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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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you have this whole story that has unfolded, well , literally over the last two hours, and which we have witnessed, and is there any reason to expect a decree on the resignation of the head of state, if not today, then in some near future? well, i think that someday it will happen, inevitably, there are no permanent people in positions, everything changes, regarding... the resignation of a meritorious person, and not only that, there were rumors, the last somewhere, well, for about two weeks, there were rumors about possible rotations in power bloc, that is, not only regarding the post of commander of the armed forces, but it was also about some other leaders of the security forces, i understand that the option of a certain reassignment, transfer of people from... position to another was discussed and evaluated, this is basically a traditional
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well-known scheme, about two days ago, if i am not mistaken, the traditional newsmaker ms. bezugla published a version about the fact that there are three candidates for the position of commander of the armed forces, and there were critical remarks on all three candidacies, and some commentators even drew attention to the fact that all this was not written traditionally. ms. bezugla's style is a little yes, i would say, politically technologically, therefore, there were some expectations, but you know what is the paradox of the situation, they can release a hard-working person, the tension there, as i understand it, remained, maybe because of the topic of mobilization, and maybe not only mobilization, i mean the draft law and everything around of the mobilization process, there are contradictions, there is most likely
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some kind of mutual mistrust, difficulties in personal relationships, and we do not know, but according to the experience of various presidents and not only presidents, the table of the first person always puts printouts of conversations, who with whom, about that, as he talks and the like, some could have been, could have been things. which we don't know, which could have caused such a reaction that, well , everything got, we have to change, it could have been another thing, from a rational point of view, to fire a person who has served the presidential team and personally for president zelensky himself is a huge political risk, it's just obviously to create a political competitor for the near future, this is one risk, the second risk -
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the situation in the attitude to the possibility of presidential elections can be applied, so far the majority ukrainians against any elections during the war, and what will happen next, if in this situation exactly the opposition bets on the fact that let's hold elections, without even thinking about whether it is possible to hold them, how to hold them, but just like that there will be a political stake, well, in the end, yes , i understand that, vitaliy, i heard a little yes... a situation of tension, uncertainty in the relationship between part of the military and the political leadership may arise, there is also a certain risk here, so a rational point vision cannot be released. regarding the current situation, i don’t rule it out, here’s my guess, especially since we already saw something similar when reznikov was fired, the first attempt, and budanov also appeared there, by the way, just like in the current rumors, that they could offer... the most meritorious to
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resign or some other alternative position , to which he could not agree, but this could already cause a wave of expectations or rumors that everything is being changed, there is already a presidential decree, they are sending a meritorious resignation, and it could simply be that he was offered some another option, they wrote in social networks that it seems that he was offered a position as an ambassador somewhere abroad. well, i think that this is not the case, if , for example, here is an option that formally from the point of view of status could be relatively acceptable, although also problematic, for example, to offer the position of secretary of the national security council there, well, at least it is more or less equivalent, conditionally, but an ambassador, well, we know that, an ambassador is always a political exile, a veil, a veil for exile.
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although for some it may be an honorable resignation, i know of situations where, for example, there is a former head of the constitutional committee court was the ambassador to kazakhstan, well, another former deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada , the ambassador, the ambassador to russia, china and so on, that is, the former general prosecutor of benedict’s switzerland switzerland, you know that, such an honorary pension even yes, although she does not yet have a pension year, and in the case of zaluzhnym, the situation is also different, the context is different, even if he were an ambassador, that's all, this is a ready-made alternative political center. and the risk remains, and for the most industrious, for you understand, a purely psychological issue still applies here, as i understand it, well, that’s what i’m talking about i even heard from anna muller, the former deputy minister of defense, she kept telling me that this was her personal
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impression, military people have a completely different psychology, and they think differently, and for them epaulettes, and this is also a hard-working budanov, for them epaulettes - it is holy, to give up epaulettes. it's all like the end of life, it's a completely different situation, so i think that yes, if they offered the position of ambassador, he didn't accept it, and it already caused a certain chain reaction, but i suppose that it's important, they could reznikova mentioned reznikov's resignation , budanov could have been offered the position, but budanov could also have disagreed, realizing that it would not be accepted and would cause a critical reaction, that is, the situation is like this, i would say stalemate, someone... wants to maybe, or offers to the president remove zaluzhny, but such a tsuktsvank is too risky a combi , we will see how these events will develop, you mentioned that maybe the opposition wants elections, i, for example, whatever it wants, if
