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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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live now where you are, we are coming back, good morning, thank you for being with us, we welcome everyone who is joining us at this moment, four shahedis this night shot down our air defense forces, shahedis were already flying on traditional routes, flying over. and they flew to the west, from the south, from mykolaiv region, kherson region, to rivne region and volyn, and have not returned from there, and apparently will never return thanks to our protectors of the sky. well, in the meantime, we include the head of the joint coordination press center of the south's defense forces in the conversation. colonel natalya humenyuk is with us. good morning, glory to ukraine. hero slava, i congratulate you. what did the last day look like for you , with... what kind of noises did the russians fly in and where
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did they go? so the enemy continued systematic drone attacks at night and four drones were destroyed over the mykolaiv region by our air defense forces, unfortunately, as a result of the combat work, falling debris caused damage to the administrative building, the building of an educational institution in the mykolaiv region, the private sector suffered, but this is... just the case , if there were no such consequences, if there was no enemy aggression, we are forced to work on the goals that the enemy directs over populated areas, over residential quarters, including. it is obvious that they were aimed at both the southern regions and the deeper ones, along the route of going further along our zone...
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we also watched the combat work of our colleagues with responsibility, so the very fact of terror and efforts to exhaust every night is obvious air defense systems, calculating future routes for a more successful attack on objects on the territory of ukraine. enemy also continues powerful air reconnaissance. we observe increased. interest on the part of unmanned aerial scouts, this to some extent compensates for the impossibility now of carrying out the kind of well-organized work that the a50th previously performed, and we see that while a new team and a new board are being adjusted there, the enemy is trying to collect information with such partial groups, small groups of unmanned aerial vehicles scouts except... and
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yet we see an extraordinary activation of fpv drones in our area of ​​responsibility, for two last day we observed a record number of up to 80 drones at the same time in our area of ​​responsibility during one combat day, this is a very large power, during the last combat day we saw 40 fpv drones used and more than 27 drones with high -explosive munitions, unfortunately, due to there are victims of such enemy activity among the civilian population, people are injured by such fragmentation ammunition, dropped simply at people's feet, and also the enemy does not stop artillery shelling, although their number it is possible to reduce it a little, if earlier the intensity was more than 100 shellings per day, now they do not reach 100 , i am panicking, i just... i wanted
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to ask about these resets directly to the people, yes, one of the examples, yesterday in beryslav they launched drones and dropped on a person, in fact, a person was injured, they purposefully attack civilians, are they some kind of blind drones, as it happens, accordingly we see that they are monitoring the situation, and the attack on a motorcyclist the other day, and the attack on a specific car of the state emergency service during one liquidation of one of previous ones attacks and strikes are aimed at cars with policemen, in principle, this is all done deliberately with a view to the object that is being hit, and in particular, such terror by drones is really carried out on the local population, tracking. activity on the streets
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of those settlements directly adjacent to the coast of the dnipro. ugh. ugh. and these shaheds that they launched, in fact, only eight, we say so only because... there were cases when it was about several dozen in one night, they are planning, as you said, some new routes, and can you already to predict how long a bigger, more powerful attack can take place, that is what we should prepare for, if we analyze the previous periods, their previous research of the routes and then the strikes are already so massive, we should hardly expect any big pause of shikheda. they have, and even their own production is able to provide replenishment there in the amount of 330-350 units per month, we also observe the activity of air freighters that transport goods from tihiran to moscow, and this
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can clearly indicate the continuation support of this industry in production in the russian federation and also the importation of ready-made products, in fact, and thus , such an attack in the number of up to a dozen, most likely, is more intelligence and with the study of the methods of response of air defense systems and means of air defense, i wanted to ask you, they increased ms. natalya's number of caliber carriers, we heard about it during the weekend, that's right. happens, that is , one, then four, then two missile carriers, are they still preparing something, as intelligence says, this really happens, in fact, with the beginning of the year, it the beginning of the academic year, that is , the personnel must undergo a certain coordination
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, understanding that they also have a so-called personnel turnover there, and they need to lead the crews to battle, to understand who... is ready for what , where, whose combat post, they obviously carry out certain measures for the protection and defense of their base point, because they moved to a new one, and it is necessary to adjust this system. nevertheless, the presence of missile launchers in the open sea on combat duty is always an increased level of danger, because training exercises can go immediately in the conditions of war, the execution of a combat mission. that is why we always warn that they are there, what their number is and what they are ready for , they are equipped with a combat arsenal, they have calibers on board, and this speaks not only about the training, educational tasks they
