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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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it is also very important for us today, so some of this palette will change, but it is necessary to carry out this work very carefully, and i believe that this work should become a priority for the president of ukraine, because the external vector , according to the constitution, is his authority, but the executive power should do its work and not be too dependent on the office of the president, according to the constitution of ukraine. thank you for this. can put an end to it, oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy, was with us at communication, well, we'll pass the floor to our colleague irina koval, who has already managed to prepare relevant information for you with the news editor, so iro, we'll pass the floor to you, and actually tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, literally in a moment about the meeting of peter sijarto with dmytro koleba about the situation in the south of our country, and a lot of other interesting things. and urgent
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information will be in the release, so stay tuned. 3:00 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers in uzhgorod. negotiations between the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter sijarto, with his ukrainian counterpart, dmytro kuleba, and the head of the president's office, andrii yarmak, are ongoing. the ukrainian side expects a frank and constructive dialogue to improve relations between the states, the president's office noted. in turn , budapest, according to siyartu, wants the hungarian community in transcarpathia to return its former rights. also, the delegations of both countries plan to discuss possible. meeting
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of president volodymyr zelenskyi with prime minister of hungary viktor orban. the armed forces are expanding the bridgeheads on the left bank, the head of the united coordination press center of the defense forces of the south nataliya khomenyuk said. during the past day, the enemy made eight assaults, but all were unsuccessful. the occupiers returned to their positions with casualties. 105 withdrawals have been confirmed. tiv in this direction, we also have results in the destruction of enemy equipment, in particular, these are artillery installations from which they shell the right bank, and such losses led to the fact that we observe a certain activity in the crimean direction, where teams are formed, apparently to strengthen those units that are on... the shore.
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lost again. russian planes lost two aerial bombs over the belgorod region. both did not break. the first fab-250 bomb was found in the postnikov farm in the korochan district. and the second projectile was discovered on one of the streets in the village of striletske, bilhorod district. more than fifteen hundred people had to be evacuated there. this is not the first such incident with the invaders. last week with their plane accidentally fell out. an air bomb on the dam in the belgorod region, at the beginning of january such a situation happened in the occupied rubizhnoy in the luhansk region. president volodymyr zelenskyi honored the memory of the heroes. in his address on the official page on the social network, he noted that all ukrainians who gave their lives for the independence, freedom and future of the country will forever be in the history of our nation. he also bowed his head to modern heroes who... on the askold
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grave next to dmytro, dmytro kotsyubail and andriy pilschikov, known by the nickname juice. we remember each and every one, eternal glory and gratitude to the defenders of ukraine, - the head of state wrote. also in kyiv, two dead students who were buried at the lukyanivskyi cemetery were honored. graduates of st. volodymyr kyiv university, volodymyr naumovych. and volodymyr shulgin died in 1918 near kruty station in an unequal battle with bolshevik troops. the young heroes were buried at the askuldova grave, in 1934 they were reburied at the lukyaniv cemetery. fight continued, starting from noon and until the evening, until late evening, when the main...
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part of the anteaters was destroyed, a command was given to retreat, but unfortunately, some got lost, there was no such connection, this is because... now we can use the radio stations to find out who retreated to whom and where, and there was confusion and some of these students went straight to the station to murav'ivtsi, they caught them, they were, they were shot, some were shot, they took a few with them, these young people have shown us a way that we can't, you know, negotiate or hope for. world, we can only with weapons in our hands fight for our eternal right for ukraine to have a state and to have the right to live on its god-given life, land. in
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lviv, the memory of the heroes of the battle under the cliffs was commemorated. two participants of this battle are buried at the lychakiv cemetery in lviv - the historian ihor losky and the scientist. andrii lazarenko. dozens of people laid flowers at their graves and lit candles. and the fact that so many historians claim that we lost this battle is not true, we did not. he died there more than 1500 attackers and only 300 of our defenders. it was an absolutely winning battle both politically and actually physically. this is an example for all of us, especially for young people. they knew that there are and will be and were ukrainians who, regardless of anything, gave their lives for the freedom and independence of ukraine. in bukovina , border guards detained three evaders who were trying to escape to romania. the men
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were detained a couple of hundred meters from the border, they used the ferryman's tips about the time and direction of movement. everyone for such services of the fugitives paid 600 €. an administrative report was drawn up on the detainees, it was also possible to establish the main organizer of this scheme, now he is wanted. due to the active melting of the ice, the river overflowed its banks and flooded local roads, the regional administration reports. the dnipro, desna, snov and sosh rivers overflowed. due to the flood , several streets in the city of ostera became impassable, as well as roads leading to... villages in the chernihiv district and several other communities in the region. water has not yet reached residential buildings. french farmers again are threatening to block the motorways around paris. farmers have been blocking
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roads for more than a week in protest against rising production costs and strict european standards. according to bloomberg, previous promises of the government to provide additional support. did not calm the protests. let me remind you that the prime minister of the country, gabriel atal , promised to cancel the plan to increase taxes on agricultural fuel and issue large fines to companies that do not follow the rules of price negotiations. fifth column in europe. the russian fsb recruited latvian mep tetiana zhdanok. this is stated in the journalistic investigation, which was published. at least since 2004 and asked them for money to hold events. so, in 2010, she was given 600 dollars to organize the russian victory day in riga.
