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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EET

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i can't comment further at the moment, but the news is quite pleasant. yes, we like it too, the colitis is going down. thank you very much, mr. andriy, andriy yusov, representative of the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine. and we continue our ether. it's almost news time. khrystyna parubiy is already waiting for you with a selection of the latest information. and i know for sure that khrystyna has some good numbers that she can voice. and make us all happy with them. thank you, colleagues, yes, the losses of the occupiers have increased, as i will tell you in a moment, do not miss it. news in etheriso. i am khrystyna parubiy. about
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the most relevant at the moment: four residents of donetsk region were wounded by russian shelling, three were injured in myrnograd and one in the village of ocheretyne, - reported the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in addition, earlier another person was injured in avdiivka. two people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of several settlements, the head of the region said. oleksandr prokudin of the military administration. also, in the morning, the russians shelled kherson temporarily of the occupied left bank. the consequences are currently being established. at night, the enemy attacked ukraine with eight shaheds. all drones were shot down by our defenders of the sky in mykolaiv oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, khmelnytskyi oblast and rivne oblast - informed the air force of ukraine. the russians also launched an iskander-m ballistic missile and three s-300 missiles. in donetsk region,
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four drones were destroyed over mykolaiv oblast by our air defense forces, unfortunately, as a result of combat operations, falling debris caused damage to the administrative building, the educational building institution in the mykolayiv region, the private sector suffered, but this is exactly the case when these consequences would not have occurred, if there had been no enemy aggression, we are forced to work on... the goals that the enemy directs over populated areas, including residential quarters. it is obvious that they were aimed at both the southern and deeper regions. the russians again hit an industrial facility in the poltava region, the head of the regional military administration, philip ronin, said. this is the second attack in the kremenchuk district in recent days. fortunately, no one...
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suffered, the consequences of the shelling are currently being established. and it's burning again in russia. a fire broke out in a food production plant in the city of aramil. this was reported in the russian emergency service. the fire covered 800 m2. it was possible to evacuate seven people from the burning building, allegedly no one was injured. the drone attacked one of the largest oil refineries in russia. the drone fell near the hydrocracking plant in yaroslavl. previously, no one was injured, the propaganda media reported. another drone of the air defense forces was allegedly shot down bryansk region. a 68-year-old man died during a fire in the lviv geriatric boarding house. it took place in one of the rooms on the second floor. rescuers evacuated the man, but he died on the way to the hospital. also, 130 tenants were taken out of the smoky premises. reported in the state
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emergency service. previously, the fire could have started because of the roots. europe cannot cope with supporting ukraine without the united states of america. this was stated by president volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with one of the german tv channels. for him in other words, it endangers not only the situation at the front, but also the security of all european countries. this will have an impact on the united europe, and there are successive problems here, the first is the shortage of weapons, finances in ukraine, because of what i have already said, the second, i think that the alliance between the united states of america and europe will be lost, third, europe itself will understand that this is a signal that if ukraine does not hold out. and putin will go ahead, and this is a signal
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from the united states that europe will remain the only nato country to resist. of russia according to popular belief, today it is better not to take garbage out of the house, but you can pack it. so the defense forces of ukraine put another 1,070 russian soldiers in garbage bags. and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, more than 383 thousand occupiers have returned to russia in black bags. and with them , 10 tanks and 25 armored personnel carriers were turned into ashes from their scrap metal just last day. cars, 16 artists, 46 cars and seven units of special equipment, eight enemy drones and one cruise missile, the general staff reminds, the data are indicative. and to operational information from
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the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 74 assaults were repelled at the front by our defenders of the past era. the hottest so far is near avdiyivka, where the ukrainian soldiers fought back. 26 enemy attacks, another 22 were repulsed in the mariinsky direction. near terni and yampolivka, the russians attacked the positions of the armed forces six times, without success. in the kherson direction , ukrainian soldiers repelled eight enemy attacks. our aviation made six strikes on the area where the occupiers were concentrated, and rocket launchers and the gunners destroyed the reb station and muscovite artillery. many violations, minister of defense. rustem umyerov announced unplanned inspections of territorial centers of procurement and social support in the regions. according to him, the team is working on correcting the shortcomings. omirov also added that the ministry continues inspections of warehouses with products in military units. there they discovered
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a lack of food supplies. the european union may collapse hungary's economy if orbán continues to block the allocation of 50 billion euros for ukraine. the eu warned hungary if unless it lifts the veto at the february 1 summit, other eu countries will publicly announce that they will no longer provide financial aid to budapest. this may lead to the fact that investors will be less interested in investing in hungary, which may lead to a drop in the hungarian forint rate, writes the financial times. an eye for an eye. the white house is considering a retaliatory strike against iran. on the drone attack on the american base in jordan. as a result of this attack, three american soldiers were killed and at least 34 were wounded. it is reported bloomberg news agency. the white house website said that the attack was carried out by iranian radical militants operating in