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perform there, uh, while we are talking to you, mrs. natalya, roman mrochko reports that there is an alarm in kherson and explosions are heard in the city, i don't know. currently, what is happening, and the institute for the study of war writes about what is happening on the left bank the kherson oblast is undergoing positional battles that are not recording advances in one or the other direction at the moment, what can you tell us about this? yes, indeed, the enemy continues assault actions with varying intensity, because there is no specific potential and has serious moral and ethical issues. and internal discord in the army, due to the fact that sabotage is taking place by entire units, they refuse to go to perform tasks without the support of armored vehicles, that is, contrary to the classics of military leadership, military tactics,
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nevertheless, they recruit another group and they send it on an assault, so over the weekend , if we observed, in fact there were one... two assaults per day, during the last combat day they increased to eight assaults, but still they do not use armored vehicles, they continue assaults on foot, groups of infantry advance and they try to reach our positions in this way and at least reconnoitre and understand where and who is there, but they suffer serious losses and are forced to. i want to go back to those doubling as you said the use of fpv ie kamikaze drones in recent times if they have doubled the number of fpv drones and they attack both
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civilians and military, whether we have doubled the radio electronic warfare, or whether we have increased the number of rebs in the south, so from our side we are maximally countering those threats. which the enemy is building up, but it is really necessary to realize that they have a powerful such provision, and even in their summaries it appears very seriously. not worrying about the fact that from our side there is also an increase in attacks, that is, we respond adequately, also with an increased number of drone attacks and massive artillery fire with a high-precision hitting precisely the places of deployment, let me remind you that our work is complicated by the fact that they are hiding behind the locals, so we cannot afford the carpet burning method of those who
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, it is no accident, are trying to attack with their drones as much as possible our means of transmitting signals, of any kind, without even taking them apart , is it related, is it related to our work rep. mrs. natalya, look, you are reading everything around the bridgehead on... the left bank of the wells, we are looking at the situation on the line, that is, what is the direction of the strike to the south with information from temporarily occupied crimea, and then you take and read a show on tv in the evening , the defense minister of slovakia spoke, and the defense minister of slovakia continues the line of his fizo, putin's friend, and robert kaliniak says that... well , the situation in the russia-ukraine war looks frozen, i am quoting him, that is why it is time
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to start peace talks, here is the minister of defense of slovakia, as they say, everything is frozen in his tv, and what should we answer to such putin fershtyro? well, he is not the only one who starts rhetoric of negotiations, of course, this is the practice of the appropriate methodology, and we can see it in the hungarian direction as well. similar calls are pouring in, this is, in principle, the idea of ​​the russians, to advance the topic of negotiations closer to the elections, where their tsar should look like a peacemaker, and nevertheless we continue the combat work, and only the occupiers in those trenches who are forced to return after inflammatory stormed thank you, mrs. natalya, natali humanyuk, chief. of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine was on our airwaves, i will just add that really
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and hungary, they are already starting, if anything , and they are considering different scenarios, to claim transcarpathia, no, this is the great hungary on orbán's scarf during a football match, we remember that, but in this case, hungarians should remember russian tanks of the 56th year, see. we will ask one of our guests about this a little later, so about hungary, about all these ideas somewhere from the west, about the fact that now in kyiv, we may have to give up crimea, from the eastern regions, so this kind of rhetoric is already being heard, we more about this later in our broadcast let's talk, now we're going to take a break, stay with espresso. kratal contains natural components that take good care of your heart, kratal. blood supply and functional state of the myocardium, normalizes heart rate, increases physical
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. tells the main thing is on weekdays at 9:00 the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day. on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. good morning to those who join. thanks for espresso, thanks for donating. our collection, every hryvnia, 1 hryvnia, is also a donation and investment in our future. don't forget, there are props, yes, and you can look at various
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necessary, big and small tsikki for the military. we just want to buy a big package of everything and sundry for a million hryvnias, and now about this million, it really sounds like some kind of trifle, because we collected 5 million recently for kamikaze drones, so what if we have one million, but we already have a smartphone, then put the qr code there, it will go to the bank right away leads, or if you don’t have a smartphone, then at the bottom under the qr codes, these are the numbers of the cards to which you can donate on the left and right, these are different banks, drones were shot down that night, four in the south, four in other regions, and there is information, there were eight, four in the south were shot down, and four more within the borders of dnipropetrovsk, rivne and another region, i don't want to make a mistake, i know that four were shot down in the mykolaiv region, and the debris of the downed shahed damaged a warehouse in the dnipropetrovsk region, yes
