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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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and well, i think that many people have seen these videos, as for the effectiveness of the application, then we are definitely ahead, the rest, unfortunately, i'm sorry, i can't tell you. mr. general, well , the fpv technology, in general, ukrainians heard about it six months ago, the most advanced, maybe a year ago, and already now there is a call to learn to assemble, learn to complete, understand. that it is more difficult for us geographically to get spare parts for these devices than for the russian federation, can we, at least as of now, talk about some development of our own production of spare parts and what for this maybe it should be done from your point of view? well, as far as i know, there are several enterprises that, unfortunately, i cannot name them, which are currently, yes, which are currently developing. and and they provide us with these
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spare parts, it is there, but i think that in order for it to be massive, it needs some kind of government program that would support these manufacturers, and we could, well, at least partially replace the dependence on spare parts from china, why exactly fpv, there is an opinion that it is them that we are trying to cover, perhaps a deficiency ammunition for artillery, well, in fact, fpv technology now replaces art a little bit, and first of all, do you agree with this, because the views differ a little, someone says that it is completely impossible to replace artillery, especially to reinforce it directly with drones, but to replace it is definitely not , well, for sure, i want to say absolutely exactly that
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it is simply impossible to replace artillery... with drones, because in artillery, well , it is a completely different task to create a barricade wagon there or to use artillery to suppress large orbs, well , in these cases, fpv drones are no, no, well not will do, but they somewhat replace the shortage of ammunition that we have. and they perform tasks very efficiently precisely at small distances, well, to the enemy, and how, how they effectively differ from artillery, is that the operator sees where he hits, this is the most basic, effective, well, but that’s for sure will not replace artillery, and artillery has completely different tasks and without... without the use of artillery, well
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, i think that war, it is impossible from our side. ugh. literally, again, a year ago you could see a huge number meetings among volunteers, in particular, on reconnaissance drones, in particular, on the same mavics. colleagues and tv viewers and i have repeatedly collected both for matrices, at the request of our defenders, and for the same poseidons, which are very valuable. but now we see that the need for exactly this type of uav has decreased , what is this related to, they may not have shown themselves as expected, or again are there cheaper substitutes, well, as far as i know, it has not decreased, it just is partially closed at the expense of the state, that is, the state has already begun to purchase them for state level, and just so you understand.
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drone, it is a drone that flies once in one direction, and of course, that is, if the mavic can be used there for weeks, months, then the fpv drone is a one-time, well for one-time use, so in the background of this, well, it seems simple, that these are bought more and those are less, well, as far as i know, there is a need for them, and there will be, and... this is such an opinion, probably a little wrong, but well, there is, there is a great need for pevidrons, too, now actively it is emphasized that there are also countermeasures uav technologies, these are also things that it would be good for ukrainians to learn how to make, if possible and preferably necessary.
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the high level of the electronic warfare system, there are already precedents, when in fact we see that the enemy is learning from ours as well. on your own, and this should also be taken into account. literally recently , the verkhovna rada adopted the issue of simplifying the import into our country, in particular of components for radio-electronic warfare. can we say that this need is promptly closed now, at least on battle lines. well, as far as i know, yes, we have several enterprises, about 18 already. they independently produce systems of rebs under well, so the people call them dome ee, so we still depend on foreign manufacturers for assembly, but you understand how the enemy learns, so we learn, that is
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, we constantly do not stand still, we are constantly developing, that’s what i will say , which is thanks to such brilliant work of our specialists. we have greatly reduced the use of eagles in the south of ukraine, they no longer fly like they used to have flown before, that is, they already use them in such critical cases, and this is thanks to the fact that we have learned something , unfortunately, i cannot tell you the details, but we have already learned how to make them so that they do not fly here, or if they fly, they fall. this applies only to orlans, or is there hope for a similar trend with other drones? literally in october of the previous year, the russians boasted of defeating one of our airfields in the dnipropetrovsk region, fortunately for everyone , analysts then confirmed that most likely they attacked some false target, but the very precedent of their flight tens of kilometers to our rear worried many people at the time,
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well, as far as i know, there was not a drone, but a missile, so they misled their own and ours a little people but that's enough of them, well, you see it yourself, they use types quite often, quite powerfully, such types as chess, such types as lancet, which yes, unfortunately, they are impressive, but against them we have already, we have already found , we have already found a way out, and we are currently working on it our specialists, as far as i knew . trying out the first samples and i think that in the near future we will provide our groups with exactly such means so that they cannot harm our human resources.
