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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EET

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the last name was angular, as they said, but he was so terribly soviet-russian, that means one people and so on, and so on, then there was a proposal from the ukrainians of kazakhstan, let’s give him a new last name, not angular , and the angular one, so what is this, that 's how the stories were, instead of the angular one, call it an angular one, all right, madam. annaiemelnyk will now tell you what is happening in ukraine and in the world, it will be called news on espresso, and i say goodbye, good luck, good health to everyone.
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how lviv arsenal officials earned billions from artillery shells and why the united states of america is withdrawing its troops from iraq. greetings to everyone from espresso, yana javamelnik and for your attention today's news summary. and i'll start with the terrible tragedy in zhytomyr oblast. two- and three-year-old girls died during a fire in a private house in the village of hrabniak. things and the child probably caught fire. a bed that stood close to the stove. according to preliminary information from the state emergency service , parents with three older children went to neighbors, the younger ones were left alone at home. when they returned, the house was filled with smoke. the children were lying on the floor unconscious, they tried to resuscitate them, unfortunately, it was not possible already on the street. the reasons and detailed circumstances of this misfortune are established. debris of the rocket damaged. two private houses,
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a summer kitchen and a car. in the dnipropetrovsk region, the army told the regional military administration the details of the downing of the kh-59 today. people were not injured, and the occupiers also launched seven drones in the nikopol district. it is partly there a vacant house, an outbuilding and a garage. three american soldiers were killed in a drone attack on a us military base in jordan. at least two dozen soldiers were injured in the overnight attack near the border with syria. according to the united states central command, this is the first time that its soldiers have been killed by fire in the middle east since the start of the war between israel and hamas. us president joe biden also confirmed the attack. in the official statement released by the white house, it is previously said that it was committed by radical militant groups supported by iran. the united states began
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negotiations on the withdrawal of troops from iraq. the first round of official talks between iraq and the united states took place in baghdad. it is about curtailing the mission of the military coalition formed to fight the islamic state terrorist group. iraqi prime minister muhammad shia al-sudani said that he had initiated these negotiations. the reason is regular attacks on american bases on... the territory of their country. the us military is regularly hit by drones from militants supported by iran. a small passenger plane crashed in belgium. two people who were on board died. the accident happened in the morning not far from the airport of the city of spa, belgian media reports. the german tourist board tried to take off, but due to the strong wind, the pilot could not manage the maneuver. the board crashed into the car.
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parked along the highway, a fire immediately broke out on the spot: the driver of the car went outside to smoke before the event, and it saved his life. earned billions on weapons for the military. the security service of ukraine abducted officials of the ministry of defense and managers of the lviv arsenal. according to the investigation, in august 2022 , officials concluded a contract on wholesale purchase. of ammunition with the supplier lviv arsenal. the ministry of defense listed the required amount, but not a single artillery shell ever arrived in ukraine. part of the money disappeared, and the rest remained in the company's account. so far, the law enforcement officers have detained one of the participants in the criminal scheme while trying to leave ukraine. issues are resolved regarding the return of stolen funds to the ukrainian budget. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. ours. soldiers need
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vital equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine in the recovery vehicle, purchase an optical sight and a mavic. for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has 130 00. join, you can see all the details on the screen. the time of others has come. another all-ukrainian picket took place with this name with a demand for demobilization. this is the seventh such action for the capital. mothers, wives and children of active military personnel who went to defend the country in the beginning. of a full-scale invasion came out with a call to make certain terms of demobilization after 18 months from the beginning of military duty, they are in inhumane conditions , they are hungry for the second time, they buy everything for themselves,
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they buy food, doesn't our government understand that they don't have people anymore motivations, they are already simple, you consider it normal when asked in... constructor wartime, this is how the fp drone became for a number of ukrainians who, regardless of age and education, assemble drones right at home. volunteers in the poltava region have been making such seven-inch uavs for two months. 15 pieces are made per day, as created. workshop, our iryna skrypachova learned. it took the volunteers a week from finding specialists to making the first drones, says project coordinator oleksandr. they found a technological map, according to the advice of the military, they bought all the necessary equipment. currently there are eight people working in the team
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masters: professional engineers, electricians, ultralight aviation pilots. their story is completely volunteer, every day they are looking for investment, donate to institutions and the drone is ready to use, you could just hear the sounds, there is no speaker in this drone to make a sound. the starting current of the motors and the starting force of the motors creates this vibration, because one motor produces 48,00 revolutions per minute, so its maximum speed is more than 150. on such a device, the pilot makes up to 30 sorties per day, the cost of one drone 13,500 uah. volunteers say that by collecting them themselves, they save almost a third of the money. parts are purchased on foreign sites, the production of drones was established in