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, a warehouse was damaged there, fortunately no one was injured, the relevant services report and... it's very good that there is no victims, and well, we still have another non-eastern hot section of the front, it is the temporarily occupied zaporozhian lands in the south, something is happening there all the time, in terms of information, it is that all lines of defense of syuravikin are holding, from the other side we can see that this particular section of the front in the south, they are trying to expand and immediately stabilize the situation, that's what they talked about. our military during saturday and sunday, we will now try to find out a little more from our next interlocutor and guest , deputy of the zaporizhzhya regional council askad ashurbekov, in contact with us. mr. askada, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to igor. what is there on this ledge, which they always opposite orikhov, you want to level, as
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they say, from the robot, to novoprokop, which are in the same line, but look at what... there is nothing even on the deep state map changed for saturday-sunday, what 's going on there? indeed, for several months now, in fact, the russians have been announcing that they will level the front line, move to the nuts, this was accompanied by mischief in the capture of zaporizhzhia, as it were, but in reality, in fact, they have not advanced, well , there are no advances on this part of the front, it should be noted that well, in fact, every day there are several attempts to attack with small ones... or to level the situation in the area of ​​vorbovoy, the same novoprokopivka, robotino, but again, thanks to the defense forces, thanks to the armed forces forces of ukraine, the russians have no territorial advances. there are constant hostilities, but they have no success. ugh. and in zaporozhye itself , they tried something on saturday-sunday, if they don't succeed at the front, then they can hit the city,
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they always had this logic. in fact, they are combining strikes with local communities, with the regional center. in fact, the weekend passed quite restlessly for zaporozhye, because the previous drone attack, it also affected the regional center, four drones. was shot down on the territory of the city of zaporizhzhia, in fact one drone hit an infrastructure object, but fortunately there were no wounded or dead among the civilian population, but, but the enemy is trying, when they do not have any success on the front line, they terrorize the regional center, trying to sow such instability and, probably, what to compensate for its internal consumer, because while the constant eyes of attacks on the regional center, they are accompanied by a flash of information in their propaganda'. khreshist zmi, which seems to be in they have some successes in the zaporizhia direction, that is, this is really a propaganda story, which is achieved due to simply mindless strikes, including on civilian objects.
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sir, will you tell me how intense are these storming, offensive actions of theirs in the zaporozhye direction, we heard about 50 combat clashes every day a few days ago, how are the last extreme days? probably what the military should say about intensity. the specifics of these actions, what we see from, again, from the reports of the military, in general, from the statistics on the number of attempts to attack in terms of the number of shellings , this number is not increasing significantly today, i.e. the maximum side of the intensity, probably that happened somewhere a month, a month and a half ago, when there was talk of such a large there dew in quotation marks, a large russian offensive in the direction of zaporozhye, which again completely suffocated, there are no successes, today yes, the intensity remains, but there are no such points of greater intensity or such extreme intensity, in fact the front line is in such a a steadily tense situation where the russians
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have the opportunity to accumulate something more or significantly in some way burden our armed forces of ukraine there. mr. askada, what about the occupied lands, because there was information about explosions in the temporarily occupied berdyansk, do you have a little more details, in fact the whole week has passed. as a sign of explosions on temporarily occupied territories - these are berdyansk, tsekmak and melitopol, again, in berdyansk, the key targets are a port, these are railway junctions, in fact the armed forces of ukraine, as last week, and in fact, in advance, all the strikes mainly come there, because in this industrial zone the russians are trying to accumulate both equipment and personnel in general, so these strikes came along logistical lines, the situation is similar in tekmak and melyatopol, then ... because again, despite the fact that the russians have not made any territorial advances, they are losing a large number of both military and equipment, they are trying to compensate at the expense of logistics, on the one hand, it is logistics
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from the so-called dpr, and just berdyansk is like that logistics point, on the other hand, it is logistics from crimea, where melitopolikman is such a logistics point, and of course, for the armed forces of ukraine, these are precisely the goals that they systematically and effectively knock out this opportunity for the russians to accumulate, in order to then transfer it directly to the enemy. a combat clash, they only let equipment or people down, we read that in jinkoi the partisans discovered a large number of soldiers, fresh russians, who are being transported, do you record the movement of a large number of military personnel, those or newly mobilized, or those who are just arriving, well, unfortunately, in addition to equipment, they are also replenished with manpower, however, again, i think it is worth noting that there are no extreme... replenishment of manpower , that is, to date, they do not have the opportunity to gather so many soldiers somewhere or to somehow strategically change something there on the zaporozhye sector of the front, but
