talk now, and right now mr. and mrs. khrystyna yatskyi will talk with mr. dmytro marchenko, after the interview we will come back and talk about finland and israel. i am glad to welcome to communication with me, now the general of the armed forces
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of ukraine, dmytro marchenko, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine, yes, good day, heroes, glory, well, i would like to emphasize that dmytro marchenko takes care of a detachment of unmanned aerial vehicles, among other, of course, very responsible things in the armed forces, which are placed on your shoulders, and i would like to devote our conversation to the topic of unmanned aerial vehicles, as it is extremely relevant right now, in general, uavs. have reached the level of development when used at the highest equal, both on our side and on the side of the enemy. according to your observations and according to your experience, who is now tracking the number, efficiency of their use and their production for war, us or the enemy? well, look, this information, it is a little bit, is not
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public, well, but somewhere... i can tell you that we have a very well-established system, the system of rebuilding these drones, this, well, this, this is a fact , the fact that they fly to the territory of the russian federation is also a fact, but, well, i want to remind you that, as far as i know, well, everyone, we all know that... dear drones, they are made of chinese, mostly chinese-made spare parts. and, as far as i know, precisely for fpv drones, the russians ordered components for 50,000 drones from the chinese until march. well, but i want, i want to note that, at that time, we are very, very high.
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of the effectiveness of their use, and i think that a lot of people have seen these videos, well, this is about the effectiveness of their use, then we are definitely ahead, the rest, unfortunately, i’m sorry, i can’t to tell you, mr. general, well , fpv technology in general, ukrainians heard about it six months ago, the most advanced, maybe a year ago, and already now there is a call to learn. gather to learn to assemble , we understand that it is more difficult for us to get spare parts for these devices geographically than for the russian federation, can we at least as of now talk about some development of our own production of spare parts, and what might need to be done for this from your point of view? well, as far as i know, there are several companies that, unfortunately, i can't name them.


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