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a small office space. each of the boys is responsible for a specific stage of work. my task is to assemble the frame and put on the engine so that because the chinese bolts are badly tightened and the guys make a couple of flights, it just falls apart on the way, so we clamp it very well, center it and send it for soldering, the youngest is 15 years old konstantin solders the parts, i solder the motors and other relays, cameras, etc., and my task is to solder... collect the boards to the end and send them to the final assembly. in total, the drone contains fifty parts. it has a video antenna, a radio antenna, a camera, engines, a flight controller, a printed circuit board that controls the overall
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control, and a video card that directly transmits video from the antenna to the pilot's helmet. well, before this, this drone has an additional system installed. recently , the military sent volunteers a video of how their drone destroyed an enemy one a thermal imaging complex of video surveillance worth up to 150 thousand dollars. in less than 3 months of work, the volunteers collected 250 drones. iryna skrypacheva and mykyta litskevich for espresso tv channel from poltava region. and important information explosions rang out in poltava and kremenchuk. most regions of ukraine are threatened by missiles. they are asked to stay in shelters until the air raid alarm goes off, and the end is over, the tails are looking for families, in the temporary shelter for animals , the exhibition center held an open day , kyiv residents were introduced to the four-legged
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residents of the 16th pavilion and called to give them a new home. all those interested were told how to adapt the animal after the shelter, and also conducted interviews with potential... owners. currently , 37 dogs and seven cats are waiting for their new owners. you can pick them up at any convenient time. the next such event will take place in a week. people can comfortably come, choose an animal from the catalog, get to know the animal, they are all in place, consult with a specialist, pass an interview, by the way, on these days, specifically on sunday, we hold a wider a lecture, than usual, when we give an animal, about how to adapt it, if we approach it, little ones, well, the dog needs to like us, and then that's it. how will it turn out, let's see now and see if it will fit, because the parents are already a little like age, does not allow to take
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a very active dog, and now we will see if it fits in terms of character, and then why not, that's how this day was in the team will explain the news, then watch the political club with vitaly portnikov and you will know even more. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air espresso tv channels. vitaly portnikov is with you for the next two hours about the main events and trends of this week, about the prospects for the next. and our first guest is oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political columnist of the information resistance. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. good evening, and let 's start with what is happening at the front, can we talk about a real offensive of the russian
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armed forces? russians, they are currently pressing mainly on the eastern front, the lymanokupin axis, as well as the donetsk region, but to say that they really now they started some big breakthrough offensive, no, in general, if you take each location. separately or by each bridgehead separately , then we have been watching this offensive for quite a long time, let's take avdiivka as a location, the offensive began there on october 10, so the result is october 10, 2023, and therefore the result of these actions for more than 3 months, well , we see that they have a step-by-step advance, but in time... equal to the area of ​​the city itself, the length of the front along which they
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have to operate, and the amount of forces and means they have concentrated near it city, it is difficult to call it some kind of epic breakthrough offensive, the same situation is now happening in the area of ​​bakhmut, where they resumed their offensive actions around november. in the third year, especially in the direction of the southwestern location of klyshchivka, andriivka, ivanivske, and in the direction of bohdanivka, in order to advance to the time of viyar, there are many questions here, why they began to act in this way, because bohdanivka is not the best, until things, an option for leaving at the time of yar, but nevertheless, they started precisely... in such a scenario, and the result we we also see now that they
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cannot recapture klichchivka, they cannot recapture andriivka, in ivanivsk they cannot take control of this village, although it is completely almost destroyed everywhere, and in bohdanivka, they also have problems with bohdanivka, which culminates in that their teams, their units on the ground whine about... that it is impossible to advance in such conditions, and there are many such moments that indicate that they will not succeed in some big epic offensive, although they have enough for it resource, human resource in the first place, with on the other hand, to conduct offensive actions in winter, only russian commanders could do this, because in winter, if you conduct offensive actions, accordingly, the weather conditions are not the best. and this culminates precisely in the growth of loss rates among the human resource
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of personnel. please tell me, in principle, if we talk about what the russians are counting on, let's say they have advanced in these directions, strengthened their positions in avdiivka, does this really change their real situation at the front? no, it's not, it doesn't critically affect the situation at all the entire war zone. they need to, first of all, all these events that are happening now, that the east, that the polymanocupian, this is not some kind of ... tactical strategic vagenium, no, this is a political whim, and this political whim, what 's up with connected with the demonstration, with the desire to demonstrate some result, some big result, in this case, on the eve of the elections, they already have this deadline, these are the so-called
