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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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russian planes in different parts of the russian federation itself, the occupied territories, near the front line, it already happened. in addition, if we talk literally about the svichuzhei system, it does not always work, in the case of calculations of portable anti-aircraft missile systems, which are also saturated in belgorod, this is not an argument at all, so of course these words are more of an excuse, and the most important thing is not even that what is said during propaganda meetings, for example, information released during the meeting of the un security council, we really expected that, in addition to the flow of some propaganda statements, there would be evidence, well, we did not see anything new, nothing like that, so the investigation is ongoing, and actually, as for the fate of these people, of course, we must make every effort to find out , it will definitely be done, and the topic of an international investigation is definitely not closed for ukraine. mr. bodanov said that so far
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neither the russian nor the ukrainian side can fully answer the question of what happened, and whether there is any communication between kyiv and moscow, maybe not public about this disaster, or maybe you have some internal details of this story in gur that you can't publish there yet, but you know some details there, well, what can be made public, it is made public and it is commented that the contact with the aggressor state, in terms of continuing work on... the exchange of our prisoners and the return of the defenders to their homes continues, this can be confirmed, if it were not difficult, we understand the ultimate goal, and therefore, despite all the nuances, this communication continues, this work continues, as for the actual downing of the plane itself, well , there are still many more questions than answers, chief gur stated that the exchange is still planned, so in his opinion,
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it will take place in the near future, can you tell something about the communication at this level between kyiv and moscow, and as for the issue of exchange, this process was generally affected by this il-76 wreckage? well, it's clear that the working groups are continuing to communicate, as we've just talked about, and the negotiators are communicating, so that gives reason to believe that indeed, in the near future we will still have new results, but how was it affected. of course, it cannot have a positive effect , of course, because we are talking about the immediate and categorical position of the aggressor state, it was immediately made public, the propagandists worked out the methods, everything is clear, ukraine, for its part, is interested in clarifying the objective circumstances and at the same time continue the process of returning home, our defenders, as well as civilians who are mostly in extremely difficult conditions. uh, definitely all of this
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the event is once again a challenge to international humanitarian law, the geneva conventions, because what can we talk about if a military plane without warning, this is another false information that was voiced, ukraine was not informed that the plane would transport our captives, er, and according to the request, this is a key issue, the request for a regime of silence regarding... the belgorod airfield was not there, if it had been, as it was the previous times, at least in some form orally or in writing, it would have been first recorded secondly, it was observed, like all the previous times when it was implemented, and of course , if it were not difficult, we should return our own and work on this is underway, mr. andriy, you already mentioned the un meeting, where they really stated that cannot establish whether there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board the downed il-76 plane? ukraine
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will insist on an international investigation, zelensky said, is there a chance for this international investigation, in your opinion, maybe russia, for example, said that it is ready to provide photo or video confirmation to some neutral party, well , first of all, we are not talking about photo and video confirmation, only, we are talking about the unhindered access of expert investigators, created by official means of an international commission, and russia formally recognizes the mandates of the united nations organization of the international commission. red cross, then what is there at least one reason why international experts cannot investigate this incident, if there really is nothing to hide. i thank you, mr. andriy, for joining, andriy yusov, representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine, further on our broadcast news in a minute from iryna ostrovska. next , briefly about what is written about in social networks. the ministry of defense of ukraine is conducting an unplanned inspections of regional tsc,
