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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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well, there is also a third type, such ideological works as, for example, honchar's standard-bearers, where these are victorious works, but we now understand that they are all full of falsehood, everyone who fights in our country understands very well why he does it, we do not have a war of conquest, but on the other hand, we will not be defeated this time, i think that we are all ... united in this awareness, and therefore it will be some other literature, a new literature, i think, that's why it is very different, and it is quite risky to generalize how it will appear here, it’s not difficult, thank you, i can’t help but ask about reading, as such, so we wrote it out for ourselves and will now show you a graph from the ukrainian book institute, which did such
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a ... read during the war, and look how interesting it is that the number of ukrainians who read increased from 2020 to the 23rd year, from 8% in the 20th year to 19% in the 23rd year, that is, this the year we lived seems to be good. and the more it seems good that prevails the book in ukrainian is printed, yes , the book is in ukrainian, but for comparison in germany, almost 46% of the population reads , what this tells us in general is that what we read like this, we don't read much, we still don't read much, but we we read much more than it was there, let's say 10-15 years ago, this tells us that we still have...
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educators and people of books, there is still such a long path of enlightenment that is actually so serious, because reading always makes people smarter , it is important at this moment people read actively because they want to know, they want to know history, which, as it turns out, was presented in many ways distorted, well, in particular, under the influence of russian propaganda. they want to know literature, about literature, because they were once again told that this is great literature in russia , there is none here, that is, in fact, everything is there, and it is necessary, there are victories that should be celebrated in our history, there are strong texts, so people rushed read and it's true, i believe these statistics, we all see that reading is very common, i don't know, i think every publishing house already has this experience when fighters from the front line...
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turn around, send books, we read in the breaks, yes, that is, between battles, that is, it is important, well, it is globally important, because the nation must be able to defend itself with the force of arms, but yes by itself and by the power of words, well, this is a fact again, she must tell the truth about herself, praise the exploits of her heroes, who will be alive as long as they are remembered, laugh in literature. and in the same way , this satirical aspect of literature is now strengthened in our country, because satire is also a weapon, that is , in fact, this is an explained development, and of course, there is such a very good prospect, yes , but here it is still really far from european countries, from its states, yesterday i had a lecture of servers... librarians, yes, who want
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to learn and more about modern ukrainian literature, and here i remembered this fact, that somewhere from the 20s and 30s of the 20th century in america, there were powerful library support programs for libraries, the state supported libraries, there were some reading contests, so that people would go, so that children would go, they would have some awards, collect some stickers, well, in short they... made a serious program so that people would read, and now we can not be surprised why in america there are possible circulations of a million, 3 million, here if we calculate proportionally, then we should have possible circulations, well at least 100-200 00 are like that, so far, well, i know that this colony is worth 30 00, it is not bad, we are moving in this direction, i know that the total... circulation of everything published by oksana
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zabushko is already it's a half a million far, but there's still room to move, all the same, here's germany, in particular, and especially scandinavia. well, they read, probably twice, three times more powerfully than we do so far, and this issue is the same with the school curriculum, that is, it is complex, it will have to be solved, now it just starts from such a grassroots level, it’s just that people want to read, they want to learn more , and interestingly, we also took the most interesting reading figures from the ukrainian institute of the future, will we show why ukrainians read? so, almost half of ukrainians, 49%, say that reading is a way to save yourself, especially during the war. 42% believe that reading teaches make better decisions, that is, you become smarter, of course. 24%, a third of the participants consider reading ukrainian literature a form
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of resistance, cultural, this is also understandable. 21% of reading and buying books, support of ukrainian culture, this is why ukrainians read, and how... i will return to your book adventures of ukrainian literature, adventures of ukrainian literature was just like that , first it became the bbc book of the year last year, 2023 in the essay writing section, secondly after the lviv book forum, it was impossible buy, i have to, to be honest, i bought it recently and read it, how quickly it spread among readers, what are people... looking for in your book on the history of ukrainian literature? well, i was somehow hoping that it would arouse interest , but i didn't expect what it is, now the third edition is already underway, and it makes me very happy, because i really hope that people are looking for a certain
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integrity, i tried to speak there in three such planes , i always have such a small historical section that... happened in one or another period, that's for it this is from the end of the 18th century until now, then there is about european literature, which were written there at that time, which were the most brilliant authors, and then immediately ukrainian literature, that is , there should loom here, in my imagination, such a certain integrity, to show that, first of all, we have a strong and long tradition, in fact, the tradition is even longer, that is, in kyiv, in such old centers, in kyiv, in chernihiv. in lviv, literature was written for a very, very, very long time, it is possible that ovid, who was exiled to the besar steppes, somewhere organized a literary circle there near odesa, well, it’s a joke, but we actually have a thousand-year history of literature, and
