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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found, and now everything is fine with them, but, unfortunately, the fate of many and still remains unknown. everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. simultaneously. and
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children are also disappearing in territories controlled by ukraine. as the experience of the magnolia children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents who can prevent the child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is the importance of being interested in the child's interests. be interested in your child's interests. invite her friends over. even if it 's going to be very noisy, even if it's going to be a terrible mess in the house afterwards, it's still useful, it's still good, why? because firstly, the child will be in front of you, he will be next to you, secondly, you will know what he is interested in, who he communicates with, who to turn to in case of what, thirdly, you will be able to simply share interest and get pleasure, because sometimes what your children are interested in can be genuinely interesting for you too. and lastly, even if it is not your child who needs help, but one of his friends, maybe because you will be... the only adult who
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can provide this help, and maybe you will save someone from fatal decisions. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings friends, the saturday polyclub is on the air on the espresso tv channel, olesya vakulyuk, vitaly portnikov, we are glad to see you on the espresso tv channel, and we are starting the saturday plitclub, we will summarize the main events of this week, the main events that happened in ukraine and also in the world, and we will start our ether. ivan kyrychevskyi,
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a military expert of the defense express portal , is already appearing on our airwaves. mr. ivan, we welcome you. congratulations, sir. good evening. so, let's start with a possible one the loudest event of this week is the il-76 wreckage. we don't even know what to call it, catastrophe, destruction. fall. fall. well, in any case, let's say the il-76 case in the belgorod region. still, what can we do. at the moment to understand because in any case, i would say that this is the largest russian information operation against ukraine, i would say in two years, seriously speaking, and we have to somehow understand how how we have it at least highlight, what would you advise us, how to respond to such russian innuendo? well, unfortunately, on the one hand , there are objective data that would allow us to fully establish the entire chain of this disaster, well, in the literal sense, it is a disaster, if you take it. in what happened
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and why, let's say, what kind of information trail the event has acquired in our space, unfortunately, there is still not enough objective data, we can only deny some russian statements, well, regarding, for example, there has already been a debunking regarding there is a russian, let's call it, propaganda cartoon, where they tried to show that the il-76 has some before the flight they loaded some people, but even polish researchers dispelled that it was, to put it mildly, a montage. but why am i inclined to use the word catastrophe? because, unfortunately, we found ourselves in a situation where, you know, literally what happened in the information space can be written as a funnel catastrophe and we can only draw conclusions for the future, the conclusion for the future is roughly like this, we urgently need somehow stop at least each other, you know, how to say it, i would not like not to use it is not academic a word that indicates the intensity of our quarrels in the information space, well, we wanted to, well, let's say this, we need to stop these
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non-academic quarrels, instead, if there are any problems, then start, you know, talking with arguments, because until now we just had, well a common method, for example, let's say, pit expert y against... expert x and thus charge the audience, but unfortunately, and let's say, everyone thought that this was such a working technology that, well, it allows people to be confused, but unfortunately, it turned out that because of that, there is no stable trust in any speakers, unfortunately, in our information space, then they go to look for some alternative versions, the ministry of defense of the russian federation begins to believe more and there, let's say to people, even in the west, who can prepare russian propaganda, well, it’s more accurate to simply submit, here is the institute for the study of war for some reason... it is presented as simple, well, independent western analytics, it’s just a transfer of a russian telegram, and it turns out that we are by and large when we try to comment on this story from 76, we are just , well, trying to fight with what we have because of, let’s say, some shortcomings of social and political life, people are beginning
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to trust russian sources more, and well , or even individual, let’s say, resources, and they are beginning to believe selectively , because for some reason the version of the russian ministry of defense regarding the captured infospaces came, but... for example, no one spreads, for example, the nonsense of the russian defense ministry that they shoot down points v there, or russian propagandists, about what it seems to be there armenia gave us rockets to fire at belgorod, and even the institute for the study of war wrote this, or for example, sometimes even the ministry of defense ref writes some complementary things for us, that, for example, there are no birds flying to the crimea, you know, literally, like that in flocks, or that they regularly shoot down our grym-2 missile, about which we constantly sigh there. when it will finally be, that is, we need to stop somehow, well, for the future at least, well , criticizing each other in general, because this is the story of il-76, it created a dangerous a precedent, when for the first time in two years russian sources were really believed more than ours, and unfortunately, this situation is already,