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the russian federation also financed her radio program about alleged ethnic russians in latvia and public hearings on the preservation of a monument to a soviet soldier. the european union extended economic sanctions against russia for another six months. the relevant decision was adopted by the council of the eu. it's going about all economic restrictions introduced since july 2014. sanctions data has been significantly expanded since february 2022, in response to a full-scale invasion of the russian federation. currently, they consist of a wide range of sectoral measures. in particular, these are restrictions on trade and finance. technology and dual- purpose goods, industry, transport and luxury goods. a 99-year-old swimmer from canada set three world records in her age group,
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the guardian writes. betty bruxelles showed the best result in swimming freestyle breaststroke, a also completed the 50m backstroke in one minute and 24 seconds, despite the fact that the woman had a pacemaker installed after a heart attack 25 years ago, she continues to train twice a week. that was the news for now, we will see you at 16 o'clock, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a short overview of the main things, and also watch us on youtube, well and then my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskyi. meanwhile, they are waiting in uzhhorod
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at the press conference of the head of the office of the president yermak, the minister of foreign affairs kuleba and their hungarian colleague sijarto, according to the results of the meeting in uzhgorod, it is expected that the statement will be joint and may be about the visit of the hungarian prime minister orban to ukraine. and it's also important. news: before the negotiations in uzhhorod, siyarto honored the memory of fallen ukrainian defenders together with his ukrainian counterparts. well , information also arrived from the reuters agency that hungary is open to using the budget of the european union in order to provide aid package to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros. well, this is reported by the reuters agency with a message from an advisor. who is the prime minister we are now adding to our marathon , ruslan osypenko, an expert internationalist.
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glory to ukraine, mr. ruslan, glory to the heroes, congratulations, mr. natin. well, peter siyarto , a meeting was held in uzhgorod, we understand that the meeting, so to speak, is much more serious than it seems, yes, because two representatives from the ukrainian side understand that there are a number of problems and issues that could be discussed, well, the key story, isn't it hungary. will go to remove his, so to speak, veto on providing us with european aid. i think that we are all witnessing such a temporary improvement of relations between hungary and ukraine. i think that on the part of hungary it is under the pressure of the european commission, because the day before we saw that the decision was made by the european parliament about the possibility of depriving hungary of its speech, on the one hand, on the other hand in... the european commission said that they could start an investigation about grounds for granting 10 billion to hungary and hit
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financially, that is, they pushed him, the hungarian side was pushed to constructivism, and we saw this constructivism, first of all, the political adviser, the main political adviser of orbán really stated that they are ready for compromises on financial aid, which means that aid will come from europe , which will not block financial aid, i think... that they will not block military aid either, because there is uncertainty in the united states whether they will vote for aid or not, so europe, assuming herself a greater responsibility, she is more interested in the fact that, after all, military aid of 20 billion, 5 billion per year was also voted, i think that this meeting demonstrates precisely constructivism, that the parties, you know, did not provoke anything, well, we we show such a constructive one all the time. we demonstrate a constructive position, despite the fact that hungary makes attacks in
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our direction, we demonstrate our constructive position to hungary, and to our eu and nato partners, that we are always ready for reconciliation bilateral relations, and now hungary has already matured to the point that it can build constructive relations with us, let's see whether this will be seen in the long term or in the short term. mr. ruslan, look , i would also like you to evaluate the statements on... not only the extremes of the scandalous hungarian politician torotska regarding transcarpathia and actually hungary's encroachments on transcarpathia in the event that, according to his words, ukraine would fall, and in addition to this, we also have a statement of the leader of the far-right party alliance of unity of romania, claudia tarziu. he also stated that he is ready to even sacrifice romania's membership in nato in order to annex some territories of ukraine. we understand that... two rather scandalous statements against the background of the meeting of the hungarian,
