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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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methods, how do you manage to motivate people and find each approach in such extremely difficult conditions? we really have a lot, no, not a lot, but there are often fighters who are already tired, and this is not surprising, because being continuously in the combat zone is extremely difficult and... first of all, apart from, apart from physically, it's yours, yours, it's hard psychologically, we give such fighters the opportunity to rest at home, it's a vacation, there is an opportunity to go abroad, if the family is abroad, we also send them to see their relatives, but after that the best an antidepressant is, after all, studying and practicing on the training ground with your peers.
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when they get into the same atmosphere in which they were already there, they rest a little, rest morally, psychologically, and further , when they work out, confidence returns, strength returns, and the fighter returns to performing combat tasks, well, in addition to that, other there are also techniques that we use, well, as a rule, these are individual approaches to each one, as well as... the fighter already said, that is, we already define his what state he is in, where he is, what is better for him, because sometimes it is difficult for him to go home, he comes home, he says, i have been there for two days, i can't go on, i have to want to go back, then we work with them there separately, mr. andriy, thank you very much for your explanations, for your service, and the service of your comrades, i hope that recruiting will take place, the battalion will be strengthened, our... i will remind the audience that he was an officer,
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a psychologist of the 23rd separate special battalion the appointment of the presidential brigade named after hetman bohdan khmelytsko, andrii zadereyko, lieutenant, we will talk about other international and economic topics later, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much, serhiy zgruts, thank you to his guest, it was a war pod. bags of the day, and you stay with the espresso tv channel. we continue. well, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news that happened at this hour, we will also have a live broadcast from uzhhorod, where today a meeting is taking place with the participation of the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleb, the head of the presidential office andriy yarmak and minister of foreign affairs of the hungarian republic petrasciarto. well, let's start with what, hitting the lair. of the occupiers in donetsk,
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at least three russian soldiers were killed and the same number of terrorists were wounded, their cars were also burned, a rocket landed near the druzhba sports palace in the kalinin district of the city, local telegram channels report. the invaders deployed their headquarters there. the local occupying power traditionally blames the shelling on the armed forces of ukraine. restoration from scratch in posad-pokrovsky in the kherson region with... already built five houses, the village during the occupation of the region was actually on the front line, the enemy destroyed it almost completely. according to the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, the builders have laid the foundations for four more houses, each of which will have an area of ​​90 m and will have basements. in general, a tender for 81 new constructions and 39 capital repairs was announced in posad pokrovsky. at the same time, experts are working to restore the supply of light, water and gas, as well as roads. task forces are working on the exchange
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of prisoners and should be soon results, andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, told about this in an interview with radio liberty. he also noted that the situation with the downfall of il-76 had a negative impact on the exchange process. the russians are deliberately delaying it, having practiced the kremlin's methods. ukraine, for its part , is interested in finding out all the circumstances of the plane crash and will continue the process. the return home of ukrainian defenders, as well as civilians, who are mostly in captivity in extremely difficult conditions. today we honor the heroes of krut and the memory of heroes krut was honored by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in his address on the official page on the social network, he noted that all ukrainians who gave their lives for the independence, freedom and future of the country will forever be in the history of our nation, he also bowed . and before
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modern heroes dmytro kotsyubail and andriy pilshchikov, known by the call sign jus, who are buried at the skoldova grave, next to the heroes of the war. we remember each and every one. eternal glory and gratitude to the defenders and to defenders of ukraine, the head of state wrote. they discussed preparations for the second ukraine-balkan summit. president zelenskyi spoke by phone with prime minister of greece kyriakos mitsotakis. the ukrainian leader thanked greece for participating in the fourth meeting of advisors in davos and invited to join the organization of the global peace summit. the leaders also discussed the course of hostilities and current issues. defense needs of ukraine, in particular regarding air defense and artillery. let me remind you, earlier, the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken offered greece to give some of its weapons to ukraine, in return, washington promised to provide aid to the greeks in the amount of 200 million dollars.