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you mentioned the group, but i can't help but ask, i think that it arouses great curiosity among many ukrainians, more information, of course, we will probably find out after the war. who are they? korshony, uncle dima, tell at least a little of what you can. well, these are the usual ones people, this was an experimental project of chief commissar valery zaluzhnyi, at the beginning of last year, exactly, exactly in a month, we will have a year, we created such an experimental uav unit, which includes both military and... gu and policemen, these are people , who were already trained, or had a great desire to learn, to work on drones, on wings, that is, our tasks include development, adjustment of artillery and independent
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damage with drops, these are ordinary people who are motivated, highly motivated, who do not need to be leveled there. to explain which is simple they know their task and fulfill it every day. and the main thing is that the whole of ukraine very often actually feels this, since the enemy continues its attacks from the southern direction, and in particular , you and your team are working on the security of the southern direction. and what, mr. dmytro, main trends would you single out as of today specifically in the south, if of course. we can talk about this, we understand that the situation with the war, it is positioned, in some moments, in some points and in some aspects, the russians have gained strength, are gathering and are going to press, and specifically in your operational area, what are the main
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features of the war today? oh, well, it's more of an oppositional war, unfortunately, i can't say much, but i can say that... our fighters, our command, pivdnya, katran, odesa, they very successfully plan containment operations. that is, they now want to use their units there to repel us from the left bank of the dnieper, but they are unable to do so, our fighters, god bless you, are successfully repelling their attacks, i would even like to give an example where they asked to enter in three groups in order to repel our fighters, and it is fpv. we repelled these attacks, huh, and on the other
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hand, we understand that the provision of everything that our defenders on the left bank need, it also very often happens with the use of uav technologies, in principle, the military talks about this quite often, and this is open information, the enemy is trying to counteract in this direction precisely along the dnipro water area? yes, of course, he constantly keeps the water under, keeps under fire control, this is, you understand, the main road to the other side, but we our guys manage, i want to say that our units were repeatedly approached by teams to help them transfer both provisions and ammunition to the other side. ugh, people who can help us in the occupation, that's how we decide. we understand that this is an extremely valuable resource, and
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in fact, how actively they are manifesting themselves in the southern direction, i understand that this is a very thin summer, on which we will not walk and hum now, but still it is important for many ukrainians to understand how much people in the occupation they generally work side by side with us for a single purpose, or is a certain despondency and... maybe expectations about just waiting at play here too? well, look at the people of kherson in kherson, they have already proven in our country, to the whole world, that they do not want to be russia, or anyone else, or anyone else, so yes, of course, it is these people who do not want russia i was at their house, they help us, they show not...