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syria and iraq. this is the first case of the death of american soldiers in the middle east since the beginning of the war between israel and hamas, which indicates the worsening of the situation in the region. i will remind us defense secretary lloyd austin expressed outrage at the attack on the american base and said that the response would not be long in coming. the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war suffered a cyber attack. it is assumed there that it is connected with the plane crash of the il-76 military plane in belgorod, russia. let me remind you that on this day there was supposed to be an exchange of prisoners of war with the aggressor country, which was interrupted by russia. exchange details. may pose a threat to moscow, which is trying to hide information about the plane crash, according to the coordination headquarters. therefore, access to some functions and resources has been temporarily restricted. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital
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equipment. we are asking for help to replace the engine in the tow truck, to buy optical sight and mavik for the intelligence unit of the third special forces regiment. operations each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has almost uah 150,000. get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. today ukraine celebrates the anniversary of the battle under the cliffs. 106 years ago, the young generation rose up in the struggle for ukrainian independence. the battle took place at the kruty railway station, 130 km from kyiv. more than half a thousand young men and students are armed only 16 machine guns and one cannon were used against the bolshevik detachment of red guards. thanks to the heroism and self-sacrifice of ukrainians, it was possible to restrain
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the advance of the bolshevik army on kyiv. this made it possible to sign the bretsk peace treaty, which recognized the ukrainian people's republic. we remember and honor all our soldiers who defended and defend the ukrainian state, and we will see you at 11 o'clock, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, and letters with analytics will continue my colleagues oksana vasochanska and roman chaika, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back, we thank christina for the information, we thank you for being with us, even from a fresh start, following the hungarian... statements that if something was going on in ukraine and it was shared, then the hungarians are already there declaring, that they claim
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transcarpathia, and some romanians became active after them, not all, because we understand that this is a very pro-ukrainian country that supports us in every way at various levels, not only on the military level, but also on the economic level extent, but there is a certain party in romania, and so the leader of that party said that they are not against the annexation. three ukrainian regions and even all of moldova, if necessary for this they will even withdraw from nato, because the concept of greater romania is close to them, and they say that all the territories should return to them, bessarabia should return home, they say about such statements in 21st century, when a huge, terrible and cruel war is going on in europe. are you surprised by this romani amara, we don't know from the message whether he left after that
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he waved his heart to the sun with a wing and merrily barked like his predecessors, well, it looks like that in the picture, but in a moment we will ask about such statements, how we can interpret them and whether it is necessary to take into account at all, and maybe something needs to be done at different levels , taras zhovtenko, an expert on... people's security of the democratic initiatives foundation. congratulations, mr. taras. greetings, good morning. therefore, the romanian and hungarian statements that they will now pinch themselves from ukraine. i wanted to mention the hungarians in this context, because no romanians are united. in fact, it should be understood here that all, absolutely all such far-right right-wing parties in the countries of western europe, as a rule, are either projects of the russian special services, or they are financed. by the russian special services, that is, one way or another , the kremlin regime is now using, well, as
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of now, it is now intensifying this use, but in general, it uses the services of the european far-right as a tool to, well, first of all, shake the societies of western europe countries from the inside on completely different topics, on topics of migration, on topics such as anti-eu, anti-globalist, so speak out there against the membership of these countries in international organizations. there in the same european union or in the same nato , and, that is, what this disrespectful romanian politician said, well, actually it also reflects this trend, and actually, well, if it is such a long-term project of the russian special services, which is aimed at in order to destabilize european society as much as possible, to set up lonely citizens there against each other, that is, or and, and, in parallel , turn citizens against their own politicians, against their own... democratic governing bodies, and so on, and in the end we see that, in fact, not only in romania and
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hungary, but also to a certain extent somewhat similar things are happening, for example, in the same germany, where the russians are working on two fronts at once, so to speak, the first front is an alternative for germany, it is an ultra-right party that is now gaining popularity, and the russians are actually molding another one political movement. there is such a friend of the führer valdemara, whose name is sara wagenknecht, and now the sarivagenkneft political movement is gaining maximum momentum in germany, which advocates in principle for, well, practically the same thing, and for the termination of military aid to ukraine, for the fact that it is necessary to make peace with russia, and so on, well it is clear why the russians and the russian special services are intensifying all this right now, because in fact this year is just in time for spring and western european countries. are included in such a powerful cycle of elections, and national elections, and most importantly, elections to