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presidential elections in russia, and they need to demonstrate. something, some so-called victory, some so the so-called liberation, that is, that putin went to his electorate, not just with the back of the so-called svo, to put it mildly, but for him to demonstrate some kind of result: we liberated avdiyivka there, as they say, or we liberated novomykhaivka, or here we have released klyshchivka, and from which , well, the average citizen of the russian federation somewhere... near omsk or otaganrog is not cold at all, not warm, more precisely, in most cases it is cold, but this is exactly what they will demonstrate, as the success of this so called sv. wait a little, here's more two years, and we will already organize a parade on khreshchatyk, that is, from kyiv in three days,
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well, wait a little longer and everything will be fine, now we will just recapture klyshiivka, and... the result, and then why western media like me i see today, it seems to be in the telegraph, they are talking about the fact that russia is lying, if it increases the technical potential of its army, then at a certain time it can win, if it increases the production of weapons there, transfers the economy to military rails, which means it can win and to what extent is a serious position of the military industry, this is in the case if them the military-industrial complex will not work specifically to recover losses. to compensate for losses, otherwise they will not be able to do it, that is, the telegraph emphasizes only one moment, if the war is stopped, or if the most apocalyptic scenario, if the war is stopped, because, for example, russia
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will win there, as an option apocalyptic is what i'm talking about, or a variant of some... pause, when there will be a silence mode, how long it will last is another question, but the silence mode and any pause, reduction the intensification of hostilities, the reduction of their intensity, they lead to the fact that the russian military-industrial complex, it begins to work not on the restoration and compensation of losses, but on the accumulation, as of today, of the russian... troops, namely theirs in the zone hostilities of almost 465,000 personnel, the units do not have full equipment in terms of equipment, they do not have staff, no unit has full staff, in some units the deficit is 70% of the staff bbm vehicles, main battle tanks, artillery
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and so on, and if everything stops, if they are not on... losses , the process of increasing the number of vehicle units and creating new units with the possibility of fully equipping them with new equipment will immediately begin, that is, they will not only be able to to increase the number of equipment, and also to create new units to the 465,000 that are already in the combat zone, there is a major danger in this, and what needs to be done to prevent this from happening in principle, it depends. from the west or from us? well, it all depends on the event, we should receive all the necessary nomenclature in order to exhaust russia. and now we are on the defensive and will be on the defensive for at least the first half of 2024.
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during this period, the main task, the main combat task of the defense forces of ukraine, maybe only... if we receive all the necessary help from our partners, all the requests, this is artillery, this is ammunition, this is the technical component of bbm, medium easy difficult armored vehicles and many, many other things, that is, almost all the requests that we are we sending to our partners, the general, the pope, the head of the naval forces? of ukraine says that if, excuse me, rear admiral oleksiy neichpa says that ukraine would win the war faster if it could strike at the russian sovereign. but i'm curious, why is there such a specific moment of the ban and how much did it really change the situation?
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in fact, the most interesting thing is that back in 2022 our partners, i will even say, the first one who spoke about this was boris johnson, said that we have the full right to apply strikes on the territory of the russian federation, but, despite all this, the weapon was never used to strike this or that object, even the military infrastructure of the russians on their territory, precisely within their internationally recognized borders, and indeed, if we used the same cruise missiles like stormshadow, skalvidji, well, let's even talk about atakams and not only on the territory of russia. we would solve many problems that would allow us to destroy the enemy more effectively, we would have the opportunity to break them, here are these chains,
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logistical and other, regarding the supply of not only weapons, but also fuel and lubricants of the same materials, the use of tactical front-line aviation, that is, we are talking about airfields, striking airfields at least within a radius of 300 kilometers deep into the territory of the russian federation, and so on and so forth other, but our partners have indeed stated from time to time, even at the official level, that they do not approve of the use of western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, well, that's putting it mildly, and there were many reasons, for example, they talked about some escalation and many other things, well, that is , they were looking for such... some justification for this ban, i will remind you that even in 2022 , when germany first discussed the transfer of tanks to ukraine, then it was said that
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germany would never transfer leopard 2.4 tanks ukraine, because we do not want to see german tanks on the territory of the russian federation, so this is an echo of the past world war ii. but we see how it has all changed, we now have these tanks, they are not going now in the direction of belgrade or bryansk or kursk, but nevertheless this thought has changed, so i hope that, after all, regarding the use of missile weapons on the territory of the russian federation, this opinion will also change. and tell me, please, why it is possible to strike on the territory of ukraine, which russia has declared as its sovereign territory, this is normal for the west, but if... we are talking about the international visible territory of russia, here the format is different, well, this is already a legal issue , i would even say yes, there are recognized borders
