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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

10:30 am
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time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, and also distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening on espresso. verdict with serhii. from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. here we
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go, thanks for espresso, and straight to the conversation, because we have an aviation expert with us, he leading researcher of the state museum of aviation, valery romanenko, mr. valery, congratulations, glory to ukraine, and glory to the heroes, good morning, mr. valery, today we even had time to talk with andriy yusov from the main directorate of intelligence, and in particular we noted that the number of various scenarios fakes can compete with the amount that russia issued after the downing of boeing mh17, and then they also produced different versions on an industrial scale, which we did not listen to, now a similar situation with military transport il-76, i mean in terms of quantity, it is difficult for me to assess in terms of quality, but you as an expert, when you read all this, see, listen, where are we lying... where are we
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being lied to, and what do you see as an expert, but we don't see it, because we are not an expert, well , there is no need to be an expert here, you understand, here any statements from the russian side, they , well, from the very beginning, cause distrust, so to speak, yes, because they somehow they don't hold back, well, look, here are the latest, latest statements of such russian statesmen... and the chairman of the state duma defense committee , kargopolog, well, let's put it this way, the person is not the last in the hierarchy, yes, he stated that ukraine was warned 15 minutes before the plane 's flight into the zone, into the zone, well, so, and it kind of confirmed it the main intelligence agency, well, excuse me, but the armed forces are a very hierarchical structure. is it possible
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to transfer in 15 minutes, they transferred, for example, gur, the decision to cease fire is made by the commander-in-chief, that is, gur was needed in 15 minutes. contact commanders in chief, he had to assess the situation, pass it on accordingly to the commander of the air forces, because the anti-aircraft missile forces are subordinate to him. the commander of the anti-aircraft missile forces had to assess the situation and report everything to the sector commander. the sector commander had to identify the part that could fire, hand over to the commander of that part, the commander of that part had to hand over to the calculation, not to open fire. i'm sorry, all this in... 15 minutes, well, i understand, this is a person who either does not understand anything about military affairs, although she is the head of a committee in the state duma, yes, or they are known to do such steps to impersonate someone, well , this is the situation with that general kartopolov, as dymon medvidev, a high-level alcoholic, says,
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so in principle it is very difficult to trust a general who walks around drunk on federal channels, and according to the video that was made public on ... can you draw any conclusions, because the plane somehow fell from a rather low trajectory, something flew out of it, the place of its accident looks rather strange, tell me your analysis, which you see in the picture, not according to kartopolov's words, but in the picture , well, according to the picture, it looks like that such a plane was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile, but which one and where did it start from, well, certainly not from liptsi... the russians write, yes, because there is 100 km, because if we take, well, let's say this, take the area a little closer to vovchansk, yes, then there is only 45 km, and if the military there wanted, well, let’s say, for example, let’s say, our
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military wanted to shoot down an enemy transport plane, then of course they put it at the minimum distance, well, it could be hidden near vovchansk, 30 kilometers deep into our territory, well, it's about a place, yes, me already, this is also the russian version from the village of liptsiv , in fact, it looks similar to the downing of the plane, because the lower part of the plane was ribbed and it is very similar to the impressive elements from an anti-aircraft missile, but i already said that if it was necessary to falsify, several types of weapons could be used shoot that part on the ground and it would be very similar to an anti-aircraft hit. well, in general, from the place, from the place of the disaster that happened there, the fall of the plane filled with a large amount of fuel, and there was an explosion of the fuel itself, so the plane was blown into small pieces
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pieces, although none the less, ah, so the russians found the bodies of six crew members and no other bodies so far. it was stated, it was not shown, the only thing is that such statements that they were ukrainian prisoners of war are false. mr. valery, thank you for such a detailed and clear analysis, in fact, it allows us to understand a little more what could actually be happening, and let's move on, let's move on to another topic, a little earlier, the taurus manufacturers said that there would be no problem if germany will transfer taurus to ukraine, part of taurus, because they are ready... to replenish the stocks that will remain in germany in a fairly short period of time, that is, that germany will not be left bareheaded in the event that it is divided with ukraine, we also ask you to clarify how quickly this process can take place, how difficult it is or a simple process, so do the germans now have
