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tv   [untitled]    January 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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knowing our country, but you started our conversation with the question of the relationship between business, the economy and the government, and you see that the government does not understand at all what the economy is, what business is, what it needs in order to develop, to finance, already the business has no patience and the patient is already tearing up when the steam comes out and the steam continues, if people are not released from prison, if these criminal cases are not made up, which simply did not exist in the previous ones. the authorities never, they started began to exist under the so-called already late yanukovych, but the late yanukovych was demolished at the end of the 13th, the beginning of the 14th year, but today we understand that the government does not embrace this issue at all , what is business, what is industry, what is industry . i said in our previous meetings that, excuse me, when someone from officials does something in relation to business, he should first understand whether we are losing jobs? do we lose
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wages because if we say a national bank closes financial or insurance company, it reduces 500 jobs there in a year, 500 jobs is a billion hryvnias of additional taxes, this is business activity, this is, excuse me, additional gross domestic product, which is taxed at 32-35%, the gross domestic product is redistributed through the budget, an example is only the national bank, and there are also such examples of the antimonopoly committee and the difference, and excuse me, the national commission for the regulation of electricity markets and the rest of everything, well, that is, it is the whole state, it should be that the competent people of the cabinet of ministers, the competent people of the president's office , the competent people of the verkhovna rada , who make laws, did exactly that, were engaged in precisely to increase the tax base, that is, to increase the economy, jobs in order to have more of these taxes, and there is nothing wrong with your question, the answer simple... nothing wrong if we
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raise taxes. i will give you an example, i lost in stakhanov, luhansk oblast, the stakhanovsky car-building plant, which employed 5,600 people, who produced products worth a billion dollars a year, 900 wagons and give me a question, ask if i was ready to pay 75% of the taxes from this enterprise on the profit in order not to lose it. of course, i am ready, in the same way i lost a lift for... a construction plant in crimea, how many people lost their businesses in luhansk, in donetsk, in crimea, in crimea in 2014, they lost everything, ask them, are they ready were to finance the armed forces of ukraine by 50% of income tax, by 45%, by 70%, in order to then return their property, which was seized by the occupiers, unconditionally, or at all, to prevent it from being taken by someone and someone trying to get it, because people lost everything, everything, their whole...
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life, earned money, were entrepreneurs, engaged in some kind of active economic activity, they lost everything, but here is the other side of this coin, and the other side of the coin is that everyone is ready to pay taxes, but everyone is ready to pay taxes, understanding that, excuse me, that these taxes are spent honestly and not corruptly, but when i hear on television you, as we read in the newspapers that are bought on half a billion, a billion shells , it is not clear where the money went, they are buying... eggs for 17 hryvnias , it is not clear for what, they are buying some, excuse me, underwear, for which half the country is chasing after some lviv businessmen for two or three , it is not clear at what cost, of course , let the court prove all this, because i would like to have everything not just accusations of these not at all credible, i.e. untrustworthy, law enforcement agencies that start criminal cases and pretend that they stole 100 billions, killed 200 people, and which ends with the fact that... no one was stolen,
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nothing, nothing, no one was killed, and they were not even brought to court, people were put in prison only so that it was necessary to somehow deal with political or economic opponents, i want to definitely understand and see that there are decisions of judges, which , excuse me, entered into legal force, and only after that we can blame these people, but there is no smoke without fire, and when journalists dig up bigos, nikolov, the rest of everyone digs up these facts to buy, excuse me, eggs are uah 17, then i am sure that this will demoralize taxpayers, as they are told, you pay more, and after that we will steal your money from you, that is, you will pour money into our, excuse me, budget, which such a huge barrel is called, and we will pour this money from a small faucet somewhere to the side, well, of course, this does not suit the people, and believe me, there is another moral side of this medal, when you and i pay today... 18 % of income tax,
