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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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there are people who don't even have a place to return to, but for children, for future generations, these descriptions of the witnesses of these events are very important, they really need to be documented right now, right now. thank you very much, mrs. galina, for the detailed story, for the answers to the questions, professional answers. halyna kuts was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council. well, now we're going to add another guest, but there are literally several. the enemy became more active in the direction of kupin, well , more about the situation, by the way, with this settlement, which i spoke about on kharkiv region, if i am not mistaken, if i wrote everything down correctly, tabaivka, there was information that the enemy captured it, then that the enemy did not capture it, then that it was deblocked actually by ukrainian troops, why do i say deblocked, because you know that this is the kind of territory where you can't say about definitive liberation or de-occupation, because when the enemies... then, it's de-occupation, as it
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was in kherson oblast, say, and on the right bank, or it was in kharkiv oblast, when there was an offensive, it used to happen also this from kupyan-izyum operation, when the enemy went far, you understand that you de-occupied, when there are enemy forces and forces of the armed forces of ukraine and enemy forces very close, then a certain territory, it is simply perceived as a battlefield, it is not even a village, not two villages, and here you can knock out the enemy, then the enemy came somewhere... you moved away, inflicted fire damage on him from prepared firing positions, because everything is aimed, the enemy crawled back again, you go in again, and it can change, the question here is that it is very important not to this information has not been verified, because when it sounds and it goes away telegram, i especially like it, anonymous telegram channels reported, who are anonymous telegram channels, what are their names, what kind of people are they, it is not known, but very often it spreads, it may be true, but not necessarily. .. probably all this
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is to disperse and misinform people, or to give people information that they cannot influence in any way, you and i are unlikely to influence the situation in tabaivka, well, serhiyets will talk more about this and explain what he will explain there what happened there, exactly the combat situation in the kharkiv region in this settlement, dmytro bachko is the head of the nikopol district council, i congratulate you, mr. dmytro, good evening, good evening, the enemy has struck today. artillery strikes on nikopol, i read earlier that there are wounded, maybe the information has changed, please tell me more about this and about the consequences, overcoming the consequences of these enemy attacks? well, we can say that the enemy continues to shell the nikopol district for more than a year and a half, this terror continues day and night, we are still waiting for final information from the regional state administration as a result of the attacks that took place during the day today in the territory of the nikopol district, but... in the morning, the enemy attacked the city of nikopol,
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where two young men, 19 and 21 years old , were injured, one of them very seriously, well seriously injured, so he was taken away by doctors, ah , we hope that everything will be fine, and these children, one might say, young people, will be healthy, so we perfectly understand that it is only a victory, only the continuation of support for the armed forces of ukraine, and our consolidation will come to that time. that we will win, then and the enemy will stop shelling the nikopol district. and artillery strikes, that is to say, long-range barrel artillery, or does the enemy use rocket systems of salvo fire? they use a lot of all kinds of artillery and drones on the territory of the nikopol region, a lot of them have recently begun to fly into the territory of the nikopol region, so we can actually say that in the territory of the nikopol region... they are flying from the vicinity
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of the zaporozhye underground station, where the enemy occupied not only territory, they are on certain sites, where people lived in the private sector, built certain military facilities and from there they actually formed certain bridgeheads in order to fire at the nikopol region, and by the way, what is the situation now at the place where it was before? reservoir after after the dam was blown up, of course we all know that the water has gone, what is the situation there with, well, it is possible to see the water around the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, so again i am asking for luck, well, maybe you have more information, you could to share, well, after after the water receded, the old channel of the dnipro river was formed, which was laid a long time ago by nature, so in principle today there is... this is