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i.e. military commanders, reports defense minister rustem umyerov. he says there are many violations. in addition, inspections are carried out in food warehouses of military units. the agency has already identified a deficiency. supply for more than 50 million hryvnias and even changed the supplier of some divisions. the income of zelenskyi and his family in 2022 decreased by three times. about this declarations of the head of state for 2021 and 2022 testify. published on the nazk website. if in 2021 zelenskyi and his family received 10 million uah, then in 2022 approximately 3.7 million uah. the reason is the temporary termination of lease agreements on the territory of ukraine due to. a large-scale russian invasion, so say the president's office. deputy prime minister iryna, the military and equipment were handed over in the hope that it would quickly push back russian forces from the occupied east and south of ukraine. but due to the strengthening of the russian line of defense, minefields and fortifications, kyiv's attempt
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failed. therefore, the idea now is to position ukraine as one that holds its position on the battlefield for the time being, and by the end of the 24th year, to make the armed forces of ukraine stronger. meanwhile, the telegraph writes that russia's transition to a military economy can give it a material advantage for winning the war against ukraine, if the west does not have time to produce weapons at the same pace. referring to sources, the publication writes that russia can fight for at least three or four years old. denis popovych, a military analyst, joins our broadcast. mr. denis, i welcome you to our broadcast. thank you for joining. good morning, in view of the probable plans of washington, as we have just heard, how relevant do you think this plan is in the current conditions of war? well, in the situation created by washington itself, relatively speaking, yes, when they have frozen
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aid for ukraine due to the fact that it is impossible to evade the budget, the immigration crisis is happening, and we know this situation, then... in this situation, it is clear that while there is no help, it would be extremely inappropriate to think about offensive actions, and not that it is inappropriate, but premature, let's say, the word of the bad guys is inappropriate, but premature, while there is no help, it is necessary to focus now on defense, on the overturning of russian forces, which is basically happening now, that is why these projects, so to speak, and these insiders who say that the united states of america would like to build in this way. the military strategy of ukraine for this year, which has begun, well, in principle, they have a sobogra. and if in your opinion, as in the opinion of a military expert, how effective is it, let's say, and why is it happening, because there is an understanding that even with the means that the usa provided to ukraine, ukraine was not
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able to defend its , to win back their territories there, as they had hoped for it, can these be more realistic plans now, given the economic and political situation there. in the united states, well, another question about the equipment that was provided, because we know that there were , let's say, planes, well, in particular, and no country , a member of nato, would throw its troops into battle, attack, without gaining air superiority, without gaining air dominance, this did not happen when we counter-offensive in the south of our country, so there is a question as to the adequacy of this assistance, although we perfectly understand that without this assistance it would be extremely difficult. difficult, and once again i can repeat that in the conditions when, uh, aid from the united states is delayed, the defense strategy was more relevant for today, for example, now we see that the russian federation is trying
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to attack manpower, by and large to push our defense, ugh, denis, the institute for the study of war writes that any ceasefire will benefit russia, giving it no time for... recovery and regrouping for future offensive campaigns and strengthening control over the occupied territories, now we see what is happening at the front, the military is talking about the fact that russia is advancing, and are there such trends in your opinion opinion before the freezing of the war this year , is it really about the fact that it is possible to take time in order to resist the russian forces there and really accumulate forces, resources, develop a certain strategy there so that by the end of the 24th year already there with... we forces to go on the attack? well, the option of freezing this war always exists, especially since there are certain statements about it, but in my opinion, putin is now on the path of such a strategy that he will wait to see how the elections in the united states of america will end. and in the hope that
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donald trump will come to power there, and this is in principle quite likely, we can see it, then in the hope of this, on this event, putin will obviously count on what will come out of trump. to negotiations and can reach some kind of bigger, let's say, more favorable ending, well, not ending, but freezing of this war in order to accumulate its forces in the future, as analysts say in principle. and is it possible to prepare for an attack when you are being attacked, well , that is, it can somehow happen in parallel in in the sense that we again now see that russia is in a more active phase, and i will even quote that the russian troops do not have strategic successes in the east of ukraine, but are actively trying to advance, this is stated in the armed forces in the ground forces there, for example, this is actually called a counter-offensive, that is, we respond to the enemy's attack with an attack. but it should not have been carried out without having an advantage in some areas of the front, so