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the higher anti-corruption court is currently considering the selection of a preventive measure in the case of the distribution of 1.5 billion hryvnias for the purchase of ministry of defense projectiles. to oleksandr liev, ex-head of the department of military and technical policy of the ministry of defense. the day before, he was detained while trying to cross the border of ukraine. liev himself wrote on his facebook page that he rejects the accusation, considers the suspicion to be absurd. as reported by the security service of ukraine, the law enforcement officers documented the embezzlement scheme of state funds and identified all the involved persons, in total there are as many as five persons involved in the case. in bukovina, border guards detained three evaders who were trying to escape to romania, the men were detained a couple of hundred meters from the border. they used the redirector's hints about the time and direction of movement. each of
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the fugitives paid as much as €600 for such services without any guarantee. as you can see, it was also possible to establish an administrative protocol on the detainees the main organizer of this cunning scheme, now he is in wanted, and from bukovynia to transcarpathia, now from bukovynia to transcarpathia and news from uzhgorod, so ukrainian-hungarian relations were discussed in transcarpathia today, and the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, and the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak met with the head of the foreign policy department peter szijarto of hungary will ask about the behind-the-scenes of the meeting. at my colleague maria kochmar, who monitored her progress during the day. she joins our airwaves live. maria, good evening, please tell me how long the negotiations lasted and what was left behind? congratulations, colleague, the negotiations really lasted more than 6 hours, and to be precise,
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6 hours and 10 minutes. regarding security measures , it is also interesting, uzhgorod was surrounded by law enforcement officers from the very morning, they really... maintained order, because the meeting started from the regional center of transcarpathia, where the parties laid flowers for the heroes, fallen heroes who defended the territorial integrity of ukraine. the fact that today there were really a lot of law enforcement officers and everything was at the highest level was also noted by peyter sijarto. we were also searched, because there were more than 60 representatives of the press. it is both ukrainian and foreign, and of course, checks were strengthened. so, with regard to the negotiations, the key topics are, of course, the organization of the meeting between the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky , and the prime minister of hungary
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, viktor orban, which will take place. , also ukrainian languages ​​were also discussed. the law , in particular, which concerns national minorities, as we know, the largest number of national minorities live in transcarpathia, kuleba said that they asked the hungarian side to provide a list of issues related to national minorities that have proposals, and promised to form a commission that would process all comments in 10 days and be to be considered in the future by both sides, ukrainian and hungarian, discussed... and the issue of reconstruction of the bridge at the chop zagon checkpoint , the hungarian side promised to finance, they also discussed the construction of new checkpoints pass in transcarpathia, specifically on the ukrainian-hungarian side. regarding eu aid in the amount of 50 billion euros, pejter szijjártó
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said at a press conference with journalists that this issue is bilateral, and it was not worth discussing today, it will be discussed already. brussels, regarding the supply of weapons, hungary in this matter leaves its position unchanged, humanitarian aid does go through hungary, weapons, no. and let us remind you that in uzhgorod. peyter sjarto was on an official visit before the full-scale invasion in 2020, when he also met with dmytro kuleba and discussed issues that also concern national minorities. i will be very brief, ms. maria, but please tell me, is it possible to say that a certain process has begun in the relations between ukraine and hungary, which should lead to, well , mutually beneficial solutions, mutually beneficial solutions - this is security in ukraine and victory over a common enemy. i can only quote our politicians who were there, and they said that
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the conversation was quite constructive, but also frank, and at the same time peyter szijjártó reported that he still wants peace to come as soon as possible in the neighboring country, i.e. in ukraine, and he respects the territorial integrity and supports the territorial integrity of ukraine. thank you very much, maria, maria kochmar, our correspondent from uzhhorod, where the meeting will take place today. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine bener kuleba, the head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yarmak and the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, petr siyart, they discussed important topics and are preparing a meeting between the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi and the prime minister of ukraine viktor orbán, after everything that actually happened, it is important that this contact was made, and let's hope that hungary, just like ukraine, will not have any negativity on its part, and again, we are moving towards the positive, because it is positive for the whole of europe. .. community is appeasement of the enemy and victory over the enemy, which is the russian federation, once again