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the council of europe, which is to be held in april this year, and the main goal of the kremlin is not so much that these far-right freaks of theirs go somewhere, but to electrify the situation as much as possible before the elections, to electrify the situation in western european societies as much as possible, and accordingly in this way put pressure on those western european politicians who... are in favor of increasing aid to ukraine, because now europe understands that it has to compensate to a certain extent, and that the states have gradually fallen out of this process a little due to their internal problems, and thus knock down. well, if this transition from priorities in helping ukraine from washington to brussels is like this, well, and accordingly try to shake european societies before this pre-election cycle in order to, well, once again have the opportunity to promote their propaganda, because well if this entire conditional division of ukraine, which is allegedly
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advocated by the states neighboring ukraine to the west, it is also such a long-playing roach of the russians. propaganda there about them about poland in in this context, they like to say that, well, now their romanian and hungarian minions have given them a reason to raise this topic once again for the domestic russian consumer, so to speak. mr. taras, yesterday the polish edition of the election newspaper wrote about the fact that trump issued an order to all republicans, well, i really want to understand how trump can do everything but his wing, but still actually writes. that he told republicans not to vote for border reform, which we know was a key goal that stopped military and financial aid from the usa, and not to vote for aid to ukraine, but actually to bring the situation to the elections and already after the elections to show that, unlike biden , he solves such issues quickly, swiftly, as
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it should be, this is what the electoral magazine writes about , we can't check, maybe you need a little more. it is known, because there were such optimistic reports at the end of last week that everything is ready and as if an agreement had been reached, and here is a new series, it seems to me that the electoral newspaper refers primarily to a post by trump in his name social network, the truth , why is not known, the truth is not known to me, this is a big question and it is still open, but in fact, really, when last week the republicans and the democrats ... almost already agreed on what should be in this agreement , because in the end biden himself said that he is ready for the maximum compromise with regard to the southern border, as well as with regard to strengthening the security of this border, trump suddenly writes this post on his social network, and in this post he says that there are no compromises, it is necessary to go to the end, it is necessary to demand
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everything from the democrats, the truth is that everything is not clear, because the democrats have already made all the compromises, that's it. and in one word, trump said that the republicans should not do this in any case , well, it is clear why donald himself does it, yes, because from his personal such mercantile interests, he understands that it is on this that he can build his own winning election campaign , yes, that is, against the background of the fact that the situation with the security of the southern border will not be settled, donald, well, out of hand, how they say, during the entire election campaign , to arrange incidents as for example, with the texas governor, and with the situation in general, and with the southern border exactly as they say in texas in the united states of america, that is, until this situation is settled and until the republican party, so to speak, accepts this compromise, and accordingly, republican governors , including the governor of texas will not be forced to obey this party
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discipline and this compromise, in fact trump has a pretty good chance during the entire election campaign, well , as he says, to point fingers at biden and show that, as you can see, he is not capable, but when i come, i will become the president in the white house, then i will sign this first, if everything is the same, why we could have agreed earlier, but we didn't , because i had to win the election, and actually we see that the trumpists actually have no inhibitions in this regard, because what happened around the southern border in texas , so it's actually quite so, well... serious a confrontational situation within the united states of america, well, actually, something similar existed in them a long time ago, even during the time of president kennedy, when the federal law on desegregation was also passed, and when african americans were allowed at the federal level by federal law to go to the same schools that and for white americans, yes, to visit all the same institutions, and then
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there were also a lot of republican governors, they actually went into direct conflict with the administration. well, it's true, kennedy then deployed the army regularly on the territory of these of states, and this process, it actually settled down, well, over the following years, let's say, after all this history, so if trump's logic is clear, it has nothing to do with the logic of the party, nor with the interests of the republican party, but in fact, this is a very strong challenge , including the republican parties as a whole, because the first reaction of the republican leaders was that, well , how can we throw out this compromise now, because, well, we from the democrats have now achieved the maximum that we from them saw continuously there for the last, well, almost 10 years and... and now to throw it all away, it's very stupid and very illogical, and now the most important thing is actually, well, the problem will be whether the republican party itself will cope on
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its own, as they say, yes with his internal party discipline, because you are absolutely correct in saying that trump cannot command the entire republican party, he can, as they say, command his small group of trumpists however he wants, but in the grand scheme of things... he is not the main one, so to speak say, yes, the republicans, and not him makes strategic decisions, so now everything will probably depend on whether the leadership of the republican party will manage to establish this internal vertical of management and establish internal party discipline, because this is what will actually depend on whether this compromise will move forward, which was finally achieved by both republicans and democrats last week, mr. taras, questions about nato, or such... the impression that the closer the time perspective and the closer the time to the washington nato summit, the further away it is perspective of ukraine and its invitation to this
