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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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explanation for what you do for our country, for our defense capability, your company, you personally, i will remind our viewers that my co-developer was yuriy momot, deputy general director of the peranyateh company, which develops domestic means of radio-electronic warfare. and as a conclusion, i will say that now we are at such an important stage of the confrontation with the russian federation, where we have to bet on effective technologies, technological solutions in the fight against the enemy. because the enemy has a certain numerical advantage over ours armed forces, and this quantitative advantage can be leveled only by asymmetric technological processes, which is what our leading defense and industrial companies are striving for. my name is serhiy zguryts, stay tuned to the espresso channel.
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2:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. a meeting between the minister of foreign affairs of hungary peter szijártó and his ukrainian colleague began in uzhhorod. dmytro kuleba, and also with the head of the president's office andriy yarmak. the ukrainian side expects a frank and constructive dialogue to improve relations between the states, the president's office noted. it is also known that the delegations of both countries plan to discuss the possibility of a meeting between president volodymyr zelenskyi and hungarian prime minister viktor orban. three general inspectors from the united states arrived in kyiv. about that. said ms.
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bridget brink, the us ambassador to ukraine. we are talking about auditors from the american ministry of defense of the state department, as well as from us agency for international development. they will meet with the administrators of the aid provided by the united states. it was previously reported that the pentagon's inspection revealed certain problems with accounting for 2% of the weapons transferred to ukraine since 2014. armed forces. are expanding the scaffolding on the left bank, said nataliya humenyuk, head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine. during the past day, the enemy made eight assaults, but all were unsuccessful. the occupiers returned to their positions with casualties. confirmed 105 expelled occupiers in this direction. we also have results in the destruction of enemy equipment. in particular, these are the artillery
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installations from which they fire on the right bank, and such losses have led to the fact that we observe a certain activity in the crimean direction, where teams are formed, obviously, to reinforce those units that are on the left bank, they lost again, russian planes lost two aerial bombs over the belgorod region, both did not... explode. the first fab-250 bomb was found in the postnikov farm in the korochan district. and the second projectile was discovered on one of the streets in the village of striletske, bilhorod district. more than fifteen hundred people had to be evacuated there. this is not the first such incident with the invaders. last week, their plane accidentally dropped an aerial bomb on a dam in the belgorod region, at the beginning of january, such a situation happened in the occupied border. in
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luhansk region. on january 29, ukraine celebrates the day of memory of the brave heroes, ukrainian students who stopped the bolshevik attack on kyiv in 1918 at the cost of their lives. on the occasion of memorial day, two were honored in kyiv those who died under the cliffs. our correspondent tetyana galonova also joined the event. tanya, i congratulate you, tell me, who was honored today? and who came to the event? greetings iro, greetings to the viewers of the espresso tv channel. on the day of remembrance of the heroes of krut, the lukyaniv cemetery honored the fallen citizens of krut, whose burial place is known with certainty. these are two comrades, two students of kyiv university named after st. volodymyr, volodymyr naumovych and volodymyr shulgin. while staying as part of the student smoking
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sich shooters, they died under the rocks, entering into an unequal battle with units of the russian red guard. in 1918 , the students were buried at the askold grave, and in 1934 they were reburied at the lukyaniv cemetery. so today, on the day of memory of the heroes of krut, representatives of the public, as well as representatives of zmi, came to honor the memory of the fallen students, as well as to lay flowers on their graves. i suggest now to listen to the comments of people who came to remember the fallen heroes. the battle continued from noon until late in the evening. when were the main part of the anteaters was destroyed , a command was given to retreat, but unfortunately, some got lost, there was no such communication, now we can find out on the radio stations who
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retreated to whom and where, and there was confusion and some of these students left directly to the station to murav'ovtsi, and they were already wild, drunk, they were also using drugs. this is for everyone to understand, and they caught them, they were, they were shot, some were shot, they took a few with them, and today these young people really showed us a way, that we cannot, you know, negotiate or hope for peace, we can only fight for our own with weapons in our hands. the eternal right for ukraine to have a state and the right to live on its god-given life, land. let me remind you that on january 29, 1918, near
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the kruty railway station, which is only 130 km from kyiv, the volunteer student group entered into an unequal battle with the bolshevik army. there were about 300 students at that time, and the number of the army was about 5,000. the battle lasted only a few hours, as a result he was captured and then 28 young men were shot. at the cost of their lives, young students stopped the bolshevik offensive on kyiv for only two days. however , these two days were decisive for ukrainian diplomacy to achieve recognition of non-independent ukraine from the international community. i have all the information for now, so iro, i'm giving you the ether. tanya, thank you, i want to say that in the city of leva, today, too , the memory of the heroes of the battle under the cliffs was commemorated. two participants in this battle, the historian igor, are buried at the lychakiv cemetery in lviv