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enough equipment even to quickly manufacture taurus, you understand, this is a cruise missile, this is not ballistics, it is possible, besides, it was manufactured... produced by two countries, it is a joint swedish-german project, and therefore if necessary, yes, by the way, this is the standard weapon of two countries, sweden, for the gripen aircraft, which we have been quite actively evaluating recently, yes, as, for example, as a supplement to the f-16 aircraft, and to supplement our su-24 , which are now carriers of cruise missiles, the longest-range. in two countries, i.e. , there is a fairly significant stock of these missiles in both sweden and germany. well, the germans said that they had at least 150 rockets, that's when they cried, but if you're serious, the total production there
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was, as far as i remember, somewhere over 400 rockets were released, and all production, the company confirms that all equipment, all... they have production stocks, that is, if necessary, it could be, it could be quickly renewed, and one more thing for me... was interested in another taurus-related news item: great britain proposed a move that would remove scholz's responsibility for supplying cruise missiles to ukraine, directly to ukraine. the british say: "you give us the taurus, and we will give ukraine our storm shadows", and you will not be at the side, as they say in russian, not at the side of things, yes, and ukraine will receive long-range weapons. we have, yes
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we already have, or will it be some other mod of storm shadow? we have, but we don't have the number that is needed to destroy everything in crimea and everything in the occupied territory, but in addition, do not forget that at least one of the two launched missiles hits, the russians still shoot down one, it is a cruise missile rocket. this is not ballistics, which is very difficult to shoot down, but please explain, mr. valery, if you launch several storm shadows, for example, along some kerch bridge, then they can achieve such a coupon effect as tauros, but they carry the same warheads, there is a difference, well , 15-20 percent of explosives, both carry penetrating missiles, well, with penetrating warheads, what does this mean? tandem, this means that the first part punches a hole in any object, well, if it is a bridge support,
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it may not penetrate it all the way through, but still make a huge depression, the main charge will fly there, so the total charge there is 410, it seems and 450 kg of these missiles will fly into this depression and explode inside, that is, the support of the moz... will be destroyed 100%, for sure, after that the bridge must be built again, you know, like the sepnoi bridge in kyiv once, when after the war they didn’t even begin to rebuild it, mr. valery, we are looking at how effectively it is throughout the territory of the russian federation, installing these oil points of unbreakability, every oil the terminal burns for a long time, heats up the local population, everywhere they say: you have, yes, we see that this
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has been repeated several times, and at rather large distances, we have information from time to time that these are drones from the security service ukraine, how many such drones do we have, i would really like to hear that all the oil refineries that supply the occupier have turned into points of invincibility, we have enough of them, how... according to your calculations , we can work deep into the russian federation? you know, there is such a russian proverb, which means that whoever gives the correct answer will get 10 years, this is about the question of how many of them we have, so far it is possible to record the fact that we have them and that they are achieving their goal. the only thing that worries me is that they have a small, relatively small combat unit, that is, they carry too little explosives. in order to, for example, destroy an industrial enterprise, therefore it is very reasonable that
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the amount of explosives, there in general, well, in the announcements was up to 16 kg, and as a rule 6.8, 4, 6.8 kg, but a very correct choice of objects to destroy an object that is flammable, it is enough to set it on fire, yes, it is another matter... that if it were necessary to hit the factories that produce russian weapons, there really is not enough, but the objects of the oil and fuel and energy infrastructure just right with these missiles, our, well, our, let's say , the armed forces, or the sbu, manage to get them, and the most important thing is that the range is declared to be 1000 km, it... in many cases is realized, everything is going according to plan, so says the minister of foreign affairs
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kuleb's affairs, we are talking about the f-16 from denmark, the citizens of chonsk are complying with the agreements, everything is according to plan, we can't wait to see whether we are ready, whether our infrastructure is ready, everything that is needed for the high-quality and effective use of the f-16, so we have just a minute, mr. valery, well, for now... the structure, it is being created, for example, beacons of the takan navigation system are being installed, on which these planes fly, airfields are being prepared and there have been reports. that shelters are being prepared for these aircraft, and a serious network, both real shelters and shelters, so to speak, traps to simply distract the enemy's means of destruction, there are cruise missiles, and i hope that at the beginning of spring we these planes will finally see you in the ukrainian sky. thank you, mr.