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not every nation can boast of such literature, that is, there is a huge tradition, but here, even in this gap of 200 years, it is very clearly visible, there many more authors actually. which they talk about, which we know about there after school, and there are some texts that can be read again, i never like this, i am terribly happy when a person reads the adventures of ukrainian literature and then writes on the networks that my list reading there added up to 40 books, that’s good, of course it’s a bit of an insidious plan, but on the other hand it has some meaning, but i come across another meaning, i come across some good book, i read it, i’m in admiration, but i would like everyone to read it, well, that is, there is a high probability that many people will be fascinated by it, there like the master of the yanovsky ship,
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well, a chic book that was never, especially not talked about, there and in the school the program does not have it, but there is the princess of kobylyanska, that is, it is really very valuable. the texts there or there is dr. sarafiku sadomontovycha, he just came out, that is, we actually have, you know, it 's like aladdin's cave of treasures, where you can go, and there's a lot of things, but we don't know what exactly is there, and for many i think it's like that episode when, so, in gringotts in the bank before that... little harry potter, who thinks he's poor, opens the vault and he sees that his parents left him a lot of things, he can buy chocolate frogs, yes, that is, in fact, it is the same with ukrainian literature and culture, because it is the same a complex process, but now everyone
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absolutely understands, and there is a generous man, how powerful it is, what a generous man has conquered the world, there is some ensemble of officers of the navy. the usa performs a shchadryk, they understand that it is a shchadryk, they write, it is a liontovych, that is, they understand that this is a very strong culture, it is so strong that it... survived despite a lot of things, so there is a sense of admiration here, i i subscribe, and that's why they read, and that's why they listen, and that's why they watch, well , of course, there's a lot more that needs to be done, but that's not less, i thank you for this book, because my list has also been replenished, i thought that i read and knew so much from ukrainian literature, it turned out that i was not, and i also advise you to listen, i listen to your conversations with pleasure and happiness . with vira ageyeva in crazy authors, because both vira ageyeva and
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rostyslav vesem are nods to masters of history from literature, and actually, after you really listen to this story, you want to read zerov, damantovych, and all of them. who was underread or underread. thank you very much for this conversation, rostyslav semkiv, literary critic, teacher at the kyiv-mallyan academy. and was a guest on my program today, thank you for being with us, see you next week, thank you. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. greetings to everyone, this is a football format, a program that tells all the most interesting things that happened in the world of sports, in the world of football in a week, well , there are some ways for us to live on, especially in such an aspect as football and what happened last week, andriy shevchenko, the new president of the uaaf, everything that preceded it , what happened during it, what conversations have already been had, after, we will talk today, i, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi , andrew, hello, hello everyone, actually, there are often fashion weeks. and this week in ukraine can be called the week of football, there is a lot of news, events,
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hype from what happened in the house of football and around this event, the appointment of the president of the uaf, who became andriy shevchenko, in fact, without an alternative , having chosen, winning these elections, however , it was very hot for ukraine in other sports as well, for example, at the european biathlon championship, we have success, plus today we are waiting for medals in the relays, and of course the astralian open. where this morning our ukrainian, lyudyki chenok, played the final of the mixed category, the doubles category and, unfortunately, she lost, but everything is a little agreed on that, andrii shevchenko, let's then start with what it all started at this uaf congress, namely from 94 delegates congress, 93 for, one did not vote, this one is andriy shevchenko, so let's listen to how it happened. if there are no objections, i put the following proposal to the vote:
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to elect andriy mykolayovych shevchenko , born in 1976, a citizen of ukraine, a hero of ukraine, as the president of the ukrainian football association. who is in favor of this proposal, please vote. who is for? thank you, colleagues, the decision has been made, i congratulate andriy mykolayovych on his election as the president of the ukrainian football association. well,
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congratulations to andriy mykolayovych on his election, and we are waiting that maybe he will really manage to change something, to improve your expectations and this analysis of this unanimous vote. well, what preceded it, we analyzed it for a long time, that in reality this cannot be the case, that the elections have no alternative in such a football country, a big country, which is ukraine, and everything was done with a focus on the fact that... andriy shevchenko became president, we see that no one was even against it, and no one abstained, so it is very difficult to talk about something now, well, of course, time will tell. certainly there is a beautiful structure worked out in ukraine, which existed even before that, which largely gave results at various levels, well, again, immediately after andriy shevchenko came, he presented his program, presented his, let's say, assistants, who became vice- presidents, well, plus we know that he refused legendary