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they find opportunities in those very difficult conditions, they find an opportunity to provide us with this valuable information that helps us hit the enemy precisely, accurately and on time. and does the position of these people vary in any way depending on how long they were occupied and... on how far they are directly from the frontline, well, for example, the people of kherson, there are no questions here, but the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea , well, i will say that there are people in crimea who do not want russian peace there, they want it to be ukraine, and they also help us and will help. and you understand, these are people who were forced to stay there looking
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after their homes there, aged parents, they are also forced to be there, but they don't exactly want a russian peace there, that's why they help us as much as they can, they find channels, they find, they find an opportunity and pass that price on to us. the information about which i have already told, i will simply note that it has been quite a long time in attached messages, probably one of the most extensive publics in telegram in our country, mykolaiv vanyok, about whom i , as a media person, can now speak, because i know that in principle and you have elements of a certain cooperation, i do not claim and not asking which one exactly, but the smaller the longer... there is a message hanging there with an appeal to the crimeans that the war
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is getting closer and closer to their door and they can eventually help end it sooner, i would like to believe that they respond to these calls? yes , they respond, they help, i will say that we have a lot, a lot of information, i get it from mykolaiv vanka, he has such a powerful network... this partisan movement is developed, he has already verified people who are there from the first days of the war to us helped and are still helping, so when he gives us'. ugh, successful interaction, as i understand it, of our civilian sector and the military. hello to mykolaivskyi vanko, then we will pass it all together. mr. dmytro , thank you for this conversation, i understand that now we are somewhat limited in commenting on the most important topics, but thank you, these are very important points that
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were made, in particular for our viewers and listeners, dmytro marchenko, general of the armed forces of ukraine. was in touch with me, and i am very grateful to everyone who made it possible to implement this is an interview. and good health again, you and i have 45 minutes left for conversations with different people, and the first person is a person who is now in finland, his name is arseniy svinarek. sociologist, lecturer at the university of helsinki, good health, mr. arseniy, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, thank you, thank you for the invitation, look, i have a question for you, sometime in the 90s, i was in helsinki, and they drove me there, for some reason they decided that i was an intellectual according to various intellectuals, and they then i was told that the position of
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helsinki's foreign policy is to have good relations with and with neighbors. neighbors are not far , that is, relatively speaking, if lithuania is a neighbor across the baltic sea, and lithuania has a neighbor belarus, then the eyes of official helsinki still reach belarus, and ukraine already, well, well, it’s not interesting anymore, but now everything has changed , finland is a member of the nato bloc, finland has a... invisible border with russia, russia is behaving aggressively, has the history of finland's foreign policy changed since the 1990s, and how has it has changed, they have become more finactive, they are more imposing some conversations with the baltic, former soviet republics, with sweden, with norway and so
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on and the like, as far as what has changed now, we will definitely talk later and... about today's elections, i would like to remind the audience that today is not a normal sunday in finland where the president is elected, but mr. arseniy, what do you feel as a resident of finland, it has really become more of a dynamic movement, it is an external, foreign political action in finland, and thank you for a very interesting question, actually, i was somewhat surprised. that not so much has changed in my opinion, namely, how russia was considered after the second world war, and even today , as it was considered, and now it is considered that it is not a friend of finland, and a threat, if it, when threat, then the threat will primarily come
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from russia, so we can observe that in finland, for example, the army is in extremely good condition and its conscripts serve and so on, that is, a very large reserve, that is, the army for the army and as a whole for finland for people's thinking, here i don't think that anything has changed very much, what finnish politicians are doing has changed, because for decades they tried to somehow moderate the redoyan government, and then... and now, now we see that this thinking, the idea of ​​finnish politicians that it is possible to somehow appease russia, they have already reconsidered and already have a very good understanding of the understanding that there is no point in appeasing russia and it is necessary to do what is in the interests of finland. mr. arseni,
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a very important question, there is such a version in ukraine, it is very often discussed, that... europeans do not want to fight, if a big european war starts now, then the danes, germans, dutch, well, belgians, there are austrians, none of them want to fight, there 3% of men will go, maybe the poles, they say, there are 20 percent there, they will want, the baltics everyone will want to, we know about it there, they themselves talk about it and sociology proves it, in finland? how much people understand the danger and how much, if for, if there is a war tomorrow, how much the finns will rise up to defend their homeland, i am in... i am sure that no one wants to fight in any country, normal in a democratic country, no one wants to fight very much, but, as in
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ukraine and in finland, when the threat is present, all finns will, who have the opportunity, will fight, as was already the case in the winter war, very quickly, when the soviet government attacked finland... quickly people mobilized and civilians did exactly what civilians are doing now, and the state did what states are doing with immigrants now, now it's the 30s there were immigrants from karelia, and now there are immigrants from ukraine, that is, the nation mobilized and gave repulse, and i don't know either, i don't think that some...landia is not ready there, probably, probably she is ready, ready, the question is that if this, the threat is existential, then i