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lossky and scientist andrii lazarenko. dozens of people laid flowers at their graves and lit candles. and the fact that many historians claim that we lost this battle is not true, we did not lose, more than 1,500 attackers and only 300 of our defenders died there, it was an absolutely winning battle both politically and physically. this is an example for all of us, for the youth, especially so that they know that there are and will be, and there were ukrainians who... regardless of anything, gave their lives for the freedom and independence of ukraine. french farmers threaten again block the motorways around paris. farmers have been blocking roads for more than a week in protest against rising production costs and strict
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european standards. according to bloomberg, previous promises of the government to provide additional support did not calm the protests. let me remind you, the prime minister of the country is gabriel atal. to cancel a plan to increase taxes on agricultural fuel and issue large fines to companies that do not follow the rules of price negotiations. fifth column in europe, russian fsb recruited mep from latvia tatyana zhydanok. this is stated in a journalistic investigation published by several latvian media. according to the media, zhdanok worked with moscow. curators at least since 2004 and asked them for money to hold events. so, in 2010, she was given $6,000 to organize the russian victory day in riga. the russian federation also financed her radio program about alleged ethnic russians in latvia and public
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hearings on the preservation of a monument to a soviet soldier. tetyana zhdanok said in a comment to journalists that she never did worked, did not cooperate with special services. also added that in the future she will use the rostrum of the european parliament. quote: to fight neo-fascism. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. my colleagues antin borkovskii and marta oliarnyk continue the broadcast. well, thank you to our tireless irina koval,
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thank you to the news editor for the prepared edition of the events, this is what our colleagues said about the most important thing, but we will talk about the equally important let's talk too, because a lot of events happened in the spresso studio live, marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii, and we remind you, our tv viewers, about our collection together with the iryna koval foundation, we are collecting money for the 141st brigade, which is currently performing tasks for nuts. in the direction of the zaporizhzhia region, infantry and air reconnaissance require a lot of everything necessary to successfully perform tasks. our goal with you is to collect a million hryvnias in order to purchase for them, in particular, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, probes, detectors, detection of drones and many other equally important things at the front, and remember that every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time we ask you to support our military, if you have such an opportunity, then be please make your personal donation, you can see the card numbers on your screen now, as well as qr codes, if it is more convenient for you to make your donation using a qr code, it can be done in just a few clicks, and
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remember, there are no small donations , so please, if you have such an opportunity, then please join this collection. yes , dear tv viewers, the war is going on , this is not news for you, extremely fierce battles are going on, this is also not news for you, and we understand that very often, well, this or that technique, this or that equipment or fails as a result of the battles , or it just doesn't have time, so to speak... according to the events, to get there, well, that's why very often fighters ask us to help, and we broadcast their request to you, if you have the opportunity, support our military, well, we will help you to inform about all the most important things, vladyslav seleznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-17, is currently in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. colonel, friends, i congratulate you, glory to the hero, let's talk about kharkiv. tabaivka region, yes, there were certain speculations, there were certain assumptions, how the loss
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of tabaivka, if it really could have taken place, could affect the operational situation in kharkiv region in general? friends, well, the first information that the enemy captured the snuff box came from our monitoring project deep state, just last night quite serious news events raged around this message, then. last night i said that you should trust verified and official information from spokesmen or the general staff or the relevant direction. volodymyr fityo , the commander of the ground forces, has already denied the fact that tabaivka came under the control of the enemy's army, he says that there is a battle, a clash around it, and therefore says that the enemy captured this settlement is not worth it. again, again addressing our audience, i emphasize that it is necessary to use a verified translation. and official information, because there are too many assumptions, too much unverified
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information, which, of course, can create such a negative informational discussion on certain issues, and therefore we trust only official sources and consume information very, very responsibly. as for the dynamics of hostilities in the kupinsky direction, obviously the enemy has accumulated a lot of resources there, in particular human, military and technical, in particular aviation component, there the enemy has a fairly powerful enemy. constant action , tries to transform its numerical superiority into territorial gains, it seems that it does not work out, where it does not take on this task, there is no absolute confidence that the ukrainian defense forces will be able to hold all the frontier positions, after all, just three days ago, we were talking about hostilities in the senkivsky district as a proven fact, where the enemy has no advances whatsoever. over the past weekend it turned out that there are such situations moved from place and not in favor of ukrainian