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zaluzhny is sent for, it is logical, they are making a bet on zaluzhnyi, as on an alternative political center and start a campaign for the presidency, it is almost unreal in the current conditions, but... there is a problem, there is a problem in the parliament, this is what arahami says, he says that if 17 servants go and make up the parliamentary mandates in the verkhovna rada of ukraine , there will be problems with the parliament, well , there won't be any problems with the parliament, because there will still be 300 votes needed to pass 2/3 of all decisions, but we won't be in the majority, well, that's right, but that doesn't mean that at all. .. the parliament will be incapacitated, i have a question for mr. oleksiy about holobutskyi, but i haven’t heard, yes, something about whether he will be incapacitated, mr. oleksiy, hello, i was interrupted, i’m sorry, but the question
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of the capacity of the parliament is whether we have a parliament, not a structure, which are just some people gathering in order to film the streams of 26 people, 26. deputies for the decisions that come from the president's office, yes, maybe there are some technical problems, but again, it seems to me that about the elections, you understand this is an election issue, it is an issue on the one hand, this is a problem that, as i understand it, worries the government very much, and it is absolutely logical, even more so, perhaps, than the opposition, because the opposition in our country is in principle and especially not... and it is not visible in the current situation, this is a question to a certain extent, if, if you constantly say that the war will be long, yes, then it is a logical question, and at the same time you say that there will be no elections during the war, it is logical to imagine the situation that both the president and this the parliament carried
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us for a long time, so to speak, yes, for two years, for another, for another three years, or for four years, and if then a question arises, a logical one, yes... yes, well, it is not possible now, but when it will be possible, that is, the only condition is the end of the war, and if the war really takes different forms, it can exist, it will be there for 10 years , that is, we will cease to be a democratic country, we will simply stop electing the parliament and the president, that is , this is a question that will constantly hang over our political leadership, over zelensky, over the office of the president, how to get out of this, and the situation is worthless. measures, on the other hand, i completely agree with volodymyr that it is irrational to fire him now, but on the other hand, we must understand that right now these two years and the nearest time there, future
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political careers are being made, even if a person is not aware of this, so a diligent person may not think at all about what, not about any political career, but now his biography is in shape. so that he is the commander-in-chief, who repelled the first russian attack there in the 22nd year, who leads ukraine, well, with some kind of progress, the ukrainian army leads to... some goal there , to victory or to something else, so here i am i already agree with vitaliy that if the industrious one is removed, it is unknown, that is, i, unlike tsitalius, do not think that it is possible to predict this, it can be any, depending on the industrious person himself, industrious, well, for example, he is a military man, he cannot to leave and just like that and become a civilian, yes, he will be appointed there as the head of the rear, for example, or the head of some other... 3-4 months later, we live in a different age, absolutely, listen, er, the events that happening, but
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today's, i tried to remember how many zaluzhny has already been fired, i counted three or four times, i think 99% of ukrainians don't remember it at all, and everyone will forget about today's event in 3-4 days, it's at best, yes, that's why it is not here, it is necessary to be in the process of being here, precisely in... the process, that is , his position is his political future, it is possible, it is possible, because you understand, it is not, it is not, well, for now, for now with all due respect , i have a lot of respect for him, of course, everything else, yes, but if you compare his current e-e communication, his current connections his current, for example, with ezinhauer in the 40s, yes, well, so far... no not in favor of the meritorious for many reasons, we must understand that, so that he
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without his own will, well it’s still impossible , you know, the desire of oppositionists to cover themselves with the figure of zaluzhnyi in order to bring down zelenskyi is absolutely logical , absolutely understandable, so the problem is that zaluzhnyi himself wants something, we don’t know the answer, maybe we’ll never know, and in this and probably does not know about it either. no zelensky, nor his entourage, how can the situation with zaluzhnye develop at all, in which direction? just the last thing, yes, we, we must understand that we very often , it seems to me, both our government and society, we think about these topics with the concepts of the industrial era, that is, we constantly impose these patterns of behavior, no matter how did churchill, how would roosevelt do it, how would... stalin did it, sometimes, right? the second world war, because a full-scale war, well, there really wasn't one of this size
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the territory of europe, that is, since the second world war, and now we simply live in a different age, a completely different age, in an information age, where information, roughly speaking, yes, we just talked there today about appointing him as an ambassador, this secretary of the national council security and so on, it is created, maybe all presidents do not think. over this, and now there are already already formed realities, applicants, can he replace danilova, for example, where should danilova go, on the second question, yes, can he take another position, and then what to do with that person, that's why this whole situation is worthless, confirms that first of all, we, we have a need for ukrainians and in general to live in this space. a full-fledged political life, which simply does not exist, right? no matter how much we constantly say that war