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organization. toldenberg now says that at some point we have to invite you. if in july we were convinced that now in the 24th year we will hear a clear invitation, now we hear a certain stage, but what will happen then at the summit itself? here it is very... it is interesting that almost simultaneously with this statement by stoltenberg, one of the former military leaders of nato, general stavridis, made another statement that also concerns ukraine's membership in nato, and well, the statements of stoltenberg and general stavridis, they correlate to a certain extent and , as they say, complement each other, because mr. stoltenberg said that indeed, yes, at some certain stage, ukraine will start negotiations on... membership in nato, well, actually this statement, i interpret it, well, a little more optimistically, because mr. stoltenberg did not say anything about the end of the war, and this is very important,
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because before that, nato's official position was only until, as soon as the war ends, but not before, so now we hear more of it universal formula, so that at some specific stage, and this stage does not necessarily have to be tied to the end of hostilities on the territory. of ukraine, and what general stavridis said almost immediately after mr. stoltenberg, it actually deciphers to a certain extent what stoltenberg was talking about, because stavridi said that ah-ah depending on how the presidential election in the united states goes states of america, at the end of the 24th year , the moment may come when ukraine will have the opportunity to start membership negotiations in nato, ah, and, well, the truth is, this moment in time will be... not very big, so to speak, yes, according to stavridis’ version, because it is clear that, well, the question of elections in the states, that is not only the voting in november, yes, it is still a long process before the inauguration, and understanding
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the participants, well, one participant to be precise, yes his characteristics, this is donald trump, whom we already mentioned today, well, we can expect many surprises, and in this context , but general stavigis makes it clear that the end of the 24th may indeed be that time frame. when er can come the moment he talks about, mr. stoltenberg is obviously talking about. that is, well, in fact, we see such, to a certain extent small, but important for us to understand the processes of the suv in understanding the logic of the nato leadership and in its views on the future membership of ukraine, that is, they, apparently, realizing that the threat from russia, it does not disappear anywhere and it will only intensify, they obviously understand that it is possible not to wait for it to end. war in ukraine, because russia can in principle carry out a hybrid attack against nato and continuing hostilities on the territory of ukraine, and that is, if taras melts here, i
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will simply interrupt you to supplement this answer, because general stavridis adds that there will be a korean scenario, a possible korean scenario, when the east and crimea leave russia, and ukraine, what remains, joins nato, that is, the scenario that we do not consider in principle, of course. er, general stablitis is talking about him as one of the options, again, tying him to the united states election, because everything will depend on who will actually become the next president of the united states, if it is trump, then here is this korean option, he is more likely, yes, but if, for example, biden wins this election, and accordingly he will continue to keep the course on not only to continue supporting ukraine, but also to compensate, well restore, so to speak, yes, the image and role of the united states of america. in this particular situation, as well as in general in the geopolitical arena, then it is clear that if we can in a very short term get everything for to liberate our territories and
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this korean one. the scenario will not actually exist, the question here is that there is another, another version of this korean scenario, which was voiced by another former secretary general of nato, mr. rasmussen, yes, and this is his formula for joining the alliance, when nato really is not waiting for the end of the war, and we join nato, but we, in addition to the washington treaty, we sign another additional protocol, and in this protocol we recognize that the fifth article of the washington treaty, that is, the system. well if the resource of the nato collective security system, it would not be extended to the military operations that we will conduct to liberate those territories that at the time of our entry would be under temporary russian control, i.e. the entire territory under the control of the ukrainian authorities of our state, it would be is protected by the fifth article of the washington treaty, and if the russians were to move further, then this fifth article would be included, and accordingly we would receive help already under
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this fifth article from the allies. but those are ours the operations that we are conducting to de-occupy those territories which, at the time of our signing the washington treaty, ratification, joining nato, would be under the control of russia, here we are basically acting alone, we cannot appeal to the fifth article and in accordance with the help of all our allies, that is, this is one of the variations of this korean scenario, but in fact we understand that there are a lot of moments here that cannot be calculated right now, starting with the results of the presidential election. in the united states of america itself and ending with how in such in the military-strategic plan, the 24th year will pass by itself, yes, that is, what will happen at the front, what decisions will be made in the kremlin and whether a decision will not really be made somewhere in one of putin's bunkers that it is not necessary wait for the end of the war in ukraine, it is possible to start some kind of hybrid aggression or an attempt at a hybrid aggression against, for example, one of the baltic countries, or for example against
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finland, and this will then... completely change the entire scenario, so the one that is being considered now on this stage sad in fact, the perspective, mr. taras, which you also depict, and which you can actually feel in the stalls of stoltenberg and stavridis. taras zhovtenko was with us, an expert on international security of the democratic initiatives foundation, we are going for a short break, after that we will talk about aviation, about the f-16, about the same il, and what could have happened there, we will keep in touch. aviation expert, please wait , the usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with kremm dolgit, whatever you want, i will raise. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with
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