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of course we should raise it today and 25% income tax and an additional 10% to take and demand from businesses to buy war bonds from the profits and say: you guys will get the money when the war is over, but we promise you and control us as you can that we will spend money honestly, let's not be as corrupt as we are today, and in this situation we definitely need to have control of the public, control of the press, independent, free press, as it happens everywhere in the world, and definitely we need control and accounting chamber, with people who defined by western experts, we need control of the west, because unfortunately, it's a shame to say, we can't handle it ourselves, and there's another moral situation here, the moral question of our relationship with the west, because i talk a lot with investors, with politicians, the last time i was in washington, they ask me questions and say: guys, well, look, we, germany, the united states, britain, france, we
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all pay a personal tax of approximately 35%, on income and profits enterprises 35 - 42%, in germany 45%. and we, with this money that we... elect our entrepreneurs, our residents, not even entrepreneurs, just workers at a rate of 35%, instead of, as promised in our country, to build roads, build schools, hospitals, spend money on healthy health care i, we give this money to you, we are ready to give, but it is not fair when we get 35% or 42% from our people, and give it to you, and you get 18% from yourself, and i don't have it, i don't have it. answers, because it is morally wrong, it cannot be right, when we ourselves are unable, we ask them, and the stakes themselves we do not raise taxes, and when today they say that let's raise the tax on incomes above uah 20,000, yes, we definitely need to raise taxes on incomes above
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uah 20,000 on the same scale, after that, if the income is 50,000, then even more should be removed, the profit tax should be raised from 18 to 25%, and after that, enterprises. and enterprises and entrepreneurs who have a profit should be encouraged, encouraged, even forced out of them by law, so that they buy another 5% of this profit or 10% of this profit military bonds so that we can win , because today, if we, it's an existential situation, if we don't finance the armed forces, if we don't give money to the state, then we can simply end our existence, like everything ended in luhansk, donetsk and crimea. in the 14th year, so we , i hope, all reasonable people do not want this , everyone is ready to give more money, but only they would go to the armed forces for victory and for us to repel aggression, but definitely not for corruption, because what we we see today, no man is moral or immoral, he will say: i will not give a single
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penny because i do not want to go to war, because there is complete corruption, and i do not want to give a single penny because my money will be stolen, my money will not go in order to strengthen our defense capabilities, to repel ... aggression, and they will go to the fact that some other bureaucrats or some employee of the ministry of defense or the office of the president buys himself another electric porsche, or buys himself, i don't know, some kind of villa in spain. thank you thank you, mr. kostyantyn, kostantyn zhivago, investor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, was in touch with us in this program, we will now continue the conversation about the international policy of ukraine and talk with mr. tibor tompy, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv oblast, congratulations mr. tsibor. good evening, mr. vitaly, glad to see and hear you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, tomorrow the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and hungary are meeting in uzhhorod. what do you expect from this meeting?
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how much do you hope that there will be some real change in the hungarian-ukrainian mutual atmosphere. well, to be honest, who did i talk to? and i, including my opinion, that such significant changes in warming, well if it will be minimal, because i watched, i follow the hungarian press, mr. orbán when he speaks, and recently, not that softening, on the contrary there are a lot of such negative, i would say ukrainian nativ... atives in orban's press, and 80, more than 80% of hungary's press media, it is the government subordinate to orban, the only thing, i think perhaps, and it is not because of the fact that hungary is there, the leadership has come to love us, but because
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they really found the appropriate influence on orbán, i think that the positive may be that they will still support us. will vote for the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine, and what about any significant movements there, i honestly... say, i do not hope, but if we talk about what in general can be in your opinion, in the attitude of hungary to the integration of ukraine, to the european union, to help ukraine, you do not think that will change over time the position of the hungarian government, are we dealing with this maneuver, as a constant, yes, of course, of course, you are right, the fact is that... orbán, his clique,
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are very, very negative, well, not only with ukraine, are opposed to brussels, and orbán's entire methodology and policy consists exclusively of blackmail, manipulation and intimidation, so here, if there will be any economic warming, let it be economic in principle. the connection between ukraine and hungary, thank god , is such a normal trade today 4 billion dollars, and there is a surplus from our side, from the side of ukraine, that is, it means that our products are competitive on the hungarian market, here i think there is really room for moving forward, and... in political terms, i think that we should not expect such movements from orbán, of course