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the dnipro river, well, a lot of land, which today are small islands that remained after kakhovsky a reservoir , and therefore, in principle, it can be said that, of course , from the essence of this part of water, we have a problem with centralized water supply in the territory of the nikopol district for a long time, at the expense of various funds, state, regional projects, a certain part the nikopol district has restored centralized water supply with drinking water, part with technical water, in a certain part there is only supply water, so we expect the implementation of the state project to ensure that water is in every house nikobisto, actually you are talking about the state project, as i understand it, we are talking about this main water pipeline , which was reported last week to the ministry of infrastructure, is 95% ready, they just talked about 95% before, and now again about 95%, and i wonder if it is some kind of enchanted 5%, or is there some objective reasons, well, again, how important it is to complete the work
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on bringing it to, as they say, working condition, please, well, of course, this is a big project, i think that of course, maybe the state did not have and... the practice of course of implementing such projects, and of course, it took a little longer, only specialists can say when it will all be finished, we expect it to happen as soon as possible in order for residents to have a centralized water supply, as far as i understand, such a large-scale project usually needs at the appropriate time, and of course we are waiting for its implementation and commissioning, well, i... it is usual, we communicate with you, i always ask what the situation is with receiving the budget, because we actually understand what the needs are, and these needs every day can be more, due to the fact that the enemy is shelling, and help is needed, and some repair work, restoration work, help to the people who
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have suffered, again, not in percentage, if you can talk there, right now, january is already ending, actually what is the situation with filling the budget from spending, how much you? the losses are not predicted, is it still going more or less as planned, the planned expenditure part is being carried out, of course, but if we compare the budgets of our three cities and five rural communities of the nikopol district with those budgets that existed before the start of the war, they are of course significantly they asked, because of course large businesses pay less, and small and medium-sized businesses have stopped certain activities, so we can say that the budget has gotten worse, but it usually happens optimization in territories. local self-government bodies are led to take such certain actions in order, let's say, to maximally guarantee appropriate payments to state employees, to make minimal capital expenditures, but i can honestly say that
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there is still great potential in the expenditures of local self-government bodies, the potential to bring them to the necessary level , in order for these budgets to be socially oriented to support people who need to... support the armed forces of ukraine for such and such repair works that are not available today, let's say yes, such, for those works that need to be done right now, so i can say that there are of course still works and works for local authorities, and we always talk about the fact that we are reminded that today there is a war, and today some points are not on time, and therefore let's say that we would like the budgets of local self-government bodies to be social and military. oriented, well , i have a question for a moment, because there is no more time, but still, did i read that in dnipro they announced that they would to disconnect the utility company for debts, well, first of all, we are probably talking about electricity, maybe there are other utility bills, i don’t know how about heat, not everyone can disconnect everything there, but in any case, is there such a threat in the nikopol region, nikopol, no,
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there is no such threat, because there is a regulation that prohibits the disconnection of utilities in the combat zone, which is defined as a combat zone and the price for that part. the polish district, which is a combat zone, and this is the vast majority, there is no such threat, but there is a part, of course, which is not a combat zone, therefore of course there is such a threat, that is, it can start there, thank you very much for joining in, thank you for your comments, take care of yourself and keep calm, dmytro bachko, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, was in touch with us, well therefore , the enemy hit nikopol with artillery again, unfortunately, there are two wounded, as mr. dmytro said, two young guys aged 19 and 21 . doctors to stabilize the condition of the victims and as a result the boys will recover, but the enemy continues to commit crimes and actually carry out terrorist attacks from the left bank, from
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the left bank of the dnieper, where the city of energodar and the zaporizhia nuclear power plant are located, the enemy understands very well that such a global shaft of fire is on zaporizhzhia. nuclear will not be from the ukrainian side, so of course it feels more obvious there confidently and with impunity attacking a peaceful city and threatening, well, let's say directly... killing local citizens, our citizens, ukrainians. yes, and now, as i promised, and about teboivka and my colleague serhiy zurets, director of the defense express agency, will talk about other important news from the front. sergey, congratulations, please. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our audience. today, in our military column, we will talk about what is happening precisely in the tabaivka and avdiivka area, as well as how our soldiers are trained in britain and recruiting is carried out as an example. of the third separate special purpose battalion of the presidential brigade named after hetman bohdan