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former persons who were vice presidents, such as oleg blakhin, who, by the way, were also present... at the congress, like igor bilanov, like anatoly demyanenko, oleksiy mykhalychenko, all of them are now retired, oleg protasov, and now andriy shevchenko has a completely new team, and it is very difficult to say what to expect from him, as he is, from a functionary and from those who have now come to the position, and those who have him, well, support him, let's say so, his team, well, look, now we have this new, well, new leadership, this is shevchenko's team. his biggest question is pavlo boychuk, a man who doesn't even google, there is a president, there is a first vice president, and the only thing about him is that he was the acting director of artem sil, he is not even ihor hryshchenko, the general secretary, he is an experienced lawyer who worked at af, as well as oleksandr shevchenko, the vice president, he was expected to be the one, and serhii rebrov,
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you see, the coach of the national team, the vice-president the president, well , let's put it this way, the man is still not new to football. so we have the biggest questions about the fact that pavlo baychuk, they say that he was andrii shevchenko's lawyer, he is about the same age as them, and this person, really, will he be a gray cardinal or something, or will he just be there to help some eyes legal issues, because one of the first such tasks of shevchenko is to conduct. audit and the results of this audit will be known there within two months, although i think all the previous presidents conducted the audit there, and there were always questions, because there, we remember, there was a national team base built in gorenychy, the construction was canceled, and andriy pavelko also two or three years ago , i presented this base in knyazhychy, construction also stalled, but we always
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had such questions, there is a hat-trick program, some money stood out, they had to build a lot of fields , konkov was supposed to do it, but somehow it all... fell silent, so an audit is definitely needed, well, andriy shevchenko constantly talks about the fact that he is in contact with those associations that lead football, especially those , whom he knows personally, with whom he played there at one time , crossed paths during his career, there is no doubt that the sign is cool for ukrainian football, which is andriy shevchenko, a legend, it just so happens that he wanted to, he said: i want, well, because people close to the president's office, directly to the people who are there are working er, by leading this structure, he wanted it, he became it, and we see that this moment, that he is completely controlled by the office of the president, that there will not be any alternative opinion, the only club that is now so boldly really expresses his position, this is poltava vorsla, other clubs on the sidelines are talking about the fact that it is impossible
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to be like this and that it was still necessary to hire more professional people for these positions, there is a lot of trouble there. about their goals, about their program, about that, about the strategy for the development of ukrainian football, but that's all for now what is behind the scenes, everything is still not clear, how it is done, yes, and the faces we see , well, again, pavlo baychuk is absolutely not a football person, it’s just that he is a friend of andrii shevchenko, oleksandr shevchenko, well, he is the leader the lviv football association, well , plus the last name is the same, maybe this contributed to the fact that he is now also in the team. serhiy rybrov was a good football player, by the way. he started well in horlivka, he was seen in shakhtar, invited, then to dynamo, in the national team of ukraine, he has already become a real star, now as the coach is trying to work, but the fact that he is now the vice-president, after all, it is completely different, yes, we are talking about management, we are talking now about a functionary in the bodywork and, if so, to connect it with the coaching
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activities of the national team, it is very difficult to say, besides, he, like andriy shchenko himself, is extremely rarely in ukraine, everything needs to be directly here... and constantly, that is, to have an influence precisely by being in ukraine, and serhiy rebrov, andriy shevchenko are also in ukraine there , well, it happens there from a full year, maybe 5% there time, maximum, and the same people in the executive committee, the same oleksandr zinchenko, he also does not return to ukraine there, so it is very difficult to say the logic that this new team and directly andriy shevchenko, probably the only one who is the secretary general, ihor hryshchenko, who has been working for a long time in in the federation at first, now in the association, probably the greatest responsibility and work will fall on his shoulders, and this uniformity surprises me a lot, because i remember so, i remembered the elections of the uefa president, when grigory... surkis was in uefa and there they chose between johanson and platini, and surkis openly supported johanson, platini won, and on the contrary, platini respected those who voted against him, spoke something, because he
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understood that these are people, well, they have their own opinion and their own vision, and then let's connect the vice-president of vorskla poltava, oleg lysak, who, let's say, vorskla poltava caused a stir before the congress, because he left the association of poltava region, and mr. oleg, good day, tell me. here's a little bit of your motivation, why did you do that? good day, well, the motivation is quite simple, as soon as we started, this story started, we basically stated our position, it is also quite clear, first of all, everything should be logical both from the point of view of the law and from the point of view of what were we doing? we do, again , well, we are the largest in the region, we invest the most in the development of football, we have a classic club with
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a balanced, with a balanced children's school, a women's team, a men's team, well, well, none, no conversations, sorry, no such , you know, the dialogue, we, we haven't seen, well... again, maybe things change because people are new, it takes time for all that, but i think since that november there was enough time to get in touch, talk and define positions, believe me, well, i think that everyone in kyiv should also understand that we cannot only rely on millionaires there or in lviv or in kyiv there. roughly speaking, you can't take football from all of ukraine, there are cities like poltava, kryvyi rih, sumy, chernihiv, where football players were raised all their lives, and