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we need to cooperate, we need to remind szijjártó and orbán that ukraine, we have done much more than even we could, i mean the law on national minorities, currently the hungarian national minority in transcarpathia should give more rights than local ones. ukrainians, because there are places where there are no ukrainian-language schools at all, but only in the hungarian okta. but, as far as i understand, there was already a trend when ukrainian-language schools were opened in hungarian villages, and ukrainians of hungarian origin themselves sent their children to these schools so that they would have the opportunity to continue their education in the ukrainian language. yes, of course, it used to be such a positive trend, and i am in favor of keeping this positive trend going. sorry, i think this is a big positive, when a person knows several languages, and
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i am very grateful to my parents that i could study in a ukrainian-language school, my native language is hungarian, of course, when i need to, i am with everyone who speaks hungarian in hungary, and no one prevents me from this , but of course the state language should be ukrainian, and tell me, in principle, what is happening with hungarian policy regarding nato, when we talk about sweden, about ukraine, when we talk about the integration of our country into the european union, it is, i do not hear, no i hear sorry i don't hear, i'm saying, when we talk about hungarian policy regarding nato, when we see the situation with sweden regarding the european union, do you consider it an attempt to maneuver between brussels and moscow, or is it some kind of internal policy of mr. orbán that he is trying to follow ... er, let's say, to extend his stay in power? eh, and, of course,
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he wants to rule like this forever, wants to be such an eternal dictator, and he is basically only interested in money, money, and nothing else. a book about the strategy of hungary, one, was recently published from political figures, balaž orban, this is viktor orban's political director, not a relative, simply. common nicknames, so they simply cynically stated that the hungarian government today is absolutely not interested in anything, apart from its calculations, and in general, in international law , the one who is stronger is always right, and everything else is a delusion, forgive me, that is it's about... you know, hungary's leadership returned to such a pre
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-westval world of europe, that is, until the 10th of 648, i think you understand what i 'm talking about, they advised ukrainian officials, who meet with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, by the way, a knight of the russian order of friendship, there is no truth, children. well, of course, of course, well, look, i don't envy our leaders who have to meet siarto. then we will have to meet with orbán, of course, this is not an easy meeting, but this must be done in order to show europe that we are really a european democratic state, and we really want good neighborly relations, and we
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have done all this, we are doing it unlike orbán and his clique. there is such a political opposition in hungary, which can change the mood of society in the future? there is such a political opposition , a young political opposition, i'm just in front of the air, i spoke with one of the leaders of the faction of the hungarian parliament, this is the momentum, and they talked about what you probably know , literally on saturday one of the far-right leaders for... viv, lászló toroczkai, this is a former member of jobbik, there is actually no jobbik today, it disintegrated very weakly, he created a so-called party, our homeland, i would say the nazi party, and declared that i will lose ukraine several times, they claim to transcarpathia, that's mr. marton, marton tompash,
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the head of the faction of the hungarian parliament, who fully... supports ukraine, i read literally the phrase that he said, this is really the hungarian opposition, our position is full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine , and torotsky, who wants to take transcarpathia, is a paid puppet whom orban promoted to the hungarian parliament in order to push his far-right ideas through him. which fidesz, that is, orbán's party, does not dare to express, this is a shameful statement, and it is important to know that the majority of hungarians do not support these unfortunate people, so thank god there is someone to replace orbán in hungary, there is another reason why this is not happening,
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because we have today a divided hungary, it is... a short-sighted so -called serfdom orbán's hungary is primarily a province, and we have budapest, where orbán did not win a single electoral district at all, so i really hope that in the next elections a new generation will really come to power, democrats who are liberally minded and who are already very popular today. .. really cooperation with ukraine. thank you, mr. tsibor. tsibor tompo, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv and kyiv region was in touch with us. we 're going to break for just a few minutes now, but stay with us. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my sore
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and switch on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. crimes from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. we continue the political club program.
