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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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signal power, they become less effective, because if earlier there was 500 mw on the drone control panel, today they use directional antennas and use power there up to 4 w per communication channel, accordingly, the guns really become, which have weak power they really cannot create an effective obstacle at the distances at which they stated earlier, to talk about the fact that the frequencies have radically changed, well, probably not quite so, they have expanded, but those channels that were, they are to this day and are working, that is, channel 5.8, which, well, it was used, as well as for video, today it is used for the video signal in fpv drones, it ... remained, that is, 5700, 5850,
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so of course they are trying to expand it there and are expanding it, but most today they fly on video on 5750, 5850 on these frequencies, they usually use one and two analog on video, i.e. two channels of e-e on video are always used, mr. yuri, doesn’t this mean that, after all, slowly there is a need for reb means, it shifts from... of anti-drone guns to the dome reb, which apparently you can buy one unit, will cover the entire unit and you don't need to run around with guns, so to speak. well, here is the information for yesterday, fpv drones started flying with a frequency of 2.4, dome systems are made at 860-960. how will they influence? well, then it means that both dome systems and anti-drone units must be flexibly rebuilt to... guns in this
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case, they did not go, so let's say that they are used less, it is necessary, for sure, to change the tactics of use and make guns of greater power in order to work on the same mavics that are used on the front line, as fire adjusters, reconnaissance drones, they have power. there is a large one on the remotes, they have quite serious cameras, and they stand 3-5 km from the combat zone, they can adjust fire, they also need to be delivered with something, but from the point of view of orders for your company, because you also produce dome piranha systems and anti-drone guns, a request from the point of view of power structures from buyers, what do they want more now, guns or a bathhouse of rebel systems ee? more why
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because they want to install , in addition to all that, on equipment, not just on units in order to close units, the main issue today is that when half-buckets appeared, armored vehicles actually lost their inviolability, and they have already lost their efficiency, i.e. it cannot turn from a derivative order into a combat one. order to conduct offensive operations there in some direction of the front, because in fact, when it approaches, it can already be hit, 5 km to the combat zone, before it has yet turned in order of battle, it can be hit by an fpv drone and the tank will stop in can be destroyed, as well as an armed machine, well, by the way, we have a video of a russian tank there. on which
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the rev dome system stands, now we will ask our directors to find this video, you see, this russian dance is moving, on which the reb dome system stands, there they explain that it is effective there, it protects against this, it succeeds there to counter ukrainian fpv drones, but i will immediately post a video about yours after this video development, where the minister of digital transformation spoke about the fact that... that your company has made an effective example, and i have, well, first of all a question, are we now following the same path with the enemies, are there any solutions, by the way, this video is about yours, about your development, where it basically blocks an attack in half on a dance, correctly as i understand it, yes yes, are we now following the same technological paths and are we now equally resting on some technological limitations, if in terms of the efficiency of the antennas, which are standing there
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er, probably just once, because it's simple to start a tank and conduct shooting and then drive through that area to return, there were already comments from the same tankmen, who later said that a couple of antennas fell off after the first trip, after the first shot, after the first trip, because such antennas in this case, not very... effective on a tank, which, well, the vibrations are very large, that is , there it is necessary to anticipate a lot of other points, due to the fact that the tank, it is even started, there is quite a large vibration, and for radio-electronic equipment, it is not
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such a simple story, that is, for one plot , it is not uncommon to show that there is a system , but it is impossible to fight with it, but you went a different way, we went a different way, we started using... antennas that do not have such, well not of such dimensions, they are much smaller, much smaller, they are fixed on the housing , special shock absorbers for radio-electronic equipment are used under the housing, so the vibrations are not so serious, and we have developed a system that we can add blocks, that is, we can reserve. management of additional channels, i.e. if there are any additional channels for drones, we can always add the control system that is installed immediately, it provides for the addition of six to
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eight blocks, that is, six or eight blocks are 6-8 ranges , where potentially segments of the work of the enemy, enemy drones may appear, and then i would like... this module, which is installed on our armored vehicles, it was said that it does not require the participation of the operator, that is, in fact, the tank is started, there is a mechanic, the driver or commander of the tank turn on presses the button and it works, and conditionally speaking, there is a dome of 600 m covering this and this armored vehicle and the fpv drones cannot attack, are there orders for these fpv drones after they have passed the tests, everything else , has the process of manufacturing these samples already started derontechni, of course, and these orders can be said. is measured in the hundreds for the needs of the armed forces, yes, well i would say so, the defense forces, the defense forces, i will not name the units there, but for the defense forces yes in the hundreds, well then the flip side of this story, if the rap is working, isn’t this an additional unmasking
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sign for the fact that, relatively speaking , our tank has started, the dome has appeared, and the enemy with rtr means sees that our tanks are moving, so of course, any system that turns on... on the to create an obstacle , it can be seen, but - there is the issue of artillery, and no one has taken this issue on the line of battle, but there are fp buckets, which can not always be used with artillery, you can quickly and accurately hit an armored car or a tank, always a half-bucket you can get, well, 95% get into... one hundred percent into an armored car or into a tank or into another means of transport that carries ammunition there or evacuates the wounded, so here it is necessary, here it is always necessary to choose, of course, if a person uses an anti-drone gun there, we conduct training, we always warn