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let us remember kharkiv, so the counternasub of the kharkiv region at the beginning of the fall of the 22nd year, then we gained an advantage on this part of the front and were able to successfully conduct a counteroffensive, despite the fact that the enemy was still advancing then, he was still trying to advance there , including in the east, now we see that the enemy is trying to create an advantage. and in such conditions, one must look for opportunities for counteroffensive actions, but to this day, at the moment , unfortunately, such opportunities are not traced, and the telegraph newspaper writes that russia's transition to a military economy can give it a material advantage for victory in this war, if the west does not have time to produce weapons at the same pace, in your opinion, now it is you... and the readiness to support ukraine, well, is there really a chance for
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russia to overtake russia and its partners to overtake ukraine and the west? well, speaking of numbers , let's talk, we know that france is ready to send us 300 shells a month, that's 36 thousand shells a year, and so is germany, well, these are the known numbers that we, that we know about , at least yes. and germany is ready to send us this 220,000 units of ammunition per year, well , germany and france are ready to provide us with 250, 260 ammunition per year, well, let’s say only france and germany, the numbers we know, there are other countries, but we don’t know the data on them, so we will not go into depth, but the capabilities of the russian federation to manufacture at least projectiles, they are for... units per year, this is also manufacturing, this is obviously restoration, plus north korea
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gives them to us, these were also numbers of a million, that is 3 million , well, we can compare the possibilities so far, it is countless mornings, but we can to compare now the capabilities that russia and north korea have, in particular, and those known figures that our partners provide us, this is not... i thank you denis for joining our broadcast, denis popovych, a military analyst, was a guest of svoboda ranok , i will quote volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with a german tv channel, and this is quoted by the press service of the president, the ukrainian president said that we are very ... in a very difficult moment, but russia can be stopped, he did not answer the question , can the war in
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ukraine end in 2024, but said who is convinced that russia can be stopped by preventing the destruction of ukraine and preventing the third world war. well, he said that one should believe in the people, in ukraine, believe in partners and believe in peace, because any war ends. and that was this issue of freedom of the morning, join us, subscribe to the radio liberty channel, watch us every weekday from 9:00 on the espresso tv channel and also on the radio liberty here on youtube. thank you for being with us, see you tomorrow.
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we're coming back, good morning, thank you watch us and thank you for donating, if you haven't donated yet today, we would like to remind you that we are collecting uah 1 million for the benefit of defenders from the 141st brigade, they work in the orichiv region, this is the zaporizhzhia region, and for the successful, high-quality performance of their combat tasks need quality. accordingly , equipment, such as walkie-talkies, batteries for these walkie -talkies, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes , detectors, drone detection and many other very important and necessary things at the front. must be purchased for a million hryvnias, let me remind you we want that good, to collect and hand it over to our defenders, together with the charity fund of iryna koval, the espresso tv channel does all this. uah 209.00 is already in our account, we are moving towards a million and we ask you to join this collection. and for those who have just
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joined eterespresso, we will briefly remind you that our glorious air defense forces were destroyed overnight. all enemy drones, there were eight of them, besides, in the last day 74 combat clashes, there are offensives in seven directions by the russian occupier, but the result, and the result - 1070 new kabzone listeners in hell, here is such a short summary, and meanwhile, various western publications, in particular the latest the times, write about the fact that now nato should prepare for what, for what... will start firing missiles all over europe , that is , they launched and somewhere in some capital far west of ukraine something may arrive, accordingly they call to prepare, mobilize and be ready to repel these attacks, and with us is a representative of the main intelligence department, the ministry of defense
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andriy yusov of ukraine, mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory, i congratulate you, mr. andriy. let's start with, perhaps, this video , which concerns the ill-76, we understand that we actually have a repetition of the situation with mh17 with boeing in the year 14, because such a number of versions of information is more than enough to shoot down all the planes of the planet earth , and everyone will be familiar with these scenarios, but let's start with the video, supposedly eh... how our prisoners of war are being loaded onto that il-76, did we manage to find out more about what kind of video it is, who these prisoners, where did it come from and does it apply to this il-76 shot down recently? in this video, it really looks like the same ill-76, but its quality,