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khmelnytskyi, about all this in a moment. so, let's start with the front line. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported that 76 combat clashes took place at the front during the past 24 hours. it 's actually a lot, it's high intensity, and it actually says that along all... sections of the front, the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defense line, the general staff talks about seven directions, but first of all it singles out two, these are avdiivskyi and maryanskyi, where almost 2/3 of the enemy's attacks were repulsed, but still i will start with the kupyansk-svativsky vytinku, because already on the second day, either treason or then the victory is connected with the situation around the settlement of tabaivka, this area is not far from krokhmalny, which the enemy previously... captured and is now trying to advance further, so tabaivka is actually between svatovo and kupyansk, exactly
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somewhere in the middle 20 km to svatovo, somewhere probably 30 kilometers to kupyansk. sabata boyivka is such a small settlement, the pre-war population there was only 30 people, now there are three or four houses, if you look at the satellite images, then all these houses have already been destroyed, and taboiv. just like this down between two ridges, two elevations, a river runs through the village , the surrounding area is swampy , and it is not easy to advance there and it is not easy to hold, because it is located precisely in the lowlands, and there are already a number of interpretations, a number of statements regarding this taboo, in particular there were conflicting reports at the bottom, but today the enemy side, in particular the ministry of defense of russia, said there that the fighter was captured there and for the russian consumer it is not really clear what kind of settlement it is, in
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any case, i think that they are now there are exaggerating the victory, from our side there were statements and explanations from the head of the public relations service of the ground forces command, lieutenant colonel volodymyr fitsyo, and he said that in this settlement in tabaivka, this is the kupinsky district of kharkiv oblast, russia. does not stop the assaults, the fighting continues , 10 attacks were repulsed in this direction, but the statements of the russian side about the capture of the settlement do not correspond to reality, he says that the russians did not take tabaivka, hostilities continue there, and their statements cannot be believed, and he also talks about the fact that the tabaivka is in such a disadvantageous place, you are in the lowlands, and the one who descends, actually this one... well, it becomes an immediate target, he says, like a target in a shooting range. in any case
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, we can now conclude that the enemy has not been able to gain a foothold in this area, there, if we combine everything there, then i think that now the enemy is probably there in the eastern part of tabaivka, just in front of the river, but in any case in this case, the logic of the enemy's actions is that he will try to advance to the west, why is this important for the enemy, because in fact, if we now... look at this map that we see on the screen now, from tabaivka the enemy will try to move towards the oskil river, in order to, i think, just to try and break up our troop grouping that is now on on the left bank of the oskil river into two parts, this story is visible on the map, how it will be implemented, i think it will be difficult for the enemy, but now we have... several directions exactly in the kupyansk-svatovsky-limansk direction,
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where the enemy tries to press, it's just with from the very top, there from the north, these are attacks on kupiats through sinkivka, without success there, but the enemy is expanding the area of ​​attacks on senkivka there from the west from frontal attacks, in order to break through further to senkivka, further to kupins, because it is really important such a transport hub, which is extremely necessary for the enemy , but these attacks of the syankivka have already been going on for several cities... without success in a row, this section is the middle, it is exactly tabaivka, and other settlements, from where the enemy is trying to attack our units in order to break through. to oskil and to move our grouping, it is like the plan of the enemy, well, actually, the southern part of this part, this section, it is exactly where the yampilivkatorske thorn is located, constant attacks are taking place there, just yesterday there was a video where the enemy tried to carry out offensive actions from terna using armored vehicles,
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because the attacks on tabyivka are mainly carried out by infantry with... less armored vehicles, but with a larger number of drones and aviation there, right under the thorns, just yesterday the enemy tried to use armored vehicles without success with losses, but we understand that the enemy in these three areas will continue to try to put pressure on our defense line, now along this line, according to the estimates of the ground forces command , there are 2,000 personnel there, including the bahamud direction, all these areas are extremely difficult to maintain, but hardly such that the enemy will succeed there in any near future, but the situation is extremely difficult, just as it is difficult near avdiyivka itself, this is already the second direction where really the number of attacks is much greater than the situation on the kupin-sphat