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how to behave correctly for that , in order to save his life, well, in any case , the tactics of action. when using the means of rap, must again be developed and used by units, and i would like to take a short break now, we will go to an advertising and informational break, after that let's continue our conversation with yuriy momot, deputy head of piraniya tech. nothing has worked, not yet, constipation, oh, normolact, honey, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on hepargen, 10% in pharmacies plantain , bam and
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1:41 pm
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set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to participate in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our division thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive. interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life,
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frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
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the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment. the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live
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now where you are, we are continuing our war and weapons program, we are talking about developments in the field of reb, which are implemented by the ukrainian company piranya tech, and my interlocutor is yuriy. the deputy general director of the company piranyatech, mr. yuriy, would like to continue the conversation about the fight against drones, and whether it means that if now there are fpv drones. which attack our armored vehicles, receive the function of such machine vision, that is, they will be able to target the final area of ​​the attack due to the fact that they capture the target, does this not create a threat to the fact that the actual dome reb in such conditions will also be limited by its opportunities, well, then you will need to work on increasing the range
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and have a system that will inform that... because the infrared camera is aimed at the tank and he and the operator or the harrow must see that it is working, and then it will be necessary to understand how to confuse the situation in such a way that it does not hit the fp bucket, well, if, well, not theoretically, as of today, our partners are there, who are in lviv. have developed a system that detects that you have been targeted, whether with a sight or a camera with infrared radiation, and it informs that it sees and informs that you are seen, you are targeted, and now you have to thinking about how to provide or create
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an obstacle in some way to prevent the camera from working, and when we talk about fish, on the ... in your samples , i saw a video of the tests where you tried to put the suppression system on the quadcopter and lift it in the air, this direction is developing, is there any prospect in this at the current stage? and so there is a prospect, there are currently its partners who have developed the aircraft and they want to install there specially, well, certain suppression channels and work from the air, that is, now... under them we are making a block and now we are looking for an antenna so that they can conduct the first tests. and you had a concept at one time called closed skies, which involved, i think, the integration of different detection means, maybe drone suppression or unmanned aerial
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vehicle suppression. was this concept offered to certain communities, certain cities in order to take. space over their city, so of course we already have certain protocols of intentions , and andrii ivanovych met in lviv, he became interested in this system, precisely those rls, which we are currently preparing, there is a software complex for them, it is being prepared , detection systems for them are still passive, that is, there will be... a combination of fire impression and suppression, and it will all work together from one command post, that is, lviv among others are interested in having such a comprehensive defense system, and it will include all your developments, in addition to the means of fire impression, the fire impression is also selected because there will also be a firing module that will be used on machine, and it is also of ukrainian
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production, it has already passed tests, and... and is in service with the armed forces, and when we further increase the scale of perception of the means of reb, we talked there about rifles, about trench reb, about dome reb, recently there was information about the cover system, that is, the system that provides cover for the entire country due to the fact that the signals of global positioning are suppressed in unmanned systems, cruise missiles, shock ... optimal in order to reduce the effectiveness of the enemy's attack forces, of course, it is, let's say, that at the moment, in today's situation, it is optimal, but it is necessary to understand that there will be
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some changes again, that is, in today's world, when so much ... a situation is changing quickly and to say that it is optimal today and it will be for a long time, no, today you need to understand that there will be some changes and you need to think, and if something is different, then it is precisely in this direction that you also need to think, which there may be other options that the enemy can be used in order to go a little ahead in development, that is, in fact, we can talk about... that the combination of various means of reptics into a single system, it just provides density on the one hand, and on the other hand it must be flexible and respond to those changes that will occur in the solutions that will be attempted. implement the enemy, yes, and when we talk about the russian means of combating air targets in the rebot system, there were
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reports just last week that the enemy is trying to influence poland, or in the kinograd region, there are systems that suppress the reb in poland, in the nato countries, does this mean that this training of the enemy is also sufficiently effective and should be used. any means of countering the russian slave, can such means be developed and implemented? before the war, russia worked quite hard in the electronic warfare system, at a long distance, with large capacities, that is, they have developed this segment and it is quite strong, and to say, by the way, we are now seeing the video, this is just a cover. russian systems reb over poland, where these suval corridors and these darker areas speak of a greater power of suppressing gps signals, and the poles