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common to all of europe. well, actually more about events outside ukraine, my colleague yuriy fizar will speak, he is already in touch with us. yury, good evening, please word. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast. there is a lot of interesting news today. i will tell you, in particular, that josep borel calls for intensifying the provision of military service. and financial aid to ukraine, olaf scholz says that this aid should be collective, in particular from europe, but in slovakia, in unison with my apologies, with hungary they say that this aid should be stopped in general, because it only prolongs the war. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: nato together with its allies should continue to help ukraine in its
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just defense against russia, at some point it would also be good to invite us, i.e. ukraine, to the north atlantic alliance. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said this in an interview with the american tv channel fox news, moreover, he also appealed to the american lawmakers with a request. unblock aid to ukraine, warning that china and other authoritarian powers are closely monitoring the progress of the russian war and will be encouraged if the russian president vladimir putin will succeed in ukraine. and at the same time, the nato secretary general added, a very short quote from him: the united states of america, the european union and other parts of the world will become more vulnerable if putin gets what he wants in... in ukraine, and let
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me just say two words about the invitation of ukraine to nato, perhaps i really want this invitation to be heard at the summit of the north atlantic alliance, which will be held in washington in july this year, i really hope that it will happen, so that this invitation is extremely important for us, but it will probably be even more important as a message to putin, so wait... the world cannot return to those times when the stronger could change the borders of other weaker states at their own discretion. instead , maximum efforts should be made to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any country in the world. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel, said this today during a speech at the european union, central asia investment forum in brussels. according to him. to protect this principle, the european union introduced a whole series of sanctions against russia, well, they
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weakened its military machine in vain, however, and this is already bad, adds the main european diplomat, russia is still fighting in ukraine, the intensity of the fighting is increasing, light, according to joseph borel, at the end the russian tunnel is not visible, but at the same time he called on the european partners to continue the sledge. to put constant pressure on russia and the kremlin, but to do it in close cooperation between all eu member states. that is, emphasis on what it should be cooperation, if you are a member of the european union, then please, together with others, do what everyone else does, not like some countries. well, europe should continue to help ukraine and even increase the amount of financial and military assistance, the contribution to ukraine's victory should be
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collective. german chancellor olaf scholz said this during a speech at... at the conference of the country's social democratic party in berlin, according to him, other european states should provide more aid to ukraine, because germany itself cannot put everything on his shoulders, according to the chancellor in the russian war in ukraine, followed by his short quote. the decisive moment has come , and peace may be much closer than everyone thinks, this is the end of his quote, but at the same time, the bundeschancellor on... emphasized that germany will allocate more than 7 billion euros to support ukraine in 2024, or more than half of all aid received from the member states of the european union. well, i would talk about how much help is needed and how it is provided to us now about others
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countries that are very skeptical about providing this assistance. so, if hungary blocks. allocation of 50 billion multi-year aid to ukraine from the european union, the eu is preparing to put pressure on the hungarian economy in response. this was reported by the journalists of the financial times, who saw the already prepared document with the so-called plan b. in it, the official brussels outlined a strategy aimed at clearly identifying hungary's economic weaknesses, endangering its currency - the forint, and thus in they want to cause the european union the collapse of investor confidence, in an attempt to damage jobs and economic growth, if budapest refuses to lift its veto on aid to kyiv, and of course, if prime minister orbán does not agree, then other eu leaders must publicly promise