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force defense, and this happened not because the enemy has some unique opportunities and abilities, no, certain organizational decisions and commander errors led to such a situation, which has threats, a rather threatening trend, and i think , that in the future our soldiers have to... implement a whole case of very dangerous tasks in order to stabilize the situation in the area of ​​svinky. so, we have to understand that war is a very dynamic story, and there is no. perfect or not perfect commanders, nor ideal soldiers, everyone makes mistakes, but here it is necessary to understand what kinds of mistakes can happen, and whether we have the opportunity to correct these mistakes on the battlefield, because we understand that every mistake on the front is a risk to life and the health of our soldiers is mortally dangerous, and therefore we must understand that the dynamics in the region of this part
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of the front are quite intense, the enemy uses all the resources available to him. the garden is pressing, and it is important to be absolutely rational here, not only as a spectator, but also as a direct participant those processes, because it is obvious that a lot depends on a balanced, carefully calculated position and appropriate countermeasures to the enemy's offensive, and the key thing that depends on it is the preservation of our lives and health. mr. vladyslav, well, you have already described the situation in general terms , what... is currently happening at the front, but i would still like for us to also discuss the fresh information coming from the mouth of our president, president zelenskyi. he actually said in an interview to a german journalist that he would warns of a move to redistribute the world if the united states, for example, does not continue to help ukraine, and europe
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cannot cope with this threat on its own without the help of the united states, and in fact in parallel. this is the statement, actually quoted by the times, that nato should prepare for missile attacks by the russian federation throughout europe, and already the leaders of the alliance countries are preparing to introduce the system of the so-called military schengen, this is something revolutionary, innovative, we have not seen anything like this before, in general, like us treat such statements and what do they mean? a safe space that was established on the territory of the whole world as a result of the second world war. was destroyed not even yesterday and not even two years ago, when the enemy army launched a full-scale, unprovoked aggression against the sovereign ukraine. the security space was destroyed 10 years ago, starting with the annexation of crimea by the so -called green men. since then , highly respected, highly influential world leaders have done nothing to putin. and
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therefore, the world will never be the same as it was at the end of 2013. and we have this fact. as a given and accordingly build a further strategy for the development of ukraine, based on the current situation . of course, a full-scale war is raging on the territory of our country, which is the largest in terms of volume since the end of the aforementioned second world war, and a war with an undetermined outcome, because it is obvious that the outcome was a duel between russia and ukraine, depending on resource capabilities. for example, for the 24th year we we know that the russian federation stands out. in order to provide for the current needs of the russian army, as well as part of these funds will go to support the activities of the russian defense-industrial complex, which this year we receive from our western partners in the framework of military-technical cooperation, how many billions of dollars or euros is unknown, we see how complex discussions are going on about this, and it certainly does not inspire such a positive mood, we
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all understand that the current war is a war of resources, and therefore from... the number of guns, projectiles for cannons, other components that determine the combat effectiveness of the ukrainian army, a lot of people depend on it, so i hope for the experience and perseverance of our diplomats, our top military-political leaders and activists, that they will be able to push through those vital decisions, from which we are critically dependent, both in the city of the united states of america and, accordingly, in the european union, this is extremely important, and therefore we must understand that the war continues and... the world will never be the same again was 10 years ago, and we must realize that here and now we have to choose our right to a safe future and to ensure our independence and to restore our territoriality, no one will decide this option for us, only with their own pen , with their own efforts, but also with weapons and our unity, because if we start now
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to spend time on the internal charats of finding out certain things there. communication problems, we will lose that time for nothing, and we may lose a duel with the russian army. mr. colonel, avdiivka, yes, we understand that the enemy is extremely active in the avdiivka direction, in particular, it is about the enemy's attempts to deploy both in the direction of stepovoy and novobakhmutivka, and the situation with the enemy's attempts to attack in the south of avdiivka, and in the direction of pervomaiskyi, where the situation, how it differs between the north and the south. in general, where is the situation now more threatening? the situation north of avvidka is to some extent stabilized, and although the steppe is in the so-called gray zone, the enemy cannot go there to gain a foothold there. our guns are immediately turned into a pile of scrap metal and this is artillery stuffing. all assaults will be ordered by enemies, regardless of whether he
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operates without harrowing equipment or with harrowing equipment. but as for the southern regions, actually the suburbs of the widows, the situation there is more complicated. after the conduct of defensive operations that were quite defiant and unexpected for the ukrainian forces, during which the enemy used the old sewage collector and was able to advance. in a private, private development in the south of avdie. the situation there is quite complicated. the enemy continues to expand the bridgehead in this district, and of course, if only novoroks manages to move closer to the high-rise building in the area of ​​the so-called ninth quarter, then of course we will have a lot of trouble on this, on this occasion. we have to understand that the war, it includes a kind of deception, and the enemy has used it quite effectively at one time, so now our defense forces on this particular front have a lot of trouble. what will happen next,