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said, well, this is basically a threat, we have to deal with them somehow, but how? well, it is necessary for them to think about how to make land navigation so that they can switch to land navigation that will use ground sensors to use. by them, no, those that, because space satellites that give signals, there is very little power, and accordingly, interrupt this signal it's quite simple, well, let's put it this way, it is possible to do it with large capacities, so it is necessary to think about a navigation system that will be ground-based and tied to ground-based means, there somewhere on the towers of mobile communication. ah with greater capacities, so that at a certain moment it is possible to switch and have another system, well, the same european galileo, but from
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ground stations. well then, this conclusion actually applies to us, should we also take these challenges into account? yes of course. and then i would like to ask about the reb, about the ideal vision of the reb system. i will draw now picture, you will say what is real and what is unreal. conventionally speaking, if we... contain powerful anti-aircraft and anti-aircraft systems on a number of drones, which can simultaneously detect enemy objects, adjust to their frequency, generate signals that suppress these enemy systems, and in a narrow direction carry out suppression, i.e. not with a wide beam, but with a narrow beam, i.e. both rtr, and reb and narrow direction at the same time, as far as the technical solution is possible, well... such a concept, does it correspond to the current state? yes of course it would be, well, pretty that's the idea, it's not a cheap situation, er, and
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working narrowly, if a narrow beam is, well, it's far, but you have to take into account that in unmanned vehicles there is such a system as pprc. and today there are drones that have from 700 to 1100. have pprc and pass through all these channels, and this is necessary, well, this is a rather difficult situation, and we are working on this today, how to create an effective obstacle for such a wide range that it is possible to cover such a wide range, and the prch of an unmanned aerial vehicle can dear, on any of these frequencies, it should be a fairly powerful system. which closes such a wide range for the installation of interference, you said at the beginning of the conversation that the most optimal operating range
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of the mine rebo suppression systems there is up to 5 km, despite the fact that we know that these enemy fp drones now have a range there is 18 km, sometimes a little less, but within 18 km, can we, relatively speaking, have a reb system of such power that russian fpv drones do not even take off, or is this... this is too optimistic vision, that is, for this there must be extremely powerful systems, secondly, the topography of the area must be taken into account, they can stand and fly there at heights of up to 500-600 meters to a kilometer, for example, at such distances the height is already a little different there, that is, and it is impossible to get there with tactical-level rep systems, but at the tactical level , when they already enter... the combat zone, the further it is from the drone operator, the more vulnerable it is to the rep system, that is why we are talking up to 5 km there, well if we
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are talking about for pilots, pilots. need it is necessary to find the necessary detection system , which will detect where the pilot is with the help of triangulation and work only with a fire impression on the pilot, another option is for the reb system to work on the pilot as well , the system must be powerful enough, but do we have movement in in this direction, when we talk about the developments there, which are made by the company tritel or proximus there, which create more... powerful systems for, well, the longest range, can we say that their development will ensure the fight against this, well, i i think that they should be asked how they are developing it, and what are the goals or projects that your company is currently setting as priorities for itself, what do you want to achieve in the near future? so we must have software that will allow us
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to attach an asset to this system. radar, passive radar, that is, the first question is detection, detection, both in the passive segment, as a whole, and in the active one, then the system should decide what to apply, or a system of greater power on longer distances, and it falls into the suppression sector, a given target, or it must be a fire impression, and here it is necessary to understand by what means it will be carried out... this impression, that is, this system must work, well , let's say, under control, but it will decide which of the systems to use, based on the software, before the active phase of the war, you had contacts with a number of foreign customers there, a number of foreign companies, is there any interest on the part of western companies to develop any joint projects,
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i rely on... on the unique ukrainian experiences , so to speak, there has been an extremely high interest in ukrainian developments in general, because they are all used in the combat zone, and those that are effective today are looking for them, trying to meet there, talk about common, i don't know, i haven't heard of such to date. e-e situations, but they are interested quite strongly, and they are interested both in the equipment, and in how it is used and in the tactics of use, that is, in all of these segments, there is a very large the interest of western partners and other countries, that is, even when you go to a tender abroad, they always say no, no, no, we
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will not be there with them, let's... with the ukrainians on this topic, they are definitely professionals here, and you are now participating in foreign tenders with your products, yes, that is, these products, which were already created during the war, which were processed by combat operations, which have a demand in the domestic market, they are of wider ranges there, and there - the logic for suppression and for various is constructed differently means, so to say that they are definitely so disruptive. yes, of course there are big proposals for us to make there also on systems that protect, but now the last ones are an order, well not an order, let's put it this way, there are negotiations on installing systems on ships, foreign ships, foreign ships, well, mr. yuriy, very thank you for such detailed explanations, for what you are doing for our country, for our electability, your company, you personally,
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i would like to remind our viewers that my... roommate was yuriy momot, deputy general director of the peranyatekh company, which develops domestic means of electronic warfare. and in conclusion, i will say that now we are at such an important stage of the confrontation with the russian federation, where we have to bet on effective technologies, technological solutions in the fight against the enemy, because the enemy has a certain quantitative advantage over our armed forces, and this quantitative the advantage can be with... technological processes, which our leading defense and industrial companies are striving for, my name is serhiy zguryts, stay tuned to the espresso channel.


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