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for example, the head of the foreign ministry with mr. yarmak and kuleba, we see an unfriendly statement from the hungarians from romania, which now has excellent relations with us, which is now helping us actually fight the consequences of the blockade the polish-ukrainian border, but we understand that it is necessary, as they say, to disconnect those people who make these statements and states, yes, if we are talking about the voice of the ultra-right'. in europe, these statements are scandalous, the latest, it can all be put together in one puzzle of what is called the russian trail, just like that, russia was preparing the coming to... power of the extreme left and extreme right in europe for more than a dozen years, these are not the last years , they carried out purposeful work to increase the ratings of the extreme right and extreme left, in which way they created the migration crisis, then the food crisis, they created a number of crises in general and thus prepared the ground for
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the extreme right and extreme left to come to power, or increased the percentage of representation in the parliament. increasing its influence within european society, and now we see the consequences of this policy, we see that the extreme right, they increase the percentages, look, in germany they increased, in italy, in the netherlands, hungary, romania, the extreme right, taking into account that there will be elections, there are more than 70 elections around the world and in europe, there will be elections in key countries, there is even a european parliament, the european commission will change, then... the voices of these far-rights, they will sound louder and louder, and this trend is undeniable dangerous, including for us. mr. ruslan, look, well, going back to the history with the visit of peter sierto and the possible, possible , i emphasize, the meeting of the prime minister of hungary orban with the president of ukraine zelensky and , accordingly, a set of problems that
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hungary will try to solve, so for all these victories. what is your vision, what would hungary like to achieve and where is the limit of the so-called healthy compromise? on the one hand, hungary, i think, wants to increase the rights, increase the rights of the hungarian minority in transcarpathia, and it plays and uses it as a tool for the implementation of its policy, not only within hungary, but also in the european union in general. on the other hand, they are interested in establishing relations with the european commission, because there is a lot of pressure and... who did not pay attention to orbán's statements on destructive politics before, now everyone after the december decision, when ukraine was given the green light for negotiations to join the european union , it is necessary to make unambiguous decisions, that is, to reduce all negative trends, trends in the european union aimed at desolidarization
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of the european union and strengthen trends that strengthen ukraine, which gives time, buys time to... prepare for a big war, so orban understands that he is not in the mainstream now, but he understands the prospects, the coming to power of the extreme right, and he wants through melanie, through the prime minister of italy, which is controlled by conservatives, in fact in the european parliament, he wants to join with his party in order to lead these right-wing movements and in a strategic perspective to influence the european union from within through right-wing movements. this is his strategic goal, which is why for this, he is ready to temporarily take some constructive steps, even to vote for aid to ukraine, although, although he spoke against it the day before, he has more important, larger strategic goals, he wants to manage trends within europe in general and change them, but actually about trends in europe and about changing trends, if
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trends change overseas, if donald trump comes to power in the united states. then we understand that its influence can be enormous on european politics, and actually, in turn, it will lead to a certain changes regarding the support policy of ukraine. this is one scenario, look, one scenario , the kremlin had three points of influence on which they tried to put pressure in order to change the course, the geopolitical course of events and the military course of events, this is the first, to shake ukraine from the inside, it did not work, we stood in solidarity. on on on defense, then to torpedo the solidarity of the european union due to the migration crisis and other crises, and it was possible to help ukraine through various issues, and it was partly possible for the russians, and to start a crisis within the united states itself, and that’s exactly what the trumpists and trump, and this maga group is doing this work in the united states of america, that is, the russians
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are implementing such a sycocentric scenario of destabilizing ukraine. and partners who stand behind it, and they are partially successful, but this is the last decision of europe, which took upon itself, unexpectedly took the initiative, understanding how the geopolitical situation will change in connection with the elections of the united states of america, surprised moscow and confused moscow's cards, because even in december they felt like winners, already in in january, they understand on the eve of the european union summit that the trend has changed diametrically against in the opposite direction to ... help ukraine, that they are not tired of ukraine, and will continue to help it both financially and militarily, and therefore, yes, it is mutual connected elements of one. i would say yes, look, american inspectors have arrived, yes, penny pritzker is at the head, and will actively work with american funds, which were directed to the support and
