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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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defense, why the state, instead of offering a legal option, forces the widows to look for workarounds to have such a desired child from a beloved husband who died defending this very state. medical prognosticator stefan khmil says that he and his colleagues were waiting for this law, but the way it was changed in the second reading is unprecedented and unfair. can she take donor sperm? a paradox, but not her husband, this is abnormal. moreover, according to the doctor, now 10% of men who were wounded in the war have damaged reproductive organs, therefore, cryopreservation of reproductive cells is often the only possibility of procreation. these loads, which are at the front, nutrition, toxic effects, and stress, and so on, and so on, have a negative impact. on spermatogenesis, as well as on
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the production of ece cells of women, and each spermatozoon carries a huge amount of genetic information, thousands of genes are embedded in it, it will be damaged, the law on fertility was adopted and signed by the president on march 23, and from that time clinics will be obliged to dispose of sperm and eggs of dead servicemen. we prescribed an exercise that should have been included in another law and already. to correct this situation by the month of march, we all knew about it, we all understood what needed to be done, that's all, but seeing such a negative in social networks, we had to speed up this process, and today all my colleagues are signing the new bill, which equalizes this situation, the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on the health of the nation, mykhailo radutskyi
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, explained that this law applied to military... the possibility of having children, but the document did not take into account the issue of deceased defenders, as this contradicts article 248 of the civil code of ukraine, which provides for the termination of the power of attorney after the death of the principal. as people's deputy iryna gerashchenko wrote, a new draft law from european solidarity has already been registered in the council, which should eliminate waste disposal by deadlines and create for... legislative grounds for the preservation of reproductive cells, as well as regulatory by-laws should prescribe coordination with the civil code. european solidarity. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps to restore. control over
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, a 10% donation in pharmacies, plantain, bam, and savings. good evening. well, we continue, and now time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with me. alexander, congratulations. good evening. good evening viewers. thank you vasyl, in the next few minutes i will talk about aid to refugees, also the debts will increase, and the increase in electricity tariffs is indeed predicted. well, it was predicted. i will tell you everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. starting with the initiative of the head of our state, volodymyr zelenskyy proposed to transfer eu social assistance for refugees to ukraine. our state would redistribute this money, depending on
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where the person is located, volodymyr zelenskyy noted. he says that it would be better that way. he spoke about this in an interview with one of the german tv channels. and the journalist also said that discussions are ongoing in germany about whether it is necessary to pay aid specifically to men of draft age who left ukraine. the president replied that the federal republic of germany should make this decision independently. well, let me remind you that a little earlier, german chancellor olaf scholz and the heads of state governments agreed that social benefits for all refugees will be reduced this year. mr. vasyl, well, this is such a strange initiative. and here we are still reaching into the pockets of social payments, well, here is germany and in general the countries of the european union. give us more of that? well, yes, there is an absolutely unequivocal reaction, what i managed
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to read in the comments, well, from the comments of people who, let's say, were related to the authorities, to government work, to diplomatic work, this is absolutely some kind of story, it's just not. .. even without knowing how to explain it, that is , how can the funds be directed by the government to there must be certain needs for the fulfillment of obligations to ukrainian citizens in their countries, vasyl, this is precisely about payments to refugees, here we are not only talking about ukrainians, there are a lot of refugees from other countries, and eu legislation, it is the same for all refugees , mainly in the dominant countries, but here even if you just imagine hypothetically, well, they say okay, we will give you this money, you will pay your refugees, let's say in nîmes. that is, then these refugees must be accounted for, again some documents, bank transaction costs, banks will not miss their transaction commissions, vasyl, but taxes and charges of some kind, then people will sit without help for six months, then they will have to look for 1.5 billion again, someone will be brought to court somewhere,
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many government officials of the european union countries have already reacted to this, well, skeptically such an initiative of our authorities, well, i don't know, i have to follow and maybe this story will... have a certain continuation, but the continuation continues in the history of the communal. the largest debts for non-payment of housing and communal services are observed in those regions that do not were directly affected by the conduct of hostilities. the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko told about it. for example, he cites the chernivtsi region. it is obvious that the moratorium on the compulsory collection of komirny, introduced at the beginning of the full-scale war, was correct, - says hermange. however, this restriction began to be abused. the minister emphasized that currently the speed of restoration of the energy infrastructure, which regularly suffers from the actions of the enemy, depends on the level of utility payments. let me remind you that indeed, vasyl,
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many companies are ready to disconnect now consumers, in particular, to turn off the lights because a person in one or another city has problems. today we just spoke with... let's say there will be no disconnection in the part of nikopol region, because there is a war zone, but in the city of dnipro itself , a warning was issued today, i read about it there, that all those who have debts should prepare themselves there will be, utility services will be disconnected for those, i think that this is not only in dnipro, it probably applies to the whole of ukraine, but people are already being warned, well, the warning is correct, indeed, companies also understand them, they have the right to demand money for services, to have certain working capital, so about prospects... electricity tariffs may soon increase, an increase is possible, people's deputy, member of the parliamentary committee on energy serhiy nagornyak reported. he emphasizes that it is important to also leave subsidies for people who cannot afford to pay a higher price per kilowatt. nagornyak