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direction, and it is precisely about avdiivka that it is worth saying that the situation here... is such that along this entire arc, which now covers the action from the north to the south, the enemy is trying to carry out offensive actions , there is no success in advancing, but the most difficult section is right now in the south, we can now see these three orange zones where the enemy is trying to put pressure on our defense, this is a rush, this is the tsar's desire to be mediocre, and just from... we see the enemy's attempts to act against it experienced in the direction of avdiivka as well. all three of these directions are now being actively fought. the most difficult situation is precisely at the king's pleasure, because there are several three-eyed suburban streets, there are
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combat operations, where the enemy is trying to hold on, after he crawled under this ee. this hatch, the channel under the tsar's will, and now they are fighting in a suburban development near ovdiivka, where our 116th brigade, 110th brigade are knocking out the enemy, but the enemy has not yet been completely knocked out, although this an extremely important direction, where the enemy actually, well , we really need to be held and destroyed, because avdiivka in terms of its importance, well, in my opinion , is even more important than... at the time of bahmud, but in any case, we understand that now the enemy is there is trying to hold back as much as possible, is trying to carry out offensive actions from different areas, primarily focusing on getting into the city's forgotten suburban buildings and avdiivka, to try further assault
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actions there, she actually understood the logic of the enemy's actions, but she also understood for our armed forces, the that we now have a sufficient number of reserves, the strength of means to prevent the enemy from advancing in this direction, but when we talk about our reserves, first of all we understand that there is no only weapons, not only ammunition, first of all we are talking about personnel who need training, need training, and let me remind you that just yesterday there was an interview of the commander of the team's training. the blowing of the ground forces of major general victor nikoliuk, where he said that we can train 500,000, 2,000, 100,000, depending on what the need will be, but we understand that our foreign partners also provide us with this help in training, how is the training of our soldiers, how our units conduct recruitment in order to increase their combat potential, we
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will talk about this with our next guest, and we are joined now: andrii zadereyko is a psychologist officer from the 23rd special battalion of the presidential brigade named after hetmen bohdan khmelnytskyi. mr. andrii, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. i wish you health, congratulations. battalion, your battalion has started a recruiting campaign for its ranks. this is actually, as i understand it, an initiative of the battalion. this is an extremely important area of ​​activity related to the strengthening of your unit. but before discussing in more detail the directions, who is needed, how it is needed, how recruiting is carried out, i would like you to tell our viewers a little descriptively. there about your battalion, about your unit, where he fought, what are his features, where he is currently serving combat task, if you can say, well, how does he
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prepare for further combat operations? thank you, i will be happy to tell you about the natbatalion, the 23rd battalion, separate, special purpose, it is sufficiently formed, young, it is more than a year old, but... during this time, it has already taken part in a lot specifically in bakhmut, in the bakhmut direction, this and kordyumivka, ozaryanivka, and klishchiivka, bakhmut twice now again in the bakhmut direction , we are standing, holding, the battalion is holding there from a position, the situation is the same as in the previous speech i was told that it is extremely difficult, it does not differ in that direction. but the battalion performs tasks, combat tasks and very successfully, well, that is, if we are talking about a special
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battalion, as i understand it, all specialists, tankmen, gunners, signalmen, people who can use air defense equipment, staff officers, who who is your battalion currently trying to recruit, in which directions, which... you can familiarize yourself with them, we are happy to accept our battalion. we have enough volunteers who want to join, and the battalion so intellectually advanced, let's say, and
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with an individual approach to each fighter, the use of new training methods, training takes place constantly, that is, training takes place both in ukraine and abroad, after having already received basic training and continues we already have advanced training in the battalion by combat instructors who work constantly, so the training and education is ongoing, that is, it is improving one’s skills, improving the fighting spirit in the battalion, and so on, well, you said the phrase individual training taking into account the characteristics of each person, usually these things... are not quite inherent in the army, uh, so the question arises, how exactly the individual characteristics of each person are taken into account, these are psychological