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as you and i can see online, is so low or deliberately degraded that it does not allow more... to determine anything precisely and in fact it is nothing more than informational noise in this case, ugh, and this video, which was from the place of the plane crash, it appeared in the first hours, in the first hours, including in russian public places, there was a fairly serious area of ​​scattered debris, they some were too small to fall from such a height, and no matter how much we looked at it lengthwise and crosswise, there was no... well, no bodies or fragments are visible, this is a cleaned-up video, this is an authentic video, we managed to clarify what kind of video it is, or does it refer to this particular il-76? well, actually you are right, you ask very logical and obvious questions, the data, the given video fragments, they are deliberately cut in such a way that
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it is not possible to conduct research, including the osint monitoring, and to find out the method of damage. ago that one way or another, different missiles from different systems or from the s300 pan-1 have their own characteristics during the attack, and if the video was detailed, it would be possible to find out what exactly was fired, and that many things are actually shown , but there are too few specifics, well, a separate question, of course, about the bodies, which we did not see in the first videos at all, then actually several fragments appeared, which we... but most likely belonged to the crew itself, well, there are more questions, than answers, that is why ukraine continues to insist justly on the international investigation and unimpeded access of international experts to the place of the plane crash, after all, russia, despite the fact that it is an aggressor state, a dictatorship and so on, does not formally refuse to recognize
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the mandate of the un red cross, then what is the problem, why not allow the representatives. international structures to the place of the plane crash and put all the dots on and there is probably something to hide, well, but they have not allowed the red cross and the un to various places for more than a year, let's just remember the olonovka, so there is nothing strange in their behavior here. sir andrii, does the quality of the video shown by the russians, about which we are now talking about one and two frames, allow specialists who know how to work with video, know how to verify how it... was edited, where it was cut, can they they still need to do something with this video now, maybe over the course of time, in order to understand where the footage is real, and where the footage is edited, generated, maybe even by artificial intelligence? at the moment, we are most likely talking about the footage of this il-76m aircraft, and i say once again, we repeat, this
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a military aircraft of the military-space forces of the russian federation, from a military modification, with a twin anti-aircraft gun installed on board the tail part, which was used regularly to transport weapons and missiles. bk, as in the case when he made flights to the enels-2 airfield, to supply missiles for strategic aviation, which then bombed our peaceful cities and civilian objects, and in the case of belgorod, these are s-300 missiles, quite likely that this time there should also have been weapons on board, since the version made public by russia, well, it's quite strange it sounds like the il-76 plane can... contain 248 people in full, fully loaded, if we count by people, the number declared by the russians is 65, plus the crew, plus three guards,
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well then it turns out that the plane was actually a third loaded , and what was in the other two -thirds of the cargo, our captives who were interviewed in this way also confirm that they flew each time with the cargo. and one more moment, a fragment of this video, which appeared in the early hours, when the plane was already falling in the village there in in the belgorod region , something big, with a regular geometrical square shape, flies out of the tail part, it resembles those military cargoes that are dropped on parachutes, well, it reminds us, not specialists, have we managed to establish that it flies out suddenly when it falls the plane and who would... then have the urge to drop some luggage when the plane is actually at peak? it could be as a result of detonation, for example, but
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we need to find out in more detail, since we are talking about closed luggage, it is difficult to establish at the moment, but one of the reasons why they do not allow in particular, experts and do not provide more photos and video material, because in particular , confirmation that missiles were being transported, well, then these are additional. testimony about the committed war crime, well, but two two boxes, they reported that the black boxes were found, the fact that they will not allow the international investigation is also obvious, that is, it is the same impasse as with boeing, whether or not we will be able to move forward more or less in the investigation, well, with boeing we no longer have any impasse, fortunately there is a decision of the international court. is found guilty criminals, perpetrators have been identified and a serious investigation has been conducted, one way or another the truth will be revealed, no matter how terrible it was,