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let's call it, impossible to undo, well, maybe that's why they believed, because here it's about people and about prisoners of war, about prisoners of war , yes, it is about having many families. who are waiting, and of course what , even if it is fake information, but, well , everyone, everyone is waiting, not that from captivity, but waiting to return, to, to see their native, and so this could be the reaction, but even , if russia, say, invented it once here is such a version in order to sow us this confusion, so that we start quarreling, once again for some new, new, some bone for... from here we have no guarantee that the next time the russians will not start to cover their military planes with human shields like this , it turns out, well, they are already doing it, unfortunately, that is, at the front, when , well, they have repeatedly recorded cases when
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the russian occupiers use our half purely as a human shield, in particular to cover themselves from the impact of drones, so , unfortunately, everything is not out of the question, so why me i use here the word catastrophe of all... in the sense purely because we cannot now calculate in advance what crime the enemy may commit, accordingly, we cannot prepare for anything morally now, well, in the sense of what the enemy may say or do , because even if we even recall such a scandal, well, more precisely similar incidents with the deer, because let's recall, then russia also tried to hang everything on us, they say, hymars was fired upon and simply it was then the period when purely logically level, it was easier for the russians not to believe everything, well, because... well, what a high-mars, we were only given high-mars, there was literally a couple of times a day to shoot a combat kit , well, they shot at warehouses of shells, accordingly, what a deer, unfortunately, two years have passed , that's why i'll repeat myself, here we can avoid such disasters, including in
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the information field, unless we at least stop criticizing each other in general and start at least speaking with arguments, because well, for example, i , for example, am fully aware, that i can to be some, let's say, methodologies'. technical claims, in relation to other commentators, can be methodological claims, but it is better, if there are already some problems, it is better to speak with such, you know, arguments and stop, well, forgive me for squirming already. and tell me, please, what do you think, if we talk about the fact that russia is denying an international investigation of this whole story, it speaks in favor of the fact that at least they are not negotiating a lot in this situation, well, they ... you know, not the fact that they do not agree at all in this situation, well, because, unfortunately, in this situation , we cannot rule out that these lists of military prisoners, which they stated that they could have, well, that these people could have died due to independent treatment in captivity, well, russia will not comply with the geneva convention
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, we cannot rule out that russia could even use these prisoners of war for its own purpose at the front, we don't even, let's say, judging by everything, we don't even know to which russian structure this... exactly il-76 could belong and even to which well, at what point in the flight did this little thing happen, because there are many, let's say this, i had reasons to believe that in reality this moment is this il-76 from belgorod. took off and, for example, he could already unload. after all, there is publicly available data that just at the moment when this russian plane fell, that an air alert was declared in the belgorod region, that is , the russian air defense should also have fallen in theory, and the il-76 is a very large plane, there, well, let's say, measuring 50 by 50 m, can be taken, for example, as a group target, and it cannot be ruled out that the russian anti-aircraft guns could just to think that it is, for example, on them, well, like a group of our missiles. flying, russia , in principle, does not agree on everything here , the problem is that instead of
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speaking about something there essentially objectively, although when russia did not speak essentially objectively, it was able to create a coherent propaganda version, which the whole world has to deny, so to speak. the families of prisoners who are in captivity now, they are now in standby mode, and what about these people, that is, who can shed light on also... what happened, so that at least it will be removed from their hearts, although the fact that their relatives are in captivity is not too easy either, well, but at least they know that they are alive, well, as far as is known and as far as official structures have already declared, well, the same coordination committee for handling the military with the prisoners and other official structures, they were in communication, even the phrase, it seems from budano there, that on the video the relatives could not, let's say, on the propaganda videos that the russians tried to show, that the relatives could not recognize anything from the so that it could point to them
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prisoners, well, accordingly, you know, the relevant work of the military structures, it is being carried out , it’s just that we are still, well, how to emphasize it, we are in a very sensitive situation, which has an emotional color, accordingly, so as not to widen the funnel of the disaster, well, maybe our military the structures here have chosen the right course, when they try to at least maintain some kind of closed communication with their relatives, and try to... not take the public space to a greater extent than is necessary. tell me, in principle, if we talk in principle about the actions of the russians on at the front, how do you see the situation now, when we talk about the fact that the counterattacks of the russians manage to be resisted, how long can this process be? well, let's say, there is a margin of safety for several weeks, because after all , there is still a certain possibility, let's say, not... to conduct all the necessary fire work with drones, judging by this, and to use, including logistical aid, which