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believes that the revision of electricity tariffs will give, well, at least two state companies the opportunity to stop subsidizing from their incomes of ordinary ukrainians. and in a year it will be possible to accumulate funds to complete the third and fourth power units at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, so... we see, vasyl, at the end of last week, an interesting initiative was announced by the minister of energy regarding the completion of two power units, in this way they are trying to cover the deficit , which we have due to the loss of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, well, here, on the one hand, the solution is really calculated for somewhere around 2.5 years, i will not predict, there was a lot of talk about these nuclear units even before the war, well, at least a lot of them have already started ... to build them, i am sure that the matter must be completed, well, but i think that it is not at the expense of
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ordinary consumers by raising tariffs, to build these nuclear power units, well, absolutely, i think that it is possible to attract some funds can definitely be found for such a project that makes ukraine and global, vasyl, and will be able to make ukraine earn, because we will sell electricity abroad, the budget will receive funds, but not at the expense of these, well, small funds. and not the construction of nuclear power units, well, that's it, well, i traditionally follow the work of the national bank, so the nbu predicts that the growth of consumer prices in ukraine will be moderate in the coming months. in the second half of the year , inflation will accelerate, eventually. in 2024 , it will amount to 8.6%, well, this figure was reported by
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the head of the national bank andriy pishnyi. let me remind you that last week the nbu left the discount rate unchanged at 15%. well, this indicator will essentially control price growth in the future, so we live and monitor the consumer market. in ukraine. the fund for partial guarantee of loans in agriculture worked, according to the minister of agricultural policy mykola solskyi, the activity of this fund is aimed at supporting small, small and medium-sized farmers who cultivate somewhere up to 500 hectares. there are enough funds for the effective operation of the fund. the government called on banks to invest in the development of farms. here are the details: borrowers will be able to get investment loans. loans up to seven years to buy land, also take this
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loan to have working capital for three years, and the maximum amount for one small farm is uah 30 million. the fund's guarantees will have a positive impact on the development of the land market, analysts say, and it's a great promising initiative. the european union extended economic sanctions against russia for another six months. the relevant decision was adopted by the council of the eu, it concerns all economic restrictions that were introduced from july 2014 to the present day. in particular, we are talking about sanctions on trade, finance, technologies and dual- purpose goods, industry, transport and luxury items well, about the future, the eu is going to introduce an embargo against russian aluminum, and this may happen already within the limits. of the next sanctions package. the biggest problem is that the european union, it is increasingly difficult for the european union to find such
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large targets for the introduction of economic restrictions, analysts say, well, for example, nuclear energy or liquefied natural gas, remain off limits due to the position of various states, for example, rosatom is building two new reactors for hungary, while russian lng is imported by many countries, and it is quite difficult to impose such sanctions on liquefied gas with unanimous votes, but aluminum is indeed one of the major sources of income for the russian treasury, from which the war in ukraine is financed, well, to continue limiting economic, the economic influence of the kremlin in general in the world. the eu is going to allocate 10 billion euros, that is... for the construction of the trans-caspian corridor, which will bypass russia. this
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was announced by the executive vice president of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis. ukrainian the ports of odesa and chornomorsk are also included in this maritime aspect. the trans-caspian international corridor will allow goods to be delivered to europe via central asia in just 15 days. let me remind you that the project was discussed from the very end. 2013, then they forgot about it a little, but it was just in time for its active implementation, well, that was it. was the last information of my column, but the big broadcast continues, vasyl zima will continue, there is still a lot of interesting stuff, stay with us and watch us, we thank oleksandr together molshevtsi for telling more about the economic situation, and now
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i invite serhiy rudenko to talk about what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m. serhiy, good evening, i would like to speak to you. good evening, vasyl, in 15 minutes we will start the two-hour verdict, the guests of our studio will be roman kostenko, colonel of the sbu, people's deputy of ukraine, and diplomat oleksandr hara, together with the executive director of the institute of world politics yevhen magda, we will talk about the current situation, which consists of the eastern and southern fronts, as well as with rumors about... the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi, literally half an hour ago information began to disperse in telegram channels, and bloggers also began to write about the possible resignation of zaluzhnyi from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. as soon as the ministry of defense of ukraine denied this information, well , at least the message of the ministry of defense sounds like this: dear journalists, we immediately answer
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everyone: no, this is not true. who needs rumors about zaluzhnyi's resignation and... what is behind it i hope that people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko will give us the answers to these questions. at the same time, oleksandr khara and yevhen magda will talk about today's negotiations of the ukrainian side with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary peter sijarto, andriy yermak and dmytro kuleba met with him in uzhgorod, and this is an important meeting on the eve of the european union's decision that... allocation of 50 billion to ukraine euro, as if everything was agreed upon, both the hungarian side and the ukrainian side decided to create a commission that will analyze the state ukrainian, hungarian relations, and in particular, what concerns the hungarian minority living in transcarpathia. in the second part of our