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and everything else, we are used to it, well, we are used to it, it is normal, in two years you cannot erase our entire 30-year history of our independence, vitaliy constantly says, there answers, well, what answers, well , i mean, what answers from the commander-in-chief, yes, well, that's not it either absolutely not a situation that cannot be compared with another world war. what's up, i 'm not talking about zhukov, even, yes, i'm talking about izinkharov, who constantly appears at press conferences and explains his actions every, every week, so that here he is, today he is fighting like this, tomorrow he is going to fight like this, i.e. tin is a product, and it is absolutely normal, and war is a product of the 20th century of the industrial age, and we live in the information age, and we demand that, of course, we have a constant need to be informed, to be informed. we have to go to let's take
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a short break, mr. oleksiy, i'm sorry, we have to take a short break, we'll be back to our studio in just a minute, we're getting used to it. usual affairs become unreal, heavy bags. for my sore back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. doolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, with doolgit cream, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. buy with a 15% discount. dolgit cream 100 g. in the pharmacies of antz pharmacy, kopiyka pharmacy and shar pharmacy. oh and got wet. would you like some tea? mom, dad, what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3,
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name is serhiy rudenko. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you are watching us now on social networks, please like our video, and subscribe to our pages, during the broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you today about the following: do you allow the freezing of the war with russia, yes no, if on youtube everything is quite simple, choose either yes or no, write your comment under the video, if you vote using a smartphone or phone and watch us on tv, if you allow freezing. war with russia 0800-211-381 no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call us, it is important to know your opinion. oleksiy holobutskyi, volodymyr ofesenko and vitaly kulyk are our guests today, and we are talking about what is happening today, including in the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine, because i have already mentioned davyd rahamiya, about these statements about that. whether it will be effective whether the parliament will be effective, vitaliy smiled so mysteriously when i spoke about the arachamia about the effectiveness of the parliament, it seems to me that in principle vitaliy wanted to say something, but we went to the wrong side again, so let's return to the topic of the effectiveness of the parliament and most importantly, perhaps, the distribution responsibility in the government between the government and the opposition, well, the conditional opposition and possible expansion. and the creation of a new majority on the basis of those deputies who are in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this will not happen, it will not happen, mr. volodymyr, you say that it will not happen, mr. vitaly, well, look, the 17 people mr. orakhamia talks about are only the tip of the iceberg, there are many more, i would say more, because first of all, the verkhovna rada
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has ceased to be a place where you can decide matters in russian , this is the first, secondly. yes , the money went from there, it is no longer in the envelopes from various groups of influence, and thirdly, the people who are fleeing from there are making mandates, these are the people who have offshore and business abroad, assets abroad, and they need to be there they decide vopros, that is why they compose parliamentary ones mandates, since the issue abroad has become a manual mechanism, and they cannot quickly leave, solve their problems, and this... and opzzh of the former and european solidarity, and servants of the people, and other factions of the verkhovna rada, therefore, the list, wanting to compile a mandate, he is tall enough, well big. and this can really pose a certain problem, since there is no majority, and the current configuration of the majority has long since turned from a mono-majority into a kind of vinaigrette of various political groups, which
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are united by a certain assembly point, they ensure voting by attracting the votes of the majoritarian factions, and the ashmotks of the opzh faction, those who remained in the parliament, therefore resist in every way in an attempt to get rid of them. deputy mandates and the organization of lustration over opzh and other mature parties, not only in the verkhovna rada. that's why they don't allow this and postpone, delay this or that time, which obviously has to come someday. with regard to the effectiveness of the verkhovna rada, in my opinion, we are now facing a parliamentary crisis, and this crisis will manifest itself not only in impossibility to solve some commercial matters, some political matters of their own , to promote themselves normally on the deputy mandate, or in some way to show themselves there , to recoup the money invested in the election campaign
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by those or other deputies who are currently in the verkhovna rada, and this can push the parliament to show some individuality separate subjectivity of individual groups in the parliament, it will be a threat to the existing configuration of the majority. and this is already somehow felt by the banking sector and they are trying to carry out such a reformatting of this majority, in that among others, ideas are being put forward, i hear about it now even from those who previously in every possible way denied the idea of ​​expanding the majority at the expense of concluding some kind of quasi-coalition agreement, not a coalition according to the current legislation, but such a quasi, quasi-agreement on a joint one. activities, joint responsibility and so on, and put it as the basis of reformatting the government, but not the government in the classical sense of national unity, because i believe that as such the idea of ​​a government