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development of our domestic economic situation. mr. ruslan, what should we expect from of the american visit, well, we understand that the key story, what they will bring, what impressions they will bring and present them on capitol hill, well, from mine. point of view, the key task is to bring them and say that there is no negativity, not to add to the negativity of the administration, the current administration of the white house, to demonstrate that everything is going according to plan, everything is checked and spent efficiently and, let's say, according to the agreement that was reached earlier, because you know that the republicans have made this issue a key issue, on the one hand they say, why are we translating tens of billions of money to support ukraine, they are spent there in an inexplicable way, when we have internal problems there with migration policy and with the border in the south, and in general we do not believe that
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these funds are spent effectively there, show plan, remember, this request of the republicans to the democrats, show the plan of victory, how you will win, you have already transferred a lot of funds there, so how will you win, that is the task of the inspectors to demonstrate that they are not just spent according to the plan and effectively, that nowhere there is not a single... not a single dollar is being spent improperly and thus removing some of the political issues that have become the focus of this pre-election debate between biden and trump. mr. ruslan, look, if we have the opportunity to talk, i would also like to touch on the topic of the events that are taking place in texas, there, well, according to different versions, they say, a civil war is brewing, but it really is brewing, considering the schedule of all these events , because we understand that the situation is really... not easy, it is shaken, and i am not i will be surprised if russia is also behind all this , which is trying to destabilize the internal situation in the united states, nevertheless, is it not a fact, or russia, far from a fact, is
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it russia, so we understand that there is american legislation, there are separate ambitions elected governors, particularly the governor of texas, and we understand that he is not very supportive, so to speak, of our democrat friends, that is, but i agree with you, marto, that the situation is really extremely serious as far as it has... yes so to speak, red lines. i think the republicans, in particular the group of this little maga group, the trumpists, so-called, they're going to use all of these situations, and we 're going to see more of these situations that will surprise us, and they're going to use them in the fight against the democrats to demonstrate their indecision, demonstrate the ability to solve some key issues, that is, any difficult issue will be considered. through the prism of the trump-biden confrontation, as i said, and therefore everything that is being done negatively, it is now working on
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trump, trump, who offers the american public simple solutions to complex issues, looks like a populist, but it is perceived by the public. biden, realizing that, well, this problem cannot be solved suddenly, that it is more complicated, he acts as a statesman in this. in this regard, he says that there are no simple solutions, it is necessary to systematically approach the solution of these issues, but society does not want to hear this, where it is difficult to solve, and for a long time, it does not listen, and therefore trump will be just on populism to win, there will be problems with populism to win, and if he wins, it means that many more of these problems will appear, we will discuss more than one such or similar problem, well, that is, if we understand correctly, it is not about a civil war , it is only about some internal upheavals . and, let's say, within the framework of this race , the election campaign, actually, let it be an election campaign, yes, uh, thank you, this is an election campaign, thank you, thank you,
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ruslan osypenko, a diplomat- international expert, was in touch with us, we talked about important events, in fact, geopolitical ones events that concern ukraine, not only regarding this extreme meeting that is currently taking place in uzhhorod, an extremely important meeting, i think so. that in fact the hungarian side is also interested in it, we understand that both orbán and siyar are right-wing populists, yes, and they are trying to preserve their political face, that is, the key task of orbán and syrta is to show their trusting voters in the mountains, so to speak, that they reach and push, in fact the key story is that the european union could really, so to speak, sober them up somewhat, so we understand that hungary. it is not a european singapore, yes, it is a subsidy state, and we understand that in case of something, if necessary, hungarians can be hurt
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without doing anything, that is... in particular, that is, not that they will be repressed there in that or another way, but the issue of economic subsidies can rapidly decrease, and i think that orbán realized this and accordingly decided, i think, in this way to save his right-wing face, although, although, well, they also have something of their own here, well, they have to "i'm sorry" will be demanding, and we understand that now they are bargaining something for themselves in this case, but in particular, if we talk about the following... some trenches for ukraine and the next steps of the european union regarding the support of ukraine, then we understand that hungary will be the country that will constantly put sticks in the wheels, and actually will seek certain preferences for itself and certain bonuses. we're going to take a little break now, and then we'll be back in our studio, so stay with the espresso, a few minutes and we'll be back. there are discounts on lactial of 10% in psylsnyk, pam and
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