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new to the english-speaking reader, it was changed in the ukrainian translation during your first edition, and it was called the imperial vision russian literature and colonism, i would like you to explain to our viewers, what exactly is the imperial vision, how to understand it? we are talking about vision itself. which is about colonialism, about what empire offers, it's pseudo-knowledge, it's pseudo, it's something
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which is generated by the empire, and the empire itself can spread ideas about knowledge, about other things within and beyond its territory. to what extent is this something special for the russian state, or is it a universal simple law of the existence of those empires, which , of course, determined the development of european, in particular, civilization until about the middle of the 20th century, so please repeat the question again, please, i ask how much are something special. from the point of view of the russian state, is this a universal law for all those empires that were defined the development of events in europe and not only in europe
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, practically until the middle of the 20th century, thank you , of course, the point is that all empires, they generate these imperial knowledge, imperial visions, we can also talk about... the british empire, the french empire , they have their own rhetoric, their own narratives both about and about the colonies, and about how they civilized the processes there, again, the question here is that they have grown to some such level, and what their colonies have now acquired sovereignty, and they ceased to be empires, again, empires, they do not allow peoples who want to be free , sovereign, they are not allowed to achieve this sovereignty, but again we see that after the fall of communism, that this maneuver was not enough, that is, it seems that
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the western european empires, they became adults and they let their colonies free melting, then, like the russian empire, it has not yet matured to such, it clings to the lands it conquered, and therefore they believe that for some reason it is for majesty. i would say that i was most surprised by the reaction of readers in ukraine to your book, here they are right now they are reading it, and it is interesting that it has become relevant for them now, not when it first came out, but that they are making the discovery with you that russian literature is imperial. literature, and the question arises, what should the literature of the empire be, if not imperial? well, you mean what could
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be or should? of course, what is written is already written, and we cannot change the literature of imperial russia, because what happened in the 19th century, in the 20th century, is very much rewritten there, everything echoes, and we we understand that this literature is and was imperial, it is the literature of the russian empire, again, and that is why we have... to wait for new works by authors who will understand what colonialism is, what imperialism is, and it must be banned in the 21 century? well, it seems to me that modern russian literature is also, i would say, even anti-state, it still views the world from the point of view of the imperial narrative, yes,
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unfortunately, it is so. when i was writing my book, which is the last chapter of the whole book, and it just said that if you want to be someone big, you don't need to conquer someone, you just need to inspire others , you need to raise the dignity of people, and i think that when we talk about... ordinary people, yes, who have achieved something, in particular in russia, i am also talking about writers , it is so important that they, they are a big , they are the leading theme in their works, they provided, and a russian woman, for example, that is, it is important, in fact, that everyone, including the russian people, in russia understood that all funds, resources, they were directed to keep the empire
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together. and tell me, i want to continue here this topic, understanding by ukrainians, the imperialism of russian literature, in the soviet union and later, i would say, i am a philologist by education, it was always not hidden, there was also russian literature, so to speak, the main literature, and there were secondary literatures, we taught separate russian literature and literature... of the peoples of the soviet union, as some, i would say, literature of a different kind, there were, there was world literature, russian literature and literature of the peoples of the soviet union, three different literatures, three different approaches, in fact russia like the empire, the world and the colonies, and why do i say that it would not even be some kind of secret, that is why i am surprised that ukrainians have not
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understood this until now, that they need to open your book. to understand what they should have known since high school. i hope i have understood the question correctly, it is so complex and big, but i want to say that russia, moscow actually organized its educational system in such a way that russian... literature was actually first-class literature, it had to be compared to it, and then it was other literature, just what it is about you spoke of those second-rate countries, supposedly , but now i understand that people are conscious, they must understand that it is necessary to move away from such a division, in particular, when we are talking about ukraine, as in your place, i would completely push this literature aside.
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replace it, for example, with the literature of european countries, because we know that there are wonderful, wonderful authors, i think, of course there are, there were also outstanding authors in russian literature that you study, but i would, for example, replace urgenniv with someone from european authors, well of course, there are no such super novelists as tolstoy or dostoyevsky, yes, but there are good novelists in european countries and... that is why it would be possible to replace the works studied by students with proper european, european works, and we could look at how the students themselves would change in a way, they would already feel like a part of europe, but actually instead of reading turgenev, i would teach dickens, belzac and other outstanding authors, little ones.


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