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enough talent was found and all the guys played, both in the champions league and in the national team of ukraine, again, the clubs are the base for training the players of the national team of ukraine, so well... you know, i would like to respect that, well, first of all, to those people who invest money in football, and believe me, not a lot of money, secondly, of course, we want, well , an understanding of where we are going and why we are doing all this, that is why such a decision was made, again after all, i know many of those people personally, who today are represented in the executive committee, there are of course andrii mykolavych and... stanislavych, they have done a lot for ukrainian football in general, as football players, well, of course, i want changes, there are many questions, i don't want
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to repeat them anymore, it's all the same, the questions remain , you know, people change, the question remains, so let's see how much there will be, there will be changes that we all talk about, mr. oleg, i want to say that there is you, i must have called you... and the image disappeared, if it is possible to restore , and questions next, andriy shevchenko traveled around the regions there, met with the leaders of the association, what kind of meeting did he have with the poltava leaders of the poltava association, sorry, there is a problem with the connection, so i can only do it in audio, so, well, we, we, me, being also the vice-president of the football association of the poltava region, well, again, we didn't see anything... what, i don't want it there, you know, the football community to perceive it as criticism there or something, well, we didn't see anything at all , here at first our position
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was declared and hpv and until the last day before voting, we still, you know, don't want it, as they say, everyone was told to hang themselves and we left, hanged all together, yes, we want it to be a dialogue, an open dialogue, so that... work, so that there is an understanding of , where this football will go, still respect for what we have been doing for more than a dozen years, especially in the poltava region, i say again, we are the largest social project of the poltava region, well, it was possible to find, i don't know, like other regions, yes, maybe someone had communication, maybe because of ours positions did not want to communicate with us, but after all, in polt in the poltava region there is no more ee... someone who would invest such funds and it would be possible to invest such funds in football, so we want respect and still, i think that the new leaders will find time
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to observe... to make points, if necessary, we are ready for constructive, both dialogue and constructive criticism, because again we understand that without an alternative opinion, without such, you know , there can be no development without a critical approach, it definitely cannot to be, we all have to understand this in the country, and it does not apply only to football, so yes, so far we have not seen anything, except what he offered us... mr. oleg, then let's address such questions a little club, viktor skrypnyk, dolgansky is no longer a coach, this is already a final decision, will he train the team and train in the second round? i have one dream, i started thinking about it recently, i would really like to find a coach for vorsk for the next 15-10 years, and taking into account
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here... the experience that serhiy has mykolavych, taking into account his attitude to the club, taking into account how he worked with the same goalkeepers, we, i thank kostyantyn for his life, if you believe, if it were not for his support of vorskyi, i already think that the football stadium there would be carved with birches in poltava, that's why such a decision was made, we trusted, trust is complete, i hope, i know that serhii mykolai. not to let down not only the leaders of the club there, yes, but in general the entire football poltava region, so, well, we hope that he will still succeed at this path, of course it will be difficult for him, of course he will need the support not only of the club, but also of the fans, i really ask everyone to send such positive vibes as much as possible, you know, and to make it look normal, we
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for our part will... to do everything possible for the team to progress, for the youth to grow and for serhiy mykolayovych and his staff and the entire team and the club to succeed. also, the question is the following: vorskla fans are interested, if the transfer market is to be believed, there the contracts of stepaniuk, vysenko, yakuba and other players expire in the summer, there are negotiations on who, who will be extended, by all accounts, a football player. there are those who need vorskli and who want to remain vorskli, we will again do everything possible and impossible so that these football players are in the team. if, again, there are circumstances of overwhelming and irresistible force, if there are any circumstances that will influence the decisions of the football players, and the football players will still make a decision, it will go somewhere, believe me to me, any salary whatever we leave
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there or agree upon or any terms. they will not have such a positive influence on the boys as when they want to play in our club, therefore, as experience shows, this should be the first desire, and the second, of course, on the part of the club, the conditions on which they would satisfy that desire, believe me , we are already in the negotiation process, i have been talking for a long time with pavel isenka, and with ruslan stepaniuk, and... in the near future, once again , everyone who ends is also with yakub, we we started, so we continue, or rather, not what we started, but we continue, so i will see how well it will all turn out. vorsly are already newcomers, yes there are, in particular myakushka, kavtalyuk, who else can you expect, there are some, we will try
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to satisfy as much as possible. again, the needs of the coaching staff, but we proceed from two simple things: the first is the balance of the club, to what extent we will be able to sign new football players and on what terms, and the second, of course, for these football players to strengthen the team, since serhiy mykolayovych has vision, what he wants, and how he will build the team, it is somewhat different from what... we did with viktor anatolyovych, of course, there are football players who will fit into this scheme, there will be football players who will have less playing time, well, as much as possible today, we watch those players who are mostly 21-22 years old, we also watched players from albania and the youth national team of albania, for today.


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