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program, we will have political scientists oleksiy holobutsky, vitaliy kulyk and volodymyr fs. let's talk about a possible crisis in the parliament , the leader of the servant of the people parliamentary faction , davida rahami, said about it just a few days ago. according to him, 17 people 's deputies from the servant of the people want to form a parliamentary mandate, and this, said varaheimia, threatens the future of the current parliament. so or not, what will happen if the majority, or let's say, many deputies are from the people's servants. after all, they will start drawing up deputy mandates, whether the highest legislative body of the state will be effective and whether there will be a monomajority in the verkhovna rada itself, and most importantly, whether a government of national unity will be created, because logically, if we do not have a majority, there will be another coalition of deputy groups and factions, we talk about it literally in 12 minutes, wait for
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the verdict, the big air of winter continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you very much serhii. sergey rudenko briefly announced the verdict program, we will, well, give the floor again, i'm already in 12 minutes, and now i have more information, information is spreading here, again now on social networks, on telegram channels, i think we can talk about it there , because there is a very active discussion about the fact that there is supposed to be evidence, there is supposed to be reliable information from verified sources about the fact that, yes, the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine. and volodymyr zelenskyi removed valery zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there alone telegram channel, then no, i think that in any case you should always wait for official information, because the zaluzhny was filmed last week, i remember anonymous telegram channels reported about it, and then the day before, and then a month ago , and two months ago, i think that it will be filmed
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for a very long time, in any case, whatever brotations did not take place, there should be justification and logic, but well... for sure, we will soon be in the third year of the war, we have to live in that informational space when it is and when it is information that should be trusted, or that at least has three sources, four sources, if only not one source of one telegram channel, one former people's deputy, and with all due respect, again, it is very, very difficult to comment on these things, but when some information comes out every week and it's again verified sources that don't work, then verified sources again. it is probably worth it somehow, well, firstly, to put an end to these constant resignations of the hard-working, and, secondly, to trust verified information about sports events in short, yevhen pastukhov will tell us, let's watch and listen. the semi-final pairs of the ukrainian
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football cup became known today. according to the result of the draw, donetsk shakhtar will meet with odesa chornomorets, and poltava vorskla will play against zhytomyr polysya. the stage consists of one match. the base date for the semi-final games of the cup is april 3. the winner of the trophy will be determined on may 15. preliminary draw of the cup of ukraine. took place in the 2020-2021 season. then the tournament was won by dynamo kyiv. in the current draws kyiv was eliminated from oboloni in 1:8. the winners of the australian open in women's and men's singles were decided last weekend. the first grand slime in his career was won by the italian yannick sinner. in the men's final, he defeated the neutral russian daniil medvidev. the game lasted almost four hours, all of them. lost the first two games 36-36, but won the next three 64 64 63. sinner is the first tennis player from italy to win the
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australian open. on the way to the final, he beat ten-time australian open champion novak djokovic, ending his winning streak. in the women's final , the neutral belarusian arina sabalenka won. she beat china's qin wenzhen in two sets 63-62. thus sabalie. defended the title of current champion of the australian open. on the way to the title, the tennis player from belarus did not lose a single set. sabalenka remains in second place in the world ranking. the french men's handball team won the european championship. the french defeated the current champions of the world, the national team of denmark. the final match took place in cologne, germany. the main time of the meeting ended in a draw 27:27, but the french were stronger in overtime. 3:31, and denmark had a one-goal advantage, but with a score of 29:29, france took the lead and maintained the lead until the end of the match. for the french
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, this is the fourth gold in the history of the continental forum. nadim ramili became the best player of the tournament. the court of arbitration for sport disqualified the russian figure skater kamila valieva. she was found guilty of using prohibited drugs. term disqualification is four years. the figure skater passed a positive doping test for trimet in december 2021 at the russian championship, it became known after the team tournament of the 2022 olympic games in beijing, in which the team of the russian olympic committee took first place, but was never awarded medals due to a scandal with valieva at the moment, russian figure skaters are suspended from international competitions due to the full-scale aggression of the russian federation against ukraine. still, i would really like to have russian ones female athletes did not get to the olympics, it would be a very correct decision, and in general it is very
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surprising, before that a statement was made by the head of the european football association, who said that he regrets that russia does not take part in international competitions, and that ukraine's entry into the european championship this year, well, ukraine. to play two matches and get a positive result in order to get to the european championship, then this cheferin, as he will be called, says that it would not be very good, but it is absolutely, i don't know, some such chaos in the football world , i hope that there will be an end to this and somehow sport will remain sport, albeit with politics, and not outside of politics, but it's time to talk about the weather for tomorrow natalka didenko with us, ms. natalya, good evening, congratulations please, i have a word with you, i congratulate vasyl, i congratulate you. our dear viewers, let's talk now about the weather and all kinds of weather-related events and our plans in just a second. although it's still
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going on, of course it's winter, and it's freezing at night, and it will be quite cold the next night, that's about it we will talk later, but still , the sun, which was observed today in some regions of ukraine, tells us about... and also looking at the calendar, that spring is coming soon, and to be honest, when it is already the end of january and soon it will be the beginning of february , one still thinks about spring, about vegetable gardens, gardens and green leaves, so today i turned to a professional, respected agricultural calendar, and together we will talk about what works can already be done, for example, preparatory, of course, for example, january 30 and 31 , i.e. tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, these are very good days for... sowing obviously in greenhouses that are heated for sowing onions, carrots, potatoes, beets, garlic and radishes. you can add fertilizers, dig, and mulch the soil these days.