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but of course, the very fact that russia so quickly this time, even unlike the russian terrorist attack in olenivka, hastened to deny the fact from an international investigation, well, he is also very eloquent. mr. andrii, 65 prisoners, such a list was made public by the russians, this list was provided. specifically yes, well, in their face, and we know that you have already worked with and interviewed the relatives of these soldiers from the list, and also there was information that some of the people who were on that list had already exchanged them before, so this makes us doubt, distrust, and that they are up to something somewhere, is there more detailed, more information about these people who ... which russians are listed? well, again, an important nuance is that in ukraine there is a coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, an official
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civilian structure created by the cabinet of ministers, which includes representatives of the security and defense forces, the government, the deputy corps, the president's office, law enforcement agencies, and actually we communicate, and this incident and all issues related to the captives are made public in russia. the list of who does it, propagandists do it, anyone does it, except for the actual structures, or the ministry of defense or other structures of the aggressor state, which should be responsible for it, the confirmation also takes place in a rather specific way, when the negotiators are informed that well, we have seen the list published in the press, well, in principle, we confirm it, we are from our side side, we can state that these 65 surnames are surnames. that were submitted for exchange, that's what we can say about the exchange at the moment, so we know that there was an exchange planned for january 24th, and you officially
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talked about it. and now we hope to be able to complete it, to have some details, please, when it could be, about what amount, they said that it could be one of the largest exchanges, if not the largest, in the last two years? we do not name the exact figures, but this is how it should be a large exchange, and work on it, even in such difficult conditions, no matter how difficult it is, it continues, ukraine really does everything possible to give back. defenders, civilian prisoners, so we will not announce and rush ahead in terms of dates and numbers, but such work is ongoing, there is every reason to believe that it will end with a positive result in the near future. so you say that you work officially through the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, the day before there was information that its cyber troops were attacked by the russians with a didos attack and another, that is, was it possible to repel or did they
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hack? i think that it is possible that they wanted to get to our bases, as for the prisoners, what is the situation now? as of now, it specialists have carried out all the necessary checks and tests, carried out a set of measures, all services are working normally, but yesterday evening there was quite a powerful surge, which is directly related to the surrounding situation. 76, because there was a flurry of mentions of the work of the coordination headquarters in the russian military, well, the actual reaction was not too late, if we talk about the essence of this event, well, it is also important to understand, it is one thing when some objects are attacked by both sides, including in the cyberspace, which are connected with military actions, when it comes to the coordination headquarters for handling issues with prisoners of war, this is a civilian structure.
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which was created as part of the implementation of the geneva convention of international humanitarian law, i.e. we are talking about another attack on the civil infrastructure, currently the digital civil infrastructure of ukraine, which should ensure implementation of the geneva convention, protection of the rights of prisoners, and i would like to note, protection of the rights, including of russian prisoners of war, who are in ukraine. we have one minute left for the underachievers of russian journalism who are sitting. on the astra tv channel, now they are reporting that at 8:00 in the morning, in the village of postnikov, this is the korchansky district, two russian planes wanted to launch 250 kg bombs, and that these two air bombs did not fly to us, they fell and 150 were evacuated residents, or do you know anything else besides what i am i read them now, no, i cannot
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comment further at the moment. thank you very much, mr. andriy, andriy yuzov, representative of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine. and we continue our ether, now the time of news is approaching. khrystyna parubiy with a selection of the latest information is already waiting for you, and i know for sure that khrystyna has some good numbers that she can announce and make us all happy with them. thank you, colleagues, yes, the losses of the occupiers have increased, as i will tell you in a moment, do not miss it. news in aterispresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i will tell you about the most relevant at the moment.
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four residents of donetsk region were injured due to:


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