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at the expense of mobilized, unfortunately, including forcibly mobilized and from the temporarily occupied territory at the expense of transfer forces from other parts of the front, and methodically they are trying to replenish the composition of the manpower, because they understand that the zaporozhian part of the front, it is strategic, both for the armed forces of ukraine and for the occupiers, therefore... it is certain that by the end of the war , until we defeat them, there will be a large number of russians there, because they know that this is effectively both access to the crimean direction and generally access to the cutting of this land corridor. paneskat, previously what we heard, confirmation from magate, that between external and there are several internal perimeters, well, as it should be at a nuclear power plant, different sections of, as they say, a fence, and there. once it was mined and there were weapons, then there were some actions, some negotiations and everything was demined, then again the magats say, they returned the mines there again, that's all we heard, that's what we heard
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from them after... during the last months, and now he director is to come rafae agrosi and that, that is, as it usually looks, he was handled and brought out and taken away, or whether something like that will happen, especially when is the director of the magat coming? i think that raphael grossi's visit is precisely related to the fact that they started re-mining that part of the station, which was demined a few months ago according to the agreements and under the pressure of the magats, in fact everything looks like this, the russians are taking out again a map from the ukrainian autonomous community in order to solve some issues in the geopolitical arena, because this has already become a practice, when they need to blackmail the world for something there, they start an escalation around the ukrainian autonomous community, because for some apparent reason the lines of conflict outside of poriz on today there is no day to blackmail the armed forces of ukraine again, because this is also one of their models to blackmail the armed forces of ukraine, that they are replacing the armed forces, but they are starting this, let's say, a model of repeated blackmail, in order
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to... incite the world community to some actions, i think that grosi's visit in particular is to a greater extent the response of the international community, an attempt to show that their pressure will not pass, and we hope that this particular visit, after all, will reduce the level of escalation, because we must understand that in addition to mining, we see these constant, and in fact, the games with the transition of certain power units to a hot stop, then back to a cold stop, are in quotes, the station actually lost emergency power several times. power and switched to generators again, that is , this is an artificial creation of blackouts at the nuclear plant, they are trying to use all possible levers, or today to draw attention to the armed forces and, probably, to bargain on some other issue, but we must understand, i think, that the world community has understood this for a long time, that apart from pressure and apart from some hard the positions of the russians do not understand anything, we hope that after all the visit of the head of the mgt will lead to results that the escalation will decrease, we are skeptical,
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for sure. to the magathe , because there are few decisive actions from it, but, unfortunately, there are other tools, well, there are two tools here, either liberation from the au by our armed forces, or , after all, the continuation of this international diplomatic pressure, ugh, but on the other hand, there are constant pressure on our ukrainian population in the temporarily occupied territories, that is, they use exactly these methods, which only they understand how people live, how they survive, whether they have a place to work. and in particular budget workers in the temporarily occupied territories, what do they do, what do they have to deal with, what forms of pressure do the occupiers apply to them? well, you and i often say on the air that the situation is critical, in fact, unfortunately, it does not change, because the occupiers continue to put pressure on the local population, using their difficult situation, i mean in
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terms of socio-economic, humanitarian. plan assistance continues to be received in exchange for receiving a russian passport, this applies to both medicine and other matters related to state employees, of course there is a wide range of so-called state employees, these are the people who actually provide the livelihood of the territorial communities that are under occupation, that is , for sure, they cannot be called collaborators today, but these people are forced to work in this sphere of livelihood, and of course they are, paradoxically, one of the most vulnerable groups, why, because in fact they are dependent. completely from the occupation administration, they are in full control, and we see that mobilization measures, pressure measures from the point of view of supporting some signed letters in support of putin, some other pressure actions, some blood drives for the russian military, in fact the occupiers who are temporarily there, are used to a greater extent among these people of the occupied territory, i.e. these public servants are currently hostages, but again
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, the recommendation of all authorities today is to evacuate if possible, because every person who in one way or another helps the occupation regime it actually supports this status quo, which is there in the temporarily occupied territory, we must knock it out so that the russians show their inability to organize civil life there. thank you, mr. askade, askat a. shurbekov was with us, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, and now the time for news is approaching and he wants good news in... there will be a second round of elections in finland on february 11, we talk a lot about elections, so in the first, well , one and the other came out, but did not score 50%, this is the former prime minister, stup and the former minister of foreign affairs haavisto, and what is interesting is that one, that the other, well , unlike the hungarians, they remember the russians, and both are in favor of ending any contacts, closing the border, and even minister
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havisto says that it is necessary even. .. to consider and change any dual citizenship.


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