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by the way, it is very favorable to transplant indoor flowers, but avoid injuring the roots, and also these days you can plant, transplant plants, but preferably only decorative, flowering and indoor ones, and what i said about heated greenhouses, that you can to sow quite a lot of the future vegetable garden, this is how we are gradually starting preparatory plans for spring, and for now let's leave it in the professional kind hands of our dear gardeners, our skillful gardeners, and let's go and look at such higher spheres, so to speak, look at the atmosphere and look at the forecast chart of magnetic storms, now here is this wonderful greenhouse, you see, it has already changed forecasts, and it can be seen from this forecast chart that
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the activation of the magnetic field will be observed in the next day, tomorrow at the end of the day. earth, that is, some, well, small, but nevertheless magnetic storms, so please, pay more attention to yourself, to your well-being. well and let's move on to the family of our column, to the weather forecast, and we will talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days, on the 30th of january, and we will start from the western regions of ukraine, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine no precipitation is expected, there will also be a lot of sun and high air temperature during the day but at night. it will freeze somewhere to -2, even -6°. in the north of ukraine , real anti-cyclonic weather. it is cold at night, -4 -9°, during the day, as you can see, it is warm, +1 +4, well, it may be a little cooler in sumy region, and also tomorrow there will be a lot of sun in the north of ukraine, and what is interesting, the wind is not strong, even weak, i would say, from the southwest direction.
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the weather will also be anti-cyclonic tomorrow in the east of ukraine, and in kharkiv, luhansk, and donetsk. the areas are cloudy with clearings, the air temperature is a little lower during the day than, for example, in the west, but close to zero, which is also quite good. in the central part of ukraine , it is cold at night, from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk region -3 -7°, in poltava region it can be up to 9, during the day +1 +4 and there will be changeable cloudiness, that is, it will be possible and the sun to see and admire. in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow will be, i am not afraid of this word, sunny weather. to a large extent, at least the air temperature is somewhere around 3-4° warm in the crimea up to +5, and in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow the weather will also be anti-cyclonic, cold at night, clearing up to -6, during the day up to +3 +4° changeable cloudiness and it will also be sunny tomorrow in the capital, so you can plan some things outside, if you need to,
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well, go for a walk, now is the best time, the weather is so good, the frost is drying and air and soil, it is quite warm and pleasant during the day, the main thing is that there is no strong wind, then the +3 eyes, for example, which you see on the screens, feel very pleasant and comfortable, this is the nearest synoptic perspective, i want to wish everyone to be united as atmosphere and never confuse, for example , a cyclone with an anticyclone. indeed , never confuse a cyclone with an anticyclone, now it is clearly an anticyclone, i just wanted to tell you a little at the very end, and by the way, it is very interesting that you know this, regarding the conversation about whether to use telegram or not you need to use telegram, but in ukraine it is very actively used precisely for telegram channels, which is interesting that the central intelligence agency of the united states of america forbids analysts to use telegram telegram
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with robo. gadgets, obviously this signal , which indicates that, well, as well as the chinese tiktok, which indicates that this is probably not such a safe information territory, such a safe information platform, so pay attention to this, and also be very careful with telegram messages -channels, where with a hundred percent guarantee from certain sources from serious people , the information that spreads on social media is reported, it may be true, let's always wait for official information, or at least have three independent sources. these are just rules to follow, then life will be a little easier. thank you for being with us, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i remind you, my name is vasyl ziman, and literally in a few minutes the verdict program will be announced, see you. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this program verdict we.


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