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of ukraine, according to the internationally recognized borders of 1991, what russia has in the kremlin, they decide, in moscow, what they have there is also the zaporizhzhia region, part of the russian federation, the kherson region, it is not recognized at the sveton level. it is not internationally recognized and it will never be recognized, so in this case we are talking about internationally recognized borders, sovereign ones, and on temporarily occupied territories, yes, we can use these weapons without any restrictions, even the kershchyna bridge as an illegal construction is completely a legitimate target for strikes precisely, here it is also very interesting, precisely within the borders, the sovereign borders of ukraine. with borders in 1991, and therefore on that part of the kerch bridge, which is already in the zone of the russian
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federation, the launch of missile weapons, and this is how it basically looks like, we lost contact, unfortunately, because i wanted to talk about this kerch bridge , but unfortunately we have already lost contact with oleksandr kovalenko, but now there will be... a conversation with another of our guests, with the professor of political science of the kyiv-mohyla academy, the scientific director of the democratic initiative foundation oleksiy garan, until we finish our a conversation with mr. oleksandr, mr. oleksandr, please tell me, in principle, the same idea is connected with the kerch bridge, purely technically, purely technically. and it can actually be carried out when we can strike only on that part of the bridge territory that belongs to ukraine, because i understand that the railway bed is there and it is very difficult to damage it.
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situations, and this is the main part of the bridge? and as for the railway part in particular, it depends exactly on what means we will be hit with? if it is a penetrating missile with a penetrating type warhead, armor-piercing type, then it is quite possible to do it with the same stormshade, scalepg and even an attack depending on the modification, and the main thing is a high point. we see that even today they cannot fully restore the railway part, it continues to work in reverse format, in reverse mode, so it is quite possible, yes. and if we talk about the consequences of such an attack on the bridge, if the corridor along the sukhadol crimea is not interrupted, does it need to be done at the same time? ah, in general, if
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the kerch... bridge ceases to function, that's it will seriously affect the provision of the units of the three groups of troops located in the south, both metrakovo and the crimean peninsula, this is the provision of the dnipro troop group, the provision of the zaporizhia troop group and the crimea defense troop group, and they will not receive a sufficient amount of material technical support, especially the advanced units, which are on the same. exclusively provision via taganrog to berdyansk in the sea of ​​azov, it will not help, these are not the volumes that it provides kerch bridge, its railway part. if we talk about the road overland through mariupol, for example, to berdyansk or melitopol and so on, then this is also the automotive part, automotive
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supplies, they are not enough. not according to the volumes provided by the railway. the railway is the main element of the provision of all russian troops. that is why, by the way, they intensified their actions in the direction of novomykhaivka, because it is very important for them to capture novomykhaivka and vogledar, because this is exactly the zone from which the railway through volnovakha is controlled from east to south, and they are trying to restore its operation. thank you, thank you, mr. alexander. the military-political columnist of the information resistance, as i promised, now we will have oleksiy haran, congratulations, mr. oleksiy, good, good evening, i am smiling because i want to start our conversation with our favorite topic of the global south, in connection with this story about that lawsuit that a subaltern african republic filed against israel, why, because we talk about double standards all the time, here's
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the global south. he is unhappy that the west is guided by double standards in relation to ukraine, in relation to the gas sector, and that is why it refuses to support us, here i am interested, here is ramaphosa, an outstanding figure of our time, a former activist there of such organizations, which could also be safely called terrorist, despite their entire struggle against apartheid, files a lawsuit against israel, accuses israel of genocide, and at the same time calmly travels to moscow, kisses with... with putin, south africa is part of brics, she does not condemn the destruction of the civilian population of ukraine by russian troops, this is not a double standard, but i'm just curious, how do you perceive it, how can it be perceived in south africa itself? well, first of all, i wanted, i also wanted to offer you to start with this topic, you beat me to it, i have an intuition, i'm a journalist, journalists have an intuition, good, that's good, i think we can talk. about
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double standards, if we talk about the position of south africa, then it is not really clear-cut, including if we talk about the position of the institution of the presidency, because let's say his national security aide, his longtime anti-apartheid ally, he said that nothing could justify an attempt to seize territories, that is... it was just about the russian-ukrainian wars, yes, that is, on the one hand, he says that on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs there is a statement that south africa, the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of foreign affairs, adopted on february 24, calling for the withdrawal of russia from ukraine, but...


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