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was delivered from the western allies, well , if researchers of closed sources say that a hit in a half-bucket disappears somewhere like 40-50% of russian losses, then it is not difficult to guess that the other 50% of russian losses , including armored vehicles and manpower, are the work of artillerymen, there are army aviation, tactical aviation, actually even engineering troops, which can timely deploy barrage mines , i.e. stock. strength for a few weeks is there, but then the question arises, how rhythmically will help from the western allies, for example, german shells, and what will be accepted in general for, let's say, 2024 in terms of help from the usa, because there is one unpleasant a moment that has not been discussed yet, but we should speak up, not only that, in principle, we now live on 50% as a country at the expense of external financing, so it turns out, we also wage war at 50%... exclusively at the expense of external resources, because we can recall that last year only the usa
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provided 30 billion dollars worth of military aid, there are shells, tanks, necessary machines, and this is half of our military budget, more precisely, this equivalent was just the opposite of our military budget, i.e. that were able to collect at the expense of taxpayers' money , that's why the situation is like this, in the short term, in principle, our positions are good, but in terms of strategic ones... we have to think about the fact that lukashenko went to putin, what this visit should mean, about something is being negotiated, something is being asked for, they are planning something again, some kind of offensive from the territory of belarus, well, as for the offensive on the territory of belarus, it will be possible to understand when there, if some large echelons start to go, well, and there are also railways, you know, several dozens in a short period of time, there are several days or several weeks, well, for example, on the eve of the invasion, they drove at least two... such large railway echelons, so far this is not happening, to attribute any overly aggressive intentions
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to the belarusian regime of lukashenko, well, not yet it is worth, purely because you know, not to please the dictator's self-love, well, dictators just really love when they are satisfied with self-love, there may just be another political stage, well, we came and talked about how to continue building a union state, if there is some, let's say, clear criterion, military. threats from the territory of belarus, well, we will be able to see it even more clearly than from such moments that lukashenko once again flew to the territory of russia, as often as he in principle, judging by everything, flies there. well, to perceive each such politician as, let's say, some kind of threatening sign, well, it's too much, if we talk about the fact that , in principle, ukraine needs to protect itself in connection with this visit of lukashenka to the russian ukrainian, or the belarusian-ukrainian does the border also need appropriate fortifications? well, they are building,
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we even have such an interesting story here that, based on open sources, we only have it installed on the belarusian border. for 5,000 mines, that is, it is no less than, for example , the russians placed mines on this so-called surovikin line, well, to try to counter the counteroffensive of the armed forces, here in the case of fortifications, i just think, regarding the northern border, there is nothing for us to worry about , there may be questions about the eastern border, as far as we have time, but well, that, let's say, we have a set of necessary fortifications that can delay. any mechanized offensive from the territory of belarus, this is fortunately a fact, why we did not have these structures at the time of february 2022, especially since we are talking about , let's say, infrastructure that can be built within a few months, which actually happened , this issue is open and will have to be closed, accordingly. putin said that 617,000 soldiers are now in ukraine, can you
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believe him, or is this a reaction to naming the number on the fact that... nato decided to conduct the largest military exercises in the last 40 years? i think that here it is simply, let's say, a question of accounting, because when the main intelligence agency talks about 450,000 e directly along the entire front line plus there 30,000 occupation contingent, the so-called rosguard, well, i think that it's just that putin the numbers in the kremlin are sketchy, well, for example, the militia or some occupation structures there, which do not take part in hostilities, in principle they are not even capable, but, well, they... fulfill as they say there, they are performing tasks in the area of ​​this military operation, so it is unlikely, let's say, that it can even be connected with the fact that somewhere there nato is conducting some exercises, just, let's say, in the kremlin, unfortunately , have learned too well to throw into our information space, any theses that we then start discussing, this is property with a figure of about 600
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, how many thousands of occupiers in ukraine, this is what happened, thank you, thank you. mr. ivan, ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of the defense express portal, was in touch with us. we are going to break for a couple of minutes now, but please stay with us, there are more interesting conversations ahead. there are discounts on strength detox, 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lyzak, 10% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war talk more, sergey
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zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please. words, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko already is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport.