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of course, will be decided by general tornavskyi and his staff, in command operational group of the ukrainian troops of tavria, accordingly, he takes care of this section of the front, but we must understand, pay attention, the vorok feels where we have more vulnerable positions, it is there that he attacks more, almost a third of the attacks over the past day are lost precisely in the districts and in in the same area, now from marenka, he conducts his counterattack, so the enemy moves and presses, realizing that he can gain some ground there, because in fact it is important for putin to get at least some territorial victory before his re-election to the post of president. well , the city of fortress alkiivka is the best fit for this role, because it is a media -proven... population center, it is not listened to by everyone, of course, only if putin reports to the russian people that the russian army helped take it under control, this will contribute to the benefit
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of such a union, elevation in the russian environment itself, but again , general tornavskyi and his staff have the say in this matter, i hope that an absolutely balanced and rational decision will be made, there can be no of illusions to risk the lives of our soldiers for the sake of getting, for the sake of... if just to keep the car. avdiyivka performs a very important mission, it is gradually depleting the enemy 's military and combat potential, but as soon as there is a critical threat to the presence of our garrison in raionivyk, it is worth conducting a defensive maneuver and withdrawing to a foreign position, but these are only my assumptions, again i i emphasize, the final decision will be made by the relevant commander, who i will raise this issue and who understands the situation on this area of ​​the front and understands. and the ratio and possibilities for the further maintenance of this section of the front. well, we understand that in order to be able to fight and give a decent rebuff to the russians, you need to have equipment,
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including human resources, and a sufficient number of soldiers. and here, for example, in the same interview that i mentioned today, president zelenskyi said that there are about 880 thousand soldiers in our army, we understand that not all of them are currently on the front lines, yes, this is also physical provision including, but actually, he also remembered. about fair mobilization and expectations of fair mobilization from the military leadership, the only thing that worries me in all of this is that the president somehow distances himself from this whole process, because it is not for sure that the military command should develop a law on mobilization, what is your opinion about that , that the president is trying to some extent to be removed from this mobilization process, although in fact he is the supreme commander-in-chief... would he be the one who will lead this process? if you don't know how act, act according to the law. the law of ukraine on mobilization and mobilization training clearly defines the functions of each state
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official, in particular the president. it is worth paying attention to this, because we understand that the issue of mobilization and demobilization is a matter of state importance , including those processes that are relevant to president volodymyr zelenskyi, it cannot be otherwise, because he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine. of course, the question of justice in ukrainian society is extremely large-scale, it cannot be that our soldiers, who as part of the mobilization were called up to the laf-ukrainian army back in february 2022, for almost two years in a row, do not have clearly indicated time indicators when they will be able to return to their relatives and loved ones, this is unacceptable, in addition, ukraine has great experience of conducting six minutes of mobilization in the period between 14 and 17 years, it would seem that our... the bike uses those developments that at one time demonstrated their high efficiency, but for some reason this option does not work, we plunged into the whirlpool. communication within
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our country, there are various discussions, here it seems to me that there is a communication failure, because any complex processes must be qualitatively and methodically communicated, explain why it is important, explain in what way, where exactly the training will take place to the mobilized ukrainian citizens, what level of equipment and support do they receive, on what equipment, in which units under which commanders will they perform? task, that is, a key security issue, and all these communication components are extremely important , because uncertainty breeds despair, and despair is definitely not the time for our unity and grouping, and here we have something to criticize and what to criticize to the relevant communication teams, starting from the level of the president's office, ending with the relevant communication channels , which are distributed by the third recruitment and social
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support centers, there should be... an adult, serious, thorough, thorough conversation between the official representatives of those institutions and institutions that are related to the process mobilization, and the ukrainian society, without it there will be no trust and it will not surprise. thank you, vladyslav seleznyu, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine , spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 2017 was in touch with us, we thank him, and now we will go for a short break, after which we' back to espresso studio, so stay tuned. there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on deflu, 20% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. do you want to increase the yield on your plot and collect several in one season. do you want to protect plants from pests and bad
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ether vasyl winter, two hours... to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you
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