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to permanently end all funding budapest from the european union. well, already today there have been a lot of comments, both from brussels and from hungary, about this information, some say that it is just a throw-in, some say that it is not, it is correct to do so, but for example, viktor orbán, the prime minister minister of hungary, already today said that he has some kind of compromise option for ukraine, that is, he will agree to remove the veto on providing us with 50 billion euros, but something... there must be a compromise, what exactly is not yet known, maybe they talked about it today in uzhgorod, i don't know, but hungary will not give in to blackmail either, that 's what they called all the appeals coming from brussels, and the country's minister for european union affairs,
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jános bóka, wrote about it on facebook, that's how he commented on this publication from the financial times newspaper, and so on his... a short quote: if the information confirms what the hungarian government has been saying for a long time, then brussels is using access to eu funds to exert political pressure. well, political pressure is not bad if you stubbornly refuse to do some good deed. well, we're moving on. if viktor orban does not cancel his veto on the allocation of aid to ukraine, then to the european one. union, as i said, alternative options for continuation are being prepared, but not only i said this, but also ajalyabib, the minister of general affairs of eu affairs in brussels, the minister of foreign affairs in belgium, and jalyabi, at the same time she emphasized that currently the main goal is to reach the conclusion of an agreement
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with an opening proposal. next is a short quote from the minister. i believe that the most important thing is to... reach an agreement between the 27 eu member states. we will work on it, it is our priority. we will consider an alternative, but that will be after the february 1 summit. now the goal is to reach an agreement. well, february 1 is just around the corner, literally in two days, the leaders of the countries of the european union will gather in order to convince, or perhaps even put pressure on viktor orbán. i'll see what happens, i'll keep a close eye on it, of course you'll be the first to know about it. the russian war in ukraine has no military solution, simply. on the air of the national television of slovakia - said the country's deputy prime minister and minister of defense robert kaliniak. according to him, the west should stop giving weapons to ukraine,
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because, according to him, the time has come for peace negotiations. according the head of the department, efforts to organize peace negotiations should be made by the leaders of both the european union and the united states of america. according to him, the military conflict entered the frozen stage. and in this situation, you should start acting with the aim of achieving a truce as soon as possible. next, a quote from mr. robert. regardless of how the conflict ends, ukraine will always have borders with russia, it will not resettle, and we are the ones who will be most afraid, we need efforts to achieve peace. i completely agree with mr. kalyniak that we will not relocate, and russia will not too big... well, at least in the near future it will still be near our borders, but if we are not strong, then russia will constantly threaten us, and if we sit down
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at the negotiating table in weakness, then what is the point of these negotiations? the norwegian army is preparing for a threat from russia on the norwegian border, said the commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces, erik kristoffersen, in an interview with the german publication redaction worked deutschland . according to him, russia did not increase the number of its tanks because most of them had already been sent to ukraine, but at the same time, he suggested that moscow will start modernizing its equipment and rebuilding the army as soon as hostilities in ukraine cease. next is a quote from mr. norvezky by the commander. today, i would say that it would probably take russia three years to replace the lost forces and rebuild the army. we must prepare for such a possible scenario and be prepared for emergencies. of situations shares the opinion of mr. norwegian general and minister of defense of germany boris pistorius. according
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to him, berlin should also be ready to to the development of any scenarios and to any situation, in particular to an attack by russia. he said this in an interview with bilt newspaper. at the same time, the head of the german defense ministry emphasized that he does not see a threat now. attack, but added that everything can change if russia has the opportunity to strengthen its military potential. boris pistorius emphasized that, in any case, the bundeswehr is also obliged to increase its power, as well as to make maximum efforts to replenish its own military forces, with which many weapons and ammunition, says boris pistorius, have recently gone to strengthen the armed forces of ukraine. in sweden, it is not possible to pass a law that would prohibit the placement of nuclear weapons on the territory of this country.