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valery, briefly, and so that no one would guess about what. valery romanenko, aviation expert and leading researcher. of the state aviation museum , and a month until spring, a month and two days until spring, a month and two days, and we are waiting for the f-16, and in the meantime, while we are waiting, we have our next guest, oksana dmytrieva, people's deputy of ukraine, already in our etheri, glory to ukraine, ms. oksana, we congratulate you, good day, good, and we will talk with you about a matter that is actually painful, and one that causes a lot of discussion, we will talk about the right of military personnel to a biologist. active parenthood, but not under normal conditions, after how they died, we know that many wives, many women, servicemen, when this happens, yes, when their husbands die in the war, after that they still want to have children from their husbands, and modern technology allows us to do this, but not
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legislation, how did it happen, that's why women and... men eventually took care of it in advance, this is where biomaterial disposal begins. i want to reassure everyone, no disposal will take place without the patient's consent. er, those - you can say so, misunderstandings that arose from this issue, they clean up, and why it came to this, and most importantly, what exactly was this one about. the bill in which this amendment was introduced, this bill, which i am the author of, the essence of it was only to give a social guarantee to our defenders that their reproductive cells will be preserved at the expense of the state, we understand that the preservation of reproductive cells costs a certain amount
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of money , and if it is so for men, it is not such a significantly large amount, but for... women, it is still a whole process, they should take place somewhere around a month, to prepare a woman, make a collection of these cells, egg cells and store them, then certain funds go, and the essence of this bill was precisely that the collection and preservation of reproductive cells will be at the expense of the state, well, this bill was supposed to go in parallel with the general the law on reproductive health, in which... the concept of disposal should have been clearly spelled out, but let's not use this word now, because it very much has a negative effect on the understanding of all our ukrainians, that is, we must understand what be notarized consent, yes, everyone, when they donate their reproductive cells, they sign
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a contract, what will happen in the event of the death of a person with these cells, and ... now we already understand that how it should happen, that there will be an order of the ministry of justice that, that a person can ensure what to do with his reproductive cells, or the person himself wants them to be disposed of, or given to another spouse, or given to a general cryobank, or for some scientific purposes, that is, a person has the right to decide for himself what to do with by these cells, on sorry, the law... the project on reproductive health is general, which applies to both civilians and all citizens of ukraine, it was not adopted in the verkhovna rada, that is why this conflict arose, you understand, that is, the law was adopted for the military, but for civilians i wasn't there, where everything is explained, how it should happen, it's technological, let's say this, it
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's unintentional actions, but the scandal arose because it's a sensitive topic, and you know, oksana and i also talked, but how and how then, let's say this, the parents, for example, took advantage, yes reproductive cells, but the father died, what status will the children have when they are born, and actually conceived already after the death of the father, are they considered orphans immediately or how? yes, no, no, no, well, they are believed to be the child of the dead, dead man, or it's a man, or it's a woman. to bring to another law and to correct this situation by march, but we simply have not yet reached the law in which it was supposed to be introduced,
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i apologize, and that is why we had such a collision, that's why we all knew about it , we all understood that everything should be done, but... seeing this already in social networks caused negativity that we had to speed up this process, and already today... er, all my colleagues are signing a new draft law that equalizes this situation, which will specify exactly these requirements that we are discussing with you now , and the fact that this child will be considered the child of a deceased person, yes, that is, all this will be written down, and the most important thing is that even after the death of a person, these cells will be stored for another 3 years, uh, at the expense of the state, that is, the state will finance cryobanks for in... three years is not clear, after death, the person to whom these cells were transferred will decide what to do with them. ms. oksano, you cannot
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use it, the head of your faction in the parliament, davyd arakhamia, in particular recently said that the losses are not so great that we cannot declassify information about ukrainian losses on the russian-ukrainian front. we have been talking all morning today. and with the military, with the officers, and in particular , well, let's say this, opinions are divided, personally, your attitude to this, is there a need to end hostilities so that ukrainians know these numbers, right? well, you know, i would really like these, unfortunately, losses, they exist, because there is a war, yes, i would very personally like these losses to be very low in our country, and i go to the boys every month, every month to the front and i see and hear how hard it is for them there , but their spirit is very high, and they, our boys, they know what is happening there at the front, and
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disclosing this information to everyone, it seems to me, as the military also says, then it is not necessary, but is it your opinion, we like it, we value it, respect it, but we understand that if this topic has already been raised, so maybe we will hear soon. certain numbers that can terrify , and can, perhaps, reassure , i would like to, of course, we understand that this is a war, these numbers are, yes, ms. oksano, on whom does it depend, on what does this declassification process actually depend, how quickly it can to take place, well, i think that only the military can tell us, it is possible to disclose this information or not, even in our committees it is not discussed, because it is really closed information, ms. oksana, do we military divide you? position in the state of israel, which is also permanently waging wars, everyone is remembered, but such information is made public only after the end of hostilities, i also wanted
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to ask you if you, i don't know how close this topic is to you, but we were surprised, because it was promised to conclude by the end of the first month agreements with drone manufacturers, private drone manufacturers, and the ministry of defense did not do this, but there are parliamentarians. control, i.e. will the parliament in general, for example, in your opinion, and the majority of the parliament in particular, demand that they explain why the month has passed, and those contracts from the ministry of defense is still not there, we have a little less minutes, yes, yes, i will say very quickly, we also have, among my colleagues from smart politics, there are guys who produce these drones themselves, and they are surprised why the state with with them... contracts are concluded so that it is possible to directly help our army, and we constantly raise these issues in the verkhovna rada, we will, i will even personally write letters to the ministry of defense, why this is not
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happening, because we really have a lot of people, what do these drones do on their own and can help and speed up this process, we understand that for military drones are consumables, and when we come, they are destroyed, they fall, they are jammed by the guys there, that is... what we need, like during the coronavirus , i will say from a medical point of view, we needed jelly, so drones are jelly for our army, so it seems to me that the state should do everything so that everyone helps in this process, not only buying foreigners, ours can already make them and very well done, guys. thank you, ms. oksana, when will you have an answer from the ministry of defense, we will always be glad to hear what they wrote back to you, actually, yes, oksana dmytrieva, people's deputy of ukraine, thank you. for participating in our broadcast, we're going on a short break now, we'll stay with espresso, then there will be news, in... if you're tired
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