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characteristics, this is the previous phage, this is age, this is health, how these factors are really taken into account, all the factors that you listed are taken into account, the fact is that it is built exactly, uh, that ... every fighter who is in our battalion, he can freely approach any commander, express your position, express your thoughts, and these opinions will be taken into account and heard, in the same way, after each combat task there, or after the completion of some task , debriefings are held, where everyone can express what can be improved, where new methods to apply, where to outwit, where to do differently in order to perform tasks more effectively, that is why it is such constant work on development and constant communication between the commander
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and the subordinate, and this somewhat breaks the stereotypes that people there have formed about the army, and it causes the soldiers to respect where they are are located, they are with honor ee serve in our battalion, and that makes it very pleasant. mr. andriy , you mentioned that financiers, staff workers, and drivers are needed, not to mention the infantry and assault units, because when i started the introduction to our block, i mentioned victor, a man who is there as a commander direction of training in the land forces, and he talked about the fact that, first of all, we need infantrymen, and this is the most difficult thing. the profession is the most risky, the most exhausting, with this direction the battalion also recruits people, which are ready to be stormtroopers, we have them.
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e combat positions, and since we have a separate battalion, it is autonomous, that is, we have our own artillery, artillery batteries, anti-aircraft batteries, anti-tank units, aerial reconnaissance, and these units also recruit from vacant positions, recruit fighters, but we have an approach such that if there, well... it happens that there a fighter is there for treatment or something else, then we try to restore him and leave his position for him, because it is much more difficult to train a new fighter and longer in terms of time, at least he studies for two months, this is basic training, then he studies professional training, and then
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we still teach him, that is, for... this is necessary, we spend a lot of time, and that is why we try every fighter appreciate the one that is located and that they return to us back to the battalion. you mentioned that the fighters of the battalion are trained abroad, it is probably britain, maybe these interflex courses, maybe other courses, about where exactly your soldiers really get this experience, how is it then integrated? in the preparatory process in the battalion itself and whether already abroad, they began to look at our war in a different way, so that their training programs were really adapted as much as possible to the threats that our fighters face on the battlefield, what do you know about it, what can you tell ? often, well, most often it is britain, also spain there, it happens that there was a bogged down italy, and...
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after our fighters arrive there, especially those who have already had combat experience and come there for training, then there is already let's say such a joint work on the exchange of experience rather than training, that is, there are fighters who receive basic training, but there are those who improve their qualifications, who did not receive it in time there with the opportunity, well , for... training abroad, so there are already those combatants who have already participated, then there is already an exchange of experience there, if it is the first time there are also new recruits, then of course you are already studying nato standards, which are already provided by instructors from our partner countries, we were there fighters who took the first places in the
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excellent course. and so to speak, that is, they are two times they were trained in britain , they were already the best graduates, and further training is already here in place of the specification, since it is a special purpose battalion, accordingly, we have its specific tasks, er, that is why its further training is already here specifics, according to the very tasks that we already have here, well, we will not delve into the specifics of the tasks, but your position is an officer, a psychologist, in fact, this is a person, as i understand it, who must understand how to keep people in combat, moral state when combat fatigue is already such that in fact a normal person cannot stand it, how do you manage to influence people in order to support them, are there any methods,
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how do you manage... in such extremely difficult conditions, to motivate people and find everyone approach, we really have a lot, no , not a lot, but there are often fighters who are already tired, and this is not surprising, because being constantly in the combat zone is extremely difficult, and first of all, apart from physically. but it's yours, yours, it's difficult psychologically, we provide such soldiers have the opportunity to rest at home, this is a vacation, there is the opportunity to go abroad, if the family is also sent abroad to see relatives, but after that the best antidepressant is, after all, training and classes at the training ground with your comrades.


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