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defense minister paul jonson said this on the air of the svt neter tv channel. at the same time , he added that none of sweden's allies had made requests to place nuclear weapons in the kingdom. a quote follows. there were no accommodation expectations in the us, uk or france. nuclear weapons in the territories new allies, this is how he commented on the statement of emma bergingen, a member of the environmental protection party, who said that in the event that after sweden becomes a member of nato and such a weapon appears on its territory, it will become a legitimate target of russia, and the law the banning of this type of weapon is absolutely necessary. no need, the master reassures her. minister jonson said that the main thing is to be a member of nato. this is protection. another provocation, which in north korea was called a huge achievement of its own army and
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a successful test. the army of the most closed country in the world launched cruise missiles from a submarine. this was reported by the central telegraph agency of the dprk, and more. it is also known that kim himself supervised the training. sunny marshal was satisfied, at least they say in the agency. it is also known that the missiles flew for two hours over the sea of ​​japan and accurately hit the target on some island. at the same time, kimchanin once again emphasized that he needs such a weapon not for attack, but for defense against aggression. to his serfs - he says, scrambling to somehow survive, well, he himself continues to live like a king. investigators. of the stanislaus dossier center posted videos and photos of another putin's dacha, which no one knew about until now, it is located
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in the north in the forests of karelia on... the maryalakhti bay of lake ladova about 30 km from the border with finland and nato. currently , there are three mansions in a modern style on the territory of the base. according to the documents, they are called a fisherman's hut, a pantry and a garden house, there is also a water bath, a trout farm, a farm with cows for production of marble beef, two helipads, piers for yachts, as well as a waterfall, opposite which a pers. the sonal gazebo, the waterfall, by the way, is four meters high, in one word it can be summed up like this, i wonder how you live there, it’s good that i live well, and to conclude , another visit of the red south in russia, this time in chelyabinsk, it’s far away urals, there today local residents could
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see a whole series of strange. in the suburbs of this settlement, it later turned out that this is not the northern lights at all, although it is somewhat similar on him, and banally, a fire at one of the electrical substations, as a result of which several villages near chelyabinsk will be without electricity, at least for the whole of tonight . the local ministry of emergency situations did not say what exactly caused the fire, and in the end they did not report the fact of the fire itself. in fact, i wonder what happened? well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more and we will have more in the next broadcast, so don't switch. thank you very much yuri fizr for the information from outside the borders of our country, well and now i have a plot for you. his wife died.
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soldiers are forbidden to use the reproductive cells of their husbands, which they have frozen in the cryobank at the expense of the state. similar headlines rocked the web. our journalists decided to look into this issue, talked to people's deputies and doctors. more details in our material. the council limited the military in their rights to parenthood. people's deputies made changes to the legislation, according to which from march 23 this year, medical institutions will be obliged to dispose of reproductive ones cells of soldiers who died at the front. in september 2022, a group of deputies took up the development of a bill to preserve the rights of war participants to biological post-traumatic paternity and motherhood, according to which the state had to finance the collection, preservation and storage of reproductive cells, according to the wishes of military personnel, but there was no provision for
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their destruction in the event of the death of a soldier. . was not in the draft until the second reading. unfortunately, the draft law on reproductive health is general, which concerns both civilians and of all citizens of ukraine, it was not adopted by the verkhovna rada. that is why this collision arose. subsequently, in november 2023, the council adopted the corresponding law. a scandal on this topic broke out in social networks after a post by olena's medical lawyer. babych, who said that she noticed a discriminatory rule in the law when she consulted the widow of a ukrainian soldier. the couple dreamed of children, and therefore cryopreserved the sperm before the husband had to go to the front. unfortunately, the soldier died. i'm sorry, but i still can't understand the reasons behind this ban. why does the state, instead of offering a legal option, force
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widows to look for workarounds. to have such a desired child from a beloved husband who died defending this very state. reproductive medicine doctor stefan khmil says that he and his colleagues were waiting for this law, but the way it was changed in the second reading is unprecedented and unfair. she can take donor sperm, a paradox, but not her husband. this is abnormal. moreover, according to the doctor now. men who were wounded in the war have damaged genitalia organs, therefore cryopreservation of reproductive cells is often the only possibility of procreation. these loads, which are at the front, nutrition, toxic effects, and stress, and so on, and so on, have a negative impact.


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