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think that how and in ukraine, people will rise up and defend their country, and for finland with the reserve, the military reserve of finland with the military and political structures here, which exist here, you can be sure that finland is ready to repel the enemy. about the elections, a few words must be said, so there are nine candidates, as far as i understand, the main favorite, allegedly, this surname, name does not call me, does not say anything, alexander stub, and also what i know indirectly is that the russians have no chance, there are no such pro-russian or such sympathizers among the candidates is putin such a fersteiner , to what extent is this true, and what is the difference, then
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for us the difference is only one thing: who is for russia, who is against russia, because we are here in kyiv, in lviv , it is important for us to sit here, but what about in finland? i think that for the finns as well, it was one of the difficult questions to which... it is difficult to find an answer, let's say, not obvious and they were looking for the answer is somewhere else in other questions, i.e. yes, all the candidates share the opinion that russia is a threat, that ukraine needs to be supported, more needs to be done, finland, finland can do more to support ukraine on the way to the european union, to nato. and that is, in this question , i do not see such significant differences in the issue of foreign policy between the candidates, and probably
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the voters in finland most likely voted , or as they always vote for a specific party, that is, they vote for the candidate, and jusi galaago does not vote for the candidate for what for a representative of real finns or vote for a pikaist. as a representative of the greens , do they vote for someone who is somehow personal , they like his personal features, yes, here in finland we do not have any openly, openly pro-russian candidate, however, in the past some of these candidates, candidates, let's say so, not all of them. was, he was not very much on the side of ukraine, rather, sometimes he almost helped, or he understood russia very well, and, for example,
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the social democrats and their candidate representative, urpälainen, social democrats in finland and in the european parliament, finnish social democrats, they voted against sanctions after, against against sanctions against russia. after the occupation of crimea, as well as oleksandr stub, his party, the coalition party, he also did business with russia in the past and implemented some decisions regarding energy there or something else in the direction of collaboration with russia, but there are important differences, some of candidate. and even so he changed his views: yes, we now support ukraine, and some, for example, oleksandr stup, he very clearly said that yes,
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we are in... nugu, we made mistakes. and we, we need to learn, we, we made these mistakes that we thought, somehow, it is possible to negotiate with russia, somehow, to pacify russia. and it was our mistake, now we see more clearly how to confront this threat. mr. arseniy, such a strange question , ukrainians may not like it, but i would like to ask this... a question, when polls are conducted, the finns are in the first places due to happiness, they are satisfied with life, i am not very convinced of this, so what's up it's cold, i wouldn't be happy in finland, i would, i don't like when it's cold all the time, but the finns like it when it's cold, they have a great education, they have a great economy, everything is great, but where the struggle then between these nine...
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candidates for president, where is there anyway , what topics arise, why, why are finns unhappy, and a small number of finns who are not happy, and the difference between the candidates is precisely the difference in the first turn between party, party programs, and now we have such a national right. tic right government, and this right-wing government, it is trying very significantly to reduce support for the unemployed , to increase taxes on those with small incomes, to reduce taxes for
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those with a lot. na i.e. such a right -wing, right-wing government, and i think many finns are not very happy about this, this policy, and that's why there will be a national strike on february 2nd, almost all of finland will stop, that is, yes, the finns are a happy nation, but this political ideological differences there are also in finnish society, and that... just like that, for example, real finns, they, they now they support ukraine, and where a few years ago, i think that many of these real films were quite interested in, well , quite yes, let's say, positive attitude towards russia, and now real finns support ukrainian refugees, actually
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them. is responsible for foreign policy and that is probably why such questions were not discussed today by these economic politicians, the president, in the first place, the central questions about the economy are mr. arseniy's last question. minute we have the influence of the russians, not russia of the russians, they say some millionaires, some sons of billionaires , some get citizenship there, live , well, in short, this factor is discussed in the finnish mass media, are there so few of these russians that they are not paid attention to, there are a lot of russians in finland, as many as 60, probably 50 thousand is a
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lot. russians in finland, and historically the organizations of russians, public organizations of russians, ah, had a huge influence of finland, also these organizations, already old organizations have very good connections in finland, and, for example, for us, for associations of ukrainians in finland are very difficult to work, because we do not have such connections, we do not have such influence, until recently we did not have such connections, now we already... uh, something has changed, in any case in the ability of russians in russian organizations to somehow influence the opinions of politicians , and they and they and there are there, and russia , i do not think that now russia can somehow significantly influence the internal politics of finland by using these russian or pro-russian or pro -russian organizations in finland.


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