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espresso tv channel viewers are asked to join the collection of posts about... and technical equipment for our division. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can. express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment on
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the most relevant social discussions. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 5:10 p.m. espresso. mother's book about the son of a volunteer who did not return from the war. writer olena cherninka shared a story of personal grief. her 28-year-old son mykhailo went to defend ukraine in the early days great war in may 2023, a sister informed about the death of a soldier. i started writing facebook posts as correspondence, as letters to my son. and in these letters there were memories, there were some. moments when he was already in the combat zone, our life with him, these were such short stories, such stories turned out to be
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a full-fledged book, in which the author talks about mykhailo's childhood, his service in the army, his own experiences and memories of relatives and brothers, also in the publication elena reveals the topic of how to survive the loss of a loved one, this as a primer for those who have gone through the same thing. how i, or whose children or husbands are, how i gave myself advice, how i found, in which i found meaning to live on, everything i wrote before and everything i will write after, it will be in the background, the most important book of my life is a book about lemberg, and it will remain so, according to olena cherninka, lemberg represents the generation of young ukrainians who took up machine guns to defend our independence, the book in... is complemented by photos from the family archive. the book really impresses with this kind of powerful force, and regardless of what it is about, it still inspires and gives some
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hope, some faith. lemberg's book should be read, if only to understand that heroes, current heroes of ukraine, ukrainian heroes become those who were... yesterday or the day before yesterday next to us. the book is being prepared by the stary lev publishing house. recently, more literature on military topics has appeared in bookstores - says maryana savka, co-founder and editor-in-chief of vsl. i would really like that the literature that is created about this time, about those events, about everything that happens at the front, so that it gives us as much strength, not only about this feeling of pain, which is inevitable there. are present olena cherninka timed the publication of her new book to the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of ukraine by russia. lemberg. don't cry for mamtsyun, it will appear in
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bookstores at the end of february. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel.
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we are back on the air and now we will talk about the united states of america, because it is with us on communications oleksandr motsyk, diplomat and ambassador of ukraine to the united states in 2010-2015 . mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. good evening, glory to ukraine. well, let's start with this topic, which seems to me to be the most important right now. american aid to ukraine. all the more so against the background of this letter, which the speaker of the house of representatives of the american congress, mike johnson, sent to his colleagues, in which he says that the agreements on the compromise on the migration legislation and on the assistance of ukraine to israel are stillborn. it generally means that we will get ever help or not? well, you know, the situation is really complicated, and it got complicated at the last moment, when ex-president trump intervened,
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which is obvious. put the issue of combating illegal migration at the center of his pre-election program, if you answer yes or no now, then i think that help will still come, but it will be given at a very difficult price, and for this it will be necessary to work a lot, now ukraine will have to work both on a bilateral level directly with americans with the congress, and it will be necessary to work at the state level, that is, to go abroad, create a powerful team and work in all states, well , for example, the way the lithuanians worked when they joined nato in the late 90s, they then a powerful team toured all 50 states, so
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we also have to work in this way, work through the diaspora, through the ukrainian diaspora, through the polish diaspora, through the lithuanian diaspora, that's 25 million people in total, well, of course, work with those institutions that are currently engaged with by the republican team, it is first of all the heritage foundation and other institutions to clarify and explain that aid to ukraine... is clearly in the interests of the united states of america, and it seems to me that not only the democrats, but also the majority of republicans understand the situation in this way that if aid to ukraine is not provided, or not provided in time, and which is in the request of president biden for 61 and 4 billion dollars, then the situation for ukraine will be difficult, very difficult. i will be at the front,
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and from this, of course, and ukraine, first of all won't win, lose, but europe will lose and the united states of america will lose, and then the world will really look at this whole situation, understand that the united states is losing its leadership, so, well, it will be very difficult, not easy, but if the question is put categorically, whether... we will have help or not, i still lean towards the fact that we will have this help. what are the terms in question, when can we get it? terms are more complicated, as mr. vitaly just rightly said, that there is a position of the speaker of the house of representatives, mike john johnson, of course, that this position of his was formed under the influence
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of the ex-president... trump and his actions and position is obviously to continue to put pressure on the democrats in order to get some additional things related to the issue of combating illegal migration, well, as for the ex-president trump, so i think he's going to insist that the issue be left open for as long as possible, if not until the election itself, but once again on the... again, the majority of republicans are in favor of bailing out, and it's in america's best interest, so at the end of the day the mind must work and logic, and we have to get that help. so tell me, patermen, it’s more difficult, it obviously won’t happen next week, because next week only the senate will come out with some text of an agreement, which was or was in the process of achieving the... promise, well
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, and then the situation will come to the house of representatives. tell me, mr. oleksandr, is lesya saying that i should ask you this? no serious american publication, none at all from the new york times to fox news, says a single word about any serious conflict between president biden's administration and city government in texas. urban lunatics, of whom there are always enough in ukraine, and whose impressions are read exclusively by russian telegram channels or pro-russian television. yes, they say that everything in america is a revolution, america is splitting, the third civil war, and what to do with people who do not understand what information hygiene is, that there is no information in telegram channels, that information is verified news, that this is happening at all between the american administration and texas local authorities, what needs such a feverish reaction in propaganda channels? well, there is, there is, there is
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a problem, there is a problem. which is that there is a different vision.


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