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of national unity involving opposition factions is not viable, because it will turn into a government of national unity, into a government of national stability, with the intervention of technocrats from outside the parliament , it is possible, and under this there is actually... there is a certain understanding, so far no agreement, no agreements, a certain understanding with some factions that position themselves , including as oppositional. we saw the elements of such an understanding on the example of the agreement in transcarpathia, about the impracticality of holding elections. do you remember this agreement, not an agreement, but an agreement, which was signed by the leaders of some, including now allegedly of the opposition faction, and then... where many said that this is the basis, where negotiations on the formation of a new, new majority or the configuration of a new majority are possible,
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but in view of recent events, both the bill on mobilization and rumors about it changes are possible in the military leadership and the way it happens in the carnival regime, i have no illusions that the bank will risk such a step as... thank you, mr. vitaly, mr. volodymyr, you smiled so ironically when i asked about a new majority in the verkhovna rada and they said no, no, it won't be, and why are you so sure that it won't be, well, look, why, how many deputies are there now in the servants of the people, if i'm not mistaken, 242 deputies, 17 deputies, if there are any, there is supposedly no majority, but i will remind , we don't know what kind of deputies these are, if they are all majoritarian deputies, then yes , a problem arises, but we know, and not
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only by servants, but also by others, and by servants, especially, they will simply be told, no, no one will let you go, from the members of the verkhovna rada, if it is the list-makers, please, the list-makers will be replaced by others, the main thing. you can there was a reserve of 230-235 deputies there for a certain time, and if a few people are forced to leave, and there they say that one or two deputies can leave, they can be released, this is not critical, the main thing is to preserve the formal legal majority, the informal majority, i i agree with vitaly, well, it's not a secret, for a long time there deputies from various deputy groups help to make up, well, as we traditionally have a de facto majority. so i think this configuration will not change but what is important is why arahamia made this statement, arahamia himself, this is important, he raises his own
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rates, he signals. banks, guys, boys and girls who are there, don't forget about the verkhovna rada, don't forget about my special role as a person who makes up this actual majority every time, yes, the parliament must be dealt with, otherwise there will be big problems, it may arise spontaneous parliamentary crisis, i think that maybe he was not heard at the bank, i don't know, or he decided that this could be his... personal game and he just launched this information because it raises his personal the political stakes as such a price manager of the parliamentary majority are greater, well, not a price manager, he is not official, in fact, almost an official manager of the parliamentary majority, so i do not yet see direct risks for the current parliamentary majority, i agree with vitaly that it is unlikely that the bank will go to some new configuration, because it
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needs to be changed in... and so on, theoretically i do not rule it out, but it is unlikely that it will change the situation radically, in this sense, for now , the parliament will not be a place where the political situation in the country will be resolved, and if the political processes will gain conflicting momentum, well, then it will affect the situation inside the parliament. thank you, mr. volodymyr, mr. oleksiy, we have literally one minute on the air. what will happen to the majority and the parliament? well, i will agree with my colleagues here, well, relative to me, of course, if it works for you, something works, the authorities believe that everything works for them, then it is necessary, i am now constantly quoting kuleba's words, so why do we need a plan b, if we are sure of the plan and that's all, so of course there won't be any coalition, there won't be any cooperation, they won't feel it, they don't have any
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to share needs with someone at all. power or even from the point of view of preserving the future, so to speak, this is this they do not care about this, 100% sure. and here i agree with volodymyr that arahamia simply declares its ambitions to speak like that, well he, let 's forget that he was a speaker two years ago, one of the biggest speakers in ukraine, yes, and now he appears because he is like that statements, whether about refugees or about the parliament, it's them... they understand the laws of the genre, if you don't make loud statements, then because in a week they won't remember who arahabiya is, in principle. thank you, thank you, mr. oleksiyu, oleksiy holobutskyi, volodymyr fesenko, vitaly kulyk were guests of our program today, gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. well, during the program, friends, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you allow the freezing of the war with russia. let's look at the results of the poll on tv, 14% yes,
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86... no, and we are still conducting polls on the youtube channel, in the first part of our program the ratio was somewhere around this is the case in this vote, and now i 'm looking, 22% allow the freezing of the war with russia, 78% - no. these are the results of today's survey, it was the verdict of serhiy rudenko program. i 'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 20:00, take care. and my relatives, goodbye, there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and oshkad, usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my patient.


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